Introduction Duties and Responsibilities of a Student Life is short, but art is long. According to fulfill all the works, a man must take the best preparation before beginning and student life is the part of life, when a person can take the preparation. So, it is called the "seed time" of human life. It has a great impact towards our whole life. So, student life is considered as the most important part. In fact, a man is a student for forever. But if we want to give a special definition, we can say that, the part of life, which are sending to acquire knowledge in specific subject in our school, college and Universities can be called as a student life. Middle He should read novels, articles, newspapers etc. Besides he must perform extracurricular activities, such as- singing, dancing, debating, etc. All these things will give them not only refreshment, but also a deep sense of life. It will increase their ability. A sound mind lives in a sound body. A student must maintain a sound body in order to maintain a sound health. If his body and health is not sound he can't be studious and enrich his mind. Physical exercise also gives him strength and curiosity. Every person must perform some duties towards his parents and family. He should oblige the parents and respect their view. He should not disobey or hurt them. Conclusion And most of all he must raise a sense of patriotism in his mind. Without giving value of time, life can't be enriched. Every famous person in history made proper use of time. A student should give the proper value of time. He must do his every work in time. Industry is the key to all success. A student should be hardworking. He mustn't pass his time idly. He should work hard and try hard. To a student, his teachers are the most respectful persons after his parents.

Students Are the Cream of the Society

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Duties and Responsibilities of a Student Life is short, but art is long. According to fulfill all the works, a man must take the best preparation before beginning and student life is the part of life, when a person can take the preparation. So, it is called the "seed time" of human life. It has a great impact towards our whole life. So, student life is considered as the most important part. In fact, a man is a student for forever. But if we want to give a special definition, we can say that, the part of life, which are sending to acquire knowledge in specific subject in our school, college and Universities can be called as a student life.


He should read novels, articles, newspapers etc. Besides he must perform extracurricular activities, such as- singing, dancing, debating, etc. All these things will give them not only refreshment, but also a deep sense of life. It will increase their ability. A sound mind lives in a sound body. A student must maintain a sound body in order to maintain a sound health. If his body and health is not sound he can't be studious and enrich his mind. Physical exercise also gives him strength and curiosity. Every person must perform some duties towards his parents and family. He should oblige the parents and respect their view. He should not disobey or hurt them.


And most of all he must raise a sense of patriotism in his mind. Without giving value of time, life can't be enriched. Every famous person in history made proper use of time. A student should give the proper value of time. He must do his every work in time. Industry is the key to all success. A student should be hardworking. He mustn't pass his time idly. He should work hard and try hard. To a student, his teachers are the most respectful persons after his parents. So, a student should obey his teachers. He must respect them. He mustn't do any kind of insulting activities towards them. Though, student life has lots of duties and responsibilities, it is the most enjoyable part of life. But besides enjoying, everyone should be aware of the duties without wasting time to gain the perfect goal of life.

Students are the future hopes of any country. Much development and progress of the country depends upon them. Students are the backbone of a nation.

There are many responsibilities of a good student. The major one is that he/she should take keen interest in his/her studies. Moreover good student should also take part in games as "All work and no paly make Jack a dull boy." Besides this student shouldalso take part in the scout activities so as to help other fellow students.

A good student should also make effort to develop the sense of responsibility in other fellow mates. He/She should also try to keep his/her locality clean.

A good student should be loyal and obedient to the teachers because "Obedience is the key to the door of success."A good student must know the true meaning of trust, self esteem, obedience and confidence. MOreover a good student should always keep away from the politics of big power.Role of student in present society

Student period is the formative period in one’s life. A student must develop all such qualities in him during this period as enable him to lead a successful life. All activities are good if one remains with in reasonable limits. Students should therefore, pay attention to their studies.

In India, education signified knowledge of the self. Education meant character building and drawing out the best in each individual. Education and learning has always been everything to do with life and living. Education enabled the student to realize within himself the strength and freedom to take control of his life without fear. The aim of such education was to bring out the best abilities in every individual, family, community and the society, in offer for the service of the land and the people.

When students have been treated with respect, they have lived up to it and displayed a strong sense of responsibility. On being recognized as individuals, they have displayed a readiness to work for change within the existing system rather than by dropping out of it.

For all round development of a student, it is essential that ways for partaking in extracurricular activities be available. It is in this view that extracurricular activities conducted regularly to enable students to discover and hone their skills in fields that are not academic in nature. Technical activities are also held on a regular basis to promote excellence in technical skills among the student body. These activities are completely organized by the student community.

Education is an integrated enterprise. Unfortunately the society at large as well as the government looks at it in a segmented way _Elementary education, secondary education, Higher education, general education, technical education, vocational education etc.