Your family, our family, caring together… THREE TREE LODGE AGED CARE SERVICE Strategic Plan 2015–2018

Strategic Plan 2015–2018

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Page 1: Strategic Plan 2015–2018


Your family, our family, caring together…


Strategic Plan 2015–2018

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Page 3: Strategic Plan 2015–2018


The Board of Three Tree Lodge Lithgow Limited recognised the need to develop

a strategic plan to identify the future directions of the organisation. The Aged

Care Industry is currently undergoing considerable change, in particular with

the proposed “Living Longer, Living Better” reforms announced by the Federal

Government in mid-2013. The reforms will challenge us as a community owned

aged care provider to become more efficient and innovative in delivering a high level

of care and service to older people in our community.

Three Tree Lodge currently operates in a sound financial position, is fully accredited,

is maintaining high occupancy levels and has a good community reputation. Despite

the aforementioned positives it is not the time to become complacent and the Board

recognises that it needs to enhance each of these outcomes to continue to achieve

a level of “best practice”. Three Tree Lodge needs to diversify its operating model to

meet the current and future needs of older people in the local community.

With the assistance of an external facilitator the Board and Management team

undertook a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis and discussed

factors that have, or will have an impact on Three Tree Lodge as a stand-alone

service. Further discussions were held around planning assumptions such as demand

for aged care services, competition, changing government policies and a move to

consumer directed care.

The Board is proud of the community owned operating model of Three Tree Lodge

and considers this a unique attribute that distinguishes Three Tree Lodge from its

competitors. The Board recognised that engagement with the Lithgow community

was a strength but also an opportunity to enhance the profile of the service and to

engage with the local community.

Message from the Chair

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Innovation was considered a key element in the development

of future services for the organisation. The strategic plan

considers innovation and diversification as a core focus across

the broad spectrum of our business including service delivery,

labour resourcing, facilities development, resident care and

clinical excellence.

Our team is our most valuable asset and we are committed

to continue to provide our staff with opportunities to

develop and enhance their skills. We want to continue to be

an employer of choice in the Lithgow region and ensure that

our staff have the knowledge, skills and resources required

to support our valued residents. We recognise the important

contribution that our volunteers make to our community

and we want to continue to foster and develop the crucial

support that our volunteers provide to our residents.

Three Tree Lodge offers a unique and quality service of care

to older members of our community. We provide a home-

like environment with a committed and dedicated team.

The Board believes that our strengths need to be promoted

to the community we serve and that Three Tree Lodge

should be the “first to mind” choice when members of our

community are seeking aged care services.

The Board looks forward to leading Three Tree Lodge into

an exciting future as we embrace the identified strategic

directions over the next three years.

Garry Brown

Chair of the Board of Directors

Three Tree Lodge Lithgow Limited

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VisionOlder people in the Lithgow Region will remain connected to family and community through the provision of

innovative, flexible, high quality care and services that are tailored to meet the individual needs of each person.

MissionThree Tree Lodge is focused on achieving positive outcomes and building the capacity of each older person we

serve in our community. We will encourage the people we support to continue to lead a purposeful life and

maintain a sense of self within a warm and caring community.

Three Tree Lodge understands the importance of a strong values driven culture in achieving its strategic

objectives. It recognises that organisations that consistently focus on their values are more resilient, more

sustainable and continually evolve and grow to serve the needs of all stakeholder groups.


Respect We value the contributions from all members of our community and respect and celebrate differences.

Integrity We hold strong moral principles and foster trust and honesty in our interactions.

Empathy We strive to share and understand the feelings and circumstances of others.

Hospitality We welcome all in our community and strive to achieve an environment where people feel connected,

valued and are treated with dignity.

Innovation We actively seek new ideas and approaches to doing things in order to enhance the experiences of all

members of our community.

PRoFiLE AnD HistoRyThree Tree Lodge is a community based organisation that operates a residential aged care service at Lithgow,

in the Central Tablelands of NSW. The organisation is governed by a voluntary community based Board and

provides employment to more than 60 local staff. The service has grown from its initial inception to presently

care for 54 residents.

Three Tree Lodge is committed to providing quality care to its residents in a happy, safe and homelike

environment. Individual needs are catered for and residents continue to lead a contented and purposeful life.

Three Tree Lodge is focused on meeting all of the physical, psychological, cultural and spiritual needs of its

residents and it encourages family members and others significant to the person, to be involved in the service.

The service has a committed volunteer base that supports the residents in meeting the core objectives of

maintaining confidence, dignity and independence.

Three Tree Lodge

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Three Tree Lodge currently has 54 bed licences which provide ageing in place. The service operates

a dementia specific unit. We are committed to continuous quality improvement and are constantly

identifying initiatives that will improve the care and lifestyle of the residents at Three Tree Lodge.

Management and staff are committed to work within a compliance framework and have a focus

on risk minimisation strategies. In October 2012, Three Tree Lodge was re-accredited for three

years complying with the 44 aged care accreditation standards.

The Board of Three Tree Lodge recognises the importance of strategic planning to the ongoing

growth and viability of the organisation and as such, commissioned Joseph Dimarco from Tempus

Management Resources to facilitate the process.

A strategic planning workshop was conducted and the Board was provided with an overview of

the key political, social, economic and technological environments and the direct and indirect

impact these may have on the future delivery of aged care services.

Following the presentation, the Board was asked to undertake a strategic analysis including

consideration of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) so that the Board

and management team would be better able to respond to the changing environment in which the

aged care sector operates. Resulting from this analysis the Board considered a range of strategic

options that should be considered to better prepare for the future.

The Board asked the consultant to develop a draft Strategic Plan to be presented for their

consideration and in late 2014 the Board adopted this Strategic Plan.

sitUAtionAL AnALysis (intERnAL)Three Tree Lodge is a stand-alone residential service that is financially viable in an industry that is

currently operating on very low margins. Bed occupancy levels also remain above current industry

benchmarks. Three Tree Lodge has maintained a stable and committed workforce and the current

skills mix and staffing ratios are commensurate with resident care requirements. Three Tree Lodge

was accredited for a further three (3) years in October 2012, and has not experienced any critical

incidents in recent times.

The organisation enjoys a good reputation in the community and with local health providers. The

facility is community owned and is governed by a community based voluntary Board. The links with

the community are an integral part to the success of the organisation and it needs to be further

enhanced in the future.

Over recent years Three Tree Lodge’s operations have remained stable with the emphasis being on

the establishment of more formalised internal management processes and capital refurbishment.

The ongoing financial sustainability of the organisation has been

a focus and goal of the Board.

Our Strategic Plan

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However, Three Tree Lodge is entering a period where it will be critical to adopt strategic flexibility

in the face of increasing competition and in a period when the health, aged and community care

sector is undergoing continuous change.

sitUAtionAL AnALysis (EXtERnAL)Changing demography and an ageing population has led to the Australian Government taking a

new direction in relation to the delivery of health, aged and community care services. This shift in

policy direction is also being driven by changes in consumer expectations and consumer directed

care will be a key element of the Aged Care and Community Care model in the future. Existing,

new and emerging providers are being asked to provide an increasing range of services in new and

innovative ways.

In preparing its strategic plan, the Board of Three Tree Lodge identified several strategies to

mitigate the impact of new policy directions on the ongoing and future viability

of the organisation.

PLAnning AssUMPtionsIn light of the constantly changing external environment the following assumptions have been

considered when undertaking the organisation’s strategic planning.

1. Demand for aged care services will increaseAn ageing Australian population will mean that there will be an increased demand for aged care

services until at least 2050, particularly for those people aged 85 years and older. There will be

more people living alone who will require support to maintain their independent living and less

carers to support them. The residents will become more discerning and demanding in the level of

service and the type of services required.

There will also be an increased need for customer service and cultural awareness training within

the industry to provide support too culturally and linguistically diverse aged care recipients.

2. Models of aged and home care delivery will change as a response to emerging pressuresGenerally, older Australians prefer to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Home

care is less costly to deliver and the Australian Government’s support of home care has greatly

reduced the level of demand for residential low care services. This shift reflects the policies of

successive governments. The Australian Government is also promoting the establishment of

independent living units and social housing models that will further negate the need for low care

services. For residential aged care services to remain viable they will either have to grow, diversify,

specialise or amalgamate.

As a result of the expansion of home care programs, the proportion of residents requiring

residential low care services has been steadily falling and most residents are entering care with

higher care needs. Health patterns and related data indicate that although people are staying

healthy longer those in the older cohort who access residential aged care services will increasingly

present with malignant, neurological and cognitive disorders.

The Federal Government has acknowledged in its aged care reforms that there will be an increase

in demand for health and related services in the future, which will become an increasing financial

burden on the Government at the same time as the dependency ratio of taxpayers/non tax-payers

declines. This will result in the need for major funding and structural reforms in the health, aged

and home care sectors. The Federal Government has changed the accommodation pricing model

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for all residential aged care beds with an increase in user pay services. Governments will

increasingly shift towards health care as a commodity in a free market environment using

safety nets for the most disadvantaged.

Organisations will need to become more accountable in the areas of safety and quality

and failure to do so will have the potential to cause irreparable damage. Organisations

will also have to become more innovative in this market to meet consumer expectation

and to meet the needs and wants of the asset rich “baby boomers”.

3. Workforce management is critical to successA competent workforce will become an increasingly scarce and valuable resource.

The workforce will need to be redesigned, trained and developed to match changing

service provisions. In addition, expectations of employees will be increased as they seek

“employers of choice” that will provide them with development opportunities and

enhanced skills and knowledge.

The average length of employment in the sector is decreasing and the ability to retain

staff, particularly Managers and Registered Nurses will be crucial to the success of any

Aged Care business.

4. Embracing technology will be essential for efficiencyAged care organisations need to invest in technological innovation which has the

potential to significantly alter the way we treat, monitor and communicate with

consumers of aged care services and the way in which aged care providers operate and

people work. Failure to embrace technology will significantly impede an organisation’s

progress and in particular its ability to benefit from the efficiencies that results from

such technologies.

5. Environmental responsibility and sustainability will be inevitableGovernment policy is requiring organisations to adopt environmentally responsible

and sustainable programs to reduce their carbon footprint and waste. Consumers

will potentially be looking at providers credentials in this area when selecting an aged

care facility.

6. Consumer expectations and demand for choice will riseConsumers will become more empowered by being increasingly informed by

government funded agencies and websites which will result in a demand for increased

choices. The “Living Longer, Living Better” reforms are focused on providing consumers

with the ability to direct their own care. However, a key element of consumer choice will

increasingly be determined by their ability to pay, resulting in a range of service options

needing to be developed to meet consumer’s needs and wants.

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Three Tree Lodge has identified five (5) strategic priorities that it believes incorporate strategies critical to the future success

of the organisation. These key strategic priorities provide a framework for the Strategic Plan and are underpinned by the

Mission and Values of the organisation.

Strategic Priorities

Promoting long-term financial viability and sustainability

Developing and building our human capital

Embracing existing and new technologies

improving stakeholder experiences

Developing innovative models of service delivery and new services to enhance continuity of care for older people in the Lithgow region

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11STRATEGIC PLAN 2015–2018

1 PRoMoting Long-tERM FinAnciAL ViAbiLity AnD sUstAinAbiLity

We will improve our financial performance to ensure sustainability and continued growth in quality service provision

and will be resilient and adaptive to changing aged care policy and consumer expectations.

oUR stRAtEgic Actions MEAsUREs oF oUR sUccEss

• ApplyforcapitalgrantsfromtheCommonwealthGovernment and other agencies.

• Seizeopportunitiestoacquireadditionalbedlicenses.

• Developthepracticalfinancialmanagementunderstanding and skills of our key people.

• Enhancerevenuemanagementsystems.

• Enhanceinvestmentmanagementstrategies.

• Explorepossibleservicediversificationinlinewithagedcare reforms to increase revenue to cost ratio.

• Developacapitalplantoupgradeandmaintainassets.

• Developandimplementamarketing,fundraisingandbranding plan.

• Theachievementofprofitability.

• Increasednumberofresidentialcarelicences.

• Increasedgovernmentsubsidiesby10%.

• Maintenanceofoccupancylevelsabove95%.

• Increasedrevenuefromsoundandwiseinvestmentmanagement.

• Residentialcareaccommodationismaintainedandcommensurate with resident acuity and consumer expectations.

• Anewcorporateimageandassociatedmarketingmaterials.

• Demonstratedbrandrecognitionasaleadingprovider of aged care services in the Lithgow region.

Strategic Directions

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2 DEVELoPing innoVAtiVE MoDELs oF sERVicE DELiVERy AnD nEw sERVicEs to EnHAncE continUity oF cARE FoR oLDER PEoPLE in tHE LitHgow REgion

We will explore new service types and models of service delivery to enable older members of the Lithgow region

to experience a continuum of care from independent community living to supported residential care.

oUR stRAtEgic Actions MEAsUREs oF oUR sUccEss

• Exploretheprovisionofcommunitycareservicesunder a variety of business models.

• Establishdedicatedrespiteservices.

• Developmodelsofservicedeliverythatfacilitatecontinuity of care between residential, acute and primary care services.

• Buildstrategicpartnershipswithotherhealthandcommunity agencies, including Lithgow District Hospital, local retirement villages, community care providers, community groups, medical practitioners and allied health providers.

• EstablisharegionalMedication/MedicalAdvisoryCommittee.

• Deliveryofcommunitycareservicestopeoplein the Lithgow region.

• Increasednumberofresidentialrespitedays.

• Increasedcontinuityofcareforresidentsandreducedhospital transfers.

• Increasedflexibilityandavailabilityofanintegratedrange of high quality services to meet the needs and expectations of residents/clients and their families.

• IdentifiablegrowthinpartnershipsbetweenThreeTreeLodge and the other organisations/groups.

• Increasedqualityoflifeoutcomesforresidents and clients.

3 DEVELoPing AnD bUiLDing oUR HUMAn cAPitAL

We will continue to develop our people through education, training and mentoring in order that we have a workforce

with the attributes, knowledge and skills to provide high quality care and services.

oUR stRAtEgic Actions MEAsUREs oF oUR sUccEss

• Identifyanddocumenttheworkforceprofileandcapability required to support the strategic direction.

• Developandimplementatrainingandeducationstrategywhich supports the strategic direction.

• Developstrategicpartnershipswitheducationalprovider,including TAFE, Notre Dame University and University of Western Sydney and Charles Sturt University.

• Continuetodevelopanorganisationalculturethatisunderpinned by our values.

• Developandimplementcontemporaryhumanresourcemanagement systems, processes and practices.

• Embedworkplacehealthandsafetyinallaspectsof our operations.

• Developinitiativestoengagepeopleinvolunteering at Three Tree Lodge.

• ThreeTreeLodgewillbeconsideredan‘employerofchoice’ in the region.

• Allroleswillhaveadocumentedpositiondescriptionand employee training will be commensurate with employees’ roles.

• Provisionofalearningenvironmentforstudentswhichprovides positive experiences of aged care for the learners and provides Three Tree Lodge with a potential pool of employees.

• Demonstratedstaffsatisfactionandengagementthroughemployee survey data.

• Boardmembersandemployees’decisionsandactionswillbe consistent with the organisation’s Code of Behaviour.

• Staffturnoverwillbemaintainedat10%.

• LostTimeInjuryrateswillbemaintained.

• Increasenumberofvolunteersby20%.

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13STRATEGIC PLAN 2015–2018

4 EMbRAcing EXisting AnD nEw tEcHnoLogiEs

We will invest in equipment and technology that enhances the quality of life and safety of residents/clients

and facilitate efficiencies in service delivery.

oUR stRAtEgic Actions MEAsUREs oF oUR sUccEss

• Explorecommercialtechnologiesandtheirapplicationforenhancing safety and quality for resident/clients.

• Exploreindustryspecificsoftwareapplicationstoimprovedata collection, management and reporting.

• Exploreopportunitiestoengagewithtele-healthandtele-medicine.

• Businessdecisionsarebasedonaccesstotimelyandaccurate data.

• Capitalrenewalandexpansionprojectswillincorporateinnovative technologies.

• Thereisidentifiableuseofnewtechnologiesand software applications.


We recognise that generational change will be accompanied by revised expectations of older people and their families.

As such we will continue to monitor and adapt our services to ensure we meet and improve the experiences of all those

who come into contact with Three Tree Lodge.

oUR stRAtEgic Actions MEAsUREs oF oUR sUccEss

• Developprocessesandpracticesthatensureeasyand consistent access to Three Tree Lodge services, information and support for current and potential residents/clients, their families and the general community.

• Developresourcesandparticipateincommunityforumsand events to engage with and strengthen relationships within the local community.

• Progressivelybuildthesystemsandprocessestoensurethe delivery of consistently high quality services

• Developa‘customerserviceculture’thatisresponsivetoresident/client needs and expectations.

• Identifyadditionalservicesthatresidentsandtheirfamiliesmay like to receive and be prepared to pay for within theparametersoftheAgedCareAct1997.Basedonfeedback develop a pricing schedule and marketing plan for the provision of additional services.

• Exploreandengageinexternalbenchmarkingprograms.

• ThreeTreeLodgeisconsideredaproviderofchoiceandexperiences a positive image within our community.

• Resident/clientsatisfactionsurveysacknowledgetheiraccess to quality accommodation, services and care.

• Residents/clientsacknowledgethatcareandservicesfoster independence, choice and enablement.

• Resident/clientandfamilysatisfactionsurveysacknowledge the consistent delivery of quality care and services.

• Theavailabilityanddeliveryofadditionalservicesinacosteffective manner.

• Clinicalindicatorincidentdataisinthelowestquartile.

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15STRATEGIC PLAN 2015–2018

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tHREE tREE LoDgE LitHgow LiMitED

ABN: 58 147 644 844 • ACN: 147 644 844

2A Col Drewe Drive, Bowenfels NSW 2790

PO Box 3015, Bowenfels NSW 2790

T: 02 6354 2666

F: 02 6354 2665

E: [email protected]

W: www.threetreelodge.com.au