Structural System Evolution

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The history of structural engineering dates back to at least 2700 BC when the step pyramid for Pharaoh Djoser was built by Imhotep, the first engineer in history known by name. Pyramids were the most common major structures built by ancient civilizations because it is a structural form which is inherently stable and can be almost infinitely scaled (as opposed to most other structural forms, which cannot be linearly increased in size in proportion to increased loads)

People have constructed buildings and other structures since prehistory, including bridges, amphitheaters, dams, roads and canals. Building materials in present use have a long history and some of the structures built thousands of years ago are regarded as remarkable. The history of construction overlaps that of structural engineering and many other fields. To understand why things were constructed the way they were in prehistory, we also need to rely on archaeology to record the form of the parts that survive and the tools used, and other branches of history and architecture to investigate how the builders lived and recorded their accomplishments.

Another notable engineering feat from antiquity stiil in use today is the qanat water management system. Qanat technology developed in the time of the Medes, the predecessors of the Persian Empire (modern-day Iran which has the oldest and longest Qanat (older than 3000 years and longer than 71 km) that also spread to other cultures having had contact with the Persian.

The history of building is marked by a number of trends. One is the increasing durability of the materials used. Early building materials were perishable, such as leaves, branches, and animal hides. Later, more durable natural materials such as clay, stone, and timber, and, finally, synthetic materials, such as brick, concrete, metals, and plastics were used. Another is a quest for buildings of ever greater height and span; this was made possible by the development of stronger materials and by knowledge of how materials behave and how to exploit them to greater advantage. A third major trend involves the degree of control exercised over the interior environment of buildings: increasingly precise regulation of air temperature, light and sound levels, humidity, odours, air speed, and other factors that affect human comfort has been possible. Yet another trend is the change in energy available to the construction process, starting with human muscle power and developing toward the powerful machinery used today.

Throughout ancient and medieval history most architectural design and construction was carried out by artisans, such as stone masons and carpenters, rising to the role of master builder. No theory of structures existed and understanding of how structures stood up was extremely limited, and based almost entirely on empirical evidence of 'what had worked before'. Knowledge was retained by guilds and seldom supplanted by advances. Structures were repetitive, and increases in scale were incremental.

No record exists of the first calculations of the strength of structural members or the behaviour of structural material, but the profession of structural engineer only really took shape with the industrial revolution and the re-invention of concrete. The physical sciences underlying structural engineering began to be understood in the Renaissance and have been developing ever since.

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EARLY DEVELOPMENTS IN STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSThe recorded history of structural engineering starts with the ancient Egyptians. In the 27th century BC, Imhotep was the first structural engineer known by name and constructed the first known step pyramid in Egypt. In the 26th century BC, the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed in Egypt. It remained the largest man-made structure for millennia

and was considered an unsurpassed feat in architecture until the 19th century AD.

The understanding of the physical laws that underpin structural engineering in the Western world dates back to the 3rd century BC, when Archimedes published his work On the Equilibrium of Planes in two volumes, in which he sets out the Law of the Lever, stating:

“Equal weights at equal distances are in equilibrium, and equal weights at unequal distances are not in equilibrium but incline towards the weight which is at the greater distance.”

Archimedes used the principles derived to calculate the areas and centers of gravity of various geometric figures including triangles, paraboloids, and hemispheres. Archimedes's work on this and his work on calculus and geometry, together with Euclidean geometry, underpin much of the mathematics and understanding of structures in modern structural engineering.

The ancient Romans made great bounds in structural engineering, pioneering large structures in masonry and concrete, many of which are still standing today. They include aqueducts, thermae, columns, lighthouses, defensive walls and harbours. Their methods are recorded by Vitruvius in his De Architectura written in 25 BC, a manual of civil and structural engineering with extensive sections on materials and machines used in


Pont du Gard, France, a Roman era aqueduct circa 19 BC.

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One reason for their success is their accurate surveying techniques based on the Dioptra, Groma and Chorobates.

Centuries later, in the 15th and 16th centuries and despite lacking beam theory and calculus, Leonardo da Vinci produced many engineering designs based on scientific observations and rigour, including a design for a bridge to span the Golden Horn. Though dismissed at the time, the design has since been judged to be both feasible and structurally valid.

Masonry construction is one of the oldest building techniques known to man. Ever since humans began domesticating animals and establishing long-term dwellings, masonry has been there to provide protection from the elements. Despite the simplicity and ancient history of this process, masonry continues to be a widely popular construction technique in modern society as well.

The birth of masonry dates back to the first agricultural age (known as the Neolithic Revolution). This time period began approximately 10,000 years ago, and includes the development of the Fertile Crescent from 9,000 to 7,000 BC. During this time, the process of using fire to craft mortar or plaster was discovered. This mortar was combined with stone, mud or straw to build the world's first permanent man-made structures.

From this time onward, masonry would become the building method of choice for civilization. From the pyramids of Egypt to the Greek Parthenon, masonry has helped build some of the world's most iconic structures.

While the advent of wood-based construction would eventually eclipse the popularity of stonemasonry, the craft is still used extensively in both commercial and residential structures.

Over the twentieth-century, there have been many contributions to masonry construction. These include the development of techniques for steel reinforced masonry, high-strength mortars, masonry units (both bricks and concrete masonry units) that are higher in structural strength and masonry units of many types that reduce the amount of labor required for masonry construction. As we enter the 21st century, masonry remains popular. Masonry is the choice of many architects, developers and homeowners because of its beauty, durability and endless possibilities.

The foundations of modern structural engineering were laid in the 17th century by Galileo Galilei, Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton with the publication of three great scientific works. In 1638 Galileo published Dialogues Relating to Two New Sciences, outlining the sciences of the strength of materials and the motion of objects (essentially defining gravity as a force giving rise to a constant acceleration). It was the first establishment of a scientific approach to structural engineering, including the first attempts to develop a theory for beams. This is also regarded as the beginning of structural analysis, the mathematical representation and design of building structures.

This was followed in 1676 by Robert Hooke's first statement of Hooke's Law, providing a scientific understanding of elasticity of materials and their behaviour under load.

Eleven years later, in 1687, Sir Isaac Newton published Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, setting out his Laws of Motion, providing for the first time an understanding of the fundamental laws governing structures.

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Also in the 17th century, Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz both independently developed the Fundamental theorem of calculus, providing one of the most important mathematical tools in engineering.

Further advances in the mathematics needed to allow structural engineers to apply the understanding of structures gained through the work of Galileo, Hooke and Newton during the 17th century came in the 18th century when Leonhard Euler pioneered much of the mathematics and many of the methods which allow structural engineers to model and analyse structures. Specifically, he developed the Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with Daniel Bernoulli (1700–1782) circa 1750 - the fundamental theory underlying most structural engineering design.

Daniel Bernoulli, with Johann (Jean) Bernoulli (1667–1748), is also credited with formulating the theory of virtual work, providing a tool using equilibrium of forces and compatibility of geometry to solve structural problems. In 1717 Jean Bernoulli wrote to Pierre Varignon explaining the principle of virtual work, while in 1726 Daniel Bernoulli wrote of the "composition of forces".

In 1757 Leonhard Euler went on to derive the Euler buckling formula, greatly advancing the ability of engineers to design compression elements.

Modern developments in structural Systems

Throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, materials science and structural analysis underwent development at a tremendous pace.

Though elasticity was understood in theory well before the 19th century, it was not until 1821 that Claude-Louis Navier formulated the general theory of elasticity in a mathematically usable form. In his leçons of 1826 he explored a great range of different structural theory, and was the first to highlight that the role of a structural engineer is not to understand the final, failed state of a structure, but to prevent that failure in the first place. In 1826 he also established the elastic modulus as a property of materials independent of the second moment of area, allowing engineers for the first time to both understand structural behaviour and structural materials.

Towards the end of the 19th century, in 1873, Carlo Alberto Castigliano presented his dissertation "Intorno ai sistemi elastici", which contains his theorem for computing displacement as partial derivative of the strain energy.

In 1824, Portland cement was patented by the engineer Joseph Aspdin as "a superior cement resembling Portland Stone", British Patent no. 5022. Although different forms of cement already existed (Pozzolanic cement was used by the Romans as early as 100 B.C. and even earlier by the ancient Greek and Chinese civilizations) and were in common usage in Europe from the 1750s, the discovery made by Aspdin used commonly available, cheap materials, making concrete construction an economical possibility.

Developments in concrete continued with the construction in 1848 of a rowing boat built of Ferro cement - the forerunner of modern reinforced concrete - by Joseph-Louis Lambot. He patented his system of mesh reinforcement and concrete in 1855, one year after W.B. Wilkinson also patented a similar system. This was followed in 1867 when a reinforced concrete planting tub was patented by Joseph Monier in Paris, using steel mesh reinforcement similar to that used by Lambot and Wilkinson.

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Monier took the idea forward, filing several patents for tubs, slabs and beams, leading eventually to the Monier system of reinforced structures, the first use of steel reinforcement bars located in areas of tension in the structure.

Steel construction was first made possible in the 1850s when Henry Bessemer developed the Bessemer process to produce steel. He gained patents for the process in 1855 and 1856 and successfully completed the conversion of cast iron into cast steel in 1858.Eventually mild steel would replace both wrought iron and cast iron as the preferred metal for construction.During the late 19th century, great advancements were made in the use of cast iron, gradually replacing wrought iron as a material of choice. Ditherington Flax Mill in Shrewsbury, designed by Charles Bage, was the first building in the world with an interior iron frame. It was built in 1797. In 1792 William Strutt had attempted to build a fireproof mill at Belper in Derby (Belper West Mill), using cast iron columns and timber beams within the depths of brick arches that formed the floors. The exposed beam soffits were protected against fire by plaster. This mill at Belper was the world's first attempt to construct fireproof buildings, and is the first example of fire engineering. This was later improved upon with the construction of Belper North Mill, a collaboration between Strutt and Bage, which by using a full cast iron frame represented the world's first "fire proofed" building.

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The Forth Bridge The Eiffel Tower(during Construction)

The Forth Bridge was built by Benjamin Baker, Sir John Fowler and William Arrol in 1889, using steel, after the original design for the bridge by Thomas Bouch was rejected following the collapse of his Tay Rail Bridge. The Forth Bridge was one of the first major uses of steel, and a landmark in bridge design. Also in 1889, the wrought-iron Eiffel Tower was built by Gustave Eiffel and Maurice Koechlin, demonstrating the potential of construction using iron, despite the fact that steel construction was already being used elsewhere.

During the late 19th century, Russian structural engineer Vladimir Shukhov developed analysis methods for tensile structures, thin-shell structures, lattice shell structures and new structural geometries such as hyperboloid structures. Pipeline transport was pioneered by Vladimir Shukhov and the Branobel company in the late 19th century.

Again taking reinforced concrete design forwards, from 1892 onwards François Hennebique's firm used his patented reinforced concrete system to build thousands of structures throughout Europe. Thaddeus Hyatt in the US and Wayss & Freitag in Germany also patented systems. The firm AG für Monierbauten constructed 200 reinforced concrete bridges in Germany between 1890 and 1897. The great pioneering uses of reinforced concrete however came during the first third of the 20th century, with Robert Maillart and others furthering of the understanding of its behaviour. Maillart noticed that many concrete bridge structures were significantly cracked, and as a result left the cracked areas out of his next bridge design - correctly believing that if the concrete was cracked, it was not contributing to the strength. This resulted in the revolutionary Salginatobel Bridge design. Wilhelm Ritter formulated the truss theory for the shear design of reinforced concrete beams in 1899, and Emil Mörsch improved this in 1902. He went on to demonstrate that treating concrete in compression as a linear-elastic material was a conservative approximation of its behaviour. Concrete design and analysis has been progressing ever since, with the development of analysis methods such as yield line theory, based on plastic analysis of concrete (as opposed to linear-elastic), and many different variations on the model for stress distributions in concrete in compression.

Prestressed concrete, pioneered by Eugène Freyssinet with a patent in 1928, gave a novel approach in overcoming the weakness of concrete structures in tension. Freyssinet constructed an experimental prestressed arch in 1908 and later used the technology in a limited form in the Plougastel Bridge in France in 1930. He went on to build six prestressed concrete bridges across the Marne River, firmly establishing the technology.

Structural engineering theory was again advanced in 1930 when Professor Hardy Cross developed his Moment distribution method, allowing the real stresses of many complex structures to be approximated quickly and accurately.

In the mid-20th century John Fleetwood Baker went on to develop the plasticity theory of structures, providing a powerful tool for the safe design of steel structures.

High-rise construction, though possible from the late 19th century onwards, was greatly advanced during the second half of the 20th century. Fazlur Khan designed structural systems that remain fundamental to many modern high rise constructions and which he employed in his structural designs for the John Hancock Center in 1969 and Sears Tower in 1973. Khan's central innovation in skyscraper design and construction was the idea of the "tube" and "bundled tube" structural systems for tall

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buildings. He defined the framed tube structure as "a three dimensional space structure composed of three, four, or possibly more frames, braced frames, or shear walls, joined at or near their edges to form a vertical tube-like structural system capable of resisting lateral forces in any direction by cantilevering from the foundation." Closely spaced interconnected exterior columns form the tube. Horizontal loads, for example wind, are supported by the structure as a whole. About half the exterior surface is available for windows. Framed tubes allow fewer interior columns, and so create more usable floor space. Where larger openings like garage doors are required, the tube frame must be interrupted, with transfer girders used to maintain structural integrity. The first building to apply the tube-frame construction was in the DeWitt-Chestnut Apartment Building which Khan designed in Chicago. This laid the foundations for the tube structures used in later skyscraper constructions, including the construction of the World Trade Center.

Another innovation that Fazlur Khan developed was the concept of X-bracing, which reduced the lateral load on the building by transferring the load into the exterior columns. This allowed for a reduced need for interior columns thus creating more floor space, and can be seen in the John Hancock Center. The first sky lobby was also designed by Khan for the John Hancock Center in 1969. Later buildings with sky lobbies include the World Trade Center, PETRONAS Twin Towers and Taipei 101.

The Petronas Tower Taipei 101 World Trade Center In 1987 Jörg Schlaich and Kurt Schafer published the culmination of almost ten years of work on the strut and tie method for concrete analysis - a tool to design structures with discontinuities such as corners and joints, providing another powerful tool for the analysis of complex concrete geometries.

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries the development of powerful computers has allowed finite element analysis to become a significant tool for structural analysis and design. The development of finite element programs has led to the ability to accurately predict the stresses in

complex structures, and allowed great advances in structural engineering design and architecture. In the 1960s and 70s computational analysis was used in a significant way for the first time on the design of the Sydney Opera House roof. Many modern structures could not be understood and designed without the use of computational analysis.

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Developments in the understanding of materials and structural behaviour in the latter part of the 20th century have been significant, with detailed understanding being developed of topics such as fracture mechanics, earthquake engineering, composite materials, temperature effects on materials, dynamics and vibration control, fatigue, creep and others. The depth and breadth of knowledge now available in structural engineering, and the increasing range of different structures and the increasing complexity of those structures has led to increasing specialisation of structural engineers.

Concrete, unlike any other structural building material, allows the architects and engineers to choose not only its mode of production, but its material properties as well. When architects and engineers call for a concrete structural system, they must also specify a multitude of variables, such as its strength, durability, forming techniques, hardening characteristics, nature and extent of reinforcement, aesthetics and much more. As a result, the field of concrete tall building construction is rapidly changing and its limits are constantly being tested and stretched. The introduction of composite construction to tall tubular buildings, first conceived and used by Fazlur Khan of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) in the 1960s, has paved the way for supertall composite buildings like the Petronas Towers and the Jin Mao building in the present era.Travelling through time, one learns that the art of proportioning of concrete was known to the Roman builders and the Pharaohs of Egypt in a primitive way. Most current research and development occurred in the mid- to late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries with men like Monier, Hennebique, Ransome and Talbot. Techniques of concrete for the design and construction of buildings have been used by architects and engineers like Frank Lloyd Wright, Pier Luigi Nervi, Robert Maillart and, more recently, Fazlur Khan. Of course, application with regard to high-rise structures is the most recent, and each of these people had a hand in the development and use of concrete as it exists today in various forms.2. Early historySupertall buildings are a relatively recent addition to the history of the cities around the world.  Technology of the nineteenth century made their development possible. Steel, concrete and masonry materials have existed for a long time in the history of civilization but not in such a configuration.  Masonry is the oldest material. Concrete in its present form is the youngest of these three basic structural materials of construction.  Research shows that early societies used lime as a binding element in mortar.  These included the Phoenicians and their colonies, Cyprus in Mycaenae, Minoan Crete, Egypt and Mesopotamia.  Structures from as early as 1200 BC have been found with polished, lime-concrete floors and surfaces of hard, colored plaster.  Even earlier during the Neolithic period, builders knew "burning of limestone, slaking the lime, mixing the mortar, spreading the concrete, and finishing the surface" [1].  Current frame of reference tends toward a comparison between the history of concrete and its use in tall buildings and that of the Roman's of primitive concrete buildings.  In the early centuries as now, time, money and human ability were important factors in choosing building materials [2]. Skill was required for building formwork--skill that may have been difficult to identify within large groups of slave laborers.  Projects involving elaborate arches and utilitarian structures were supplemented in their strength by bricks and left-in-place forms as they attempted to economize and conserve skilled labor [3].  With the decline of the Roman Empire, society lost the ability to mold the ingredients into cementitious materials.  Only ruins exist as a testament to Roman ingenuity and the history of concrete.  The use of concrete was lost for centuries until discovered again in the nineteenth century and put to work as a workhorse for large warehouses, apartment buildings and factories.The baseline from which to measure the history and development of the skyscraper is the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. While there were no skyscrapers or even structures that resembled them at the exposition, there were in the construction of the buildings and in the exhibitions many of the seeds that germinated and took roots under the quickening impulse that the exposition

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furnished. Portland cement, while known for some time and used in concrete and in mortar for brickwork below grade, was imported from England, but was hardly employed in the masonry walls of the superstructure. Specimens of reinforced concrete were exhibited at the Centennial as a usual curiosity in the field of specific possibilities, but as yet unrecognized for any general use, although a few obscure but adventurous leaders had begun to catch the vision. This was, however, the era of bridge building, not high-rises. Steel rolling mills were then establishing their standard shapes, which were later to become the foundation of the skeleton steel design for skyscrapers.        Discovery in a modern sense of reinforced concrete actually occurred during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.  Wilkinson of New Castle, England, François Hennebique of France, and Thaddeus Hyatt of America are some who greatly contributed to its development in the 19th century.  In 1884, E. L. Ransome's patented twisted bars for greater bond is the precursor for our current deformed bars.In 1904, the first technical bulletin, "Tests of Reinforced Concrete Beams," was published by Robert Talbot of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign following his testing of concrete in its civil engineering laboratories.As materials testing continued to improve, built forms of reinforced concrete systems were witnessed both in Europe and the United States. Factories, warehouses, residential houses and low-rise apartment buildings were considered appropriate uses of concrete.  At first, exterior walls were load bearing with beams, columns and floor systems built to imitate those of steel and wood, two popular systems of the time. These applications did not, however, utilize concrete to its fullest potential.  Between 1901 and 1902, Ransome first patented a system with an exterior belt course to hold up walls from stories above.  He also developed the first precast wall units that were placed integrally with cast-in-place floors and columns.  Precast systems were initially popular making erection quicker and more efficient as well as avoiding cold weather problems. These two innovations changed the exterior walls from ones that carried their own loads to ones that bore integrally with the rest of the system.  This created an ability to use concrete as the framing with a curtain wall sealing the building from external forces [3].  Another innovation, which led the construction industry away from its traditional construction techniques of imitating steel and wood, was Robert Maillart's use of the floor slab instead of beams and girders to carry loads.  These breakthroughs, along with concrete's ability to resist fire, carry heavy loads, and dampen noise, made it a good choice for factory and apartment buildings at the turn of the century. The difficulty for inventors was then to convince the public that its uses went beyond low-rise apartment buildings.  Like steel, it could also soar toward the sky. 3. First Concrete SkyscraperThe history of concrete high-rise truly belongs to the realm of the twentieth century.  E. L. Ransome's system of casting square, twisted, steel bars with concrete as a frame with slabs and concrete exterior walls was used in the Ingalls Building in Cincinnati, Ohio, the first 15-story concrete "skyscraper" built in 1903 by A. O. Elzner.  Initial speculation by the news media and many skeptics in the construction profession predicted that once shoring was removed, the building would crack and crumble under its own weight or through shrinkage during curing.  One news reporter stayed awake all night waiting for the event in order to be the first to provide news coverage of such a catastrophe.  Fortunately, they were proven wrong for the building remained standing.  When first designed, tremendous city fires around the world had destroyed numerous steel tall buildings.  The steel literally became ribbons when subjected to high heat, which concerned many at the time.  Concrete was proving itself to be an excellent fire-resistant material through its use in factories and providing sustenance during fires in those facilities.  A. O. Elzner, in a 1904 article, mentioned the additional benefits of concrete over steel:  concrete "is considerably cheaper.  Steel requires a great amount of capital and equipment and money to operate a steel plant.  Long hauls and heavy freight bills are also involved" [4].  In addition, the schedule for completion was tight and concrete construction could begin well in advance of delivery of steel to the site.  Elzner [4] further wrote about the building:

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                "The structure is a concrete box of 8" walls, with concrete floors and roof, concrete beams, concrete columns, concrete stairs--no steel.  It consists merely of bars embedded in concrete, with the ends interlaced, making actually a complete concrete monolith of the entire building, covered on the exterior with a veneer from four to six inches thick of white marble for the lower three stories, glazed gray brick for the next eleven, and glazed white terra cotta for the top story and cornice . . . There are no shrinkage cracks and the building (has sustained) the highest winds, there is not even a perceptible tremor, and that too with concrete walls only eight inches thick in unbroken slabs sixteen feet square, a portion of which on the second floor carries a bank vault weighing nearly a hundred tons." 4. Innovation in Construction TechnologyMuch of the technological change in concrete construction was in the first half of the 20th century.  Advances in formwork, mixing of concrete, techniques for pumping, and types of admixtures to improve quality have all contributed to the ease of working with concrete in high-rise construction.Formwork:  The most efficient construction coordination plan for a tall building is one that allows formwork to be reused multiple times.  Traditionally, formwork was made of wood but as technology has advanced, the forms have become a combination of wood, steel, aluminium, fiberglass and plastic, to name only a few materials.  Each set may be self-supporting with trusses attached to the exterior or may need additional shoring to support it in appropriate locations.  New additions to the family of forms include flying-forms, slip forms, and jump forms.Flying forms or table forms are rental items.  They are built in "typical" span lengths in order to provide continual reuse in a variety of jobs.  The assemblage is made of fiberglass pan forms, steel trusses and purlins, and plywood, which are moved as a unit providing the base for a floor slab.  After concrete placement and when it is determined that the strength of concrete has reached an appropriate maturity, the forms are removed, cleaned and "flown" with a crane to the next level of a building for reuse.Slip forms are another type of early removal system using materials, which are continuously re-employed.  Three types of jacks--hollow screw jack, hydraulic jack and pneumatic jack--are used worldwide to "slip" formwork for a wall section to higher levels as the concrete cures.  The screw jack is manually operated and used in areas of the world where mechanization is limited.  The hydraulic and pneumatic jacks are fully automated moving continuously as concrete is pumped into place. Jump forms are another type of concrete formwork, which moves as concrete cures to create a reusable, economic system.  Jump forms also have a lifting mechanism but it is used differently from that of the continuous pours made with slip-forming.  These are designed to swing away from the structure (like a door opening) for cleaning and oiling with subsequent reattaching to the wall as it increases in height.Delivery Systems:  While the history of concrete as a material is long, its use in tall buildings was partially curtailed because of difficult delivery systems.  For the construction of the Ingalls Building, the ingredients of concrete were brought to the site and stored on the basement floor. Blending of materials was accomplished mechanically by power-driven, on-site mixers, which had been developed in the 1880s.  When transport began in 1913, it was executed using open trucks. Since segregation occurred on the way to the site, remixing was always necessary. Actual means of transporting the quantities needed for such an enormous job as a high-rise project entails by a transit-mix vehicle was not available until after 1920. In 1947, the first "hydraulically driven truck-mixers" were introduced in the scene.Delivery of concrete had been an issue for tall buildings and other large projects. Hand-in-hand with this concern came the challenge of material placement in large quantities. Technology remained primitive and stagnant in this area until the 1960s when hydraulically powered and controlled pumps were first developed and mounted on a truck for mobile service.  From here, techniques improved continually till now when pumping of concrete is considered even for small jobs.  In recent years, concrete pumping has reached new heights. The builders for the Jin Mao Building in Shanghai, China, boast of pumping high strength concrete as high as 1200 ft (366 m). Pumping is limited by the plastic qualities of concrete, the type of pump available and the piping needed to carry the product up to the desired level.  For such great

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heights, a high-pressure unit is needed. Great thought must be given to the properties of concrete and how it will react when pressure is applied in a pipe. All these factors demanded innovations in concrete technology.

6. Advances in Structural SystemsThe issues involved with structural design and technology are ones of both natural and human implications.  A structure must be designed to carry gravity, wind, equipment and snow; resist high or low temperatures and vibrations; protect against explosions; and absorb noises.  Adding to this the human factor means considering rentable spaces, owner needs, aesthetics, cost, safety and comfort.  Although one set is not mutually exclusive of the other, careful planning and consideration are essential in an attempt to satisfy and integrate both. Over the history of tall building structures, the changes in technology have been tremendous.  Part of this comes from the daily strategies of human living.  In the early years of skyscrapers, urban centers included mostly structures with a storefront next to the street, offices in the stories immediately above, and, finally in the upper levels, apartments for city dwellers.  These types of buildings were difficult to arrange to take total advantage of structural and mechanical systems.  Offices needed large open spaces with large loads from mechanical and electrical systems.  The living quarters, with their more intimate spaces, needed closer column spacing, and had fewer vents and wires required to meet needs of comfort.  Shallow floor-to-floor heights in the apartment areas were possible since they could be accommodated by a flat plate design.  Offices needed grid or pan systems covered by drop ceilings to allow HVAC and electrical systems to be delivered to desired locations within each square.  As the automobile became a transportation reality, people moved to the suburban areas and commuted to the city for work.  This eliminated most mixed-use issues and allowed new forms of tall buildings, which could accommodate wider column spacing desired by businessmen [5].  In recent years, the trend is returning to mixed-uses as limited natural resources, the expense, time and stresses of commuting draw people back into the city center.  Hence, architects and engineers are returning to the challenges of structural design to accommodate people's total daily life.  In addition to the past needs of storefronts, offices and apartments, parking is a major consideration in any new structure within the city.Considering structure alone, there are two main categories for high-rise buildings--structures that resist gravity and lateral loads and those that carry primarily gravity loads.  Since skyscrapers have the largest needs for resisting high magnitudes of wind, the lateral load resisting system becomes the most important.When reinforced concrete was first introduced as a building material, there were limitations on the heights that those buildings could reach.  Structural engineers have gradually learned more about the properties of concrete and the structural systems.  Fazlur Khan revolutionized the design of tall buildings in both steel and concrete when he proposed his well-known system charts for tall buildings [6,7].  The concrete systems that are suitable for different ranges of number of stories are shown in Fig.1. Shear walls, first used in 1940, may be described as vertical, cantilevered beams, which resist lateral wind and seismic loads acting on a building transmitted to them by the floor diaphragms.  Reinforced concrete's ability to dampen vibration and provide mass to a building makes it a good choice of materials.  These elements are a variety of shapes such as, circular, curvilinear, oval, box-like, triangular or rectilinear.  Many times, a shear wall exists as a core-wall holding internal services like elevators, janitor's closets, stairwells and storage areas.  Sometimes they serve external functions as a diagonal bracing system.  When carefully planned, these walls may be used as partitions in a structure serving as both a gravity- and a lateral-load bearing system.  Concrete's quality of sound absorption makes it suitable for use in hotels and apartment buildings to reduce the transfer of noises from unit to unit.

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Fig. 1 - Concrete systems that are suitable for different ranges of number of stories

 Moment-resisting frames are structures having the traditional beam-column framing. They carry the gravity loads that are imposed on the floor system.  The floors also function as horizontal diaphragm elements that transfer lateral forces to the girders and columns.  In addition, the girders resist high moments and shears at the ends of their lengths, which are, in turn, transferred to the column system.  As a result, columns and beams can become quite large.A combined system called shear wall-frame interaction system first seriously studied by Fazlur  Khan [8] was a milestone in the development of taller concrete buildings.  In this system, a central core or dispersed shear walls interact with the remaining beam-column or slab-column framing in the building via rigid floor diaphragms.A framed tube structure is a new addition to the structural systems.  Khan is generally credited with its invention in the 1960s.  It is defined as [9]:                "a three dimensional space structure composed of three, four, or possibly more frames, braced frames, or shear walls, joined at or near their edges to form a vertical tube-like structural system capable of resisting lateral forces in any direction by cantilevering from the foundation."The tubular structure operates as an inherently stiffened three-dimensional framework where the entire building works to resist overturning moments.  Tubes can encompass shear walls, columns and beams attempting to make them act as one unit.  The main feature of a tube is closely spaced exterior columns connected by deep spandrels that form a spatial skeleton and are advantageous for resisting lateral loads in a three-dimensional structural space.  Window openings usually cover about 50% of exterior wall surface.  Larger openings such as retail store and garage entries are accommodated by large transfer girders, albeit disrupting the tubular behavior of the structure locally at that location. The tubular concept is both structurally and architecturally applicable to concrete buildings as is evident from the DeWitt-Chestnut Apartment building (Fig. 2) in Chicago completed in 1965, the first known building engineered as a tube by Khan.

Page 14: Structural System Evolution

Fig. 2 - DeWitt-Chestnut Apartment building in Chicago

Fig. 3 - The Onterie Center  in Chicago

Several configurations of tubes exist: framed, braced, solid core-wall tubes, tube-in-tube and bundled tubes. The framed or boxed tube is the one most likely associated with the initial definition given above. The DeWitt-Chestnut Apartment building in Chicago is a framed tube. A braced tube is three dimensionally braced or a trussed system. Its unique feature is that members have axial but little or no flexural deformation. The Onterie Center (Fig.3) in Chicago is an example of such a system in concrete. The John Hancock Center in Chicago, on the other hand, is a remarkable example of this system in steel.  Tubular core walls could either carry full lateral load or they may interact with frames. The Brunswick Building (Fig. 4) in Chicago is an example where the core walls interact with the exterior frame comprising closely spaced columns. This gives the building a tube-in-tube appearance although it was designed using the shear wall-frame interaction principle. Tube-in-tube is a system with framed tube, an external and internal shear wall core, which act together in resisting the lateral resisting loads.  One Shell Plaza (Fig. 5) in Houston is a tube-in-tube building.  Bundled tubes are used in very large structures as a way of decreasing the surface area for wind resistance and creating intimate spaces for apartment rentals. Multiple tubes share internal and adjoining columns depending on their adjacencies. One Peachtree Center in Atlanta is an example of a concrete bundled tube design.  Similarly, the One Magnificent Mile building (Fig. 6) in Chicago is another example.  The Sears Tower is one of steel but probably the most well known in this category of tubular configuration. Details of these and other concrete tall buildings designed by Khan can be seen in Ali [10].

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Fig. 4 - The Brunswick Building  in Chicago

Fig. 5 - One Shell Plaza  in Houston

Fig. 6 - One Magnificent Mile building in Chicago

Choosing a structural system is very complex in today's market. In the years of the Ingall's Building, one system of post-and-beam construction existed. Concrete's formwork was complex but putting the building together was not as complex as today's systems. Developments in the world of concrete since 1960 have been mostly in new systems such as the tubes and composite construction.  The challenge for engineers and architects today is to make all the systems work together to their maximum capacity and create a habitable environment for the people within the built structure.