STUDENT HANDBOOK 2019-2020 - spotsylvania.k12.va.us

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Page 2: STUDENT HANDBOOK 2019-2020 - spotsylvania.k12.va.us



The administration and staff would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Spotsylvania Career and Technical Center.

The information contained in these pages has been carefully prepared to help you be successful this school year. Provided in this packet is information about school rules, policies, academic requirements, student privileges and responsibilities. I encourage each student to become familiar with the information contained in this handbook, especially the page labeled Safety Pledge. Each student and his/her parent (or guardian) will be required to return a signed copy of the Safety Pledge and a signed copy of the Office and Clinic Information. No student may participate in a lab until these forms are returned.

Have a good year and strive to be the best in your career endeavors. Meghan O’Connor

Meghan O’Connor


Spotsylvania Career & Technical Center

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STUDENT INFORMATION 7 Student Responsibilities 7

Student Driving Policy 7

Safety 7

Safety Pledge 8

Student Breaks 9

Attendance 9

Tardy Policy 9

Students’ Dress 9

Cell Phone Use 9

Food Consumption 10

Discipline 10

Computer Use 10

Accident Illness/Student Information Cards 10

Insurance 10

Building Evacuation Drills 10

Books, Supplies, Tools, Lockers 11

Student Records and Completion Certificates 11

Career and Technical Education Seal 11

National Technical Honor Society 11

Student Organizations 12


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Spotsylvania Career and Technical Center


Meghan O’Connor, Principal

Cara Gravatt, Assistant Principal

Emily Hall, High School Career Development Counselor

Ann Harris, Bookkeeper

Karen Minter, Secretary

Sgt. Hammond, SRO


Michael Cornell, Evaluator

Paula Montes de Oca, Evaluator


Tammi Minter RN, Practical Nursing/Medical Assisting

Lori Stanley, Dental Careers

Dawn D’Addio RN, Health and Medical Pathways

Lisa Svoboda, Vet Tech, Veterinary Science I & II


Frank Eberhardt, Auto Service Technology

David Pickering, Auto Service Technology

Curtis Harrelson, Auto Collision Repair


Janet Baker, Radio/Television Production

Stephen Tate, Computer Networking / Hardware Operations

Randal Whitehead, Drafting, Design, CAD


Greg Pins, Metal Trades


Robert Brown, Masonry

Jeffrey Autry, Electricity

Paul Hibbs, Carpentry

Anthony Lann, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration

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Lori Paterson, Cosmetology

Mary Snellings, Cosmetology


Terri Evers, Early Childhood Development

Lee DeMatteo, Culinary Arts


LTC Brian Barham

MSG Mose Mallard


Gerrald Cappeller

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Construction of the original Spotsylvania Vocational Center began in 1979 and the facility opened in August 1980. Original programs included Air Conditioning/Refrigeration, Auto Collision Repair, Auto Servicing, Agriculture, Data Processing, Business Education, Printing, Marketing, Metal Trades, Alternative Education, Electricity, Carpentry, Masonry, and Culinary Arts. The Fredericksburg Area School of Practical Nursing moved into the center that same year from Mary Washington Hospital. First year enrollment was approximately 385 students.

Programs added later included Drafting/Design, Technology Education, the Career and Technical Education Assessment Center, and Career Guidance Center. Evening adult programs included the Regional Adult Education Office, Women in Technology Studies (WITS), Regional Apprenticeship Related Instruction Program, and various adult career and technical courses. The center has facilitated many training and continuing education programs for business and industry as well as hosted various community, school, and government meetings.

In 1987 planning began for an addition that would serve the career and technical education needs of Spotsylvania County into the 21st century. Approximately 58,000 square feet were included in the plans for the addition and construction began in August, 1992 and completed in August, 1993. Two former Spotsylvania County Public Schools administrators had the vision and perseverance that were responsible for the planning and construction of this addition. In December 2001 the Spotsylvania School Board named this addition "The John D. Galyean Addition" and the addition’s multipurpose room "The Bernice F. Covert, III Multipurpose Room." Mr. Galyean was Director of Vocational and Adult Education during the planning and implementation phase of this project. Mr. Covert was Principal at SVC from 1980 until June 30, 2000.

New programs that began in 1993 included Dental Careers, Radio/Television Broadcasting, and Electronics. The LPN and Drafting programs moved into the new addition as well as Cosmetology, which was previously located at Spotsylvania High School. A Training and Development Center including a 200 seat multipurpose room was included in this addition to serve training and continuing education needs for the school division, business and industry, and the community at large.

In November 2001, The Spotsylvania County School Board voted to change the official name of the school to the "Spotsylvania Career and Technical Center".

The adoption of a county-wide A/B block schedule in 2006, allowed the Center to extend its offerings via the addition of 3 “Pathways” classes which allowed 10th graders the opportunity to explore new areas in Construction & Mechanical Trades, Information Technologies, and Mass Media Communications. 2006 also saw the addition of an US Army Junior ROTC Battalion at SCTC. Building on the success of these pathways SCTC added a Health and Medical Exploration pathways class for fall 2007. In order to better serve the educational interests of students, SCTC added Computer Systems and Robotics classes in 2008, while combining the IT and Mass Media Pathways into one Communications Pathway class. The most recent addition for 2019-2020 will be Veterinary Science I and II.

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Spotsylvania Career and Technical Center upholds the Spotsylvania County Student Code of Conduct and

enforces all aspects of the Code. Each student is expected to accept responsibility for his/her school conduct

and regular school attendance. When violations of the Spotsylvania County Schools’ Code of Conduct and

Attendance Policy or a violation of the law occur, the school administration will take appropriate action.

Students and parents will be provided a copy of the Code of Conduct and Attendance Policies at their home

high schools.

In addition to SCTC rules and policies each individual instructional area also has specific operating

procedures that students must adhere to which are addressed in individual class handbooks.


Students are NOT ALLOWED to drive to SCTC without permission from a SCTC Administrator. Bus

transportation is provided from all high schools. If a student would like to request permission to drive he

must do the following:

Bring a note/letter from a parent one day ahead of time stating reason for driving. Request a

driving permit from the Main Office. If permission is given, a driving permit will be issued.

Upon driving, the student will hang the permit on the vehicle's rear view mirror and then sign-in

in the office.

No passengers are allowed at anytime. This means arriving as well as departing.

Reasons for students to request permission to drive include medical appointments or family

circumstances approved by the SCTC administration.

Afternoon drivers will be dismissed at the end of day bell for Courtland at 2:20 p.m. and

NOT with SCTC afternoon busses.

Missing the bus at the home high school is NOT a reason for a student to drive to SCTC.

Students who miss the bus should report to their home school’s attendance office.


SCTC laboratory and shop work experience activities involve the use of a variety of equipment and

machinery that could, if misused, cause serious injury. Consequently, rules of safety in all classrooms and

labs must be strictly followed and will be strictly enforced. Personal safety equipment for lab/shop work is

provided and students are expected to wear it. No student will be allowed to work on school equipment

until he/she has satisfactorily completed a written safety examination and has been checked out on

that particular piece of equipment. In addition, students are expected to sign and return the school

Safety Pledge included in this packet. (A copy of that pledge follows on the next page.) Safety

violations of any kind are considered a serious offense at SCTC and will be dealt with as such.

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Spotsylvania Career and Technical Center


I understand that working with equipment and machines can be hazardous unless certain rules and

precautions are rigidly observed; therefore, I make this pledge of cooperation in order that my safety and the

safety of my classmates may be assured. I realize that repeated violations of safety rules will lead to

disciplinary action.

1. I will dress properly for class work: wear shop uniforms and appropriate close toed shoes; before

working in laboratory/shop, remove all loose or dangling clothing and/or jewelry; ensure long hair is

safely contained, wear long pants when required in the shop.

2. I will not use cell phones or electronic musical devices in the shop where the use affects my safety and

the safety of others.

3. I will wear eye protection at all times in accordance with Virginia State law.

4. I will not play with machines/tools/equipment.

5. I will be responsible for the care and safe use of machines/tools/equipment within the lab.

6. I will never leave any machine/tool/equipment while it is running or still turning.

7. I will ensure that my portable machine/tool/equipment, which I use, is equipped with a ground wire or

three-prong plug and/or appropriate guards and will report any discrepancies to the instructor


8. I will not use any equipment/machine/power tool unless I have been thoroughly instructed in its use and

passed the required safety test for its operation.

9. I will not use any machine/tool/equipment at any time without the instructor’s approval.

10. I will not participate in horseplay or running in the lab/shop at anytime.

11. I will not throw anything in the lab/shop.

12. I will immediately notify the instructor if I observe anyone violating a safety rule or doing anything,

which might lead to injury for anyone in the lab/shop area.

13. If I feel ill or need assistance, I will immediately notify the instructor.

14. I will report any injuries to the instructor, no matter how minor they appear and will notify the instructor

if there is any blood spilled as a result of an injury.

15. If I feel that I need more supervision before going ahead with some class activities, or feel unsure of

myself while working in the lab/shop I will notify the instructor of my feelings.

16. I will take part in cleaning the Lab/shop. It is part of the educational process and ensures a safe place to


17. I will not operate any machine without the instructor being present.

18. I will wear proper respiratory and auditory protection when appropriate.

19. I will report any unsafe condition such as: spilled liquids, malfunctioning equipment, broken tools, etc.

20. I will not interrupt a person using equipment until he/she is finished and the equipment is in a safe


21. I will always use proper lifting techniques when moving heavy objects, always lifting with my legs and

not my back.

22. I will follow any other safety standards appropriate to my trade and technical class area.

This safety pledge is to be signed by the student in the appropriate space provided and

returned to the instructor by the end of the first week before students are permitted to

operate machines/tools/equipment in the lab/shop.

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Student breaks are a privilege. Instructors may schedule a class five-minute break as their class schedule

allows. Breaks can be suspended or removed permanently by teachers or administrators if the need arises.


Attendance is an essential part of the Career and Technical Education program’s Work Place Readiness

competencies. SCTC classes are multi-block classes thus attendance is very important. Much of the

instruction provided at SCTC takes place in a lab or shop environment. It is very difficult and in some

cases impossible to recreate the lab/shop situation. Effectively making up lab/shop assignments is

challenging for both students and teachers.

Students who are absent should provide a written note from a parent or doctor citing the reason for the

absence and these notes should be turned in at the home school office. A copy of the note should also be

presented to the SCTC front office. Teachers will call home to check on absences and excessive absences

will be referred to the appropriate administrator for action.

Early Dismissals must be approved through the home school. Early Dismissals will not be

granted during exam weeks.

Students may be excused from their technical classes at SCTC for a home school activity only with the

authorization of an administrator at both SCTC and the home school.

At SCTC students are being prepared for employment in a particular field. Employers’ number one request

is for someone who will show up to work regularly. Excessive absences impact the learning process.

Students are responsible for making up any work missed due to absences, tardies or early dismissals. Make-

up labs or tests must be made-up at a time convenient for the technical instructor. It is the student’s

responsibility to request make-up work and to complete it in a timely fashion.


If a student is tardy for class (or school) the student is required to report to the Main Office to sign-in and

receive a tardy slip for admittance. Students are expected to present a note from a parent requesting that the

tardy be excused. A tardy will be recorded as unexcused if the student does not have a note from his/her

parent. If the child presents a note from his parent within 24 hours, the tardy will then be excused. Notes

from parents will be filed in the Main Office. Excessive tardies will result in disciplinary action.


Students are expected to dress in a neat and appropriate manner as explained in the Code of Conduct. Due to

safety and workplace readiness concerns, certain attire is required in individual classrooms/shops; such attire

is dictated by the instructor and administration and may include shop shirts, coveralls, or other uniforms.

Failure to adhere to dress policies will result in an inability to participate in shop/lab activities.


In the interest of safety, work place readiness and upholding the SCS Code of Conduct the use or visible

display of an operational cell phone while on SCTC property or going to or from SCTC is strictly

prohibited. The use or display of an operational cell phone by a student will result in confiscation of the

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device for pick-up by a parent or guardian. In the event a student needs to use a phone during school hours,

he/she should be directed to the front office.


No outside food or drink will be allowed in the school building during the instructional day. All food and

drink from outside sources must be disposed of before entering the building.


Appropriate and acceptable behavior is essential for good instruction. Students who behave in a manner that

is disruptive or dangerous to the instructional process will be disciplined by the teacher and may be referred

to an administrator if the infraction is of a serious nature. Warnings, parent conferences,

administrator/teacher assigned tasks, in-school suspension, out of school suspension are all used as

consequences for discipline infractions. At SCTC the ISS program takes place during the SCTC

instructional block although it certain cases home school full day ISS may be used. Students may be assigned

ISS in another classroom or in an administrative office. Students are expected to complete all assignments

while in ISS.


SCTC students have access to the school system’s computer network in order to save electronic files and to

access the Internet for class research purposes. Students will be assigned a login and password that can be

used at both their home schools and SCTC. Under no circumstances should a student share his/her login or

password with any other student. Students are not to access the Internet without prior permission from school

personnel nor should they attempt to visit any unapproved sites. Internet access is monitored by

administration and faculty; violation of the county’s computer policy will result in suspension from computer

use and/or other discipline.


All illness or injuries must be reported to the instructor immediately. If a student is ill or injured they will be

sent to the main office so an administrator can insure that the student receives appropriate assistance. The

nurse will call the parent or guardian.

It is extremely important that SCTC has correct and complete personal information on file with phone

numbers for parents’ workplaces and home and an emergency number of a relative or neighbor who may be

contacted in case a parent is unavailable. The Office and Clinic Information form will supply us

with this critical information.


Spotsylvania County Schools does not carry medical insurance for individual students or patrons. It is

recommended that all students carry accident insurance. Low cost coverage is available at the home high



Virginia State Law and School Board Policy require that evacuation drills be carried out periodically. Please

remember the following:

1. Learn the building evacuation procedures and posted exit signs.

2. Treat all evacuation drills as a serious matter.

3. Follow all directions from your instructor.

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Students may be issued a textbook for their SCTC class. It is the responsibility of each student to properly

care for his or her issued book and to return it in appropriate condition at the end of the school year.

Students must pay for lost or damaged books.

In some classes, tools/supplies/clothing will be checked out to students. Lost or damaged

tools/supplies/clothing are the responsibility of the student.

Students should utilize the lockers assigned to them in their shops to keep books, clothing and other

personal items safe. Lockers may be searched by school personnel at anytime; however, it is in the best

interest of the student to use the lockers to keep belongings safe and organized. Students should not share

locker combinations.


Once a student completes a program at SCTC his permanent records are kept at his/her home high school. A

Completion Certificate will be issued to each student who satisfies all requirements as a program completer.


Students who earn a Standard Diploma or an Advanced Studies Diploma and meet one of the following

criteria are eligible for receiving the Career and Technical Education Seal on their diploma:

Complete a prescribed sequence of courses in a career and technical education concentration or

specialization and maintain a “B” or better average in those courses OR

Pass an examination in a career and technical education concentration or specialization that confers

certification from a recognized industry, trade or professional association OR

Acquire a professional license in that career and technical education field from the Commonwealth of



The NTHS is an honor society to recognize achievement in academic classes as well as technical programs.

Requirements include: senior, maintaining a 4.0 average in a SCTC technical class and a 3.7 average or

better overall in academic classes. Recommendation from an instructor and good school attendance is

required. Grades will be reviewed after Quarter one to determine eligibility.

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The SkillsUSA and Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) and Family, Career and Community

Leaders of America (FCCLA) are integral parts of the curriculum of all classes at SCTC. Students will be

given an opportunity to participate in leadership activities, skill demonstrations and competitions at the

district, state and national levels. Memberships in these organizations engage students in a variety of

activities throughout the year, including competitions and community service projects. Students are

encouraged to join the organizations by paying the dues. Please see your instructor for further details.

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Culinary Arts, 1986 VICA Skill Olympics

Brendon Bradshaw STATE CHAMPION

Culinary Arts, 1989 VICA Skill Olympics John Stuczyneski STATE VICA REPORTER

Masonry, 1990 VICA Leadership Conference

Gary Green STATE VICA PIN WINNER Drafting, 1991 VICA Leadership Conference


Electricity, 1991 VICA Skill Olympics Billy Davis NATIONAL VICA PRESIDENT Drafting, 1991 VICA National Conference


Culinary Arts, 1993 VICA Skill Olympics Chris Brooks STATE CHAMPION Auto Body, 1994 VICA Job Skill Demonstration Amy Sale STATE CHAMPION

Dental Careers, 1994 HOSA Health Occupation Event Erica Perkins STATE CHAMPION Dental Careers, 1994 HOSA Team Leadership Event Keisha Bailey STATE CHAMPION Licensed Practical Nursing, 1994 HOSA Team Leadership Event Michelle Deshazo STATE CHAMPION Dental Careers, 1994 HOSA Team Leadership Event Nell Meador STATE CHAMPION Licensed Practical Nursing, 1994 HOSA Team Leadership Event Matt Rinker STATE VICA TREASURER

Radio/TV Production, 1995 STATE VICA ALUMNI PRES

Yvonne Becker STATE CHAMPION Dental Careers, 1995 HOSA Dental Terminology Jessica Simpson STATE CHAMPION Dental Careers, 1995 HOSA Dental Assisting Paul Vadeboncoeur, 1995 STATE VICA Advisor of the Year

Graphics Instructor, 2000 VATIE Teacher of the Year 1994-95 VICA Club Most Outstanding Chapter in the State of Virginia

Heather Lyall STATE VICA Student of the Year

Radio/TV Production, 1996

Kristina Hester STATE CHAMPION Dental Careers, 1997 HOSA Dental Assisting

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Dave Earhart STATE CHAMPION Radio/TV Production, 1997 R/TV Pre-produced Special Effects Amy Landsdowne STATE VICA OFFICER

Drafting, 1998 VICA Leadership Conference

Scott Cruse STATE CHAMPION Graphic Communications, 1999 VICA Skill Olympics Graphic Communications, 1999 PrintED NATIONALLY ACCREDITED Ed Sullivan, 1999 GEICO Educator of the Year

Electronics Instructor, 2000 VATIE New Teacher of the Year

Ed Sullivan US Air Force Outstanding Teacher Award

Electronics Instructor, 2001-2002 Melissa Eckelberry STATE CHAMPION Dental Careers, 2000 HOSA Dental Assisting Eric De La Ossa STATE CHAMPION Culinary Arts, 2000 SkillsUSA-VICA

Michael Christopher STATE CHAMPION Masonry, 2000 SkillsUSA-VICA


Graphic Communications, 2000 SkillsUSA-VICA


Dental Careers, 2001 HOSA Dental Assisting

Letitia Bowler STATE PARLIMENTARIAN Radio/TV Broadcasting, 2002 SkillsUSA VICA Justin Seal STATE CHAMPION Graphics, 1999-2001 Web Page Design, T-shirt Design Auto Service Technology Automotive Service Excellence 2001-2002 NATEF Certification Cliff Aitkens STATE CHAMPION Auto Collision Repair, 2002 SkillsUSA VICA Josh Murray STATE CHAMPION Culinary Arts, 2002 SkillsUSA VICA Justin Johnson STATE CHAMPION Electronics Applications, 2002 SkillsUSA VICA James Crabtree STATE CHAMPION Electronics Technology, 2002 SkillsUSA VICA Matt Bush STATE CHAMPION Graphics, T-shirt Design 2002 SkillsUSA VICA Mark Sullivan STATE CHAMPION HVAC/R 2003 SkillsUSA-VICA


Commercial Baking 2003 SkillsUSA-VICA

Chris Whitmer STATE CHAMPION Electronics Applications 2003 SkillsUSA-VICA

Justin Johnson STATE CHAMPION Electronics Technology 2003 SkillsUSA-VICA

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Jeri Jarvis, Lori Cox, Chris Graves, Stephen Davidson STATE CHAMPIONS Firefighting 2003 SkillsUSA-VICA

Brittany Kosloski STATE CHAMPION Extemporaneous Speaking 2003 SkillsUSA-VICA


Technical Computer Applications 2003 SkillsUSA-VICA

Jason Zoldak STATE CHAMPION Automotive Maintenance Technology 2004 SkillsUSA


Automotive Service Technology 2004 SkillsUSA


Emergency Medical Technician 2004 SkillsUSA


Graphic Communications 2004 2nd Place NATIONAL SKILLSUSA CHAMPION


Culinary Arts 2004 3rd Place NATIONAL SKILLSUSA CHAMPION


Drafting 2004 Amy Trn STATE CHAMPION, Dental Careers, 2005 HOSA Dental Terminology Fred Payne STATE CHAMPION Firefighter/EMT, 2005 SkillsUSA Brian Marvin STATE CHAMPION Firefighter/EMT, 2005 SkillsUSA Shannon Wheeler STATE CHAMPION Firefighter/EMT, 2005 SkillsUSA Chris Goodnight STATE CHAMPION Firefighter/EMT, 2005 SkillsUSA Kevin Sheets STATE CHAMPION Computer Networking, 2005 SkillsUSA Mark Brooks STATE CHAMPION Drafting, 2005 SkillsUSA Craig Wehrle 2nd Place NATIONAL SKILLSUSA CHAMPION Computer Networking, 2005 SkillsUSA Dallas Hinegardner STATE OFFICER Radio/TV Broadcasting 2006 SkillsUSA Kasey Campbell STATE CHAMPION

Heating, Ventilation, A/C and Refrigeration 2006 SkillsUSA Michael Austin Perry STATE CHAMPION

Electronics Applications 2006 SkillsUSA Mitch Gilbert STATE CHAMPION

Graphic Communications 2006 SkillsUSA Josh Chamberlain STATE CHAMPION

Firefighting 2006 SkillsUSA Ricky Ballard STATE CHAMPION

Telecommunications Cabling 2007 SkillsUSA

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Electronics Applications 2007 SkillsUSA Tyler Heislup STATE CHAMPION

Electronics Applications Post-Secondary 2007 SkillsUSA Hyram O’Blinsky STATE CHAMPION

Radio Pre-Produced 2007 SkillsUSA Thomas Falk STATE CHAMPION

Automotive Maintenance 2007 SkillsUSA Jim Montgomery STATE CHAMPION

Graphic Communications 2007 SkillsUSA Kevin McLeod STATE CHAMPION

Related Technical Math 2008 SkillsUSA Phillip Haasenritter STATE AND NATIONAL CHAMPION

Telecommunications Cabling 2009 SkillsUSA Samuel Johnson STATE CHAMPION

Technical Computer Applications 2009 SkillsUSA Alexis Luis STATE CHAMPION

Promotional Flyer 2009 SkillsUSA Michelle Maddox STATE CHAMPION

Graphic Communications 2009 SkillsUSA Candace Crum STATE CHAMPION Licensed Practical Nursing 2010 HOSA Medical Terminology Lee Howard STATE CHAMPION Dental Careers 2010 HOSA Dental Terminology Marvin Hamrick STATE CHAMPION Technical Prep Showcase 2010 SkillsUSA Robotics Lee Knighton STATE CHAMPION Technical Prep Showcase 2010 SkillsUSA Robotics / Electronics Eric Nichols STATE CHAMPION Technical Prep Showcase 2010 SkillsUSA Telecommunications Cabling Matthew Reenalda STATE CHAMPION Technical Prep Showcase 2010 and 2011 SkillsUSA Telecommunications Cabling Jake Ronza STATE CHAMPION Pre-Produced – Special Effects 2010 SkillsUSA Radio / TV Production Caitlyn Woodward STATE CHAMPION Pre-Produced – Radio/Radio / TV Production 2009-10 SkillsUSA Taylor Enterline STATE CHAMPION Medical Math 2011 HOSA R.W Payne STATE CHAMPION

Masonry 2010/2011 SkillsUSA

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Connor Roberts STATE CHAMPION Radio Pre-Produced 2011 SkillsUSA Cierra Scott STATE CHAMPION Radio Pre-Produced 2011 SkillsUSA Anthony Barrante STATE CHAMPION Job Interview 2012/2013 SkillsUSA Jason Cruz STATE CHAMPION Telecommunication/Cabling 2012 SkillsUSA Kyle Embrey STATE CHAMPION Power Equipment Technology 2012/2013 SkillsUSA Tori Hebdon STATE CHAMPION Radio Pre-Produced 2012 SkillsUSA Dean Makovsky STATE CHAMPION Related Technical Math 2012 SkillsUSA Williams Skinner STATE CHAMPION Computer Programming 2012 SkillsUSA Candace Wiltenmuth STATE CHAMPION Food and Beverage Service 2012 SkillsUSA Justin Winn STATE CHAMPION Automotive Maintenance 2012 SkillsUSA Christina Zimmerman STATE CHAMPION Advertising Design 2012 SkillsUSA Drue Calle STATE CHAMPION Medical Math 2012 HOSA Jill Hornung STATE CHAMPION Nursing Assistant 2012 HOSA Joseph Amick STATE CHAMPION Career Pathways Showcase 2013 SkillsUSA William McLeod STATE CHAMPION Career Pathways Showcase 2013 SkillsUSA Austin Perry STATE CHAMPION Career Pathways Showcase 2013 SkillsUSA Abigale Wuepper STATE CHAMPION Computer Programming 2013 SkillsUSA Jordan Mills STATE CHAMPION Heating, Ventilation, AC 2013 SkillsUSA Michael Louie STATE CHAMPION Principles of Engineering Tech 2013 SkillsUSA Jared Harper STATE CHAMPION Tableside Service 2013 SkillsUSA Adam McGoff STATE CHAMPION Technical Computer Application 2013 SkillsUSA Joshua Greenwald STATE CHAMPION Telecommunications Cabling 2013 SkillsUSA Melissa Lidster STATE CHAMPION Advertising Design 2014 SkillsUSA

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Andrew Budion STATE CHAMPION Automotive Maintenance 2014 SkillsUSA Jorge Contreras STATE CHAMPION Dental Assisting 2014 SkillsUSA Courtney King STATE CHAMPION Extemporaneous Speaking 2014 SkillsUSA Georganna Grizzard STATE CHAMPION Extemporaneous Writing 2014 SkillsUSA Joshua Crews STATE CHAMPION Mobile Robotics Technology 2014 SkillsUSA Thomas Sexton STATE CHAMPION Mobile Robotics Technology 2014 SkillsUSA Frederick Pinney III STATE CHAMPION Principles of Engineering 2014 SkillsUSA Davis Bryant STATE CHAMPION Technical Computer Applications 2014 SkillsUSA Ahmad Shawwal STATE OFFICER 2014 SkillsUSA Virginia NATIONAL OFFICER SkillsUSA Luke Roe STATE CHAMPION Collision Repair Technology 2015 SkillsUSA Konstantin Frolov STATE CHAMPION Computer Programming 2015 SkillsUSA Adam McGoff STATE CHAMPION Technical Computer Applications 2015 SkillsUSA Joshua Haley 2016 STATE CHAMPION HVAC/R SkillsUSA Joshua Haley 2016 NATIONAL CHAMPION HVAC/R SkillsUSA Justin Piercy 2016 STATE CHAMPION Technical Computer Applications SkillsUSA Justin Piercy 2016 NATIONAL CHAMPION Technical Computer Applications SkillsUSA Nico Covert 2016 STATE CHAMPION Computer Programming SkillsUSA Kevin Breen 2017 STATE CHAMPION HVAC/R SkillsUSA Nico Covert 2017 STATE CHAMPION Technical Computer Applications SkillsUSA Jesse Rakestraw 2017 STATE CHAMPION Auto Servicing Technology SkillsUSA Christopher Goeddey & Zachary Kramer 2017 STATE CHAMPION Robotics: Urban Search & Rescue SkillsUSA

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Christopher Goeddey & Zachary Kramer 2018 STATE CHAMPION Robotics: Urban Search & Rescue SkillsUSA Kellam Ezzell 2018 STATE CHAMPION Technical Computer Applications SkillsUSA Thomas Gelb 2018 STATE CHAMPION Extemporaneous Writing SkillsUSA Kellam Ezzell 2019 STATE CHAMPION Technical Computer Applications SkillsUSA Austen Seay 2019 STATE CHAMPION Collision Repair Technology SkillsUSA Elizabeth Rosell 2019 STATE CHAMPION Spelling SkillsUSA