Students’ Attitudes Toward Individual English Homework

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Rizza Faoziah











Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Rizza Faoziah












This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course

accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my

knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published by any person

except where due reference is made in the text.

Copyright@ 2016. Rizza Faoziah and Anne Indrayanti Timotius, M.Ed.

All right reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the

permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Language Education

Program, Faculty of Language and Literature, Satya Wacana Christian University Salatiga.

Rizza Faoziah:




Cover Page........................................................................................................................... i

Approval Page...................................................................................................................... ii

Copyright Statement............................................................................................................ iii

Publication Agreement Declaration.................................................................................... iv

Table of Content.................................................................................................................. v

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1

Literature Review................................................................................................................. 3

Definition of Homework ..................................................................................... 3

Types of Homework ........................................................................................... 4

Purposes of Homework ....................................................................................... 4

Advantages of Homework.................................................................................... 5

Disadvantages of Homework.................................................................................5

Effective Homework Practice ...............................................................................6

Attitude .................................................................................................................6

Previous Research ................................................................................................7

The Study ............................................................................................................................ 9

Context of the Study ............................................................................................... 9

Participants ............................................................................................................. 9

Instrument of Data Collections .............................................................................. 10

Data Collections Procedures .................................................................................. 11

Data Analysis Procedures ...................................................................................... 11


Findings and Discussion ................................................................................................... 12

English Homework in SMP N 1 Banyubiru.......................................................... 12

Students’ Cognition ...............................................................................................13

Students’ Affection ................................................................................................17

Students’ Behavior ................................................................................................ 19

Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 23






Rizza Faoziah


English plays a very important role as a global language and many people consider

English language worth learning. Especially English as a mother tongue in many countries

that become a dominant language of communication throughout the world. In Indonesia,

English is taught as a compulsory subject from elementary school until senior high school.

English subject aims to develop communicative ability and the language skills that are

necessary for international contacts, and an increasingly internationalized labor market

(Permendiknas, 2013). It is also similar to Nasir (2015), he stated in Jakarta Post that English

as international language will be designed by the government as a new compulsory subject in


There were several behaviors or habit of the students when they got

individual English homework. The students might have their own reasons

why they did not complete their individual English homework (Carlsson,

2010). Therefore, this research focuses on individual English homework with

particular concern on students‟ attitudes after they receive homework.

Therefore, this study is aimed to find out what the students‟ attitudes toward

individual English homework. A semi-structured interview was used in this

study. Individual interview was conducted with 9 of 9th

grade students in one

of junior high school in Banyubiru in order to gain the data. The result

showed that the students in above average strata (≥ 80-100) and average strata

(60-79.9) indicated a positive attitude toward individual English homework.

They tend to complete English homework at home by themselves frequently

and hand it in the class on time. Meanwhile, the students in below average

strata (0-59.9) indicated negative attitude. They did not always complete

English homework because of various reasons. The most major reasons were

they did not understand the materials or the instruction and they were already

tired with several activities after class hour ends. Therefore, they completed

English homework at school before the class begins to copy English

homework from their friends.

Keywords: Individual English homework, homework


university curriculum. Therefore, the government will prepare the next generation to compete

in the international organizations such as ASEAN (Permendiknas, 2013).

In junior high school, the teacher may often give individual or group English

assignment that is enable the students to complete the assignment outside the school hours

with the aim to give them more exposure in learning English subject. In every education

field, especially in foreign language teaching, homework can be considered as an essential

part of learning which provides learners various opportunities to practice and improve their

language skills both within and out of the class time (Cooper, 1989).

Homework is defined as written/oral individual or group task that is completed by the

students at home or out of school time with the purpose of getting prepared for a new

learning material (Cooper, 1989). However, the previous study by Carlsson (2008) shows that

the students do not complete the homework well and bring it in the class on time because

students have their own various reasons to not complete the homework. Darling-Hammond

and Olivia (2006) share a number of reasons why students do not complete their homework

assignments. One of the most frequent reasons is they do not know how to do and begin to do

the homework. Especially in individual English homework, the students do not understand

the instructions of their homework assignment that is given by the teachers. Therefore, it may

discourage them to complete English homework.

Since every student has their own opinion toward homework, they might have

different behavior or habit when they are given an English homework. For example, the

students common to complete English homework before an English class begins or they

always complete English homework at home. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out

student‟s attitudes toward individual English homework in junior high school. The research

question is “What are students‟ attitudes toward individual English homework?” The findings

of this study may help the students to develop good habits and self-discipline by fostering


initiative and independence to complete the English homework. Moreover, the findings of

this study may encourage and support the students to do English homework.


This literature review focuses on two primary areas. The first area focuses on a

definition of homework, types of homework, the purposes of homework, the advantages and

disadvantages of homework, and effective homework practices. The second area focuses on

the definition of attitude and three types of attitudes.

Definition of Homework

Cooper (2001) stated that “homework has been conducted to determine its

effectiveness in increasing student achievement”. Cooper (2007) defined homework as “tasks

assigned to students by school teachers that are intended to be carried out during non-school

hours”. In the other words, homework provides an opportunity for practice and learning to

occur outside the classroom. This includes both the completion of work not finished in class

and set work for the students to complete after school. According to Abdrahim (1996),

homework is the school‟s effective activity done by the students outside the school activities

related to the teachers‟ request and their guidance for the preparation of a specific subject.

Furthermore, school systems need to give serious attention “to increase the awareness of

homework motivation and preferences for children and parents to providing them with the

information and techniques required to accommodate homework assignments to these

preferences as well as their motivation levels and sources” (Hong & Milgram, 2000).

In this study homework refers to individual English homework. Individual English

homework is English homework that is done individually to enhance students‟ learning

ability and help them become familiar with new words, especially in English subject.


Types of Homework

According to Arthurs and Templeton (2009, p. 256), there are two types of

homework. The first one is collaborative homework that includes group work assignments.

Therefore, this homework will be done by a group of people who will work together and

share their opinion. This collaborative homework may create a good relationship among

group members and improve personal interest toward the material. The second one is

individual homework or personal homework that is done individually. This kind of

homework has a purpose to improve self-motivation and to create an independent learner. It

will produce the best outcome for the learners since they are mastering the material by


Different to Arthurs and Templeton (2009, p. 256), Marzano (2007, p.70) divided

homework into four types. First is a practice to review and reinforce students‟ skills of the

concept that is taught in the classroom. Second is completion of unfinished in class

assignment because of time limitation that is given by the teacher. Third is preparation that

prepares the students for the upcoming lesson or unit. The last is extension in which the

students explore the materials in classroom learning further. Related to English homework,

the teacher usually gives practice, preparation, and extension homework for the students to

reinforce their skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, prepare them for upcoming

English materials, and explore their knowledge.

Purposes of Homework

It is important to consider the various purposes of homework. The main purpose of

homework, especially English homework, is to give more exposure to the students in order to

make them become familiar with new words (vocabularies) and improve their understanding

of the English materials. Moreover, there are two other common purpose; the topic and theme

that are given in the class activity and the preparation for upcoming materials (Xu & Yuan,


2003). Based on Fisher and Frey (2008), teachers use homework for “fluency building

(providing opportunity for practicing one or two skills), application (using skill to solve a

problem, or applying to a new situation), spiral review (confirming understanding), and

extension (using variety of skills and/or resulting in new understandings)”.

Advantages of Homework

Homework has the advantages to enhance academic and non-academic success

(Cooper & Valentine, 2001). Enhancing academic success means that the teacher gives

homework to the students to make sure that they already understand the materials and non-

academic success means that the students complete English homework by themselves with

the purpose to increase their responsibility awareness in completing English homework.

Moreover, Markow, Kim, and Liebman (2007) also found that secondary school teachers

commonly use homework to develop students‟ critical thinking skills and to develop

students‟ interests in materials that are given by the teacher.

Furthermore, one of the advantages of English homework is improved students‟

understanding ability for mastering the concept of English subject and develops their

problem-solving ability such as how to find the meaning of a difficult word effectively.

Disadvantages of Homework

Homework has many disadvantages. First, homework may threatening the students

since they have different background knowledge and English proficiency level. The effect is

they are unable to complete English homework by themselves. Second, the students already

do various assignments in the classroom and do some extracurricular activities in school such

as soccer, basketball, sewing, and cooking (Darling-Hammond & Olivia, 2006). These school

activities may finish at night and the students are tired after they arrive home. Therefore, the

students become stressful to complete several tasks at home. In addition, homework may

reduce social relationship and their self-time to relax (Kohn, 2007). Darling-Hammond and


Olivia (2006) also reported the students thought that homework was not meaningful since

they did not get any feedback from the teacher.

Effective Homework Practice

A number of researchers have investigated the effectiveness of homework based on

time spent completing homework. It is because how long the students complete homework

shows the level of difiiculties of homework (Kitsantas, Cheema, & Ware, 2011). Kitsantas,

Cheema, and Ware (2011) argue that the students have to know the purpose of completing

homework. Therefore, for homework to be effective, students must have the resources they

need to complete the homework. Teachers should check to make sure that the students have

the motivation to complete the homework assignment effectively (Markow, Kim, & Liebman,


Completing English homework depends on how the students understand English

materials because it is related to the time of students complete English homework. it means

that the students who already understand the materials may not spend much time to complete

English homework or they may complete homework effectively.


This study looks into the concept of attitude as one of the major factors in learning a

foreign language (Cooper, 2001). The concern on the learners‟ attitudes towards the target

language was emphasized by Gardner (1985). He stated that the learners‟ attitudes towards

learning another language such as English language play a key role in enhancing and

motivating them to learn that language. Meanwhile, Kara (2009) stated that attitudes towards

language learning, besides opinions and beliefs, have an obvious influence on students‟

behaviors and performance. It is argued that those students who possess positive beliefs about

language learning have a tendency to increase more positive attitudes toward language



The term attitude refers to an individual mental state, which is based on his /her

beliefs or value system, emotions, and tendency to act in a certain way (Abu-Hilal, 2013). In

social psychology perspectives attitude is “evaluation of an attitude object, ranging from

extremely negative to extremely positive.” According to Abu-Hilal (2013), attitude is “a

predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea,

object, person, or situation.” Here, Abu-Hilal (2013) defined three types of attitudes;

cognitive, affective, and behavior. Cognitive attitude represents someone‟s thoughts, beliefs,

and ideas toward any person, object, or situation. Usually this comes to stereotypes like all

teenagers are lazy. Affective attitude focuses on someone‟s emotions or feelings toward any

person, object, or situation, such as fear or hate. For example, I love green color because it

represents the nature. Behavior attitude represents individual attitude or behavior toward any

person, object, or situation. For example, I will not do Math assignment because I do not like

the teacher.

Previous Research

Wilson and Rhodes (2010) investigated various reasons why students did not

complete homework assignment. She investigated the ninth grade students‟ perspectives

toward homework. She used a questionnaire for her method that includes 4 points response

scale (strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree, and disagree). The participants were 136 ninth

grade freshmen student from a public high school. According to the data obtained 39% from

the 136 freshmen respondents completed their homework frequently. Sixty-nine percent of

the students indicated that homework was important and encouraged them to improve their

understanding of the materials, while 64% of the students disagreed with the statement that

homework was not meaningful and did not have a significant purpose. Based on the results

from this study, educators might need to help students to see and knew that their homework


assignments were meaningful and that it was not just "busy work". Students needed to realize

that homework could help them succeed academically and intellectually.

Carlsson (2008) investigated students‟ beliefs and thought toward English homework

in South of Sweden. He found that the home context is one of the important factors in

students‟ engagement for doing homework. In his study, he used group work interview that

was conducted in Senior High School. The interviewees were 8 ninth grades of Senior High

School students that were divided into two focus groups; 4 boys and 4 girls. The results

show that all eight students have the main reasons to do English homework. First, they learn

how to take the responsibility and they can improve their vocabulary knowledge by doing

English homework. However, the results also show that homework creates stress, especially

when the students have another activity in school, for example, a student has to skip his

football class because he has to complete his English homework. In conclusion, the interview

result showed that vocabulary task was the main purpose to do the homework since the

homework task was not in individualized in English classroom.

Wilson-Rhodes (2010) and Carlsson (2008) have the same purpose that they

investigated the students‟ perspectives toward homework. However, those two previous

studies have some differences. First is Wilson and Rhodes (2010) investigated the students‟

perspectives toward homework in general in public high school and Carlsson (2008)

investigated students‟ perspectives toward English homework in senior high school. Second

is Wilson and Rhodes (2010) used questionnaire and Carlsson (2008) used interview for data

instrument. Therefore, the differences of this study are the researcher is going to investigate

the students‟ attitude toward individual English homework. The attitude itself consist of 3

components such cognitive, affective, and behavior. Moreover, the data collection will be

done by using the interview. The participant will be interviewed individually to get various

personal opinion, thought, and behavior toward English homework.



This study used qualitative method. According to Cassell and Symon (1994, p.7),

qualitative method is “a focus on interpretation rather than quantification, flexibility in a

process of conducting research, a concern with context regarding behavior situation as

inextricably linked in forming experience.”

Context of the Study

The research was conducted in SMP N 1 Banyubiru. This school is located in

Banyubiru, Semarang regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The researcher chose SMP N 1

Banyubiru because of several reasons. First is the English teacher in SMP N 1 Banyubiru

gave English homework for 3 until 4 times per week. Second is the location which is

accessible and easy to access. Third, the researcher did Teaching Practicum in SMP N 1

Banyubiru. Therefore, the researcher had an access to do the research there. It made the

researcher easier to get the permission to collect data.


The researcher investigated ninth grade students of SMP N 1 Banyubiru. The

researcher chose ninth grade students because of three main reasons. The first one is that the

9th graders already experienced more various English homework compared to the 7th and 8th

graders. Second, based on Permendiknas No.22 (2006), the intensity of English course in

ninth grade class is more than the other class (seventh and eighth grade class) to prepare them

for national examination. The last one is the researcher did teaching practicum in SMP N 1


Furthermore, the participants were chosen based on stratified purposeful sampling

strategy. The purpose of stratified purposeful sampling is to describe the characteristic of

each subgroup or strata and the variations of the attitudes of the students. It is proven by

Patton (1990) who acknowledges that “the purpose of a stratified purposeful sample is to


capture major variations rather than to identify a common core, although the latter may also

emerge in the analysis” (p. 4). By using the strategy, 9th grade students from SMP N 1

Banyubiru are divided into 3 strata based on the students‟ grade in their first semester on

English course. The strata were divided into the below 3 subgroups:

1. > 0-59.9 (Below Average)

2. > 60-79.9 (Average)

3. > 80-100 (Above Average)

For selecting the participants, the researcher cooperated with English teacher who

teach the class. Therefore, the researcher selected 9 students of 9th grade students from the

class who were on the strata provided. There were 3 students in the above average strata, 3

students in the average strata, and 3 students in the below average strata. Perry (2011, p. 69)

stated that stratified purposeful sampling does not necessarily use large participants or

samples. Therefore, the main reason to divide the students into 3 of each stratum was the

researcher could obtain richer data and various attitudes from the different strata in order to

help the researcher analyzed the students‟ attitudes toward individual English homework.

Instrument of Data Collection

The researcher used semi-structured interview for obtaining the data from

participants. The advantages of the interview are the researcher will get richer data, opinions,

patterns, and various thoughts toward the topic (Trost, p.7 as cited in Carlsson, 2008).

Furthermore, according to Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2007), the researcher has the

possibility to control the collections process of the primary data and the possibility to get

deeper data in face to face interviews. The researchers adapted the interview questions from a

research journal entitled „Homework for English from the Students‟ Perspective‟ which is

written by Carlsson (2008). The researcher divided the question into several parts because the

some questions were double-barreled. In the interview session, the researcher gave follow-up


questions to get thoughtful and richer data. Moreover, the researcher translated the interview

questions into Indonesian since the participants are junior high school students. Therefore, the

interview was in Indonesian to make the participants understood the interview questions

easily and was recorded by using mobile phone. The interview questions were divided into 3

aspects of attitude, they are students‟ cognition (beliefs or opinion), students‟ affection

(feeling and emotion), and students‟ behavior (attitude).

Data Collection Procedures

There were several steps in the data collections. First, the researcher asked the

permission to conduct the interview in SMP N 1 Banyubiru. Second, the researcher made an

appointment to conduct the interview. Third, the researcher divided the students into 3

subgroups according to their grade. Then, the interview was done around 10 minutes per

participant in SMP N 1 Banyubiru and was recorded using mobile phone. The participants are

interviewed individually and it focused on the participants‟ attitude or behavior when they

received an English homework.

Data Analysis Procedures

After the interview and collect data, the data were transcribed into 3 main subgroups

of attitude which were students' cognition (beliefs or opinion), students' affection (feeling and

emotion), and students' behavior (attitude). Therefore, the data was analyzed based on the

classification of the content or themes from the participants. This theme classification helped

the researcher to analyze the data easily. For example in behavior questions part there were

positive behavior and negative behavior from the participants after they received English

homework. Moreover, this classification became the theme in each question and the interview

result was translated into English in the findings and discussion part. Those sections and

subsections used a clear transcription of the interview result to classify the answers belong to

the subsections provided.



This part explains the findings and result after the researcher conducted the interview

with 9 of ninth grades in SMP N 1 Banyubiru. The participants were divided into 3 groups

based on their grade in the first semester. The following table is 3 groups of participants

using pseodonyms:

Above Average (≥ 80)


Average (60-79.9)


Below Average (0-59.9)


Nasya Avi Lensi

Yasti Damma Junu

Fanna Wiwit Arin

After conducting the interview with 9 students in SMP N 1 Banyubiru, there were

several facts related to individual English homework that were found. The discussion is

divided into two parts. First is the description of English homework in SMP N 1 Banyubiru

and second is students‟ attitudes toward individual English homework that are divided into

three sections with the following subsections that were arranged based on the answers of the


A. English Homework in SMP N 1 Banyubiru

According to the 9 participants from SMP N 1 Banyubiru, the students received English

course 3 times per week; Monday 1 hour, Wednesday 1 hour, and Thursday 2 hours. They

got English homework 1-2 times every week. The participants explained that in second

semester, English teacher often gave multiple choice exercises to prepare them for the

national examination and they should complete it individually. They also mentioned that the

teacher gave English homework after explain the materials. Below are some statements from

the students:


“We received English course 3 times in every week; Monday

1 hour, Wednesday 1 hour, and Thursday 2 hours (Avi (A),

my translation).

“We get English homework 1-2 times per week” (Lensi

(BA), my translation).

“My English teacher explain the material before give us an

English homework” (Junu (BA), my translation).

To conclude, they received individual English homework once or twice every week

after the teacher explained the material.

B. Students’ Attitude toward English Homework

This section discusses students‟ cognition (belief and opinion), students‟ affection

(feeling and emotion), and students‟ behavior (attitude).

1. Students’ Cognition (belief and opinion)

According to the participants, English homework had advantages and disadvantages

that indicated whether they completed English homework or not. All participants explained

that completing English homework influenced their grade. Therefore, the following

subsections give a deeper analysis of students‟ opinion and belief toward individual English

homework in junior high school.

a. Advantages of Doing English Homework

According to the participants, there were several advantages of English homework.

First, 4 of the total participants explained that English homework made them familiar with

new vocabulary and improve their vocabulary knowledge. Here are some interview excerpts

of the participants:

English homework helps me to improve my vocabulary knowledge

(Lensi (BA), my translation).

Completing English homework makes me familiar with new

vocabularies that are used in the text. For example, my English

teacher gives us individual English homework about procedure

text. Therefore, it helps me to be familiar with vocabularies that are

used in procedure text. (Junu (BA), my translation).


The topic for this week is about descriptive text. I really like this

topic because I know new vocabularies in descriptive text (Yasti

(AA), my translation).

Second, 4 participants also explained that completing English homework helped them

to enhance their understanding of the material in order to help them in doing English test. It

means that it may help the students to get a perfect score by understanding the materials

more. Here are some excerpts of 4 participants:

Completing English homework give me the opportunity to measure

my understanding toward the material. So, I will study more if I am

not really understood about the material (Avi (A), my translation).

I will complete English homework by myself first. After that, I

will ask my teacher to check my English homework because I think

it is good to measure my comprehension skill toward the materials

and it is very help me in doing my English test to get a perfect

score (Nasya (AA), my translation).

Doing English homework gives me the opportunity to understand

the materials (Fanna (AA), my translation).

Third, 2 of the participants stated that English homework was useful to improve their

English basic skill such as speaking or conversational skill. The students explained that

English teacher often asked the students (in pair) to make a conversation that the topic is

chosen by English teacher. Then, the students (in pair) should read their conversation in front

of the class. It means that it may give the students opportunity to improve their vocabularies

and enhance their speaking skill because they may know how to speak accurately and

fluently. Below are the interview excerpts of the students:

The advantage of English homework is to enhance my

speaking skill or conversation skill (Arin (BA), my


Since English is an international language, so it is very

important to enhance my speaking skill. Therefore, I will find

some new vocabularies that will help me to improve my

speaking skill by completing English homework (Nasya (AA),

my translation).


The last is one participant explained that she could understand the exercise concept

more by completing English homework such as the pattern of present tense in descriptive

text. Here is an excerpt of her:

By doing English homework, I become understand the exercise

concept more. For example, my English teacher gives us

homework to translate descriptive text from Indonesian to

English. At first, I confused because I do not really understand

the pattern of present tense but after completing English

homework, I understand the pattern of descriptive text (Wiwit

(A), my translation).

According to the interview above, homework has an important role to improve their

vocabulary knowledge, enhance their understanding of the materials, help them to improve

their speaking skills in communicating with people around the world, and make them know

about the exercise concepts. Similar to Cooper and Valentine (2001), homework has the

important role to expand their opportunities through exposure and practice or review the

materials that already explained in the classroom. Therefore, it may help them to achieve

their expected goals in language learning such as a satisfied grade in their test.

b. Disadvantages of Doing English Homework

From to the interview, there were different standpoints that come up in the students

mind. 3 of 9 participants explained that there were some disadvantages of doing individual

English homework. First, English homework created confusion how to completed English

homework since the students did not understand the materials or the instruction. Here are

some excerpts of participants:

English homework makes me confused if I do not understand

the instruction. (Lensi (BA), my translation).

English homework is confusing if I do not understand the

materials. I do not like past tense because I have to memorize

verb 1 and verb 2. (Fanna (A), my translation).


Second, English homework made the students tired since they had several activities

after class hour end such as joining extracurricular activities and meeting OSIS organization

and they should do another homework at the same time. Here are some of the excerpts:

English homework makes me tired because I have to do another

homework at the same time (Wiwit (A), my translation).

The disadvantage of English homework is tiring since I join

extracurricular activities after class hour ends. It will not has a

disadvantage if I do not have other activities on that day because

I will not tired, so I will do my English homework (Avi (A), my


Third, English homework decreased the student‟s time to play with their friends. Here

is the excerpt of the participant:

It will decrease my time to play because I need a lot of time to

complete it (Lensi (BA), my translation).

According to the interview above, the students explained several disadvantages of

English homework. The students thought that English homework was tiring and created

confusion when they did not understand the material. Besides, they were tired after doing

other activities after class hours end. It seemed that doing English homework decreased their

rest and leisure time.

Similar to this finding, Kohn (2007) found that homework may reduce social

relationship and their self-time to relax because they did not have a lot of time to play or do

with their friends. Besides, Kohn (2007) explained that the teacher may need to help students

to see and know that their homework assignments are meaningful and that it is not just "busy

work". It means the students may need to realize that homework can help them succeed

academically and intellectually.


c. Students’ Grade of Completing English Homework

All participants believed that completing English homework would influence their

grade. It means that they would get a good grade if they completed English homework

because they understood the materials more. Meanwhile, they would get a bad grade since

they did not understand the English materials. Here are the excerpts of them:

I always complete English homework because it makes me

understand the materials more. So, I will get a good grade

by completing English homework (Arin (BA),my


It will influence my grade if I do not complete English

homework because I will not understand the materials and

as a result I will not be able to do my English test well

(Nasya (AA), my translation).

I will get a bad grade if I do not complete English

homework because I do not understand the materials.

(Arin (BA), my translation).

Based on the statements above, it seems that completing English homework might

help them to enhance their understanding of the materials. In the other words, it helped the

students to do English test more easily. Therefore, it is true that homework is important to

enhance academic and non-academic success (Cooper & Valentine, 2001). It also similar to

Cooper, Robinson, and Patall (2006), they claimed that the role of the teacher is important to

give them a feedback after they complete English homework. The teacher feedback may help

them to know their strength and weakness in order to motivate them in getting a good grade.

It cannot be denied that a good grade is one of the factors to achieve academic success as a


2. Students’ Affection (feeling and emotion)

There were positive and negative feelings after the students received English

homework. Below is the further explanation.


a. Students’ Feeling or Emotion after Received an Positive Feelings

From the interview of 9 participants, there were positive feelings and negative

feelings. First, positive feeling appear when the students are motivated to complete English

homework because they loved English course. Nasya stated that:

I think English is challenging and fun, so I complete

English course first rather than other courses (Nasya (AA),

my translation).

Second, three participants explained that they were happy to complete English

homework because they already understood the materials. One participant explained that she

would not take a long time to complete English homework if they understood the materials.

Besides, they also liked the topic. Here are some statements from them:

English homework makes me happy if I understand the

materials because I do not have to take a long time to

complete it (Avi, (A) my translation).

I am happy to complete my English homework if I

understood the materials (Damma (AB), my translation).

I am happy when my teacher gives me homework about

procedure text because through that homework I know

how to make something in English context and I already

familiar with the vocabularies that are used in procedure

text (Wiwit (A), my translation).

However, negative feeling appeared when the students were confused with the

instructions and the materials. It means that they did not know how to complete English

homework which related to the materials. Besides, completing English homework depends on

student‟s mood. Here are some statements of the participants:

The feeling after receive English homework depends on my

mood. If it is easy of course I will be happy but it makes me

angry if it is difficult (Arin (BA), my translation).

I will complete English homework if I understand the

materials and I like the topic. If the material is difficult I

will not do my English homework (Junu (BA), my



I am confused if I do not understand the instruction or the

material (Arin (BA), my translation).

To conclude, their positive or negative feelings depend on the topic and their

understanding of the materials. Hommand and Olivia (2006) shared a similar finding with

this. They shared a number of reasons why the students did not complete their English

homework. One of the most frequent reasons is the students feel confused and burdened

because they do not know how to do the homework. It means that they may do not

understand the instruction of English homework that is given by the teacher. Therefore, they

may not complete English homework if they have a negative feeling after received English


b. Difficulty Level of English Homework

The difficulties level of English homework showed the students‟ feeling. Some of

the participants mentioned that their positive or negative feeling depend on the difficulties of

the materials. Here are several different statements of the participants:

I am happy if the English homework is easy to but of

course, it makes me confused if it‟s complicated (Yasti

(AA), my translation).

I like procedure text because it is fun to know how to

make something. Therefore, it gives me the motivation to

complete English homework (Wiwit (A), my translation).

I am happy when my teacher gives me English homework

about descriptive text. Descriptive text is fun because I

understand the pattern of simple present tense. I am not

really interested when my teacher gives us English

homework about narrative text because I have to read a

long story and I have to find verb 1 first before knowing

the meaning (Fanna (AA), my translation).

According to the findings above, one of the topics that made him happy was

descriptive text. Fanna explained that descriptive text was easy because he understood the

pattern of simple present tense. Besides, it would improve his vocabulary knowledge


although at the same time he faced a difficulty to arrange the sentence. The topic that they

liked also motivated them to complete English homework.

The findings above presented their personal interest of the topic that motivated them

to complete English homework. Markow, Kim, and Liebman (2007) argued that develop

critical thinking skill and students‟ interest in materials is helpful to increase the students‟

motivation in language learning because it also presents their feeling toward English

materials. Other examples, Nasya mentioned that she completed English homework because

she liked the topic although the material was difficult. Therefore, it shows her positive feeling

to complete English homework although the materials may difficult for them.

3. Students’ Behavior (attitude)

This section is divided into several subsections including; the reasons why the students

complete and not complete English homework, place of Doing English homework, time spent

of doing English homework.

a. The Reasons Why the Students Complete and Not Completing English Homework

The students in above average and average group explained the reason in completing

English homework. They had a good grade in English course because they completed English

homework frequently. 2 of 9 participants explained that completing English homework was a

responsibility as students. English teacher also gave the students punishment if they did not

complete English homework. Besides, they stated that English homework helped them to

improve their language proficiency. Here are some different statements of them:

I always do my English homework because my English teacher

will angry if I do not complete my homework (Lensi, my


I always do my English homework because it is my responsibility

as a student, so I always submit my English assignment on time.

Besides, I have a dream to be a diplomat or work in export-import

Company (internal motivation). I would prefer to do my English

homework rather than other homework such as math, science, etc

(Nasya, my translation).


I always do my English homework because it makes me more

understand toward the materials, so I will get a good grade and

improve my language proficiency. Besides it will help me to a

higher education (Yasti, my translation).

According to the interview above, Nasya is motivated to advance her English

proficiency because she deserves to be a diplomat or an employee in the international

company. It means she motivated herself by completing English homework as the way to

improve her English competence and enhance her English basic skill such as speaking skill.

Meanwhile, Yasti had a different motivation for doing English homework. She explained that

completing English homework helped her to improve their understanding of the materials.

Meanwhile, the students who completed English homework rarely tend to get a bad

grade in English course. They also shared the reasons why they did not complete English

homework frequently. These are the explanation of them:

Actually, I like English course but sometimes, I do not complete

my English homework because there are so many assignments

such as math and science at the same time (Junu (BA), my


Doing English homework depends on my mood. I will not do

my English homework if the material is too difficult (Arin (BA),

my translation).

Junu and Arin tend to complete English homework rarely. They did not complete

English homework frequently because of some reasons above. In a result, they had a bad

grade in English course.

The students‟ grade presents their achievement in completing English homework. 2 of

9 participants seemed less interest to complete English homework. In a result they did not

complete homework frequently. Meanwhile, the rest of them showed their positive attitude to

complete English homework frequently. Cooper, Robinson, and Patall (2006) stated that 6th

grade and beyond, it should play an important role in improving standardized test scores and


grades. It cannot be deny that the result of standardized test scores show their personal

success achievement in language learning. In fact, the students in above average who

complete English homework frequently have a good result in their test, comparing with the

students in below average. One of the reasons is they already mastered the materials by

assigning English homework.

c. Place of Doing English Homework

Doing English homework in school or home shows their attitude in completing

English homework. A positive attitude is shown when the students completed English

homework at home because they tend to give their effort to complete English homework by

themselves rather than the students who completed English homework at school before

English class began.

The majority of the students confessed that they completed English homework at

home. Here are the statements of the students:

I always do my English homework at home because I will

more concentrate (Fanna (AA), my translation).

It is fun to complete English homework at home because if I

do not understand the material, I will ask my sister (Nasya

(AA), my translation).

I prefer to do my English homework at home because I have

plenty of time to complete my English homework rather

than at school or my friends‟ house (Yasti (AA), my


The statements above show that above average group showed their positive attitude in

completing English homework because they prefer to complete English homework at home

rather than at school before class began. The main reasons were they had a lot of time to

complete English homework at home rather than in the school and they were more

concentrate if they completed English homework at home. The students also stated that they

asked their friends, sibling, or the internet if they found difficulties such as the meaning of the


word. The surprising statement came from Fanna. He explained that he never asked his friend

or sibling if he faced the difficulties. He used the internet and did his best. Meanwhile,

negative attitude is shown by the students when they completed English homework at school

before English class began to plagiarize their friends‟ homework because they forget to do

their homework or the English homework was too difficult to do at home. There are two

different reasons from Junu and Damma:

I ever forgot to complete English homework, so I

completed it in the school before class begins (Junu (BA),

my translation).

Sometimes, I do not complete my English homework

because the assignment is too difficult for me. So, I do it

in the school before English course begin (Damma (A),

my translation).

Many students who start studying with enthusiasm become disheartened when they

discover that little has been accomplished. As a result, negative attitude is shown when some

of them did not have a desire to complete English homework. Therefore, this condition makes

them complete English homework in school.

d. Time Spent of Doing English Homework

Each student has a different amount of time to complete English homework. They

explained that time spent of doing homework depend on level difficulties of English

homework. Here are the samples of interview excerpts:

I just need 15 minutes to complete multiple choice of English

homework (Damma (A), my translation).

The teacher often gives us multiple choice exercise as a

homework for national examination preparation and I need 1

hour to complete this English homework because I have to

open the dictionary to know the meaning of difficult words

(Yasti (AA), my translation).

If I get another homework, I need 2 hours to complete

English homework but I just need 1 hour if I do not have

another homework (Wiwit (A), my translation).


One of the more contentious issues in homework debate is a number of time students

should spend on homework. Cooper (1989) reported that for junior high school students, they

spend 1 to 2 hours to complete homework. A significant proportion of the research on

homework indicates that the positive effects of homework relate to the amount of time to

complete English homework. This finding also similar with Cooper (1989) that the students

mention that they need 15 minutes until 2 hours to complete English homework.


The purpose of the study was to find out the students‟ attitude toward individual

English homework in SMP N 1 Banyubiru. The research question is “What are the students‟

attitudes toward individual English homework?‟ The participants were 9 of ninth grader in

SMP N 1 Banyubiru.

English homework plays important roles in junior high school. The students explained

that English homework was important to improve their language proficiency, especially in

understanding English materials. They also believed that completing English homework

helped them in doing English test. Moreover, one participant stated that completing English

homework measure their ability in understanding the materials. It means she completed

English homework to know her language proficiency level.

The most important thing by conducting this research was the researcher found the

surprising fact that their grade showed their negative and positive attitudes in completing

English homework since the participants were divided into three strata based on their English

grade in the first semester. The students in above average group (≥ 80-100) and average

group (≥ 60-79.9) showed their positive attitude because they completed English homework

frequently and gave their effort to complete English homework at home by themselves.

Meanwhile, the students in below average (≥ 0-59.9) showed a negative attitude toward

English homework because sometimes they completed English homework at school to


plagiarize their friends‟ homework. Besides, one participant explained that she completed

English depend on her mood. It means she completed English homework if she was in good


The present study may help the students to develop good habits and self-discipline by

fostering initiative and independence to complete English homework. Besides, it also may

encourage and support the students to complete English homework.

However, this study has some limitations. The first one is limited to time in doing the

interview. English teacher in Banyubiru gave the researcher opportunity to conduct the

interview with 9 participants in two meetings. It is because the students had to focus on

national examination preparation since the participants were ninth grader of junior high

school. The second one is the researcher had to follow English teacher‟s schedule in doing

the interview. For further study, I hope that the researcher can investigate types of English

homework that increase their motivation to complete English homework frequently.



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This research was accomplished with the help of many people. First, I would like to

thank to Allah SWT because Allah gives me a soul that never loses faith and my prophet

Muhammad as my inspiration to write this thesis.

I would like to appreciate and thanks for my supervisor Ibu Anne Indrayanti Timotius,

M.Ed. and Ibu Rindang Widiningrum, M.Hum. because their patience and kindness in

guiding me until I finished my thesis. Also, thanks for all participants who help me in

collecting data.

Special words for my family due to support and motivate throughout the whole thesis

process. I am indebted to the participants for the patience and dedication to my thesis. The

last but not least, I am also thankful for my best friends; Intan Ariani, Hapsari C. Hanandya,

and Rahmawati Rifka Y. who always beside me.



These are the original interview question from the previous study and the translate form:

Attitudes towards homework

What advantages and/or disadvantages do you see about homework for English?

How do the students perceive the reasons for getting homework for English? To what

extent are they involved in the process of setting and planning homework?

To what extent is homework discussed in class?

To what extent is homework stressful? To what extent does homework intrude on

their social activities outside of school? To what extent do the students find that they

have enough time for doing their homework for English?

Which alternatives to homework are there? What would it be like without homework

for English? To what extent are they given extra time in school for homework, and

what do they think about that?

The curriculum and the syllabus say that the students need to learn how to take

responsibility. To what extent is homework an effective instrument for this?)

Engagement in homework

How much time is spent on homework in general? Time spent on English homework?

What do they think about being helped by someone at home when doing their

homework for English? Do they have any siblings? If yes, what do their siblings think

about homework? Who else can they turn to for help?

Where and how do they prefer to do their homework? Alone? With others? In school?

At home?


The nature of homework tasks

To what extent do they see that there are different kinds of homework tasks for

English? Which are the different tasks?

To what extent do they see that different tasks are better than others, regarding how

they learn new things? To what extent have they found a way to do their homework

that suits them the best?

To what extent do they think that homework tasks are adapted to the individual

learner‟s level and ways of learning English?



A. Warm-up Phase

a. Introduce self

b. Tell the purpose of the interview

c. Ask participants‟ demographic info, name, and students‟ grades on English

course, and contact information.

B. Opening Phase

a. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris dalam

seminggu? Berapa jam dalam sehari?

b. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris dalam seminggu?

c. Guru memberiakan PR bahasa Inggris dengan tipe soal seperti apa? (open-

ended questions, multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank).

d. Guru Anda memberikan PR bahasa Inggris sebelum atau setelah menjelaskan


C. Expanding Phase (Detail)

1) Students‟ cognition (beliefs or opinion)

a. Menurut Anda apakah PR bahasa Inggris itu penting?

b. Menurut Anda apa manfaat dari PR bahasa Inggris?

c. Apakah ada kerugian dari PR bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan.

d. Menurut Anda apakah mengerjakan/tidak mengerjakan PR bahasa

Inggris akan memperngaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris Anda?

2) Students‟ affection (feeling and emotion)

a. Apa yang Anda rasakan setelah mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris?


b. Materi bahasa Inggris tentang apa yang paling Anda sukai?


c. Contoh materi yang sulit/mudah dikerjakan tentang apa?

3) Students‟ behavior (attitude)

a. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan guru selalu dikerjakan?


b. Apa yang Anda lakukan di kelas jika tidak mengerjakan PR bahasa


c. Apakah guru akan memberikan hukuman untuk siswa/siswi yang tidak

mengerjakan bahasa Inggris? Contoh hukuman?

d. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru selalu dibahas atau

didiskusikan dikelas?

e. Lalu apa yang kamu lakukan saat guru mendiskusikan PR bahasa

Inggris dikelas? Aktif bertanya?

f. Jika Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris, dimana Anda biasa

mengerjakan PR tersebut? Alasan?

g. Apakah Anda mendapatkan bantuan ketika mengerjakan PR bahasa


h. Berapa lama Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?

i. Pernahkah Anda lupa untuk mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Jika iya,

apa yang akan kamu lakukan?

D. Closing Phase

a. Adakah hal lain yang ingin Anda sampaikan tentang PR bahasa Inggris

yang diberikan oleh guru Anda?

b. Saying thank you


Interview Transcribe

Lensi 9B / 14 years old 0-59.9 (BA)


A. Warm -up Phase

a. Introduce self

b. Tell the purpose of the interview

c. Ask participants‟ demographic info, name, and students‟ grades on English

course, and contact information.

B. Opening Phase

a. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris dalam

seminggu? Berapa jam dalam sehari?

3 kali. Senin dan rabu 1 jam, kamis 2 jam.

b. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris dalam seminggu?

Kita mendapat 1-2 kali setiap minggu.

c. Guru memberiakan PR bahasa Inggris dengan tipe soal seperti apa?

(open-ended questions, multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank).

Pilihan ganda.

d. Guru Anda memberikan PR bahasa Inggris sebelum atau setelah

menjelaskan materi?

Bu Lisna selalu menjelaskan materi dahulu sebelum memberikan PR bahasa


C. Expanding Phase (Detail)

1) Students’ cognitive (beliefs or opinion)

a. Menurut Anda apakah bahasa Inggris itu penting? Alasan.

Bahasa Inggris itu penting karena bisa menambah wawasan, selain itu

bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa seluruh dunia atau bahasa Internasional.

b. Menurut Anda apa manfaat dari PR bahasa Inggris?

PR bahasa inggris membantu saya untuk menambah wawasan tentang

kosakata. Selain itu saya lebih mengerti materi yang disampaikan

dengan mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris jadi dapat membantu dalam

mengerjakan tes karena lebih mengerti materinya.

c. Apakah ada kerugian dari PR bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan.


Kerugiannya terkadang PR bahasa Inggris membuat saya bingung jika

tidak mengerti materinya dan membuat saya lelah jika saya harus

mengerjakan PR lain diwaktu yang sama. Terus juga mengurangi

waktu saya untuk bermain dengan teman-teman.

d. Menurut Anda apakah mengerjakan/tidak mengerjakan PR

bahasa Inggris akan memperngaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris Anda?

Pengaruh karena jika tidak mengerjakan PR pastinya tidak

mendapatkan nilai dan saya juga tidak mengerti tentang materi yang

diajarkan oleh Bu lisna. Sedangkan jika saya mengerjakan saya akan

lebih paham materi yang diajarkan.

2) Students’ affective (feeling and emotion)

a. Apa yang Anda rasakan setelah mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris?


Bingung dan panik karena tergantung soalnya susah atau gampang.

b. Materi bahasa Inggris tentang apa yang paling Anda sukai?

Tentang procedure text karena jika ada tugas di sekolah bisa

dipraktekan dirumah. Contohnya membuat kopi.

c. Contoh materi yang sulit tentang apa?

Materi yang sulit tentang tenses karena saya harus menghafalkan pola

kalimatnya (pattern) contoh simple past tense dan present tense.

3) Students’ behaviour (attitude)

a. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan guru selalu dikerjakan?


Selalu dikerjakan karena jika tidak mengerjakan akan dimarahi Bu


b. Pernahkah Anda lupa untuk mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Jika

iya, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?

Pernah. Jika lupa mengerjakan, saya mencontek teman sebelum kelas

dimulai. Tapi jujur saya tidak mengerti jika tidak mengerjakan sendiri.

c. Apakah guru akan memberikan hukuman untuk siswa/siswi yang

tidak mengerjakan bahasa Inggris? Contoh hukuman?

Jika ada yang tidak mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris Bu lisna akan

memberikan hukuman dengan cara mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris itu

sendiri diluar kelas dengan soal yang sama.


d. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru selalu dibahas

atau didiskusikan dikelas?

Selalu dibahas.

e. Lalu apa yang kamu lakukan saat guru mendiskusikan PR bahasa

Inggris dikelas? Aktif bertanya?

Iya, jika saya tidak paham maka saya akan bertanya pada Bu Lisna dan

teman saya yang sudah paham.

f. Jika Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris, dimana Anda biasa

mengerjakan PR tersebut? Alasan?

Dirumah karena punya banyak waktu. Terkadang juga disekolah jika

lupa untuk mengerjakan.

g. Apakah Anda mendapatkan bantuan ketika mengerjakan PR

bahasa Inggris?

Kakak saya biasanya akan membantu saya mengerjakan bahasa Inggris

karena dia lumayan pintar dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.

h. Berapa lama Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?

Paling lama 1 jam, tergantung materi susah atau tidak.

D. Closing Phase

a. Adakah hal lain yang ingin Anda sampaikan tentang PR bahasa

Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru Anda?

Bu Lisna jangan galak terus. Kalau memberikan PR bahasa Inggris yang

mudah saja.

b. Saying thank you


Wiwit 9B / 14 years old 60-79.9 (A)


A. Warm-up Phase

a. Introduce self

b. Tell the purpose of the interview

c. Ask participants‟ demographic info, name, and students‟ grades on English

course, and contact information.

B. Opening Phase

a. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris dalam

seminggu? Berapa jam dalam sehari?

2 sampai 3 kali. Senin dan rabu 1 jam. Kamis 2 jam. Les bahasa Inggris setiap

hari selasa.

b. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris dalam seminggu?

Jarang tapi setiap minggu pasti ada PR bahasa Inggris. 1-2 kali.

c. Guru memberiakan PR bahasa Inggris dengan tipe soal seperti apa?

(open-ended questions, multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank).

Pilihan ganda untuk persiapan ujian nasional.

d. Guru Anda memberikan PR bahasa Inggris sebelum atau setelah

menjelaskan materi?

Setelah menjelaskan materi .

C. Expanding Phase (Detail)

1) Students’ cognitive (beliefs or opinion)

a. Menurut Anda apakah bahasa Inggris itu penting?

Penting karena di ujian nasional ada mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris.

b. Menurut Anda apa manfaat dari PR bahasa Inggris?

Saya lebih mengerti konsep materinya dengan mengerjakan bahasa

Inggris. Contohnya guru bahasa Inggris memberikan PR untuk

menerjemahkan descriptive text dari bahasa Indonesia kedalam bahasa

Inggris. Pertamanya saya bingung karena saya tidak terlalu paham pola

simple present tense tetapi setelah mengerjakan PR, sekarang mudah

bagi saya untuk menerjemahkan descriptive text.

c. Apakah ada kerugian dari PR bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan.

Kadang merasa capek karena ada PR lain.


d. Menurut Anda apakah mengerjakan/tidak mengerjakan PR

bahasa Inggris akan memperngaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris Anda?

Mempengaruhi karena jika tidak mengerjakan tidak akan mendapatkan

nilai. Selain itu jika saya mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris jadi mengerti

caranya terus saya lebih paham.

2) Students’ affective (feeling and emotion)

a. Apa yang Anda rasakan setelah mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris?


Suka karena jika ada PR bahasa Inggris saya lebih paham materinya.

Tapi kadang saya bingung jika tidak mengerti instruksinya.

b. Materi bahasa Inggris tentang apa yang paling Anda sukai?

Saya senang ketika guru bahasa Inggris saya memberikan PR tentang

procedure text karena saya telah mengetahui kosakata yang digunakan

dalam procedure text dan dari PR tersebut saya jadi tahu bagaimana

membuat sesuatu menggunkan bahasa Inggris.

c. Contoh materi yang sulit dikerjakan tentang apa?

Tentang arti dan persamaan kata (sinonim dan antonim).

3) Students’ behaviour (attitude)

a. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan guru selalu dikerjakan?


Selalu saya kerjakan.

b. Pernahkah Anda lupa untuk mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Jika

iya, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?

Pernah. Jika lupa saya akan mengerjakan sebelum pelajaran bahasa


c. Apakah guru akan memberikan hukuman untuk siswa/siswi yang

tidak mengerjakan bahasa Inggris? Contoh hukuman?

Hukumannya disuruh mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris dan teman saya

yang tidak mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris akan disuruh Bu Lisna untuk

membaca soalnya.

d. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru selalu dibahas

atau didiskusikan dikelas?

Selalu dibahas agar kita lebih paham materinya.


e. Lalu apa yang kamu lakukan saat guru mendiskusikan PR bahasa

Inggris dikelas? Aktif bertanya?

Mengoreksi dengan teliti. Saya akan tanya teman jika saya tidak paham

karena takut tanya guru.

f. Jika Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris, dimana Anda biasa

mengerjakan PR tersebut? Alasan?

Dirumah lebih bisa konsentrasi.

g. Apakah Anda mendapatkan bantuan ketika mengerjakan PR

bahasa Inggris?

Biasanya saya menggunakan internet (google) dan tanya teman lewat


h. Berapa lama Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?

Tidak tentu karena saya biasanya juga mengerjakan PR lain. Jika PR

bahasa Inggrisnya sedikit, kurang dari 1 jam tapi paling lama sampai 2

jam. Contohnya mengartikan kosakata dan mendeskripsikan benda atau


D. Closing Phase

a. Adakah hal lain yang ingin Anda sampaikan tentang PR bahasa

Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru Anda?

Tidak ada.

b. Saying thank you


Nasya 9B/ 15 years old 80-100 (AA)


A. Warm-up Phase

a. Introduce self

b. Tell the purpose of the interview

c. Ask participants‟ demographic info, name, and students‟ grades on English

course, and contact information.

B. Opening Phase

a. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris dalam

seminggu? Berapa jam dalam sehari?

3 kali. Senin dan rabu 1 jam. Kamis 2 jam. Saya sangat menyukai bahasa

Inggri jadi kalau hanya 1 jam sehari kurang sekali.

b. Berapa kali Anda mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris dalam seminggu?

Tidak tentu, kadang 2 kali kadang 1 kali.

c. Guru memberiakan PR bahasa Inggris dengan tipe soal seperti apa?

(open-ended questions, multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank).

Semester 1 dulu isian dan pilihan ganda. Tapi semester 2 ini lebih sering

pilihan ganda untuk melatih kita menghadapi ujian nasional.

d. Guru Anda memberikan PR bahasa Inggris sebelum atau setelah

menjelaskan materi?

Review materi yang lalu setelah itu menjelaskan materi dan memberikan PR

bahasa Inggris.

C. Expanding Phase (Detail)

1) Students’ cognitive (beliefs or opinion)

a. Menurut Anda apakah bahasa Inggris itu penting?

PR bahasa Inggris penting untuk meningkatkan skill percakapan saya

karena bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa International. Jadi dengan

menyelesaikan PR bahasa Inggris, saya akan menemukan kosakata

baru untuk meningkatkan skill percakapan saya.

b. Menurut Anda apa manfaat dari PR bahasa Inggris?

Saya sangat menyukai pelajaran bahasa Inggris jadi saya selalu

mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris dahulu sebelum mengerjakan PR lain.

Setelah itu saya akan meminta guru saya untuk mengecek PR bahasa


Inggris yang sudah saya kerjakan karena saya pikir itu bagus untuk

mengetahui tingkat pemahaman saya terhadap materi dan juga dapat

membantu saya untuk mengerjakan test bahasa Inggris agar

mendapatkan nilai sempurna.

c. Apakah ada kerugian dari PR bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan.

Tidak ada kerugian dari PR bahasa Inggris sama sekali karena memang

dari dulu saya sangat menyukai bahasa Inggris jadi saya selalu

mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris terlebih dahulu daripada PR lain.

d. Menurut Anda apakah mengerjakan/tidak mengerjakan PR

bahasa Inggris akan memperngaruhi nilai bahasa Inggris Anda?

Pengaruh sekali karena jika tidak mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris saya

tidak mengerti materinya jadi saya belum tentu bisa mengerjakan tes

bahasa Inggris dengan baik.

2) Students’ affective (feeling and emotion)

a. Apa yang Anda rasakan setelah mendapatkan PR Bahasa Inggris?


Saya pokoknya harus bisa dan senang juga. Dulu saya tidak bisa

Bahasa Inggris dari SMP tapi gara-gara les private jadi bisa dan suka

jadi lebih mengerti dasarnya.

b. Materi bahasa Inggris tentang apa yang paling Anda sukai?

Semua suka tapi saya paling suka tentang report text bagian speaking

untuk melaporkan sesuatu.

c. Contoh materi yang sulit dikerjakan tentang apa?

Menurut saya tidak ada yang sulit jika saya belajar dan berusaha untuk

bertanya pada guru.

3) Students’ behaviour (attitude)

a. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan guru selalu dikerjakan?


Pastinya selalu saya kerjakan karena itu tanggung jawab saya sebagai

siswa. Jadi saya selalu tepat waktu mengumpulkan tugas dan PR

bahasa Inggris. Selain itu saya menjadi duta besar/diplomat atau kerja

diperusahaan ekspor dan impor jadi saya termotivasi dari itu (Internal



b. Pernahkah Anda lupa untuk mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Jika

iya, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?

Saya tidak pernah lupa karena jika ada PR dan tugas bahasa Inggris

selalu saya catat dibuku.

c. Apakah guru akan memberikan hukuman untuk siswa/siswi yang

tidak mengerjakan bahasa Inggris? Contoh hukuman?

Biasanya teman saya yang tidak mengerjakan PR dihukum untuk

mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris diluar kelas.

d. Apakah PR bahasa Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru selalu dibahas

atau didiskusikan dikelas?

Selalu dibahas jadi saya lebih paham materinya.

e. Lalu apa yang kamu lakukan saat guru mendiskusikan PR bahasa

Inggris dikelas? Aktif bertanya?

Tentu aktif bertanya karena itu penting. Nanti kalau saya malu bertanya

saya tidak akan bisa mendapat nilai bagus dalam ulangan dan tes


f. Jika Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris, dimana Anda biasa

mengerjakan PR tersebut? Alasan?

Saya selalu mengerjakan bahasa Inggris dirumah karena jika tidak

paham materinya, saya bisa bertanya kakak perempuan saya.

g. Apakah Anda mendapatkan bantuan ketika mengerjakan PR

bahasa Inggris?

Dikerjakan sendiri atau tanya guru les.

h. Berapa lama Anda mengerjakan PR bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?

1.5 sampai 2 jam karena saya harus teliti mengerjakan PR bahasa

Inggris agar mendapatkan nilai bagus.

D. Closing Phase

a. Adakah hal lain yang ingin Anda sampaikan tentang PR bahasa

Inggris yang diberikan oleh guru Anda?

Saya sangat menyukai bahasa Inggris karena saya ingin mewujudkan

cita-cita saya suatu saat nanti.

b. Saying thank you