Stratfor IMF Unable to Save Italy

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  • 8/3/2019 Stratfor IMF Unable to Save Italy


    Portfolio: IMF Unable to Save Italy

    December 1, 2011 | 1342 GMT

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    Vice President of Analysis Peter Zeihan examines the possibility of the International Monetary

    Fund bailing out Italy.

    Editors Note:Transcripts are generated using speech-recognition

    technology. Therefore, STRATFOR cannot guarantee their complete

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    Fed Action in Europe Underscores Dollar PrimacyItalian bond yields continue to climb to new euro-era records, with bonds sold within the past

    two days going at 7.89 percent a level at which Greece, Ireland and Portugal were all

    forced to seek bailouts. Italy has a stronger financial position and more domestic capital than

    the eurozones three bailout states, but there is still an upper limit to what Rome can afford

    and the markets are pushing Italy ever closer to a break point.

    In this environment the Europeans are searching for a means of containing Italys troubles.

    The threat is clear. An Italian default would rip apart the eurozone even if it did not trigger a

    financial cascade and a financial cascade would pretty much be a given. One of the

    solutions that is supposedly being crafted involves bringing in the IMF to bail out Italy.

    On the surface this does make some sense. The IMF was created to assist struggling
  • 8/3/2019 Stratfor IMF Unable to Save Italy


    economies with bridge funding, but while there may be a role for the IMF to play, it simply

    cannot take point on the Italian question.

    The IMF normally operates by a tranche-and-reform model. The bailout money is provided in

    chunks, and each chunk is given only after specific defined and monitored reforms areimplemented. This grants the IMF leverage over the state in question to ensure that the

    agreed-upon reforms are not only crafted, but implemented and stuck with for the duration.

    Otherwise the ward is cut off, as Belarus has recently been.

    Italys problem is more than just simply needing cash. Italy isnt just facing an immediate

    funding crunch like most IMF wards. It has a preexisting debt stock thats about 120 percent of

    GDP its unserviceable, and Italy faces billions in maturing debt that must be refinanced on

    a monthly, and sometimes even a weekly, basis 300 billion in refinancing needs in the first

    half of 2012 alone.

    Were the Fund to become involved, it would have to intervene regularly in the bond markets to

    keep Italian yields down. Such proactive activity is not only not within the existing skill sets of

    IMF staff, it would deny the Fund the leverage over Rome that it needs to make the reforms


    But most importantly, the IMF simply does not have the resources to bail out Italy, much less

    the eurozone as a whole. The IMFs entire financial reserves are slightly under $400 billion

    (about 300 billion euro). Any credible remediation program for Italy would need to be in the

    range of 800 billion euro, and thats before taking into account the costs of recapitalizing Italys


    Expanding the IMFs reserves is possible, but it first requires buy-in of every major country

    (and several not so major countries) in the world. To this point thats always required multiple

    years of ratification processes. Europe doesnt have that kind of time. So while the IMF

    certainly has a role to play, just as it does with the Greek, Irish and Portuguese bailouts, it

    probably cannot shoulder more than a few dozen billion euro. Europe is simply going to have

    to find another source of money.

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