Strength, resilience, sustainability A guide to implementing climate resilience in construction risk management

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Strength, resilience, sustainability

A guide to implementing climate resilience in construction risk management

Page 2: Strength, resilience, sustainability A guide to

Canadian Construction Association A guide to implementing climate resilience in construction risk management











Copyright © 2021 Canadian Construction Association

Page 3: Strength, resilience, sustainability A guide to


Canadian Construction Association A guide to implementing climate resilience in construction risk management

A. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEWThe significant impact of a changing climate is not a surprise for the Canadian construction sector. Ensuring that

infrastructure can withstand extreme weather conditions that vary across the country has always been a key tenet

to project planning, design, and execution.

However, the frequency of extreme weather events as well as the chronic impacts of a changing climate have

added another complex layer to the process, compounded by the uncertainty of future effects. As with any sector,

uncertainty makes it all the more challenging. Fortunately, the case for investing upfront in climate-resilient

materials and design has already been made by numerous reports including the Canadian Construction Association’s

(CCA) own recent submission: Strength, resilience, sustainability: Canada’s construction sector recommendations on adapting to climate change. However, this upfront investment may be constrained by short-term thinking that does

not serve the project or Canadians at large.

The inclination to constrain scale and stringency of efforts to address climate change in the construction sector

and instead opt for incremental change can limit the adoption of new or time-tested technologies, having a lasting

detrimental effect, both environmentally and economically.1

The question to be answered then is, “What needs to be done to ensure the Canadian construction sector has the

ability to entrench itself as part of the solution, both in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and

fortifying existing and new infrastructure against the impacts of climate change?”

In its recent report, CCA surveyed national and international research and data to explore the linkages between

climate risk and infrastructure decisions; the cost of addressing the issue and the cost of doing nothing; how other

jurisdictions are responding to the same challenges; and efforts already underway in the Canadian construction

industry. The report then made concrete recommendations to governments and other key stakeholders to help

ensure that Canada is taking a comprehensive and proactive approach to climate adaptation in the construction


This companion report is more inwardly focused. It has been written for companies, organizations, and individuals

that make up Canada’s construction sector so that they may better equip themselves to manage the changes that

are already underway and that will only accelerate in the years ahead. It guides companies, at a high level, on how to

implement a climate resilience framework to reduce and manage project uncertainty by developing data, structuring

processes and accountability, and fostering a continuous feedback loop. The aim is to help move companies from

uncertainty to proactivity.

The benefits of proactivity are well documented. An assessment by the Council of Canadian Academies holds that

targeted adaptation in responding to physical infrastructure-related risks can reduce the damages or costs that

could arise as a result of climate change. At the higher end of the spectrum, the assessment determined that over

75 per cent of the associated costs, damages, or disruptions from climate risks to physical infrastructure could

potentially be avoided over a 20-year timeframe.2

Building climate resilient infrastructure also makes sense for developers. The payback for resilience efforts

can be measured in many ways, including cost savings from preventing damages and reducing operating costs,

as well as revenue enhancements from improved marketing, company brand, and project image. These efforts

also demonstrate the private sector commitment and leadership that is necessary for strong public/private

collaborations in tackling climate change, including in reducing buildings’ contributions to climate change.3 The

bottom line is that planned adaptation can result in lower costs and is often more effective than reactive adaptation.

CCA recognizes that every member company is operating within a specific set of parameters and that each is at a

different point on its pathway to integrate climate change considerations into day-to-day decision-making. This

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Canadian Construction Association A guide to implementing climate resilience in construction risk management

guide has been designed to be broadly applicable by setting out a framework that can help validate an already

robust approach or can serve as a step-by-step checklist for a company getting started on its path to greater climate


To the extent possible, organizations should apply existing risk-management processes and philosophies. Those

organizations that have a robust risk-management system in place simply need to ensure that climate change risk

is integrated. While some of the impacts of climate change and extreme weather may pose new or more significant

risks, the principles of risk management are still applicable. Risks need to be periodically revisited and reassessed as

new information comes to light.

The end goal is for each CCA member company, if they desire, to have a system in place to integrate climate change

considerations into its risk management framework, establish executive accountability and employee input, and be

in a position to confidently anticipate the challenges and recognize the opportunities that lie ahead. CCA hopes that

this guide contributes meaningfully towards that outcome.

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Canadian Construction Association A guide to implementing climate resilience in construction risk management

B. RISK MANAGEMENT CYCLEThe model that forms the basis of this guide follows a standard approach to risk mitigation. Risk identification feeds

into risk analysis, which informs mitigation planning. The plan is then implemented and is continuously monitored

and evaluated. The framework then feeds back into the identification of new—or the modification of existing—

risks, which creates a looped system of continuous improvement. Each of the five elements of the framework are

discussed in greater detail below.

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C. RISK IDENTIFICATION Physical infrastructure has been assessed as one of six major climate change risk areas that are nationally significant

and could lead to significant losses, damages, or disruptions over the next 20 years in Canada.4 It has been estimated

that infrastructure failures linked to climate change could cost Canada $300 billion over the next decade if no

further changes are made to existing practices.5

The challenge for Canadian construction companies is to apply the broadly recognized set of evolving risks to a very

specific portfolio of assets and projects in development.

The first step is for companies to inventory the vulnerabilities inherent in their assets and projects under

development. The United Nations defines climate vulnerability as “the degree to which a system is susceptible to, or

unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes.”6 Without clearly

identifying and documenting asset-specific risks, companies will not be able to analyze and mitigate them.

For example, climate risks associated with bridges typically include issues such as:

• accelerated material degradation from high heat and extreme weather;

• higher flood levels and more frequent flooding;

• damage to pavement and railways via heatwaves and intense precipitation events;

• higher risk of forest fires; and,

• more violent storms.

The next step is for companies to familiarize themselves with the changes that are expected as the climate changes.

Often the focus is on the pervasive gradual changes in average global temperatures, seasonal precipitation patterns,

and sea level rise. However, in the case of infrastructure it is often the more acute short-duration events like intense

precipitation (which can lead to flooding), storm surges, freezing rain (which can cause ice accretion), snow load, hail,

high winds, extreme heat, and heat waves that can affect the integrity and reliability of infrastructure.

Fortunately, Canada has improved access to climate data significantly in recent years with the launch of the website

ClimateData.ca which “provides high-resolution climate data to help decision makers build a more resilient Canada.”

Users can query city or town-specific data to view how the prevalence of extreme weather events change over

time. For example, the chart below shows that the City of Toronto currently experiences about five days per year of

temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius. Under the scenario of a global average temperature increase of 4.5 degrees

Celsius (green line), this will increase to an average of 20 days per year by 2070 (in 50 years, well within the expected

useful life of many infrastructure assets). Under the 8.5 degrees average global temperature increase scenario (red

line), it balloons to 40 days per year, an eight-fold increase over the current baseline.

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Canadian Construction Association A guide to implementing climate resilience in construction risk management

Risk identification involves recognizing and defining problems. It requires a careful assessment of the vulnerabilities

of different types of infrastructure, construction methods and materials. It also requires the development of an

understanding of how weather patterns will change over time. The next step is to join the two in an analysis of asset

or project-specific risk.

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D. RISK ANALYSISFor modeling results to be meaningful and to inform an actionable assessment of real risks, the body of knowledge

generated in steps one and two must now be focused on a specific asset or asset class.

To move from risk identification to risk analysis it is important to determine:

• the relevant climate parameters to be modeled (e.g. precipitation and temperature);

• the specific criteria (e.g. heat waves, humidex, cumulative precipitation, freezing rain accumulation, and

specified wind gusts);

• the appropriate timeframes (near, mid, and/or long-term – generally aligned with the remaining useful life of the

asset or asset class being considered); and

• the geographic range and appropriate spatial resolution (local for vertical infrastructure, regional for linear


This data will provide a clear picture of what an asset must withstand over its useful life. The next step is to

determine how the asset or asset class will perform – that is, what will be the probable impact of accelerated

degradation. It may be that an asset will require more maintenance investment or repair work over time to keep

it in good shape. Or climate change may introduce a very real risk of catastrophic failure that would put lives at

risk. Whether in terms of cost or safety, the risk to an asset or asset class must be understood as an impact with a

probability of occurrence.

With this information, the next step is to plot risks on a heat map as a function of impact and probability.

Negligible Minor Moderate Significant Severe

Very likely Low Med Medium Med Hi High High

Likely Low Low Med Medium Med Hi High

Possible Low Low Med Medium Med Hi Med Hi

Unlikely Low Low Med Low Med Medium Med Hi

Very unlikely Low Low Low Med Medium Medium

Every organization will have its own unique tolerance for risk. It is critically important, however, that a climate

adaptation framework allows and indeed requires an organization to make risk-tolerance decisions with a full set of

facts. Climate information and asset vulnerability assessments should be supplemented with other considerations,

such as cost-benefit analysis and hazard mapping to help ensure that actions generate results that mitigate risk, are

economically feasible, and are socially acceptable.





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Canadian Construction Association A guide to implementing climate resilience in construction risk management

E. RISK MITIGATION PLANNINGRisk treatment involves implementing one or more options to mitigate a risk. It is a cyclical process of assessing

risk controls, determining the acceptability of residual risks, generating a new risk treatment if residual risks are

not tolerable, and assessing the effectiveness of the treatment. Response strategies need to be tailored, taking into

account a set of variables, including local and/or regional conditions such as specific climate and extreme weather

projections, stakeholder expectations, regulatory regimes, and the risk tolerance of individual organizations.

Risk treatment options include:

• avoidance: removing the risk source and/or eliminating involvement in activities that lead to the possibility of

the risk being realized;

• sharing or transferring: shifting the burden of the risk to another party through vehicles such as insurance or

through joint ventures;

• mitigation: applying appropriate techniques to reduce the likelihood of an occurrence, its conse¬quences, or

both; and

• acceptance: accepting the consequences and likelihood of a particular risk where mitigation is either impossible,

not cost effective, or resources are better directed to other higher profile risks.

Controls typically focus on high and medium risks, with low risks being tracked or monitored on a watch list. The

purpose of tracking low risks is to ensure that their profile does not change as circumstances do. Risk-control

strategies must be planned and implemented.

Once areas of mitigation are determined, organizations should review Canadian and international solutions to

similar issues. Chances are that another company has worked on, or is currently working on, a similar challenge.

Organizations should also keep an open mind to mitigation solutions, which range from hard engineering solutions to

soft solutions like administrative controls.

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Canadian Construction Association A guide to implementing climate resilience in construction risk management

F. RISK MITIGATION PLAN IMPLEMENTATIONWhile the approach to managing climate risk must be tailored to each organization, implementing a framework

should feel familiar to most. In effect, climate change is simply being added to the broader risk management

framework that is likely already in place to manage financial, operational, and strategic risks.

To avoid or overcome common challenges experienced when adding climate risks to a broader enterprise risk

management framework, it is suggested that organizations take on the following tasks, some of which were

discussed in more detail in previous sections:

• identify a clear executive sponsor/champion to support the implementation of a climate adaptation framework;

• establish a climate risk committee;

• adequately resource the development of the framework and the data required to inform decisions;

• identify and describe the risks in a “risk inventory”;

• implement a risk-ranking methodology to identify unacceptable risks;

• explore the cost-benefit of risk mitigation options;

• develop action plans to ensure the risks are appropriately managed;

• develop consolidated reporting for various stakeholders; and,

• monitor the results of actions taken to mitigate risk.

Beyond these internal management considerations, companies should also develop an approach to communicating

findings with potential clients and project development partners. As was recognized in CCA’s report Strength, resilience, sustainability, while the overall positive cost-benefit of investments in infrastructure resilience are clear, it

is another matter to have customers, whether governments or the private sector, willingly add those costs to their

projects. By developing a robust climate adaptation framework for assessing risks, evaluating impacts and analyzing

mitigation options, companies can present thoughtful and hopefully persuasive rationales for investing a bit more

now to avoid significant costs later.

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G. MONITORING AND EVALUATIONAddressing climate resilience is not managing towards a new status quo. The climate is warming, and for the

foreseeable future, extreme weather events will worsen while becoming more frequent. An organization’s

climate resilience framework similarly must evolve as risks to infrastructure become more apparent through lived

experience, as climate models continue to improve, and as mitigation options mature.

Similarly, the climate risk framework implemented within a company must continue to evolve. The climate risk

committee, led by the executive sponsor, should periodically take stock to ensure that:

• the framework is generating the desired results;

• buy-in across the organization remains high;

• new data is continuously being studied and incorporated;

• the framework is informing discussions with clients and partners at an early stage in the construction planning

process; and,

• required adjustments are being addressed in a timely manner.

As risks, technologies, regulations, and societal expectations evolve so too will the climate adaptation framework

and a company’s approach to managing risks. That consideration will flow back to step one in the process—risk

identification—in a positive cycle of better risk management and greater mitigation rewards.

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H. CONCLUSIONCCA hopes that this guide is a useful tool for members in preparing for climate change. As noted above, there is no

uniform approach to managing climate risks. Each company must develop and implement a framework that aligns

with its own corporate objectives and existing management frameworks. That said, CCA also believes that no

company can afford to ignore climate risks altogether. Climate change is happening and will continue to accelerate

in the coming years. It is incumbent upon the Canadian construction sector to build infrastructure today that can

withstand the extreme weather patterns of tomorrow. In doing so, the sector will ensure that Canada has a solid

foundation for future prosperity and public safety.

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I. ENDNOTES1 Canadian Institute for Climate Choices. Charting our Course: Bringing Clarity to Canada’s Climate Policy Choices on the Journey to 2050. 2020.

Canadian Institute for Climate Choices. p. 44. climatechoices.ca/report-section/4-navigating-through-the-storm-finding-practical-climate-change-solutions/

2 National Infrastructure Commission (2018) National Infrastructure Assessment. nic.org.uk/app/uploads/CCS001_CCS0618917350-001_NIC-NIA_Accessible-1.pdf

3 Kathleen McCormick, “Returns on Resilience: The Business Case,” Center for Sustainability (Urban Land Institute, 2015). uli.org/wp-content/uploads/ULI-Documents/Returns-on-Resilience-The-Business-Case.pdf.

4 Council of Canadian Academies, 2019. Canada’s Top Climate Change Risks, Ottawa (ON): The Expert Panel on Climate Change Risks and Adaptation Potential, Council of Canadian Academies. cca-reports.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Report-Canada-top-climate-change-risks.pdf

5 John Arsenault. “Canada’s Building Code is Getting a Climate Change Rewrite. Is Your Home Ready?” April 2019. CBC News. cbc.ca/news/canada/canada-building-code-climate-change-resilience-1.5092732

6 United Nations International Panel on Climate Change, 2007. AR4 Climate Change 2007 Synthesis Report. ipcc.ch/report/ar4/syr/