Making Strategies Work The Process of Implementing Strategic Plans MBA with Strategic Planning Specialism Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, UK Presented by Sotiria Iman Kouvalis, Mission:Focus International Strategy and Management Consultant

Strategy Implementation Process Sotiria Iman Kouvalis

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The Process of Implementing Strategic Plans

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Making Strategies Work The Process of Implementing Strategic Plans

MBA with Strategic Planning Specialism Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, UK

Presented by Sotiria Iman Kouvalis, Mission:Focus International Strategy and Management Consultant

Page 2: Strategy Implementation Process   Sotiria Iman Kouvalis

Copyright for content and diagrams

are attributed to

Edinburgh Business School

Heriot-Watt University

United Kingdom

Making Strategies Work

Professor Alexander Roberts

Andrew F. MacLennan

Compiled by Sotiria Iman Kouvalis, Mission:Focus

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The purpose of this presentation is

to give you a ‘cheat sheet’

using checklists to ensure your

strategy implementation plan is

on the right track

in being effective.

Compiled by Sotiria Iman Kouvalis, Mission:Focus

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80% of Strategic Plans Fail

Why can’t organizations

(who apparently have good strategic plans)

put their ideas into practice?

Approximately 80% of change efforts

fail to achieve their objectives.

Compiled by Sotiria Iman Kouvalis, Mission:Focus

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Typical Explanations

“No one can predict change in the external environment.”

“The organization’s culture gets in the way.”

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Planning vs. Implementing

Strategic Planning

what to do


Strategy Implementation

how to do it

(day-to-day operations)

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MSW Process

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The highest level objective to be achieved. It must be clear as it provides guidance to those responsible for the organization’s achievement.


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Questions to ask when identifying a mission:

• What is the purpose of the organization?

• Where are we trying to go?

• What kind of organization would we like to see in the future?

• What is the ultimate role of our function in the organization?

• If the department suddenly didn’t exist, what important things would be missing or fail to achieve in the future?

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• Does the mission statement state the purpose, scope, strategic marketing position, customers and markets served, what it wants to achieve, timescale, competitive strategy?

• If it mentions it wants to achieve the #1 position, is it specific? No. 1 position in what? Price? Sales? Profit maximization? Market share?

• Does it define its terms it uses in the mission statement?

• Is it too ambiguous, lengthy, confusing or written by only a chosen few people?

• Is the objective beyond being realistic and achievable?

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Environmental Analysis

The systematic identification of barriers and enablers to achieving the objectives. Normally classified into internal and external factors. {

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Environmental Analysis

Questions to ask when identifying environmental factors:


• What gets in the way of achieving the mission?

• Why has the organization not already achieved the mission?

• Why can the mission not be achieved immediately?


• What could help achieve the mission?

• What is your department particularly good at?

• How can your department help to achieve the mission?

• How can departments work together to achieve the mission?

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Environmental Analysis


• Has a comprehensive environmental analysis been done?

• Have the following tools been used: PEST, SWOT, Porter 5 Forces, Value Chain Analysis, Competitive Analysis?

• Have you prioritized the environmental factors?

• Has scenario planning and/or contingency plans been made for critical factors that have a high level or uncertainty/low level of control?

• Have both internal and external factors been considered?

• Have you avoided one-word answers like “technology” or “economy?”

• Are KEIs (Key Environmental Indicator)included?

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PEST (External)





Note: Also consider market, competition, economic, demographic, legal factors

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SWOT (Internal)





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Porter’s 5 Forces threat of new

market entrants

threat of substitute products

bargaining power of the

firm’s suppliers

bargaining power of the firm’s buyers

existing competitive rivalry in the


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A high level statement of how enablers will be utilized and the barriers overcome in order to achieve the mission. {

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Questions to ask when identifying a strategy:

• Does it start with, “We must achieve the mission by…?”

• Is it a high level statement on how the environment conditions will be overcome to achieve the mission?

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• Does it address the barriers and enablers of the environment?

• Does it answer the HOW and not the WHAT?

• Is the statement feasible given the environmental analysis?

• Does it leave out details for now such as budgets, processes, timescales, roles, performance indicators, structures?

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Critical Success Factors (CSF)

The limited, critical, things that must go well in order for the strategy to succeed. They should follow the necessary and sufficient rules. {

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Critical Success Factors (CSF)

Questions to ask when identifying CSFs:

• What things have to happen to achieve the strategy?

• Do we have to do this to achieve the strategy?

• If we don’t do this, can we still achieve the strategy?

Compiled by Sotiria Iman Kouvalis, Mission:Focus

Note: CSFs are milestones for managers.

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Critical Success Factors (CSF)


• Do the CSFs start with, “We must…?”

• Are they action-oriented and meaningful?

• Do they include both financial and non-financial factors?

• Do they meet the “necessary rule” and “sufficient rule?”

• Are KPIs identified?

• Are the CSFs linked to the strategy?

Compiled by Sotiria Iman Kouvalis, Mission:Focus

Notes: Necessary rule = it’s a CSF only if it is critical to meeting the strategy Sufficient rule = full set of CSFs required but no more than that KPI = Key Performance Indicator

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Critical Activities (CA)

The activities that must be carried out in order to achieve the CSFs. These should follow the necessary and sufficient rules. {

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Critical Activities (CA)

Questions to ask when identifying CAs:

• What activities need to be carried out to achieve the CSFs?

Compiled by Sotiria Iman Kouvalis, Mission:Focus

Note: CSFs are milestones for teams and individuals. CAs also knows as KBAs (Key Business Activities)

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Critical Activities (CA)


• CAs can be cross-functional or across departments

• Are CAs linked to specific CSFs?

• Are APIs (Activity Performance Indicator) identified?

• Are there both financial and non-financial measures?

• Are timescales identified for each CA?

• Are milestones devised to track progress?

• Are resources allocated and cost/project plans in place?

• Are reporting systems in place to monitor and control CAs?

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Organizational Design, Processes and Systems

These should be organized in a way that facilitates the CAs. One particular system, the reward system, is worthy of close inspection. {

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Organizational Design, Processes and Systems Checklist:

• Is a RACIS matrix completed?

• Are budgets taking CAs and CSFs into consideration?

• Are reward systems looked at carefully to avoid unintended effects?

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RACIS Matrix

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Responsibility • Approval • Consulted • Informed• Support

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Reward Systems

• Bonuses below 10% tend to not be motivational enough

• Bonuses above 15% tend to lead people to move towards personal gains over achieving organizational objectives

• A good mix is between 10-15% bonus above base salary

• At least partially, bonuses should be linked to CAs or CSFs

• Reward systems should be perceived as equitable and apply across the organization, not just for senior managers

• Check to ensure that current reward systems are not producing unintended effects (notorious common error) or personal gain over the organization’s mission

• Take into consideration both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards

• Consider giving both individual and team rewards

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An Extra Note About Competitive Strategy

• Competitive strategy success lies in the organization’s activities.

• Are you choosing different activities than your competitors or doing them in a different way?

• Since most organizations fail at implementing their strategies, this could be a competitive strategy itself if you implement it more effectively, quicker and at a lower cost than your competitor, making clear tradeoffs and marketing position with less unintended effects

• Identify and monitor your risks and manage change effectively

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80% of Strategic Plans Fail

But you can be part of the

20% who succeed

in implementing your strategic plan.

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What You Need

• A good Making Strategies Work facilitator

• Support from board and senior management

• The right people involved at the right stages

• A good project manager

Compiled by Sotiria Iman Kouvalis, Mission:Focus