Stress Analysis SW Simulation

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  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.1

    Engineering Analysis using Simulation (SW)

    The process of dividing the model into small pieces is called meshing. Thebehavior of each element is well-known under all possible support and load

    scenarios. The finite element method uses elements with different shapes.Elements share common points called nodes.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Uploading Simulation (SW)

    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.2

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.3

    SW Simulation

    Designer (SW Simulation)

    Linear static load analysis (SimulationXpress)

    Professional (SW Simulation Professional)Linear static load analysis, Thermal analysis,

    Buckling analysis, Frequency analysis, Drop test

    analysis, Fatigue analysis Optimization analysis

    Advance Professional (SW Simulation Premium)

    The features of the Professional

    package plus: Nonlinear analysis and

    Dynamic loading condition

    (Includes many limitations)

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.4

    SolidWorks Simulation -Advance Professional

    Select New Study

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.5

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.6

    Plot Type Options

    Right click on results

    and select plot types



    Safety factor applied to

    strength, less than 1

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation

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    SW Simulation Professional

    Stress analysis due to static loads - Static studies calculatedisplacements, reaction forces, strains, stresses, and factor of safety

    distribution.A factor of safety less than unity indicates part failure.

    Large factors of safety in a contiguous region indicate low stresses and

    that you can probably remove some material from this region.

    Frequency (Vibration) analysis -A body in motion tends to vibrateat certain frequencies called natural frequencies. The lowest natural

    frequency is called the fundamental frequency. For each natural frequency,

    the body takes a certain shape called mode shape. Frequency analysiscalculates the natural frequencies and the associated mode shapes.

    High stresses are produced if a body is subjected to a dynamic load

    vibrating at one of its natural frequencies. This phenomenon is called

    resonance. Frequency analysis can help you avoid failure due to

    excessive stresses caused by resonance.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.9

    SW Simulation Professional

    Thermal analysis- Thermal studies calculate temperatures, temp.

    gradients, and heat flow considering heat generation, conduction,

    convection, and radiation conditions. Thermal studies can help in avoiding

    undesirable thermal conditions like overheating and melting.

    Buckling analysis - Slender structures, called columns, subject toaxial loads can fail due to buckling at load levels lower than those

    required to cause material failure. Buckling can occur in different

    modes. In many cases, only the lowest buckling load is of interest.

    Optimization - Optimization studies automate the search for theoptimum design based on a geometric design. The software is

    equipped with a technology to quickly detect trends and identify

    the optimum solution using the least number of runs.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.10

    SW Simulation Professional

    Fatigue analysis - Repeated (cyclic) loading weakens objectsover time even when the induced stresses are considerably less than

    allowable stress. The number of cycles to failure depends on the

    material and the stress fluctuations. This information, is provided by a

    curve called the S-N curve (stress vs number of cycle to failure).

    Fatigue studies evaluate the consumed life of an object based on

    fatigue events and S-N curves.

    Drop Test Studies - Drop test studies evaluate the effect of droppingthe design on a rigid floor. The dropping distance or the velocity at the time

    of impact, in addition to gravity, can be specified. The program solves a

    dynamic problem as a function of time. Due to the large amount of data,

    the program saves results at certain instants and locations as instructed

    before running the analysis. It is possible to plot and graph displacements,

    velocities, accelerations, strains, and stresses.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.11

    SW Simulation Professional

    Nonlinear analysis - When the assumptions of linear staticanalysis do not apply, you can use nonlinear studies to solve the

    problem. The main sources of nonlinearity are: large displacements,

    nonlinear material properties, and contact. Nonlinear studies calculatedisplacements, reaction forces, strains, and stresses at incrementally

    varying levels of loads and restraints.

    Nonlinear studies refer to nonlinear structural studies. For thermal

    studies, the software automatically solves a linear or nonlinearproblem based on material properties and thermal restraints and loads.

    Solving a nonlinear problem requires much more time and resources

    than solving a similar linear static study.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.12

    Mesh Elements used by SW Simulation

    Solid elements (3D)

    Beam elements (1D)

    Shell elements (2D)

    Draft quality High quality

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept13

    Draft quality High quality

    Mesh Elements used by SW Simulation

    Certain shapes can be modeled using either solid or shell elements

    such as a plate.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept14

    The model's degrees of freedom (DOF) are assigned at

    the nodes.Usually solid elements have three DOF, all translational.

    Rotations are accomplished through translations of a

    node relative to another node.

    Shell elements, on the other hand, have six DOF pernode: three translations and three rotations. The

    addition of rotational DOF allows for evaluation of

    bending stresses due to rotation of one node relative to

    another. This bypasses the necessity of modeling thephysical thickness. The assignment of nodal DOF also

    depends on the class of analysis.

    For a thermal analysis, only one temperature DOF

    exists at each node.

    Nodal Degree of Freedom (DOF)

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.15

    Mesh Type in SW Simulation

    Use the solid mesh for bulky models. All elements are tetrahedralwith straight or curved edges



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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.16

    Mesh Type in SW SimulationShell mesh using mid-surfaces

    Use this option forsheet metals and simple thin solid parts made of a

    single material. During meshing, the software creates shell elements based onmidsurfaces. The thickness of elements is calculated automatically based on

    surface pairs.This option is not available for assemblies and surface modelsand can fail to generate the proper mesh for complex parts and parts with

    intersections. View the mesh and see if it represents the actual model before

    proceeding with the solution.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.17

    Mesh Type in SW Simulation

    Shell mesh using surfaces

    This option allows you to create shells on selected faces or surfaces. Foreach shell, you can specify thickness, material, and formulation. It is available

    for solid parts, solid assemblies, and surface models. Shell elements are

    placed such that the associated face or surface is located at the middle of the

    element across the thickness.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.18

    Mesh Type in SW Simulation

    Use this option to simulate frames, and truss structures. The program

    creates elements automatically from weldments or you can defineelements manually . A beam element is a line element defined by two

    end points and a cross-section. Beam elements are capable of

    resisting axial, bending, shear, and torsional loads. Trusses resist

    axial loads only.

    Beam Mesh

    This option is available only if you have a solid body in thedocument. It is possible to create shells as well as solids. When

    meshing, the software creates shells with shell elements and solids

    with tetrahedral solid elements. Use this option if the modelincludes bulky as well as thin objects.

    Mixed Mesh

    Optimization and fatigue studies do not require mesh type.

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    Automatic Meshing

    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.19

    When you mesh a model, the software generates a mixture of solid,

    shell, spring, and contact elements based on the created

    geometry. The program automatically creates the following


    Solid mesh

    Shell mesh

    Beam Mixed mesh

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.20

    SW Simulations Help

    SW Simulation provides

    extensive on-line help and


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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.21

    SW Simulation Menu

    Tool bars



    Result Tools

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.22

    SW SimulationTo start analyzing the model, you should start with the definition

    of a study.

    Study name

    Mesh type, not in

    2009, selection is

    done automatically

    by the program

    Select analysis


    Select Study

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.23

    SW SimulationOption menu

    Set Mesh

    quality to High

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Creating Mesh

    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.24

    Right click the Meshfolder to display the

    pop-up menu.

    Select Create Mesh

    Use the bar to set the

    mesh density

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    Effect of Mesh Size

    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.25

    Coarse FineMedium

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Mesh Characteristics

    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.26

    Global element


    Tolerance is set at 5%.

    Nodes are merged ifthe distance between

    them is less than 5% of

    the element size.

    Increasing the tolerance

    may resolve meshing


    Automatic transition - theprogram automatically

    applies mesh controls tosmall features, holes, fillets,

    and other fine details of your

    model. Uncheck Automatictransition before meshinglarge models with many small

    features and details to avoidgenerating a very large

    number of elements.

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    Mesh Characteristics

    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.27

    J acobian Points - Parabolic elements can mapcurved geometry much more accurately than linear

    elements of the same size. In extremely sharp or

    curved boundaries, it is possible to generate distorted

    elements with edges crossing over each othercausing the mesh generation to fail.

    The Jacobian check is based on a number of points

    located within each element. The default value of 4

    should be fine for most applications. Increase that for

    extremely curved surfaces.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Mesh Quality

    The ideal shape of a tetrahedral element is aregular tetrahedron with the aspect ratio of 1.Analogously, an equilateral triangle is the ideal

    shape for a shell element.

    Sometimes, Irregular tetrahedra are created

    by the program. These distorted elementshave high aspect ratio. An aspect ratio that is

    too high causes element degeneration, which

    in turn affects the quality of the results.


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    Aspect Ratio

    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.29

    Right click theMesh icon andselect CreateMesh Plot

    Select Aspect ratio

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    SW Automesher

    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.30

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Mesh Quality Automesher (SW)

    Standard mesh (automesher)

    It is preferred to use the Standard automesher (default). The program

    uses the Voronoi-Delaunay meshing technique, it is faster than theCurved-based mesh method (Alternate automesher).

    The Delaunay triangulation

    with all the circumcircles and

    their centers (in red).

    By far the most popular of the triangle (2D) and

    tetrahedral (3D) meshing techniques are those

    utilizing the Delaunay criterion. The Delaunaycriterion, sometimes called the "empty sphere"

    property. Simply stated, it says that any node

    must not be contained within the circumcircle of

    a triangle or circumsphere of any tetrahedral

    within the mesh

    Delaunay triangulations maximize theminimum angle of all the angles of the

    triangles in the triangulation. The process

    avoids narrow triangles, as they have

    large circumcircles compared to their area


  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Mesh Quality Automesher (SW)

    Connecting the centers of the

    circumcircles produces the

    Voronoi diagram (in red)

    The Delaunay criterion in itself, is not an algorithm

    for generating a mesh. It merely generates a set

    of existing points in space. As such it is necessary

    to provide a method for generating node locations

    within the geometry. A typical approach is to first

    mesh the boundary of the geometry to provide an

    initial set of nodes. The boundary nodes are then

    triangulated according to the Delaunay criterion.

    Nodes are then inserted incrementally into theexisting mesh, redefining the triangles or

    tetrahedra locally as each new node is inserted to

    maintain the Delaunay criterion. It is the method

    that is chosen for defining where to locate the

    interior nodes that distinguishes one Delaunay

    algorithm from another.

    A Voronoi segment can be defined as the line segment between the circumcircle

    centers of two adjacent triangles or tetrahedra. The new node is introduced at a

    point along the Voronoi segment in order to satisfy the best local size criteria.

    This method tends to generate very structured looking meshes with six triangles

    at every internal node.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Mesh Quality Automesher (SW)

    Curved Based mesh (Alternate automesher)

    The Curved based mesh method uses the Advancing Front meshing

    technique. The mesher creates more elements in higher-curvature areas

    automatically (without need for mesh control). The technique disregards

    the mesh control and automatic transition settings. It should only be

    used when the Standard automesher fails

    Another very popular family of triangle and tetrahedron meshgeneration algorithms is the advancing front, or moving front

    method. Two of the main contributors to this method are

    Rainald Lohner at George Mason University and S. H. Lo at

    the University of Hong Kong. In this method, the tetrahedra

    are built progressively inward from the triangulated surface.

    An active front is maintained where new tetrahedra areformed. The figure shows a simple two-dimensional example

    of the advancing front, where triangles have been formed at

    the boundary. As the algorithm progresses, the front will

    advance to fill the remainder of the area with triangles.

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.34

    SW Simulation - Materials

    Right click on

    the materialicon to edit

    To assign

    material select

    Material and

    choose ApplyMaterial to All

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.35

    Type of Restraints (supports)Select the Fixtures (Restraints) option

    Fixtures menu

    Standard option:

    Fixed support

    Sliding support

    Pin support

    T f R t i t ( t )

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Type of Restraints (supports)

    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.36

    Advanced supports

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.37

    Type of Restraints (supports)

    This is used for build-in or rigid supports. For solid elements, this

    restraint type sets all translational degrees of freedom to zero (solidelements do not have rotational degrees of freedom). For shell

    elements, it sets the translational and the rotational degrees of

    freedom to zero. When using this restraint type, no reference

    geometry is needed.

    Selectable entities: vertices, edges, and faces

    Fixed (no rotation and translation)

    This restraint type sets all translational degrees of freedom to zero.

    This is the same as fixed If solid elements are used. The rotational

    degrees of freedom are not constrained for shell elements. No

    reference geometry is used.

    Immovable (no translation) SW 2008

    Selectable entities: vertices, edges, and faces

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.38

    Type of Restraints (supports)

    Symmetry requires that geometry, restraints,

    loads, and material properties be symmetrical.

    In general, using symmetry is notrecommended for buckling and frequency



    For shell models, symmetry requires that faces coinciding with planes

    of symmetry should be prevented from moving in the normal directionand rotating about the other two orthogonal directions.

    You can use symmetry to analyze a portion of the model instead of thefull model. When appropriate, taking advantage of symmetry can help

    you reduce the size of the problem and obtain more accurate results.

    The procedures to apply the symmetry restraint type to solid meshesand shell meshes using mid-surface are identical.

    Plane of symmetry

    T f R i S (S lid M h)

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.39

    Type of Restraints Symmetry (Solid Mesh)

    DOFs restrained for solid

    meshes: 1 translation

    Analyze one half of the model by applying

    the Symmetry constrained to the faces of


    The model

    Plane of symmetry

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.40

    Type of Restraints Symmetry (Solid Mesh)

    Analyze one quarter of the model by

    applying the Symmetry constraint to thefaces of symmetry.

    The model is symmetrical with

    respect to two planes

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.41

    Type of Restraints Symmetry (Solid Mesh)

    DOFs restrained for solid meshes: 1 translation

    Axisymmetrical model, use a wedge, apply the Symmetry restraints to

    analyze the whole model. Make sure the wedge angle is not too small.

    T f R t i t S t (Sh ll M h)

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.42

    Type of Restraints Symmetry (Shell Mesh)For studies created with Shell mesh using mid-surfaces, symmetry restraints are

    applied on the faces coinciding with the planes of symmetry of the model along the

    model thickness.

    Displacement (translation) normal to theface is restrained, circumferential direction

    Rotation about radialand axial directions arerestrained.

    Axial symmetry

    The axisymmetrical model can be studied

    by analyzing a wedge of the model



    T f R t i t S t (Sh ll M h)

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.43

    Type of Restraints Symmetry (Shell Mesh)



    Planar symmetry

    The model is symmetric about two planes, xz and yz planes. A

    quarter of the model can be analyzed

    Type of Restraints Symmetry (Shell Mesh)

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.44

    Type of Restraints Symmetry (Shell Mesh)

    For studies created with Shell mesh using surfaces, symmetry restraints are

    applied manually on shell edges located on the planes of symmetry of the model

    Surface model with

    Axial Symmetry

    Select the axis of the shell as a

    reference and set the rotations about

    radial and axial and translation in the

    circumferential directions to zero on

    the vertical edges..`

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.45

    Type of Restraints

    Use the Roller/Sliding restraint to specify that a planar face can move

    freely on its plane but CANNOT move in the direction normal to its

    plane. The face can shrink or expand under loading.


    Use the Hinge restraint to specify that a cylindrical face can ONLY

    rotate about its own axis. The radius and the length of the cylindrical

    face remain constant under loading. This condition is similar to

    selecting the On cylindrical face restraint type and setting theradial and axial components to zero.


    T f R t i t O C li d i l F

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.46

    Type of Restraints On Cylindrical Face

    You can use this option only when

    all the selected faces are

    cylindrical. Each face can have adifferent axis. The radial,

    circumferential, and axial

    directions for each face are based

    on its own axis.

    DOFs restrained for solid meshes:

    3 translations

    DOFs restrained for shell meshes:

    3 translations and 3 rotations

    f i l

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.47

    Type of Restraints On Flat Face

    You can use this option only when all the selected faces are planar. Each face can

    be in a different plane. Each face is restrained relative to its own directions

    (Direction 1, Direction 2, and Normal).

    The selected face can only slide

    in the direction shown (dashedred line). Translation in the other

    two directions, Dir. 2 and Normal

    are set to zero

    Type of Restraints On Flat Face

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.48

    Type of Restraints - On Flat Face

    The selected face can slide in the directions 1 and 2. Translation in the

    normal direction is set to zero.

    Type of Restraints On Flat Face

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.49

    Type of Restraints - On Flat Face

    It is required to have the inner

    slider free to slide along the

    direction shown

    Use the On Flat Face restraint

    and specify zero displacementalong Face Dir 2 and Normal to

    the face. The face is allowed to

    move in Face Dir 1.

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.50

    Type of Restraints - On Flat Face

    The desk is free to slide on the ground

    (dashed red arrows) but not to move up

    and down (normal direction, blue arrow)

    The selected flat faces can slide freely

    in Dir 1 and Dir 2 but are restrained in

    the Normal direction

    Type of Restraints On Spherical Face

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept.51

    Type of Restraints On Spherical FaceYou can use this option only when all the selected faces are spherical. Each

    face can have a different center. The radial, longitude, and latitude directions for

    each face are based on its own center.

    DOFs restrained for solid meshes:

    3 translations

    DOFs restrained for shell meshes:

    3 translations and 3 rotations

    The spherical face of the

    reflector can only rotate in the

    latitude direction. Set the

    translations in the other two

    directions to zero to achieve this.

    Type of Restraints On Spherical Face

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 52

    Type of Restraints On Spherical Face

    A handle

    Type of Restraints Use Reference Geometry

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 53

    Type of Restraints Use Reference GeometryYou can use a selected reference geometry to apply restraints. The reference can

    be a plane, axis, edge, or face. Using this option you can prescribe restraints on

    vertices, edges, and faces.

    Reference plane

    Type of Restraints Use Reference Geometry

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 54

    Type of Restraints Use Reference Geometry

    You can use an axis as a reference to apply restraints. You can prescribe

    the translations in the radial, circumferential, and axial directions. For shell

    meshes, you can prescribe rotations in reference to these directions.

    The selected face of the cylindrical

    hole can rotate about or move along

    the reference axis (in blue)

    Type of Restraints Cyclic Symmetry

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 55

    Type of Restraints Cyclic Symmetry

    Cyclic symmetry allows you to analyze a model with circular patterns around

    an axis by modeling a representative segment. The segment can be a part or an

    assembly . The geometry, restraints, and loading conditions must be similar for

    all other segments making up the model. Turbine, fans, flywheels, and motor

    rotors can usually be analyzed using cyclic symmetry.

    Model one sixth of the wheel and apply Cyclic Symmetry to the cut faces

    The Cyclic Symmetry restraint can be applied to a solid model and for a static case

    only. Apply it to two sections and define the axis of revolution for the symmetry.

    Stress Analysis Example

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 56

    Stress Analysis- Example

    Select Study and choose New Study from the toolbar or Simulation menu

    Name the study

    Select study

    type, Static

    Stress Analysis Material selection

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 57

    Stress Analysis- Material selectionSimulation menu choose Apply Material.

    Create a new material by

    specifying its mechanical

    properties or edit the exciting

    one in the library.

    Stress Analysis- Material selection

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 58

    Stress Analysis Material selection

    From Library files select 1023 steel

    Stress Analysis Restraint Selection

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 59

    Stress Analysis Restraint Selection

    Select the desired type of restraint

    (support), fixed.

    Select the

    entity, face

    Symbols used to show

    translational and

    rotational restraints



    Stress Analysis - Apply Load (Force)

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 60

    Stress Analysis - Apply Load (Force)Select the type of load, location, direction, and magnitude.

    Stress Analysis - Apply Load (Force)

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 61

    Stress Analysis - Apply Load (Force)

    Select the edge

    for load location

    Specify value,

    units and directionof the force Choose the direction of the load

    by selecting the edge

    Stress Analysis - Run Command

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 62

    Stress Analysis Run Command

    Select Run

    After selecting study type, mesh type, material, load, and restraints,

    you are ready to run the solver.

    Stress Analysis - Results

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 63

    Stress Analysis Results

    Yield strength = 282.7 MPa, max. stress around the hole = 14030 MPa

    Stress distribution

    Stress Analysis Results

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 64

    Stress Analysis - Results


    Maximum deflection at the tip is 16.45 mm.

    Stress Analysis Mesh Control

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 65

    Stress Analysis Mesh Control

    Mesh control refers to specifying different element sizes at different regions in the

    model. A smaller element size in a region improves the accuracy of results in that

    region. You can specify mesh control at vertices, edges, faces, and components

    From the SolidWorks

    Simulation manager,select Mesh and right

    clickChoose Apply Mesh

    Control option

    St A l i M h C t l

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 66

    Stress Analysis Mesh Control

    Select the edges of the two holes (max. stress location) to

    create finer mesh.

    Stress Analysis Mesh Control

  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation


    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 67

    Stress Analysis Mesh Control

    Finer mesh at the hole

    Without mesh control

    With mesh control

    Stress Analysis Mesh Control

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 68

    Stress Analysis Mesh Control

    Max. stress = 14370 MPa,

    with finer mesh around the

    holes, 2.5% higher.

    Max. stress = 14030 MPa,

    without finer mesh around

    the holes

    Stress Analysis Effect of Restraint Type

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    Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 69

    Stress Analysis Effect of Restraint Type

    Change the back face restraint from

    fixed to immovable.No change in max.


  • 7/28/2019 Stress Analysis SW Simulation
