Structural design with polymorphic uncertainty models Wolfgang Graf, Marco G¨otz, Michael Kaliske TU Dresden, Institute for Structural Analysis, [email protected] Abstract. The design of structures is one of the major tasks for engineers. Structural design should be robust with respect to the polymorphic nature and characteristic of the available information. Generally, the availability of information in engineering practice is limited. Incomplete, fragmentary, diffuse, and frequently expert specified knowledge leads to imprecision in data. In addition, engineers have to cope with the objective variability and fluctuations in material, geometry and loading. Uncertainties inherently present in resistance of structural materials, environmental and loads, boundary conditions, physical and numerical models, and to other types of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties. The goal of numerical structural design, computing robust and reliable structures, can be realized by means of analyzing different variants, application of optimization tasks, or solving inverse problems. The contribution presents selected research results recently obtained by the authors. The main focus is on soft computing methods developed for structural design. Keywords: structural analysis, structural design, reliability assessment, polymorphic uncertainty 1. Introduction The main point of view for this contribution are soft computing methods for structural design considering uncertainty. The realistic consideration of the uncertainty of the underlying database is essential in order to compute realistic results. Uncertainty can be classified into aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, see e.g. (M¨ oller and Beer, 2008) and (Muhanna et al., 2007). The uncer- tainty characteristic variability is of aleatoric manner. Epistemic uncertainty can be separated into incompleteness and impreciseness. An uncertain variable, which should be considered in structural analysis, is mostly characterized by more than one of these characteristic. Therefore, the aim of current research is to describe all uncertainty characteristics with one model, see e.g. (Reuter et al., 2012). These polymorphic uncertainty models provide the possibility for a realistic investigation of structural behavior and yields to better results in design processes. The numerical analysis based on two independent algorithms, fuzzy analysis and stochastic analysis in sequential applications. Two different approaches for considering uncertainty in optimization tasks were developed. On the one hand, there is the wait-and-see strategy, see (Dantzig, 1955), also known as passive approach. On the other hand, there the here-and-now strategy, see (Tintner, 1960) and (Sengupta et al., 1963), denoted as active approach. These approaches mainly differ in the order of applying structural optimization and estimation of uncertainty. The known investigations and applications for the two approaches, see (Wets, 2002), are using especially random variables to describe the uncertainty of data. In this contribution approaches for considering polymorphic uncertainty in optimization tasks are shown. The importance of considering polymorphic uncertainty for structural analysis and design is demonstrated by means of an example. c 2014 by authors. Printed in the USA. REC 2014 - Wolfgang Graf

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Structural design with polymorphic uncertainty models

Wolfgang Graf, Marco Gotz, Michael KaliskeTU Dresden, Institute for Structural Analysis, [email protected]

Abstract. The design of structures is one of the major tasks for engineers. Structural design shouldbe robust with respect to the polymorphic nature and characteristic of the available information.Generally, the availability of information in engineering practice is limited. Incomplete, fragmentary,diffuse, and frequently expert specified knowledge leads to imprecision in data. In addition, engineershave to cope with the objective variability and fluctuations in material, geometry and loading.Uncertainties inherently present in resistance of structural materials, environmental and loads,boundary conditions, physical and numerical models, and to other types of aleatoric and epistemicuncertainties. The goal of numerical structural design, computing robust and reliable structures,can be realized by means of analyzing different variants, application of optimization tasks, orsolving inverse problems. The contribution presents selected research results recently obtained bythe authors. The main focus is on soft computing methods developed for structural design.

Keywords: structural analysis, structural design, reliability assessment, polymorphic uncertainty

1. Introduction

The main point of view for this contribution are soft computing methods for structural designconsidering uncertainty. The realistic consideration of the uncertainty of the underlying databaseis essential in order to compute realistic results. Uncertainty can be classified into aleatoric andepistemic uncertainty, see e.g. (Moller and Beer, 2008) and (Muhanna et al., 2007). The uncer-tainty characteristic variability is of aleatoric manner. Epistemic uncertainty can be separated intoincompleteness and impreciseness. An uncertain variable, which should be considered in structuralanalysis, is mostly characterized by more than one of these characteristic. Therefore, the aim ofcurrent research is to describe all uncertainty characteristics with one model, see e.g. (Reuter et al.,2012). These polymorphic uncertainty models provide the possibility for a realistic investigation ofstructural behavior and yields to better results in design processes. The numerical analysis basedon two independent algorithms, fuzzy analysis and stochastic analysis in sequential applications.

Two different approaches for considering uncertainty in optimization tasks were developed. Onthe one hand, there is the wait-and-see strategy, see (Dantzig, 1955), also known as passive approach.On the other hand, there the here-and-now strategy, see (Tintner, 1960) and (Sengupta et al., 1963),denoted as active approach. These approaches mainly differ in the order of applying structuraloptimization and estimation of uncertainty. The known investigations and applications for the twoapproaches, see (Wets, 2002), are using especially random variables to describe the uncertaintyof data. In this contribution approaches for considering polymorphic uncertainty in optimizationtasks are shown. The importance of considering polymorphic uncertainty for structural analysisand design is demonstrated by means of an example.

c© 2014 by authors. Printed in the USA.

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Wolfgang Graf

2. Polymorphic uncertainty modelling

Two well established uncertainty models – random variables and fuzzy sets – are the basis forpolymorphic uncertainty variables, see (Beer et al., 2012). In the following, the two basis modelsare explained and the polymorphic uncertainty models are defined as well.

2.1. Basic uncertainty models

2.1.1. Random variablesA random variable is a mapping X: Ω→ R that satisfies the condition

∀ I ∈ B(R):X−1(I) := ω ∈ Ω; X(ω) ∈ I ∈ Σ. (1)

Thereby is (Ω,Σ, P ) a probability space and (R,B(R)) an observation space. Ω is the set of ele-mentary events ω and Σ is a σ-Algebra. The probability measure P has to satisfy the axioms ofKolmogorov. The notation B(R) is the Borel-σ-Algebra. For the random variable X, the associatedprobability measure PX is defined as

PX :B(R)→ [0, 1]: I 7→ PX(I) = P(X−1(I)

). (2)

2.1.2. Fuzzy setsA fuzzy number extends the entropy of a crisp subset A ⊆ R. This extension is done by an evaluationof the vector space R with membership functions µ:R→ [0, 1] and can be written as set of orderedpairs

(x, µ(x)) | x ∈ R ∧ µ(x) ∈ [0, 1]. (3)

The set of all fuzzy sets of R is denoted by F(R). For numerical implementation it is necessary tointroduce α-level cuts for fuzzy variables. For a convex fuzzy variable A and α ∈ (0, 1],

A := x ∈ R:µA(x) ≥ α (4)

is called α-level cut.

2.2. Polymorphic uncertainty models

The main idea of polymorphic uncertainty is the consideration of more than one uncertaintycharacteristic by one variable. Polymorphic uncertainty models are introduced in (Moller and Beer,2004) and extended in (Pannier et al., 2013); an overview is given in Table I and (Beer et al., 2012).The definition of a polymorphic uncertain variable is based on the definition of random variables,whereby parts of this definition are expressed by fuzzy numbers.

2.2.1. Fuzzy probability based randomness (fp-r)A type of polymorphic uncertainty modelling is a fuzzy random based random variable, whichcan take variability and incompleteness into account. For fuzzy random based random variables,the probability measure P of the random number, see Eq. (2), is defined as an evaluated set of

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probability functions. This means, every event is represented by a fuzzy value and not by a singlenumber. The fuzzy probability space is the triple (Ω,Σ, P ). Ω and Σ are equal to the random

number definition. The fuzzy probability P is a family of mappings

P =(Pβ


, (5)

where Pβ assigns to each A ∈ Σ an interval [Pβ,l(A), Pβ,r(A)], such that

0 ≤ Pβ,l(A) ≤ Pβ,r(A) ≤ 1 (6)

holds, here β indicates an α-level. The relating measurable mapping X: Ω → R is called fuzzyrandom based random variable. To describe a cumulative distribution function (cdf), it is necessaryto define the set

∀(FX)β := G:R→ [0, 1] cdf | ∀x ∈ R: (7)

Pβ,l(X−1((−∞, x])

)≤ G(x) ≤ Pβ,r

(X−1((−∞, x])


The fuzzy cumulative distribution function is the family of the sets

FX = ((FX)β)β∈(0,1] . (8)

For the family FX , a fuzzy set s = (sβ)β(0,1] can be defined, such that for each β ∈ (0, 1] and s ∈ sβFs is a unique cumulative distribution function. The fp-r variable FX can be written by a bunchparameter representation

FX = (Fs | s ∈ sβ)β∈(0,1] , (9)

see also (Moller and Beer, 2004). A visualization of the fuzzy cumulative distribution function of afp-r variable is shown in Figure 1.








Figure 1.: Fuzzy random based random variable (fp-r)

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2.2.2. Fuzzy probability based fuzzy randomness (fp-fr)Fuzzy random based fuzzy random variables consider the uncertainty characteristics variability,incompleteness and imprecision. Taking imprecision additionally to fp-r into account, it is necessaryto define a σ-algebra B(F(R)), yielding to the measurable space (F(R),B(F(R))) for fuzzy numbers.

With the already introduced fuzzy probability space (Ω,Σ, P ), it yields the measurable mapping

X: Ω→ F(R), (10)

called fuzzy random based fuzzy random variable. The fp-fr variable X can be formulated as familyof fuzzy probability intervals Xα. If for every ω ∈ Ω, the fuzzy value X(ω) is convex, then eachα-level is an interval. It holds

X(ω) = (X(ω)α)α∈(0,1] = (Xα(ω))α∈(0,1] = ([Xα,l(ω), Xα,r(ω)])α∈(0,1] , (11)

with Xα,l(ω), Xα,r(ω) ∈ R and Xα,l(ω) ≤ Xα,r(ω). The distribution of the fp-fr variable X iswritten as family of distribution functions

FX = (FX,α)α∈(0,1] := ([FX,α,l, FX,α,r])α∈(0,1]. (12)

The interval [FX,α,l, FX,α,r] characterizes the distribution of the fp-r interval Xα. The distributionof Xα,l and Xα,r is defined as

FX,α,l := ((FX,α,l)β)β∈(0,1] , and FX,α,r := ((FX,α,r)β)β∈(0,1] . (13)

A visual representation of a fp-fr variable X can be seen in Figure 2.




µ(x) x


















Figure 2.: Representation of a fuzzy random based fuzzy random variable (fp-fr)

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Structural design with polymorphic uncertainty models

Table I. Overview of polymorphic uncertainty models (Pannier et al., 2013)

name mapping data characteristic

random variableX: Ω→ R deterministic

aleatoric (variability)P : Σ→ [0, 1] very many

fuzzy variable µA:R→ [0, 1] subjective, few epistemic

fuzzy random variableX: Ω→ F(R) imprecise variability,

P : Σ→ [0, 1] (very) many impreciseness

fuzzy random based X: Ω→ R deterministic variability,

random variable (fp-r) P =(Pβ


some incompleteness

fuzzy random based X: Ω→ F(R) imprecise variability, impreciseness,

fuzzy random variable (fp-fr) P =(Pβ


some incompleteness

2.3. Numerical analysis concepts with uncertain data

A generalized formulation of a set of polymorphic uncertain variables D(Q,R) allows a math-ematical formulation for all mentioned uncertainty measures. D(Q,R) means, e.g. D(Ω,R) is aset of random numbers, respectively, D(R, [0, 1]) is a set of fuzzy numbers. The notation is anabbreviation, which always implements further relating properties. The application of polymorphicuncertainty models needs specific numerical algorithms. The basic uncertainty models and the otherpolymorphic uncertainty models are included as special case. In general, the algorithm is separableinto fuzzy analysis and stochastic analysis. The fuzzy analysis handles the fuzzy properties of the








x x






fuzzyanalysis (1)


fuzzyanalysis (2)



ral a







m(.)mz, ,lb

sz, ,lb

qz, ,lb

Pf z, ,lb

, mz, ,rb

, sz, ,rb

, qz, ,rb

, Pf z, ,rb

mz, ,la

sz, ,la

qz, ,la

Pf z, ,la

, mz, ,ra

, sz, ,ra

, qz, ,ra

, Pf z, ,ra z

fp-fr fp-r fuzziness deterministic

deterministicfuzzinessfp-rfuzzy type 2


Figure 3.: Sequential reduction of uncertainty

considered uncertainty model, applying the well known α-level optimization, see e.g. (Moller and

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Beer, 2004). The stochastic analysis takes the uncertainty characteristic variability into account. Itis evaluated by standard or advanced Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). The sequential reduction ofuncertainty is shown in Figure 3. The application of the first fuzzy analysis evaluates the incomplete-ness characteristic by α-level optimization at β level. The variability of the resulting fuzzy randombased random variable is evaluated by MCS, with the aim to compute e.g. probability of failurePf , empirical mean values m, or empirical variances s. The resulting fuzzy set is again handled byα-level optimization at α level to evaluate the imprecision characteristic. The output quantities zof the deterministic structural analysis (e.g. Finite Element Analysis (FEA)) are computes for theinput values x. The second fuzzy analysis computes the membership function µ(z) of all outputquantities. The stochastic analysis results in empirical fuzzy distribution functions. These fuzzydistribution functions needs to be evaluated and reduced to an deterministic value, in order toevaluate the fuzzy quantity at β level with the help of the first fuzzy analysis. The evaluation couldresult in e.g. a fuzzy probability of failure or a fuzzy mean value. These fuzzy quantities are thebasis for the first α-level optimization, which evaluates the fuzzy quantities at each α-level to getthe information for the resulting β-level. The result can be interpreted as fuzzy type-2 value, see(Wu and Mendel, 2007).

3. Numerical design concepts with uncertain data

In this section are shown numerical design concepts, applying surrogate models, for the considera-tion of data uncertainty , according to a main contribution, see (Pannier, 2011). Two concepts fornumerical design are existing

− optimization

− solution of the inverse problem

This contribution describes surrogate models for the optimization task. For the solution of theinverse problems, see e.g. (Gotz et al., 2013).


z(d, pu)




(a) Passive optimization approach


z(d, pu)



(b) Active optimization approach

Figure 4.: Surrogate models for solving the ”uncertain” optimization

The optimization objective function under consideration of uncertain quantities is written as

fuZ : D(Q,R)→ D(V,W ). (14)

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Structural design with polymorphic uncertainty models

The uncertain input quantities D(Q,R) can be classified into uncertain design variables xud ∈D(Qx, Rx) and uncertain a priori parameters pu ∈ D(Qp, Rp), holding

D(Qx, Rx)×D(Qp, Rp) = D(Q,R). (15)

An optimization algorithm for the direct consideration of polymorphic uncertain design variablesdoes not exist. This means, that the application of uncertain design variables is directly not possible.A solution is the application of an affine transformation T to the uncertain design variables, splitthem to deterministic design variables d ∈ Rnx (suitable for optimization algorithms) and further(constant) uncertain a priori variables, containing to the set pu. The affine transformation has tobe defined for each uncertainty model; e.g. for fuzzy quantities

T f : Rnx → F(Rnx) : d 7→ (c(d) · u+ d) = xd (16)

can be found. The objective function Eq. (14) can be rewritten as

fuZ : Rnx ×D(Qp, Rp)→ D(V,W ) : (d, pu) 7→ fuZ (T (d), pu) . (17)

Due to the objective function Eq. (17), considering deterministic design parameters, the ”uncertain”optimization task is formulated as

”determine L ⊆ X+d such that ∀ d ∈ x+d and dmin ∈ L it holds:

fuZ(dmin, pu) is ”lower or equal than” fuZ(d, pu)”.

The objective is to findminimum


fuZ(d, pu), (18)

under consideration of the uncertain permissible range

X+d = d ∈ Rnx | ∀ j ∈ 1; . . .; ag : (19)

guj (d, pu) ”lower than” 0 ∧ ∀ k ∈ 1; . . .; ah : huk(d, pu) ”equal” 0,

with the uncertain constraints

guj : D(Q,R)→ D(V,W ) and huk : D(Q,R)→ D(V,W ). (20)

Due to the missing of a general rule for comparing uncertain quantities, relational operators as<, >, =, used in the introduced design task and the related constraints. The application of theminimum-operator ”min” as for the deterministic case in Eq. (18) is not possible. This means, thesolution of the design task with uncertain quantities, can be found for surrogate problems only. Thesurrogate problem can be formulated as passive or active approach. The both approaches mainlydiffer in the order of evaluation of uncertainty task and solving the optimization problem.

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3.1. Passive optimization approach

The passive approach is extended for polymorphic uncertain variables and formulated as

”determine for all p (realization of pu) that set L ⊆ X+d , such that

∀d ∈ X+d , and dmin ∈ L it holds: fZ(dmin, p) ≤ fZ(d, p)”.

With this approach, the realizations of uncertain a priori parameters pu will be computedfirstly, yielding deterministic objective function, e.g. the dotted line in Figure 4(a). The mapping ofuncertainty input quantities to uncertain output quantities is with known approaches only possible,if the affine transformation, Eq. (16), is linear dependent from the design variable. The next stepis the computation of the minimum of these deterministic objective functions with deterministicoptimization techniques, and has to be repeated for all necessary realizations of pu. The direct resultof this computation is a set of the minima of all deterministic functions and could be interpretedas the minimum of the uncertain objective function, see Figure 4(a), 1©. In a pre-processing step,the single points of this uncertain minimum can be associated with the related design quantity,yielding to an uncertain evaluation for the design quantities, (Figure 4(a), 2©). The checking of thepermissibility for the uncertain set of designs has to be done afterwards. A scheme of the completealgorithm can be seen in Figure 5.

stochastic analysis

fuzzy analysis (1)

fuzzy analysis (2)

optimizationobjective function

structuralobjective function

optimizationobjective function





n u




uncertain setof designs







inequality constraints equality constraints







stochastic analysis

fuzzy analysis

objective function g1

fuzzy analysis

stochastic analysis

fuzzy analysis

objective function g2

fuzzy analysis

stochastic analysis

fuzzy analysis

objective function ga

fuzzy analysis


stochastic analysis

fuzzy analysis

objective function g1

fuzzy analysis

stochastic analysis

fuzzy analysis

objective function h2

fuzzy analysis

stochastic analysis

fuzzy analysis

objective function ha

fuzzy analysis



g o

f perm




Figure 5.: Framework for computing the optimization task with the passive approach

3.2. Active optimization approach

The formulation of the active approach for polymorphic uncertain quantities is

”determine L ⊆ X+d such that

∀ d ∈ X+d and dmin ∈ L it holds: M (fuZ(dmin, p

u)) ≤M (fuZ(d, pu))”.

Selected deterministic design quantities d (Figure 4(b), 1©) were transformed to uncertain designquantities xud and the uncertain result quantities (Figure 4(b), 2©) can be computed. The applicationof information reducing measures

M : D(V,W )→ R (21)

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allows the reduction to deterministic values and an application of further optimization processing.There are two different types of information reducing measures. On the one hand, there are measuresreducing the uncertainty to an representative value. On the other hand, there are measures quantify-ing the uncertainty. In dependency of the specific uncertainty model and different design objectives,different information reducing measures could be formulated. Due to the main difference to thepassive approach – evaluating the uncertainty in the second step – there are no requirements foran affine transformation. This approach is the basis for established Reliability-Based Optimizationmethods (RBO), see e.g. (Enevoldsen and Sørensen, 1994).

Summarizing, by means of the passive approach the location of the minimum is detectable,there are no uncertain response parameters, the checking of constraints has to be done in a postprocessing, but there is a fast detection of optimal ranges. By contrast, with the aid of the activeapproach it is possible to calculate a deterministic minimum for deterministic design parameters. Itincludes an early reduction of information. The constraints could be evaluated directly, but this is anexpensive detection of the optimum. The combination of both approaches could use the particularadvantages. This could be done by a sequential application of the approaches. In an early designstage, the passive approach with the uncertainty model fuzziness should be applied. In the finaldesign stage, the active approach with random based models should be used.

4. Numerical efficiency

The applicability of polymorphic uncertainty models for structural analysis and design is, due to theenormous numerical effort, limited. The consideration of polymorphic uncertainty models makes itnecessary to reduce the computational effort. There are three essential possibilities to reduce thenumerical effort

− reduction of calculation time for the deterministic solution or reduction of necessary numberof computations of the deterministic solution,

− replace the deterministic solution with efficient metamodels,

− parallel evaluation of deterministic solutions.

The reduction of the necessary number of computations of the deterministic solutions, is possible forpolymorphic uncertainty models, due to the sequential evaluation of fuzzy properties and stochasticproperties, see Section 2, for these two sequences. The stochastic solution can be applied by wellknown MCS or by more efficient technologies as subset sampling, see e.g. (Au, 2001). The solutionfor fuzzy quantities can be improved by applying efficient optimization technologies for the α-leveloptimization, see (Moller et al., 2000); or a specific evaluation of needed points of the membershipfunction.

Common for both is, the numerical effort increases with increasing number of uncertain param-eters. This means, reducing the number of uncertain quantities improves the numerical efficiency.This necessary categorization of uncertain quantities into relevant and non-relevant is possible byanalyzing the sensitivity for each input quantity to the output quantity of interest, see e.g. (Saltelli

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et al., 2008). Metamodels are versatile, e.g. there are applicable for pattern classification, functionapproximation or computing sensitivity measures. The possibility to approximate functional data,a mapping of input quantities to output quantities

f∗:Rn ⊃ Hn → Rm (22)

can be done by several types of metamodels, see (Søndergaard, 2003). The definition of the regionof interest Hn = [a1, b1] × . . . × [an, bn] | ai, bi ∈ R, ai ≤ bi, i ∈ 1, . . ., n is necessary toavoid extrapolating. The metamodel f∗ can be found on the basis of a set of support pointsN = (x, z) | x ∈ Hn, z ∈ Hm, which provide the relations between input and output quantitiesof the original function f :Rn → Rm, x 7→ z point wise. The well established metamodels toapproximate functional data, as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) or Radial Basis FunctionsNetworks (RBFN) need intensive, time-consuming training. Furthermore, an assumption aboutthe network architecture (e.g. number of hidden layers and number of neurons or radial basisfunctions inside each hidden layer) is necessary. But the quality of the network mainly dependentson this architecture, especially for a small number of neurons. The computation of the best fittingarchitecture can be done by investigation of different variants, accompanied by high computationalcosts. To avoid making a wrong assumption about network type and architecture, (Huang et al.,2006) developed a specific training algorithm for ANN and RBFN, called Extreme Learning Machine(ELM). This metamodel needs a short time for training.

5. Example

This example demonstrates the applicability of the active optimization approach, by optimizing asupporting structure for traffic road signs under car crash loading. The optimization is done underconsideration of passive safety requirements of the occupants. In Figure 6 the complete simulationmodel with approx. 25000 elements is shown.

Figure 6.: Simulation model

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The simulation model, the uncertain structural analysis and the optimization are discussed inthe following.

Simulation model. The car crash against the truss, which is the supporting structure of thetraffic sign, is simulated by a Finite Element Model applying explicit time-step integration. The caris modelled by a dummy airbag to capture the acceleration of the head, which is relevant for passivesafety requirements. The deterministic simulation results for an impact velocity of vinit = 50 km/hare shown in Figure 7. In Figure 8 the related filtered acceleration of the head is shown. Byintegrating the acceleration of the head over time the safety relevant parameter HIC36 can becomputed. For the shown example it yields HIC36 = 3.79, which is under the critical constrain.

Figure 7.: von-Mises stress (vinit = 50 km/h) at t = 120 ms

Figure 8.: Acceleration time dependency ofthe head



2 3 4 5



m( HIC36)

Figure 9.: Fuzzy mean value HIC36 of theoptimized structure

Uncertainty model. The simulation model is characterized by five uncertain parameters. Thecar velocity is modelled as fuzzy interval vinit = 〈35, 50, 90, 100〉 [km/h]. The impact angle φ =〈45, 45, 90〉 [] and the uncertain a priori part of the stiffness of the spring at the supporting point(design parameter) Ku = 〈−20, 0, 20〉 kN/mm are considered as fuzzy triangular numbers. Thewelding at the supporting point are modeled as fuzzy probability based random variables. The

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parameters are normal distributed, with fuzzy mean values.

σFS = N ∼ (µ = 〈0.355, 0.36, 0.365〉, σ = 0.010) [kN/mm2] (23)

εFS = N ∼ (µ = 〈0.145, 0.15, 0.155〉, σ = 0.005) [−] (24)

Due to the high numerical effort the acceleration the head (HIC36) is approximated by an ArtificialNeural Network, based on 100 computed sample points. The result of the fuzzy stochastic analysisis an empirical distribution function, represented by the fuzzy mean of HIC36.

Optimization The optimized structure should minimize the injury risk minHIC36 for thedummy. The design parameter is the stiffness of the spring at the supporting point, considering therelated a priori uncertainty additive. The design space is the interval Kd ∈ [350, 550] kN/mm. Theresult of the uncertain analysis can not be considered directly, due to the non-possible comparisonof uncertain parameter. The fuzzy mean of HIC36 is mapped to a deterministic value, by applyinginformation reducing measures, to obtain the comparability. The applied information reducingmeasure is a representative measure (after Rommelfanger). The optimal stiffness of the spring isKd = 352.31 kN/mm. In Figure 9 the related uncertain result of the uncertain analysis is shown.

6. Conclusion

This contribution focuses on soft computing method, developed for structural design under con-sideration of unavoidable uncertainty. The shown polymorphic uncertainty models allow a realisticconsideration of uncertain data, with a separated computation of the different uncertainty charac-teristics, variability, imprecision and incompleteness. The introduced polymorphic uncertain modelfuzzy probability based fuzzy randomness includes the other models as special cases. The numericalimplementation is shown.

Furthermore surrogate models, in active and passive manner, for considering polymorphic un-certainty models in design tasks are demonstrated. The split to deterministic design variable anduncertain a priori parameter of the uncertain design variables allows the application of existingoptimization algorithms.

Due to the enormous numerical effort, the application of metamodels is seen as unavoidable bythe authors.

The applicability of the fuzzy probability based randomness in an active optimization task isdemonstrated by means of an example.


The authors thank the National Crash Analysis Center (NCAC) for the model of the car, the com-pany DYNAmore GmbH for the assembled car inclusive the dummy and M.Sc. I. Petromichelakisfor his contributions to the numerical analysis.

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Au, S.-K. (2001). On the Solution of First Excursion Problems by Simulation with Applications to ProbabilisticSeismic Performance Assessment. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.

Beer, M., W. Graf & M. Kaliske (2012). Safety and robustness assessment of structures with generalized datauncertainty. GACM Report – German Association for Computational Mechanics 7, 23-28.

Dantzig, G. B. (1955). Linear programming under uncertainty. Management Science 1 (3/4), 197-206.Enevoldsen, I. & J. Sørensen (1994). Reliability-based optimization in structural engineering. Structural Safety 15 (3),

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REC 2014 - Wolfgang Graf