I V., 79. Na 20,061. WWASHNGTON. IA . FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 189L E.'v'(I ' THE EVENING STAB ]DAILY, i7tCHT! .AZ, AT TOR STAR WILDING& 11a Iamyl.nis ttw% cuumer 11t1 ft. y UO Zv.sipg Star >ewiipapa Owpalp a a HAL'Y?]L& , rra.'L Zw yak o/', i9 ArtsP Tan R.sa Std Is s'rvd to ssbretibevolslkf wsk~ es oar !hilt W"M costs .or i. swe l Mau i theraai al....at .na aw¢wt aY rata per month. [)! * a > tl..sy t9raa S1 OOp parr) dosed as she Pow 0r.. .5 W.. ear, D .C." df...dsis Mad a.ra.1 -. All are w0.ctipflwsi test be tali to son am )tots at alaattetnr Lade taws w applttm"M FINANCIAL OVTHi OF THR Aftsatcalt SRCtrauTT AND 9M WT OoMPANT-TwV.m iiPOSlT$$ Asa $1ORAOR. A SOOT T*IIST1.-TM AA awlrtyMTr.w.wanN.d at by trig, end the oht.d .t A An.alspa.W Mto1...'.. and .Oeet. ioo.s Ni3y. to pos. said !coal: bears the aN.M.os st oakisp r iattl.p.t.bi Tru COMM ., yaw AdatlaYf.st'. 1La.cseor or Trades, 1adlvWs.Ip dM. bat Trs s Camposin .coml. ahfck itv.e the cospaty .soth.r ar. t silvans" over the bitvf& td. Tb. compoy bess"ar.ae" NOUN W" .SMs specially asap. fed so asses-s it..rversl bwtseb a adbodb.d.alt Mbytars.ea$M.I. vartd .titorI. sad ears asss- etst bar mMJw It Y ina moth b.f. t.r P@Gill a t..sban.. the sots. of the askew sad rashe to muse re- mmmrstty. that Is ft pe..ibt.l.r the isdivideal to do. Those samm . .e =my other w.esa_ why IS beat to same the Atasrtcaa asrstty rail Trust cauqual to a" an Yom Trat.s. tasssiar. a"taMQ.or. 6asrolaa. Ac. A SOOT DYPr)0T1.-Till. A* awes to "'k-us wrreh- JALA lessMass. Wessy abeam A A be ad* t .ors war y. W. afll r.aata..el sae.te w may w deposit some allow roar fatostt !locos. Tb.l.cr.... to the aast- b,r of lepoI.ors the paw !.w s.sl1.toam.twr foe eoadntata" 1 S..aril Is is the d.5s of sb..oaa. ps"y to ribs the I.r.,. po..NN pmemkvti. ettad dsAsa the fares oaf 7b"r. T s.s~r.ts of tb. vart- some local stabs and agranl.Wos. 40 .memdslly JAVO d to depowf the aatpias farad. sulk the eas- p.q. s seek fasda 1610 dsew ts- imw ls/ !,mods aahl..t to shott wallttma A SOOT STOiAOR.-Why a AA co.eb..tbtwssa fNa.sala" W e.st.tau wasbaa.. of eh. A Alaseteaa tl.esrlts ad Trial C.apaay. aadd.I 63weae11 far the ewrpsov. WA lho atnlealey Of wore.. ~ .a*. rot. p.scL Squalor WOOL am btast6m IM the woeaae of MANOR an% Moo alias, rose brim brie. Ac. Par .camas r..p, wteh hey., e... tr.ltd by the rosters. Zapurt bad:.r. and prtM to stave yasr .!seta. Drags a.d w.Roas of aod- ara a atatreetws for baattay. The company will a1s. centime tomess year bw.a --.Li art ems fsem ass hweamindodalf.sseam b THII AYPPICAJ DTI A26D TYC$T OA. Is. HIS 0 IT. I LW. A. T. arllM......««..........Ptatitsf, C. J. ada.......... First VIVO PilloidtoL A. A. Tb ..as....l.cwd ViorPwofdtsf raw, i Hwi.r..... ......... Tlo.sa..' o...te IL R-,aaaR...... ..... Gocgeg ry. n Dlrsetoce: PbUadspbta Dhow A. T. Sdtt.e. Williams It. Cbef.% a J. ai$. Pilots D.raas.d aL W. !swath., DanielD&"VME6 I1.ary If. )bast. Johns. Hateht-..p sass. C. aas....o. J.a. a. Jaahs soon.. 4k. Room, Sorry $. L.srilkk Jam i Pad. Cabb J. IPsq as" IL sot. a. Ci.de.Port Jab. IL Hief.mn. Alan L Mood, )Incl. Ifomt% II. S. l$frp 311. IL Fagbm F-W&AVOW, J.m..e. Parr Vt. O =b._p..t#, Onw1d O IS Lam. del A. WiM=dL Ili 26116' .e IlM a ii. Wall" 1 ~w.iS edO R AMR A 2LDD VA MUMMOMi ""ID ASIJRS70N SAILWAT Co. t. adbr for ml. Rb. of their earns! .soaku., _,, etbt0Cemoona by .sw0 1. tiled fr I Y. 191181F1.t tls... s maafwd by ton ebsr it:X.s par sauna y ur t es, at wb.rrfwar sad tN balwore a swat w..ad Ia web aawaf. Y lh. bwal of dtnnfeaa.f .s the wet be sod. ty d . eat saf>tif. qa.th..wlt sail D 1W) bejm . cis..r tbs. th atrAS Is 16016 USBRAl tra'str lOW. oAte. wiu bb.....iar foss tr. . os.w b.tiw t. .W 1.emn#U f. th.a to. dopedOw new. a.a sp salt it..ar. aw r wet MOOS a LO tltn lsaaltlaAtl.s.Nb. r. shLON of so pwwt. >ti. es the IStb An of Oefsb.r, Iwt a s a. x111 b.e.atdadapea as i4. cI.sh Sea "M ma to dv eh.ms[ar out ah..wt. FINANCIAL TMCWT tirET THXlt aEIXD TH ASS. fismm( acutain abmt-trqmo ord, al tow te a At- eswlt emuummca. Tbhem~ewau .as I.ntall. tt 'ate to FOR bow apd It 1i to be insured is seh a wta.aal a"d laritaaea*. emuaaw~ a Esii!. fle..rk. ~Wr1e u.~ M flAYS TOW ANT? 131.3 3013, It u. pat " lre the bealad So NATIO2NAL O. OPK~tATIVZ I3V1W1N0 and ISVNSTKKN? *310. CIATION. SUMW is AND 1.3? US TALI IT 0135.' UI.DiA. DAM? a CO.. javelins hwebas. mlSkm.w. 1411*h. a.v. FEks OflCMO 300Mmn Pi HUT Is gho sw batd as of the aeblmgbea Laes ad Tret Comspay. ac 9th1 and ia. 3'mvw mo. mrawmaean~d eam33sa for as vwtpe iam lops wat ftat ivs is thia fosin 0111310 11. H. WAUNXEN. Pnseiat. UAETZ-TOOTO 107 TV %T A 1311- das lveaoat atbelosais the yrciasm a( the Yesn Devtesua Cablomed Caer, Irma.ad Mtall- w aprt C~pasJ hoes 4. Waahhaeto. Loss wla TENs1UIT. W. A. SUS. lme "Wash.tbs beak -nebeSa Is" 6.3 T"ZEsBuUT It CO.. 3a'KL35 ANED ISROZEN. 133 F ST.. WABN1i3OTONt. D. O.. Shay end mth u as ah Mamb. 3mb4. ltrwallowed an deposits. Out..It- teipeme a sme~iltV. AUl Latal Saturtte.dealt is. a enaatsmw all Market.. Tolsbax~56 J 250 W. (10380. duO. W. M~ACAITNET Useabm X.. tash i 003401 At ACAUNKLT LOTJLZ NWU.DIXO. 14191 T T. N. 7.. Dmkemss as Deelem L i lvamnt Dose. D.epeib. Iahease Lamos. COdleeetteama. Na dauh at s. hlapi Hsosd lsia allmssl iia B mmatm Dbmh. daae dmbe lak~ ekboemhtaadmilS SPECIAL NOTICES. Iran we pe be .t-m we"4our s .kon. Woatri1_ __mo thsa sman *Mb am !sda teo Ten d li pw h 1 when~ ml ho hwels -t- .weo ON am" yea wm e ado Uphebeasmi-we usl.slls wataSlyal fieos. we sam" Sot di- 334 he allow a aompsaa hew toeamy~ a ampesla Msk as/ pa. eeta iaimm.nw We marl ha eo wth 'et ea- peembm.S look to u for the lost miams Is osute .m4we pr a es ~mua sal b d. i.u . bwil m oa b e a bm1 asath and the wast to.,n wa proba$bl e in a vii thisek-th. muefo. hee s?3w m s wail peepam at pee.. b~as~ el tuI il mbl Nab wams mdl wl. Spmd. whenas. me& weE. at pes ask! !.3N.3H00101 MANY. 00.. ElSE. 10m1ll~ 1. new. SPECIAL NOTICES. TUALT SM. WONN'i A 71 . * etr Friday ntight Miss lat fr w fn test medm. Durn' day. Friday. e ? attrainia. Mr.. Casel', 110:ld at. a... U-'llMAONIC.--A STATED COMMUNICA- tion of Blot John'. Lodse No. 11. F. A. A. tember U, .at 7: roic.k p.m. woA rd deanre. aM betryQ of other CFILL, $oeisly (saited. B; oe W. (a . F .tay. J3CR' A YR YOU A MOETIAGU ON TOUR ROUSE! In ceasetyear bath would that mortgaue be ee.' eteesi? A pelly in the Wahtasta BenSaci En- deement Asmocation will provide agmimnt jast each a cent11emay and preserve the hoeestema for the wie and little sems. Mod o idrela THE WAUBINGTON BENEFICIAL ENDOWMENT ASSOOIATION. .ea4 419 16th gehet. SDIL. EDITH JEWkLL SAS RETURNED to the city and reopened her dental oac. at 13t loh t. u. w. .e'2-1 we BibI FOU THE OGiAND STAND BAR ah d reuaurant priavuere for fall meeting of the aeifactos Jockey Club (comnmeueinW October 21. and continul ten 'las. to November a) will he recetyvd upto TUX DAY. herteuiber'4, at Y o'clock Peer. The right t reserved to reject say and all bide. E cCUflE CO.dliITTEE, 0883Mt W Ullard's oteL. ! LA WIER' BRIEFS. Ourleel Iein.y cents a pare and if the briefe=- use. ea ags. lihy-Sve ceas Tlephonesesa. JOHN F. SHEIRY. ..R$ a3 D at. n.w. Mic-DR. NEVIN B. SHADE. Practive Unaited l Long a.nd Throat trouble. eto st. i. w.. Wahington. D. C. Hos THE FIRM OF MOCKBEE & CO. WISH eo announae to their patrons and the public generally that they have resumed business in their old stand. 345 F st. a. w.. where they will carry a large and csonplete stock of Gentlemen'a. Ladies'. MIae' and Boy' She.. luet-clae goods and low prices. 2OCEBEE & CO.. esela-w* 1208 F t. n.y. scilblSO L.OING BACKWARD. From now on Summer Clothing ay still have its use. but the ma. jority of urn are now mterestrd in tr/ rat at. Hence. we pt for- all Overcats, Tusers,- Never had so many or auch ice Fall Overcoats before 010 to $'5- for "1% to 1:10 we !rive about all that ah needed in both quality and style. We cleat mt 7 y. in. satuday 11. GEORGE SPRANSY, am0 4;!M7th at.a. w. NO~L~~ TPE ITO:KHOLDER' MEET- - The annamml uee ting of th- stock- the ot eomny ,t the 1itnt at beld u SATUIRD)AY, the l0th day of Oce 1 atI o'clock p.m.. at the comipany's a~c..4~4 1th t itbildliii). for tihe p~urpose of electinur a board of trustees and transeating uh othe beune-s a may came before the atockhmoldera. JAIL. FULLa.RTON. Secretary. Wakhnatom, D. C.. Sept. 18. 1i0L. ais-lawsw THEY CAN'T BE BEAT! Oar vineeble shart-ale of Wamaeutta muslin and 214 linen beoma-tMS tnate; i: for {i. Thew shirts aye eat extra fall in bodies-and skirts are extra long- and an rt-cla in everr t. At SE em 'US FOR SHIRTS, DANCu LTIIMUiE SHIRT FACTORY. 901 9th at. n.w.. Near Junction tht at. and New York ave. . X. Elery.-Mangara.--Jos. H. Ireland. mlS.St V3 R SEPT. 22 TO 20. INCLUBIVE, We onto a Strictly Aih-wool Biast hevbst Ye-, cuwser. ather Ieare-eut Coat. Jar es.50. WN. GARNER. The People's Clothier. as5-3= 1016 7th at. a.w. WEDDINGS6 FOR FALL. Invitation. en.rraved and printed in the orrect style at the lowest rates. See BYRON S. ADAMS. _ Printer, er 512 11th .on.w. PARACHUTE JUMPS And gsmola toves are running a race in the et accidents. For the renaaning warp wearier it will not only be efer but with an economic a the *wiate's hu " Is will pay you to pur- J. MAURY DOTE. VaM Ire. andt a lete. n. ; brnc~h oc 146 N and 1651at n. w.; wharf, foot of h and d at. n.w. (se rim I AM NOW ATTENDING MY OFFICE dail e B s fo a~~top.m. *51-ba L''d Fat. .w. aLLACE CURTAINS. -Wee"ur.elvesoptheualty et our werI " have one o[ our wagrm TOLMA STEAM LAUNDRY. 41....Oa.t...w. NOT ALL IS G.D THAT GLITTERS. AND NOT ALL WATCHER ARE TIMEPIECES. Every WhtehI all laaccompanied with . wrut....ste r-......ad..gura.te. No Wateh asid out et my store unless prer ly beam thed and eompazed with the U. S. Observatory time and fSoud to be perfect in=-ap--e A. L SALTESTEIR. 53.. EEADQUANTERS FOR.ANERICAN WATcE. Ma.7ih at. n.y. hanah: Oar. Main and G.ma e.. Seafolk. Va. CE CUSTAUNINESS MEE ICE CO MPANY.417 FCt elewbes. ley as.em aee . an n aim(tber lh Teel o et~~N eatccr. al-3m OAEINA N 1CEGMENY.CAMDQ. W- O1. I, I N C EA N CA wm as11116t E st. n~w. ARE TA EAS. We haveit our hanam orse a euaaeo-boe aaeat of whack eqiaae sest- aetn pa) n.set et aswarm et asaa rnge due the 2nmETIBe TAZEMI. 111 m. sa *141h and Ubater Noeltuse ueeed. REWARD. thbeea~pe .r e 53.66Se S ass tasV ....3 ena.... SPECIAL NOTICES. to attend the next meeting. M AY. MEl TING OF ViSGIRIA Rk~U A1I ffL a let' ArioQ weed K d y sts THI1 bNOe O. dS will addrems the meeting. All Vieginia repmbtcss i EAD IS-AL SNS HVING are sto ell o e deUIa SI Y k ua of 01 r. iM, er they wUl eo4 tosyj cb- r WI CANNOT SPEAK TOO NZBNI~T of out atoll of =600eila 0mi01l mporld goods. We ave h the st ee know American miaie, Our ts - Fne English Umbrella. tom1 Is unequaled. Is hoc Smith met t5 LTibreila that Lou be ari a ae, so scunll as it when rolled. Esa nicee real aund laicy baack border. Utakh * liuht. dressy and andy oever foteither asun or rein. $4 andl Si. Let urn elt you : ne Umbrela. 'Twill he practicing economy. B. H. BTIXEMETE & SONS, e18 eoes 1237 Penna. ave. mw. A3OUT ARTISTIC P IOTOORAPES. ww I propose to Introduce new teatures this tail which cannot fail to aid heKtofre ujredtatI nen to make this the be C"! aft te am~rtve to taken The buildala hae been renmodeled. reacted and refurnishedi with sece coal adaptarenes to pro. eluceang the mlost arosi and real.atc results 4)Lu.~ FpPLUNCR. Aitlut Plnot.rrapber. Car. 1th at. ana Pa. a,.. nw. sas2.t is (u~er Ilreotana~ Sz'DO YOU KNOW XZ~that I Lave the largest forteof tal- ors. aand skile cut- terain thercty? That I have dul e i apace of any teUor Inthlecity? oo know that the lanloringmn town donae rigt here.? lrop in and see for youaraelf, OEO. T. KEEN. sab 4149t aR .wm G. WARFIELD SIMPSON. Tailor. Car. 9th an a Isia w. What do you think of It? A vest of cloth all the way through. No more light allesia or serre linings in the back of your vest un- less you desire it. You can have your choice. It 15 as necessary to keep the back warm as it is the chest. The oes Is gen- erally overdressed and the other too lightly dressed. Putting a cloth Uatg in the back of the vest-mak- lng the entire vest of one piece of cloth-aboat evens it up. If In search of some- thing dressy and solusive in Tronaserngs sad Suit- ings drop In and take a peep at the assostament. Baits to order, 12S up. Trome to og@@, M up. 0. WARFIELD SIMPSON. Expert in Trousers. 15 Car. 9th and ese. a.% Wien ISgPR3TANT TO' PRINC 003GE'S C NTMD., TAXPAYXR Teundereigned collector and tresror of sli oun .will be at PORN A. 3AEZ'M p5I.hv. Webisgttm . .,on TUBSDA1 and WD~DY feptabr : and W . 1'. il1 betwean. the houm 01 Sa. Va. n n the .uosterfa e:2, lJ,ti,..I' Cufolleto sad Treseurer. NYOU IT IT buy THE PITTSBURGH From MUDDIMAX. 614 ith at. LAMPS. -ISS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCE .. Ths Is to mereli that a late husband. L. H. Hay- den., who was sick fromn the let of Fdaruaty. eouwv1 regularly the sumol Vtt dilatser watk eSIt BENEFIT from CARPENTERS AWJOINERS' AR- WEMILY. No. 1748. K. of L., up to the tane of his death. eptember 13. 1W1 when I received promptly the sum of **-0 as DEATH BRN SPIT. For the above I desire to exprees s DN. ae25-3t 12191. ave. .e. K~a NML F. P. WAITS, Htaving removed from 10th ad L de n. w b pre- scription ale I'. at Prentiss' Phesmacay. corner of 9th and Y ate. n. w. . where al renewis ca be lad, s-Mt ! Wehess5e eueng WE ARE THE PEOPLE. Tee, we are. That Band.ssed North Caroe lna Lumber drives all comnaangrad--a out ofthe market. And the price only S.LI per Ihimista IJbbey. Nittinger & Miller, MILL WORE. LUMBR AID NA3DWA3M 9th at. ad New YOrt ave. a.w. . And auuS-shn 11th and 0 st. se. MISS NIA M.R5 WILL~fN Juvenileeolms co Te EUD! eaeab :i pm. eUt SOWNEES OF VACANT SORUS NW uerdemuch have you lstebayWasSa will be prompty 5Usd. Mr.p~s.& glad personally to show all yaus matr ue ae tho the o ompan sa ats the f.ul e~~aui51J Thecastyof the work asmeftsm Wi. o ce I rm h s be smealers at thewosh, edsmgf ti esse wr~a ee Snlde.Tee ~ b andn~m Washington Hews and Gas mien to Adv.ern-.-=-a= 3 AMUSM. .. .....n.e ATiOunE'a .....................................P.. 3 AUCTION ALE .......... ......ae o OYCL . ........................................ Pare 7 DOARDINO ................ 3 DUBIlEEam CRANCE.,.......................Pape x CBl3OPODIaTe ............................Page 7 - TE S. .. .............. U D T s .. ........ . ....... , ........... ....Page DmIT ........ ....................pas. 8 Nar~I~.«.............................a. m SAK 0 mwPLI ................ . .....Pa.e 8 FINANCIAL . . .Pae 1 O 311T (Piaw........................P..a t Fit ANB A (Oft.. ............................Paw OR RENT (H.).............................Pau. 2 FOET (OItem)..............................Pa.. ! 1O3 33E1T (He=m..................e I 103 RENT (Zeon../ ....................... 2 POR3RENT (tehm.......... ..........es 3"E BAET (8aMs).......................e .. .AE(0==.............. ................ a3 102 SALE (Lou ............................Pas 3 LOCL I~mor,,,,,,,,, .. 1as. 8 OR oAE remaV...............ae LOST AND 3U11,s..........................M. 3 LOCALE 3umx., - . .ae L ANI D 000..................Page 3 MEAL .TEB....... ....................ane ? LICELLANOU............«.......Pae MTE1 WANTED AND TO AN............ Pa 3 NEW PUB .CATI ........................Page a MOCANSI MU... ........................Pae S OMAC' 3fOS......................... Page 6 PANO AND O TOIAN ...........Page?3 PS0N1!AL........... ...............Pap s POFASIONVE...... .... ............. S PIANO A. .A...............................V.e 7 AD..................................... 2ap PEE NONAL,............... P.. e g UNNE0BAL8..,................... .... .......Pe ! WANTED (o.m)...........«..-Pa2 ECHAlp .TCE ...........................Page1 WANTED(eoa).......................Pae2 Ed TED (....... .............................9age 2 WANTED (Room,=).... ...........................s f WARTED (Sitaauaoae)............................Pep f WA L U ""M"*s ........................P= .27 GoRnuiinTs Bacamrrs TonA.-Interalree- enye, $619,994;customs, 06!,830. W. T. McFAu, was yesterday appointed a fourth-clan postmaster at Payne's, Va. Wu.LLram8. Casa of Connecticut has been ap- pointed law clerk to the commissione of pat- ents. A CoxsuL Agpoman.-The President has appointed Chas. W. Erdman of Kentucky to be United States consul at Stockholm. A Customs CoLmacrom Aromna.--The President has appointed Chas. D. Eddy of Rhode Island to be collector of customs for the district of Bristol ana Warren, B. L PnxsatAp.s Fass or Dunr.-The Treasury Department has decided that all pineapples are exempt from duty under paragraph 560, aet of October 1, 1890. NioEEL SrEz.-Thedrst installment of nickel steel plate made in this country for actual use was delivered Wednesday at Cramp's ship yard. It is three-inch protective deck plate for one of the triple screw cruisers. Post Cxapzmag vo Ba Aroaan.-A post chaplain, with the relative rank of captain ($1,500), is to be appointed from civil life to ll the vacan=y caused by the retirement of Chaplain E. W.JZ>Lindesmith. Darot QuArnmaasm.-The friends of Gen. George B. Dandy, the depot quartermaster, are hoping that the quartermaster gneral will determine upon his retention for another term of-duty at the Capitol. NAVAL Onans.-Commander Colby I. Chester has been ordered to comsand the naval cadet training and practice ship Enter- ris. Lieut. John N. Jordon, to duty at the de rolling mills, San Francicos, Cal., as ispeorn ofril steel. BaCantAnT PoeST mys that it will take about $9,000,000 to refund the excess of duties col- lected on hat trimpings in accordance with the agreement arrived at between representatives of the department and attorneys repressating importers of this lass of goods. Mar Coma in Dunr Fins.-Assistant Seere- tary Spaulding has informed the collector of customs at Hartford, Conn., that works of art the production of American artists residing temporarily abroad are exempt from duty under paragraph 757 of the not of October 1 last, without rd to the purpose for which they may be . Tia Bqussr Barusan.-The Treasury de- partment has refused to great a request for the free entry of a gun lent by a eitisen of Chi- cegg to a friend who took it to Canada and s u ently returned it by earns to Port Huron, Michigan, where it is now held for pay- ment of duty on the ground that the gun Iof foreign manufacture and is properly subject to 4uty. ________ B3Ueacr To Tia ADDIIOA. Doer.-The Treasury department has infermad a New York liiorting Arm that under the provisiens ot setionl act of June 10, 18I%~,, the 10 per cent the value declared in yh n try are shbst to the additional duty pro- vided for in maid section, Irrespecogve of the rate of duty lasted thereon. PA? 0Cne Pnouorrous.-Pay Inspeetoe Edwin Stewat and A. 3. Clark of the ermy being promoted to pay direeterm, as slated yes- terday, the following prosmotions aturally ce- eur, after the requitred examiatio=n..are ~d Pam..sm eor.. W.U..m....nd a masth ts eay iaser asslre peeabed bytae Pohsdnt r an ned Ja St oat geddlms *anat Pnfom at~ ani B poetan pne ofarpeer.. t psse. as- Sate s hasa as mmed th by~ayc lateta themratmers .ig of esil emuar ee prea bytharaess t are York aed W. UnieSlates ol e s n m a nerat aM fe- enetheaelst eeshic of esteureej e iethe se ~.d~~m.~tenea. eo ' ao ~~esIee asaMie6---W as .af y Ma. LTMhWg' iecm m.a E-pmsemtens Damdi Satit s e.h .Man 4toseeda It is reported this morning that ex-lepre. .suati~v DnneD of Minnesota, who was the father of the reapportionment under the new censms, wE be appeinted to useaed Mr. as civa at ef r is secommending his appointment. T6n 060 CAMPAXN. Espblisans Advised I* Aves a ese-i eht en eml" It is understood that the republise- ma- agers in Ohio have been advised from Wash- ingtou that they had better stick to the poeti- cet issues and avoid a personal tight against Mr. Campbell, such as was started with the p-biafije ian Ci-mna- with relation to the judgment en a note for 13,10. Ti make an attack om Mr. Campbel's bu=-ness .4t, it is feared, might be as disast-as as was the balot box fegery. It turns out now that he has paid the Judgment and that the at- tack as far as it has gone has proven a boom- erang. At all events experience has shown that it is better to keep to political ounes in a tight such as is being waged in Ohio now and to leave all personalities ealt ea05v3on To TAEE PanT. It seem that Gen. Grosvenor has steles a march on those managers who did not want him to appear in the Ohio campaign without belng revised and expurgated. He has already made dates for speeches in the state and is to open at Pomeroy on Monday. THE POT OFFICIO SETEE. All t ie ispms Ea uesd M Be Mede by Ostoher L. A warrant for the sum et $11,404 has been issued by the Secretary of the Treasury in the name of William J. Aiken in payment for land taken in square 3, this city, for the post offoe site. The work of paying for the square is almost completed, and it is expected by the om- oem of the Treasury Department that by Oc- tober 1 every title will be vested in the govern- ment, and then the supervising architect can begin the preparation of plans. There are thirty parcels of land in thesquare. in seventeen, of which payment has been made directly to the owner. In nine eases there are contests as to ownership, and there are now pending in court applications for orders to pay the money to the court, to be turned over later to the proper person. These orders will be issued ina few days and the delivery of the warrant will constitute a final payment in the eye of the law as far as the title of the gov- ernment is concerned. two casas a*oezes tra. This leaves two cases hanging fire, neither of which is giving any particular difenlity. In the case of W. Stone Abert and others, trustees for the estate of W. y. Stone, there is some formality yet to be observed as to a bond to be fled, but this to ex ted back from the De- partment of justice week. In the case of Nora Morgan and others, - tees for the estate of Dr. J. E. Morgan, the pa- pers will be ready for a warrant by the time the court's order i issued. The remaining two eases are those of B. Ioss Perry, as trustee for John Walter and others, which have bean settled by the payment of the purchase mosey, 426,000, into court. Thea, too, there are twenty additional par- clbeing the land covered by alleywys TeeIs a guestion as to the onrhpof these, the contests being between the personal claimants and the city, and in these cases the money, amounting to lOS, will be paid into the court at the sein time as that for the main Tam smOX PACIFIC. aspect of the Gevernmsset Dtesmosse fi to the C=.uism of the meed. The government directors et the Union Pa- cifc railroad have submitted their report to the Secretary of the Interior, showing a decrease in the net earnings of the road to the extent of 41,417,962, but that the read has been kept in good condition physically. The company beethe report states, suffered financial emaarement, brought about by conditioas impairing the ability of the company to carry its large Seat- tug debt. A crisis in the fnancial affairs et the cau- puny was reaehed in August, 1991. It becamse impracticable to carry the large Seating debt say longer through the banks and trust com- and it became necessary to fund it. at feast for a period sufeient to enable the com- pany to market its seceurities, most of which were already hypotheented in the temporary loans. Measures were adopted at the meeting held on August 16 providing for the issue |f notes to the emqunt of 61!,00.090 running for three years aid per cent, which have been ofered to the ereditore at 9293 per cent, and have at this data, so the directors are informed, been taken or ag-eed to be taken by creditors and others to the amount of about two-thirds, thus relieving the Inanes of the company from any present embarrassment. To secure these notes the company has pledged all its stack and bonds in brach and ausllary nes and in its extensive coaland express properties, in fact every avaashle amet. ==r na=aoon==-. The report esfla attention to the heavy buar- den put upon the read by the laws intended to secure the debS to the geverament, and claims that no es. ean-cosse into a elms knowledge of] the Union Pacfie aiwa yse without being imapressed with tmeend tefr relief from the esaetions and lismiations impessd bylaw. ecaj.honldesh befredfom ayso, mai itt anitself in fair cmetiswith other systessanct so hempered and restrained. In -onlion the report says: "A policy shou, in orJdmnpromp the goven to time and date of paymeat of principal andteratea onterestobe paid as may be wiht e fethe esctomeand L'haingdmathis theUniseaPacife thesldbe as free and uatmmesli as other lines te de- and estead its sgsteam, t a ste theuMd be reaevery restrictienensp those whisk the law all ralny hlasi engaed intsmE.", Waes GuS eSesteet swe-- 1he eii service ss .mas have new te -ess for emaimiebe (bASt Ez==in-, Do- lad et the treasury heroed te cemmis- da==.' lates aeqst by sadifng Kiss An- - sareN and Miss caseasne V. D..e..e.*.. Be the vaeasss kfrsly filled by ma aines, Kiss Vet is a gnaduete et the tSta Nerma BEheel at Ulinessi, and hs beensaelsek in the trcsry for a fedwhie seigpa was h em e mean emat in h pabstdk's enes he hee sein to agsm S somks hgei as wsita latter toedslM IWA a sem Week, isnac to e ases~ s ni af a Uaa Uwiee se es eata Wsm. AT THEIR OWN GAME. Philadelphia's Orioket Eleven mast One From England. R13 IRLE II 11 IEICED. A Washington Convict at Albany in Trouble. A YOUNG RUNAWAY CAUGHT. USTE3i.ATEONAL CIerr. The rbiua epsa Eues met the A£- agt d Mesn Tedey GSamAmeowx Cacunr Goaocusta, Maaruae, PaDE -saLE. Sept :.-T1 lung anticipated cricket match between All-Philadelphla and Lord Hawks's teasn of Englishme. began this morning on the beautiful grounds of the Ger- mantowa Cricket Club. The ven is bright and warm and the crease is to perfect condition. Early in the morning spectator. began to as- semble, gathering in groups and watcbng the practice of the two teams and discassing the probable outcome of the match. The liiladellhiaan were frat on the fald for practice. At a few minutes before Il loud ap- plase. announced the arrival of thseulih mnea. They were drive. over from the Wie- backon Ian, where (hey are stopping, in E. Rittenhouse Muler's tally-ho. only a few minutes was devoted by the visitors to prae- ties, and then all retired to the club house, where Captaina Hawke and Brockie tossed for choice. '1e Englishman won, and at 11:(6 lay was begaun wuh Wright and Hewitt at the Lt. The teaos are as follows: Philadelphia-W. Beocke captain. G. 8. Patterson, F. H. Bekn, F.E lrear. F. W. Ralston, Jr., IL D. Brown I. L Brown, C. Coates. jr., d. Law IL P. Badey, I. scott. England-Lord hawks, captain: Lord Threw- ley, Hon. BK Miles, S. I. J. Woua., L J. Eey K. T. Hewitt, G. W. kicketts, C. Wrewtard Brown. J. IL Hornsby, C. W. Wright (. W. hllyard, George t for Piladelphia and Joage Lane for En n r h npss td are the upra TSa eams. C. W. Wright and H. T. Hewitt epim in s the Arat English batsrnen. Patterson began the bowling free th west end. Balston kept wicket Bailey bowled of from the east end. Hewitt made the Art run a forward drive to the of. Sutherland Law stood at point. Wright re- ceived the Arut ball. he hit resulted from the first over. but a loose ball gave the Englanhma. four byes. The Englishmen played very stead- fly, the Brst good hit being a seat cut by Hewitt of Bailey. Wright hit the drat four under the rope, also of Bailey, and directlv after had a life, as he was badly aused by (estes at Wright mostly slipped another four t ropes near the grand stad and then the rums came steadily. At 12 e'clock, with ths total soert at st, Brown relieved Bailey at the east end and his frst over gave the isitora one rep. A besati- felw hit to the ropeu by Hewitt was greeted with plause and 40 wept up on the su board. selieved Patterson and the next instant Hewitt got four by the bad Belding of See. This was followed by two byes, reslting in tight runs and S went up at 12.1. At 12:30 Hewitt was ean bowled by rown for a total of s0, the seam beainq b for ans wicket. Lord Hawke took Hewitt's Bise. Wright's secere was 16 and the bye. 14. Patterson renumed bowling. Coates gem I the bld. Hawke his scaring with one in the dips, thank- to Bolnwho famablad the ball Immedity after ight cut one t the roar for four. Hawks made thinge lively byd ing Patterson for three and directly afer e Brown to the roa, seesnty ge- lg up on the sne board. Wright lifted one to the of, but there wes me one there to take it. Then the bewier had a short tera, Brown and Pattaeson down four overs for one run, but Hawkehaged maatere by lifting Browato the paviionfer (er. At 1i:MA with Wright'. acore at 2, Brewster took a short hit at mid-en. of his bet, and the Britisher after an hour and a hair stnd had to retire amid great appla.se, learn O-8s14. Thirteen rue are credited to Lord Hawke. Lord Throwley came in to keep Mambe corn- pany. Bailey relieved Bewn. Throwiey seesed ene 'ot the Brat bail and than the bowlers had a short supremacy and the baetmen had all they could do to defend their wickets. At lest Throwier got Pattern threegh the slips for 4 a Hawke cut Basiy fors Ike Nmn- her. At 1:15 the one hundredth run was scred. A drive to the ropes of Maley by HaEwe maee him top soarer with 1 to his eredit Immediaely after he drove another bal right of wicket of the sm-e bowler to the ropes, and two minates inter a hard drive of Patteron gasve his lurdship leor more. A double byThrewley felowed and the Hawk. hit to the baundary for the seventh time of Pattarsan. Two tmere beta followed for the captain ot the vroiing tas, and thes at 1:30 the te for 1amh was arde, the tol at that bear h 3l3g U k divided as follows. Weigh <s andb.; Bhewutr.; ewitt, 6.; Brown, ; awke, not 6t; o heenig, set at, U; cakes, 1. Tenl, maSsUm m0ea amanrae, N"* '-n to Ulit. Qewetng Qase-Ih Yie. rev £baenas. L~wene, Sept. U.-Oisatt adeises gats that the visrqe is mesh6 abemaed by the sullen tere at the retire papas, whe have bea particularty aggresive at late. The aet omeat law is maid to he the ahie fosniaden*. for popular auger. It is ierfering with te cnae a the Hi-de-- mare tan ws at ret expiated, and sevel hanas have iy bean preaseuted for taking child wivea bame ander thwhigh Ted to etermed-&dsiered the lack at eshadion ang the nesai the setreri eamedusl emee Emepean ainirn that bitish rule in In relyr in deagar. ewing to n e -are at the ierey bath in darnadla affais and iate ewee at the leadge in the Er..ip.. -h raisse at the buadainry st at Indlam smid to 9eet amenMv inet Q.e a l and ther ese eatig sash ehrwheate te wldheatayehrlde .ih edie by ie ashm aendiael a meet dhp==a=fm farm at em Maamed ah e Etgten inoetem...s. wlbi a enel by ht a A3 tmsab e e insmoen iEldes mind and mee S eesa&a -----s~ -.aa.am Maw 3&mi, aer essa IL-@eesu -. man sese mUb-- ene state as we 3eate pa en enagnae me es gd 6sam em an ammen & Q* E 1QdQaBss ne e w~M .aI, Os - ai sop~oam w ~ 3 V.,s bad reoud s o 4 1" r-~u after lbw -idd v. A .imed plemem nomed !rst wwbo mu i ayt wmiraten D. C.. at amt at waf rlt ft fUK ten aetem s aMe w AST W dat am. K. le~ab st LM.. Meea a ser of erel ad.wpme. no BmeWe . about lmn the res peee and . U. as wheat s e.o faswewa t$ra to-;Ums for m memime. Te supsuwiiat. s.. emwpamld by steak Denies. Wst be w thwata they app emibod tShe ekemo w ttnegro was he agrmi a of tan knvs md by doe peim !t6~ .. and .peeng at Mr. Belies Ifs 1s o struek bes eilsat on the Suitwe b .mall Utte be held is b hband, abi 'S. knitfo aM te ..m:eband. f swvfi. mat te be thwated in his murdere 1S.tpkbedi up a hemmer and .tu . Bow.. weeMov an hemban, Ie'Sg be In bb= 0=Got hu fro t+nm ,grbe ianehee~d beatl. B. jumped to the tsp Of dim bemeb aid a from one bemb Me S other weeo th teemt Ursher tie ess- to the m.d of btpe'.eans Mcityre and Mr. New- me. tad they sees had The wr lob oem tie6s. Mr. meose ik B the woar sumsaien nd ems emes d to wS bspld word. Ms to so- he =e, bow umed a dseSe tole ubes h wi bekept iNtl be is sussed .we I the antherltse en a charge of awtm lif Inenat le kilt, 'bese simm for whisk he Si me ostm.Wel DAL ON w I . lb. Mir Pe, Tub.. orr gahr Autlati at. N. J., sp. t. -3w. end.. bg messy with a free bad sent mib~h yUSIg teire-yra old am at Mr. J. . b~ab., of Aesamr'. \'a~ warrsd endhs ana telegrat rta. r free bs lasr be. ing that the boy bad run say tehe bosa dtr4sde brevd and steald that he is is~ the Bows of Neprssaative. at Wetsens and bad been .ent here to watch a t )supue- man Suta bad ran asaw from ohmt city wft "i UL. t. oeed be lather's .wMe- Mis lather arrived finem %-kgeinb be eg and teok w. buy hooe oak b. £113 tN t iTWIN auttn Plan.for . IUAuh 4bsgedem. Cuma, Slept. 5.-A qpeeiml tee ft Pl says: MeaeatioaaI dewlepeoate in w sow be- twe.n the Natteud Leegue ad Ameriema Am- ca m e ospecta ise .at few do"e i, View of latter reesawed frem kl Mm ineto but twnty-tour hours by.a UM.Pld gsflem whe bee beesndIsey identitied with be, ball It saye it is tma Msel~ 'tat si for peace between the tweosgmmsues presed hurthee. The tumo Pant @!uel~y, .1oaMtCradIl beptadI. the Ameria Aamtis to he use" s doTwin City tsub?" The letter them coesasm with sh rtre- Most that ita tawurable answer is e awmied an attempt will be mad.i W inede ('Sb." ad MEas coiy swe 'ste. It ise S Intenten to me" themie 0 - 894 C olu s, Lo uis wCA - Lri a t Eanese 4ZNv. If liebm 'Sul deu wto thS ph t Kb apat a dab at tihr1.lldo When the gontenta of o Mewer e ie knew. to ..setam loess pasres of begim hee they espeseed .e--.M over be be" i leek ups 'Sos ee a b e a *bS&' UNEZ WAN. BtW bws ye rsts tors sum wn tea..., Sept. 5--A hula dE spnt.s be' athogh'. baeset psuveil 'S wet seem break ewl nobody atiolps thet it vi be a war betwen homer. ate Viemmy. La Dige's a as. hemt Ce~sstiase di.s be the laign residents we -mm smedi b tey eine boo yga e endd raSm enM .i e Use presened isthie bullet that eort at be Ureo d eoarerpsp$5 U tese wfa between' w ambean.t. Uesrmasn of gsmebs Area inks £Cumae, Sept. lie-MM, eurubs m m-o sled isWe rtsrmn ea.e. We ' btjya ea prumebd by Drv. Nmrfw I. Vimees at the epedag of 'S inion lTheedaq arfery is Maw leek yeaerde, We wbhbhe pia de far an imWugs~t Omensd and bland .min at~u rh' BIM. Simen Di. Hlgge teet' his IMew s sd ta- a raw

sts Nar~I~.«a. Page Washington · I V., 79. Na 20,061. WWASHNGTON.IA. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 189L E.'v'(I' THE EVENING STAB]DAILY, i7tCHT!.AZ, AT TOR STAR WILDING& 11aIamyl.nis ttw%cuumer

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Page 1: sts Nar~I~.«a. Page Washington · I V., 79. Na 20,061. WWASHNGTON.IA. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 189L E.'v'(I' THE EVENING STAB]DAILY, i7tCHT!.AZ, AT TOR STAR WILDING& 11aIamyl.nis ttw%cuumer

I V., 79. Na 20,061. WWASHNGTON. IA . FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 189L E.'v'(I'


AT TOR STAR WILDING&11a Iamyl.nis ttw% cuumer 11t1 ft. yUO Zv.sipg Star >ewiipapa Owpalp

a a HAL'Y?]L& , rra.'LZw yak o/', i9 ArtsP

Tan R.sa Std Is s'rvd to ssbretibevolslkfwsk~ es oar !hilt W"M costs

.ori. swe l Mau i theraai al....at

.na aw¢wt aY rata per month.[)! * a > tl..sy t9raa S1 OOp parr)dosed as she Pow 0r.. .5 W.. ear, D .C."df...dsis Mad a.ra.1

-. All are w0.ctipflwsi test be tali to son am)tots at alaattetnr Lade taws w applttm"M



A SOOT T*IIST1.-TMAA awlrtyMTr.w.wanN.dat by trig, end the oht.d .tA An.alspa.W Mto1...'..

and .Oeet. ioo.s Ni3y. to pos.said !coal: bears the aN.M.osst oakisp r iattl.p.t.bi TruCOMM ., yaw AdatlaYf.st'.1La.cseor or Trades, 1adlvWs.IpdM. bat Trs s Camposin .coml.ahfck itv.e the cospaty .soth.r

ar. t silvans" over the bitvf&td. Tb. compoy bess"ar.ae"NOUN W" .SMs specially asap.fed so asses-s it..rversl bwtseb aadbodb.d.alt Mbytars.ea$M.I.

vartd .titorI. sad ears asss-etst bar mMJw ItY inamoth b.f.

t.r P@Gill a t..sban.. the sots.of the askew sad rashe to muse re-

mmmrstty. that Is ft pe..ibt.l.rthe isdivideal to do. Those samm. .e =my other w.esa_ why ISbeat to same the Atasrtcaa asrsttyrail Trust cauqual to a" an YomTrat.s. tasssiar. a"taMQ.or.6asrolaa. Ac.

A SOOT DYPr)0T1.-Till.A* awes to "'k-us wrreh-

JALA lessMass. Wessy abeamA A be ad* t .ors war y. W.

afll r.aata..el sae.te w mayw deposit some allow roar fatostt

!locos. Tb.l.cr.... to the aast-b,r of lepoI.ors the paw !.w

s.sl1.toam.twr foe eoadntata"1 S..aril Is is the d.5s of sb..oaa.ps"y to ribs the I.r.,. po..NN

pmemkvti. ettad dsAsa the faresoaf 7b"r. T s.s~r.ts of tb. vart-some local stabs and agranl.Wos.40 .memdslly JAVO d to depowfthe aatpias farad. sulk the eas-p.q. s seek fasda1610 dsew ts-imw ls/ !,mods aahl..t to shott

wallttmaA SOOT STOiAOR.-Why aAA co.eb..tbtwssa fNa.sala"

W e.st.tau wasbaa.. of eh.A Alaseteaa tl.esrlts ad Trial

C.apaay. aadd.I 63weae11 farthe ewrpsov. WA lho atnlealey Ofwore.. ~ .a*. rot. p.scLSqualor WOOL am btast6m IMthe woeaae of MANOR an% Mooalias, rose brim brie. Ac. Par.camas r..p, wteh hey., e...

tr.ltd by the rosters. Zapurtbad:.r. and prtM to stave yasr.!seta. Drags a.d w.Roas of aod-

ara a atatreetws for baattay. Thecompany will a1s. centime tomessyear bw.a --.Li art ems fsem asshweamindodalf.sseam b


Is. HIS 0 IT. I LW.A. T. arllM......««..........Ptatitsf,C. J. ada.......... First VIVO PilloidtoLA. A. Tb ..as....l.cwd ViorPwofdtsfraw, i Hwi.r..... ......... Tlo.sa..'

o...te IL R-,aaaR...... .....Gocgeg ry.OYeM.afon Dlrsetoce: PbUadspbta Dhow

A. T. Sdtt.e. Williams It. Cbef.%a J. ai$. Pilots D.raas.daL W. !swath., DanielD&"VME6I1.ary If. )bast. Johns. Hateht-..psass. C. aas....o. J.a. a. Jaahssoon.. 4k. Room, Sorry $. L.srilkkJam i Pad. Cabb J. IPsqas" IL sot. a. Ci.de.PortJab. IL Hief.mn. Alan L Mood,)Incl. Ifomt% II. S. l$frp311. IL Fagbm F-W&AVOW,J.m..e. ParrVt. O =b._p..t#, Onw1d O IS Lam.

del A. WiM=dL Ili 26116' .e IlMa ii. Wall" 1 ~w.iS edO

R AMR A 2LDDVA MUMMOMi ""ID ASIJRS70N SAILWAT Co.t. adbr for ml. Rb. of their earns! .soaku.,

_,, etbt0Cemoona by.sw01. tiled fr I Y. 191181F1.ttls... s maafwd by ton ebsr it:X.s par saunay ur t es, at wb.rrfwar sad tN balwore a swat1>>"w..ad Ia webaawaf. Y lh. bwal of dtnnfeaa.f

.s the wet be sod. ty d .feat saf>tif. qa.th..wlt sailD 1W) bejm .cis..r tbs. thatrAS Is 16016 USBRAl tra'str lOW.

oAte. wiu bb.....iar foss tr. . os.w b.tiw t..W 1.emn#U f. th.a to. dopedOw new.

a.a sp salt it..ar.a w r wet MOOS a LOtltn lsaaltlaAtl.s.Nb. r.

shLON of so

pwwt. >ti. es the IStb An of Oefsb.r, Iwta s a. x111 b.e.atdadapea as i4. cI.shSea "M ma to dv eh.ms[ar out ah..wt.

FINANCIALTMCWT tirET THXlt aEIXD TH ASS.fismm( acutain abmt-trqmo ord, al tow t e a At-eswlt emuummca. Tbhem~ewau .as I.ntall.tt 'ate to FOR bow apd It 1i to be insured is seh awta.aal a"d laritaaea*. emuaaw~ a

Esii!. fle..rk. ~Wr1e u.~ M

flAYS TOW ANT? 131.3 3013,It u. pat " lre the bealad So NATIO2NAL O.


SUMW is AND 1.3? US TALI IT 0135.'

UI.DiA. DAM? a CO..javelins hwebas.

mlSkm.w. 1411*h. a.v.

FEks OflCMO 300Mmn Pi HUTIs gho sw batd as of the aeblmgbea Laes adTret Comspay. ac 9th1 and ia. 3'mvw mo.mrawmaean~d eam33sa for as vwtpe iam lopswat ftat ivs is thia fosin

0111310 11. H. WAUNXEN. Pnseiat.UAETZ-TOOTO 107 TV %T A 1311-das lveaoat atbelosais the yrciasm a(

the Yesn Devtesua Cablomed Caer, Irma.ad Mtall-w aprt C~pasJ hoes 4. Waahhaeto. Loss

wla TENs1UIT. W. A. SUS.lme "Wash.tbs beak -nebeSa

Is" 6.3 T"ZEsBuUT It CO..3a'KL35 ANED ISROZEN.

133 F ST.. WABN1i3OTONt. D. O..Shay end mth u as ah Mamb. 3mb4.

ltrwallowed an deposits.Out..It- teipeme a sme~iltV.AUl Latal Saturtte.dealt is.a enaatsmw all Market.. Tolsbax~56

J 250 W. (10380. duO. W. M~ACAITNETUseabmX.. tash i003401 At ACAUNKLT

LOTJLZ NWU.DIXO. 14191 T T. N. 7..Dmkemss as Deelem L i lvamnt Dose.

D.epeib. Iahease Lamos. COdleeetteama.

Na dauh at s. hlapi Hsosd

lsia allmssl iia B mmatm Dbmh.

daae dmbe lak~ ekboemhtaadmilS


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Woatri1_ __mo thsa

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hohwels -t- .weo

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ado Uphebeasmi-we

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ha eo wth 'et ea-peembm.S look to u forthe lost miams Is osute.m4we pr a es ~muasal b d. i.u .

bwil m oa b e abm1 asath and the wastto.,n wa proba$bl e

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Nab wams mdl wl.

Spmd. whenas.me& weE. at pes ask!

!.3N.3H00101 MANY. 00..

ElSE. 10m1ll~ 1. new.

SPECIAL NOTICES.TUALT SM. WONN'i A 71. * etr Friday ntight Miss lat

fr w fn test medm. Durn' day. Friday.e ? attrainia. Mr.. Casel', 110:ld at. a...

U-'llMAONIC.--A STATED COMMUNICA-tion of Blot John'. Lodse No. 11. F. A. A.

tember U, .at 7: roic.k p.m. woA rddeanre. aM betryQ of other CFILL, $oeisly (saited.B; oe W. (a . F .tay.


In ceasetyear bath would that mortgaue be ee.'

eteesi? A pelly in the Wahtasta BenSaci En-deement Asmocation will provide agmimnt jast eacha cent11emay and preserve the hoeestema for the wieand little sems.Mod o idrela


ASSOOIATION..ea4 419 16th gehet.

SDIL. EDITH JEWkLL SAS RETURNEDto the city and reopened her dental oac. at

13t loh t. u. w. .e'2-1 we

BibI FOU THE OGiAND STAND BARah d reuaurant priavuere for fall meeting of

the aeifactos Jockey Club (comnmeueinW October21. and continul ten 'las. to November a) will herecetyvd upto TUX DAY. herteuiber'4, at Y o'clockPeer. The right t reserved to reject say and all bide.

E cCUflE CO.dliITTEE,0883Mt W Ullard's oteL.

! LA WIER' BRIEFS.Ourleel Iein.y cents a pare and if the briefe=-use. ea ags. lihy-Sve ceas

Tlephonesesa.JOHN F. SHEIRY.

..R$ a3 D at. n.w.Mic-DR. NEVIN B. SHADE.

Practive Unaited l Long a.nd Throat trouble.eto

st. i. w.. Wahington. D. C.

Hos THE FIRM OF MOCKBEE & CO. WISHeo announae to their patrons and the public generallythat they have resumed business in their old stand.345 F st. a. w.. where they will carry a large and

csonplete stock of Gentlemen'a. Ladies'. MIae' andBoy' She.. luet-clae goods and low prices.


esela-w* 1208 F t. n.y.

scilblSO L.OING BACKWARD.From now on Summer Clothingay still have its use. but the ma.

jority of urn are now mterestrd intr/ rat at. Hence. we pt for-

all Overcats, Tusers,-Never had so many or auch iceFall Overcoats before 010 to $'5-for "1% to 1:10 we !rive about all that

ah needed in both quality and style.We cleat mt 7 y. in. satuday 11.

GEORGE SPRANSY,am0 4;!M7th at.a.w.

NO~L~~ TPE ITO:KHOLDER' MEET-- The annamml uee ting of th- stock-

the ot eomny ,t the 1itnt atbeld u SATUIRD)AY, the l0th day of

Oce 1 atI o'clock p.m.. at the comipany'sa~c..4~4 1th t itbildliii). for tihe p~urpose ofelectinur a board of trustees and transeating uh othebeune-s a may came before the atockhmoldera.

JAIL. FULLa.RTON. Secretary.Wakhnatom, D. C.. Sept. 18. 1i0L. ais-lawswTHEY CAN'T BE BEAT!

Oar vineeble shart-ale of Wamaeutta muslin and214 linen beoma-tMS tnate; i: for {i. Thew shirtsaye eat extra fall in bodies-and skirts are extra long-

and an rt-cla in everr t. AtSE em 'US FOR SHIRTS,DANCu LTIIMUiE SHIRT FACTORY.901 9th at. n.w..Near Junction tht at. and New York ave.

. X. Elery.-Mangara.--Jos. H. Ireland.mlS.StV3 R SEPT. 22 TO 20. INCLUBIVE,

We onto a Strictly Aih-woolBiast hevbst Ye-,

cuwser. ather Ieare-eut Coat.Jar es.50.

WN. GARNER.The People's Clothier.

as5-3= 1016 7th at. a.w.WEDDINGS6 FOR FALL.

Invitation. en.rraved and printed inthe orrect style at the lowest rates. See

BYRON S. ADAMS._ Printer,er 512 11th .on.w.

PARACHUTE JUMPSAnd gsmola toves are running a race in

the et accidents. For the renaaning warpwearier it will not only be efer but with an economic

a the *wiate's hu " Is will pay you to pur-

J. MAURY DOTE.VaM Ire. andt a lete. n. ; brnc~h oc

146 N and 1651at n. w.; wharf, foot of h and dat. n.w. (serim

I AM NOW ATTENDING MY OFFICEdail e B s fo a~~top.m.

*51-ba L''d Fat. .w.

aLLACE CURTAINS.-Wee"ur.elvesoptheualty

et our werI" have one o[our wagrmTOLMA STEAM LAUNDRY.41....Oa.t...w.


AND NOT ALL WATCHER ARE TIMEPIECES.EveryWhtehI all laaccompanied with

. wrut....ste r-......ad..gura.te.No Wateh asid out et my store unlessprer ly beam thed and eompazed

with the U. S. Observatory time andfSoud to be perfect in=-ap--e


Ma.7ih at. n.y.

hanah: Oar. Main and G.ma e.. Seafolk. Va.


MEE ICE CO MPANY.417 FCtelewbes. ley as.em aee . an n aim(tber

lh Teel o et~~N eatccr. al-3mOAEINA N 1CEGMENY.CAMDQ.

W -O1. I , I N CEAN C A wmas11116t E st. n~w.ARE TA EAS.We haveit our hanam orse a

euaaeo-boe aaeat of whack eqiaae sest-aetn pa) n.set et aswarm et asaa rnge due the

2nmETIBe TAZEMI.111 m. sa

*141h and Ubater Noeltuse ueeed.

REWARD.thbeea~pe .r e53.66Se S





to attend the next meeting. M AY.

MEl TING OF ViSGIRIA Rk~U A1IffL a let' ArioQ weed K d y

sts THI1 bNOe O. dSwill addremsthe meeting. All Vieginia repmbtcss i

EAD IS-AL SNS HVINGare sto ell o e deUIa SI Y k ua

of 01 r. iM, er they wUl eo4 tosyj

cb- r W I CANNOT SPEAK TOO NZBNI~Tof out atoll of =600eila 0mi01lmporld goods. We ave h thest ee

know American miaie, Our ts -Fne English Umbrella. tom1Is unequaled. Is hoc Smith met t5LTibreila that Lou be ari a ae, soscunll as it when rolled. Esa niceereal aund laicy baack border. Utakh *

liuht. dressy and andy oever foteitherasun or rein. $4 andl Si.Let urn elt you : ne Umbrela. 'Twillhe practicing economy.

B. H. BTIXEMETE & SONS,e18 eoes 1237 Penna. ave. mw.

A3OUT ARTISTIC P IOTOORAPES.ww I propose to Introduce

new teatures this tailwhich cannot fail to aid

heKtofre ujredtatInen to make this the be

C"! aft te am~rtve totaken The buildala haebeen renmodeled. reactedand refurnishedi with sececoal adaptarenes to pro.eluceang the mlost arosiand real.atc results

4)Lu.~ FpPLUNCR.Aitlut Plnot.rrapber.

Car. 1th at. ana Pa. a,.. nw.sas2.t is (u~er Ilreotana~

Sz'DO YOU KNOWXZ~that I Lave the

largest forteof tal-ors. aand skile cut-terain thercty? ThatI have dul e iapace of any teUorInthlecity? ooknow that thelanloringmn towndonaerigt here.?lrop in and see

for youaraelf,OEO. T. KEEN.

sab 4149t aR .wm

G. WARFIELD SIMPSON.Tailor.Car. 9th an a Isia w.

What do you think of It?A vest of cloth all the waythrough. No more lightallesia or serre linings inthe back of your vest un-less you desire it. Youcan have your choice. It

15 as necessary to keep theback warm as it is thechest. The oes Is gen-erally overdressed and theother too lightly dressed.Putting a cloth Uatg inthe back of the vest-mak-lng the entire vest of onepiece of cloth-aboat evensit up.If In search of some-

thing dressy and solusivein Tronaserngs sad Suit-ings drop In and take apeep at the assostament.Baits to order, 12S up.Trome to og@@, M


Expert in Trousers.15 Car. 9th and ese. a.%


Teundereigned collector and tresror of slioun .will be at PORN A. 3AEZ'Mp5I.hv.Webisgttm . .,on TUBSDA1 and WD~DYfeptabr : and W . 1'. il1 betwean. the houm 01 Sa.

Va. n n the .uosterfae:2, lJ,ti,..I' Cufolleto sad Treseurer.NYOU IT IT buy


MUDDIMAX.614 ith at.


Ths Is to mereli that a late husband. L. H. Hay-den., who was sick fromn the let of Fdaruaty. eouwv1regularly the sumol Vtt dilatser watk eSItBENEFIT from CARPENTERS AWJOINERS' AR-WEMILY. No. 1748. K. of L., up to the tane of hisdeath. eptember 13. 1W1 when I received promptlythe sum of **-0 as DEATH BRN SPIT. For theabove I desire to exprees s DN.

ae25-3t 12191. ave. .e.K~a NML F. P. WAITS,

Htaving removed from 10th ad L de n.w b pre-scription ale I'. at Prentiss' Phesmacay. corner of 9thand Y ate. n. w. . where al renewis ca be lad, s-Mt

! Wehess5e eueng

WE ARE THE PEOPLE.Tee, we are. That Band.ssed North Caroe

lna Lumber drives all comnaangrad--a out ofthemarket. And the price only S.LI per Ihimista

IJbbey. Nittinger & Miller,MILL WORE. LUMBR AID NA3DWA3M

9th at. ad New YOrt ave. a.w.. And

auuS-shn 11th and 0 st. se.MISS NIA M.R5 WILL~fN

Juvenileeolms co Te EUD! eaeab:i pm. eUt

SOWNEES OF VACANT SORUS NWuerdemuch have you lstebayWasSa

will be prompty 5Usd. Mr.p~s.&glad personally to show all yaus

matr ue ae tho the o

ompan sa ats the f.ul e~~aui51J

Thecastyofthework asmeftsm

Wi. o ce I rm h s

be smealers at thewosh, edsmgfti esse wr~a ee

Snlde.Tee ~ b


Washington Hews and Gasmien to Adv.ern-.-=-a=

3AMUSM. .. .....n.eATiOunE'a .....................................P.. 3AUCTION ALE.......... ......aeoOYCL . ........................................ Pare 7DOARDINO ................ 3DUBIlEEam CRANCE.,.......................Pape xCBl3OPODIaTe ............................Page 7

- TES. .. .............. U

D Ts .. ........ . ....... , ........... ....PageDmIT ........ ....................pas. 8Nar~I~.«.............................a.mSAK 0mwPLI ................ . .....Pa.e8FINANCIAL . . .Pae 1O 311T (Piaw........................P..a tFitANB A (Oft.. ............................PawOR RENT (H.).............................Pau. 2FOET (OItem)..............................Pa.. !1O3 33E1T (He=m..................e I103 RENT(Zeon../ ....................... 2POR3RENT (tehm.......... ..........es3"E BAET (8aMs).......................e

...AE(0==.............. ................ a3102 SALE (Lou ............................Pas 3

LOCLI~mor,,,,,,,,, .. 1as. 8OR oAE remaV...............aeLOST AND 3U11,s..........................M. 3LOCALE3umx., - . .ae

LANI D000..................Page 3MEAL .TEB....... ....................ane ?

LICELLANOU............«.......PaeMTE1 WANTED AND TO AN............ Pa 3NEW PUB .CATI ........................Page a

MOCANSI MU... ........................Pae S

OMAC' 3fOS.........................Page 6PANO AND O TOIAN...........Page?3PS0N1!AL........... ...............PapsPOFASIONVE...... ................. SPIANOA..A...............................V.e 7

AD..................................... 2apPEE NONAL,............... P.. e gUNNE0BAL8..,................... .... .......Pe !

WANTED (o.m)...........«..-Pa2ECHAlp.TCE ...........................Page1

WANTED(eoa).......................Pae2EdTED(....................................9age 2WANTED (Room,=)...............................s fWARTED (Sitaauaoae)............................Pep fWAL U ""M"*s ........................P=.27

GoRnuiinTs Bacamrrs TonA.-Interalree-enye, $619,994;customs, 06!,830.W. T. McFAu, was yesterday appointed a

fourth-clan postmaster at Payne's, Va.Wu.LLram8. Casa of Connecticut has been ap-pointed law clerk to the commissione of pat-ents.

A CoxsuL Agpoman.-The President hasappointed Chas. W. Erdman of Kentucky to beUnited States consul at Stockholm.

A Customs CoLmacrom Aromna.--ThePresident has appointed Chas. D. Eddy ofRhode Island to be collector of customs for thedistrict of Bristol ana Warren, B. L

PnxsatAp.s Fass or Dunr.-The TreasuryDepartment has decided that all pineapples areexempt from duty under paragraph 560, aet ofOctober 1, 1890.

NioEEL SrEz.-Thedrst installment of nickelsteel plate made in this country for actual usewas delivered Wednesday atCramp's ship yard.It is three-inch protective deck plate for one ofthe triple screw cruisers.

Post Cxapzmag vo Ba Aroaan.-A postchaplain, with the relative rank of captain($1,500), is to be appointed from civil life toll the vacan=y caused by the retirement ofChaplain E. W.JZ>Lindesmith.Darot QuArnmaasm.-The friendsof Gen.

George B. Dandy, the depot quartermaster,are hoping that the quartermaster gneral willdetermine upon his retention for another termof-duty at the Capitol.NAVAL Onans.-Commander Colby I.

Chester has been ordered to comsand thenaval cadet training and practice ship Enter-ris.Lieut. John N. Jordon, to duty at thederolling mills, San Francicos, Cal., asispeornofril steel.

BaCantAnT PoeST mys that it will take about$9,000,000 to refund the excess of duties col-lected on hat trimpings in accordance with theagreement arrived at between representativesof the department and attorneys repressatingimporters of this lass ofgoods.Mar Coma in Dunr Fins.-Assistant Seere-tary Spaulding has informed the collector of

customs at Hartford, Conn., that works of artthe production of American artists residingtemporarily abroad are exempt from dutyunder paragraph 757 of the not of October 1last, without rd to the purpose for whichthey may be .

Tia Bqussr Barusan.-The Treasury de-partment has refused to great a request forthe free entry of a gun lent by a eitisen of Chi-cegg to a friend who took it to Canada ands u ently returned it by earns to PortHuron, Michigan, where it is nowheld for pay-ment of duty on the ground that the gun Iofforeign manufacture and is properly subject to4uty. ________

B3Ueacr To Tia ADDIIOA. Doer.-TheTreasury department has infermad a New Yorkliiorting Arm that under the provisiens otsetionl act of June 10, 18I%~,, the

10 per cent the value declared in yh ntry are shbst to the additional duty pro-vided for in maid section, Irrespecogve of therate of duty lasted thereon.

PA? 0Cne Pnouorrous.-Pay InspeetoeEdwin Stewat and A. 3. Clark of the ermybeing promoted to pay direeterm, as slated yes-terday, the following prosmotions aturally ce-eur, after the requitred examiatio=n..are ~dPam..sm eor.. W.U..m....nd a

masth tseay iaser asslre peeabed

bytae Pohsdnt r an nedJa Stoat

geddlms *anat Pnfomat~ani B

poetan pne ofarpeer.. tpsse.as-

Sate shasa asmmed thby~ayclatetathemratmers .igofesil emuar ee prea

bytharaess t are York aed W.UnieSlates

ol e s n m a nerat aMfe-

enetheaelsteeshicofesteureeje iethe se

~.d~~m.~tenea.eo ' ao~~esIeeasaMie6---Was .afy

Ma. LTMhWg' iecmm.aE-pmsemtens Damdi Satit s e.h

.Man 4toseedaIt is reported this morning that ex-lepre.

.suati~v DnneD of Minnesota, who was thefather of the reapportionment under the newcensms, wE be appeinted to useaed Mr.

as civa at ef r

is secommending his appointment.T6n060 CAMPAXN.

Espblisans Advised I* Aves a ese-ieht en eml"

It is understood that the republise- ma-agers in Ohio have been advised from Wash-ingtou that they had better stick to the poeti-cet issues and avoid a personal tight againstMr. Campbell, such as was started with thep-biafije ian Ci-mna- with relation tothe judgment en a note for 13,10.Ti make an attack om Mr. Campbel's bu=-ness

.4t, it is feared, might be as disast-as aswas the balot box fegery. It turns out nowthat he has paid the Judgment and that the at-tack as far as it has gone has proven a boom-erang. At all events experience has shown thatit is better to keep to political ounes in a tightsuch as is being waged in Ohio now and toleave all personalities ealt

ea05v3on To TAEE PanT.It seem that Gen. Grosvenor has steles a

march on those managers who did not wanthim to appear in the Ohio campaign withoutbelng revised and expurgated. He has alreadymade dates for speeches in the state and is toopen at Pomeroy on Monday.

THE POT OFFICIO SETEE.All t ieispms Ea uesd MBe Mede by

Ostoher L.A warrant for the sum et $11,404 has been

issued by the Secretary of the Treasury in thename of William J. Aiken in payment for landtaken in square 3, this city, for the post offoesite. The work of paying for the square isalmost completed, and it is expected by the om-oem of the Treasury Department that by Oc-tober 1 every title will be vested in the govern-ment, and then the supervising architect canbegin the preparation of plans.There are thirty parcels of land in thesquare.

in seventeen, of which payment has been madedirectly to the owner. In nine eases thereare contests as to ownership, and there arenow pending in court applications for ordersto pay the money to the court, to be turnedover later to the proper person. These orderswill be issued ina few days and the delivery ofthe warrant will constitute a final payment inthe eye of the law as far as the title of the gov-ernment is concerned.

two casas a*oezes tra.This leaves two cases hanging fire, neither of

which is giving any particular difenlity. Inthe case of W. Stone Abert and others, trusteesfor the estate of W. y. Stone, there is someformality yet to be observed as to a bond to befled, but this to ex ted back from the De-partment of justice week.In the case of Nora Morgan and others, -

tees for the estate of Dr. J. E. Morgan, the pa-pers will be ready for a warrant by the time thecourt's order i issued. The remaining twoeases are those of B. Ioss Perry, as trustee forJohn Walter and others, which have bean settledby the payment of thepurchase mosey, 426,000,into court.Thea, too, there are twenty additional par-clbeing the land covered by alleywysTeeIs a guestion as to the onrhpof

these, the contestsbeing

between the personalclaimants and the city, and in these cases themoney, amounting to lOS, will be paid intothe court at the sein time as that for the main


aspect of the Gevernmsset Dtesmosse fi tothe C=.uism of the meed.

The government directors et the Union Pa-cifc railroad have submitted their report to theSecretary of the Interior, showing a decrease inthe net earnings of the road to the extent of41,417,962, but that the read has been kept ingood condition physically. Thecompanybeethereport states, suffered financialemaarement,brought about by conditioas impairing theability of the company to carry its large Seat-tug debt.A crisis in the fnancial affairs et the cau-

puny was reaehed in August, 1991. It becamseimpracticable to carry the large Seating debtsay longer through the banks and trust com-

and it became necessary to fund it. atfeast for a period sufeient to enable the com-pany to market its seceurities, most of whichwere already hypotheented in the temporaryloans. Measures were adopted at the meetingheld on August 16 providing for the issue |fnotes to the emqunt of 61!,00.090 running forthree years aid per cent, which have beenofered to the ereditore at 9293 per cent, andhave at this data, so the directors are informed,been taken or ag-eed to be taken by creditorsand others to the amount of about two-thirds,thus relieving the Inanes of the companyfrom any present embarrassment. To securethese notes the company has pledged all itsstack and bonds in brach andausllary nesand in its extensive coaland express properties,in fact every avaashle amet.

==r na=aoon==-.The report esfla attention to the heavy buar-

den put upon the read by the laws intended tosecure the debS to the geverament, and claimsthat noes. ean-cosse into a elms knowledge of]the Union Pacfie aiwa yse without beingimapressed with tmeend tefr relief fromthe esaetions and lismiations impessd bylaw.

ecaj.honldeshbefredfom ayso, maiitt anitself in fair cmetiswith

other systessanct so hempered and restrained.In -onlion the report says: "A policy

shou, in orJdmnpromp the govento time and date of paymeat of principalandteratea onterestobepaid as may be

wiht e fethe esctomeandL'haingdmathis theUniseaPacife thesldbe

as free and uatmmesli as other lines te de-and estead its sgsteam, t a ste theuMd be

reaevery restrictienensp thosewhisk the law all ralnyhlasi engaedintsmE.",

Waes GuSeSesteet swe--1he eii service ss.mas have new te-ess for emaimiebe (bASt Ez==in-, Do-

lad et the treasury heroed te cemmis-da==.' lates aeqst by sadifng Kiss An--sareN and Miss caseasne V. D..e..e.*..Be the vaeasss kfrsly filled by ma aines,Kiss Vet isa gnaduete et the tSta Nerma

BEheel at Ulinessi, and hs beensaelsek inthe trcsry for a fedwhie seigpa

was h em e

mean emat in h pabstdk'senes he

hee sein to agsm

S somks hgeias wsitalatter toedslM IWA a sem

Week, isnac to e ases~ s ni af a

Uaa Uwiee se es eataWsm.

AT THEIR OWN GAME.Philadelphia's Orioket Eleven mast

One From England.R13IRLE II 11 IEICED.A Washington Convict at Albany

in Trouble.



The rbiua epsa Eues met the A£-agt d Mesn Tedey

GSamAmeowx Cacunr Goaocusta, Maaruae,PaDE-saLE. Sept :.-T1 lung anticipatedcricket match between All-Philadelphla andLord Hawks's teasn of Englishme. began thismorning on the beautiful grounds of the Ger-mantowa Cricket Club. The ven is bright andwarm and the crease is to perfect condition.Early in the morning spectator. began to as-semble, gathering in groups and watcbng thepractice of the two teams and discassing theprobable outcome of the match.The liiladellhiaan were frat on the fald for

practice. At a few minutes before Il loud ap-plase. announced the arrival of thseulihmnea. They were drive. over from the Wie-backon Ian, where (hey are stopping, in E.Rittenhouse Muler's tally-ho. only a fewminutes was devoted by the visitors to prae-ties, and then all retired to the club house,where Captaina Hawke and Brockie tossed forchoice. '1e Englishman won, and at 11:(6lay was begaun wuh Wright and Hewitt at theLt. The teaos are as follows:Philadelphia-W. Beocke captain. G. 8.

Patterson, F. H. Bekn, F.E lrear. F. W.Ralston, Jr., IL D. Brown I. L Brown, C.Coates. jr., d. Law IL P. Badey, I. scott.England-Lord hawks, captain: Lord Threw-ley, Hon. BK Miles, S. I. J. Woua., L J. EeyK. T. Hewitt, G. W. kicketts, C. Wrewtard

Brown. J. IL Hornsby, C. W. Wright (. W.hllyard,George t for Piladelphia and Joage

Lane for En n r h npsstd are the upraTSa eams.

C. W. Wright and H. T. Hewitt epim in sthe Arat English batsrnen.Patterson began the bowling free th west

end.Balston kept wicketBailey bowled of from the east end. Hewitt

made the Art run a forward drive to the of.Sutherland Law stood at point. Wright re-ceived the Arut ball. he hit resulted from thefirst over. but a loose ball gave the Englanhma.four byes. The Englishmen played very stead-fly, the Brst good hit being a seat cut by Hewittof Bailey. Wright hit the drat four under therope, also of Bailey, and directlv after had alife, as he was badly aused by (estes atWright mostly slipped another four tropes near the grand stad and then the rumscame steadily.At 12 e'clock, with ths total soert at st,

Brown relieved Bailey at the east end and hisfrst over gave the isitora one rep. A besati-felw hit to the ropeuby Hewitt was greeted with

plause and 40 wept up on the su board.selieved Patterson and the next instant

Hewitt got four by the bad Belding of See.This was followed by two byes, reslting intight runs and S went up at 12.1.At 12:30 Hewitt was ean bowled by rown

for a total of s0, the seam beainqb

for answicket. Lord Hawke took Hewitt's Bise.Wright's secere was 16 and the bye. 14.Patterson renumed bowling. Coates gem I

the bld. Hawke his scaring with one inthe dips, thank- to Bolnwho famablad theball Immedity after ight cut one tthe roar for four. Hawks made thinge livelybyding Patterson for three and directlyafer e Brown to the roa, seesnty ge-lg up on the sne board.Wright lifted one to the of, but there wesme

one there to take it. Then the bewier had ashort tera, Brown and Pattaeson downfour overs for one run, but Hawkehagedmaatereby lifting Browato the paviionfer(er.At 1i:MA with Wright'. acore at 2, Brewstertook a short hit at mid-en. of his bet, and theBritisher after an hour and a hair stnd had toretire amid great appla.se, learn O-8s14.Thirteen rue are credited to Lord Hawke.Lord Throwley came in to keep Mambe corn-pany.Bailey relieved Bewn. Throwiey seesed ene'ot the Brat bail and than the bowlers had a

short supremacy and the baetmen hadall they could do to defend their wickets. Atlest Throwier got Pattern threegh theslips for 4 a Hawke cut Basiy fors IkeNmn-her. At 1:15 the one hundredth run was scred.A drive to the ropes of Maley by HaEwe maeehim top soarer with 1 to hiseredit Immediaely after he droveanother bal right of wicket of the sm-ebowler to the ropes, and two minates inter ahard drive of Patteron gasve his lurdship leormore. Adouble byThrewley felowed andtheHawk. hit to the baundary for theseventh time of Pattarsan. Two tmere betafollowed for the captain ot the vroiing tas,and thes at 1:30 the te for 1amh was arde,the tol at that bear h 3l3gUk divided asfollows.Weigh <s andb.; Bhewutr.; ewitt, 6.;Brown, ; awke, not 6t;o heenig, set

at, U; cakes, 1. Tenl,maSsUm m0ea amanrae,

N"* '-n to Ulit. Qewetng Qase-Ih Yie.rev £baenas.

L~wene, Sept. U.-Oisatt adeises gatsthat the visrqe is mesh6 abemaed by the sullentere at the retire papas, whe have beaparticularty aggresive at late. The aetomeat law is maid to he the ahie fosniaden*.for popular auger. It is ierfering with tecnae a the Hi-de-- mare tan ws at retexpiated, and sevel hanas have iybean preaseuted for taking child wivea bame

anderthwhighTed to

etermed-&dsiered thelack at eshadion ang the nesai the

setreri eamedusl emee

Emepean ainirn that bitish rule in Inrelyr in deagar. ewing to n e-are at the ierey bath in darnadlaaffais andiate ewee at theleadge in the Er..ip.. -hraisse at the buadainry st at Indlamsmid

to 9eetamenMvinet Q.e a land ther ese eatig sash ehrwheate tewldheatayehrlde

.ihedie by ie ashm

aendiael a meet dhp==a=fm farm at emMaamed ah e Etgteninoetem...s.wlbi a enel by ht aA3 tmsab e e insmoeniEldes mind and mee Seesa&a

-----s~ -.aa.am

Maw 3&mi, aer essa [email protected] sese mUb-- ene state aswe 3eate pa en enagnaeme es gd 6sam em

an ammen &Q*

E1QdQaBss ne e

w~M .aI, Os - ai

sop~oamw ~ 3 V.,s bad reoud s o 4 1"

r-~u after lbw -idd v. A .imedplemem nomed !rst wwbo mu i ayt

wmiraten D. C.. at amt at waf rlt ftfUK ten aetem s aMe w AST Wdat am. K. le~ab st LM..Meea a ser of erel ad.wpme. no

BmeWe . about lmn the respeee and . U. as wheat s e.ofaswewa t$ra to-;Umsfor m memime. Te supsuwiiat. s..emwpamld by steak Denies. Wst be wthwata they app emibod tShe ekemow ttnegro was he agrmi a of tan

knvs md by doe peim !t6~ ..and .peeng at Mr. Belies Ifs 1s ostruek bes eilsat on the Suitwe b.mall Utte be held is b hband, abi'S. knitfo aM te ..m:eband. fswvfi. mat te be thwated in his murdere1S.tpkbedi up a hemmer and .tu .

Bow.. weeMov an hemban, Ie'Sg be In

bb= 0=Got hu fro t+nm ,grbe

ianehee~d beatl. B. jumped to the tsp Of dimbemeb aid a from one bemb Me S otherweeo th teemt Ursher tie ess- to them.d of btpe'.eans Mcityre and Mr. New-me. tad they sees had The wr lob oem tie6s.Mr. meose ik B the woar sumsaien ndems emes d to wS bspld word. Ms to so-

he =e, bow umed a dseSe toleubes h wi bekept iNtl be is sussed .weI the antherltse en a charge of awtm lifInenat le kilt, 'bese simm for whisk he Si

me ostm.Wel DAL ON w I.

lb. Mir Pe, Tub.. orr gahr

Autlati at. N. J., sp. t. -3w. end..bg messy with a free bad sent mib~h

yUSIg teire-yra old am at Mr. J. .b~ab., of Aesamr'. \'a~ warrsd endhsana telegrat rta. r free bs lasr be.ing that theboy bad run say tehe bosadtr4sde brevd and steald that he is is~the Bows of Neprssaative. at Wetsens

and bad been .ent here to watch a t)supue-man Suta bad ran asaw from ohmt city wft"i UL. t. oeed be lather's.wMe-Mis lather arrived finem %-kgeinb be

eg and teok w. buy hooe oakb.

£113 tNt iTWIN auttn

Plan.for . IUAuh 4bsgedem.Cuma, Slept. 5.-A qpeeiml tee ft Pl

says: MeaeatioaaI dewlepeoate in w sow be-twe.n the Natteud Leegue ad Ameriema Am-ca m e ospecta ise .at few do"e i,

View of latter reesawed frem kl Mm inetobut twnty-tour hours by.a UM.Pld gsflemwhe bee beesndIseyidentitiedwith be,ball It saye it is tma Msel~ 'tat sifor peace between the tweosgmmsuespresed hurthee. The tumo Pant @!uel~y,

.1oaMtCradIl beptadI. the Ameria Aamtis to heuse" s doTwin City tsub?"The letter them coesasm with sh rtre-

Most that ita tawurable answer is e awmiedan attempt will be mad.i W inede('Sb." ad MEas coiy swe 'ste.It ise S Intenten to me" themie

0 - 8 9 4 C olu s, L o uis w C A - L r i atEanese 4ZNv. If liebm 'Sul deu wto thS

ph t Kb apat a dab at tihr1.lldoWhen the gontenta of o Mewer e ieknew. to ..setam loess pasres of begimhee they espeseed .e--.M over be

be" i leek ups 'Sos ee a b e a

*bS&' UNEZ WAN.BtW bws ye rsts tors sum wn

tea..., Sept. 5--A hula dEspnt.s be'athogh'. baeset psuveil 'S wet seembreak ewl nobody atiolps thet it vi be awar betwen homer. ate Viemmy. LaDige's a as. hemt Ce~sstiase di.s bethe laign residents we -mm smedi btey eine boo yga e endd raSm enM .i eUse presened isthie bullet that eort at beUreo d eoarerpsp$5 U tese wfabetween' w ambean.t.

Uesrmasn of gsmebs Area inks£Cumae, Sept. lie-MM, eurubs m m-osled isWe rtsrmn ea.e.We ' btjya

ea prumebd by Drv. Nmrfw I. Vimeesat the epedag of 'S inion lTheedaqarfery is Maw leek yeaerde, Wewbhbhe

pia de far an imWugs~t Omensd andbland .min at~u rh' BIM. Simen Di.Hlgge teet' his IMew s sd ta- a raw