Monroe Community College Student Behavior Consultation Team (SBCT) Susan D. Baker, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President, Student Services Monroe Community College, Rochester, New York

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Monroe Community College Student Behavior Consultation Team (SBCT)

Susan D. Baker, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President, Student Services

Monroe Community College, Rochester, New York

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Student Behavior Consultation Team

The Student Behavior Consultation Team (SBCT) at Monroe Community College is a

campus intervention team that uses a formalized approach to addressing mental

health disturbances and other behavior that either poses a danger of harm to self

or others, or disrupts the learning environment.

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Associate Vice President, Student Services Co-Chairs

Assistant Vice President, Student Services

Dean, Student Services-Damon Campus

Director & Assistant Director, Counseling, International & Veterans Services

Director, Health Services

Director, Housing & Residence Life

Assistant Director, Public Safety

Director, Services for Students with Disabilities

Student Behavior Consultation Team


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SBCT The Impetus for Developing the Team

In 2004, the construction of residence halls at a commuter campus

The acknowledgement that students on campus 24/7 would change the dynamic of the campus culture

The team’s development was a pro-active approach to addressing behavioral problems and/or preventing potential conduct issues

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SBCT Purpose

Team was appointed by the VP for Student Services

• Consists of pre-determined group of

professionals, all representing a specific service on campus

• Team convenes weekly or more frequently if needed to assess situations of inappropriate or questionable student behaviors

• Team determines an appropriate response and plan of action

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SBCT Consultation

The SBCT provides

• Consultation and advice to MCC administration, faculty and staff on response to troubled and/or troubling student behavior.

• In the aftermath of an incident, the team my be used to help determine the following…

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SBCT Determines

• If a student is a threat to self or others

• If a student is safe to remain in the residence halls and/or the institution.

• The conditions under which a student may be allowed to remain in or return to school or the residence halls

• Whether an off campus or on campus referral is warranted

• The specifics of a behavioral contract with a student

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SBCT Responsibilities

• Develop policies and procedures to assess students and to assign them to specific systems within the institution

• Communication with team members to keep everyone appraised of a situation

• Development and implementation of assessment intervention programs

• Educate faculty and staff about the team and relevant policies and procedures

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Stats of BCT Cases

Fall 2011

Brighton 19

Res Halls 24


Total 44

Spring 2012

Brighton 17

Res Halls 22


Total 41

2011-2012 Yearly Total 85

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Stats of BCT Cases

Types of Cases Fall 2011

Mental Health 17

Alcohol/Drugs 7

Conduct 17

General Health Issues 2

Sexual Harassment 2

Spring 2012

Mental Health 18

Alcohol/Drugs 6

Conduct 9

General Health Issues 2

Sexual Harassment* 6


Number of Students Who Returned 45

Number of Students Who Withdrew or Did Not Return 27

Number of Student Suspended 13

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SBCT Actions

The team collects and reviews all information and evidence to define specific problems and behaviors. Determining imminent danger is critical. In such cases immediate action is required that may include removing the student from the environment for immediate treatment and/or evaluation. When there is no threat of imminent danger, the team determines the appropriate approach to address the behavior.

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SBCT Discussions

Each student case discussed at SBCT is triaged to individual team members. Every case is individual discussed each week with a status report from the assigned team member. All

SBCT student cases are recorded in the student conduct database, Maxient. The SBCT section in Maxient is restricted to

SBCT members

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Faculty/Staff/ Administration

HOUSS Form Email Phone


Health Services


Public Safety

Community Agencies

Retention Residence Halls



Causal Factors Single Issues



Support Systems

Level of Function

Mandated Counseling

Referrals Internal (Counseling or

Health Services) External



Inputs Assessments Outcomes

Assertive Model with Pre-Screening

Data Driven Assessment of Outcomes

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Taking Care of Our Houss

(Helping Our Students Succeed)

The online referral form from the Office of Student Services for

identifying students who may need assistance adjusting to college

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The Helping Our Students Succeed

(HOUSS) referral form

• Is a tool that can be used to refer students for concerns related to academics, classroom behavior, personal issues, adjustment to college, and/or financial issues. Once submitted, this form is

• Reviewed by the V.P. of Student Services Office and next steps of action are determined.

• You can access the form at www.monroecc.edu/go/houss or at MyMCC, Employees, Online Forms, Student Services.

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SBCT Practice Understanding Mental Health Factors Affecting Academic


• Stress • Sleep Difficulties • Family/friend with problems • Depression/anxiety • Relationship difficulties

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SBCT Practice Examining At- Risk Behavior Issues

Related to Mental Health

• Alcohol and Drug use • Violence • Unprotected Sex • Emotionally abusive relationship • Eating Disorders • Suicide Ideation • Suicide attempt

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Some SBCT Models Utilized

• Progressive Community Engagement and the Early Intervention Model (Joffe)

• Progressive Discipline

•Restorative Justice

•Risk Management Intervention

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SBCT utlizes different models one of them is-

the Joffe Model Progressive Community


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Progressive Community

Engagement Active Threat Response vs. Precursor Prevention • Police response to an actual threat or act of

violence • Violence prevention through responding to

small-scale precursor incidents • Progressive (in small steps, for cause) • Community (in a student’s natural community) • Engagement (personal e-mails, phone calls,


Progressive Engagement JOFFE 10 2 08.ppt

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Principles of Restorative Justice (RJ)

RJ is “a collaborative decision-making process that includes victims, offenders, and others seeking to hold offenders accountable by having them (1) accept and acknowledge responsibility for their offenses, (2) to the best of their ability repair the harm they caused to victims and communities, and (3) work to reduce the risk of re-offense by building positive social ties to the community.” – David Karp


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Restoratvie Justice (RJ)

• What happened? • What harm has been caused? • What obligations do we have to address the

harm? • Who has been affected and what are their

needs? • Traditional Conduct Process

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What type of Questions to ask for RJ process

Traditional Conduct • What policy was violated? • Was the student found responsible? • Who is the alleged offender • What sanction should be applied? Restorative Justice • What happened? • What harm has been caused? • What obligations do we have to address the harm? • Who has been affected and what are their needs?


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Comparison: RJ and Traditional Conduct

Restorative Justice Conference Traditional Conduct Hearing Similar to Mediation Similar to court case People-centered Procedure-centered Identifies harm Identifies code violation Invites participation Limits participation Balanced Focus Offender Focused Engages Students Limits students http://www.sandiego.edu/documents/conduct/NASPA2011RJ_Anthology.pdf

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Early Intervention Model (Joffe)

In responding to troubled and at-risk students, the single most important step a campus can take is to take charge of the

campus community and any crisis that might occur in the campus

The “Illinois

Approach” to Responding to Troubled and At-Risk Students and Employees August 18, 2008 ppt

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Matt: Progressive Engagement Example

• Matt is called to a meeting with Director of Graduate Studies, who expresses his concern/alarm and future expectations.

• Matt is instructed not to attend class the following Monday and not to contact the professor by any means.

• Matt is called into a meeting the department head (also his advisor) who expresses concern/alarm and future expectations.

• Matt is called to a meeting with the Director of the Office of Conflict Resolution.

• Provisions are made for Matt to complete the course as an independent study with another member of the faculty.

• Matt abides by all limits and expectations.

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Prevention Model

Goal- Increase students’ ability to function in learning environment

• Identify/Refer at-risk students • Assessment of the student • Assess impact on the college community • Develop plan- external / internal referral • Clear accountabilities • Separate responsibilities

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Behavior is a form of communication. Disruptive Behavior can be considered a way to communicate an unmet need. Students can learn adaptive ways to communicate. Behavior is a function of its' consequences

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SBCT Procedures

• Engage student as partner in the process

• Assist the student to develop the solution

• Student education and skill development to reduce risk

• Develop adaptive ways to communicate

• Evaluation and monitoring- reinforce learning, maintain accountabilities

• Logical consequences for recurrence

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Student Education Model

• Students require education to improve health, and participate actively in the process.

• Clear expectations • Clear consequences • Develop plan to improve self-

management • Monitor progress to effect the change

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Student Experience

• Validation of student experience

• Develop understanding of themselves

• Learn constructive self-management skills

• Ownership of the process, progress and the success

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Discussion Topics

Ethical Challenges of the Team Student with mental health issues or

possibly an undiagnosed disability. The team needs to ensure that the behavior is being addressed while applying appropriate prevention and conduct measures.

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