Stress, Anxiety & Depression: So What Do I Take? Gary E. Foresman, MD July 2013

Stress, Anxiety & Depression: So What Do I Take?

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Stress, Anxiety & Depression: So What Do I Take?. Gary E. Foresman, MD July 2013. References. Depression and Risk of Stroke Morbidity and Mortality. An Pan PhD, et al. JAMA. Sept 21, 2011; 306(11): 1241-1249. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stress, Anxiety & Depression:So What Do I Take?

Gary E. Foresman, MDJuly 2013

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Page 3: Stress, Anxiety & Depression: So What Do I Take?

References1. Depression and Risk of Stroke Morbidity and Mortality. An Pan

PhD, et al. JAMA. Sept 21, 2011; 306(11): 1241-1249.2. Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials and Its Influence

on Apparent Efficacy. Erick H Turner MD, et al. NEJM. Jan 17, 2008;358: 252-60.

3. Effectiveness of Antidepressants: An Evidence Myth Constructed From a Thousand Clinical Trials? John P Ioannidis. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine. May 27, 2008; 3:14.

4. Complementary and Alternative Medicine For the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. Richard Nahas MD, et al. Canadian Fam Phys. June 2011; 57: 659-63.

5. St. John’s Wort and SAMe as Natural Alternatives to Conventional Antidepressants… David J Carpenter, PharmD. Alt Med Rev. 2011;16(1): 17-39.

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References1. Nutritional and Herbal Supplements for Anxiety and

Anxiety-Related Disorders: Systematic Review. Lakhan, Shaheen and Vieira, Karen, Nutrition Journal 2010, 9:42 p1-14.

2. Kava in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A DBPCRCT. Sarris, J etal. J Clin Psychopharmacol Apr 2013.

3. The Acute Effects of Kava and Oxazepam on Anxiety, Mood, Neurocognition: A DBPCRCT. Sarris, J etal. Hum Psychopharmacology May 2012: 27(3): 262-9.

4. An Orally Administered Lavandula Oil Preparation for Anxiety and Related Conditions: an Evidence Based Review. Kasper s. In J Psychiatry Clin Pract Jun 2013.

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Depression: An Introduction• Depression affects between 16-20% of the

population during their lifetime. Anxiety affects almost exactly the same number of people.

• Depression is associated with sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, smoking, obesity, and an increased risk of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, and Coronary Artery Disease.

• Depression has neuroendocrine dysfunction, specifically sympathetic nervous system activation, hypothalamic–pituitary-adrenal dysregulation and increased platelet aggregation.

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Depression: An Introduction• Depression is an inflammatory disorder

associated with disruption of bowel flora and increased inflammatory mediators such as CRP, IL-1 and IL-6.

• Depression increases stroke risk by 45%, and fatal stroke by 55%.

• Antidepressant medicines are strongly associated with stroke risk (as well as osteoporosis).

• Antidepressant medicines, NOT depression itself, have been strongly correlated with brain atrophy, specifically in the hippocampus. (J of Alzheimer’s Disease. Feb 2012)

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Mark Twain’s Three Cents:“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”

“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.”

“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.”

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Publication Bias• An analysis of 74 FDA-registered studies

between 1987-2004 used for the approval of 12 antidepressant agents were reviewed.

• Of the 38 trials favoring the medicine over placebo, 37 were published.

• Of the 36 trials favoring placebo (or showing no difference) only 3 were published as showing “not positive” results

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Publication Bias

• Of the 36 trials showing unfavorable results an additional 11 publications went to press showing “favorable” results in direct conflict with the FDA’s conclusions.

• When all studies are combined a very slight statistical advantage for the medicines persist, at a level that does not reach the standard for “clinical significance”.

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Page 11: Stress, Anxiety & Depression: So What Do I Take?

Pharmaceutical Influence• Nearly 30% of the $80 billion spent on

depression in the USA is spent on drug expenses.• A review of drug efficacy notes that as

depression becomes more severe, the clinical trials do not show that the medicines are more effective, only that placebos become more ineffective, giving the illusion of improved drug efficacy.

• Most antidepressant trials rarely last more than 8 weeks, long term efficacy and safety have never been established.

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Pharmaceutical Influence• Direct to Consumer advertising builds up a

“scientific” mythology that negates the actual neuro-biological complexity that is depression; nearly 94% of antidepressant use generated by these ads are by non-depressed individuals.

• Fluoxetine (Prozac) received FDA approval after 5 trials that involved 817 depressed patients. Today over 50,000 people have received prescriptions for this medicine.

• Is it ethical to prescribe these meds? To not prescribe?

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The Dangers of Inaction• In 2004, changed warning labels

indicating an increased risk of suicide for teens taking SSRIs lead to a decrease in diagnosis and treatment of depression, which led to:– A reversal of a decades long trend

in a decreasing rate of teen suicide.• The answer has never been to do


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Diagnosing People, Not Diseases• Melancholia (black bile): the only diseases felt

to be caused by an excess of “black bile” are depression and cancer.

• Diagnosing the person with depression, not identifying symptom patterns and looking for magic bullets.

• Symptoms drive the need for behavior change, integrative medicine is not about substituting supplements for medicines, it is about treating both the etiology and the symptoms, where as medicines serve as a necessary “safety net”.

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Page 16: Stress, Anxiety & Depression: So What Do I Take?

Beginning to Treat Depression

• The Foundations of Health (the role of nutrition/exercise/ stress management)– “All Senses for Healing”– History/Physical/Extensive Lab Assessment

• Basic Nutritional Protocol (the role of multi-vitamins, fish oils, D3, and probiotics)– Supportive Supplementation– Detoxification and Sleep Support– Sexual Health

• www.middlepathmedicine.com

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General Treatment Principals

• All Senses For HealingAs your patient and their family is in so much of a fear-based state, never has there been a more important time for wholism and ‘center-stage’ principals. – Visual: discuss all videos/TV/news programs

that they watch. Focus on time in nature, home beauty, Feng Shui

– Auditory: music as medicine, singing bowls, the non-local effects of harmony

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General Treatment Principals

– Laughter: the audio-visual continuum– Smell: Essential Oils/aromatherapy, the power

of personal experience– Taste: the conscious use of spices; healthy

shopping and cooking– Touch: how touch deficiency exists whereas

chemotherapy deficiency does not. All organic skin care and home care products.

The life–transforming power of cancer (depression) to heal.

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Page 20: Stress, Anxiety & Depression: So What Do I Take?

St. John’s Wort• St. John’s Wort (SJW) is a flowering plant used medicinally for

centuries and regulated as an antidepressant in Germany• Inhibits reuptake of at least 5 neurotransmitters, exact

mechanism of action and key components yet to be elucidated

• Standard dosage is 900mg daily standardized to 0.3% hypericin and/or 3-5% hyperforin

• Of 15 evaluable trials in mild to moderate depression, 10 show positive results, and a treatment effect larger than those seen with medicines.

• No good long-term trials, many potential drug interactions and a lack of proven efficacy in severe depression limit its utility.

• No reported suicidal ideation and an absolute lack of significant side-effects are strong positives and SJW should be considered first line therapy in mild-mod depression.

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SAMe• SAMe – S-Adenosyl Methionine• A naturally occurring combination of ATP with the amino

acid methionine• Low SAMe has been found in the CSF of depressed

patients and improvements in SAMe correlate with clinical improvements.

• Functions as a methyl donor, leads to increased cerebral serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine

• Also useful for joints and liver function• Positive results in 5/9 studies in mild-mod depression and

4/5 trials in mod-severe depression• My experience shows SAMe to be by far the most useful

and safest of all natural or drug antidepressants. Clinical trials confirm that it can be a powerful adjunctive treatment when added to drug antidepressants.

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Other Considerations• 5HTP, L-tyrosine, DLPA and other amino acids• Lithium orotate, Deproloft-HF by Thorne• Anti-anxiety supplements: kava, holy basil,

theanine, Rescue Remedy, and more• Theanine Serene with Relora from Source

Naturals, and Stress-Defy by Irwin Naturals• Ultra-Mag and Magnesium Serene• The role for energy medicine, essential oils:

Lavela (Integrative Therapuetics) specifically, and light therapy

• New Medicines: intravenous nutritionals

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