Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of Storability on Retailers’ Pricing and Assortment Decisions * Christoph Bauner Emily Wang September 29, 2016 Abstract This paper empirically examines the impact of entry and increased presence of wholesale warehouse clubs on competition across differentiated product categories and geographically diverse markets in the supermarket industry. Leveraging a detailed retail panel spanning 2001-2011 and a novel dataset documenting opening and closing dates and locations of all Costco warehouse clubs, we classify incumbent retailers’ strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling for persistent local trends and systematic differences across markets. We find that retailers are substantially affected by increased competition from wholesale clubs and increasingly their adopt the high-low pricing strategy in response. However, incumbent retailers’ strategic responses differ significantly across storability levels: they are more likely to increase prices and reduce assortments for highly storable products and decrease prices and increase assortments for less storable products. We extend our analysis by exploiting the rich spatial variations in our data and analyzing divergent market effects across geographical areas. We find significant geospatial differences in these strategic responses. For certain levels of storability, strategic responses are dichotomous across geographic markets. We show that the direction of the responses is explained by market size. * We sincerely thank Paul Grieco, Matthew Osborne, and Stephan Seiler, whose comments have improved this paper. We also thank seminar participants at RPI and conference participants at the IIOC for helpful comments and suggestions. Cornerstone Research; [email protected] University of Massachusetts Amherst; [email protected]

Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

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Page 1: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence:Implications of Storability on Retailers’ Pricing and

Assortment Decisions∗

Christoph Bauner† Emily Wang‡

September 29, 2016


This paper empirically examines the impact of entry and increased presence ofwholesale warehouse clubs on competition across differentiated product categories andgeographically diverse markets in the supermarket industry. Leveraging a detailedretail panel spanning 2001-2011 and a novel dataset documenting opening and closingdates and locations of all Costco warehouse clubs, we classify incumbent retailers’strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories,controlling for persistent local trends and systematic differences across markets. Wefind that retailers are substantially affected by increased competition from wholesaleclubs and increasingly their adopt the high-low pricing strategy in response. However,incumbent retailers’ strategic responses differ significantly across storability levels: theyare more likely to increase prices and reduce assortments for highly storable productsand decrease prices and increase assortments for less storable products. We extend ouranalysis by exploiting the rich spatial variations in our data and analyzing divergentmarket effects across geographical areas. We find significant geospatial differencesin these strategic responses. For certain levels of storability, strategic responses aredichotomous across geographic markets. We show that the direction of the responsesis explained by market size.

∗We sincerely thank Paul Grieco, Matthew Osborne, and Stephan Seiler, whose comments have improvedthis paper. We also thank seminar participants at RPI and conference participants at the IIOC for helpfulcomments and suggestions.†Cornerstone Research; [email protected]‡University of Massachusetts Amherst; [email protected]

Page 2: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

1 Introduction

Retail warehouse clubs have become an increasingly important force in the U.S. and inter-

national retail markets, reaching a total sales volume of about 114 billion dollars in 2009

in the US alone1. The two largest warehouse clubs, Costco and Sam’s Club, are the US’s

third2 and eighth3 largest retailers, respectively. In global terms, they are ahead of major

international companies like Amazon, Intermarche, and Ahold4. Despite the growth and

importance of this sector of our economy, little is known about the impact of warehouse club

entry on incumbent retailers, whose strategic reactions to increased competition have impor-

tant consequences for local economies and consumer welfare — especially for consumers who

do not shop at warehouse clubs. This paper seeks to fill this gap by examining in detail the

strategic reactions of incumbent retailers, and accompanying market effects, across product

categories and over market locations.

Warehouse clubs are a particularly interesting segment of the retail sector. They take

the “big box” concept of Walmart and Target a step further by setting a unique business

model: products in very large package sizes sold for very low profit margins; limited product

variety within a given product category;5 and members-only shopping, with membership fees

constituting the majority of store profits.6 They rely on a consumer base able to travel longer

distances (as most warehouse clubs are located outside of city centers), with transportation

conducive to bulk purchasing (i.e., bigger vehicles), and with sufficient income to cover

membership fees. How the warehouse clubs position themselves in the retail sector has

important consequences for the strategic behavior of incumbent retailers serving the residual

1Evans & Satchu (2010)2Kantar Retail (2013)3Sam’s Club (2013)4Costco alone accounts for 50% of global cashew sales, according to Golodryga & Ellis (2010).5Costco offers about 4,000 unique items in its stores compared to about 40,000 for the typical grocery

store, according to Golodryga & Ellis (2010).6Stone (2013)


Page 3: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling


In contrast to WalMart’s venture into grocery retail, which has been the subject of sub-

stantial research (finding decreased prices overall in incumbent retailers (Basker and Noel,

2009), increased quality (Matsa, 2011), increased consumer-surplus (Hausman and Leibtag,

2007), and limited competition outside of local markets (Ellickson and Grieco, 2013)), little

is known about the impact of warehouse clubs on the strategic behavior of incumbent retail-

ers and the reactions of consumers. Furthermore, unlike existing literature, which typically

focuses on the overall effect on incumbent retailers using aggregate price indices or retail-level

responses such employment, we examine in detail variations in strategic behavior—pricing

and assortment—using product specific information across product categories and markets.

We concentrate our analysis on Costco, which with a 50% market share is the largest ware-

house club in the United States1 and the world’s third largest retailer2. To measure its effect

on incumbent retailers, we take advantage of a detailed retail panel documenting sales vol-

umes and prices for each Universal Product Code (UPC) sold in each week from 2001-2011

for 27 frequently purchased product categories and a novel dataset documenting opening

and closing dates and locations of all Costco warehouses. We exploit variations across mar-

kets and over time to econometrically control for any persistent local trends and systematic

differences across markets that might influence Costco’s strategic decision to enter a local

market or the endogenous responses of its competitors.

Our findings suggest that incumbent retailers’ strategic reactions in the face of increased

warehouse presence differ significantly across product categories. We classify product cat-

egories observed in the sample by how storable the product is (e.g., canned soup is highly

storable; milk is not). Our classification of storability derives from two definitions: perisha-

bility and stockpilability, as defined in Bronnenberg et al. (2008). We further classify by

size the incumbent retailers observed as either small or large. Under both definitions and

across small and large stores, we find that incumbent retailers are more likely to increase


Page 4: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

the prices of more storable products while decreasing the prices of less storable products.

Because warehouse clubs’ typically offer products only in large packages, they are in many

cases less attractive providers of perishable goods. Hence, the strategy of increasing prices

for less storable items is consistent with an attempt by traditional retailers to differentiate

themselves from warehouse clubs. Our results differ from the only other paper on warehouse

clubs of which we are aware, Courtemanche & Carden (2014), which finds that Costco’s entry

leads to price increases by non-warehouse supermarkets, while Sam’s Club market entry does

not affect local prices. Results from Courtemanche & Carden (2014) are somewhat similar

to those of the numerous studies finding that Walmart market entry decreases the prices of

products sold by incumbent retailers (Basker (2005), Volpe & Lavoie (2008), Basker & Noel

(2009), Lopez & Liu (2011), Cleary & Lopez (2012), and Ellickson & Grieco (2012)). Our

study adds significant nuance to Courtemanche & Carden (2014), which relies on quarterly

city-level ACCRA COLI prices and does not break down by storability level. In contrast, our

UPC-week-store level data gains us insight into incumbents’ strategic pricing and assortment

adjustments across product categories of different storability levels. This allows us to draw

more detailed conclusions and gain a more complete understanding of Costco’s effects on

competing retailers.

While we find that price responses differ across product categories, we also find a uni-

form increase in variation in prices . That is to say, regardless of price increases or decreases,

all product categories in incumbent retailers saw larger intertemporal price variations, sug-

gesting increased use of a Hi-Lo pricing strategy. This is consistent with the theoretical

model developed in Glandon & Jaremski (2012), which suggests that entry of a low-cost

retailer can lead to more frequent price reductions. Glandon & Jaremski (2012) also find

empirical evidence using retail data from Chicago that suggests adoption of Hi-Lo strategy

coinciding with Walmart’s expansion in that market. This and our results contrast with

those of Ellickson & Misra (2008), which finds that frequent price reductions (Hi-Lo) or rel-


Page 5: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

atively constant pricing (“Every-Day-Low-Price” or “EDLP”) are positively correlated with

the pricing format of neighboring stores post Wal-Mart entry.

We further examine how incumbent retailers’ assortment strategies react to entry of

Costco’s limited assortment format. Again, incumbent retailers employ different responses

across product categories, with differences varying by storability level. More specifically, we

find that incumbent retailers generally decrease assortment in more storable categories but

increase assortment in less storable ones. This is consistent with retailer efforts to differ-

entiate themselves from Costco and establish a competitive advantage with their product

offerings. In reaction to retailers’ changes to pricing and assortment, we find that changes

in sales not surprisingly also differ across storability levels, with sales volume decreasing for

more storable products and increasing for less storable products post Costco entry.

We extend our analysis and explore how the effects of Costco entry vary across geo-

graphically diverse markets with different traffic patterns, population size and income. The

immense amount and variation in our data—a total of 485,489,339 UPC-week observations

across 33 markets—not only allows us to analyze the effect of Costco entry across storabil-

ity levels at the national level but also with-in each geographical market. We find that for

certain storability levels strategic responses are uniform across all markets while for other

storability levels strategic responses are dichotomous between large, coastal markets and

smaller, central-U.S. markets. For instance, for least storable products, retailers in larger ur-

ban markets (such as New York City) respond to Costco entry by increasing prices, whereas

retailers in smaller metropolitan areas such as Des Moines respond by decreasing prices.

We discuss our geospatial results in more detail in section 4.2—Geospatial Heterogeneity.

We examine market characteristics that may explain this pattern and find that market size

significantly affects the direction and magnitude of these strategic responses.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. We provide some background on

the warehouse club industry in general and Costco in particular in section 2 and introduce


Page 6: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

the retail data, data on Costco entry and location, definition of storability by perishability

and stockpilability, and our empirical strategy in section 3. Results by product category and

geospatial variation are presented and discussed in section 4, and section 5 concludes.

2 Industry Background

The warehouse club sector dates back to 1954, when FedMart opened its doors7. Although

FedMart closed in 1983 (despite initial success)8, competitor Price Club followed closely on

its heels and kept the warehouse club model alive. Price Club was originally intended as a

one-stop solution for small business owners. It kept overhead costs low by choosing cheap

locations, limiting sales personnel, and abstaining from advertising. The remaining overhead

costs were covered by a membership fee paid by customers. As this concept generated poor

results, Price Club soon opened its doors to individual consumers as well.9

Price Club’s modified model proved so successful it was soon copied by several newcomers

to the market in 1983.10 Most notable among them were Costco and Sam’s Club, both of

which expanded rapidly in the eighties and nineties. By 1994, the two accounted for more

than 90% of sales in a market that had grown from an annual revenue of less than one billion

dollars to more than 37 billion dollars in less than ten years.

Since then, the market has continued to expand, with Sam’s Club and Costco retaining

their dominant positions. In 2009 the warehouse club sector sold goods and services worth

114.7 billion dollars in gross revenue, with Costco holding a 50% market share and Sam’s

Club’s 41%. The third-ranked BJ’s operated only in 15 states and claimed only 9% of the

market (Evans & Satchu (2010)).

7Unless otherwise specified all data cited in this section is from Coriolis Research (2004)8Funding Universe9Funding Universe

10According to Ralph Nader (as quoted by Stone (2013)) Sol Price, the founder of Price Club, exclaimed“I really wish I had worn a condom,” when told he was the father of the warehouse discount retail concept.Price Club later merged with Costco in 1993.


Page 7: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

Today, the warehouse club model remains unique in several ways. Warehouse clubs tend

to earn very low markups on the products they sell (most items at Costco have an 8%-10%

markup according to Santoso (2013)). They keep costs down in part by restricting product

variety; typically, for any given product category, warehouses offer only one or occasionally

two brands and membership fees continue to be an important contributor to profits.Stone


While Sam’s Club continues to target small business owners, Costco embraces individual

consumer as well (Courtemanche & Carden (2014)). Thus, Costco is much more likely to

have a significant effect on incumbent retailers; indeed, Courtemanche & Carden (2014)

find that Sam’s Club openings have no significant effect on prices offered by other retailers.

We therefore focus on Costco as an example of how warehouse clubs can affect local retail


3 Determining the Impact of Costco

The goal of our empirical study is to analyze the impact of Costco on the pricing, assortment,

and sales of incumbent grocery retailers in a detailed manner. To understand how affected re-

tailers respond to Costco entry, several pieces of information are crucial: 1) detailed pricing,

assortment, and availability of products in each store; 2) information on product charac-

teristics that would allow us to differentiate product categories into levels of perishability

and stockpilability; and 3) accurate information on the opening and closing dates on the full

census of Costco stores.


Page 8: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

3.1 Retail Data

Our retail panel, spanning 2001 to 2011, is drawn from the IRI Academic Dataset,11 which

contains observations collected at the UPC-store-week level. That is, for each UPC in each

retailer in the sample, we observe its price and the quantity sold each week12. A UPC is

observed in a given week as long as at least one unit was sold that week. Since nearly all

in the sample are frequently purchased items, we can infer the assortment carried by each

store over time.

We incorporate nearly all product categories from the IRI dataset in the analysis.13

We include a total of 27 different categories in the sample, encompassing almost 140,000

unique UPCs with just under 500 million observations. Table 1 documents the available

categories along with basic summary statistics on the number of observed stores offering

the product category, the total number of UPCs observed in the category, and the number

of observations. Not surprisingly, there is little variation in the number of stores offering

each product category, as most categories are commonly carried and therefore present in all

observed stores, while larger variation is seen in the numbers of UPCs and observations. All

categories are observed over the entire duration of the sample. While we do not observe

products carried in Costco, anecdotal evidence suggests all product categories included here

are available in at least limited offerings in Costco.

Each UPC observed in the sample can be linked to a set of characteristics, including the

brand, package size, and flavor. Furthermore, each product category and thus each UPC

is linked to levels of perishability and stockpilibility identified in the IRI data, which is

11Please see Bronnenberg et al. (2010) for a detailed description of the entire dataset.12Prices are inferred based on information reported on the total revenue and total units sold. In addition,

we also observe whether the UPC had features or displays associated in the week. We do not find thesevariables to significantly change the findings.

13We exclude beer because we are concerned that state and local regulations make sales incomparableacross metro areas. We also exclude photo development, because as a service rather than a good it is verydifferent from the other categories in our analysis and it is also offered at only a select subset of both Costcowarehouses and retailers in the IRI dataset.


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Table 1: Overview of Data by Product Category

Category Number of Stores Number of UPCs Number of Observations

Carbonated Beverages 1,285 13,691 42,368,680Coffee 1,285 11,450 23,620,782Cold Cereal 1,285 8,574 32,631,976Deodorant 1,272 3,337 25,762,574Diapers 1,279 3,581 10,358,623Facial Tissue 1,285 1,152 4,015,143Frankfurters 1,285 2,105 5,954,032Frozen Dinners 1,285 8,034 50,733,536Frozen Pizza 1,285 4,577 16,690,351Household Cleaner 1,285 4,007 12,653,781Laundry Detergent 1,285 3,897 15,327,957Margarine/Spreads/Butt 1,285 860 7,436,401Mayonnaise 1,285 1,362 5,710,736Milk 1,285 7,626 12,997,831Mustard & Ketchup 1,285 2,684 8,788,637Paper Towels 1,285 2,191 4,648,199Peanut Butter 1,285 1,091 6,015,128Razors 1,266 377 1,560,718Salty Snacks 1,285 21,624 44,297,240Shampoo 1,272 8,314 25,420,076Soup 1,285 6,840 43,350,600Spaghetti Sauce 1,285 4,474 16,805,680Sugar Substitutes 1,285 630 3,542,591Toilet Tissue 1,285 1,617 6,012,929Dental Accessories 1,272 3,243 13,458,362Toothpaste 1,272 2,503 16,945,324Yogurt 1,285 7,325 28,381,452

Total 137,166 485,489,339

Source: IRI Academic Dataset.


Page 10: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

rated by Bronnenberg et al. (2008) on a scale from 1 to 3, where 1 indicates ‘not perish-

able/stockpilable’ and 3 indicates ‘highly perishable/stockpilable.’ Perishability and stock-

pilibility measures are reported on a product category level, i.e., different items in the same

category are assumed to be identical with respect to perishability and stockpilibility. Table

2 provides an overview of product categories as classified by both perishability and stock-


Table 2: Stockpilability and Perishability by Product Category


1 (low) 2 (medium) 3 (high)

1 (low)

Razor BladesCoffeeDeodorant








Facial TissueHousehold Cleaners

Diapers Laundry DetergentFrozen Dinners Carbonated Mustard & KetchupFrozen Pizza Beverages RazorsPaper Towels ShampooToilet Tissue Soup

Spaghetti SauceSugar SubstitutesDental AccessoriesToothpaste

2 (medium)Cold Cereals MayonnaiseMargarine/ Peanut ButterSpreads/Butter

3 (high)FrankfurtersMilkSalty SnacksYogurt

Source: IRI Academic Dataset. Bronnenberg et al. (2008).


Page 11: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

While perishability and stockpilibility are strongly correlated (negatively) as expected;

this correlation is by no means perfect. As defined by Bronnenberg et al. (2008), stockpilabil-

ity refers to the ease with which a particular product can be stored. That is to say, the larger

an item, the more costly it is to store and the lower its stockpilibility index. Perishability,

on the other hand, refers to the duration an item can be stored. Items such as shampoo,

which are packaged in fairly small containers and have long shelf lives, are rated high on

the stockpilability index and low on the perishability index. On the other hand, items such

as paper towels, which come in large units and have long shelf lives, are rated low on the

stockpilability index and low on the perishability index. We conduct our analyses using both

definitions of storability.

The retail panel is collected weekly from stores in major metropolitan areas across the

United States. Figure 1 displays the locations of stores in the IRI, with darker green indi-

cating a larger concentrations of retailers. As shown, the dataset covers metropolitan areas

in most states but not all. Naturally, we cannot measure the effect of Costco in markets

for which retail data is missing; thus, we concentrate our analysis on the overlap of mar-

kets in the two datasets, which covers most of the continental U.S. Focusing on overlapping

metropolitan areas across the two datasets, we observe a total of 172 openings and 4 closings

of Costco warehouses in 50 markets between 2001 and 2011.

3.2 Census of Costco

We track opening and closing dates of Costco warehouses through two sources. First, we

collection information from Costco’s official website, which lists the exact opening dates for

most stores.14 For the remaining 8 of 448 stores for which information is not available on the

Costco website, and also to control for warehouse closings, we consult Costco’s annual reports

from 1998 to 2012. Each annual report includes a list of all Costco warehouse locations; thus,



Page 12: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

12.0 222.0Number of Stores

Figure 1: Locations of Stores in IRI by DMA

comparing two consecutive reports allows us to determine at least the years of openings and

closings. Additionally, the annual reports in some cases provide more precise information on

openings dates.15

Figure 2 shows the locations of Costco warehouses across the United States by opening

dates, with darker red denoting stores that have opened more recently. While there is a

clear concentration of stores on the west coast, where both Costco and Price Club (merged

in 1993) were founded,16 today Costco operates in most major metropolitan areas in the

United States.

15For instance, Costco’s 2006 Annual Report states that out of 36 to 40 warehouses expected to be openedin fiscal 2007, “[p]rior to the end of calendar 2006 [Costco] opened units in Kauai, Hawaii; Gypsum, Colorado;... and Orland Park, Illinois.” Thus, for these warehouses we can narrow the window of opening from twelveto four months.

16Coriolis Research (2004)


Page 13: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

1976.00 2012.00

Opening Year

Figure 2: Costco Warehouse Locations by Opening Date

3.3 Empirical Strategy

Costco’s concentration on bulk shopping undermines its attractiveness for purchasing per-

ishable goods, particularly for members of small households. As a result, it seems likely that

incumbent retailers would tailor their reactions to different product categories, in terms of

both pricing and assortment. Standard models of competition predict that increased com-

petition leads to reduced prices by all market participants. However, as discussed, currently

existing empirical results on the effect of warehouse club presence as presented in Courte-

manche & Carden (2014) show that Costco entry lead to price increases by incumbent retail

stores. Due to data limitations in this prior research, however–namely, that the data used

was aggregated across product categories–these earlier findings reveal only average effects

across all products sold within a category. The authors of this prior work cannot differenti-

ate between categories and investigate strategic repositioning within stores. With our more

complete data set, we show that the effects of Costco entry on incumbent retailers differ


Page 14: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

significantly across different product categories and depend strongly on the characteristics

of the category and local market characteristics.

Relatedly, incumbent retailer response to warehouse openings depends on those retailers’

existing pricing strategy: Hi-Lo pricing versus EDLP. The former serves to differentiate

incumbent retailers from Costco, while the latter means retailers compete more directly

with the warehouse entrant. We investigate whether incumbent retailers alter their pricing

schemes between these two formats post-Costco opening.

Furthermore, previous literature investigating competition in the retail sector suggests

that retailers compete through quality of products offered as well as price (Courtemanche &

Carden (2014), Ellickson (2006), and Ellickson (2007)). One way to measure retailer quality

is by assortment size. Investigating the effect of Costco presence on incumbents’ assortments

additionally provides insight into the extent to which traditional retailers try to differentiate

themselves from Costco by expanding their product range.

To tease out this variety of strategic reactions employed by incumbent retailers in response

to warehouse entry, our identification strategy relies on the fact that we observe varying num-

bers of Costco warehouses within various metropolitan areas over time: we regress respective

variables of interest on the number of Costco warehouses in a given area and on the level of

perishability/stockpilability of each product category, controlling for product, product size,

store, and time. Thus, we can identify the effect of Costco warehouse openings or closings by

comparing changes in each variable of interest in a given affected area with those in related

unaffected areas. As such, our analysis takes a differences-in-differences approach as can be

seen in equations 1 through 4, which will be discussed later in this section.

Store location is a strategic decision for Costco, and thus estimations based on store

locations is subject to potential endogeneity bias. We use the panel feature of our data to

overcome this problem. Since we observe each area of interest over time, we can use market-

fixed effects to account for any unobserved variables. Most importantly, this allows us to


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1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Number of Warehouses at End of Fiscal Year

Figure 3: Number of Costco Warehouses Operating in the United States over Time.

control for the possibility that Costco may open warehouses in markets where, due to other

factors, prices are high.

Time could pose additional endogeneity problems. As figure 3 shows, the number of

warehouses operated by Costco grew significantly over the course of our sample, and prices

tend to increase over time due to inflation. Together, this leads to a correlation of more

warehouses with higher prices, even though the effect is not causal. One way of addressing

this problem would be to use the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to convert prices to inflation-

neutral figures. However, as actual inflation tends to differ across product categories, this

would only partially solve the problem. Thus, we employ a different strategy: We introduce

time-fixed effects in our regressions, allowing each month in our sample to have a different

average price. This has the additional advantage of eliminating any problems of seasonality.

To investigate the effect of Costco warehouse entry on incumbent grocery retailers, we


Page 16: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

examine changes in prices, sale strategies, and assortments across different product categories

and incumbent retailer sizes. In addition, we also measure changes in sales volume post-

warehouse entry. We examine each effect in two separate analyses: 1) aggregate effects seen

across all observed incumbent retail stores across all markets and 2) effects seen in each

market separately, which reveals geospatial variations in strategic responses.

The number of Costco warehouses in a given market typically increases incrementally;

that is, warehouses are opened one at a time rather than all at once. To accommodate

this pattern, and to allow for a decreasing marginal effect of warehouse entry, we measure

Costco’s market presence by taking the natural logarithm of one plus the number of existing

Costco warehouses in the market of interest. As discussed, we classify product categories by

perishability and stockpilability, and incumbent retailers as large or small using an estimated

All Commodity Value (ACV). Therefore, our regression of prices takes the following form:

prjt “ βPricedbf log pnrt ` 1q ` γPrice

rms ` δPricet ` εrjt (1)

@d P tperishability, stockpilabilityu

where price p charged by retailer r for product j at time t, measured in month, is expressed

as a function of the number of Costco warehouses in market r at time t (nrt); a set of

fixed effects, γPricerms , capturing the interactions between retailer r where product j is sold,

brand m of product j, and size s of product j; a set of time fixed effects δPricet ; and a

random shock εrjt.17 Note that each product j is defined by its UPC code and is associated

with a unique brand m and a unique size/volume s. Following the definition provided

in Bronnenberg et al. (2010), product categories are divided into brackets following each

definition of storability (perishability and stockpilability), as shown in table 2. Therefore,

17We also run a version where instead of price we use the natural log of price. Results are qualitativelyidentical to those from equation 1.


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equation 1 is run separately, once for each definition d. The parameters of interest, βPricedbf ,

measure the percentage change in price for a percentage change in Costco warehouses for

product j of classification d ( perishability or stockpilability), level b (level of perishability

or stockpilability), and store format f .18

We further investigate whether incumbent retailers change their pricing strategy as be-

tween High/Low and EDLP. To answer this question, we examine changes in the standard

deviation of prices post-warehouse entry. Our intuition is that if the incumbent retailer

switches from one pricing format to another, the dispersion of prices across time within the

same product category would change in response to warehouse entry. Therefore, we regress

the normalized standard deviation of prices on the same set of covariates as that specified

in equation 1:

CV pprjtq “ βPriceV ardbf log pnrt ` 1q ` γPriceV ar

rms ` δPriceV art ` εrjt (2)

@d P tperishability, stockpilabilityu

where the CV pprjtq is the coefficient of variation and is equal to st.dev. pprjtq {avg pprjtq,

where the standard deviation and average are calculated for each brand-size combination for

retailer r in month t. The parameters of interest, βPriceV ardbf then measure the increases and

decreases in price variation resulting from one percent warehouses in the market. A positive

parameter indicates an increase in price variation and therefore signals an increased adoption

of High/Low strategy. A negative parameter, on the other hand, indicates a decrease in price

variation and is consistent with increased use of EDLP strategies.However, it is possible that

changes in assortments also drive changes in price variation. To control for this possibility,

18To deal with markets without Costco warehouses we use log pnrt ` 1q rather than log pnrtq. Thus, aone-percent increase of number of warehouses is only roughly equivalent to a βPrice

dbf percent increase in price.


Page 18: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

we run an additional set of regressions holding fixed assortment over time. Results from

both set of regressions are discussed in the following section.

In the introduction, we postulated that increased Costco presence would significantly

impact assortment strategies of incumbent retailers. That is, incumbent retailers facing

increased competition from Costco would increase the variety of offered products in less

storable product categories and decrease those in more storable product categories. We

measure assortment by counting the number of unique existing products sold in each product

category. The regression is as follows:

count pupcrjtq “ βAssortmentdbf log pnrt ` 1q ` γAssortment

rms ` δAssortmentt ` εrjt (3)

@d P tperishability, stockpilabilityu

where count pupcrjtq denotes the number of unique UPCs in each category carried by retailer

r in month t. Parameters, βAssortmentdbf , measure changes in the variety of products carried by

a retailer post warehouse entry. Positive estimates show increases in product variety within

a given product category and negative estimates show decreases.

Lastly we investigate how sales volumes are affected by additional presences of Costco

in the market. We regress the number of units sold for each project on the same set of

covariates as discussed above.

volrjt “ βSalesV oldbf log pnrt ` 1q ` gammaSalesV ol

rms ` δSalesV olt ` εrjt (4)

@d P tperishability, stockpilabilityu


Page 19: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

where sales volume volrjt is measured in the number of units sold for product j in retailer

r during month t. A decrease in sales volume for product bracket b would be reflected in a

negative value of parameter βSalesV oldbf .

We perform the above analyses first using data from all available markets and then for

each market separately. The former allows us to investigate incumbent retailers’ strategic

responses across product categories of different storability when facing additional competi-

tion from warehouse clubs. The latter allows us to dive deeper and investigate geospatial

variations in these effects. Specifically, in analyzing geospatial variation, we perform the

regressions as specified in equations (1) to (4) separately for each of the 34 markets in our

sample that experienced warehouse openings or closings. Our final step is to identify ele-

ments of the market environment that may affect strategic retailer responses by analyzing

cross-market differences in the estimated coefficients.

4 Results

4.1 Aggregate Effects

We first explore how incumbent retailers across the nation respond to the competition of

warehouse clubs. We allow strategic responses to vary across product categories character-

ized by levels of storability. We postulate that, given Costco’s focus on large volume and

limited variety, incumbent retailers may tailor their responses in individual product cate-

gories depending on storability, rather than reacting uniformly across all categories. That

is, strategic reactions for products that are more storable would be different to those for

products less storable. Recall, storability is defined both in terms of perishability and stock-

pilability. Results using both definitions are presented in tables 3 and 5. To better isolate

the effect of Costco entry, we use only stores that are present over the entire duration of the

sample. To keep the discussion clear and concise, we concentrate on the set of perishability


Page 20: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

results. In general, similar conclusions can be drawn using the stockpilability results. Table

3 documents results under the perishability definition from regressions outlined in equations

1 to 4 respectively.

Table 3: Regression Results by Perishability

Perish- Large Store Dependent Variableability Dummy Price Price Variation Assortment Sales Vol.

1 0 0.0731˚˚˚ 0.0019˚˚˚ 5.4820 ´15.4102˚˚˚

(0.0229) (0.0004) (3.8714) (2.2478)

1 1 0.0937˚˚ 0.0013˚˚˚ ´2.8210 ´30.6268˚˚˚

(0.0352) (0.0004) (5.8019) (7.3396)

2 0 0.0390˚ 0.0017˚˚˚ ´21.8533˚˚˚ ´12.1930˚˚˚

(0.0225) (0.0004) (7.7769) (2.4858)

2 1 0.05254 0.0010˚˚ ´36.0520˚˚˚ ´23.5884˚˚˚

(0.0516) (0.0004) (9.2390) (7.7336)

3 0 ´0.2777˚˚˚ 0.0018˚˚˚ 63.5078˚˚˚ 19.1862˚˚˚

(0.0263) (0.0004) (11.3946) (3.0862)

3 1 ´0.1935˚˚ 0.0010˚˚ 104.2300˚˚˚ 53.8724˚˚˚

(0.0733) (0.0004) (22.0148) (11.7361)

Fixed Effects:Store ˆ Brand ˆ Size X X X XYear X X X X

Observations 232,384,808 232,384,808 232,384,808 232,384,808

Notes: Market-clustered standard errors in parentheses; ˚, ˚˚ and ˚˚˚ indicate significance at the90%, 95% and 99% significance level, respectively.

Our results suggest that incumbent retailers react to increased Costco market presence

in two ways: through pricing and assortment. As the third column of table 3, Price, shows,

prices of more storable products increase while those of the less storable products drop. For


Page 21: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

instance, the price of an average UPC in a category of perishability 1 (most storable) sold in a

small store increased on average by 7 cents following the entry of an additional Costco store.

The price of its counterpart sold in a large store experienced an increase of a larger magnitude

at about 9 cents. In comparison, the price of an average UPC with perishability 3 (least

storable) decreased on an average by 28 cents in small stores and 19 cents in large stores.

This suggests that incumbent retailers vary their pricing reactions to warehouse openings

for different product categories. Rather than implementing uniform price changes across

products, they implement price decreases or price hikes based on the degree of storability of

each product category. Furthermore, this pattern suggests that incumbent retailers compete

more fiercely in categories less suitable to Costco’s business model.

Regardless of price increases or decreases, we find incumbent retailers increase the vari-

ation in prices across all product categories when facing added competition from warehouse

club entry. As seen in column 4 of table 3, corresponding to equation 2, coefficients across

all categories are positive and significant. Note that while the coefficients in and of them-

selves may appear close to zero, their economic significance is substantial. As discussed in

the Empirical Strategy section above, the dependent variable is measured in coefficients of

variation. Consider a simple example: Suppose the average price of a product in a given

store is $2 with a standard deviation of 10 cents, with variation arising from temporary

price discounts. A magnitude of 0.0019 in price variation, as shown in table 3, implies a

3.8% increase in the standard deviation in price.19 That percentage increase in standard

deviation is an increasing function of the average price. That is to say, another product with

an average price of $5 with the same 10-cent standard deviation would see a 9.5% increase

in the standard deviation in price. This result is indicative of increased adoption of Hi-Lo

pricing schemes by incumbent retailers post-Costco entry in order to attract consumers.

However, as alluded to earlier, this result could be driven by changes in assortments

19rp0.1{2` 0.0019q ˚ 2´ 0.1s{0.1 ˚ 100 “ 3.8%


Page 22: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

across product categories. Indeed, as will be discussed shortly, incumbent retailers react to

Costco entry by strategically altering assortment sizes. To control for assortment changes,

we re-estimate equation 2 holding constant assortment sizes. That is, we use only UPCs

that are sold (within each store) consistently over the entire span of the data. Table 4

documents the results for both perishability and stockpilability. Concentrating again on

the set of results under perishability, we see that not only do our previous results hold, the

magnitude of the estimates increases across all levels. This provides further robustness for

increased price variations post additional Costco entry.

In addition, as column 5 of table 3 shows, incumbents also respond by strategically chang-

ing the assortments within certain product categories, increasing variety in least storable

product categories and reducing it in categories of more storable products. Product cate-

gories with storability 2 on average saw a decrease of 21.85 UPCs per category for small

stores, and 36.05 for large stores post warehouse entry. In comparison, in the least storable

product categories we see an increase of 63.51 UPCs per category in small stores and 104.23

UPCs in large stores. We do not find statistically significant results in the least perish-

able category. These results suggest competition through differentiation, where incumbent

retailer focus on shifting their business towards competing in the market for less storable


Looking last at consumer behavior post Costco entry, the last column of table 3, cor-

responding to equation 4, shows by perishability rating and store size the change in total

quantities sold after an additional Costco warehouse enters the market. Since the unit of

observation is store-month-UPC, the coefficients indicate an average quantity change for a

given product category post-Costco entry. We see that when competing with Costco, in-

cumbent retailers sell fewer units of more storable products and more units of less storable

products. For instance, for a product category with perishability rating 1 (most storable),

the estimated coefficient on the log-number of Costco warehouses is -30.63. This indicates a


Page 23: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

Table 4: Price Variation Results – Fixed Assortment

Level Large Store Dummy Perishability Stockpilability

1 00.0029***



1 10.0024***



2 00.0019***



2 10.0011**



3 00.0021***



4 10.0017***



Fixed Effects:Store ˆ Brand ˆ Size X XYear X X

Observations 33,687,876 33,687,876

Notes: Market-clustered standard errors in parentheses; ˚, ˚˚ and ˚˚˚

indicate significance at the 90%, 95% and 99% significance level, re-spectively.


Page 24: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

loss of over 20 units per store-month-UPC when the first Costco warehouse in a metro area

is opened.20 This is consistent with Costco targeting the market for storable goods, as its

business model tends to focus on larger package sizes. That incumbent retailers respond to

Costco entry by increasing assortment of less storable product categories may also explain

the increase in sales of these products.

Regression results based on stockpilability, as seen in table 5, are largely consistent with

those described above. For instance, a warehouse entry leads to significantly fewer units sold

by incumbent retailers for products ranging from somewhat stockpilable (stockpilability =

2) to most stockpilable (stockpilability = 3), and for products ranging from least perishable

(perishability = 1) to somewhat perishable (perishability = 2). This is unsurprising, as table

2 shows that highly stockpilable items mostly fall in the low perishability bracket and that

highly perishable items usually display low stockpilability.

Perhaps the only exception to this rule is with regard to the set of regressions on assort-

ments, which sees stronger conclusions under the stockpilability definition than previously.

As table 5 shows, all estimated effects are statistically significant here. Furthermore, we see

that less storable items offered by incumbent retailers (stockpilability ă 3) all experience

significant upticks in variety and that more storable items (stockpilability “ 3) all experience

significant drops.

We decompose these results by market to investigate geospatial variation in the effects

resulting from additional competition by warehouse clubs.

4.2 Market-Level Heterogeneity

We examine geospatial variations in the effects of warehouse entry on incumbent retailers

by analyzing how strategic responses differ across markets. A first step is to see whether the

effects discussed above vary across geographically diverse regions. We perform the analyses

20´30.63 ¨ plnp2q ´ lnp1qq “ 21.


Page 25: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

Table 5: Regression Results by Stockpilability

Stockpil- Large Store Dependent Variableability Dummy Price Price Variation Assortment Sales Vol.

1 0 ´0.0718˚˚˚ 0.0020˚˚˚ 92.0175˚˚˚ 8.2168˚˚˚

(0.0185) (0.0004) (10.0995) (2.7367)

1 1 ´0.0105 0.0013˚˚˚ 113.5017˚˚˚ 29.5240˚˚˚

(0.0471) (0.0004) (8.6554) (10.2215)

2 0 ´0.0408˚ 0.0018˚˚˚ 55.2562˚˚˚ ´11.9545˚˚˚

(0.0230) (0.0004) (4.1509) (2.3301)

2 1 ´0.0428 0.0011˚˚˚ 47.0815˚˚˚ ´23.2810˚˚˚

(0.0460) (0.0004) (5.7809) (7.6126)

3 0 0.0805˚˚˚ 0.0018˚˚˚ ´61.1886˚˚˚ ´19.8092˚˚˚

(0.0276) (0.0004) (9.6147) (2.2502)

3 1 0.1027˚˚ 0.0012˚˚˚ ´71.6775˚˚˚ ´41.8699˚˚˚

(0.0453) (0.0004) (7.3181) (8.3615)

Fixed Effects:Store ˆ Brand ˆ Size X X X XYear X X X X

Observations 232,384,808 232,384,808 232,384,808 232,384,808

Notes: Market-clustered standard errors in parentheses; ˚, ˚˚ and ˚˚˚ indicate significance at the90%, 95% and 99% significance level, respectively.


Page 26: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

Least Storable Most Storable

-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150Marginal Effect of Costco -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0Marginal Effect of Costco


Figure 4: Geospatial Variation in Sales Volume

listed in equations 1 to 4 for each market separately. To ensure statistically significant

results, we include only markets with a sufficient number of retailers (at least eight) and

that have experienced at least one Costco entry/exit. Since some markets do not have large

retailers present, this process leaves 36 markets with sufficient numbers of small retailers

and 33 markets with sufficient numbers of large retailers. We find significant variation

across markets in all effects.

Figure 4 shows the effect of Costco warehouses on the number of units sold by incumbent

retailers per UPC. For conciseness, we concentrate our discussion in this section on large

stores only and on results using stockpilability as a measure of storability. Results using

perishability or small stores are similar.

Several intriguing patterns emerge in figure 4. First, we see that our previous find-

ing—that the effect of warehouse entry differs by product category storability—persists here

but along a different dimension. That is, demand responses in the most storable product

categories are uni-directional, while those in less storable categories are dichotomous as be-


Page 27: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

tween large coastal markets and smaller central-U.S. markets. While incumbent retailers in

all markets except Albuquerque lost sales of more storable products post-warehouse entry,

the effects on less storable products are mixed, with some markets showing a reduction in

sales volume and others showing an increase. More specifically, for more storable goods

the effect is negative in many large coastal markets and the great lakes (e.g., New York,

Chicago, San Francisco), but positive in many smaller markets closer to the center of the

country (e.g., Hartford, CT; Spokane, WA; St. Louis, MO). Second, the magnitude of these

effects significantly differs geographically. Even in the most storable categories (where effects

are uni-directional), different markets experience significant variations in demand responses.

For instance, incumbent retailers in New York experience a loss in sales over four times that

of counterparts in Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN. We explore possible factors contributing

to these differences in the next subsection.

Next we examine geospatial variation in the strategic pricing responses of incumbent

retailers. Recall we find that incumbent retailers selectively raise prices of more storable

products when facing rising competition from increased Costco presence. In line with this

previous finding, figure 5 shows that most markets see price increases in storable products,

with the exception of a few select markets (i.e., Boston, Hartford, and San Francisco).21

Furthermore, we see that price responses again differ significantly depending on how

storable a category is. While price effects are nearly uni-directionally positive for more

storable products, they are more mixed for products in less storable categories. Incumbents

in more Southern markets seem to respond to warehouse entry by decreasing the prices of

less storable products, whereas incumbents in more metropolitan markets increase prices for

similar products. However, regardless of how storable a product is, the magnitude of pricing

21We capture the change in price here by using the natural log of price, which implies the marginal effectsare easily interpreted as percentage changes in price. Regression results using price instead are qualitativelyidentical.


Page 28: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

Least Storable Most Storable

-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Marginal Effect of Costco 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5Marginal Effect of Costco


Figure 5: Geospatial Variation in Price Responses

changes again varies significantly across markets.

We find a similar divide along the storability dimension in strategic responses to product

assortment. As figure 6 shows, the effect on incumbent retailers is uni-directional in less

storable product categories. In all markets, retailers respond to Costco openings by increasing

the variety of offerings for less storable products offerings. Furthermore, we see that the

magnitude of these effects differs across geographical regions. For instance, retailers in

Detroit increased less storable product variety by nearly twice as much as retailers in Des


The effects in more storable categories is more dichotomous. Incumbent retailers in

some markets respond to Costco entry by increasing offerings of more storable products,

whereas incumbent retailers in other markets respond by decreasing variety in these product

categories. Figure 6 suggests that the direction of these offering changes may depend on

market characteristics. In many coastal cities, the variety of storable products offered is


Page 29: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

Least Storable Most Storable

0 100 200 300 400 500Marginal Effect of Costco -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400Marginal Effect of Costco


Figure 6: Geospatial Variation in Assortment Changes

positively correlated with warehouse presence, while in more central areas the reverse is

true. In the next section, we further explore how location and market characteristics may

help explain the observed geospatial variation in these effects.

4.3 Market-Level Analysis

Our findings suggest that there exists significant geospatial variation in responses to ware-

house entry. Furthermore, we find that these responses differ in direction (uni-directional

vs. dichotomous as between large and small markets) depending on the storability of the

product. While it is reasonable to expect some cross-market variation in the magnitude

of these responses, it is less clear why incumbent retailer responses can be dichotomous as

between large and small markets for certain storability levels of products offered. In this

section, we examine market characteristics that may explain this phenomenon. For each

market response (variety of offerings, price, and sale volume), we proceed as follows. First,

we look at location differences between markets with opposite responses for certain storabil-


Page 30: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

- +

Figure 7: Sales Volume Response by Location – Least Storable Categories

ity categories. We map all locations by the direction of response to see if any clear patterns

emerge. Then we examine three possible market characteristics that may explain the dif-

ferences in direction and magnitude of strategic responses: population, median income, and

average commute time.

We start our discussion by examining sales volume and price responses. Recall that for

products in the least storable categories, the directions of price and sale volume responses

to Costco presence varies by market. To see if there are clear geospatial patterns, we plot

the directions of these responses for least storable product categories in figures 7 and 8

respectively, with sales volume decreases and price increases post-Costco entry marked by

red dots, and sales volume increases and price decreases marked by green dots.

Figures 7 and 8 suggest that larger, more populous, markets are more likely to see

increased prices and decreased quantities purchased of the least storable categories. The

most striking example of this is New York City, which experiences dramatic price increases


Page 31: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

- +

Figure 8: Price Response by Location – Least Storable Categories

and simultaneous drops in sales volume. On the reverse side of the coin, we see that markets

such as those in Mississippi and Alabama experience decreased prices and increased quantities

in the same product categories. While it is not surprising that price and quantity move

together, why these movements diverge across markets is more intriguing. One plausible

story is that in some markets increased Costco presence causes sorting of consumers, such

that more price-elastic consumers shop at warehouse clubs while the residual, less-elastic

demand remains at retail grocers. And as a result, incumbent retailers increase prices to

capture the residual demand, and we observe decreased sale volume as a result. In other

markets, elasticities might be less diverse across consumers, such that the residual demand is

not significantly less elastic than total demand. In this case, it is possible to observe decreased

prices and increased quantities. To better understand these geospatial differences, we regress

the t-statistics of the market specific22 price reactions on a set of market characteristics:

22We use the associated t-statistics instead of the estimated coefficient to avoid biasing our results based


Page 32: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

population (as measured in 2013), average commute time, and median income. Regression

results are documented in table 6.

Table 6: Market Characteristics – Price

Least Storable Categories

Stockpilibility Pershability

Small Stores Large Stores Small Stores Large StoresPopulation (M) 10.0*** 7.77** 11.30* 9.16

(2.58) (2.73) (4.85) (3.62)

Commute Time -1.67 0.22 -9.21 -4.09(3.57) (3.97) (6.71) (5.27)

Median Income ($K) 1.55 0.37 2.88 1.01(0.89) (0.97) (1.68) (1.29)

Constant -77.93 -47.96 -11.70 -7.61(94.76) (99.96) (178.00) (132.60)

Markets 33 30 33 30

Notes: ˚, ˚˚ and ˚˚˚ indicate significance at the 90%, 95% and 99% significance level.

We see that across all three market characteristics, only population explains the direction

and magnitude of differing pricing strategies, with our results showing a positive relation-

ship between population and the direction of price responses for the least storable product

categories. This is consistent with the pattern shown in the maps; larger markets are more

likely to experience price increases by incumbent retailers.

In addition, recall that changes in assortment post warehouse entries is also dichotomous

as between large and small markets for the most storable categories. We use the same

method as above in examining factors that may explain these divergent responses. We plot

the direction of each response in figure 9, where green dots denote assortment increases and

on the level of the underlying factors.


Page 33: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

- +

Figure 9: Assortment Changes by Location – Most Storable Categories

red dots assortment decreases.

Figure 9 shows that market size again seems to influence incumbent retailers’ decisions

to alter the variety of products offered in response to Costco presence. In general, we see

that in larger markets such as Los Angeles and New York, incumbent retailers compete

by increasing the variety of even the most storable products offered. In contrast, in smaller

markets, incumbent retailers reduce their assortments of products in this category and appear

to concentrate instead on attracting consumers in less storable categories. To test whether

market population indeed affects the direction of assortment responses, we once again regress

the t-statistics of the estimated assortment effects from each market on each of the three

market characteristics. Regression results on population, median income, and commute time

are show in table 7.

We see that only population has significant explanatory power on the direction and

magnitude of assortment responses. The relationship is again positive; that is, markets with


Page 34: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

Table 7: Market Characteristics – Assortment

Most Storable Categories

Stockpilibility Pershability

Small Stores Large Stores Small Stores Large StoresPopulation (M) 32.90 25.31* 26.14*** 21.72***

(19.90) (9.32) (6.15) (5.22)

Commute Time -5.99 -9.55 -3.27 -0.82(27.43) (13.57) (8.47) (7.60)

Median Income ($K) 8.30 2.28 1.14 0.51(6.86) (3.31) (2.12) (1.86)

Constant -556.10 1.23 22.69 -17.612(720.70) (341.40) (222.60) (191.30)

Markets 33 30 33 30

Notes: ˚, ˚˚ and ˚˚˚ indicate significance at the 90%, 95% and 99% significance level.


Page 35: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling

larger consumer populations experience larger assortment increases for the most storable

categories. In combination with our results on prices, this suggests that an incumbent’s

strategic response to Costco differs across markets in some categories and that the direction

and magnitude of these responses are affected by market size.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we empirically examine how the entry or increased presence of wholesale

warehouse club Costco affects the strategic behavior of incumbent retailers. We focus specif-

ically on incumbent retailers’ responses with respect to price and assortments across product

categories differentiated by storability, as well as resulting changes in sale volume.

Taking advantage of a large scale and detailed retail panel spanning 2001-2011 and a

novel dataset documenting opening and closing dates as well as locations of all Costco ware-

houses, we find that while incumbent retailers adopt a High-Low pricing strategy in response

to increased warehouse presence uniformly across all product categories, their pricing and

assortment decisions differ depending on the storability of products offered. Incumbent re-

tailers are more likely to increase prices and reduce assortments for more storable categories

and decrease prices and increase assortments for less storable categories. This illustrates the

importance of examining the effect of warehouse club competition on incumbent retailers at

the disaggregated level.

In that same vein, we further explore how these strategic responses vary across geo-

graphically diverse markets. We find significant geospatial differences, both in magnitude

and direction, again with the strategic responses differing according to product storability.

Strategic responses are in fact dichotomous as between large and small markets in some

instances, with the differing direction of response explained by market size.


Page 36: Strategic Reactions to Wholesale Club Presence: Implications of … · 2016. 9. 30. · strategic responses (e.g., pricing, assortment) by the storability of product categories, controlling


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