Advanced Modular Testing Methods for Integrated Circuits by Benjamin Hall, B.S.E.E. A Thesis In Electrical Engineering Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Approved Richard Gale, PhD Chair of Committee Brian Nutter, PhD Mark Sheridan Dean of the Graduate School May, 2015

STS Thesis by Hall 2015

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Page 1: STS Thesis by Hall 2015

Advanced Modular Testing Methods for Integrated Circuits


Benjamin Hall, B.S.E.E.

A Thesis


Electrical Engineering

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty

of Texas Tech University in

Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for

the Degree of





Richard Gale, PhD

Chair of Committee

Brian Nutter, PhD

Mark Sheridan

Dean of the Graduate School

May, 2015

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Copyright 2015, Benjamin Hall

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This thesis may have a single author, but it took an entire team to accomplish

everything I have been able to do. First, I would thank my family. No matter how

difficult life or school got, they always were there to support me and lift me up, not to

mention paying for school. Through my undergrad to my graduate work, my mother,

Hamide Hall, father, Andrew Hall, and Sister Rachel Hall have continued to inspire

me and encourage me to do my best. Without them I do not know where I would be.

Next I would like to thank my committee, Dr. Richard Gale and Dr. Brian

Nutter, for giving me the opportunity to teach this class as my thesis. The advisement

and teachings from Dr. Gale have been invaluable in my studies as a test engineer. I

also appreciate the incredible chance Dr. Nutter took on me by giving me the reins to

my own class.

I would also like to thank the incredible members at National Instruments that

have donated not only equipment, but also their time to helping me in everything

related to the STS. I would especially like to thank Corby Bryan for all the time and

effort he put into training and supporting me ever since I showed any interest in the

semiconductor field.

Finally, I would like to thank the amazing faculty at the Texas Tech University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Richard Woodcock has been

instrumental in providing me with the equipment needed and lending me his wisdom

from his years in the semiconductor field. Jackie Charlebois and Janet McKelvey have

provided me with the resources needed for my class and have consistently supported

and encouraged me. Not to mention they have been a source of entertainment on

difficult days.

No one person is worth more than the other. All I have accomplished requires

each and every person that I have mentioned, and so many more I did not. Without

any one of them, I could not be where I am and do what I do. Thank you all so much.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... iv LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................. vi INTRODUCTION OF SEMICONDUCTOR TEST SYSTEM..................................................... 1

1.1 Background of Semiconductor Testing at Texas Tech ................................... 1 1.2 The Semiconductor Testing System ................................................................ 1

I. COURSE DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................. 4 2.1 Motivation ....................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Expected Learning Outcomes ......................................................................... 4

II. COURSE CURRICULUM ............................................................................................. 6

3.1 Probability and Statics .................................................................................... 6 3.1.1 Central Limit Theorem ............................................................................................ 6 3.1.2 Process Capability .................................................................................................. 7 3.1.2 Repeatability and Reproducibility ........................................................................... 9

3.2 Solid State Physics ........................................................................................ 11 3.3 Testing Strategies .......................................................................................... 12 3.3.1 Continuity .............................................................................................................. 13 3.3.2 Leakage Current ................................................................................................... 14 3.3.3 Power Consumption ............................................................................................. 15 3.3.4 Voltage Output High/Voltage Output Low ............................................................ 15 3.3.5 Functionality ......................................................................................................... 17 3.3.6 Test Plan Development ........................................................................................ 17

3.4 Pin Map and Pin Map Application Program Interface .................................. 18 3.4.1 Pin Map Creation .................................................................................................. 19 3.4.2 Pin Map API Definitions ........................................................................................ 21 3.4.3 Using the Pin Map ................................................................................................ 25

3.5 TestStand and Semiconductor Multi Test Step ............................................. 25 3.5.1 Semiconductor Multi Test ..................................................................................... 26

IV. COURSE EVAUATION ............................................................................................. 29

4.1 Assessment .................................................................................................... 29 4.1.1 Fall Semester Assessment ................................................................................... 29 4.1.2 Spring Semester Assessment .............................................................................. 29

4.2 Instructor Evaluation ..................................................................................... 30

4.3 Future Work .................................................................................................. 32

V. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................... 33 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ 34

A SYLLABUS ................................................................................................................. 35

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The Program for Semiconductor and Product Engineering (PSPE) at Texas

Tech University strives to prepare students for a job in the semiconductor field. One

crucial partner with PSPE is National Instruments (NI), who has donated a state of the

art Automated Test Equipment (ATE) called the Semiconductor Test System (STS).

This thesis discusses the development of curriculum for ECE 5332: Advanced

Modular Testing Methods for Integrated Circuits, which focuses on training students

on how to properly utilize the STS for their own projects. With the STS becoming an

industry standard, students from Texas Tech will be on the forefront of the advances

being made in the semiconductor field.

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1 Semiconductor Test System [1] .................................................................................. 2

2 Different STS Sizes [1] ............................................................................................... 3

3 Ideal Process Capability [2] ........................................................................................ 7

4 Gaussian Distribution with Spec Limits [2] ................................................................ 8

5 Guarbanding Test Limits [2] ..................................................................................... 10

6 Forward Biased P-N Junction [3] .............................................................................. 11

7 Forward Biased P-N Junction [3] .............................................................................. 12

8 Continuity on a Single Pin [5] ................................................................................... 13

9 Leakage Current Test on SMU [5] ............................................................................ 14

10 Power Consumption Test [5] .................................................................................. 15

11 VOH/VOL Test [6] ................................................................................................. 16

12 Overall Pin Map Schema [5] ................................................................................... 19

13 DUT Pin Schema [5] ............................................................................................... 20

14 Instrument Definition Schema [5] ........................................................................... 20

15 Site Definition Schema [5] ...................................................................................... 20

16 Pin Connection Schema [5] ..................................................................................... 21

17 Pin Map API Location [5] ....................................................................................... 22

18 Get All NI-HSDIO Instrument Names VI [5] ......................................................... 23

19 Correlation Between Get All NI-HSDIO Instrument Names VI and

Pin Map [5] .......................................................................................... 23

20 Get Pin Names VI [5] .............................................................................................. 24

21 Pins To NI-HSDIO Sessions VI [5] ........................................................................ 24

22 Publish Data VI [5] ................................................................................................. 24

23 Using the Pin Map API [4] ..................................................................................... 25

24 TestStand Sequence [5] ........................................................................................... 26

25 Semiconductor Multi Test Setup [5] ....................................................................... 27

26 TestStand Test Limits in Excel [5].......................................................................... 28

27 Semiconductor Multi Test Options Tab [5] ............................................................ 28

28 Course and Instructor Evaluation Average Results ................................................ 31

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ATE – Automated Test Equipment

DUT – Device Under Test

DIO – Digital Input/Output (I/O)

ELO – Expected Learning Outcomes

HSDIO – High Speed Digital Input/Output

NI – National Instruments

PSPE – Program for Semiconductor Product Engineering

PXI – PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (also used in National Instrument’s part


SMU – Source Measurement Unit

STS – Semiconductor Test System

TSM – TestStand Semiconductor Module

VI – Virtual Instrument

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1.1 Background of Semiconductor Testing at Texas Tech

The Program for Semiconductor and Product Engineering (PSPE) at Texas Tech

University primarily focuses on instructing students in the different methods for

semiconductor testing. Through this program, students are prepared for an industrial

test or product engineering job. To accomplish this, the students take specific classes

with a focus on semiconductor devices which are associated with a lab component

where students get hands on experience testing various devices utilizing similar

instruments used at semiconductor companies.

National Instruments (NI) is a company that designs and manufactures instruments

for engineers from simple digital multi meters to more complex arbitrary waveform

generators. NI partners with PSPE by providing the laboratory with testing equipment.

The main NI equipment used by the students is the PCI Extensions for Instrumentation

or the PXI. The PXI is a modular device that allows for different types of instruments

to be inserted into a single chaise for different testing purposes. The different

instruments that can be used in the PXI are the same as traditional bench equipment,

such as a Source Measurement Unit (SMU) and a High Speed Digital Input/Output

(HSDIO). Students apply the testing methods discussed in class on a device of their

choice using the PXI.

1.2 The Semiconductor Testing System

The PSPE lab mostly uses bench equipment, but most companies use Automated

Test Equipment (ATE) when it comes to device manufacturing. NI recently started to

shift into the world of semiconductor ATEs in the form of the Semiconductor Test

System (STS). The STS is a system released in August of 2014 that uses one or

multiple PXIs to perform the full spectrum of DC and parametric tests on

semiconductor devices. The system comes packaged with the new Semiconductor

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Module and PinMap drivers for NI LabVIEW and TestStand, programming languages

used to interface the various equipment used in the PXI. The following figure shows

how the STS incorporates the PXI and LabVIEW.

Figure 1 Semiconductor Test System [1]

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The STS comes in three different sizes; T1, T2, and T4 (Figure 1.2). The

different sizes dictate the number of PXI chassis that can fit into one system. The

PSPE lab received a T4, which is capable of holding four 18-slot PXI chassis.

Figure 2 Different STS Sizes [1]

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2.1 Motivation

Within the PSPE lab, the task of training new students on all the equipment had

been left to former students. Though many of the students were able to learn how to

properly use the equipment, there was still a gap between the fully experienced

students and the ones with limited training. At times, students trusted word of mouth

on the proper method to set up a test, which sometimes meant students were doing an

unnecessary amount of work to accomplish a simple task. One such incident is when a

student requested an updated version of switching software to make 124 connections

on a 12 pin device.

With a brand new system introduced to the lab, a former training class was needed

to bridge the gap and ensure all students were properly trained to use the STS. The

class also prepares students with test methods used in industry allowing them to find a

job in the semiconductor field with companies that use the STS.

2.2 Expected Learning Outcomes

In the process of developing the course, a few items had to be completed. First, the

course objective needed to be identified. When considering the objective, the

motivation was taken into high consideration. The final objective was identified as

“To develop the skills needed for industry test standards”. Next, the syllabus had to be

developed. A copy of the syllabus can be found in Appendix A. When considering the

syllabus, the Expected Learning Outcomes (ELO) were identified as the following:

1. Understand modular testing using the PXI-based Modular test system as

implemented by National Instruments in the STS ATE System Map integrated

circuit functional and system inputs and outputs to test system resources


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2. Reconfigure and sequence test programs in the ATE environment using Test


3. Demonstrate expert knowledge of LabVIEW and Test Stand

4. Understand limitations of test equipment in terms of repeatability and


5. Perform statistical analysis on results incorporating device variability and test

equipment precision

6. Summarize test results and present process and test capability analyses

Finally, students with a desire to pursue jobs in the semiconductor field had to be

identified. These students had to have a motivation to learn a brand new system from

the ground up and be willing to help their peers. Fortunately, ten students with these

traits were identified for the first offering of the class in the fall 2014 semester. Their

work then motivated a class of thirty-five for the spring 2015 semester.

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3.1 Probability and Statics

The first part of the course focuses on probability and statistics, with a stronger

emphasis on the latter. First, the difference between probability and statics has to be

understood. Probability is using the known population to predict the outcome of a

sample. For example, if a bag of marbles contains three red marbles, two green

marbles, and five blue marbles, probability is used to predict the likelihood that one

red, one green, and one blue marble will be selected. Typically, test engineers do not

rely on probability, and instead utilize statistics.

Statistics differs from probability by using a sample or samples to understand a

population. Going back to the marble example (assuming now the population is

unknown), if single samples of three marbles are chosen and it is one red, one blue,

and one green, then the population can be predicted to be 1/3 red, 1/3 blue, and 1/3

green. Now if the population is known as it was in the probability example, it is clear

the statics are inaccurate. This inaccuracy is due to the small sample size when

considering the total population of ten marbles. The desired sample size brings up a

fundamental theorem when discussing statistics; the Central Limit Theorem.

3.1.1 Central Limit Theorem

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) states that in the limit of a large number of

samples (< 30), the distribution of a random variable will tend toward a Gaussian

distribution, or bell curve. In the field of test engineering, the number of samples, n, is

the number of measurements taken. Theses measurement values follow the behavior

of a Gaussian and are characterized by two main values, the mean (Formula 3.1) and

standard deviation (Formula 3.2).

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The mean is the average value of all samples. It is the expected and most

probable value whenever a measurement is taken. The standard deviation is the

measurement of the dispersion of the uncertainty of the measured quantity about the

mean. [2]

3.1.2 Process Capability

Statistical analysis used when taking measurements allows for characterization

of device being tested, but in order to fully understand the device, the process in the

manufacturing of the devices must also be characterized. This calculated value is

known as the process capability, or the variation in the process in manufacturing a

product. It is ideally defined as 6σ (± 3σ) so that the maximum number of devices pass

for high production yield.

Figure 3 Ideal Process Capability [2]

The Process Capability can be described with two different factors; the Process

Potential Index and the Process Capability Index. First, an upper and lower spec limit

must be defined (Figure 3.2).

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Figure 4 Gaussian Distribution with Spec Limits [2]

The Upper Spec Limit (USL) is the maximum acceptable value to allow a

measurement to pass. The Lower Spec Limit (LSL) is the minimum acceptable value

to allow a measurement to pass. With the spec limits defined, the Process Potential

Index, or Cp, can be found with the following formula.


Cp is the ratio of the range of passing values and the process capability [2].

The larger the Cp, the more stable the process. Any value less than 2 indicates a

process stability issue.

The Process Capability Index, or Cpk, is the process capability with respect to

the centering between specifications limits [2]. When considering only one side of the

specification limits, Cpk can be calculated by the appropriate value in Equation 4. A

Cpk of equal to or greater than 1.5 is needed in order to achieve 6σ.

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When given a two sided specification, both values in Equation 4 are calculated

and the lower of the two values is taken or the Cpk can be calculated using Equation 5.


Where k is calculated using Equation 6 in which T is the target value and µ is

the mean of the distribution. It is important to note that if T=µ, the distribution is

centered on the mean and therefore Cp=Cpk.

3.1.2 Repeatability and Reproducibility

After considering the variation in the process of the device, the variation of the

instruments must be considered. This brings up the difference between accuracy and

precision. The accuracy of an instrument is its ability to get close to the expected

value. The precision of the instrument is its ability to get close to the same values after

multiple measurements. However, the measurements themselves are not necessarily

accurate. The precision of the instrument is also described as its repeatability and


Repeatability is an instruments ability to take multiple measurements and

return the same result. For example, if the voltage is measured at the output pin of a

device and is found to be 2.5 V, then another five measurements are taken and all are

found to be 2.5 V, then the instrument proves it is repeatability.

Reproducibility is an instruments ability to take measurements under different

conditions and return the same result. Using the output pin example, if the voltage is

again measured the next day and by a different engineer and still returns 2.5 V, then

the instrument proves it is reproducible.

)1( kCC ppk





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However, no instrument is perfect and therefore the repeatability and

reproducibility must be quantified to understand the capabilities of said instrument.

First, consider the standard deviation of repeatability by taking multiple measurements

from the same pin and same device, as in the above example. Then find the standard

deviation of reproducibility by taking the measurements under different conditions

such as time of day, different instrument, or different engineer. Finally, calculate the

sum of the square root of the squares of both values (Formula 3.5).


When considering the repeatability of the instrument, it is important to

implement gaurdbanding, which is a technique used to tighten the test limits to

compensate for the uncertainty of the instrument. Gaurdbanding involves defining a

upper and lower test limit that is tighter on the graph (Figure 5) by ±ɛ as defined in

equation 6.

Equation 1 Gaurdband Limits [2]

Figure 5 Guarbanding Test Limits [2]

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An issue with gaurdbanding is it increases the likelihood of failing good

devices, which is known as a type 1 error. To improve the gaurdband and reduce the

number of type 1 errors, the repeatability and accuracy of each test can be improved,

but this will increase test time. It is important for the engineer to consider the trade

offs of type 1 errors and test time reduction. Typically, a value of 3 or 6 is used for ɛ.

Figure 5 shows upper and lower tests limits that are set by ɛ= 3σ. Using 6σ reduces the

number of passing defective devices, also known as a type 2 error, but may increase

the number of type 1 errors.

3.2 Solid State Physics

When testing semiconductor devices, it is imperative that the physics behind

the device is understood in order to explain why the behavior being observed is

occurring. When developing test methods, it is important to understand how the

electrons flow inside the semiconductor in order to make the proper connections on

the device.

In order to understand the behavior of the electron flow, it is easiest to start

with a simple P-N junction (Figure 3.1), such as a diode. The behavior of the diode

can then be applied to more complex CMOS devices.

Figure 6 Forward Biased P-N Junction [3]

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First, the I-V curve (Figure 3.2) of diode is studied to understand the proper

flow of current when the device is in different states. The first state is the Forward

Current state in which the device is open allowing current to flow. While in the

Forward Current state, the depletion region of the diode is small. The next state is the

Reverse Blocking state. In this state, the diode is in reverse bias and is blocking

current. The depletion region in the blocking state is large compared to the forward

state. Finally, there is the Reverse Breakdown state. After a threshold of voltage is

reached, the depletion region is too large and current starts to sink through the device.

This is a dangerous state to be in as the current is not limited and can damage the


Figure 7 Forward Biased P-N Junction [3]

3.3 Testing Strategies

Semiconductor devices have characteristics that are described in the device’s

data sheet. All device characteristics can be tested and confirmed with the proper

strategy and equipment. Some test values are not explicitly described in the data sheet,

but the test is still important. One such test is continuity.

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3.3.1 Continuity

Continuity is thought to be the bread and butter of testing. It is always the first

test performed for several different reasons. First, continuity is used to detect the

electrostatic discharge (ESD) diodes present in all devices. The diodes are imperative

to protect the device from being damaged in case of static discharge. Since it is known

that all devices have ESD protection diodes on each pin, other than VDD and GND,

continuity is also used to ensure there are proper connections between the device

under test (DUT) and the instruments being used.

The diodes presented in the device are connected from a pin on the device to

VDD and one to GND. To perform a continuity test, all pins must first be grounded.

Next, a current is applied to a single pin on the DUT. When detecting the Vcc diode,

current is sourced. This puts the diode connected to GND in reverse bias which blocks

the current and the diode connected to Vcc in forward bias allowing the current to

flow out the power pin to ground. When detecting the GND diode, the current is sunk.

This puts the VDD diode in reverse bias which blocks the current and the diode

connected to GND in forward bias allowing current to flow to ground. When detecting

either diode, the voltage drop is measured, and is typically around 550 and 750 mV.

Figure 8 Continuity on a Single Pin [5]

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Continuity can be performed on an SMU or HSDIO. The choice of instrument

is up to the engineer and depends on factors such as test time, and the particular device

being tested.

3.3.2 Leakage Current

The input to a CMOS device has high impedance that theoretically allows no

current to flow. In practicality, whenever a voltage is applied, there is a small amount

of current that “leaks” from the pin. Leakage current can detect physical defects, such

as metal filaments that can cause shorts, and an issue in the process of the DUT that

can cause a failure later down the line. This failure is known as infinite mortality [2].

Leakage current can also cause DC offsets which can affect customer applications.

Typically leakage current is less than 1 µA [4]. At times, output pins may have high

impedance and in that case the leakage current should be measured at the output as


When performing a leakage current test, first ensure the DUT is powered on by

connecting VDD to a voltage source. Next, DC voltage is forced on the pin being

tested. The value of the voltage is depends on the type of device being tested. If it is an

analog device, the measurement is taken at the VDD voltage level, and at 0 V. If it is a

digital device, the voltage is set to the input voltage thresholds, VIH and VIL.

Figure 9 Leakage Current Test on SMU [5]

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Leakage current test can be performed on either an SMU or HSDIO. The

choice of instrument is up to the engineer and depends on factors such as test time, and

the particular device being tested.

3.3.3 Power Consumption

The Power Consumption test is used to detect catastrophic failures in the DUT.

As the name implies, the test measures the DUT’s power consumption under normal

operating conditions. Depending on the DUT, the test may need to be performed

multiple times in the different states of the device.

To perform the Power Consumption test, the device is powered on at the

maximum supply voltage. Then, the current from the VDD pin is measured. This

current value is called IDD. Power consumption is the product of VDD and IDD.

Typically an SMU is used to source VDD and measure IDD. An HSDIO can be used

to change the state of the DUT. The highest value is taken as the maximum power


Figure 10 Power Consumption Test [5]

3.3.4 Voltage Output High/Voltage Output Low

When considering device performance, it is important to understand the output

voltage levels to ensure they comply with the system. The Voltage Output High

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(VOH) is the minimum voltage required for output HI at load current. VOH is

measured when the input pins are set to output a HI. For example, in the case of an

AND gate, if the inputs are both set to 1, the value of VOH is the voltage at the time of

the device outputs a 1. When performing VOH, it is important to have a sinking

current acting as a load. If the pins are unable to source enough current to match or

exceed the sinking current, the output voltage will decrease which indicates poor

output circuitry.

Voltage Output Low (VOL) is the maximum voltage required for an output LO

at load current. VOL is measured when the input pins are set to output a LO. In the

case of an AND gate, if the inputs are both 0, the value of VOL is the voltage at the

time the device output is 0. When performing VOL, it is important to have a constant

current sourcing into the output pin to act as the driving circuitry of another chip. If

the pin is unable to sink more current than is being source, the output voltage will be

significantly higher than 0 V. It is important to note the VOH ≠ VOL in order for the

device to not falsely switch between HIGH and LO with the presence of noise.

Figure 11 VOH/VOL Test [6]

VOH/VOL is tested using an HSDIO to control the DUT inputs and

measure the output voltage. An SMU is used to power the device on and sink or

source current to act as a constant current load for VOH, or another chip’s pin driving

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circuitry for VOL [6]. When setting the input levels, 3.3 V is used for an input of 1

and 0 V is used for an input of 0. Different values may be specified in the data sheet

and should be used in place of the typical values.

3.3.5 Functionality

Functionality is a fundamental test for all devices. It is important to ensure the

DUT is operating as expected based on the type of device. In other words, the test

ensures an AND gate operates like an AND gate and an ADC operates like an ADC.

To perform a functionality test, the engineer must first understand how the

device is intended to operate. From there, either the HSDIO or SMU is used to force

the operation of the DUT. Typically an SMU is used for analog devices and an

HSDIO is used for digital devices. An SMU should always be used to power on the

device. When measuring the output, a simple indicator can be used to display a HI or

LO for digital chips. For an analog output, the voltage can be measured and displayed

to ensure proper functionality.

3.3.6 Test Plan Development

Before performing any test, a Test Plan should first be developed. The

intention of the Test Plan is to help guide the engineer while performing the tests. The

Test Plan is also used when anyone that is not familiar with the particular device

attempts to performs tests on said device. The Test Plan should include enough

information about the device that anyone could familiarize themselves enough to

perform all the tests described in the Test Plan. The following is a simple breakdown

of the items considered when developing a Test Plan:

• Pick your part

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• Choose each test to be performed

• Choose number of parts

• Choose number of times to test

• Choose instruments to use

• Defend reasons for each decision

The final item of defending reasons for each decision is essential in the Test

Plan. All choices made have pros and cons. It is important that trade off studies be

made when it comes to considering items like instruments being used and number of

times to perform each test.

3.4 Pin Map and Pin Map Application Program Interface

The Pin Map and Pin Map Application Program Interface (API) are essential

parts of testing using the STS. The Pin Map is used to make connections from the

DUT directly to the instruments being used. The Pin Map is created as an XML file

utilizing a specific schema. Within this file the following are defined [5] (Figure 3.7):

• Tester Resources

• Pins o DUT

• Test cell sites

• Connections between tester resources and DUT pins

• System pins

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Figure 12 Overall Pin Map Schema [5]

3.4.1 Pin Map Creation

DUT pins and system pins are defined first on the schema (Figure 3.7). Each

pin is defined by its name and associated with a single DUT. The pin name can be

anything, but it is best to use the name in the data sheet to avoid confusion. DUT pins

are associated with each test site where as system pins are associated with all test sites.

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Figure 13 DUT Pin Schema [5]

Next, instruments are defined on the schema. NI-HSDIO and NI-DCPower

instruments are natively supported by the Pin Map and are automatically defined. First

the type of instrument is defined followed by its name. The name of the instrument

must match the name given in NI-MAX. Finally, the number of channels is defined.

Figure 14 Instrument Definition Schema [5]

After defining the instruments, the site connections are defined. The STS is

capable of 4 sites in total. The site number must start at 0 and continue consecutively

without gaps.

Figure 15 Site Definition Schema [5]

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Once all parameters are defined, it is time to make the connections of each pin

to the device resource. When defining the connection, start with the pin to connect.

Next, define the site the pin is connected to. Then, define the desired instrument.

Finally, define the instrument channel to complete the pin connection. Ensure all

names and numbers are the same as the definitions previously defined.

Figure 16 Pin Connection Schema [5]

3.4.2 Pin Map API Definitions

The Pin Map API is the connection between the created Pin Map and the test

program in LabVIEW. It can be found under TestStand Semiconductor Module menu

in the Functions tab (Figure 3.11) on the block diagram. The Pin Map API comes

complete with VI’s for NI-HSDIO, NI-DCPower, Radio Frequency instruments, and

Switching instruments. It also includes a “Get Pin Names” VI and a Publish Data VI.

Both are essential in programming the various tests and being able to view the data

from the tests after they are executed.

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Figure 17 Pin Map API Location [5]

The first VI that will be discussed is the “Get All NI-HSDIO Instrument

Names”. This VI returns all the instrument names as defined in the created Pin Map.

The VI simply takes the input from the Semiconductor Module Context (SMC) and

outputs a string of the instrument names that are then routed to the HSDIO VI.

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Figure 18 Get All NI-HSDIO Instrument Names VI [5]

Figure 19 Correlation Between Get All NI-HSDIO Instrument Names VI and Pin Map


The “Get Pin Names” VI (Figure 3.14) takes the SMC and outputs all the pin

names as defined in the Pin Map. There are separate outputs for DUT Pins and System

Pins. The output is a 1D array of strings. This array is then used as the input to the

“Pins to NI-HSDIO (or DCPower) Sessions” (Figure 3.15) to develop the channel list

needed for the HSDIO VI’s.

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Figure 20 Get Pin Names VI [5]

Figure 21 Pins To NI-HSDIO Sessions VI [5]

The “Publish Data” VI takes an input of the Pin Query Context, which contains

all the pin information from the pin map, and correlates it with the Data In to generate

a report. The Publish Data Id is defined by the engineer and must correspond with the

name in TestStand.

Figure 22 Publish Data VI [5]

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3.4.3 Using the Pin Map

The Pin Map API allows for several changes when programming a test. First,

the instrument name resource is defined by the Pin Map API and it no longer a control

or constant. Next, the instrument channels no longer are hard defined, but instead

defined by the Pin Map API. The initialization and closing of the HSDIO sessions also

no longer need to be defined as they will be done in a separate VI. Finally, the output

measurement is not a simple indicator, but instead reported using the “Publish Data”

VI with the pin name associated to each value.

Figure 23 Using the Pin Map API [4]

3.5 TestStand and Semiconductor Multi Test Step

TestStand is a sequence editor that is designed to run multiple tests in a

specific order. Within TestStand there are different terms that must be defined. First, a

Step is an operation or test in a test program [5]. A sequence is an order list of steps.

Sequences are run in order to execute the steps in the order the steps are listed.

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Within the sequence, there are three test groups: Setup, Main, and Cleanup.

Setup contains steps that initialize the instruments that will be used. Main contains all

the steps of the tests that are to be performed. Cleanup contains all steps that reset and

close down all the devices initialized in Setup.

Figure 24 TestStand Sequence [5]

3.5.1 Semiconductor Multi Test

TestStand Semiconductor Module (TSM) adds a new step to TestStand called

the Semiconductor Multi Test (SMT). SMT is used to load LabVIEW VI’s that use the

Pin Map API into TestStand and set up the test. SMT allows for multiple

measurements to be made in a single step, and multisite execution.

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Figure 25 Semiconductor Multi Test Setup [5]

When setting up tests using SMT, several parameters must be defined. First,

the Test Number and Test Name are defined by the engineer and will appear in the

logs. The name and number do not affect the test, but it should be something that

allows for simple recognition of the test. Then, the Pin field is a drop down menu that

contains all the pins ad defined in the Pin Map. The Published Data Id is the string

from the Publish Data VI and both names must match exactly.

The High Limit and Low Limit are values as defined by the engineer, typically

found in the data sheet. These values are used to determine if the pin pass or failed.

When defining the limits, only put a numerical value into the field. Next, select the

scaling factor from the drop down menu, and finally input the unit being measured.

The limit fields will automatically be populated by the scaling factor and unit.

When defining the test permeates, some engineers may find it more convenient

to use a program such as Microsoft Excel to more quickly define each test. To do so,

simply go to the Semiconductor Module tab at the top of TestStand and select “Export

Test Limits from [Sequence Name]”. From there the engineer can open the test limits

in Excel and edit it as they wish. It is important to stick with the format of the opened

file (Figure 3.19). It is suggested to define at least one limit before exporting the file to

edit. Once complete, select “Import Test Limits to [Sequence name]”

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Figure 26 TestStand Test Limits in Excel [5]

The Options tab of SMT contains options that allow the engineer to control the

test. First, there is an option to stop performing tests after the first failure. When this

option is enabled, the step will stop after detecting a single failure and continue to the

other steps in the sequence. This option is mostly used for debugging purposes, but

still may be useful when performing tests on devices.

Next, the evaluation comparison mode has several different options to

determine the evaluation of a pass or fail. The multisite option allows for choosing

different multisite performances. “One thread per subsystem” is default and generally

selected. Finally, an option to specify DUT is available that assists with debugging.

Figure 27 Semiconductor Multi Test Options Tab [5]

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4.1 Assessment

Throughout the course of the semester, students were assessed on their

retention of the material discussed in class. Several forms of assessment were used to

ensure students were meeting the Expected Learning Outcomes (ELO). The fall and

Spring semester varied slightly based on the number of students. In the fall, only ten

students were enrolled allowing the assessments to be more project based. In the

spring, thirty-five students enrolled making the assessment more exam and quiz based.

Both semesters had the same final project.

4.1.1 Fall Semester Assessment

In the fall 2014 semester, ten students were enrolled in the course. With that

being the case, the ELO’s were met using a project based approach. First, an exam to

demonstrate the ability to design tests in LabVIEW using NI-HSDIO to meet ELO’s 1,

3, 4, and 5. The average for the first exam was a 90. A final project was assigned to

use the STS ATE to perform all tests discussed in class using TestStand, TSM, and

LabVIEW on a logic gate. The final exam was designed to meet ELO’s 1-6. The

average of the final exam was an 87. Two Quizzes were also given to meet ELO’s 5

and 6. The class average of both quizzes was a 95. The final average in the class was a

94, with all students earning an A for the semester.

4.1.2 Spring Semester Assessment

The spring semester had thirty-five students enrolled in the course. After the

lengthy amount of time to arrange the first exam project for only ten students, it was

clear another assessment model had to be developed. First, two quizzes and a written

exam were administered to meet ELO’s 4-6. The class average for the written exam

was an 87. The class average of both quizzes was an 86. After the first exam, quizzes

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were given daily in class to meet ELO’s 1-3. Because the material was brand new to

the students, the quiz answers were discussed in class and the student received a

participation grade. The same final project was assigned to the spring semester class to

meet ELO’s 1-6. The project is still in works and the results are pending.

4.2 Instructor Evaluation

In the fall semester, students enrolled in the course took a course and instructor

evaluation survey. The students were was three questions:

1. The course objective were specified and followed by the instructor

2. Overall, the instructor was an effective teacher

3. Overall, this course was a valuable learning experience.

The students were to answer the above questions on a scale of 1 through 5, 1

being the Strongly Disagree and 5 being Strongly Agree. Table 4.1 has the average

results from all ten students for the three questions.

Table 1 Course and Instructor Evaluation Average Results

Course and Instructor


Average Score from 10


1. The course objective were

specified and followed by the instructor

4: Agree

2. Overall, the instructor was an

effective teacher

4: Agree

3. Overall, this course was a

valuable learning experience

4: Agree

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Figure 28 Course and Instructor Evaluation Average Results

Some students from the fall made suggestions that assisted in shifting the focus

of the material in the spring semester. First, a student suggested better training on the

brand new equipment. For that, students in the spring have been trained on the

equipment in the lab one on one after arranging a time with the instructor. There was

also a stronger emphasis on how to properly use the STS in class with several

demonstrations. Another student suggested the instructor needed to improve on

teaching capabilities. To meet that, the instructor met with several colleagues and

advisors to receive advice. The instructor also met with former students in order to

better structure the class based on their feedback of what material they felt needed

more attention. This helped the instructor organize the class better and be more

effective in the classroom.









Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

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4.3 Future Work

The course had proven quite popular to students wishing to learn advanced

methods in semiconductor testing and it continually requested to be taught another

semester since some students were unable to take it when offered. Currently, a student

from the fall 2014 semester is tutoring the class. His knowledge and ability to assist

the students in the spring 2015 semester had prepared him to take over instructor the

course in the fall 2015 semester. The course has also brought more attention to the

structure of the semiconductor testing curriculum at Texas Tech. Students are

requesting a stronger emphasis on equipment training mixed with testing theory. The

PSPE faculty and senior students are in works to incorporate the hands on training into

the curriculum.

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The technological world is always changing, and it is the goal of academia to

prepare students for all the changes. With the introduction of brand new state of the art

equipment, it is the responsibility of instructors to introduce and train students so they

can be prepared for new industry standards. The STS is just one piece of technology

students will be tasked to use when they move onto their jobs into the semiconductor

field. The main focus of the PSPE is to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

It is also the focus of this course to give students a chance to learn new equipment

being quickly adopted by their field, and give them a leg up in the job market. One

student from the fall 2014 semester landed an interview based on their work with the


The curriculum of semiconductor testing at Texas Tech will continue to grow

with the changing world. The STS and Advanced Modular testing course are just one

step in the advancement of technological knowledge that will stimulate the student-

industry partnership.

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[1] “NI Semiconductor Test Systems – National Instruments.” [Online] Available:


[2] G. Roberts, M. Burns, et al. An Introduction to Mixed-Signal IC Test &

Measurement, 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

[3] “Analogue electronics/pn junctions” [Online] Available:


[4] “Diodes-SparkFun.” [Online] Available:


[5] NI STS 2013 Training Material[Proprietary]

[6] “Output Voltage Level Testing Technical Details (VOH,VOL) - National

Instruments.” [Online] Avaliable: http://www.ni.com/example/30948/en/

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