STUDY OF BODY’S ENERGY CHANGES IN NON-TOUCH ENERGY HEALING 2. RECONNECTIVE HEALING PERFORMED ON A SUBJECT SUFFERING FROM EMACIATED LOWER LIMBS by Koji Tsuchiya, Ph.D. Toshiaki Harada, Ph.D. Hiroshi Motoyama, Ph.D. ABSTRACT Changes in body’s energetic conditions were measured by the AMI (Apparatus for Meridian Identification) through the three sessions of the Reconnective Healing performed on a subject who had lower limbs emaciated and had been unable to walk for 6 months prior to this study. Before the healing trial, significant Qi-energy deficiencies and left/right imbalances were detected in the subject’s lower body, suggesting a condition in which substantial Qi had shifted to the upper body (+23%) and consequently the Qi in the lower body had been depleted. Similar upper/lower imbalances were detected in the autonomic nervous system function and the body’s protective function, indicating that their activity levels in the lower body were significantly diminished. As the healing sessions progressed, both the Qi-energy deficiencies and left/right imbalances in the lower body were corrected and the normal balance of Qi-energy distribution in the subject’s meridian system was restored. This restoration of Q-energy balance seems to have been realized by redistributing the subject’s own Qi-energy. Concurrently with this replenishment of Qi in the subject’s lower body, the activity levels of both the autonomic nervous system function and the body’s protective function in the subject’s lower body were increased. These results strongly suggest that the functional revitalization in the subject’s body system took place particularly in the lower body as a result of the healing. This study provides support for the reality of Qi-energy adjustment in the so called Non-Touch Energy Healing, despite the absence of the physical interaction between the subject and the healer. Keywords: subtle energy, energy healing, Qi, meridian, Reconnective Healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Jing-Well point, healing Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine • Volume 21 • Number 2 • Page 29 Research

Study of Non Touch Energy Healing

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an article about recconective healing

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    by Koji Tsuchiya, Ph.D. Toshiaki Harada, Ph.D. Hiroshi Motoyama, Ph.D.


    Changes in bodys energetic conditions were measured by the AMI (Apparatus for Meridian Identification) through the three sessions ofthe Reconnective Healing performed on a subject who had lower limbs emaciated and had been unable to walk for 6 months prior tothis study. Before the healing trial, significant Qi-energy deficiencies and left/right imbalances were detected in the subjects lower body,suggesting a condition in which substantial Qi had shifted to the upper body (+23%) and consequently the Qi in the lower body hadbeen depleted. Similar upper/lower imbalances were detected in the autonomic nervous system function and the bodys protectivefunction, indicating that their activity levels in the lower body were significantly diminished. As the healing sessions progressed, boththe Qi-energy deficiencies and left/right imbalances in the lower body were corrected and the normal balance of Qi-energy distributionin the subjects meridian system was restored. This restoration of Q-energy balance seems to have been realized by redistributing thesubjects own Qi-energy. Concurrently with this replenishment of Qi in the subjects lower body, the activity levels of both the autonomicnervous system function and the bodys protective function in the subjects lower body were increased. These results strongly suggest thatthe functional revitalization in the subjects body system took place particularly in the lower body as a result of the healing.

    This study provides support for the reality of Qi-energy adjustment in the so called Non-Touch Energy Healing, despite the absence ofthe physical interaction between the subject and the healer.

    Keywords: subtle energy, energy healing, Qi, meridian, Reconnective Healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Jing-Well point,healing

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 29



    Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)therapies have been investigated by a number ofresearch projects including those funded bygovernment institutions.1,2,3 The health-enhancingeffects of various modalities are documented and theirtherapeutic values have been increasingly recognized byboth the patients and medical practitioners. Some ofCAM therapies, e.g., acupuncture, hand healing, etc,have been routinely applied at some establishedmedical institutions in the U.S.4,5

    Today the so-called energy healing modalities such asTherapeutic Touch, Reiki, Qigong, prayer, etc., are alsobeing recognized by CAM community.

    Although their beneficial effects have long been knownempirically, objective and rigorous scientific studies ofthem have been rather scarce. Most studies reportedto date are based upon the use of conventionalelectrophysiological measurements such as EEG, ECG,EMG and GSR.6,7 Some microscopic studies of invitro experimental setup have also been performeddemonstrating the changes, beyond chance level,induced by the healing.8,9

    The energy healing may be classified into two types,i.e., non-touch energy healing in which the healerperforms the act of healing without physicallytouching the subjects body, and touch energyhealing such as massage and laying on of handswhich involve the healers hands coming in contactwith the subjects body in one way or other. In thecase of touch healing it is conceivable in principlethat some physical interactions take place betweenthe subject and the healer causing some changes tooccur in the subjects energetic conditions. Incontrast, in the case of non-touch energy healing,normal means of physical interaction are absent.Therefore, energetic changes, if detected, wouldprovide the rigorous evidence for the reality of theworking of the subtle energy as well as the clue as tothe mechanisms of its working. The so-calledPranic Healing is one example of such non-touch

    energy healing modalities, the case study of whichwe reported earlier.10

    The Reconnective Healing is another example of suchnon-touch energy healing. In Reconnective Healing itis said that some intelligent energy of the universeworks through the healer as a medium and examinesthe patients body conditions, both physical and non-physical, and makes energetic adjustments in such away that the subjects inherent constitutional conditionmay be restored. It appears distinct from other non-touch energy healing modalities, e.g., Pranic Healing,Reiki, etc., in that the healer himself or herself requiresno prior knowledge of the patient or no pre-plannedprotocol to perform the healing. This feature may bein line with the description given in its founders book,.reconnecting with the perfection of the universe,we realize that the universe knows what we need toreceive. 11

    Although some instrumental studies of the changes inbio-energy fields around people associated withReconnective Healing have been reported, few reportshave so far been available regarding the humanenergetic changes under the Reconnective Healing.12,13

    To our knowledge this is the first case study on thesubjects energetic changes through the consecutivesessions of the Reconnective Healing.


    According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), asubtle energy referred to as Qi or Chi is said tocirculate through the energy channels calledmeridians.14,15 Although the meridians themselves areinvisible they are closely interconnected with thefunctioning of certain specific organs of the body.Smooth flow of Qi in good dynamic balance isregarded essential for good health and wellness,physically, mentally and spiritually. Therefore, onewould expect that non-touch energy healing, ifgenuinely effective, would entail some changes to thepatients subtle energy conditions in ways that makesense in the context of the healing.

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 30

  • Our earlier study clearly demonstrated that the bodysenergetic changes induced by the healing protocol canbe detected in a meaningful way by the AMI,particularly by the parameter called BP, which is saidto reflect the Qi-energy conditions in the personsmeridian system.10 Therefore, in this study also thesame AMI device was used as the primary instrumentfor detection.

    A) AMI AND ITS THREE PARAMETERS(BP, AP AND IQ)The AMI measures Jing-Well points (or Sei-pointsin Japanese) located at the base of finger and toe nails.There are 12 primary meridians, i.e., Lung (LU),Large Intestine (LI), Pericardium (PC), Triple Heater(TE), Heart (HT) and Small Intestine (SI) meridians.Their Jing-Well points are located on fingers. The restare the Spleen (SP), Liver (LV), Stomach (ST), GallBladder (GB), Kidney (KI) and Urinary Bladder (BL)meridians and their Jing-Well points are located ontoes. Although less known in TCM, the Jing-Wellpoints of two more meridians, Diaphragm (DI)meridian on the 3rd finger and Stomach Branch (SB)meridian on the 3rd toe, are also included in the AMImeasurement. Thus, the total 28 Jing-Well points aremeasured in each one round of the AMI measurement.

    The AMI applies a single square voltage pulse (SSVP)of 3 volt height and 512 sec width. The waveformof the transient current response to the SSVP isdigitally captured and the three AMI parameters areextracted from the waveform giving;-

    BP (A) =initial peak current, i.e., current before theonset of ionic polarization

    AP (A) =current after completion of the ionicpolarization

    IQ (pC) =total electrical charge of the ions mobilizedfor polarization

    This SSVP measurement is performed sequentially asthe experimenter manually touches the small active gelelectrode attached at the Jing-Well point with a metalprobe, starting from the Lung point of the left hand allthe way through to the Urinary Bladder point of the

    right foot. This completes one round of the AMImeasurement and 28 sets of BP, AP and IQ areacquired and subjected to analysis.

    Physiological meanings of these parameters have beenexplained elsewhere.16,17,18

    To summarize it is said that;- BP is a measure of Qi-energy level in the particular

    meridian to which the Jing- Well point belongs. AP is a measure of the state of autonomic nervous

    system at the time of measurement. IQ reflects the capacity of the bodys protective

    (immune system) functions.

    Results of the present study are interpreted primarilybased on the above diagnostic implications of the threeparameters.

    B) EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOLHEALING TRIALThe purpose of this study and the experimentalprocedures were explained to the subject andseparately to the healer during the planning phase ofthe trial. The present healing trial was thus conductedwith the informed consent.

    Upon recommendation by the healer who participatedin the experiment the healing trial was designed toconsist of three sessions with one day interval inbetween. No meeting with the subject was arrangedfor the healer prior to the trial. No protocol wasplanned except that the duration of each session wasfixed for 45 minutes. Each session was conducted atthe same time interval of the day (10:00 - 11:30am) tominimize the possible influence of the subjects bio-rhythm. The subject was asked to relax and lay still onhis back on a massage table throughout the session.There was no verbal communication between thehealer and the subject before and during the session.The healer performed the healing from the head,upper body, arms, hands, and then lower body, legsand feet in sequence, spontaneously waving hands andmoving around the subjects body. The healers handswere continually at a distance never touching thesubject physically. The sequence of head to feet

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 31

  • seemed common to each session but the healersmovements were visibly different in every session. Ineach session the AMI measurement was performed 2times, i.e., before the healing and after the healing, asschematically shown below.

    MEASUREMENT PROCEDUREFor each AMI measurement the subject was seatedrelaxed on a comfortable chair. Two non-active gelelectrodes and 28 active gel electrodes were attachedto specific locations on the forearms and Jing-Wellpoints on fingers and toes respectively. To ensure thestability of the electrical contact at the skin-gelinterface, a wait-time of approximately 10 minuteswas allowed after installing the electrodes prior tostarting the measurement. The two non-activecommon electrodes were connected in common to theSSVP return cable of the AMI unit. The experimenterperformed the measurement by touching the silver foilof the active electrode with the probe connected to theSSVP output cable.

    The measurement was performed consistently by thesame set-up throughout the healing trial. In eachsession all electrodes were removed after the first AMImeasurement. The subject was then asked to lay supineon the massage table. There was enough space aroundthe massage table for the healer to move about freely.After the healing, which continued for 45 minutes, thesubject was asked to sit on the comfortable chair againfor post-healing AMI measurement. The electrodeswere re-attached and the measurement was againperformed in the same way as done before healing.

    HEALER AND SUBJECTThe healer who participated in this experiment was aLevel III certified Reconnective Healing practitioner.The healer also had a background in Reiki, Yoga andartistic activities for over 25 years.

    The subject was a 74-year-old male. He was in goodhealth and active as an athletic coach for many years.However, 6 months before this study, he had an Aorticdissection and underwent a cardiac operation. At thattime a benign tumor was also found in the rightkidney. After the surgery his lower limbs gotemaciated and he became unable to walk. At the timeof this study he was under rehabilitation program stillunable to walk without the help of a walker.


    TRENDS IN AVERAGE BPFor each round of AMI measurement, the average ofBP values over 28 Jing-Well points was calculated as ameasure of overall Qi-energy level of the subjectsmeridian system, and its value was traced throughoutthe successive sessions. The result is shown in Figure 1.Notable increase of about 4% is seen after the firsthealing. However, this effect appears only temporary,because the average BP before the session 2 was foundto have bounced back to roughly where it was beforethe session 1. From then on the average BP increasedonly slightly (+1.8%) through sessions 2 and 3 relativeto the value before the session 1. This implies that thehealing trial did not cause any significant change in theoverall Qi-energy level of the subjects meridian system.

    BP TRENDS IN THE UPPER AND THE LOWER BODYAverage value of BP for 14 finger Jing-Well points (i.e.,upper body) and that for 14 toe Jing-Well points (i.e.,lower body) were calculated separately. Figure 2 showsthe trends of BP in the upper body and lower body

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 32

    Figure 1. Trends in overall Qi-energy levels

  • separately. Before the healing in session 1, a large Qi-energy imbalance (428 A) between the upper bodyand lower body is evident. Namely, the lower body hadsignificantly less Qi-energy than the upper body,possibly reflecting the particular condition of thesubject who had lower limbs emaciated. However, asthe session progressed, the BP in the upper bodydecreased while, conversely, the BP in the lower bodyincreased. This result shows that the upper/lowerimbalance in BP was corrected as the sessionsprogressed. It is interesting to note that mostsignificant correction of the imbalance was realizedafter the session 3, at which the upper/lower imbalancein BP was reduced to 64 A, which is well within therange of normal dynamic balance. Hence theimbalance was eliminated. It appears as though theeffects of session 1 and 2 were dormant and thecumulative effect of the three sessions was manifestedin the third session in a tangible manner. The decreaseof BP in the upper body was 145 A, while the increasein the lower body was 219 A, strongly suggesting thatredistribution of the bodys Qi-energy, i.e., the shiftfrom the upper body to the lower body, proceeded torealize the state of normal dynamic balance.

    TRENDS IN UPPER/LOWER RATIO OF BP VALUESFigure 3 shows the change trends in the upper/lowerratio calculated from the Figure 2 above. Before thetrial the ratio was 1.230, which indicates that as muchas 23% of excess Qi-energy was in the upper body.After the session 1 this ratio was significantly reducedto 1.175. However, during the one day interval beforethe session 2, it appears to have rebounded to 1.195and thereafter decreased progressively down to 1.031

    after the session 3. This ratio is well within the rangeof normal upper/lower balance.

    TRENDS IN AVERAGE APThe changes in the overall average of AP values forsuccessive sessions are plotted in Figure 4. Significantincrease of about 80% is seen immediately after thefirst healing. Similar before-to-after increases areevident in subsequent two sessions, although the rateof increase progressively decreased to 42% in session 2and 30% in session 3. This implies that the subjectsautonomic nervous system responded most stronglyto the healing action in session 1 and that it graduallyadapted itself in subsequent sessions.

    AP TRENDS IN THE UPPER BODY AND THE LOWER BODYUnlike the trends in BP the magnitude relationshipbetween the upper body and the lower body wasreversed as the session progressed. After the session 3the AP of the lower body became significantly larger(+60%) than that of the upper body. Progressivereversal of the upper/lower ratio to such adisproportionate percentage is quite unusual. Itimplies that, as the Qi-energy was redistributed and

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 33

    Figure 2. Trends in Qi-energy levels in upper/lower body

    Figure 3. Trends in upper/lower ratio of BP values

    Figure 4. Trends in overall AP values

  • supplied to the lower body, the sympathetic nervoussystem in the lower body became substantially moreactive than that in the upper body. This behavior ofAP appears to reflect the functional restoration processthat proceeded primarily in the lower half of thesubjects body.

    TRENDS IN UPPER/LOWER RATIO OF AP VALUESFigure 6 shows the change trends in the upper/lowerratio calculated from the Figure 5 above. Before thetrial the ratio was 1.131 indicating that the activitylevel of the autonomic nervous system in the lowerbody was substantially diminished relative to that inthe upper body. However, as the session progressed, itcrossed the point of normal dynamic balance (1.0) andfurther decreased down to 0.593 progressively. Asreferred to above, such a substantial reversal of theupper/lower ratio during the healing trial is veryunusual. It strongly implies that revitalization of thesympathetic nervous system in the lower half of thebody was taking place, most probably related to thebodys restoration process as mentioned above. It is tobe noted that the AP value before the session 2 issmaller than that after the session 1, which was

    conducted two days before. Similarly the AP valuebefore the session 3 is smaller than that after thesession 2. This fact suggests that the healing processcontinued for some length of time during the one dayinterval even after the healing session.

    TRENDS IN AVERAGE IQChanges in the overall average of IQ values forsuccessive sessions are plotted in Figure 7. In muchthe same way as with BP and AP significant increase(20.5%) was seen in IQ immediately after the firstsession. However, during the interval before thesession 2, it relaxed back to the level comparable tothat before the session 1. Overall increasing trend isevident throughout the sessions 2 and 3. This resultsuggests that the effect of the healing on the bodysprotective function was most pronounced in the veryfirst session but was temporary in nature. Subsequentsessions appear to have steadied the increased activityof the bodys protective function. The overall increasebetween before and after the entire healing trial isabout 9%, which is a significant increase suggestingprogressive enhancement of the bodys overallprotective function.

    IQ TRENDS IN THE UPPER BODY AND THE LOWER BODYPresence of a large imbalance between the upper bodyand the lower body (27%) is evident before thehealing trial. The activity level of the protectivefunction in the lower body was clearly diminishedpresumably reflecting the particular conditions of thesubject. As the healing sessions progressed, thisimbalance was corrected to within the normal rangeof dynamic balance. While IQ of the upper body did

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 34

    Figure 5. Trends in AP values in upper/lower body

    Figure 6. Trends in upper/lower ratio of AP values

    Figure 7. Trends in overall IQ values

  • not change very much before and after the healingtrial, IQ of the lower body steadily increased throughthe sessions 2 and 3 resulting in the net increase by asmuch as 22% relative to the value before the session1. This increase of IQ in the lower body is also likelyto reflect the restorative action that took placeprimarily in the lower body.

    TRENDS IN UPPER/LOWER RATIO OF IQ VALUESFigure 9 shows the change trends in the upper/lowerratio calculated from the Figure 8 above. Theupper/lower ratio showed slight decrease betweenbefore and after the healing in the session 1 and slightincrease in the session 2. However, from after thesecond session, it showed significant decrease from1.267 down to1.039. This indicates a shift from thestate in which the protective activity in the lowerbody was substantially diminished to the state ofnormal balance. Interestingly again it appears thatthe healing action lingered even after the end of thesession 2 through the one day interval before thethird session.

    RATE OFCHANGE BEFORE AND AFTER THE HEALING TRIALFOR THEWHOLE BODY, UPPER BODY AND LOWER BODYIn order to evaluate the overall changes induced by thehealing trial, the rate of change between before andafter the entire healing trial was examined for BP, APand IQ. The results are shown in Figure 10.

    BP of the whole body did not change very much(+1.8%). However, substantial decrease in the upperbody (-6.3%) and significant increase in the lowerbody (+11.7%) occurred simultaneously, therebysupplying Qi-energy to the lower body where Qi-energy was significantly deficient before the presenthealing trial.

    AP of the whole body shows similar changes to BP butclearly more pronounced in terms of the increase inthe lower body (+48.7%).

    IQ of the whole body increased significantly by 9.0%.It is interesting to note that, unlike BP and AP, IQ inthe upper body remained essentially unchanged.However, there was very significant increase in thelower body (+21.6%).

    According to the TCM theory, Qi-energy level andflow in the meridian system are regarded morefundamental for the proper functioning of the physicalbody. Qi is said to be a prerequisite for the activityof the nervous and circulatory systems which arecentral to the function of the physical body.19 In otherwords, even without any anatomical abnormality, thephysical body would not be able to function normallyunless each constituent part is supplied with sufficientamount of the Qi-energy. In the light of this theorythese results may be interpreted as follows.

    The most essential change brought about by thehealing trial was the correction of the large Qi-energyimbalance between the upper and lower body. Thisresulted in the replenishment of the Qi-energy in thelower body. This filling of Qi in the lower bodyreactivated the autonomic nervous system related tothe functioning of the lower body in particular. Thebodys protective function was also enhanced as the

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 35

    Figure 8. Trends in IQ values in upper/lower body

    Figure 9. Trends in upper/lower ratio of IQ values

  • result and appears to have been revitalized especiallyin the lower body.

    CHANGE IN BP BEFORE & AFTER THE ENTIREHEALING TRIAL FOR INDIVIDUAL MERIDIANSBefore and after values of BP for individual meridiansare shown in Figure 11. Left seven bars are the upperbody meridians and right seven are the lower bodymeridians. Before the healing trial the upper bodymeridians clearly had more Qi-energy than the lowerbody meridians. Of the lower body meridians SB,GB, SP and KI were found to be particularly low inQi-energy levels before the healing trial. After thehealing, significant increases were noted in these fourmeridians which were low in Qi before the healingtrial. It is interesting to note that the upper bodymeridians almost all decreased in Qi-energy except forthe SI meridian.

    To examine the relative magnitudes of the changesbetween before and after the trial, % differences arecalculated and shown in Figure 12. Of the upper bodymeridians LI, DI and TE meridians showed largerdecreases (~ -10%) than other meridians. Of the lowerbody meridians most pronounced increase is noted inSP (+25.1%) followed by SB (+20.1%), KI (+16.4%)and GB (+14.0%).

    This selective increase of Qi-energy level in these fourmeridians seems to make sense from TCMs viewpoint; SP meridian is said to be the functional center

    for the creation of acquired Qi, while KI meridian issaid to be the basis through which congenital Qioperates. Unless these two types of Qi-energy are madeto operate properly the dysfunction of the physicalbody would not be corrected. On the other hand GBand SB meridians are said to be closely related tobodys digestive function. They are thus believed tosupport the function of the SP meridian. Therefore,the Qi-energy increases found in SB and GBmeridians may also be considered reasonable.

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 36

    Figure 10. Rate of Change before and after the healing trial

    Figure 11. Values of BP before & after the trial forindividual meridians

    Figure 12. % Change of BP before and after the healing trial

  • CHANGES IN QI-ENERGY BALANCEPATTERN OF 12 PRIMARY MERIDIANSFigure 13 and 14 are the radial charts showing the BPvalues measured at left and right Jing-Well points ofthe 12 primary meridians. The left graph shows thevalues of the Jing-Well points on the fingers (i.e.,upper body). The right graph shows the Jing-Wellpoints on the toes (i.e., lower body). The inner circlerepresents the overall average of the entire meridiansystem. The spokes represent the left side or right sideof the individual meridians as indicated around thecircle. These graphs are produced to facilitate thevisual observation of the Qi-energy balance pattern foreach round of AMI measurement. The relativemagnitudes among the twelve meridians including theleft and right differences can be grasped by looking atthe shape and the size of the radial charts. Generally,in healthy (well-balanced) conditions, the graphs ofboth the upper body and the lower body tend to berounded with overall sizes comparable to each other.Figure 13 shows the Qi-energy balance pattern beforethe 1st healing session, while the Figure 14 shows thepattern obtained after the 3rd healing session.

    Before the 1st healing session, the size of the chart ofthe lower body is clearly smaller than that of the upperbody. In addition it is evident that SP and KI on theright side and GB and ST on the left side were visiblysmaller than those on the other side indicating thepresence of significant left/right imbalance of Qi-energy levels in these meridians.

    Upper body meridians were largely well-balancedbetween the left and right sides except for the LUmeridian which showed excessive Qi-energy andvisible left/right imbalance. In AMI measurement ithas long been known that LU meridian usually showslarger BP than other meridians.16, 20 Therefore, this isnot to be regarded as anomalous.

    As Figure 14 shows that the lower body chart increasedin size comparable to that of the upper body after thehealing trial. Furthermore, the left/right imbalancesnoted in Figure 13 virtually disappeared. Thus, overallQi-energy pattern of the subjects meridian systemappears clearly improved after the healing trial.

    To examine the change in the degree of left/rightimbalance between before and after the healing trialmore quantitative analysis was performed. Thedifference in BP values between the left side and theright side in each meridian was divided by theleft/right average BP of the same meridian andexpressed in % as the measure for the degree ofleft/right imbalance. The results for both before andafter the trial are summarized in Table 1.

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 37

    Figure 13. Before the Healing Trial

    Figure 14. After the entire Healing Trial

    Table 1. Quantitative analysis of degree of L / R imbalance

  • Before the healing trial most meridians in the lowerbody were significantly out of left/right balance.Largest imbalance is noted in SP meridian and GBmeridian followed by ST, KI, SB and LV meridians.BL meridian is the only exception. Thus, meridians inthe lower body were not only deficient in Qi-energybut also imbalanced between the left and right sides,again most probably reflecting the particular conditionof the subject before the healing.

    After the healing trial, these imbalances weresubstantially reduced in most of these meridians exceptfor the SB meridian. Interestingly the left/rightbalance of LI and SI meridians in the upper bodyappears to have deteriorated. This may imply that thehealing of the lower body proceeded partiallysacrificing the Qi-energy conditions in the upper body.

    In order to examine the Qi-energy movement betweenbefore and after the healing trial, % changes werecalculated separately for the left side and right side of eachmeridian. The results are shown in Figure 15. The mostconspicuous increase was detected in right SP meridian.It is important to note that the increase in the right sidewas almost 2.9 times greater than that in the left side,which effectively corrected the large left/right imbalancethat existed before the healing trial as well as increasedthe overall Qi-energy level in the SP meridian. SimilarQi-energy movement is noted in the KI meridian as wellresulting in correction of large left/right imbalance and

    increase of overall Qi-energy level. Therefore, it seemsthat the correction of left/right imbalance in the lowerbody meridians as shown by % degrees of imbalance inTable 1 was realized by preferentially supplying Qi-energyto the deficient side of those meridians.


    Changes in bodys energetic conditions were monitoredby three parameters of the AMI (BP, AP and IQ)through the three Reconnective Healing sessions.Significant changes were detected in all threeparameters strongly indicating the effects of the healingprocess. More specifically it was found that:

    1. Before the healing trial BP values showedsignificant upper/lower Qi-energy imbalance andsubstantial deficiencies in the lower body meridians,most importantly in SP and KI meridians. Inaddition, significant left/right imbalances weredetected in 6 out of 7 lower body meridians. Similarupper/lower imbalances were also evident insubjects autonomic nervous system and protectivefunctions as indicated by AP and IQ respectively.These results appear to be consistent with theparticular health conditions of the subject tested thistime, namely, unable to walk due to emaciated lowerlimbs for more than 6 months.

    Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Volume 21 Number 2 Page 38

    Figure 15. % changes of left/right BP before and after the healing trial

  • 2. The Qi-energy imbalance was reduced as healingsessions progressed and normal upper/lower balancewas restored after the three sessions. However,overall Qi-energy level as indicated by BP remainedessentially unchanged. This suggests that the healingaction proceeded by redistributing the subjects ownQi-energy, rather than injecting the external Qi, toreplenish the deficiencies in the lower body.

    3. The significant left/right imbalances of BP whichexisted before the healing trial virtually disappearedafter the third healing session. This strongly suggeststhat the Qi-energy redistribution proceeded in sucha way that most deficient sides of deficient meridianswere preferentially augmented in Qi-energy quota.

    4. Upper/lower ratio of AP was substantiallyreversed to an unusual degree as the healing sessionsprogressed, indicating that the activity of thesympathetic nervous system in the subjects lowerbody was progressively revitalized.

    5. Upper/lower ratio of IQ before the healing trialindicated significantly reduced activity in the lowerbody. As the healing sessions progressed, IQ in thelower body increased significantly (+22%), stronglyindicating progressive restoration of the protectivefunction in the lower body.

    6. All these changes in BP, AP and IQ proceededconcurrently in the direction to re-energize and re-activate the functions of the lower body.

    The purpose of this study was to see if the ReconnectiveHealing could induce changes detectable by the AMIand, if detectable, to evaluate the characteristics of thosechanges in the context of the healing. Therefore,whether the healing actually cured the subjectscondition or not was clearly outside the scope of thisstudy. However, as an epilogue to this report, it mightbe of general interest if we added what we witnessedimmediately after the third healing session; the subjectstood up without help and walked slowly without awalker. This is not totally unexpected in view of thechanges detected by the AMI as described above.

    It is commonly known that the therapeutic effect ofthe non-touch energy healing differs depending on theparticular conditions of the individual subjects. Insome cases dramatic improvement may be experienced,while virtually no changes may manifest in other cases.Such experiences suggest that each person is uniqueand different in the way his or her total energeticsystem responds to the energetic adjustment in thesubtle dimension of reality intended by the healing. It is authors view that the study of energetic changes inindividual cases of various non-touch energy healing isindispensable and essential in the pursuit to clarify theintangible energetic mechanisms at work.

    CORRESPONDENCE:Koji Tsuchiya, Ph.D., Senior Researcher & Project Director,Subtle Energy Research Laboratory, California Institute forHuman Science e-mail: [email protected]

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:The authors would like to thank first and foremost the subjectwho prefers to remain anonymous but whose participation madethis study possible. The authors would also like to thank Ms.Debora Wayne, Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner inSan Diego County. Without her cooperation it would not havebeen possible to conduct this study.

    DISCLOSURE STATEMENT:The authors of this paper conducted present study purely fromthe standpoint of scientific interest in subtle energy effects inhuman subject with no commercial associations.

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