Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013

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  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    1Updated: April 2013


    We, the students in the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business (RFLSB) at Virginia State

    University, affirm our commitment to this Code of Ethics/Conduct and to conductingourselves in ways that promote ethical standards in the Reginald F. Lewis School of

    Business. We are individually responsible to each other for exhibiting in our own actionsthe highest ethical standards and for avoiding any impropriety or appearance of improper

    behavior that might reflect negatively upon the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business.

    The Reginald F. Lewis School of Business aspires to be a model of ethical behavior andto achieve its vision by educating graduates known for their ethics and character. Each

    student in the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business is responsible for conductingthemselves in accordance with this Code and all other applicable university policies.





    The identity of the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business is rooted in a set of core valuesfrom which flow broad principles for acting ethically. The standards articulated in this

    Code of Ethics/Conduct reflect the application of these core values and principles.





    We have the CONFIDENCE to succeed. We will do so with HONESTY and byfollowing the Code of ETHICS. We will conduct ourselves with CIVILITY toward all.

    We will use our KNOWLEDGE for the betterment of all. We will live our lives withINTEGRITY. We recognize that little in life is accomplished without TEAMWORK.


    Students within the RFLSB are encouraged to join any of the Student Organizationswithin the Business School. Students who wish to hold offices within the Student

    Organizations are limited to two elected positions and must maintain a minimum 2.75GPA. Organizations include:

  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    2Updated: April 2013

    Marketing Club (previously AMA)

    Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA)Business Professionals of America (BPA)

    National Association of Black Accountants (NABA)Financial Management Association, International (FMA)

    Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)

    Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society (BGS)Deans Student Advisory Board

    I. CODE OF ETHICSAcademic Honesty

    The highest standards of academic honesty characterize the learning, research, scholarlyand creative activities of the students in the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business.

    Intellectual and scholastic freedoms are safeguarded through application of principles ofacademic honesty. Violations of academic honesty represent a serious breach of the

    Virginia State University honor code and may be considered grounds for disciplinaryaction.

    Acts of Dishonesty-

    Cheating includes, but is not limited to the following:

    1. using any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations;2. copying from another examination paper either before, after or during theexamination;

    3. having someone else take an examination or write a paper for you or doingeither for someone else;

    4. collaborating on take-home examinations where it has been forbidden;5. depending upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the

    instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying outassignments;

    6. acquiring, without permission, tests, notes or other academic materialbelonging to a faculty or staff member of the university;

    7. submitting a paper or project twice, or resubmitting a paper or project to adifferent class without the express permission of the instructor(s);8. any other acts or misrepresentations designed to give a student an unfair


    All students involved in a case of cheating will be automatically be penalized,

    whether you are giving or receiving help!

  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    3Updated: April 2013

    Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the following:

    1. the negligent or known use by direct quotation or paraphrase of either thepublished or unpublished work of another individual without acknowledgement;

    2. the negligent or known use of materials found on the Internet withoutacknowledgement;

    3. purchasing of papers and/or cases from other students, via the internet or anyother sources;

    Written works can take the form of electronic or print media and could include - amongother items - opinions, facts and statistics.

    1. Citing a source is necessary when an idea or written work can be attributed in anyway to someone else.

    2. Direct copying requires a very specific acknowledgment, either using quotationmarks or a clear statement describing how that material was reproduced.3. An indication of how a source is used is necessary if unique words or phrases from

    the source are part of the one's work. Words or phrases are considered unique if theywould not be spoken or expressed the same way coincidentally. The use of unique

    language requires incorporation of quotation marks or a direct statement indicatingwho is responsible for the word, phrase, sentence or group of sentences.

    4. Finally, one should always acknowledge the contribution of any person who is asignificant contributor to a work through discussion or any other such collaboration.

    Although, common knowledge does not require a reference, one may not be aware of

    what constitutes common knowledge. The golden rule is, when in doubt, cite. Commonknowledge is defined as: the same information is listed in three different sources.

    All written assignments will be submitted through Safe Assign.

    Academic Pledge

    The real world of business, government, and society demands ethical behavior. In theReginald F. Lewis School of Business, your instructor expects the same. While some

    work may be assigned as group work or homework, examinations, quizzes, and papersare expected to be completed by the student without any assistance asked or received,

    unless it is from the instructor. All work submitted for a grade, which falls under thehonor policy, will bear the following statement:

    On my honor, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this

    (exam, assignment, etc.)

  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    4Updated: April 2013

    An additional statement will appear on all papers submitted for grading:

    On my honor, I have not plagiarized any material contained within this paper. All

    references from published, unpublished or Internet sources have been acknowledged andappropriately cited. I have not submitted this paper previously to any other course

    without the instructors permission.(research papers, cases, and other written assignments)

    The student must sign the pledge(s). The consequences of violating this code will be a

    grade of F for the work in question, and the instructor may file a report to theChairperson of the Department.

    Ramifications of violating the Code of Ethics and Academic Pledge:

    1. First offenders will be given a zero for the assignment/test in question andtheir information will be forwarded to the Assistant Dean to documenttheir student file.

    2. Second offenders in the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business will begiven a grade of F for the course in question and referred directly to

    the Assistant Dean.

    a. The Assistant Dean will refer ALL second offenders to theUniversity Academic Credits Committee and/or Judicial Affairs

    for suspension from the University on the basis of Academic



    Offenses DO NOT have to be within in the same business course.

    II. CODE OF CONDUCTClassroom Decorum/Conduct

    Students are expected to abide by all University rules and regulations and standards, andby the laws of Chesterfield County, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the federal

    government. Students are expected to act responsibly and to avoid conduct detrimental toits effect upon themselves, their fellow students and the University.

    Each instructor is responsible for maintaining a classroom environment that facilitates

    effective teaching and learning. The classroom environment (will) be such that itprepares students for behavior that is expected in the professional and corporateenvironments for which they are preparing to live and work.

    Disruptive and disrespectful behavior on the part of any student (will) not be tolerated by

    the instructor. The instructor (will) always be in charge and has the right to determineappropriate standards of behavior in the classroom as long as the requirement does not

    infringe upon the individuals rights.

  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    5Updated: April 2013

    Students Personal Code of Conduct

    The following guidelines have been established to enhance the students academic

    success in the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business and in the business community:

    You MUST:

    1. Adhere to all Reginald F. Lewis School of Business and University policies.2. Accept responsibility for your actions at all times.3. Attend classes regularly, be seated in class on time, and stay in your seat until the

    instructor dismisses the class. Instructors may bar late arrivals from entering a class

    in progress; you must honor the instructors decision in such cases.4. Pay attention at all times in class and respect classmates rights to see, hear, and

    participate in class activities.

    5. Submit assignments on time. Acceptance of late assignments is solely at thediscretion of the instructor.6. Turn off cell phones, pagers, and any other personal communication or

    entertainment devices during class.7. Remove headphones during class.8. Be mindful of your attire at all times. Wednesday is Business Attire Day for

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business students.9. Promptly remove your hat, cap, or other headwear upon entering the classroom. All

    exceptions must be approved by the Deans Office.10.Exhibit courtesy and respect for your peers and professors. Live the Golden Rule:

    Treat others as you wish to be treated.

    11.Make every effort to resolve conflict with civility and respect.12.Comply with VSU Board of Visitors Policy No. 101, Prohibition of SexualHarassment (

    13.Follow the Computer/Lab Code of Conduct.You MUST NOT:

    1. Talk with classmates or pass notes to classmates during class.2. Leave the classroom unless absolutely necessary.3. Bring food to eat or drink.4. Sleep in class.5.

    Read or work on material unrelated to class activity.6. Bring anyone who is not registered for the course into the classroom.

    7. Use offensive and profane language in or around Singleton Hall and any businessclassroom.

    8. Use illegal drugs and/or alcohol while on campus.9. Bring any type of weapon on campus, without exception.10.Furnish false or misleading information to anyone.11.Alter any official documents-including graded tests, papers, etc.

  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    6Updated: April 2013

    12.Disrupt the teaching and learning process.13.Behave in a disorderly or obscene manner in Singleton Hall and any business


    14.Infringe on the academic freedom of other students.15.Disclose confidential information.You may only activate a fire alarm in case of a fire or other emergency. You must

    not activate any fire alarm for any other reason. Misuse of fire alarms is a crime.The Reginald F. Lewis School of Business will refer violators to the police.

    Code of Virginia 18.2-212A. Any person who without just cause therefore, calls

    or summons, by telephone or otherwise, any ambulance, or fire-fighting apparatus,or any person who maliciously activates a manual or automatic fire alarm in any

    building used for public assembly or for other public use, including, but not limited

    to, schools, theaters, stores, office buildings, shopping centers and malls, coliseumsand arenas, regardless of whether fire apparatus responds or not, shall be deemedguilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

    Code of Virginia 18.2-212B. A violation of this section may be prosecuted either

    in the jurisdiction from which the call or summons was made or in the jurisdictionwhere the call or summons was received.

    Ramifications of violating the Code of Conduct:

    1. First offenders will be dealt with on an individual basis and the penalty willbe based on the nature of the offense.2. Second offenders will be referred to the Assistant Dean of the Reginald F.Lewis School of Business and penalty for offense will be determine based on

    the severity of the offense.

    3. Third offenders will be administratively withdrawn from the course,depending on the severity of the offense the case may be forwarded to the

    Dean of the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business for referral to the Judicial

    Affairs department for further review.

    4. Given the nature of the offense the penalties may be, but not limited to:a. asked to leave the building, class or event,b. administrative withdrawal by your professor,c.

    suspension from the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business, ord. suspension or expulsion from the University.

    5. Any appeal of the decision will be made through the Dean of the Reginald F.Lewis School of Business.

  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    7Updated: April 2013

    III. STUDENT DRESS CODEContinuous demonstrations of appropriate dress and manners insures that Reginald F.

    Lewis School of Business students will meet the minimum standards of qualityachievement in the social, physical, moral and educational aspects of their lives. Studentswill also meet the professional standards set forth by our accrediting body, The

    Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

    Students will be denied admission to the classroom and/or various School and

    University functions if their manner of dress is deemed inappropriate by Reginald

    F. Lewis School of Business faculty, staff, and/or administrators. (See Ramifications

    for Violating Dress Code below for actions taken by the Reginald F. Lewis School of

    Business Administrators. See below for Business Attire examples.)

    Wednesdays areBusiness Attire Day for the Reginald F. LewisSchool of Business.

    DuringBusiness Week,BEEP, Wednesday Business Attire Day, any of the Honors

    Programs, Graduation, Convocation, or Career Day, business attire is required.

    On Wednesdays and Guest Speaker Days, students will be asked to leave the

    event or classroom to change clothes and return if not in proper attire. When

    giving a presentation students will be penalized for lack of proper attire.

    Wednesdays areBusiness Attire Day from 8:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m., this means studentsshould not come into the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business (Singleton Hall or

    business courses held in other buildings) in casual attire. Students will be asked to leave,change and return to class or scheduled meeting.



    Caps, do-rags, stocking caps, skullcaps, hoods, and bandanas for men andwomen.

    Droopy or low-rider pants and exposed undergarments.

    Short shorts or very short skirts. If the skirts length is above your fingertips,it is too short.

    Clothing with derogatory, offensive and/or lewd messages either in words orpictures.

    Mens undershirts of any color. Midriffs or halters, mesh, netted shirts, tube tops or cut-off t-shirts. Pajamas, stocking caps, hair rollers and bedroom slippers.

  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    8Updated: April 2013


    Conservative two-piece business suit (black, gray, navy, brown, or beige) Conservative long-sleeved shirt/blouse Tailored pantsuits are acceptable Polished conservative shoes, for the ladies no heel more than 2 inches

    high and closed toed

    Well-groomed hair style Minimal cologne or perfume Necktie should be conservative pattern and end mid-belt should be worn

    with a button up dress shirt.

    Dark shoes with matching belt Dark socks or hose For the ladies, knee-length skirts are best (no shorter than 2 above the


    Only one set of conservative non-dangling earrings, (men should refrainfrom wearing earring when in business attire)

    Conservative makeup If you wear nail polish, use a conservative color (men should refrain from

    nail polish when in business attire)

    Ramifications for violating the Dress Code:

    Student attire will be monitored by all administrators, faculty, and staff of the

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business and any disregard or violation to this policy

    will be dealt with in the following manner:

    Steps that will be followed:

    1. First occurrence The Reginald F. Lewis School of Business faculty member,staff member or administrator meets with the student privately. The student

    will be reminded of the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business Dress Code,

    minutes of the meeting will be shared with the Department Chairperson and

    the Assistant Dean of the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business.

    2. Second occurrence The Department Chairperson will meet with the studentprivately. Minutes from this meeting will be shared with the Assistant Dean

    and Dean of the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business and copies of the

    minutes from both meetings will be placed in the students file.

    3. Third occurrence The student will meet with the Assistant Dean of theReginald F. Lewis School of Business. The minutes from this meeting and

    the previous meetings will be placed in the students file.

    4. Fourth occurrence The Dean of the Reginald F. Lewis School of Businesswill meet with student and will administratively withdraw the student from

    the course(s) in which the infractions occurred.

  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    9Updated: April 2013

    IV. ADDRESSING ISSUES WITH FACULTY OR STAFFShould the student have a problem with an instructor, advisor or other academic

    relations the proper protocol is as follows:

    o Discuss the problem with the Instructor or Staff Member. If the problem is notresolved, then

    o Discuss the problem with the Departmental Chairperson. If the problem is notresolved, then

    o Discuss the problem with the Assistant Dean of the Reginald F. Lewis School ofBusiness. If the problem is not resolved, then

    o Discuss the problem with the Dean of the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business.If the problem is not resolved, then

    o Discuss the problem with the Vice President for Academic Affairs of theUniversity. If the problem is not resolved, then

    o Discuss the problem with the President of the University.Acknowledgement: The form and content of this policy were partially adopted from Hampton University.

    Parts of this Code were reproduced from documents obtained from Adelphi University, University of North Texas, and

    Hampton University.

  • 7/30/2019 Student Code of Conduct Updated April 2013


    Virginia State University

    Reginald F. Lewis School of Business

    Student Code Of Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code

    10Updated: April 2013

    Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Student Code of Ethics/Conduct and Dress


    I, ____________________________________, a student in the Reginald F. Lewis(Please print your name.)

    School of Business at Virginia State University, affirm my commitment to this Code ofEthics/Conduct and Dress Code and to conducting myself in ways that promote ethical

    standards in the Reginald F. Lewis School of Business. I am responsible for exhibiting inmy own actions the highest ethical standards and for avoiding any impropriety or

    appearance of improper behavior that might reflect negatively upon the Reginald F.Lewis School of Business.

    I acknowledge that I have received, read and understand the Reginald F. Lewis School of

    Business policy on student ethics, conduct and dress.









    For office use only:

    Accepted by: _____________________________ on _________________________

    Last page of the VSU Reginald F. Lewis School of Business Student Code of

    Ethics/Conduct and Dress Code.