Arch303: Design and Construction I Fall Term, 2008 Professors Sybil McKenna and Robert Mellin email: [email protected] [email protected] Course web page: http://www.arch.mcgill.ca/prof/mellin/2008arch303/index.html Montreal Centre for Urban Agriculture Center for Urban Agriculture, Seattle (Azure, Sept. 2008, page 113) Project Program and Site: This project involves the architectural design of the Montreal Centre for Urban Agriculture on a partially vacant Arch303: Design and Construction I 1/21

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Arch303: Design and Construction IFall Term, 2008

Professors Sybil McKenna and Robert Mellinemail: [email protected] [email protected] web page: http://www.arch.mcgill.ca/prof/mellin/2008arch303/index.html

Montreal Centre for Urban Agriculture

Center for Urban Agriculture, Seattle (Azure, Sept. 2008, page 113)

Project Program and Site:

This project involves the architectural design of the Montreal Centre for Urban Agriculture on a partially vacant site at the corner of Peel and Ottawa Streets (site bounded by Peel, Ottawa, William, and Young Streets, with the existing buildings on this block to remain). It is a mixed-use project incorporating high-density housing with light industry (food production), study, laboratory, and possibly commercial (retail) space. The first part of the term will be devoted to site documentation, housing research, software tutorials (if required), readings, and urban design proposals. The site and surrounding area (especially Griffintown) will most likely undergo major changes in the near future, such as large-scale developers’ proposals for mixed-use development with significant

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public amenities, the reconfiguration of the Bonaventure Expressway, and the introduction of a tramway system. Your design for the Centre for Urban Agriculture may demonstrate alternatives to the expedient redevelopment of Griffintown (for example, see Christine Hébert’s project on the web page for ARCH 304 in the references section of this outline). Your task is to design a project that is innovative, sustainable, and architecturally significant, a project that learns from and responds to important architectural precedents and to program requirements for urban agriculture.

Maps showing the history and use of the site are available online, and land use/cadastral maps are available through the Geographic Information Centre. As part of the preparation work for the studio, you should become familiar with the history of the site and the areas adjacent to the site. An ArchiCAD site model that covers part of the area may be available (courtesy of my 2007-2008 studio students), and this site model contains some buildings and infrastructure. Students can work in teams to extend and improve this model as may be required for the urban design proposals.

There are three main components for this project:

1. Urban design: development of a comprehensive proposal for the site using a 3D “massing” model.

2. Building design: the design development of one part of the project that contains residential and light industry/commercial/retail space.

3. Housing unit design: the detailed design of the interior of one housing unit in the building.

Pedagogical Objectives:

To explore urban and architectural design issues in Montreal. To provide an opportunity to do some programming for your project,

including information gathering and research on the project site. To study relevant architectural precedents. To become familiar with the concept of urban agriculture and urban

agriculture precedents / research / methods / technology. To investigate different media (traditional, digital) for design and

representation, with the goal of integrating these in an optimal manner. To present a coherent proposal for a particular site, investigating and

promoting urban remediation and repair. To research and explore possibilities for sustainability in urban and

architectural design, housing design, and detailing. To become familiar with three-dimensional computer modeling and to

demonstrate the effect of materials, textures, colour, solar orientation/control, and lighting in the simulation/representation of your project.

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Schedule (please consult the course web page DAILY for changes/updates):

Week #1:

Readings, site visits, individual site documentation (sketch book, photography), review precedents, and programming.

Sept. 3: Meet at 1:30pm in the studio. Identify teams for research (see Sept. 8 below).

Sept. 3: Site visit at 3:00pm (meet at Peel and Ottawa), and visit to the Darling Foundry. Bring your camera.

Sept. 5: Presentation on urban agriculture at 2:00pm in room 420

Week #1 assignment: sketchbook project on courtyards (individual project using the Moleskin sketchbook only: see sketchbook requirements below for size and orientation). Find a courtyard in the vicinity of our site. Document and analyze the spatial characteristics, vegetation, light, use of the space by people (if any), materials, details, and character. Supplement perspective sketches with sections, plans, and elevation sketches (freehand), as well as text. Note: the book A Pattern Language (C. Alexander) may be a helpful reference for this project.

Week #2:

September 8: Courtyard sketchbook project due at 1:30pm in the studio. This project will be graded. We will informally review the sketchbooks together. Be prepared to briefly describe your work for your colleagues (5 minute limit!).

September 8: ArchiCAD tutorial at 2:30pm in the first floor lab. Begin research and documentation (divide into four groups; [1] history/ planning proposals/ documentation / zoning/ regulations/ future plans for the block and surroundings, [2] site documentation (building heights, photography for 3D model), [3] 3D model work, [4] Urban agriculture techniques / precedents. We recommend you purchase the books by Weisman, Kunstler, & VJAA shown on the bibliography of this outline. Study Holl (Written in Water) and other books on reserve for ARCH 303 in the library.

September 10: ArchiCAD tutorial at 1:30pm in the first floor lab. Later, continue site documentation, program investigation, study of precedents, etc.

September 12: ArchiCAD tutorial at 1:30pm in the first floor lab. Continue site documentation, program investigation, study of precedents, etc.

Week #3:

Individual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.

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Week #4:

Sept. 24: CCA Ideas on Living exhibition visit, $4.00 per person, 2:00pmIndividual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.

Week #5:

Individual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.

Week #7:

Individual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.

Week #8:

Individual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.Intermediate Review: October 22, 1:30pm

Week #9:

Individual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.

Week #10:

Individual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.

Week #11:

Individual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.

Week #12:

Individual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.

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Week #13:

Individual consultationsCheck the web page and/or course outline for meetings etc.

Week #14:

Dec. 3: Final review #3 @ 1:30pm (urban design, building design, unit design).

All reviews: presentations using only Powerpoint or Keynote or a web page to show your sketches, photos, computer models and renderings.

Required items for the intermediate review:

2D and 3D representation of program areas / relationships / requirementsDigital site plan (buildings drawn to scale on site)Concept sketches (by hand): urban and architectural designAnalytical sketches (by hand): tectonicsDiagrams for urban agriculture productionPhotographs (site, viewplanes, details, materials, assemblies, etc.)3D massing studies of the urban design concept, to scale, placed on the digital site modelPresentation of housing, urban design, and urban agriculture precedents you have studied

Building Design: CONCEPT DIAGRAMS (digital or hand drawn), plans, sections, elevations, 3D model, dwelling unit typology explanation, program amenities, use of exterior space and roof areas, views, sustainability features. Show circulation, access and egress (stairs, ramps), show correct thicknesses for construction in sections (floor and roof thicknesses), show structure in plan and section.

Hand drawn sketch plans, elevations and sections may be used instead of digital plans, elevations and sections, but drawn to scale. I suggest printing out accurate sections and elevations and plans from the 3D model as a guide to the sketch plans, sections, and elevations. You can draw on top of your prints. For the ground floor plan, SHOW THE SURROUNDING CONTEXT! Note: “technical” or “working” drawings are not required, but you should demonstrate convincing scale and structure even in a rough, hand drawn sketch. See the sketch below from In Detail (Single Family Houses).

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Final review:

Further information on the final review requirements will be available later in the term. See VJAA concept models (pages 95, 115, top of page 119, 144, 156, 184-188).

Use of the computer:

You are welcome to use any computer program(s) for architecture capable of generating two AND three-dimensional views and rendering lighting effects. Robert Mellin will provide assistance with ArchiCAD and will provide tutorial sessions for any students interested in using this program. Information on obtaining a free student version of ArchiCAD Version 11 is available online through GSCNE (Mac or PC, and Intel/Mac), maybe even Version 12 although this is not on our network yet. ArchiCAD 11 is available on the EMF network. A free plug-in to go from SketchUp to ArchiCAD is available online. ArchiCAD interactive tutorials and guides are also available online if you need to supplement the tutorials from R. Mellin. A reasonable level of competence with 3D digital modeling is expected by the time of the intermediate review. If you decide not to use ArchiCAD, then you must assume responsibility for obtaining guidance in the use of your software from other resource persons. Sketchup is another program you may wish to consider using, but be aware that it may not provide enough control for the type of detailed model you are expected to produce for this studio, especially when producing different types of views and renderings involving lighting. See examples of studio work from 2007 / 2008 at:



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Traditional media:

Digital and traditional media will be used in this studio. You must maintain a bound Moleskin sketchbook (or sketchbooks), a diary of the evolution of your project (watercolour medium and paper encouraged!). The sketchbook is to be submitted for the final review and should be available in the studio during consultations. Note that your sketches/notes should be analytical in character, documenting details, concepts, and observations (for exemplary examples of architect’s sketchbooks, see Steven Holl’s work: Holl’s books Parallax and Written in Water are on reserve in the library). Sketches and physical models will also be used for both studio consultations and reviews. The intent of the physical models is to use these as rough “working” models rather than presentation models.

Moleskin sketchbooks: READ THIS CAREFULLY!

Sketchbook (Moleskin 13cm x 21 cm size, landscape orientation, no substitutions accepted). These sketchbooks are available at a discount from Papeterie Nota Bene, 3416 Ave. du Parc (514-485-6587). Mention your studio course (ARCH 303) and you should be able to receive a discount. We are interested in quality more than quantity, but as a general guide, students who have done well with the sketchbook requirement have usually filled the book, or several books (students have occasionally required more space than one sketchbook will allow). Again, keep in mind the conceptual and analytical purpose of the sketches in the sketchbook.

Studio participation:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons are studio days, and your participation in the studio and in reviews will count towards your grade for the course. If you do not have your own computer in the studio, you should output hard copy of the work you are doing on the computer so we can discuss your work. We may occasionally have to meet in the computer lab if you do not have your own computer and you need help with a technical issue. Your studio space should reflect the current state of your research and design and your commitment to the project at any given time, with the presence of drawings, models, and computer output (hard copy).

Collaboration: Collaboration (teamwork) with your peers is strongly encouraged for research on urban agriculture technology and housing precedents, planning proposals for the site and surrounding area, program requirements, and the construction of the digital site model.

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Review #1 (Courtyard sketch project) 10%

Review #2 (Intermediate) 30%

Review #3 (Final) 30%

Participation 10%

Sketchbook 20% (Moleskin landscape orientation only!)

Required End-of-Studio-Session Submissions (required to receive a grade):

Due Dec. 5 @ 1:30 pm

I. Sketchbook (Moleskin 13cm x 21 cm size, landscape orientation, no substitutions accepted).

II. CD (non-rewritable) or DVD containing:

a. Archived digital model files including all library elements used on the project (ArchiCAD, FormZ, AutoCAD) in an unlocked format and capable of being read and manipulated by present day versions of the particular software.

b. Powerpoint or Keynote presentation or html files (you may show your web page for the final presentation instead of using presentation software).

c. Microsoft Word file explaining your project (program, design intent) and indicating the type of software you used (name and version # and type).

d. LOW RESOLUTION (72dpi for web pages or Powerpoint or Keynote) jpg images of the following items:

i. Floor plans, sections, axonometrics, and elevationsii. Selected sketches

iii. Photographs of any physical modelsiv. Digital renderings (perspectives, axonometrics)v. A few high resolution (300dpi) colour or monochrome jpg’s (two

or three) of your best 3D renderings and also your best sketches.

e. Basic web page of your final presentation, with all images web optimized! Use a generic index page and links to files that are not location dependent!

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NOTE: IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE WITH SLOW RENDERING TIMES IN ARCHICAD, TURN OFF LAYERS FOR ALL 3D COMPONENTS EXCEPT THE ONES YOU WILL SEE IN THE RENDERING! Also, check the polygon resolution for such things as library objects with tubular entities (tubes for chairs, etc.). These can be set so that the number of polygons is reduced when doing renderings from a distance.

Program requirements:

You are individually responsible for determining the area requirements for the following program amenities:

Housing (unit size, unit typology individually determined to suit the project)

Production (urban agriculture)



Classroom / seminar room(s)

Retail (sales, restaurant)


Utility room

Note: automobile parking is not a requirement on this site. Bicycle parking is a requirement.

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Check the web page each week for supplementary readings / project precedents.






















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Books on reserve in the library: Arch 304:

VJAA Vincent James Associates Architects (New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2007). NA737 V55 J2 2007

Holl, Steven. Parallax, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2000). NA737 H56 A4 2000

Steven Holl, Written in Water, (Lars Muller). NA2707 H65 A4 2002

Busby, Learning Sustainable Design NA749 B89 B88 2007

Big and Green… NA2542.36 B54 2002

Steven Holl, 1986-1996 NA737 H56 A4 1996

Steven Holl, 1996-1999 NA737 H56 A4 1999

Other books in the library:

Colomina, Beatriz. Domesticity at War NA7208 C589 2007

High Density Housing NA7860 V4713 2004

Building Simply NA682 M55 B85 2005

Housing for People of All Ages NA2545 P5 H5713 2007

Japan : architecture, constructions, ambiances NA1555 J353 2002

Semi-detached and terraced houses NA7520 S46 2006

Solar architecture : strategies, visions, concepts NA2542 S6 S662 2003

Geography of Home NK2113 B87 1999

The New Urbanism NA2542.4 K38 1994

The Grand Domestic Revolution HQ1426 H33

Redesigning the American Dream HD7293 H39 2002

The world without us GF75 W455 2007

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The Geography of Nowhere HT119 K86 2001

Supplementary texts:

Alexander, C., et. al., A Pattern Language, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.

Calvino, Italo. Invisible Cities (New York: Harcourt/HBJ, 1974).

James Corner, Editor; Recovering Landscape: Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999).

Hines, Thomas. Richard Neutra and the Search for Modern Architecture (New York, Rizzoli, 2005).

Holl, Steven, Architecture Spoken (New York, Rizzoli, 2007).

Patkau Architects: Selected Projects 1983-1993. editor Brian Carter. Halifax: TUNS Press: Documents in Canadian Architecture 1994. Monograph. Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery.

School of Urban Planning, McGill University: A Topographical Atlas of Montreal.

J. Christof Burkle, ed. Gigon Guyer Architects: Works and Projects 1989-2000 (Barcelona: GG, 2000).

Kengo Kuma Selected Works (New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2005).

Kunstler, James Howard. The Long Emergency (New York, Grove Press, 2005).

Rossi, Aldo. The Architecture of the City (Cambridge, M.I.T. Press, 1982).

Schittich, Christian (ed.), High Density Housing (Munich: Birkhauser in Detail series).

Sheine, Judith. R.M. Schindler (New York: Phaidon Press Inc., 2001)

James Turrell: The Other Horizon (MAK: Vienna, 2001) or read articles on Turrell’s projects (some available online: “I make spaces that apprehend light for our perception, and in some way gather it, or seem to hold it.”: see http://www.conversations.org/99-1-turrell.htm).

Williams, Tod and Billie Tsein. “Slowness,” in 2G: International Architectural Review, No. 9, 1999, pages 131-137.

Weisman, Alan The World Without Us (St. Martin’s Press, 2007): may be on reserve!

Zumthor, Peter. Atmospheres (Basel: Birkhauser, 2006).

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Zumthor, Peter. Thinking Architecture (Basel: Birkhauser, 2006).

Rossi, Aldo. The Architecture of the City

Rossi, Alsdo. A Scientific Autobiography

Kieran, Stephen and James Timberlake, Loblolly House: Elements of a New Architecture, (New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2008).

Gussow, Susan Ferguson, Architects Draw (New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2008).


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