Strictly copyright © IGI Services 2013 International Student Barometer Autumn Wave 2012 All materials strictly copyright © IGI Services 2013

Student Barometer - OTH Regensburg...time/Part-time, Student Exchange, Study Abroad and Distance Learners • Filter national and international benchmarks by all of the above breakdowns

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Student Barometer Autumn Wave 2012

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Summary Pre - Arrival Experience Appendix


Key Influences

Decision Factors



Support Headline Results

Survey Response

Survey Overview Deliverables


About i-graduate


Additional Info

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Process Summary & Scale

Core questionnaire covering, learning, living, support, recommendation, application and choice of institution

Semi-standardised online questionnaire format, adapted and customised for each partner institution

Students invited to feedback from October to December 2012

161,781 students responded from 193 institutions in 14 countries

Institution-specific results compared against comparator groups, national and international benchmarks

Reporting: in person, confidential and customised to each institution


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All Participating Institutions ISB (161,781), SB (87,328), ISBSB (136,552)

Institutions in bold surveyed international and domestic students

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All Participating Institutions ISB (161,781), SB (87,328), ISBSB (136,552)

Institutions in bold surveyed international and domestic students

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All Participating Institutions ISB (161,781), SB (87,328), ISBSB (136,552)

Institutions in bold surveyed international and domestic students

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Benchmark Group Participating Institutions


Germany (n=3754)Universität Bayreuth University of Amsterdam Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin Erasmus University Rotterdam Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Ruhr-Universität Bochum The Hague University of Applied Sciences Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf Saxion University of Applied Sciences Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Tilburg University Universität Mannheim

Universität Mannheim University College Dublin University of Oulu

Hochschule Regensburg Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Trinity College Dublin

Hochschule Darmstadt University of Groningen Università Bocconi

Hochschule Fulda - University of Applied Sciences Wageningen University Hochschule Regensburg

Technische Universität Dresden Chalmers University of Technology Delft University of Technology

Technische Universität Ilmenau University of Gothenburg Leiden University

Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg Jönköping University Utrecht University

Karolinska Institute Hochschule Darmstadt

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Hochschule Fulda - University of Applied Sciences

Linköping University Technische Universität Dresden

Malmö University Technische Universität Ilmenau

Mid Sweden University Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Umeå University Lappeenranta University of Technology

Universität Bayreuth

Europe (n=17828)

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Management Summary

Overview of key findings Regensburg Uni. Applied Sciences: Number one in the ISB for recommendation! HS Regensburg provides excelletn Learning options, and a high quality of life for students. There is little negative to say, though some students find the German language a problem, particularly in every day life.

Learning: This section is very strong, ranking overall 15th in the ISB for its average percentage satisfaction rating. Labs #1, Physical Library #2, Technology #3 in ISB!

The area of Work Experience #1, Careers Advice #5, and Employability #10 scored very well too. German language support was the best in Germany.

Some areas are slightly weaker, but have shown good improvements.

Living: Social aspects fare very well (Good contacts #8, Social Facilities #9, Host friends #10, Host Culture #1, Social Activities #1).

Positive increases in Social activities +10%, Worship facilities+15%, and Visa Advice+11%.

Internet Access the only possible problem...

Support: Excellent results, almost faultless.

Student advisory 100% satisfaction, International office (central level) #3, (faculty level, #2).

Catering #2 in the ISB. Accommodation office #4.


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HS Regensburg (100, inner circle) vs Germany (3575, outer circle)

Under EUR200




Over EUR500


Living – accommodation cost

How much do you pay for your accommodation monthly? Wie hoch sind Ihre monatlichen Ausgaben für Ihre Unterkunft?

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HS Regensburg

(98)ISB (142801)





59% I would actively encourage people to apply 35% 42% 39%

36% If asked, I would encourage people to apply 46% 42% 46%

5% I would neither encourage nor discourage people to apply 14% 12% 12%

0% If asked, I would discourage people from applying 3% 3% 3%

0% I would actively discourage people from applying 1% 1% 1%

Propensity to recommend

Would you recommend the institution to others thinking of applying here? Würden Sie aufgrund Ihrer Eindrücke ZUM GEGENWÄRTIGEN ZEITPUNKT DES LAUFENDEN STUDIENJAHRES anderen Studenten empfehlen, sich an

dieser Universität zu bewerben? 14

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0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

HS Regensburg (88)

Germany (3140)

HS Regensburg (88)

Germany (3150)

HS Regensburg (88)

Germany (3149)

Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

My course of study has been worth the

investment of money

My course of study has been worth the

investment of time

The University experience has lived

up to my expectations

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Bitte geben Sie an, inwieweit Sie den folgenden Aussagen zustimmen:

Overall reflections

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-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

Accommodation quality

Living cost

Host friends (Living)

Online library

Sport facilities

Examination Office

Int'l Office - Faculty

Social activities (Living)

Visa advice

Worship facilities


p 5



in A






p 5



r in



n 2


2Autumn 2012 vs Autumn 2011


Wave-on-wave Summary

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-30% -25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Living cost (Living)

Accommodation quality

Accommodation cost

Course organisation

Learning spaces

Visa advice


Careers advice (Learning)

Earning money

Work experience


5 w







p 5


er t





HS Regensburg ISB vs Germany


Autumn 2012 Summary

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80%ISB Response Rate

Response range – all participating institutions


  Response Population Response Rate

HS Regensburg ISB

2012106 372 28%

Gemany ISB 2012 3,620 15,651 23%

Europe ISB 2012 17,694 61,507 29%

Global ISB 2012 161,781 628,128 26%

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HS Regensburg (106, inner circle) vs Germany (3754, outer circle)


Czech RepublicFrance








Nationality breakdown


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3% 4%





HS Regensburg (106, inner circle) vs Germany (3754, outer circle)





Study level breakdown

22 In welcher Stufe Ihres derzeitigen Studiums befinden Sie sich?

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HS Regensburg (106)

Architecture, Building and Planning

Business and Administrative studies


Languages, Literature and related subjects

Mathematical and Computer Sciences



Area of Study

Welches ist Ihr Studienschwerpunkt?

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Institution website



Current students


Careers advisor




HS Regensburg (30)

Germany (1348)

Top 10 key influences (choice of institution)

25 Wer oder was der nachfolgend genannten Antworten HALF Ihnen bei Ihrer Entscheidung diese Institution auszuwählen?

Which of the following helped you to choose this institution?

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What did the students say?

Learning • It would be really great if they introduce English teaching. I am doing my masters and i wish the classes were in english.

• I study my subjects almost all in German, sometimes I feel that the Professor don´t consider of our German levels. If they speak very fast and even with local accent,I can´t understand them very well. Otherwise I am totally satisfied about my study.

• The Hochschule fullfils all the needs of a student, and that's amazing.

• I wish we had German courses (DaF) in the evening and that they were more dynamic and heavier.

• One lecture normally last for 3 hours and the student's attention span would not last that long. The students would not be able to process all the information effectively. Towards the end of the lecture we are already bored to death. It would be also helpful if the teachers will give more examples instead of bombarding us with theories.


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Elements in the top right quadrant are important to students and perform well. Those in the bottom right quadrant are important, but do not perform as well and should be improved. Elements in the top and bottom left quadrants are of lower priority. These elements should be reviewed and monitored to ensure that we focus on the most important issues for students.

Institution Derived Importance




n S








Learning matrix

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Work experience

Virtual learning



Quality lecturesPerformance feedback

Course organisation


Language support


Learning spaces

Learning support

Physical library

Online libraryGood teachers

German language support


Expert lecturers

Class size Course content

Careers advice


Marking criteria

Institution Derived Importance




n S




Learning matrix


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HS Regensburg ISB % Germany % Europe % ISB +/- Germany +/- Europe +/- % p

LEARNING AVERAGE 88,2% 84,7% 82,4% 82,0% 3,1% 5,5% 5,7%

LEARNING OVERALL 89,0% 86,1% 86,4% 85,4% 2,9% 2,6% 3,6% 0,11

Laboratories 96,4% 89,5% 90,9% 90,7% 6,9% 5,5% 5,7% 0,00

Physical library 95,6% 88,0% 88,0% 86,6% 7,6% 7,6% 9,0% 0,00

Technology 94,3% 88,1% 88,8% 88,3% 6,2% 5,4% 6,0% 0,00

Expert lecturers 93,8% 92,5% 93,0% 92,4% 1,3% 0,8% 1,4% 0,37

Online library 91,5% 89,2% 86,0% 88,2% 2,3% 5,4% 3,3% 0,19

Class size 90,8% 87,5% 86,5% 87,7% 3,3% 4,3% 3,1% 0,10

German language support 90,8% 79,5% 79,5% 79,5% 11,3% 11,3% 11,3% 0,00

Good teachers 90,5% 87,1% 86,0% 84,3% 3,4% 4,5% 6,2% 0,88

Virtual learning 90,5% 89,2% 87,4% 86,6% 1,3% 3,1% 3,9% 0,09

Quality lectures 89,7% 87,8% 89,6% 86,5% 1,9% 0,0% 3,2% 0,36

Course content 89,6% 87,8% 85,7% 85,3% 1,8% 3,9% 4,2% 0,44

Multicultural 89,5% 89,5% 88,3% 90,8% 0,0% 1,3% -1,2% 0,23

Performance feedback 89,3% 82,3% 78,7% 76,6% 7,0% 10,6% 12,7% 0,37

Research 87,0% 84,9% 83,5% 83,0% 2,1% 3,5% 4,0% 0,88

Learning spaces 86,8% 88,7% 87,7% 89,8% -1,9% -0,9% -3,0% 0,67

Work experience 86,5% 65,5% 66,2% 58,2% 21,0% 20,3% 28,3% 0,00

Assessment 86,4% 87,2% 83,4% 84,1% -0,8% 3,0% 2,3% 0,97

Academics' English 86,1% 90,9% 85,8% 89,2% -4,8% 0,3% -3,1% 0,71

Learning support 84,3% 87,2% 81,3% 83,6% -2,8% 3,0% 0,8% 0,75

Employability 83,8% 75,7% 66,7% 67,8% 8,2% 17,1% 16,0% 0,01

Careers advice 82,9% 69,8% 64,9% 58,7% 13,0% 17,9% 24,1% 0,00

Language support 82,8% 86,9% 79,1% 85,3% -4,1% 3,7% -2,5% 0,68

Marking criteria 80,8% 82,3% 77,1% 76,3% -1,5% 3,8% 4,5% 0,68

Course organisation 76,7% 84,2% 79,2% 78,9% -7,4% -2,4% -2,2% 0,97


Benchmarking learning

**Postgraduate students only

Independent samples t-test, institution vs. ISB, significant differences (p<=0.05) are highlighted in pink

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HS Regensburg ISB % Germany % Europe % ISB +/- Germany +/- Europe +/- % p

LEARNING AVERAGE 88,2% 84,7% 82,4% 82,0% 3,1% 5,5% 5,7%

LEARNING OVERALL 89,0% 86,1% 86,4% 85,4% 2,9% 2,6% 3,6% 0,11

Laboratories 96,4% 89,5% 90,9% 90,7% 6,9% 5,5% 5,7% 0,00

Physical library 95,6% 88,0% 88,0% 86,6% 7,6% 7,6% 9,0% 0,00

Technology 94,3% 88,1% 88,8% 88,3% 6,2% 5,4% 6,0% 0,00

Expert lecturers 93,8% 92,5% 93,0% 92,4% 1,3% 0,8% 1,4% 0,37

Online library 91,5% 89,2% 86,0% 88,2% 2,3% 5,4% 3,3% 0,19

Class size 90,8% 87,5% 86,5% 87,7% 3,3% 4,3% 3,1% 0,10

German language support 90,8% 79,5% 79,5% 79,5% 11,3% 11,3% 11,3% 0,00

Good teachers 90,5% 87,1% 86,0% 84,3% 3,4% 4,5% 6,2% 0,88

Virtual learning 90,5% 89,2% 87,4% 86,6% 1,3% 3,1% 3,9% 0,09

Quality lectures 89,7% 87,8% 89,6% 86,5% 1,9% 0,0% 3,2% 0,36

Course content 89,6% 87,8% 85,7% 85,3% 1,8% 3,9% 4,2% 0,44

Multicultural 89,5% 89,5% 88,3% 90,8% 0,0% 1,3% -1,2% 0,23

Performance feedback 89,3% 82,3% 78,7% 76,6% 7,0% 10,6% 12,7% 0,37

Research 87,0% 84,9% 83,5% 83,0% 2,1% 3,5% 4,0% 0,88

Learning spaces 86,8% 88,7% 87,7% 89,8% -1,9% -0,9% -3,0% 0,67

Work experience 86,5% 65,5% 66,2% 58,2% 21,0% 20,3% 28,3% 0,00

Assessment 86,4% 87,2% 83,4% 84,1% -0,8% 3,0% 2,3% 0,97

Academics' English 86,1% 90,9% 85,8% 89,2% -4,8% 0,3% -3,1% 0,71

Learning support 84,3% 87,2% 81,3% 83,6% -2,8% 3,0% 0,8% 0,75

Employability 83,8% 75,7% 66,7% 67,8% 8,2% 17,1% 16,0% 0,01

Careers advice 82,9% 69,8% 64,9% 58,7% 13,0% 17,9% 24,1% 0,00

Language support 82,8% 86,9% 79,1% 85,3% -4,1% 3,7% -2,5% 0,68

Marking criteria 80,8% 82,3% 77,1% 76,3% -1,5% 3,8% 4,5% 0,68

Course organisation 76,7% 84,2% 79,2% 78,9% -7,4% -2,4% -2,2% 0,97


Benchmarking learning

**Postgraduate students only

Independent samples t-test, institution vs. ISB, significant differences (p<=0.05) are highlighted in pink

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HS Regensburg ISB % Germany % Europe % ISB Germany Europe

LEARNING AVERAGE 88,2% 84,7% 82,4% 82,0% 15 2 3

LEARNING OVERALL 89,0% 86,1% 86,4% 85,4% 18 2 5

Laboratories 96,4% 89,5% 90,9% 90,7% 1 1 1

Physical library 95,6% 88,0% 88,0% 86,6% 2 2 2

Technology 94,3% 88,1% 88,8% 88,3% 3 1 2

Expert lecturers 93,8% 92,5% 93,0% 92,4% 50 5 11

Online library 91,5% 89,2% 86,0% 88,2% 38 1 11

Class size 90,8% 87,5% 86,5% 87,7% 33 2 12

German language support 90,8% 79,5% 79,5% 79,5% 1 1 1

Good teachers 90,5% 87,1% 86,0% 84,3% 92 2 7

Virtual learning 90,5% 89,2% 87,4% 86,6% 25 1 4

Quality lectures 89,7% 87,8% 89,6% 86,5% 39 5 7

Course content 89,6% 87,8% 85,7% 85,3% 46 2 8

Multicultural 89,5% 89,5% 88,3% 90,8% 35 2 18

Performance feedback 89,3% 82,3% 78,7% 76,6% 58 1 4

Research 87,0% 84,9% 83,5% 83,0% 96 5 17

Learning spaces 86,8% 88,7% 87,7% 89,8% 74 5 23

Work experience 86,5% 65,5% 66,2% 58,2% 1 1 1

Assessment 86,4% 87,2% 83,4% 84,1% 102 3 12

Academics' English 86,1% 90,9% 85,8% 89,2% 128 2 22

Learning support 84,3% 87,2% 81,3% 83,6% 76 2 8

Employability 83,8% 75,7% 66,7% 67,8% 10 1 1

Careers advice 82,9% 69,8% 64,9% 58,7% 5 1 1

Language support 82,8% 86,9% 79,1% 85,3% 66 2 21

Marking criteria 80,8% 82,3% 77,1% 76,3% 128 3 12

Course organisation 76,7% 84,2% 79,2% 78,9% 104 3 13


Benchmarking learning

**Postgraduate students only

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-12% -10% -8% -6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%

Marking criteria

Performance feedback



Academics' English


Careers advice

Quality lectures

Language support

Virtual learning

Expert lecturers

Course organisation

Course content

Learning spaces

Learning support


Good teachers


Physical library

Work experience


Online library

HS Regensburg

Germany fixed

Worse in Autumn Wave 2012 Better in Autumn Wave 2012


Learning satisfaction – Autumn 2011 vs Autumn 2012

The Fixed Benchmark only includes institutions that took part in both Autumn 2011 and 2012

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First Wave vs

Autumn 2012

Academics' English 70% 83% 86% 16%

Language support 71% 80% 83% 12%

Research 78% 84% 87% 9%

Virtual learning 82% 88% 90% 8%

Laboratories 90% 96% 96% 6%

Marking criteria 75% 73% 81% 6%

Learning support 79% 83% 84% 6%

Employability 80% 87% 84% 4%

Good teachers 88% 90% 91% 3%

Careers advice 80% 80% 83% 3%

Learning spaces 84% 86% 87% 3%

Performance feedback 87% 83% 89% 2%

Expert lecturers 92% 92% 94% 1%

Physical library 95% 97% 96% 0%

Multicultural 89% 89% 90% 0%

Quality lectures 90% 87% 90% 0%

Online library 92% 96% 91% -1%

Course organisation 78% 75% 77% -1%

Assessment 88% 83% 86% -2%

Technology 96% 92% 94% -2%

Course content 92% 88% 90% -3%

Work experience 90% 90% 86% -4%


Learning satisfaction – wave on wave comparison

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What did the students say?

Living • I'm alone. It's being difficult for me to make friends of my country, and my german flatmates are really closed in their circle/If you dislike parties, it's very more difficult to make friends.

• The University is very profesional and Regensburg is a beautiful city to live and there is also many chances of finding a job.

• When I arrived I found the room very dirty

• I think that the greatest difficulty most foreign student are/will be facing is the language barrier. He/she should have a good command of the German language before going here. Learning and passing the language test is not enough to get through the university.

• Hochschule Regensburg is ideal place to study because there are a lot of what a student needs is available there.

• is a great opportunity to meet Germany, and is very good city to live in. is a good institution to study but of course because it is a chance to meet a new culture and make new friends


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Worship facilities Visa advice

Transport links uni

Transport links

Sport facilities Social facilitiesHome friends

SafetySocial activities

Campus environment

Campus buildings

Other friends

Living cost

Internet access

Host friends

Host culture

Good place to be

Good contacts

Financial support Finding accommodation

Earning money

Eco-friendly attitude

Accommodation cost

Accommodation quality

Institution Derived Importance




n S





Living matrix

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HS Regensburg ISB % Germany % Europe % ISB +/- Germany +/- Europe +/- % p

LIVING AVERAGE 82,9% 78,3% 78,2% 76,7% 4,6% 4,6% 6,2%

LIVING OVERALL 89,7% 86,8% 85,1% 85,9% 2,9% 4,6% 3,8% 0,02

Campus environment 95,3% 89,9% 89,3% 91,4% 5,5% 6,0% 3,9% 0,01

Good place to be 94,0% 87,8% 87,5% 90,2% 6,3% 6,5% 3,8% 0,01

Social activities 92,7% 81,0% 82,1% 80,5% 11,7% 10,6% 12,2% 0,00

Safety 92,2% 87,9% 90,8% 92,6% 4,3% 1,4% -0,4% 0,00

Other friends 91,9% 87,3% 89,4% 90,3% 4,6% 2,4% 1,6% 0,00

Host culture 90,8% 83,5% 84,3% 82,8% 7,3% 6,5% 8,0% 0,00

Eco-friendly attitude 90,7% 89,1% 90,6% 88,2% 1,6% 0,1% 2,5% 0,10

Campus buildings 88,8% 87,1% 86,5% 89,4% 1,7% 2,2% -0,7% 0,41

Visa advice 88,2% 80,7% 73,3% 75,4% 7,6% 14,9% 12,8% 0,02

Home friends 87,8% 86,5% 84,7% 87,1% 1,3% 3,1% 0,7% 0,25

Worship facilities 87,5% 83,3% 76,0% 78,2% 4,2% 11,5% 9,3% 0,09

Transport links uni 86,4% 82,3% 83,3% 84,2% 4,1% 3,1% 2,2% 0,05

Social facilities 85,9% 79,7% 77,5% 76,6% 6,2% 8,4% 9,3% 0,02

Good contacts 85,9% 78,7% 74,9% 76,1% 7,2% 10,9% 9,8% 0,01

Sport facilities 85,4% 79,0% 79,1% 76,8% 6,3% 6,3% 8,6% 0,00

Transport links 82,2% 79,9% 79,8% 83,3% 2,3% 2,4% -1,1% 0,05

Internet access 79,3% 80,1% 74,9% 79,9% -0,8% 4,4% -0,6% 0,60

Host friends 76,7% 72,9% 67,8% 65,8% 3,7% 8,8% 10,9% 0,02

Accommodation quality 73,9% 84,5% 82,3% 82,3% -10,6% -8,5% -8,4% 0,45

Earning money 72,9% 54,7% 55,2% 39,2% 18,2% 17,7% 33,6% 0,00

Living cost 68,9% 61,2% 79,0% 59,0% 7,7% -10,1% 9,8% 0,06

Finding accommodation 65,8% 63,8% 65,0% 63,8% 1,9% 0,7% 1,9% 0,28

Financial support 65,7% 61,2% 54,9% 52,9% 4,5% 10,8% 12,8% 0,23

Accommodation cost 60,2% 56,7% 69,2% 54,2% 3,6% -9,0% 6,1% 0,15


Benchmarking living

Independent samples t-test, institution vs. ISB, significant differences (p<=0.05) are highlighted in pink

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HS Regensburg ISB % Germany % Europe % ISB +/- Germany +/- Europe +/- % p

LIVING AVERAGE 82,9% 78,3% 78,2% 76,7% 4,6% 4,6% 6,2%

LIVING OVERALL 89,7% 86,8% 85,1% 85,9% 2,9% 4,6% 3,8% 0,02

Campus environment 95,3% 89,9% 89,3% 91,4% 5,5% 6,0% 3,9% 0,01

Good place to be 94,0% 87,8% 87,5% 90,2% 6,3% 6,5% 3,8% 0,01

Social activities 92,7% 81,0% 82,1% 80,5% 11,7% 10,6% 12,2% 0,00

Safety 92,2% 87,9% 90,8% 92,6% 4,3% 1,4% -0,4% 0,00

Other friends 91,9% 87,3% 89,4% 90,3% 4,6% 2,4% 1,6% 0,00

Host culture 90,8% 83,5% 84,3% 82,8% 7,3% 6,5% 8,0% 0,00

Eco-friendly attitude 90,7% 89,1% 90,6% 88,2% 1,6% 0,1% 2,5% 0,10

Campus buildings 88,8% 87,1% 86,5% 89,4% 1,7% 2,2% -0,7% 0,41

Visa advice 88,2% 80,7% 73,3% 75,4% 7,6% 14,9% 12,8% 0,02

Home friends 87,8% 86,5% 84,7% 87,1% 1,3% 3,1% 0,7% 0,25

Worship facilities 87,5% 83,3% 76,0% 78,2% 4,2% 11,5% 9,3% 0,09

Transport links uni 86,4% 82,3% 83,3% 84,2% 4,1% 3,1% 2,2% 0,05

Social facilities 85,9% 79,7% 77,5% 76,6% 6,2% 8,4% 9,3% 0,02

Good contacts 85,9% 78,7% 74,9% 76,1% 7,2% 10,9% 9,8% 0,01

Sport facilities 85,4% 79,0% 79,1% 76,8% 6,3% 6,3% 8,6% 0,00

Transport links 82,2% 79,9% 79,8% 83,3% 2,3% 2,4% -1,1% 0,05

Internet access 79,3% 80,1% 74,9% 79,9% -0,8% 4,4% -0,6% 0,60

Host friends 76,7% 72,9% 67,8% 65,8% 3,7% 8,8% 10,9% 0,02

Accommodation quality 73,9% 84,5% 82,3% 82,3% -10,6% -8,5% -8,4% 0,45

Earning money 72,9% 54,7% 55,2% 39,2% 18,2% 17,7% 33,6% 0,00

Living cost 68,9% 61,2% 79,0% 59,0% 7,7% -10,1% 9,8% 0,06

Finding accommodation 65,8% 63,8% 65,0% 63,8% 1,9% 0,7% 1,9% 0,28

Financial support 65,7% 61,2% 54,9% 52,9% 4,5% 10,8% 12,8% 0,23

Accommodation cost 60,2% 56,7% 69,2% 54,2% 3,6% -9,0% 6,1% 0,15


Benchmarking living

Independent samples t-test, institution vs. ISB, significant differences (p<=0.05) are highlighted in pink

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HS Regensburg ISB % Germany % Europe % ISB Germany Europe

LIVING AVERAGE 82,9% 78,3% 78,2% 76,7% 6 2 2

LIVING OVERALL 89,7% 86,8% 85,1% 85,9% 2 1 1

Campus environment 95,3% 89,9% 89,3% 91,4% 21 2 12

Good place to be 94,0% 87,8% 87,5% 90,2% 11 1 4

Social activities 92,7% 81,0% 82,1% 80,5% 1 1 1

Safety 92,2% 87,9% 90,8% 92,6% 26 2 16

Other friends 91,9% 87,3% 89,4% 90,3% 6 1 6

Host culture 90,8% 83,5% 84,3% 82,8% 1 1 1

Eco-friendly attitude 90,7% 89,1% 90,6% 88,2% 27 2 8

Campus buildings 88,8% 87,1% 86,5% 89,4% 65 4 22

Visa advice 88,2% 80,7% 73,3% 75,4% 9 1 1

Home friends 87,8% 86,5% 84,7% 87,1% 26 2 13

Worship facilities 87,5% 83,3% 76,0% 78,2% 7 1 1

Transport links uni 86,4% 82,3% 83,3% 84,2% 28 5 14

Social facilities 85,9% 79,7% 77,5% 76,6% 9 1 1

Good contacts 85,9% 78,7% 74,9% 76,1% 8 2 2

Sport facilities 85,4% 79,0% 79,1% 76,8% 19 1 6

Transport links 82,2% 79,9% 79,8% 83,3% 32 5 14

Internet access 79,3% 80,1% 74,9% 79,9% 80 2 19

Host friends 76,7% 72,9% 67,8% 65,8% 10 1 1

Accommodation quality 73,9% 84,5% 82,3% 82,3% 158 9 29

Earning money 72,9% 54,7% 55,2% 39,2% 10 1 1

Living cost 68,9% 61,2% 79,0% 59,0% 44 9 10

Finding accommodation 65,8% 63,8% 65,0% 63,8% 10 3 10

Financial support 65,7% 61,2% 54,9% 52,9% 43 2 3

Accommodation cost 60,2% 56,7% 69,2% 54,2% 43 8 10


Benchmarking living

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-17% -12% -7% -2% 3% 8% 13%

Worship facilities

Visa advice

Social activities

Campus buildings

Good contacts

Other friends

Financial support

Internet access

Campus environment

Transport links uni

Good place to be

Transport links

Earning money

Social facilities

Eco-friendly attitude


Host culture

Home friends

Accommodation cost

Sport facilities

Host friends

Living cost

Accommodation quality

HS Regensburg

Germany fixed

Worse in Autumn Wave 2012 Better in Autumn Wave 2012


Living satisfaction – Autumn 2011 vs Autumn 2012

The Fixed Benchmark only includes institutions that took part in both Autumn 2011 and 2012

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First Wave vs

Autumn 2012

Visa advice 75% 77% 88% 14%

Financial support 56% 63% 66% 10%

Internet access 70% 78% 79% 9%

Social activities 86% 83% 93% 7%

Earning money 66% 74% 73% 7%

Worship facilities 81% 72% 88% 6%

Campus buildings 84% 89% 5%

Good place to be 91% 94% 94% 3%

Good contacts 84% 83% 86% 2%

Home friends 86% 91% 88% 2%

Campus environment 94% 95% 1%

Sport facilities 86% 90% 85% 0%

Social facilities 87% 87% 86% -2%

Transport links uni 88% 86% 86% -2%

Host culture 93% 93% 91% -2%

Safety 94% 94% 92% -2%

Other friends 94% 89% 92% -2%

Eco-friendly attitude 93% 92% 91% -3%

Host friends 81% 82% 77% -5%

Living cost 75% 76% 69% -6%

Transport links 90% 83% 82% -8%

Accommodation cost 71% 64% 60% -10%

Accommodation quality 89% 84% 74% -15%


Living satisfaction – wave on wave comparison

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Accommodation Office


International Office (Central)

Int'l Office (Faculty)

IT & system supp

Student Advisory Serv

Examination Office

Student secretariat/Administrati


Institution Usage




n S





Support matrix

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HS Regensburg(85)

Benchmarking support (usage %)


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HS Regensburg ISB % Germany % Europe % ISB +/- Germany +/- Europe +/- % p

SUPPORT AVERAGE 94.6% 89.2% 86.8% 87.3% 6.5% 7.7% 7.3%

SUPPORT OVERALL 93.0% 88.1% 84.6% 86.2% 4.9% 8.4% 6.9% 0.00

Student Advisory Serv 100.0% 91.4% 89.9% 89.1% 8.6% 10.1% 10.9% 0.00

International Office (Central) 98.6% 91.1% 90.9% 91.3% 7.5% 7.7% 7.3% 0.00

Int'l Office (Faculty) 97.9% 91.6% 91.6% 91.6% 6.3% 6.2% 6.3% 0.03

Support staff helpfulness 97.9% 90.0% 87.9% 90.0% 7.9% 10.0% 7.9% 0.00

Examination Office 97.4% 84.8% 84.8% 84.8% 12.6% 12.6% 12.6% 0.00

Student secretariat/Administration 95.8% 91.3% 91.3% 91.3% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6% 0.01

IT & system supp 93.3% 91.4% 92.6% 91.3% 1.9% 0.7% 2.0% 0.29

English of support staff 90.0% 90.0% 82.6% 90.0% 0.0% 7.4% 0.0% 0.43

Catering 89.6% 78.0% 83.6% 79.4% 11.6% 6.0% 10.2% 0.00

Accommodation Office 85.4% 81.7% 73.9% 73.9% 3.6% 11.5% 11.5% 0.03

50 **Postgraduate students only

Benchmarking support

Independent samples t-test, institution vs. ISB, significant differences (p<=0.05) are highlighted in pink

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HS Regensburg ISB % Germany % Europe % ISB +/- Germany +/- Europe +/- % p

SUPPORT AVERAGE 94.6% 89.2% 86.8% 87.3% 6.5% 7.7% 7.3%

SUPPORT OVERALL 93.0% 88.1% 84.6% 86.2% 4.9% 8.4% 6.9% 0.00

Student Advisory Serv 100.0% 91.4% 89.9% 89.1% 8.6% 10.1% 10.9% 0.00

International Office (Central) 98.6% 91.1% 90.9% 91.3% 7.5% 7.7% 7.3% 0.00

Int'l Office (Faculty) 97.9% 91.6% 91.6% 91.6% 6.3% 6.2% 6.3% 0.03

Support staff helpfulness 97.9% 90.0% 87.9% 90.0% 7.9% 10.0% 7.9% 0.00

Examination Office 97.4% 84.8% 84.8% 84.8% 12.6% 12.6% 12.6% 0.00

Student secretariat/Administration 95.8% 91.3% 91.3% 91.3% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6% 0.01

IT & system supp 93.3% 91.4% 92.6% 91.3% 1.9% 0.7% 2.0% 0.29

English of support staff 90.0% 90.0% 82.6% 90.0% 0.0% 7.4% 0.0% 0.43

Catering 89.6% 78.0% 83.6% 79.4% 11.6% 6.0% 10.2% 0.00

Accommodation Office 85.4% 81.7% 73.9% 73.9% 3.6% 11.5% 11.5% 0.03

51 **Postgraduate students only

Benchmarking support

Independent samples t-test, institution vs. ISB, significant differences (p<=0.05) are highlighted in pink

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HS Regensburg ISB % Germany % Europe % ISB Germany Europe

SUPPORT AVERAGE 94.6% 89.2% 86.8% 87.3% 3 1 1

SUPPORT OVERALL 93.0% 88.1% 84.6% 86.2% 3 1 1

Student Advisory Serv 100.0% 91.4% 89.9% 89.1% 2 1 1

International Office (Central) 98.6% 91.1% 90.9% 91.3% 3 1 1

Int'l Office (Faculty) 97.9% 91.6% 91.6% 91.6% 2 1 2

Support staff helpfulness 97.9% 90.0% 87.9% 90.0% 2 1 2

Examination Office 97.4% 84.8% 84.8% 84.8% 1 1 1

Student secretariat/Administration 95.8% 91.3% 91.3% 91.3% 1 1 1

IT & system supp 93.3% 91.4% 92.6% 91.3% 28 2 5

English of support staff 90.0% 90.0% 82.6% 90.0% 20 2 20

Catering 89.6% 78.0% 83.6% 79.4% 2 1 1

Accommodation Office 85.4% 81.7% 73.9% 73.9% 4 1 2

Benchmarking support

52 **Postgraduate students only

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-11% -9% -7% -5% -3% -1% 1% 3% 5% 7% 9% 11%

Int'l Office - Faculty

Examination Office

International Office (Central)

Helpfulness of support staff

IT & system supp

Student Advisory Serv

Student Secretariat/Administration


English of support staff

Accommodation Office

HS Regensburg

Germany fixed

Worse in Autumn Wave 2012 Better in Autumn Wave 2012


Support satisfaction – Autumn 2011 vs Autumn 2012

The Fixed Benchmark only includes institutions that took part in both Autumn 2011 and 2012

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First Wave vs

Autumn 2012

Examination Office 89% 97% 8%

Student Advisory Serv 94% 97% 100% 6%

Catering 85% 88% 90% 4%

International Office (Central) 94% 94% 99% 4%

Helpfulness of support staff 94% 98% 4%

Int'l Office - Faculty 94% 89% 98% 4%

Student Secretariat/Administration 94% 96% 2%

English of support staff 89% 90% 1%

IT & system supp 94% 90% 93% 0%

Accommodation Office 92% 89% 85% -7%


Support satisfaction – wave on wave comparison

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Social media focus would improve the arrival and learning experiences greatly:

Twitter: can be used to give reminders and updates for deadlines/quick information.

Facebook: for forums and direct contact with the university and other students. Good for pre-arrival experience too.

Youtube: for videos explaining certain aspects of study life.

Utilise student power!


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Analysis by department & location Dynamic Data Visualisation - interact

Verbatim comments Interactive mapping of

aggregate data

Institution-specific data Detailed presentations Summary findings


“Great university, great teachers, great accommodation, so many way to make English and foreign friends, a very beautiful place, ecologic. It's the best year of my life, i think I'm very lucky to study here and i will advice this university at everyone without any doubt!”


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A member of the i-graduate Research Team will be in contact with details of your institution’s online password-protected Filestore (www.i-graduate.org/filestore)

Filestore contains: full PDF presentation, open comments and ranking sheet

Thank you


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For further information about the Student Barometer contact a member of the i-graduate

Research Team ([email protected])

For further details of any of our other research services, please contact Nannette Ripmeester ([email protected])

International Graduate Insight Group Offices

29 Harley Street London W1G 9QR t +44 (0)207 222 7890 f +44 (0)207 182 7152 [email protected] www.i-graduate.org

Mathenesserlaan 255 - NL 3021, HD Rotterdam t +31 10 477 6553 f +44 207 182 7152 [email protected] www.i-graduate.org

1025 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 t +1 202 455 0959 f +44 207 182 7152 [email protected] www.i-graduate.org

Thank You!


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Element Institution base numberInternational Office (Central) 71

Catering 67

Student secretariat/Administration 48

Int'l Office (Faculty) 47

IT & system supp 45

Accommodation Office 41

Examination Office 39

Student Advisory Serv 34

Clubs/societies 23

Students' Union 17

Counselling 17

Residential Assistants 16

Health Centre 12

Careers Service 12

Multi-faith provision 6

Disability Support 5

Graduate School** 1

Institution base numbers


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Independent samples t-test

Compares two different means to see if they are significantly different from each other

E.g. Comparing the mean of your institution against the overall International Student Barometer mean

If your institution is significantly different than the International Student Barometer mean it is highlighted in pink


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GlobalView ISB Online Maps

Essential insight for...

Student recruitment Internationalisation strategy Regional marketing strategy

GlobalView includes strategic information on key areas, including:

Helped to choose influencers – social media, agent, website... Decision making factors – cost of study, ranking position, scholarship... Countries considered for study Agent rating and 8 detailed measures of satisfaction with agents Student funding


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GlobalView is easily navigated via interactive menus

Hover over a region or country to learn more

Understand the national picture

Create custom charts

Study level splits available on annual subscription basis

GlobalView ISB Online Maps

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About i-graduate

The International Graduate Insight Group (i-graduate) is an independent benchmarking and research service, delivering comparative insights for the education sector worldwide: your finger on the pulse of student and stakeholder opinion

The Student Barometer is the largest annual study of students in the world, with feedback from over 1.5 million respondents

Used throughout the sector to target resourcing and investment in improving services, teaching and support for students

i-graduate surveys implemented by 1200 education institutions worldwide

Running in 24 countries across 5 continents


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The ‘Whole University’ Barometer

Transforms multiple student surveys into a single-source solution for student feedback.

All years of study All forms of study All locations All levels of study The Integrated Survey Solution developed in partnership with the University of Oxford:

Designed to fit around the NSS Facilitates delivery of the Key Information Set (KIS) requirements Removes duplication and reduces administration Incorporates other internal and external surveys Improves accuracy Saves money Survey fatigue solved at a stroke

“The integrated approach we have developed together with i-graduate means we will be able to create an even better student experience for all of our students.”

Keith Zimmerman Director of Student Administration and Services, University of Oxford


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The ‘Whole University’ Barometer

The Oxford Barometer: all divisions, all departments, all colleges. Interactive access to data for 300 senior staff The Surrey Barometer: replaces 28 internal student surveys The Sheffield Hallam Barometer: the most comprehensive student survey structure ever implemented The Nottingham Barometer: a fully integrated process delivering to all students and all stakeholders across the UK, Malaysia and China

Sophisticated survey build and management Demographic pre-loading from student record systems Intelligent routing (students are asked only relevant questions) Benchmarking by study area, study level and student experience Interactive interface of key results by course, faculty, campus Clarify issues through targeted follow-up surveys and focus groups


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Questionnaire Flow

Not a full list of questions

Living Experience • Overall Satisfaction • Satisfaction of living elements

Support Experience • Overall Satisfaction • Relevance of services • Satisfaction with services used

Recommendation & Reflections • Recommendation to others • Perceptions of value for money • Living up to expectations

Future Plans • Employment • Study

Ethnographics • Ethnicity, Disability, Faith/ Religion

Study Time • Weekly hours studying and working • Perception of time spent with academic staff


• Accommodation • Funding • Level of study • Area of study • School/Faculty/Department • Year of study

Arrival Experience • Overall Satisfaction • Rating on experience

Learning Experience • Overall Satisfaction • Satisfaction of learning elements

Pre-Arrival • Choice of destination • Key influences • Application process • Visa Satisfaction • Agents


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Terminology in Questionnaire Terminology in Report

Welcome/pickup at airport, railway, coach station Welcome/ pick-up

Academic registration Registration

First night - getting to where I would stay First night

Formal welcome at the university Formal welcome

Internet access at my accommodation Internet access

University orientation University orientation

Orientation (finding my way around the local area) Local orientation

Setting up a bank account Bank account

Accommodation office Accommodation office

Condition of accommodation on arrival Accommodation condition

The social activities Social activities

Making friends from my country Home friends

Making friends from this country Host friends

Making friends from other countries Other friends

Meeting academic staff Meeting staff

Understanding how my course of study would work Study sense

Admissions Office Admissions Office

Arrival Terminology

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Learning - Terminology in Questionnaire Learning - Terminology in Report

The quality of lectures Quality lecturers

The subject area expertise of lecturers/ supervisors Expert lecturers

The teaching ability of lecturers/ supervisors Good teachers

The academic content of my course/ studies Course content

The organisation and smooth running of the course (BA & MA) Course organisation

The level of research activity Research

Academic staff whose English I can understand Academics' English

Getting time from academic staff when I need it/ personal support with learning Learning support

Feedback on coursework/ formal written submissions Performance feedback

Explanation of making/ assessment criteria Marking criteria

Fair and transparent assessment of my work Assessment

Guidance in topic selection and refinement by my supervisor (MA & PhD) Topic selection

Confidence about managing a research project as a result of my experience so far (PhD ) Managing research

The quality of the lecture theatres and classrooms Learning spaces

The quality of laboratories (if applicable) Laboratories

The physical library facilities Physical library

The online library facilities Online library

The learning technology (PCs, networking, etc) Technology

Virtual learning environment (Blackboard/ WebCT/ Weblearn) Virtual learning

Advice and guidance on long-term job opportunities and careers from academic staff Careers advice

Learning that will help me get a good job Employability

Opportunities for work experience/ work placements as a part of my studies Work experience

Studying with people from other cultures Multicultural

Help to improve my English language skills Language support

Opportunities to teach (PhD ) Opportunities to teach

The size of classes Class size

Help to improve my German language skills (if applicable) German language support 73

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Living - Terminology in Questionnaire Living - Terminology in Report

The quality of accommodation Accommodation quality

The cost of accommodation Accommodation cost

The cost of living Living cost

Feeling safe and secure Safety

Making friends from my home country Home friends

Making friends from this Country Host friends

Making friends from other Countries Other friends

Opportunities to experience the culture of this country Host culture

The sports facilities Sports facilities

The social facilities Social facilities

The social activities Social activities

Internet access at my accommodation Internet access

Making good contacts for the future Good contacts

The facilities for religious worship Worship facilities

The surroundings outside the university Good place to be

The transport links to other places Transport links

The availability of financial support/ bursaries etc. Financial support

The opportunity to earn money while studying Earning money

Immigration and visa advice from the university Visa advice

Transport between university locations Transport links uni

The university’s eco-friendly attitude to the environment Eco-friendly attitude

The design and quality of the campus buildings Campus buildings

The quality of the external campus environment Campus environment

The process of finding accommodation upon arrival to the Netherlands Finding accommodation

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Terminology in Standard Questionnaire Terminology in University Questionnaire Terminology in Report

Clubs/societies University Clubs/Societies Clubs/societies

Students' Union Students' Union Students' Union

Student Advisory Student Advisory Service Student Advisory Serv

IT Support IT and system support IT & system supp

International Office - Faculty Level International Office (Faculty Level) Int'l Office (Faculty)

International Office International Office (Central Department) International Office (Central)

Halls Welfare Residential Assistants Residential Assistants

Health Centre Health Centre Health Centre

Graduate School Graduate School Graduate School

Faith Provision Multi-faith provision Multi-faith provision

Disability Support Disability Support Disability Support

Careers Service Careers Advisory Service Careers Service

Counselling Counselling Service Counselling

Catering Campus eating places Catering

Support Terminology

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HS Regensburg (94, inner circle) vs Germany fixed (2513, outer circle)

BA degree

Completion of secondary education

MA degree



Prior to departure…

Was ist Ihr höchster Schulabschluss/akademischer Grad, den Sie vor Ihrer Abreise nach Deutschland erworben haben? What is your highest educational/academic degree prior to your departure to Germany?

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HS Regensburg (95, inner circle) vs Germany fixed (2476, outer circle)



Czech Republic














Prior to departure…

In which country did you receive this educational/academic degree? In welchem Land haben Sie diese Schulabschluss/diesen akademischen Grad erworben?