Strategic Placement of Air Polluters: An Application of Point Pattern Models * James E. Monogan III Assistant Professor Univ. of Georgia [email protected] David M. Konisky Assistant Professor Georgetown Univ. [email protected] Neal D. Woods Associate Professor Univ. of South Carolina [email protected] May 18, 2013 Abstract What shapes the geographical placement of U.S. air polluters? We hypothesize that air polluting facilities are located near downwind borders in order to minimize state residents’ exposure to pollutants and to avoid the resulting health and environmental costs. To test this hypothesis, we model the location in latitude and longitude of sta- tionary air pollution sources within a given state, using a spatial point pattern analysis. A point pattern analysis treats the location of an observation as the outcome variable itself, asking whether the location of these polluters is random or if it responds to par- ticular covariates. This methodology is frequently used in fields such as epidemiology to model the coordinate-based location of events, but is novel to political science. Our results indicate that (1) air polluting facilities are significantly more likely to be located near a state’s downwind border than a control group of other industrial facilities, and (2) this effect is particularly pronounced for facilities with highly toxic air emissions. Collectively, these results suggest that air polluting facilities are strategically located in places that export the environmental and health consequences of pollution to states’ downwind neighbors. * Paper prepared for presentation at the 2013 State Politics and Policy Conference in Iowa City, IA. A previous version of this paper was presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Sci- ence Association in Chicago. For sharing data, we thank Jeffrey Robel. For helpful comments, we thank David A.M. Peterson, Edward Weber, Raymond Lodato, Robert Wood, Gina Reynolds, Mike Hanmer, John Freeman, Ian Smith, Molly Roberts, Greg McAvoy, Nate Kelly, Peter Enns, and James Honaker. 1

Strategic Placement of Air Polluters: An Application of ...home.gwu.edu/~dwh/konisky_etal_workshop.pdf · tionary air pollution sources within a given state, using a spatial point

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Page 1: Strategic Placement of Air Polluters: An Application of ...home.gwu.edu/~dwh/konisky_etal_workshop.pdf · tionary air pollution sources within a given state, using a spatial point

Strategic Placement of Air Polluters: An Application ofPoint Pattern Models∗

James E. Monogan IIIAssistant Professor

Univ. of Georgia

[email protected]

David M. KoniskyAssistant Professor

Georgetown Univ.

[email protected]

Neal D. WoodsAssociate Professor

Univ. of South Carolina

[email protected]

May 18, 2013


What shapes the geographical placement of U.S. air polluters? We hypothesize thatair polluting facilities are located near downwind borders in order to minimize stateresidents’ exposure to pollutants and to avoid the resulting health and environmentalcosts. To test this hypothesis, we model the location in latitude and longitude of sta-tionary air pollution sources within a given state, using a spatial point pattern analysis.A point pattern analysis treats the location of an observation as the outcome variableitself, asking whether the location of these polluters is random or if it responds to par-ticular covariates. This methodology is frequently used in fields such as epidemiologyto model the coordinate-based location of events, but is novel to political science. Ourresults indicate that (1) air polluting facilities are significantly more likely to be locatednear a state’s downwind border than a control group of other industrial facilities, and(2) this effect is particularly pronounced for facilities with highly toxic air emissions.Collectively, these results suggest that air polluting facilities are strategically locatedin places that export the environmental and health consequences of pollution to states’downwind neighbors.

∗Paper prepared for presentation at the 2013 State Politics and Policy Conference in Iowa City, IA.A previous version of this paper was presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Sci-ence Association in Chicago. For sharing data, we thank Jeffrey Robel. For helpful comments, we thankDavid A.M. Peterson, Edward Weber, Raymond Lodato, Robert Wood, Gina Reynolds, Mike Hanmer, JohnFreeman, Ian Smith, Molly Roberts, Greg McAvoy, Nate Kelly, Peter Enns, and James Honaker.


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1 Introduction

Pollution does not respect jurisdictional boundaries. Thus, a central problem confronting ef-

forts to protect the physical environment concerns interjurisdictional pollution externalities,

which occur when pollution released in one political jurisdiction creates adverse environmen-

tal consequences in another. These “spillover effects” provide a powerful political incentive

for polluting jurisdictions to free ride on their neighbors. This is often clearly evident in the

reluctance of the polluting jurisdiction to shoulder a proportionate share of the burden of

remedying the problem—an issue that has bedeviled policymakers searching for solutions to

problems such as such as climate change, acid rain, and ocean degradation.

Somewhat less obviously, perhaps, jurisdictions have strong incentives to actively promote

spatial pollution externalities, thereby capturing the benefits of economic development within

their own borders while exporting the environmental and health costs to their neighbors

(Hutchinson & Kennedy 2008, Oates 2002, Revesz 1996). These perverse incentives may

confound pollution control efforts in the United States due to the central role that state

governments play in implementing U.S. environmental policy (Lowry 1992, Revesz 1996).

Indeed, there is a long list of instances in which the U.S. states have accused each other of

deliberately exporting pollution to other states. These types of disputes date as far back as a

1907 U.S. Supreme Court case, Georgia v. Tennessee Copper Co., in which Georgia claimed

that sulfur dioxide emissions from Tennessee-based copper smelters were despoiling forests

and orchards and creating health problems for residents of bordering counties in Georgia. In

more recent years, there have been a series of court cases in which state regulators have been

accused of giving preferential treatment to polluters located on or near a state border in order

to protect local industry rather than reduce pollution that largely affected nonresidents.1

1In 2006, for example, New Jersey sued the EPA, claiming it had failed to control the emissions of the


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Scholars are paying increasing attention to the problem of free riding and its implications

for environmental policy. Formal models of federalism suggest that incentives to free ride

pose a significant threat to environmental quality in nations that decentralize environmen-

tal quality control, such as the U.S. (Hutchinson & Kennedy 2008, Silva & Caplan 1997).

Empirical assessments suggest that pollution levels are systematically elevated near state

borders relative to interior regions (Helland & Whitford 2003, Sigman 2005). In light of the

combined scholarly and real world emphasis that has been placed on the issue, there should

be a strong expectation that states often engage in environmental free riding behavior.

Yet there is doubt. Studies that directly assess state government inspection and en-

forcement actions have found limited support for the contention that differences in pollu-

tion levels near state borders are the result of differential state enforcement effort (Gray &

Shadbegian 2004, Konisky & Woods 2010, Konisky & Woods 2012). These results have led

to speculation that, at least within the U.S. context, either top-down efforts by the Envi-

ronmental Protection Agency (Konisky & Woods 2012) or bottom-up efforts by local policy

networks (Scholz & Wang 2006) may be sufficient to overcome state incentives to free ride

on other states’ environmental protection efforts.

We propose an explanation for this puzzling lack of direct empirical evidence for the free

riding hypothesis: that state free riding is largely a function of polluting facility location,

rather than differences in regulatory inspection and enforcement activity. Specifically, we

posit two core hypotheses. First, we hypothesize that air polluting facilities are likely to

locate toward eastern borders (and away from western ones) in order to minimize their

Portland Generating Station, a Pennsylvania coal-fired power plant located just across the Delaware River(Delli Santi 2006). The long-running dispute over this particular power plant was recently addressed by theEPA. In March 2011, the EPA indicated that it would grant a petition by the New Jersey Department ofEnvironmental Protection to require that the Portland Generating Station reduce its emissions by 81 percentover three years (Applebaum 2001).


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residents’ exposure to pollutants and to avoid the resulting health and environmental costs.

We hypothesize that air-polluting facilities are located toward downwind borders (and away

from upwind residents) in ways that minimize state residents’ exposure to pollutants and to

avoid the resulting health and environmental costs. Second, we hypothesize that this effect

will be more pronounced for plants that have greater toxic releases. Although this pattern of

location may be the result of state government policy, we argue that rational firm location

strategies are sufficient to produce this result.

To test these hypotheses we model the location in latitude and longitude of stationary air

pollution sources within a given state, using a spatial point pattern analysis. A point pattern

analysis treats the location of an observation as the outcome variable itself, asking whether

the location of these polluters is random or if it responds to particular covariates. This

methodology is frequently used in fields such as epidemiology to model the coordinate-based

location of events, but is novel to political science.

Our results indicate that (1) air polluting facilities are significantly more likely to be lo-

cated near a state’s downwind border than a control group of other industrial facilities, and

(2) this effect is particularly pronounced for facilities with highly toxic air emissions. Col-

lectively, these results provide strong evidence that the geographic distribution of polluting

facilities allows states to free ride by exporting the environmental and health consequences

of their pollution to their downwind neighbors.

2 Literature and Theory

Effectively managing interjurisdictional externalities is one of the central issues—arguably

the central issue—facing federal systems (Bednar 2009, Oates 1972). In part, this is because

states do not automatically take into account the effect their policies have on residents of


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other states. Decentralized policymaking in the presence of externalities will thus produce

policy that is suboptimal from the point of view of the nation as a whole. Problems of policy

coordination emerge, such as the critical question of how to coordinate the management of

natural resources, such as rivers, that cross state borders (Lubell & Mete 2002, Schlager &

Heikkila 2009, Heikkila & Schlager 2012, Scholz & Wang 2006).

Somewhat less obviously, perhaps, fragmented policymaking also provides states with

strong incentives to actively promote spatial pollution externalities, thereby capturing the

benefits of economic development within their own borders while exporting the environmental

and health costs to their neighbors (Hutchinson & Kennedy 2008, Oates 2002, Revesz 1996).

The existence of interjurisdictional pollution spillover effects, which occur when pollution

released in one political jurisdiction creates adverse environmental consequences in another,

provide a powerful political incentive for polluting jurisdictions to free ride on the pollution

control efforts of their neighbors.

Environmental free riding has been empirically examined in two streams of literature.

One approach looks for evidence of transboundary pollution—elevated pollution levels near

borders. Higher pollution levels near state borders than in interior areas is taken as ev-

idence that governments deliberately seek to induce pollution externalities. Helland and

Whitford (2003), for instance, find evidence that industrial toxic chemical releases to the

air and water are systematically higher in counties that border other states. For toxic air

emissions they find a particularly strong effect in counties on the eastern edge of states,

where prevailing wind patterns are most likely to carry pollution across state lines. Other

research finds evidence that water pollution levels in rivers are higher downstream from

U.S. state (Sigman 2005), Brazilian county (Lipscomb & Mobarak 2011), and international

(Sigman 2002) borders than in interior locations. Looking at the American states, Kahn


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(2004) finds higher death rates from environmental cancers in border counties relative to

nonborder counties in low regulation states. Not every study of transboundary pollution,

however, provides unequivocal support of the free riding hypothesis, with some reporting

mixed or no evidence of elevated air and water emissions near U.S. state borders (Gray &

Shadbegian 2004, Gray & Shadbegian 2007).

A second literature examines government regulatory behavior directly. These studies

assess whether states inspect polluting facilities or enforce pollution control laws with less

vigor if their pollution is likely to migrate out of state. In general, these studies have

found little evidence of differential inspection and enforcement activity near state borders,

although the results do indicate significantly weaker state air enforcement near international

borders, suggesting that states may strategically allocate their enforcement effort in ways

that serve to export pollution to Canada and Mexico (Gray & Shadbegian 2004, Konisky &

Woods 2010, Konisky & Woods 2012).

2.1 Polluter Location as a Result of Government Behavior

At present there is something of a disjuncture between the transboundary pollution literature

and the literature on regulatory behavior, with the former (largely) finding evidence of

higher pollution levels near borders, and the latter (largely) finding little evidence that this

is the result of government behavior. One possible explanation for this disjuncture is that

environmental free riding is the result of the spatial distribution of polluting facilities, rather

than in differences in how these facilities are treated by regulators.

Facility location itself may be influenced by state government policy. Several scholars

have claimed that the American states can or do encourage polluters to locate near borders.

One asserts that: “states tend to locate landfills and other waste disposal facilities near their


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borders, externalizing the environmental impacts of these facilities on neighboring states.

This occurs so commonly it is termed the ‘state line syndrome.’ Locating waste disposal

facilities near a state line externalizes some of the potential harms form leakage of waste and

water contamination at the facility” (Hall 2008, 55).2 With respect to air pollution, another

observer notes that: “the level of pollution externalities is affected by the location of sources.

In the eastern part of the United States, where the problem of interstate pollution is most

serious, the prevailing winds blow from west to east. Thus, states have an incentive to induce

their sources to locate close to their downwind borders so that the bulk of the effects of the

pollution is externalized” (Revesz 2008, 51).

Broadly speaking, there are two major groups of policy tools that state governments may

employ to induce facilities to locate near borders. The first is environmental regulation. If

states regulate less aggressively in border areas, the reduced cost of regulatory compliance

may be sufficient incentive to locate near borders. Recent analyses, for instance, suggest that

new firms are systematically more likely to locate in regions that currently attain air quality

standards (where they may find less scrutiny and more lenient control measures) than in

non-attainment regions (Henderson 1996, Becker & Henderson 2000, List & McHone 2003).

In addition, intrastate differences in regulatory stringency may be due to differences in

regulatory enforcement (although, as discussed above, studies have not found consistent

evidence for this), or may reflect differences in permit requirements.

Firm location in border areas may not simply be the result of environmental policy, how-

ever. Studies of industry location typically suggest that although firms do take cost differ-

entials into account in deciding where to locate, numerous other factors are more important

than differences in environmental regulation (Jaffe & Stavins 1995). Moreover, because state

2For similar claims, see Mank (1995) and Wiygul and Harrington (1993). Although these claims havebeen repeated several times, none of the literature we reviewed presents any empirical evidence for them.


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EPAs generally have an organizational culture that values environmental protection, states

may find it advisable to use alternative policy tools in order to induce free riding behavior.

States have a wide variety of such tools that could in principle be employed to induce firms

to locate near borders, including tax incentives, subsidies, permitting and zoning decisions

(Revesz 2008).

2.2 Polluter Location as a Result of Firm Behavior

The above logic posits that interstate pollution externalities associated with plant location

are a consequence of strategic state behavior. We argue, however, that strategic state be-

havior is not necessary for firms to locate in areas where their pollution will largely affect

out of state residents. Rather, NIMBY-driven political dynamics may also lead firms to

locate disproportionately in these areas. Thus, this outcome may strictly be the result of a

decentralized process of rational decisionmaking by firms making location choices.

Consider a firm choosing where to locate a polluting plant. Any firm interested in siting

a facility whose environmental effects may be perceived as being noxious can usually expect

to face significant opposition from concerned local residents. This may lead to substantial

political and legal costs, including costs of participating in extensive regulatory proceedings

and court battles or the opportunity costs imposed by a delay in construction. Moreover,

concerted local NIMBY opposition can at times derail a proposed facility completely (Rabe


A rational firm will take these potential costs into consideration ex ante in making location

decisions. Generally, the amount of opposition to a facility may be thought of as reflecting

two things (1) the value that residents place on environmental amenities, and (2) their ability

to overcome free rider problems in organizing for collective action (Lubell & Zahran 2006,


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Hamilton 1995). Prior research has found, for instance, that hazardous waste facilities tend

to be located in places where there is an ex ante expectation of relatively limited organized

opposition (Hamilton 1993, Hamilton 1995).

There is a third important factor influencing the expected efficacy of local opposition

to industrial plant siting, however: access to the appropriate political, regulatory, and legal

channels necessary to voice effective opposition. If a large percentage of those threatened

by a firm’s location are out-of-state residents, then access to these avenues for expressing

opposition are significantly diminished. This is because out-of-state residents largely lack

political representation and may have reduced opportunities to contest the site in regulatory

and legal arenas as well. Thus, a rational firm seeking to minimize organized political

opposition (and maximize political support) will seek to locate in places where pollution

largely affects nonresidents.3

An important implication of this logic is that strategic state behavior is not necessary to

produce locational sorting that leads to environmental free riding outcomes. Although strong

state incentives to encourage environmental free riding remain, the above logic suggests that

a process of rational firm behavior is sufficient to produce such outcomes independent of

state location incentives to do so. In fact, the stronger these firm-level incentives are, the

less a state would need to use the levers of government policy to achieve this result. In the

limiting case, these incentives will be sufficient to lead to environmental free riding outcomes

without any state government involvement at all.

3This possibility also was suggested to us in personal correspondence with an economic developmentofficial in North Carolina.


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3 Constructing an Empirical Test

One possible avenue for testing the free riding hypothesis would be to directly assess the

mechanism by which states encourage polluting facilities to locate near state borders. As

the above discussion suggests, however, this is a difficult endeavor because (1) there are a

wide variety of mechanisms that could lead to this result; (2) different states may employ

different policy tools for this purpose; and (3) there is a paucity of systematic, comparable

data regarding many of these processes. In bemoaning the lack of empirical evidence on this

issue one observer notes: “it is difficult to find direct evidence concerning whether states

also provided incentives for sources to locate close to their downwind borders, because such

incentives are unlikely to be reflected in regulatory documents” (Revesz 2008, 53). Moreover,

rational firms may calculate the political, regulatory, and legal costs of various possible

location sites in such a way that leads to locational sorting that produces enviornmental free

riding even in the absence of overt state policy.

We thus approach the question by assessing whether polluting facilities are spatially

located in a way that is consistent with the free riding hypothesis. By focusing on actual firm

location, our approach enables us to bypass the issue of mechanism. If we find no evidence

that plants are located disproportionally near borders, this provides strong evidence that

states are not using facility location in order to free ride (or at least they are not doing so

successfully). If, on the other hand, we find such evidence, future research may attempt to

isolate the mechanisms by which free riding occurs, confident that the phenomenon they are

explaining does have an empirical foundation.


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3.1 Point Pattern Analysis

We test the free riding hypothesis by modeling the location in latitude and longitude of

stationary air pollution sources within a given state, using a spatial point pattern analysis.

Intuitively, this method seeks to gain a sense of the risk for an observation (such as a major air

polluter) to occur relative to a broader underlying population. For instance, epidemiologists

often use this methodology to model where cases of disease occur relative to the location of

the population at risk. The classic example of this methodology focuses on John Snow’s map

of cholera deaths in London in 1854, showing that residents nearest to a particular well were

most suspect to cholera (Ward & Gleditsch 2008, 11-12). While many researchers since then

have effectively used this technique to discern how patterns in disease can lend themselves

to causes of public health concerns, we also believe that this technique can be applied to

political questions as well.

More formally, a spatial point process can be thought of as an inhomogenous Poisson

count process where events can occur in an arbitrarily small space (Cressie 1993, 650-657).

In other words, if the larger area where events could occur was divided into a grid, each cell

could contain a certain count of observations based on the spatially-varying Poisson process.

By allowing the cells to shrink arbitrarily (to zero-space, in the limit), the spatial Poisson

process becomes a smoothed process where at any given point an event may be observed or

not. In certain applications of biostatistics, an isolated point process may be of interest, as

it would merely describe where observations (such as the presence of rarely-observed plants

or animals) were more likely to occur.

However, in most applications in epidemiology, and in this application of polluter location,

the spatial propensity for a case of cholera or the construction of a major air polluter is not

in itself interesting without reference to the population of interest. Cases of diseases are most


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likely to occur in places with the highest population density and major air polluters are most

likely to emerge in regions with the most industrial development. Hence, the relative risk of

a disease or a polluter being observed given the spatially-dependent underlying population

is of greater interest. Therefore, models of the relative risk choose a well-selected control

group, such as the number of doctor visits for non-threatening diseases, and model the point

process underlying the control group. With a model of the cases (e.g., the disease of interest)

and controls (e.g., non-threatening diseases), the relative risk can be thought of as:

r(x) = log{f1(x)/f2(x)}.

Where f1 is the spatial density of cases (such as a disease), f2 is the spatial density of the

control group (reflecting the broader population), and x is the location of a case or control

in space. Kelsall & Diggle (1995) approach this problem by estimating Poisson processes

with spatially-varying intensity parameters and then calculating the ratio of the parameters

to get the relative risk:

ρ(x) = r(x) + c1 = log{λ1(x)/λ2(x)}.

Where c1 is an additive constant, λ1(x) is the Poisson parameter for the spatial distribution

of cases, and λ2(x) is the Poisson parameter for the spatial distribution of controls.

In a later article, Kelsall & Diggle (1998) present an alternative estimator after observing

that pooling cases and controls and using a binary estimator yields another valid estimate

of relative risk:

logit{p(x)} = ρ(x) + c2 = r(x) + c1 + c2.

Where p(x) is the probability that the observation at location x is a case rather than a


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control, c2 is another additive constant, and all other terms are the same as before. In other

words, by modeling whether an observation in space is a case or control, we can effectively

model the relative risk of a case emerging. While a constant offsets the results, this does not

interfere with our ability to capture spatial variation in the relative risk.

3.2 Model Specification

Following Kelsall & Diggle (1998), we pool cases and controls in a binary estimator. Also, as

they suggest, we fit a logistic generalized additive model. This means that we can nonpara-

metrically estimate the baseline relative risk of a major air polluter emerging at a particular

place, yet we can also incorporate covariate terms into the relative risk. Equation 1 presents

the formalized model:

P (yi = 1) = p(xi,ui) (1)

logit{p(xi,ui)} = u′iβ + g(xi)

In this equation: yi is a dichotomous variable coded 1 for a case observation (major air

polluter) and 0 for a control observation (hazardous waste facility), xi refers to a location

in latitude and longitude, ui is a vector of covariates observed at location xi, β is a vector

of coefficients for the covariates, g(xi) is location xi’s value of a smooth function over space

that is not dependent on the covariates, and p(xi,ui) is the probability a major air polluter

(a case observation) will be placed at location xi given covariates ui.

In our case, ui contains a constant and the covariate of distance from the leeward border.

Our primary hypothesis is that the coefficient for this covariate will be negative: In other

words, the farther a site is from the downwind border, the less likely it should be to serve as


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the site of a major air polluter. We are subjecting this hypothesis to a tough test because

the smoothed term g(xi) is allowed to vary in any way that will capture spatial changes

in the relative risk, which could emerge for a variety of reasons. Therefore, distance from

the downwind border has to offer additional explanation above and beyond this data-driven

term that can control for a wide array of processes.

We believe that this research design provides a powerful test of the environmental free

riding hypothesis as it pertains to facility siting. It is important to emphasize that with

this design, it is unnecessary to control for the multitude of factors that have been shown to

be correlated with facility location (e.g., market demand, industry agglomeration, natural

resources, labor supply, infrastructure, etc.). There are two reasons why such controls are

unnecessary. First, there is little reason to believe that these factors systematically differ

in their distribution in upwind and downwind parts of states. As an example, major air

polluters often prefer to locate near water features such as lakes and navigable waterways.

Many manufacturing processes are water-intensive, and being located near a major waterway

provides a means for transporting inputs to a facility, and finished products to downstream

markets. Although major water features tend to form the borders of states, they do so on

each side. Population centers serving as markets and labor pools are similar.

Second, any observed pattern of siting is identified relative to a carefully selected con-

trol group: major hazardous waste facilities. The factors noted above that are potentially

important in site selection of major air polluters also apply to the siting of hazardous waste

facilities. However, unlike major air polluters, there is no strong reason to locate a hazardous

waste site either upwind or downwind. The pollution from these sites is contained (assum-

ing they are compliant with relevant statutes) and not subject to the dispersion through

airsheds. For this reason, there is little reason to expect that the placement of hazardous


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waste facilities is subject to the same kind of free-riding motivation we suggest is present for

major air polluters.

3.3 Data and Measurement

To specify the model presented in Equation 1, we gathered extensive polluter site information

from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Geospatial Data Access Project (http://www.

epa.gov/enviro/geo data.html). These data identified all of the major air polluters registered

with the EPA (forming our case group). We also were able to find the EPA’s comprehensive

list of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities. We use these facilities

as our control group because facilities like this should reflect the larger distribution of

where polluters would be located given population concentration and relative industrial

development. However, states have lower incentives for free riding with hazardous waste

facilities because they do not emit airborne pollutants carried by the wind. (In the cases

where they do, the sites are also listed as major air polluters and are counted as a case

observation, not a control.) The Geospatial Data Access Project also includes the latitude

and longitude coordinates for each site as part of its comprehensive list, thereby allowing

us to place our cases and controls in space. Our outcome variable in all of this is the

probability that a particular site in latitude and longitude hosts a major air polluter rather

than a hazardous waste facility.

Again, our primary hypothesis is that the farther a site is from the leeward border,

the lower the relative risk of a major air polluter. To measure distance to the downwind

border at all 36,972 sites we analyze (16,211 cases and 20,761 controls), we use a two-step

process. In the first step, we estimate the wind direction at each site. Figure 1 displays the


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prevailing wind direction for 299 weather stations across the United States.4 To interpolate

the prevailing wind direction at all of the other sites, we fit a circular kriging model to forecast

at new locations. With any data for which the outcome variable should be treated as an

angle, the model needs to account for the unique features that angular data can pose (Gill &

Hangartner 2010). For instance, if the wind is blowing due North, that is 360◦ on a compass.

Slightly deviating values might be 359◦ or 1◦, and such values need to be recognized as similar

(a feature many models would miss). We follow the novel approach developed by Morphet

(2009) that addresses the needs of a circular outcome and also uses spatial smoothing to

krige a forecast of the error term based on the errors of nearby observations.5 Intuitively,

then, we use broad trends in wind direction as well as unique features of local patterns to

interpolate the prevailing winds at each site we study.

The second step in calculating distance to the downwind border is to find the latitude and

longitude coordinate of the spot on the border that is directly downwind. By simply drawing

a long line based on the interpolated wind angle at each site, GIS software can find where

this line and a state border intersect.6 Finally, with the latitude and longitude coordinates

of the polluter’s location and the coordinates for the downwind point on the border, we can

compute the distance from the leeward border. Simple Euclidean distance, however, will not

suffice because the distance must account for the fact that the Earth is spherically shaped.

Therefore, we compute the distance using the haversine formula presented in Equation 2

(Banerjee, Carlin & Gelfand 2004, 17-18):

d = R arccos{sin(y1) sin(y2) + cos(y1) cos(y2) cos(x1 − x2)} (2)

4These data were provided by Jeffrey Robel of the National Climatic Data Center at the National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration upon personal communication. The document he provided is entitledClimatic Wind Data for the United States and is dated November 1998.

5See Banerjee, Carlin & Gelfand (2004, Chapter 2) for more details on kriging methodology.6Specifically, we used the spatstat library in R 3.0.0 to do this.


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Figure 1: Average wind direction from 1930-1996 at 299 weather stations aroundthe United States.

In this equation: x1 refers to the longitude coordinate of the site, x2 refers to the longitude

coordinate of the downwind point on the state border, y1 refers to the latitude coordinate

of the site, y2 refers to the latitude coordinate of the downwind point on the state border,

R = 6371 is the radius of the Earth in kilometers, and d is the distance from a site to

the border in kilometers. Thus, in a two-step process we compute our primary covariate of

interest, distance to a site’s downwind border.


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4 Results

Table 1 presents the results from estimating the model presented in Equation 1. As can be

seen, we obtain a negative and discernible coefficient on the input of distance from leeward

border. This fits exactly with our hypothesis: For every additional kilometer away from

a downwind border, the relative risk that a site will host a major air polluter decreases.

Therefore, the concentration of major air polluters relative to toxic waste facilities is higher

closer to downwind borders. In fact, moving from a site on a state border to one that is 177

kilometers upwind diminishes the odds of a major air polluter relative to a toxic waste facility

by 5.7%.7 Overall, then, this is a powerful result: Rather than look at the concentration

of air polluters alone, we look at how preponderant air polluters are given an area’s level

of industrialization. Beyond that, we also allow the relative concentration to be modeled

by a nonparameteric baseline relative risk, meaning that even in a model of the relative

preponderance of major air polluters any number of unobserved factors shaping local trends

is controlled for. Therefore, this negative and discernible effect speaks volumes about states’

motivation to free ride on air pollution.8

Additionally, Figure 3 presents additional information for the model presented in Table 1.

This figure visually presents the nonparametric, smoothed generalized additive intercept that

was included in the model. The horizontal axis of this figure presents longitude coordinates,

and the vertical axis presents latitude coordinates. The map shows a point for every site of a

major air polluter or hazardous waste facility in our data. The lighter-shaded areas indicate

7177 kilometers (approximately 110 miles) is chosen because it is the standard deviation of our distancemeasure. Mathematically, this odds ratio is: exp(−0.00033× 177) = 0.943.

8We also estimated a version of this model that ignored variation in wind direction and simply calculatedthe distance to the border due east of the site. This alternate specification yielded a discernibly negativeresult as well. As another robustness check, we estimated a model that excluded power plants from the groupof major air polluters, in case the location process for these sites remarkably differed from other polluters.This model without power plants yielded findings nearly identical to those reported in Table 1.


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Table 1: Model of Spatial Variation in Risk of Major Air Polluter Placement(Generalized Additive Model, Logit Link)

Covariate Estimate Std. Error z-ratio p-valueDistance from leeward border -0.00033 0.00008 -4.06967 0.00005Intercept -0.23557 0.01960 -12.01650 0.00000

Notes: Estimates computed with R 3.0.0. Approximate significance test for intercept smoothed over latitude

and longitude: χ228.72 = 4795.416 (p < .001). N = 36972, AIC= 45110.

a higher baseline relative risk for hosting a major air polluter, and the darker-shaded areas

indicated a lower baseline relative risk. The contour lines on the plot also serve to indicate

depth, marking areas having the same value of the smoothed intercept. Again, higher values

do not indicate more numerous major air polluters in raw counts, but that air polluters are

likely to make up a higher proportion of the sites relative to hazardous waste facilities. As

Table 1 reports, this smoothed term easily explains a discernible amount of variance beyond

the flat intercept model (as the significant chi-squared test indicates), and distance from the

downwind border continues to have explanatory power even with the smoothed intercept in

the model.

4.1 The Conditioning Effect of Toxicity

As a final analysis, we also considered that states may have an increased incentive to free

ride for major air polluters that release toxic emissions into the air. Toxic emissions are likely

to have adverse health consequences for those downwind of the pollution, so decisionmakers

have extra incentive to see that state residents are at least windward, or upwind, of such

sites. Therefore, we would expect that the coefficient on distance from leeward border would

exhibit a stronger negative effect when analyzing the relative risk of placement of toxic major

air polluters.


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−120 −110 −100 −90 −80 −70















0 1



Figure 2: Smoothed baseline risk surface for major air polluters in the UnitedStates, prior to accounting for distance. Lighter colors indicate a higher baselinepropensity that a site will host a major air polluter. Points represent the locationof observed sites.

To assess this, we consulted the EPA’s 2010 Toxics Release Inventory, which reports how

many pounds of toxic emissions each major air polluter releases. We used these data to

subset our air polluter data into three groups: air polluters that released no toxins into the

air, polluters that released toxins but were below the median level for toxic polluters, and air

polluters that were above the median level for toxic polluters. For the sake of comparison,


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we also bundled all toxic polluters into one group (regardless of whether they were above

or below the median) and contrasted these groups to the results from the full data. With

the subsetted data, we re-estimated the model of Equation 1. Each model included all of

the hazardous waste sites as controls, but the case observations were limited to the relevant


Coefficients for Leeward Distance

−0.0008 −0.0004 0.0000 0.0004

No toxic

Low toxic

Full data

Any toxic

High toxic

Figure 3: Coefficient estimates and 90% confidence intervals for the effect ofdistance from the leeward state border on relative risk for a major air polluter.Coefficients are presented for subsets of major air polluter data based on levelof toxic emissions.


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Figure 3 presents a forest plot of the coefficient for distance to leeward border from each

of five models. The horizontal axis presents possible values of the coefficient. The vertical

axis lists the subset of the data, moving from the set with the lowest theoretical incentive

for free riding at the bottom of the axis to the highest theoretical incentive at the top of

the axis. The points represent the estimate of the coefficient, and the lines represent the

90% confidence intervals for the estimate. As the figure shows, all of these coefficients are

negative and discernible from zero. We also see that the coefficients that are nearest to zero

arise when air polluters that do not release toxic pollutants are compared with the control

group or when polluters with low levels of toxic emissions are compared with hazardous

waste sites. While we would expect a slightly stronger effect for low-level emitters than

non-emitters, both of these groups show weaker results than the model using the full data.9

Also, relative to the model using the full data, the group of air polluters emitting any toxins

into the air shows a greater sensitivity to distance from the downwind border than the full

data, which pool non-emitters of toxins in as well. Not surprisingly, the biggest effect comes

with the heavy emitters of toxins. Therefore, it appears that the threat toxins pose to a

state’s citizens shapes the degree to which we observe free-riding behavior.10

5 Implications

Our results provide evidence that air polluting facilities are significantly more likely to be

located near a state’s downwind border relative to a control group of other industrial facilities

9One possible reason the low-emitters may have a weaker effect than non-emitters is that some of thenon-emitters were simply not active in 2010. It is possible that many of these polluters, when they were inoperation, emitted more toxics than the active low-emitters.

10In fact, for a one-tailed test at the 90% confidence level, the coefficient for distance for high emittersof toxins is significantly less than the coefficients for the full data, the low emitters of toxins, and thenon-emitters of toxins.


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that should reflect the distribution of industry and population within the state. With each

additional kilometer farther from a downwind border, the probability that a geographic site

hosts a major air polluter decreases. This effect is particularly pronounced for facilities with

highly toxic air emissions. Collectively, these results suggest that air polluting facilities are

strategically located in places that export the environmental and health consequences of

pollution to other states.

One obvious question these results raise pertains to mechanism. While our results would

seem to clearly imply that states induce facilities to locate in particular locations in order

to free ride on their neighbors, we have not directly tested this assertion. Moreover, we have

argued that the political dynamics that accompany industrial site selection may be enough

to generate this result even in the absence of state government inducements. Clearly, this

phenomenon is ripe for future research.

Irrespective of mechanism, however, the result poses a profound challenge to federalism.

The phenomenon of environmental free riding observed here suggests that the widely recog-

nized challenge of managing pollution externalities in federal systems may be even greater

than many observers have suggested.


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