Student Number: 0708964 Word Count: 2796

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  • 8/14/2019 Student Number: 0708964 Word Count: 2796


    Student number: 0708964

    Word Count: 2796

    The Marketing Analysis of IBM


    A good marketing strategy can differentiate its company products or services

    between its competitors. Marketers use varies of professional methods to analysis the

    status of a business, knowing the situation of the business in its market and therefore,

    to foresee the tendencies of the customers demands and always plan for the next

    tactical moves which can ensure the company to think like the customers (especially

    for fast moving consumer goods company) and always one step ahead of them, e.g.

    PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental),

    MORTAR (Money, Organization, Research, Training, Assets and Resources), SWOT

    (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), DPM (Directional Policy

    Matrix), STP ( Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning), marketing mix of four Ps

    (Product, Price, Promotion and Place), three Vs (Valued customer, Value proposition

    and Value network) , The Ansoff Matrix, etc.

    I would like to focus on analysing the International Business Machines

    Corporation, abbreviated IBM since it has maintained a flexible and adaptable

    marketing development which makes the company to become a brilliant model in the

    market. During the Second World War, IBM contributed the United States

    government by shifting its production line from recording equipments to making

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    weapons to meet the country needs. Its punch-card machines for calculations took the

    major part for developing the first atomic bombs. The company produced lots of

    various remarkable products which were significant during the war, the super

    electromechanical calculator; Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (Harvard

    Mark I), one of the greatest products during the Second World War in history was

    invented by IBM for the United States Navy. Long before the end of the war, the

    company had had well aware the potential crisis that once the war came to an end, the

    heavily military related production plants will be doomed and so it intended to expand

    the company to foreign countries and increased foreign operations and international

    growths, by meeting the great opportunity of the establishment of the political policy-

    World Trade Corporation in 1949, IBM successfully redefined its market and business

    to became an electronic computers and programming industry. Its only one of the

    examples on demonstrating how IBM fully applied its flexible marketing strategies to

    survive and remain to be one of the biggest companies after decades under the

    competitive environment in the market.


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    IBM is a perfect model that it has its global visions (The smarter planet project which

    will be mentioned in the Positioning section under STP later); it has sufficient

    awareness and consistent support to the global developments and R & D, and provide

    valuable returned for shareholders.

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    The graph above has shown that the sales and marketing expense in growth markets

    was very high which made the gross profit of the growth markets was not that

    profitable even having a big positive difference in revenue compared with the major

    markets. However, it was an inevitable process before the development progress to

    reach its saturation point. Exploitation expenditure is necessary for better outcome in

    long term.

    The company has maintained a positive constant growth in pre-tax income, free cash

    flow and earnings per share after the global financial crisis in 2002 and more

    importantly, apart from allocating 59% of the cash to share dividends, the remaining

    41% has been reinvested for high technological capital expenditures while continuing

    to invest more than 50 billion US dollars from 2000 to 2008.

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    Profit and Loss Accounts for IBM from 2006-2008:

    Apart from the laptop products that we familiar with IBM, it is also a supplier for all

    sorts of electronic components to different companies. The PowerPC tri-core

    processor for Xbox360, the Cell BE Microprocessor for PlayStation3, seventh-

    generation console for Nintendo, Wiis Broadway chip and the smarter planet project

    for initiating information technology to make the worlds systems to become more

    effective, etc. The revenue of the company is actually from different fields, e.g.

    software, services, financing and hardware.

    The Gross Profit Margins (GPM: (Revenue- Cost of Sales)*100%/ Revenue) from

    2006 to 2008 were 42%, 42% and 44% respectively, the average was 42.7%, and it

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    was kept in an excellent level. By calculating at the Net Profit Margins (NPM: (Net

    Profit after tax*100%)/ Revenue) for each year, it was in an average of 10.8% (10%,

    10.5% and 12%), each million of the revenue was actually providing 100 thousand

    US dollars of net profit in 2008. By observing both GPM and NPM figures, the

    company was profitable and improving after each financial year. From 2006 to 2007,

    both the revenue and expense were increased in roughly the same proportion which

    indicated the expanding size of the company whereas in 2008, the company managed

    to keep the level of expense while the revenue was increased.

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    Balanced Sheets of IBM from 2007-2008:

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    Balance Sheets of Microsoft Corporation from 2007-2008:

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    Income before tax figures of Microsoft Corporations Profit and Loss Accounts from


    The Return On Capital Employed (ROCE: Earnings before interest tax/ Total assets-

    current liabilities) revealed the earnings per capital employed. In this case they were

    0.14:1 in 2007 and 0.18:1 in 2008. The numbers themselves can not give us much

    information since we do not know about the actual scale or what level should the

    figures be to define as normal or excellent, and that is the reason why I attach the

    Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets of Microsoft Corporation, to get a better

    idea of the ROCE performance of IBM by comparing to the other similar company.

    For the Microsoft Corporation, it had better ROCE ratios, 0.51:1 in 2007 and 0.56:1

    in 2008. Under comparison, we realize that the ROCE of IBM can be improved, in

    order to achieve a better performance; they can increase the sales and cut down the

    expenses, and have a revaluation on whether the capital employed has fully reached

    its efficiency and capacity by concerning the economic of scales.

    The Acid Test Ratio (Current assets/ Current liabilities) indicated whether the

    company can pay off its current liabilities with the current assets that it has and IBM

    had a well balanced at this point, 1.2:1 in 2007 and 1.5:1 in 2008.

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    The STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning)

    Segmentation is crucial for a business to decide an effective marketing mix

    which can suit the actual situation of the market precisely. It is a process of

    identifying the group of customer, to narrow down the differences in each segment

    while making the differences between segments become more explicit.

    For the past few years, the IT industry has changed dramatically to a new dimension,

    the value was shifting in the industry, driven by a new computing paradigm, the

    economies of the developing countries were growing quickly, tapping skills and

    capabilities were required for enterprises to integrate the operations globally, new

    computing instrumentation, design and invention were required for handling oceans

    of data, companies were looking for advanced technology which can enable

    innovation and reduce the costs at the same time.

    The segments are in different areas: Global technology services, global business

    services, software, systems and technology and global financing.

    Targeting is about deciding which market segments a company should prioritize

    for distributing resources and pursue for sales.

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    The IBM focused on the investment of global services in an extent that it involved

    57.3% of the total external revenue ($102,827 million) in 2008 which generated

    $58892 revenue to the company. Undoubtedly, IBM has targeted its segment in global


    Positioning is creating an absolute proposition or an image for the target segment or

    the target customer minds. Positioning is not about the features of or what is done to

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    the products. It is the image of the product which is created in customers minds,

    more driven by customer benefits. IBM has positioned itself into a high technological

    image and brand, one of the projects that worth mentioning was called The Smarter

    Planet and founded in 2008. It is a corporate initiative of IBM, it emphasises the

    principle of Instrumented, Interconnected and Intelligent can create a smarter planet.

    This project has made a great contribution to humankind and benefits the countries.

    Public Safety: IBM has the vision that in the next 15 years, the electronic guiding

    system and automatic vehicle control would actually enable so called the automatic

    the highway systems where the vehicles will be travelling using the sensing and

    control technologies, electronic guidance will be widely deployed for vehicles, not

    just for buses, but trucks and cars. IBM has invented this technology and it could

    prevent accidents and reduce the air pollution.

    By creating the data warehouse in New York City Real Time Crime Centre (RTCC)

    and Madrid, Spain for storing over 40 billion of criminal records, it makes

    connections of multiple databases which can minimize the time being used for

    identifying the suspects in few minutes rather few days in the past. The crime in New

    York City has dropped 27 percents since 2001 and the responses crime in Madrid has

    been caught by 25 percents.

    Green Energy: The city skylines are nice sight to see in the evening but those

    illuminated office buildings are also one of the main causes of the climate crisis, the

    entire floor of lights does not need to be turned on. IBM has developed a mesh-based

    lighting system that can reduce the consumption of electricity inside those buildings

    and hence to reduce the costs. The lights are connected using wireless radios, the

    radios in the fixture can communicate with the other lights in the building as well as

    with the internet and that radio controls switch in the fixture, so by installing this

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    device in the fixture will breaking the connection between the wire circuits and

    allowing users to control them the way they want remotely. It has been installed in the

    University of California, Berkley so the students can control the lighting from their


    Healthcare: IBM technology has been used to assist the injection deliveries for 2

    million patients in US that have reduced the cost of therapy by 90%.

    According to the United Nations report, global trends indicate alarming rates in

    ageing population growth in developed countries. By 2050, an astonishing Japan's

    population is estimated to be over 65 years old; Spain, Italy and Germany are the

    countries following Japan. When society is aging, it is inevitable that the number of

    people with physical disabilities will increase. IBM is developing robots technology

    which hopefully, can improve the elderly quality of life in the digital generation.

    Cultural: IBM is using gaming technology for spreading nations culture. For

    example the Forbidden City which was once, the Chinese Emperor exclusive

    property. The importance of the project is not just the art effects but the sense of

    people and the society. IBM moves to essentially a gaming technology of virtual

    worlds. In the game, as visitors log on, they are able to interacted , not only with the

    museum virtual guy, but with each other, trading stories, reacting to the architecture

    or exploring the city together, in this way, the virtual forbidden city gives the real

    forbidden city a brand new life. The aim of the project is to appreciate one nations

    history and uncover the foundation of our common heritage.

    These are some of the parts of the IBM services and products that totally considering

    the customers benefits and can create a high technology proposition to the customer.

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    The IBM has a great achievement in global technology development for

    countries specifically indeed, but has IBM concerned the production and goodwill of

    its products in other segments while busying at expanding its business into a macro

    scale? If IBM could realise this issue carefully, its PC Company Division probably

    did not have to be acquired by the Lenovo Group Limited back on May1, 2005. We

    can argue that maybe the IBM treated the acquisition as an investment, but then if it

    did, then the action of IBM to lowered its shareholding from 18.9% (The Year 2005)

    of Lenovo to below 5 % (The Year 2008) would not make any sense. Besides, the

    IBM PC Company Division could be developed better before the acquisition and

    might be sold to Lenovo for better value (It was $1.25 billion in total, $650 million in

    cash and $600 million in Lenovo Group common shares). The three main problems

    were about the Price, Product and Promotion in the marketing 4Ps.

    The price of the IBM laptop was too high compare to the other companies; it should

    be more based on market-based pricing instead of cost-plus pricing because even the

    IBM installed its high-tech valuable electrical material components into their laptop

    products, were the majority of customers willing to pay the high price for buying such

    a hi-tech laptop which they didnt really need that level of technology requirements

    for most of the people back before the 2005?

    The products needed a more modern and fashionable outlook, the appearance of all

    the IBM laptops was exactly the same, even in different model series. There was not

    enough stimulation for buyers to actually purchase the product.

    There were lack of effective promotion activities and this should be what the IBM

    should have learnt from the history. Even in nowadays, when people talk about IBM,

    most of them only think of the laptops, knowing that it used to be a strong PC

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    company without knowing the fact that it is actually taking parts in developing better

    information systems for the countries and the world. When I was doing the research

    for IBM, I was truly amazed by the qualities and the scales of the projects that this

    company has involved. Apart from the public safety, green energy and healthcare

    developments, IBM also concentrates on energy, government, cloud computing, oil,

    new intelligence, dynamic infrastructure, smart cites, food, banking, water, buildings,

    retail, traffic, power grids, better food system, biological research, and

    communications projects.


    As a conclusion, IBM has achieved superior performance; it generates and

    maintains its positive and growing profits which then put 41% of the revenue on

    researching and development bases for meeting its vision for providing future

    technologies in advanced that people will need in the future. The superior point that

    makes IBM to become so successful and stands out among the companies is that it

    does not produce products after the market has shown its needs, but researched,

    developed and engineered the products before the customer actually realize they want

    it. This can be only achieved if a company has the vision. IBM employs different

    professionals in different countries from all walks of lives, to combine different

    dimensional thoughts that can help the company to expand its business to a more

    macro and international aspects for maximizing the profits which can attract more

    investors to invest in the company, to become the shareholders and brining more

    capital into IBM. The substantial dividends per share in each financial year have

    accumulated the investing confidence for the investors. Even though the PC Company

    Division has been acquired by the Lenovo, it still had the multi year agreement with

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    Lenovo that IBM will take its fully obligation for providing software solutions,

    financing and hardware maintenance services to those who have bought the products.

    This announcement has certainly saved and enhanced the goodwill without losing

    loyalty customers. As I mentioned in the introduction about the background of the

    IBM during the Second World War, that was not the only time that IBM has shown its

    adaptability and capability to remixed the businesses, and if IBM want to focus on

    and strengthened the position in highly profitable segments like global technology

    service, green solutions and business intelligence, divesting the hardware computer

    business is the right decision making in order to centralize the resources to meet the

    tremendous needs.

    The reason that I use the STP but not 4Ps to analyse IBM as a whole and used the 4Ps

    to analyse its computer sector is that the more research that I have done about IBM,

    the more I realized the IBM operations are too huge that using 4Ps will limit the

    differentiation in strategic segments, so instead of relying to heavily on 4Ps, I chose to

    use the STP to make sure I have stated out the big picture more clearly whereas to

    narrow and be more specific while mentioning about the IBM computer sector.


    1. Cheverton, P, Marketing Skills, Kogan Page Limited, 2001, page 12,36-48

    2. Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Pride, W.M., Ferrell, O.C., Marketing Concepts and

    Strategies, Houghton Mifflin Boston New York Abingdon, 2006, page 623,


    3. Geruson, R.J., A Theory Of Market Strategy, Oxford University Press, 1992,

    page 77

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    4. Cheverton, P, Key Marketing Skills, Kogan Page Limited, 2000, Page 221

    5. Graphs and all the financial data were from the IBM and Microsoft annual
