ST.PATRICK’S & ST.BRIGID’S COLLEGE Claudy 2015 Believers are Achievers. Creating Tomorrow's Leaders, Today.

St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

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Page 1: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683


St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College

Believers are Achievers.Creating Tomorrow's Leaders, Today.55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HRTel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683 Email: [email protected]


St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College has been designated by the Department of Education as a Specialist College for Business and Enterprise





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Believers are Achievers.Creating Tomorrow's Leaders, Today.

Page 2: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

Chairperson’sMessageDear Parents/Carers,On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Principal, the staff, the pupilsand everyone associated with St. Patrick’s and St. Brigid’s College,I would like to thank you for expressing an interest in our school.

The popularity of this school continues to go from strength tostrength and to be much sought after, not least because of its finereputation. Pupils come from the parish of Claudy and neighbouringparishes. Indeed, a large number of them come from as far afield asPrehen, Culmore and Eglinton.

Our newly appointed Principal, Mrs Deirdre O’Kane is fullycommitted to developing and supporting our pupils academically,pastorally and socially and brings with her a wealth of experienceand a wonderful insight into raising standards and promotingachievement. With the new leadership comes a fresh new visionfor our young people which will ensure their continued success.

Examination results continue to be impressive and last year theybroke all school records, with 60% of our pupils attaining 5 or moreGCSE passes at grades A*-C, including English and Mathematics.This is substantially above the Northern Ireland average for similarschools. It is a source of great satisfaction for my fellow governorsand myself, to see children, including those with additionaleducational needs, performing so well in examinations.

My fellow governors and I are delighted that the school continues tosucceed at the highest level, placing it among the top non-selectiveschool in Northern Ireland. We wish to congratulate the staff on thisfine achievement.

I really hope that you will visit the school. I think that you will find itvery interesting. You will be made warmly welcome.

Yours sincerely,

Eddie KerlinChairman of the Board of Governors


Believers are Achievers.Creating Tomorrow's Leaders, Today.

St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College — where exceptional pupil focus is routine.

St.Patrick’s and St.Brigid’s College55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR

Tel: 028 7133 8317Fax: 028 7133 7683Email: [email protected]: www.spbcollegeclaudy.com

Number of pupils: 527

Age Group: 11-16 years

Classification of School: Catholic Maintained, Co-Educational College

Attendance Percentage:2012-2013 - 93.1%


Chairman:Mr Eddie KerlinVice-Chairperson:Fr David O’Kane

Trustee Representatives:Mr Paddy McGrellisMs Helen Crossan

DENI Representative:Mr Seamus BurkeWELB Representatives:Ms Maria HarganMr Conor DeenyTeacher Representative:Mrs Ashlene McCloskeyParent Representative:Ms D ConaghanSecretary to the Board of Governors:Mrs Deirdre O'Kane (non-voting member)

29John is now the most motivated child that I have ever seen throughout his school career. He thrives ongood comments in his homework diary. Naomi Duffy – parent of John Duffy – former pupil of Good Shepherd PS

Aims for StudentsIn the tradition of Catholic Schools throughout the world, St. Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College will strive to promote achievementand learning for life. It aims to develop in its students:

• a deepening friendship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; • the fullest Christian and human development of which he/she is capable; • knowledge and insights into the values and teaching of the Catholic church, with profound respect for other religions; • opportunities for prayer and experiences of the sacraments; • service, gentleness, forgiveness and humility; • an appreciation of their cultural identity and historical identity; • high self esteem - respecting and valuing themselves and others, especially those of a different identity, religion,

culture, social or marginal group; • high standards of achievement in all areas of the curriculum in a supportive and positive learning environment; • lively enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity; • emotional intelligence and emotional literacy; • the ability to be self-motivated; • the ability to communicate effectively using a variety of media; • the ability to work both independently and collaboratively; • flexibility and adaptability in the world of work; • an awareness of the importance of good career planning; • aesthetic sensitivity to beauty in the artistic, musical, intellectual, moral and spiritual domains; • entrepreneurial skills and inventive thinking; • positive attitudes towards solving the difficulties of a situation, the learning of decision-making and self-reliance; • hard work and perseverance; • agility, strength and physical co-ordination; • opportunities to experience success.

Page 3: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

1St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College is a really good school. I would not change one things about it!Cora Leahy – former pupil of Faughanvale Primary School

Changing Attitudes,Building Confidence,& Getting Results forCareers & Life in the21st Century

At St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College we are proudof the foundations we build together for our youngpeople. Our pupils are keen learners; talentedsports people, accomplished musicians andartists and thoughtful, caring and considerateyoung citizens.

St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College is a very goodschool. We are a school which develops the wholechild, academically, socially, morally and spiritually,to enable each to make informed choices as theytravel on their personal journeys.

A good school is not made of bricks and mortar, butmade of the people who work together, caring,supporting and encouraging each child to fulfil theirpotential. The quality of the teachers, classroomassistants, support and secretarial staff, in our collegeare second to none and I am certain that this haspositively impacted on the lives of our young people.

In St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College we work inpartnership with pupils, parents, governors and thelocal community to ensure a positive learningexperience for every child. We are fully committed tocontinuing to develop and strengthen relationship withall stakeholders.

Since my appointment as Principal of St Patrick’s &St Brigid’s College I have been deeply impressed byour pupils’ attitude to their studies, commitment tolearning and by the way they conduct themselvesas they go about their daily business. Observing ourpupils at work in the classrooms has been veryencouraging. Seeing pupils actively and enthusiasticallyengage in and take responsibility for their learning hasconfirmed my belief in our future and the future for ourpupils. Their continued hard work and endeavour willensure that they progress and develop and will secureeach and every one of them a very bright future.

We are incredibly proud of the achievements of ouryoung people. They have shaped this school andhave built for it an outstanding reputation locally andnationally; providing a quality education for childrenfrom all backgrounds, denominations and communities.

Please take the time to visit us, here in Claudy tosample a warm, welcoming, inclusive, familyenvironment and to get a feel for our school, wherewe firmly believe that, ‘Believers are Achievers’.

D O'Kane

Principal, St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s College, Claudy

Our Open Evening is arranged for Wednesday 14th January 2015 at 7.00 pm

Page 4: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com2

Our college is a very popular school for several reasons. Firstly ourteachers have very high expectations for each pupil and they supporteach of us to enable us to achieve our personal bests, both in theclassroom and in extra-curricular activities. As pupils we are alwaysstriving to develop our skills and talents so that we can be the bestthat we can possibly be. This is encouraged by our teachers whomonitor our progress and reward our achievements; big and small.It is wonderful to know that there is always someone we can turn toif we have a problem or if we need a little extra help or encouragementand we are never afraid to ask for assistance.

Secondly our school is a very happy school. Each and every day, wearrive into a welcoming environment. We are like one large, caringfamily: everyone knows each other, and you always feel a sense ofsecurity here. We always feel safe and content in our school.

We have caring, approachable and highly skilled teachers who taketime to get to know us, the pupils. Much time and effort is investedin building good student-teacher relationships, while simultaneouslybuilding the foundations for a supportive, happy, successful learningjourney. In essence, our teachers care; not just about us as learners,but care about us as people. They take an interest in our successes,our interests, our ambitions and our challenges. All of the teachersare simply amazing at what they do; they make learning an enjoyableexperience. They are able to identify our strengths and weaknessesas learners, hence boosting our learning experience even more.The teachers are also very encouraging and generous with their time,which only serves to better our results and this pushes us to setourselves challenging personal targets.

We are a successful school. We excel in examinations and in sportingendeavours. We work independently and in teams to get results thatwe can be proud of. Our school’s success at GCSE puts us top inthe North West for the three of the last four years. Looking at thosewho have gone before us motivates us to meet or beat records set.

We are very ambitious.

In St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s College our talents are identified andnurtured. We have a fine tradition of music and our bi-annual Musicalproduction showcases the talents of many budding actors, musiciansand singers. Our budding Picasso’s have their work displayedthroughout the school which enables us all to celebrate in theirachievements and our sportsmen and women regularly display theirtalents on the field. This year our U16 Gaelic team was narrowlybeaten in the final of the County Championship; whilst our U14team brought home their County Championship cup after a fiercefinal, played at Owenbeg, Dungiven.

Our Principal reminds us that, ‘a good school is not made of bricksand mortar’, and our dated accommodation does not stop us fromachieving exceptional results. Our Principal, Mrs O’ Kane, is a veryapproachable woman, who has introduced many new and innovativeideas to strengthen the school body and to drive improvement inthe college. She will undoubtedly take the school to a whole newlevel of success.

Moreover, it is clear to see that the pupils in our school are secondto none, as are all the teachers and staff. It is a privilege to be ableto say that we are educated in St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s Collegeand it will be with a heavy heart that we depart from this ‘Claudy’family we have come to know and love as we move on to the nextchapter in our educational journeys. I will always hold a place in myheart for this wonderful school and will be forever grateful for theopportunities given to me and the support and encouragement Ireceived as a pupil of what is the best school in the North West.

Aoife Canning – Head Girl

Why St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College is sopopular and successful.

(L-R) Laura Crossan (Deputy Head Girl) Taneisha Murray (Deputy Head Girl) Aoife Canning (Head Girl) Shay Melaugh (Head Boy)Stephen McKeever (Deputy Head Boy) Shea McCloskey (Deputy Head Boy)

Page 5: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683



I would absolutely recommend St. Patrick's and St. Brigid’sCollege to parents as it is a wonderful school with committedand enthusiastic staff members and a caring, friendlyatmosphere. Teachers use interesting and innovativeapproaches to teaching the curriculum and constantly strive toenable all pupils to reach their full potential.

Mrs Mary Redmond, Principal

I have already learned so many new things at my new school. I love to cook in Home Economics andI learn new things all the time in LLW class. Shane O’Kane – former pupil of Glendermott PS

What local Principals think of our College


Dear Primary 7 pupils,

I would highly recommend St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s Collegein Claudy. Our children have always found the staff to be veryfriendly because they seek to help the children to becomesuccessful learners. Pupils are welcomed into a positive, calmand happy environment, whilst the college provides for the needsof all its pupils.Glendermott P.S. has a strong relationship with the collegeand each year we liaise closely with College staff as part ofour transition programme for Year 07 pupils.

Miss Shirley McKenna, Principal


I recommend St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s College. This is anexcellent college at the heart of a very active learningcommunity.Staff and pupils are always willing to share good rapport,great enthusiasm and expertise — fully committed to thelearning process.

Mrs Maureen Smyth, Principal


Dear Primary 7 pupils,

I recommend St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College in Claudybecause this is an excellent college and it will provide you witha good academic, social and pastoral experience over thenext 5 years. The Staff in the College will work in partnershipwith you in every way possible to help you reach your fullpotential. As St Colmcille’s Primary School & Nursery Unit havesuch regular and good close links with St Patrick’s & StBrigid’s College you will have opportunities to come back andvisit for the end of year show, celebrate with us at the annualCarol Service and hopefully be selected as the winner of thePrimary School KS3 Cup.

By choosing St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College your transferfrom primary school to post-primary school will be a seamlesstransition due to the good links between both schools.

I wish you good luck with your choice.

Mrs Briege O’Neill, Principal


Dear Primary 7 pupils,

I would recommend St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College, Claudyas an excellent College. Our pupils have made the transitionvery easily, helped by our schools working together on variousprojects and also the Summer Scheme run by the College.The staff of the College is excellent and the atmosphere in theschool is a caring and welcoming one, where every child isnurtured. Our past pupils have made very good progress andhave settled in very successfully. The College allows pupils toachieve their full potential.

Mrs F McCann, Principal

Page 6: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com4

Admissions to Year 8Situated in the village of Claudy, St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s College isa vibrant, energised post primary school which continues to buildupon its excellent reputation as a successful, high achieving college,supporting and developing pupils, academically and socially, fromboth rural and urban communities.

This popular, over-subscribed school offers an expanded and relevantcurriculum sharply focused upon meeting the learning needs of youngpeople in a rapidly changing, twenty first century. The college’s child-centred ethos promotes and supports excellence in all areas, asevidenced by the impressive examination results of its young peopleover the last number of years and the college’s successes in sportingand arts related activities. The college is staffed by experienced,effective, highly qualified professionals who are committed tosupporting each child in his/her educational journey.

St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s College is Catholic in ethos and activelypromotes Christian values in its day to day business. It welcomes andembraces pupils from all religious denominations and backgrounds.It is a fully inclusive school which recognises the need to promotetolerance, respect and acceptance of others and strives to fullyintegrate all children, regardless of ability, gender, faith or ethnicity.

A structured monitoring and review of pupil progress enables theschool to pick up on difficulties at an early stage and put strategies inplace to support pupil learning. Effective communication betweenschool and home ensures pupils are fully supported pastorally andacademically. The Pastoral Care systems within the college encouragesyoung people to take responsibility for their learning. Individual andgroup achievements and successes are recognised and rewardedat all levels.

The college has a very strong Special Educational Needs Team, whichworks effectively to support individual pupils in their development.

While all pupils follow the same Programme of Study in Key Stage 3,in line with the NI Curriculum, every effort is made to ensure pupilsof all abilities are fully stretched to enable each to meet his/her fullestpotential.

The curriculum at KS3 is currently under review and at presentincludes the following:

The curriculum at KS4 is currently under review and at presentincludes the following as compulsory subjects:English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, PhysicalEducation and PSE.

Pupils at KS4 may also choose from the following options:Double Award Science, French, History, Geography, Technology andDesign, ICT, Child Development, Music, Art and Design, BusinessStudies, Home Economics, Physical Education and Learning for Lifeand Work. Occupational Studies is also delivered in partnership withNorth West Regional College.

The college is currently expanding its KS4 curriculum offer.

St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s College offers a rich extra-curricularprovision in all curricular areas and is proud of its sportingsuccesses and of its Music, Drama and Arts achievements whichare effectively promoted through clubs and societies.

The school is readily accessible from the City and surrounding ruralareas. Pupils travel from as far afield as Culmore Point, Eglinton,Prehen, Limavady, Park, Feeny and Faughanvale.

English Mathematics

Science ICT

Technology Religious Education

Home Economics Art

History Geography

French Spanish

Music Physical Education

Personal and Social Development

Learning for Life and Work (including Citizenship and Employability)

Page 7: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

5St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College always makes you feel welcome at the school and you know thatthe pupils are the most important part of it. Caitlin Canning – former pupil of St Peter’s & St Paul’s PS


Year Admissions No Total Applications Total Admissions All Preferences

2011/2012 100 98 93

2012/2013 100 95 90

2013/2014 100 118 109

2014/2015 100 99 92

Admissions CriteriaThe Board of Governors has determined that, in the event of thenumber of applicants being greater than the admissions number forthe school, then the following method, and the criteria in the orderset down, will be used to select pupils for admission.

Should the number of pupils who satisfy the requirements of the lastcriterion that can be applied exceed the number of places remaining,then the candidates will be listed in rank order in that criterion, by dateof birth, eldest first and youngest last, and admitted in that order.

In the event of two or more candidates having the same birth-dateand thereby qualifying for the last place, the award of this place willbe determined on the basis of initial letter of surname (as entered onthe Birth Certificate) in the order set out below:

Mc R M I K O C B E N X D U V LP T A S F J Y H Mac G Q Z W

If applicants are still tied after this, then priority will be determinedamongst them by a method of computerised random selection. Theunsuccessful candidate will be offered the first place on the waitinglist. Other positions on the waiting list will be determined by date ofbirth, eldest first and youngest last.

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to make application onbehalf of the child(ren) and to ensure that all of the relevant informationis given on, or attached to the Transfer Form, to enable the Boardof Governors to apply the criteria as outlined below.

The Board of Governors has delegated, subject to its final approval,to a selection committee consisting of the Principal and SeniorTeachers and two members of the Board of Governors AdmissionsSub-Committee, the task of applying the criteria.

The Board of Governors reserves the right to require suchsupplementary evidence as it may determine to support orverify information on any application by Transfer Form.

The Provision of false or incorrect information or the failure toprovide information within the deadlines set by post-primaryschools can result in the withdrawal of a place or the inabilityto offer a place on the part of any school nominated on theapplicant’s Transfer Form.

1 Applicants from the following contributory primary schoolsnamely (in no particular order):St Colmcille’s Claudy, Cumber Claudy, Glendermott, Broadbridge,St Mary’s Altinure, St Peter’s & St Paul’s, Mullabuoy, Listress, Loughash, Craigbrack and Faughanvale.

2 Applicants with a child of the family currently attending the school whether or not they share the same place of residence.

3 Applicants from the following traditional contributory schools namely (in no particular order): Sacred Heart, Good Shepherd, Chapel Road, St Columba’s Newbuildings, St Canice’s Feeny and Altishane.

4 Applicants from other schools (in no particular order).

In the event of a place becoming available after the closing date, thesame criteria will be applied to all pupils who have sought or areseeking a place.

Page 8: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com6

The CurriculumThe curriculum in St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s has been organised toprovide a broad, balanced, relevant and coherent experience foreach pupil.


All pupils follow a common programme for the first three years.

Subjects include: Art & Design, ICT, Personal & Social Education, English, French,Spanish, Physical Education, Geography, Religious Education,History, Mathematics, Science, Home Economics, Music, LLW,Careers and Technology


In these years pupils pursue GCSE courses. Pupils follow acommon core of subjects comprising: English, Religious Studies,Mathematics and Science.

Pupils then choose from:Art & Design, Child Development, Music, P.E., Business Studies,I.T., Learning For Life and Work, Home Economics, Technologyand Design, French, Double Award Science, and History. Link Course with NWRC Instruction including Business Services /Construction.

All pupils in Years 11 and 12 have 2 periods of Physical Educationand a time-tabled PSE period each week.

Our curricular provision at Key Stage 4 is under review with theaim of increasing flexibility and choice to optimise the academicachievement of all our students.

I attended St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College for five years, andlooking back now, there was never a day I regretted going to school.From the first day, when I joined as a Year 08 pupil, I experiencethe warm and friendly atmosphere that the school provides. As aresult of being a pupil in Claudy I have made many friends anddeveloped interests in subjects that I would not otherwise have beeninterested in. The staff was always keenly interested in how you were doing andthey could not have done more for me. Now that I have left theschool I greatly miss it and I will always look back upon my time atSt Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College with great fondness.Daniel Ferguson – now studying Structural Engineering andArchitecture at Queen’s University, Belfast

What pupils andparents think of our College

On my first day at my new school I felt a little nervous. Would Iget lost? Would I make new friends? What would I say if I wassitting beside someone I did not know? What would happen if Igot the wrong bus? After my first day at school I realised howdramatic and silly I had been! The teachers and all of the staffhad made me feel more than welcome. We were taken on atour of the school and our Guardian Angels helped us.

This is a nice and homely place to go to school. I hope youcome to the Open Night to see what I mean.

Niamh Ward – former pupil of Glendermott PS, Ardmore

Page 9: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

I am glad that I made the choice 5 years ago to come to this school. It is a small community schoolwhere the GCSE results every year are consistently very good. There is a wide range of after schoolactivities to choose from and I recommend you to come on Open Night to see all that St Patrick’s &St Brigid’s College in Claudy has to offer. Emma McHugh – former pupil of Good Shepherd PS

St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College should be immensely proud of its pupils, staff, school governorsand parents associated with the school as they are a truly exceptional collective. The pupils of thecollege are hugely impressive in every regards; the staff team are selfless and remarkably dedicatedto their vocations and the school governors committed to their respective roles and responsibilities.I wish the school every success in the time ahead. It fills me with pride to know that such exceptionaleducational activity is taking place in Claudy.Professor David Hassan – Head of the Ulster Sports Academy (University of Ulster)


On Open Night this school was so appealing as it seemed sohomely and welcoming.

It seemed like the perfect school for me! It is so easy to get aroundand I fitted in very quickly especially since I had taken part in theSummer Scheme only a few weeks before I started here in Year 08.

This school has made me the person I am today.

Parents should know that this school helps you develop your skillsand confidence, in turn putting you onto the road to success.Chloe Gibbons – former pupil of Glendermott PS

My new school is a place with a friendly atmosphere where I know I will always get the help to makeme reach my goals. Niamh Markey – former pupil of St Mary’s Altinure PS

I like this school very much and will miss itwhen I leave. I came to this school becausemy brother had been here and he had toldme a lot of great things about it.

If I was a parent of a Primary 7 pupil I toowould like to know that this school has adedicated approach to its pupils’ learning,where all members of the staff are verycommitted.

David Doherty – former pupil of GoodShepherd PS

I like this school very much because all ofthe teachers. They are very nice and alwayssupportive of their pupils. I also like the factthat this is a smaller school of 520 pupils.

In my opinion this ensures that the pupils getthe attention they need and I have manyexamples over the past 5 years of thededication of the teachers here.

Collette Conway – former pupil of St Mary’sAltinure Primary School

Page 10: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com8

Careers Information,Advice & GuidanceCareers Education seeks to prepare pupils for the decisions which

they must make during their years at school and to prepare them

for the world of work. Thus Careers Education is closely linked

with the wider aims of the school i.e. to prepare young people to

become effective decision makers and lifelong learners.

The Careers Department, in close liaison with the Careers Service

NI, aims to:

• facilitate the development of each pupil;

• help pupils understand how the education and examination

systems influence the route to work;

• help each pupil make the educational and vocational choices

which best suit him/her as an individual;

• impart certain skills useful for obtaining employment.

Pupils are introduced to Personal Career Planning in Year 10.

Formal Careers Guidance continues for pupils in Years 10 & 12. It

plays an increasingly important part in the curriculum as pupils move

through the school and the decisions become more complex. During

these years pupils participate in a number of carefully planned

projects and activities aimed at enhancing vocational development.

All pupils can access a suite of career related software from any part

of the school. Many Careers activities are organised both in school

and extra-curricularly. Our school has sought to put careers education

curriculum, permeating all subjects.

Leavers AnalysisAnother School (grammar) 29%

Another School (non-grammar) 58%

Job Skills/Training/Apprenticeship 4%

Employment 3%

Transition 2%

Unknown 4%

Total Number: 114 Pupils

Work RelatedLearning Year 11 students are introduced to the realities of the world of workthrough a Work Experience Programme planned with the help ofSEC. In April of Year 11, students are carefully prepared for WorkExperience and are visited during the week by their Careers Teacher.

The School receives a report from the employer, while the studentis encouraged to analyse his/her own performance and to examinehis/her career choice again, in the light of their actual experience atwork. Much emphasis is placed upon their self-assessment of theirwork placement and the value of the experience. Pupils are then giventhe opportunity to evaluate their work experience once they havereturned to school.

Page 11: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

9I am so happy that I chose St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College as my new school. The staff here areso giving and caring and I have made so many new friends here. Alexa Hebor – former pupil of St Patrick’s PS, Pennyburn

Religious EducationReligious Education is a statutory requirement for all schools. Asa Catholic school, we understand that Catholic parents’preference for St. Patrick’s & St. Brigid’s College implies acommitment to the school ethos and to the Religious Educationprogramme provided in this college.

We see religious faith and practice as something which is anintegral part of the whole school experience of the pupils, and aimto foster and promote development in faith, throughout the entirecurriculum.

The aims of the Religious Education Programme are:

• to provide pupils with opportunities for daily prayer, attendanceat Mass and experience of the sacrament of Reconciliation;

• to enable pupils to grow in the knowledge and understandingof their faith with a commitment to live by a Christian spirit ofprayer, good works and self-sacrifice;

• to promote the Christian values of caring, tolerance and mutualrespect, and offer practical help to registered charities;

• to help pupils make informed moral choices and to extendthemselves to be truly Christian individuals;

• to help prepare pupils for the challenges of the 21st centuryand to develop the ability to reject the consumerism and drugculture of today’s society;

• Parents may withdraw their child from religious education orcollective worship.


This programme is delivered through Religious Education incollaboration with the Science Department and is introducedgradually over five years. The content appropriately correspondsto the developmental stage of each year group. Teachersendeavour to relate to the pupils with sensitivity and tact,encouraging each boy/girl to form sound Christian attitudes to lifeand human love, thus developing a sense of responsibility whichwill enable him/her to cope with the physical and emotionalaspects of growing up.

Page 12: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com10

Examinations PolicyPupils are entered for approved examinations for which theyare being prepared by the school, at such times as the schoolconsiders appropriate.

If there are educational reasons why a particular pupil shouldnot be entered for an examination in a subject, the pupil will beinterviewed and his/her parent/guardian advised accordingly.

The school will decide for which syllabuses and, in consultationwith parents, at what levels pupils will be entered.


CEAArt & Design, English, English Literature, Geography, InformationCommunication Technology, Music, Child Development, DoubleAward Science, Learning For Life and Work, Business Studies,Business Communication Systems Home Economics, SingleAward Science, French and Religious Studies.

AQAReligious Studies, Maths, Physical Education.


CEAKey Stage 3 English, Mathematics, Science and ICT.

EDEXCELResistant Materials.

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Summary Data All Percentage Male Percentage Female Percentage

Number of Candidates 105 100.00 61 58.10 44 41.90

Achieving 7+ A*-B including English & Mathematics 23 21.90 11 18.03 12 27.27

Achieving 7+ A*-B 29 27.62 12 19.67 17 38.64

Achieving 7+ A*-C including English & Mathematics 58 55.24 32 52.46 26 59.09

Achieving 7+ A*-C 67 63.81 35 57.38 32 72.73

Achieving 5+ A*-C including English & Mathematics 63 60.00 37 60.66 26 59.09

Achieving 5+ A*-C 79 75.24 42 68.85 37 84.09

Achieving 5+ A*-E 100 95.24 57 93.44 43 97.73

Achieving 5+ A*-G 104 99.05 60 98.36 44 100.00

Achieving 5+ A*-G including English & Mathematics 103 98.10 60 98.36 43 97.73

Subject A* A B C D E F G

Science Single Award 0 7.9 36.5 68.3 85.7 92.1 95.2 95.2

ICT 0 10.3 35.9 59 69.2 79.5 89.7 97.4

Business Studies 0 4.8 14.3 52.4 76.2 95.2 95.2 95.2

Home Economics 0 6.3 37.5 75 93.8 100 100 100

Child Development 13.8 31 51.7 75.9 89.7 93.1 96.6 96.6

Art 0 4.3 17.4 73.9 95.7 95.7 100 100

Geography 4.9 31.7 56.1 80.5 90.2 92.7 95.1 100

Religious Studies 6.5 31.8 57.9 72 83.2 87.9 94.4 96.3

LLW 4 28 70 90 94 96 96 96

English Language 1.8 9.2 45.9 76.1 85.3 89.9 95.4 98.2

English Literature 12 36 80 100 100 100 100 100

French 6.3 31.3 68.8 87.5 100 100 100 100

Spanish 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Music 0 20 30 90 100 100 100 100

BCS 0 0 0 0 13.3 33.3 46.7 73.3

History 9.3 39.5 69.8 88.4 97.7 100 100 100

Sports Studies 0 18.2 39.4 84.8 97 100 100 100

Maths 0 10.9 28.2 60 74.5 83.6 91.8 97.3

Technology 0 0 29.4 76.5 82.4 94.1 94.1 94.1


Double Award Science 0 4.2 12.5 37.5 58.3 85.4 89.6 95.8

2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 School NI Average School NI Average School NI Average School NI Average School NI Average School NI Average

% Achieving 5+ GCSEs at Grade A* - C 69 51.3 72 59 74 60 69.2 63.9 66 66 75.2 N/A


YEAR 12 GCSE RESULTS BY SUBJECT 2014 (Percentage Cumulative)


Examination Results

This is a small country school where the staff is always friendly and I have been made to feel verywelcome. Matthew Gallagher – former pupil of St Patrick’s PS, Pennyburn

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St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com12

The Summer Scheme is action packed from beginning toend. As a parent I would say that the scheme was 5 starsplus!!

I was confident each day as I left Matthew off that he wasin very safe and capable hands. The organisers of thescheme all deserve a mention for their high level ofcommitment to all of the children. It was definitely veryfairly priced and I would recommend it to any Primary 7pupil transferring to Year 08.

No other school in the North West offers such an actionpacked scheme for pupil transferring into Year 08. Thisreflects the quality and commitment of the college and itsentire staff.

An excellent scheme! Perfect! Faultless! Thank you.Claire and Michael Mulligan

Extra-CurricularActivitiesA wide range of extra-curricular activities may be available. Activitiesare held on a daily or weekly basis and pupils are encouraged toparticipate in these, in order to broaden their learning experiences.

Such activities include:

• Maths • School Show • Homework Club • Spelling & Literacy Club• Guitar Club • Rugby• Technology Club • Science Club• Orchestra Practice • School Choir• Coursework & Revision Clubs • Gaelic Football (Boys & Girls)• GCSE Art • Netball• Cookery Club • Camogie• Soccer (Boys & Girls) • Cricket• Indoor Football • Film Club

Summer Schemefor pupils transferring to Year 08Our very successful Summer Scheme is now celebrating its 11thyear and will be running this year at the start of July for approximatelytwo weeks for Primary 7 pupils transferring into Year 8. This is aheavily subscribed scheme and is in place to make the transitionfrom Primary to Secondary school a more pleasant experience.Application forms and details of the scheme will be availablein May 2015. The scheme is partly funded by the school, fund-raising efforts and a nominal cost to the parents.

Aoife really enjoyed the summer scheme. She said thatshe would be sad and will not know what to do with herselffor the remainder of the summer mornings.

The highlights have been the kayaking and making newfriends from other schools. She now feels much moreconfident about starting her new school in September.

I feel that the entire experience has been a favourable onefor Aoife. I would most definitely recommend this schemeto other parents.

Donna Blee (parent of Aoife Blee (former pupil of Loughash PS)

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Niall loved the Summer Scheme and never missed a day. Heenjoyed the outdoor activities and the bus trips most of all.From day one Niall has had the opportunity to make newfriends and to try out things that he has never done before. Iwould definitely recommend the scheme to everyone. It isworth every penny. This is the only school I know of thatruns such a scheme. Well done to all of the staff for theirdiligence and for taking care of all of the boys and girls.

Margaret McCloskey – parent of Niall McCloskey (former pupil of StMary’s Altinure PS)

Aoife has loved every minute of the summer scheme thisyear. Aoife talked very highly about the leaders of the scheme.

She enjoyed a great deal of the activities and made a lot ofnew friends from other primary schools.

The scheme has given her great reassurance on her move to‘big school’ and now she cannot wait to join Year 08.

Lisa Coll – parent of Aoife Coll (former pupil of St Mary’s Altinure PS)

My daughter Leah had a great time at the Summer Scheme. There was a varied range of activitiesand the scheme was very well organised. Leah has made many new friends and I feel that she willbe much more confident about starting Year 08 in September. Mrs Patricia Cartin

I really enjoyed the summer scheme. At the beginning I wasa little nervous because I was coming from a small primaryschool. Soon I made new friends and began to feel morerelaxed. I loved the soccer day the best.

I would recommend the scheme to all first year students.There was so much to do and you will love it too.

Carlo Fiorentini – former pupil of Chapel Road PS

Caitlin really enjoyed her summer scheme experiences. Sheloved the days away and especially liked the water sports, whichshe had never tried before. As a parent of a child transferringfrom primary to secondary school I think that the scheme helpschildren become less nervous about starting their new school.Caitlin is my second child to have attended the summer schemeand I thoroughly recommend it to all parents who have a childtransferring to secondary school this year.

Caroline Canning – parent of Aoife Canning (former pupil of St Peter’s& ST Paul’s PS, Foreglen)

Over the last number of weeks, my son Matthew has beenbuzzing every morning, keen to return to the summer scheme.

He now has more confidence, reduced anxiety and thescheme has better prepared him for his new school. I askedmy son, “What was the best part of the scheme?” Hereplied, “Making new friends.”

As a parent, this is the best answer he could have given tome, as it also makes me feel less nervous about his move tosecondary school.

Anne Marie McCallion (parent of Matthew McCallion Year 08)

Adam had great fun at the summer scheme. He was alwaysfull of chat after every session, telling us all about the ‘greatthings’ everyone had been involved in that day. We believethat it is a very worthwhile scheme for primary school childrento familiarise themselves with their new school.

We would especially like to thank the all of the staff andvolunteers for looking after the children so well.

Sharon and Patrick Maguire – parents of Adam Maguire

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St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com14

Sporting ActivitiesThe aim is ‘Sport for All’ to encompass disabled and able-bodiedwhere participation and interaction are the key aims. The mainfocus of the PE programme is to offer a balanced range of physicalactivities to create a sense of achievement, stimulate enjoyment,increase confidence and foster a positive attitude to exercise, thuspromoting a healthy lifestyle for adult life.

The most important objectives are to encourage children to assessand evaluate their own and each other’s ability and to develop ahealthy attitude to fair play and a responsible attitude to competition.

School Based Activities include: Aerobics, Dance, Athletics, Badminton, Gaelic Football, Basketball,Gymnastics, Cross-Country, Health-Related Fitness, Netball,Orienteering, Soccer, Volleyball and Cricket.

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15From starting in September, I feel that Caomhan has come on ‘leaps and bounds’ in his new school.He is much more confident and really enjoying all of the elements of secondary school life.Mrs Donna Doherty – parent of Caomhan Doherty – former pupil of Nazareth House PS

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Morgan has found the transition from primary to secondary school to be very positive and stress free– all thanks to the staff of her new school. Cara Kerr – parent of Morgan Kerr – former pupil of Broadbridge PS

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St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com18

Pastoral CareSince the opening of the school in 1963, there has been a strongtradition of caring for our pupils in the progressive stages of theiracademic, spiritual, personal and social development.

In particular our staff aim to help pupils to:

• develop respect for self & others;• feel a sense of worth and dignity; • experience success and achievement; • develop their talents to the full; • assume a sense of responsibility towards themselves and the

society to which they belong.

Personal Development in St. Patrick’s and St. Brigid’s College isdelivered by the Form Teachers with the Head of Years using theCEA Insyc resources.

A Year Head oversees the general welfare of all pupils in the yeargroup and supports the Form Teachers at all times. We also makeavailable to pupils the help and support of a number of servicesincluding Educational Welfare Service, Educational Psychology,ICCS Counsellor, Outreach Support, School Pastoral Support andthe School Nurse.

The pastoral care of our pupils means responding to their needsat a period of their young lives when they are growing physicallyand acquiring a wide range of knowledge and skills.

From time to time children may be referred to other agencies. Ifyou do not wish your child to be referred, should the need arise,can you please inform the school?

By responding to the needs of our pupils we are:

• helping them in the formation of values, attitudes and beliefs; • guiding them through a period of emotional instability; • making them aware of the influences, good and bad, to which

they are subjected; • helping them develop good personal and social skills; • nurturing their self-esteem.

GCSE Success – O

Claire Conway 3A* 6A Rianna Cunning 8A 1B

Dearbhaile Devine 3A* 1A 5B Caoimhe McGuigan 2A* 3A 4B

Keelan Cooke 5A 4B Odhran Crumley 1A* 5A 2B 1C

Orla Moore 1A* 4A 4B Kelsey McLaughlin 5A 4B

Ryan Brolly 6A* 3A Maria Samaniego 4A* 4A 2B

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19I love my new school. My favourite subjects are science and HE because they are practical subjects.Holly Doherty – former pupil of Faughanvale PS

Onward to A-Level

Conall White 3A* 4A 1B Clodagh McLaughlin 1A 8B Liam Brolly 1A 7B 1C Joseph Killen 1A* 2A 3B 2C 1D

Shane O’Neill 1A* 5A 2B Niamh Woods 2A 4B 3C Adam Burn 2A 3B 4C Jordan Farren 1A* 1A 3B 3C 1D

Dearbhla Harkin 6B 3C Colette Conway 5A 2B 1C Kate Hargan 4A 4B Conan Mullan 5A 3B 1C

Shauna O’Hare 4A 4B Laura Sheerin 4A 4B Eimear Ward 1A* 4A 2B 1D Emmett Biernat 3A 5B

Aisling Farrell 1A* 4A 1B 2C Cailiosa Hone 1A* 2A 4B 2C Kerry McKinney 1A* 2A 4B 2C Bobby Lee O’Neill 2A 7B

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St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com20

Special EducationalNeeds (SEN)The Special Needs Department, with the support of the PastoralManager, takes responsibility for the day-to-day operation ofprovision made by the school for pupils with SEN and providesprofessional guidance in the area of Special Educational Needs(SEN) in order to secure high-quality teaching and the effective useof resources to bring about improved standards of achievement forall pupils.

The approach to education in St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College isholistic and we seek to ensure that, through active collaborationwith all teachers, the learning of all pupils is given equal priority.

In keeping with the Northern Ireland Code of Practice, a SpecialEducational Needs Policy is in place, ensuring that any childidentified by the SEN Co-ordinator is placed on the SEN registerand then is appropriately monitored in terms of the Code ofPractice suggested procedures.

Forms of identification, including assessment, are in place toidentify pupils with special educational needs. On entry to Year 8,all pupils are screened and for those pupils who are presentingwith a difficulty, further tests are administered. Information andconcern from parents are also an important part of the process.Where a pupil has a statement of Special Educational Needs, thisinformation is communicated to all staff and the appropriatearrangements are made for the child.

One of the key outcomes of SEN co-ordination is that pupils withspecial needs make progress towards targets set in the educationplans. It is hoped that effective co-ordination results in pupilsshowing improvement in their literacy, numeracy and informationtechnology skills and are helped to access the wider curriculum.

All pupils at St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College are motivated tolearn and develop self-esteem and confidence in their ability aslearners.

The SEN Co-ordinator works closely with the Special Needs teamto ensure the operation of the policy. The Special Needs SupportCommittee includes the Principal, Pastoral Manager, the SEN Co-ordinator, the Head of English Department, the Head of the MathsDepartment, a Year Head and the Learning Support teacher.

The school’s SEN policy has high expectations of pupils’ progress.It sets realistic but challenging targets which are monitored andreviewed.

The classroom assistants understand their role in the school inrelation to pupils with SEN and work collaboratively with the SENCo-ordinator, teaching staff and staff from external agencies. Theyhave become extremely knowledgeable in the ways of supportingpupils and help them to maximise their levels of achievement andindependence.

To implement the Special Needs Policy effectively, the SEN Co-ordinator calls on the expertise and support of WELB personneland other responsible bodies. They ensure that the time spent inschool by external agencies is effectively used in the support of pupilswith SEN. This support is most effective when built upon parentalinvolvement. The SEN Co-ordinator keeps parents informed at allstages of the implementation of the policy and develops effectiverelationships with them. The aim is to help parents understand thetargets set for their children so that they, too, can contribute tohelping their children achieve success. We wish to fully involveparents as ‘partners’ in the education process.

The school focuses on the ‘inclusion’ of all pupils –regardless of any physical disability or learning difficulty.The school is equipped with three lifts, five specially builtramps for disabled children, and three acoustically treatedrooms for children whose hearing is impaired.

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21I am settling in really well into my new school. I love all of the new subjects I am not studying.Shannagh Conwell – former pupil of St Mary’s Altinure PS

Our Behaviour Management policy is available to download from theschool website. Pupils are made aware of the School Code ofConduct during Personal Development. At St Patrick's & St Brigid'sCollege there is an emphasis on the positive and pupils are asked toreflect on the consequences of their actions and to take responsibilityfor their behaviour.

Breaches of the Code of Conduct are dealt with through oursophisticated referral system and for the most part will be dealt withby the classroom teacher. For more serious incidents, such sanctionsas detention and suspension may be imposed. For very seriousbreaches of the disciplinary code the Board of Governors reservesthe right to permanently exclude pupils.

In St. Patrick’s and St. Brigid’s College we believe that fosteringtrust and good relationships with Parents/Guardians of our pupilsis very important. A close partnership between home and schoolshould help ensure that all our young people learn and develop ina caring, supportive and safe environment. Good communicationis essential if we are to achieve this.

If you have any concerns about any aspect of your son’s/daughter’seducation, please contact the school and an appointment will bearranged for you to meet with one or more of the following membersof staff:

• Principal• Pastoral Manager• Head of Year• Form teacher• Subject teacher

We would also like to encourage you to attend our yearly InformationEvenings and Parent/Teacher meetings where you will receive areport on your child’s progress and development.

Information detailing our Policy on Child Protection procedureswill be sent to all parents at the beginning of the school year.

Behaviour Management

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St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com22

Jack Boyce

Nathan Clifford

Orlaith McGowan

Shannagh Conwell

Anthony O'Hara

Conan Griffin

James Chambers

Patrick Boyle

Adam Long

Julie McLaughlin

Lorcan Deeny

Tara McFeely

Aoife Harvey

Cara Doherty

Clara Duffy

Curtis McLaughlin

Oran Duffy

Ronan Johnston

Ryan Murphy

Shea McCloskey

St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s School Council• We have an effective and well run School Council that enables

pupils to identify where improvements can be made in all areasof school life.

• It allows the pupils’ ideas and opinions to be expressed and heard.

• Pupils are invited to stand for election to one of 20 seats on theSchool Council.

• All aspects of the electoral process mirror those of parliamentaryelections, we even have Election Day.

• The newly elected members are elected to serve as form classrepresentatives for one year.

• At monthly meetings pupils highlight issues that have been raisedin their form group, following discussion this is then reported backto form group’s during PSE time.

• Past successes include, female pupils proposed changes to theschool uniform which were taken on board and are now reflectedin the school skirt.

• In the future, we hope to further develop the role of the SchoolCouncil by working closely with the Senior Leadership Team andthe Board of Governors to recommend policy changes.

Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

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23Ryan finds the school to be a friendly environment. He enjoys the company of all of the staff andfinds them all to be very helpful. Mr Stephen Pulis, parent of Ryan Pulis – former pupil at Chapel Road PS

We are writing this letter of thanks to you and your teaching & non-teaching staff at St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College for all the kindness,love and generosity shown to our son Mark over the past five years.

Mark is a very special child to us and as you might imagine we worrya little while he faces change and new challenges in his life. Markfaced significant changes five years ago when he transferred tosecond level education from the relative ease of Primary School.However, our fears soon disappeared when Mark experienced theincredibly high levels of pastoral care, love and guidance from thestaff at St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College. Words cannot describethe comfort and confidence that this experience gave us as parents.To know that our special child was safe and cherished meanteverything and we thank you all most sincerely for this.

The staff of the college is a credit and are exemplary ambassadorsfor Catholic education. Mark’s experience at your school will standhim in great stead in the future and he will greatly miss going toschool in Claudy.

Sean & Clare O’Kane – parents of Mark O’KaneClass of 2009-2014

My name is Thomas Deery. I moved to this school at the beginningof second year and it was the best decision I could have made. Infact, looking back now I regret not choosing to come here at the startof first year. This school has given me many opportunities to excel,in and out of the classroom, and if you choose to come here thisyear I know that you will have many great experiences just as I have.

What I have liked most about my school ever since I was a Year 08pupil has been all of the activities that you can participate in. In thepast 5 years I have participated in the school’s very successful Gaelicteam and as we have grown as a team our successes have increased.I hope to hear of more and more success for the school and all ofits teams in the future.

Conor Lyons – former pupil of Listress Primary School

I recommend this school to all Primary 7 boys and girls. Over myfive years here I have been very happy. I have been involved inmusic every year and even participated in two school musicals. Theteachers here work very hard and will help you achieve your potentialjust like me.

Conor McGrellis – former pupil of Craigbrack Primary School

I would recommend taking part in the Summer Scheme prior tojoining the school in September. You get to know the school, a lotof your new teachers and you get to meet all the boys and girls fromother primary schools who are going to be in all of your new classesin September. We took part in a lot of different activities and trips.I was a lot less nervous about going to my new school after doingthe summer scheme and so will you too.

Naoimh Doherty - former pupil of St Colmcille’s PS

The teaching and learning that goes on this school is of a very highstandard. All of the teachers here give you all the support that youwill ever need, whether you are a Year pupil or you are preparing foryour GCSE exams.

Caolán O’Connor – Deputy Head Boy and former pupil ofSt.Peter’s & St. Paul’s PS Foreglen

I have enjoyed my five years at St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College andparticularly enjoyed the sporting side of it. I have played in fourCounty gaelic finals, winning two and winning the school’s league.The teachers here have always been very approachable and helpful.I would encourage all Primary 7 pupils to come to Claudy.

Odhrán Crumley – former pupil of St Colmcille’s PS

I came to this school from Glendermott PS in Ardmore. I came here because of the school’s excellent reputation. My favourite subjects havealways been English and History. The teachers here are friendly and extremely determined to see each one of us achieve our potential as theGCSE results of the past number of years has demonstrated. I would strongly recommend you attend the school’s Open Night and find outfor yourself why we have such a brilliant school. Ryan Brolly – former Head Boy now studying A-Level at St. Columb’s College

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St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com24

I found the transition from primary school to secondaryschool quite easy since I had already attended theexcellent summer scheme in July. My favourite lessonshere are Art and Spanish. I am a creative person andnow that I am learning a new language I am reallyenjoying being a pupil of my new school. I especiallylike science with Mrs McCusker because of all thepractical lessons that we get to take part in.

Caitlin Grieve O’Neill – former pupil of St Colmcille’sPS, Claudy

The positive support of all of his teachers helped Aaronto settle in very quickly to his new school. Aaron lovesto move from class to class and the variety of differentsubjects keeps him interested. Aaron is my secondchild to join St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College and I placemy complete trust in the commitment and the dedicationof the staff within the college to push and supportAaron to achieve the best that he possibly can.

Mrs Jackie Scott – parent of Aaron Scott – formerpupil of Glendermott PS

I feel that St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College is like a family.It has a great atmosphere where every pupil is treatedthe same regardless of academic ability. The widerange of subjects on offer is great. I like all of my newteachers and I feel like I can always ask them for help.I am glad that I decided to come to this great school.My Mum and I would highly recommend it to all pupilstransferring this year.

Caitlin Burke – former pupil of St Canice’s PS,Feeny

I am really glad that I chose to come to St Patrick’s &St Brigid’s College in Claudy. I was a little nervousabout starting my new school so I went to the summerscheme and I made a lot of new friends even before Istarted in September. The teachers and the staff atthis school are very helpful and encouraging. It is greatto be a part of such a fantastic school. I am now takingpart in the school’s new musical ‘hairspray’ and I woulddefinitely recommend St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegeto everyone.

Clara Hall – former pupil of St Patrick’s PS,Pennyburn

Dean has absolutely loved his first term at his newschool. He was a little apprehensive to begin with.His experiences at the summer scheme, making newfriends, meeting his friendly teachers and exploringhis new subjects have been very positive for Dean.He enjoys his journey to and from school and he hashigh praise for the school facilities, especially thecafeteria. He likes and respects his teachersbecause he finds them open and easy to interactwith on every occasion.

Mrs Rhonda Badrick – parent of Dean Doherty –former pupil of Sacred Heart PS

Seán really enjoyed the summer scheme which preparedhim for being in the Claudy area and his new journey toschool. The staff has been really brilliant at looking afterSeán and making sure that he settled well. Seán hashad a very positive experience so far and all of the staffhas been great in terms of making him feel welcomeand content in his new school. The homework he hasbeen given has been well-placed and it is manageable.Seán has made good friends and enjoys travelling toschool on the bus. As a parent I feel that St Patrick’s &St Brigid’s College have made a fantastic effort to ensurethat this transition period has gone as smoothly as possible.

Mrs Deborah McElhinney – parent of Seán Bates– former pupil of Broadbridge PS

My son’s experiences at St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegehave been fantastic. As a parent I felt a little anxiousas he started his first year but I needn’t have worried.He has settled in very well, making a lot of new friendsand having many positive experiences. The summerscheme in July was a perfect introduction to his newschool.

I found the Parents’ Milestone Evening very informativeand it gave me a sense of connection to Ethan’s newschool community. Ethan is getting regular goodcomments and I am over the moon that he is gettingon so well at his new school.

Mrs Jennifer Cassidy – parent of Ethan McLaughlin– former pupil of Steelstown PS

Brendan has made the transition from primary school toSt Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College with ease. The summerscheme was a great experience for him and helped to laythe foundations for a positive start in September. Sincethen, Brendan has settled in well. As any parent wouldbe I am delighted to see him going to and returning fromschool happy and relaxed every day.I have found both the teaching and support staff to bevery helpful and responsive to any queries that I haveraised. Furthermore, I believe that Brendan is receivinga well-balanced and challenging education in a caring andsupportive environment.

Mrs Sheila Byrne – parent of Brendan Byrne –former pupil of St Mary’s Altinure, PS

Feedback from Year 08 pupils

My first day at school was not as nervous as I thoughtit would be because I had attended the summer scheme.The scheme was really enjoyable because I got to knowmy new classmates and had a great time with all theactivities and trips.

I now know that if I have a worry or a concern that I cango to my teacher and they would help me. My formteacher is very good to everyone in my class. I woulddefinitely recommend this school to pupils in Primary 7.

Lauren Donaghy – former pupil if St Peter’s & StPaul’s PS

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25I am really delighted to see how happy Niall is going to school every day and I am confident that hewill do very well in the years ahead. Mrs Margaret McCloskey, parent of Niall McCloskey – former pupilof St Mary’s Altinure PS

St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s PoliciesSCHOOL UNIFORM

In the world of work, the importance of presenting oneself wellcannot be over-emphasised. Consequently, all pupils are requiredto wear the school uniform as detailed below. Wearing the schooluniform helps pupils identify with the school and assists in creatinga sense of community. The uniform for Year 08 pupils in 2015 iscurrently being reviewed by the School Council. Details willbe available from the school in the Spring Term.

Boys Girls

Navy blazer with regulation badge Navy blazer with regulation badge

Navy trousers Navy pleated skirt (21” length)

School jumper School jumper

White shirt White blouse

Regulation clip-on tie Regulation clip-on tie

Black shoes (no boots) Black shoes (4cms) - (no boots)

School scarf (no fashion scarves) School scarf (no fashion scarves)

Navy tights (Halloween - 17th March)

N.B. No trainers (even black). Shoes should have a heel height ofless than 4cms. Jewellery is limited to one stud earring worn oneach ear lobe. Nail polish is not allowed. Overcoats must be blackor navy - no fashion jackets permitted. Hoodies are not permittedto be worn within the confines of the school gates. A school coatand fleece with the crest can be purchased from Pat Burns,Draperstown (028) 7962 8405.


Used judiciously, homework can effect more rapid progress inlearning, as it allows valuable practice of skills learned in theclassroom. It enables pupils to practise working on their own,thus developing independent study skills and self-assessment.

Homework can also form an important part of the pupils’ notesand can provide valuable experience of working to deadlines,thus forming a link with the methods of study crucial to successat later stages in second-level and third-level education.

In September each year, pupils are issued with a Homework Diary inwhich they should record all the details relating to homework, includingthe occasions when no homeworks have been set. Parents are askedto check the Homework Diary and to sign it, on a weekly basis, whenthey are satisfied that homeworks have been completed. Therelevant form-tutor will also sign the Homework Diary each week andthe Homework Diary will also be signed, from time to time, by theYear Head and a member of the Senior Management Team.

Recommended times for homework:

• Pupils in Years 8 to 10 (maximum of 2 hours per evening)• Pupils in Years 11 and 12 (at least 2 hours per week per . .

subject) i.e. 18 - 20 hours per week)

A Homework/Coursework Club will operate most Wednesdaysand Thursdays from 3.45 - 4.30 p.m.

As part of the Homework Club, support could be offered forspelling, ICT and subject specific homeworks.

CHARGING AND REMISSION POLICY The school’s policy on Charging and Remission is in accordancewith Article 131 of The Education Reform (Northern Ireland) Order1989 and Regulations as subsequently made by Department ofEducation. The policy of St. Patrick’s and St. Brigid’s is to keepthe cost of optional extra activities to a minimum.

DRUGS POLICYThe policy has been developed in response to the growingconcern, at local and national level, about the misuse of illegalsubstances. The overriding aim of the policy is to give guidanceto staff and pupils on how to approach the problem, by focusingupon prevention and protection.

Fundamental to our school’s values and practice is the principle ofsharing the responsibility for the education of young people withparents, by keeping them informed and involved at all times.Drugs Education is delivered within the Pastoral Programme aspart of a pupil’s life skills and preparation for adulthood. It isprovided at regular intervals in order to maximise its effectiveness.

Our objectives are to:• enable pupils to make healthy, informed choices by increasing

knowledge, challenging attitudes and enhancing skills; • increase understanding about the implications and possible .

consequences of use and misuse: • outline clearly, procedures for dealing with a drug- related . . .

incident and to define roles and responsibilities in the event of such an incident;

• minimize the opportunities for substance misuse within the . .school;

• communicate effectively with parent(s)/guardian(s) so as to . .heighten their awareness of drugs-related issues and enlist . .their co-operation in dealing with these.

A copy of the school’s Policy on the Abuse of Illegal Substancesis available from the school’s secretariat (Tel: 028 71338317).

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St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com26

General Information

St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s CollegePTFAThe Parents, Teachers and Friends Association is now enjoying its11th year in operation. This informal and friendly association isopen to the parents and friends of pupils who attend St Patrick’s& St Brigid’s. The PTFA meets a few times during the school yearand has been at the forefront of not only fundraising events in theCollege but has organized numerous social events also.

Over the past number of years one of the aims of the PTFA hasbeen to work towards furthering the educational, social andgeneral opportunities of the pupils of the College.

Another aim of the PTFA has been to adopt good communicationbetween parents and staff within the College community. ThePTFA also organises several events throughout the year toprovide additional funds for the school prize-giving ceremonies,and to buy equipment and books etc.

ComplaintsProcedureA copy of the College’s Policy will be forwarded on request toparents of all pupils.

School MealsBREAK TIME

Pupils may bring a mid-morning snack to school and have anopportunity to eat this at break-time.


The school now operates a biometric cashless cafeteria servicewhere pupils select items of their choice. The price of the schoolmeal ticket is £2.60, though this is subject to change periodically.Pupils who bring packed lunches eat these in the canteen. A snack bar operates in the canteen during lunch-time.

Visitingarrangements for parentsParents interested in learning more about St. Patrick’s & St. Brigid’s College are invited, with their children, to attend theOpen Evening arranged for Wednesday 14th January 2015 at 7.00 p.m. The Principal will address parents at 7.15 p.m.

Any parent who is unable to attend the Open Evening, and whowould like more information about the school should telephonethe Principal’s Personal Assistant at 028 7133 8317. Parents arealways welcome.

Those whose applications are successful will be invited, with theirparent(s)/guardian(s), to a special evening towards the end ofJune. More details regarding the school and the Year 8programme will be given on that occasion when the new pupilswill meet with their new friends, pupils currently in Year 8, and, ofcourse, the Year Head, Form Tutors and teachers. This meeting,and the refreshments afterwards, will serve to familiarise newpupils with the school and help to allay any concerns before theystart school in September.

Access toDocuments andInformationCopies of relevant documents and other information, which maybe inspected by parents, or other members of the public, will beavailable from the school office by calling in person or by sendinga S.A.E. in accordance with Regulation II of the Education (SchoolInformation and Prospectuses) Regulations (Northern Ireland)1991 and also the Freedom of Information Act (2000).

Information required to be published by the Board will be availablefrom the Board Headquarters, Omagh, or from any Public Library.

Page 29: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

27I think that my son’s new school is very good and the subjects on offer are good. My daughter has justleft the school and it was my experience that the school caters very well for children with special needs.Mrs Gretta Murray, parent of Michael Murray (Year 08) and Nicole Murray, now studying at NWRC

The School DayAssembly/Registration 9.20 - 9.30 am

Period 1 9.30 - 10.05 am

Period 2 10.05 - 10.40 am

Period 3 10.40 - 11.15 am

Break 11.15 - 11.30 am

Period 4 11.30 - 12.05 pm

Period 5 12.05 - 12.40 pm

First Lunch 12.40 - 1.15 pm

Second Lunch 1.15 - 1.50 pm

Period 7 (Registration) 1.50 - 2.25 pm

Period 8 2.25 - 3.00 pm

Period 9 3.00 - 3.35 pm

School day begins at 9.20am. All periods last 35 minutes.

School day ends at 3.35pm.


Bus-Stop DepartSpringvale Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08.12White Chapel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:23Glengalliagh Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08.25Ballyarnett Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:27Culmore Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:38Crescent Link Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:52Canterbury Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08.54Brunswick Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08.56Knightsbridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08.58Knockwellan Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09.02Belt Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09.05Claudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Arrive 09.20

PREHEN BUS - PRICE £6.00 per week return

Bus-Stop DepartPrehen Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:30Gees Supermarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:43Strabane Old Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:50Corrody Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:52Rose Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:54Hollymount Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08.55Claudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Arrive 09.15

ARDMORE BUS - PRICE £5.00 per week return

Bus-Stop DepartCurrynierin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:45Ardmore Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:50Goshaden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08:55Claudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Arrive 09.05

Times and Bus Fares are correct at time of printing. May be subject to minor changes due to traffic etc.

Page 30: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Collegewww.spbcollege.com28

Catholic Education‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly’(Jn 10:10)

Evidence from across the world shows that Catholic schools are inenormous demand because of the quality of their formal andinformal education. The results of this research explain why, in manycountries, non-Catholic parents are eager to send their children toCatholic schools. This research also confirms many of the thingsclaimed for Catholic schools: that they have a strong belief systemand nurture moral values and personal responsibility; that theypromote community and respect for diversity; that they provide highquality pastoral care and positive behaviour management and thatthey are sharply focused on academic and vocational success.

Recent developments and progress in this College enable us toclaim that our Catholicism is not merely a name or a social labelwithout depth, conviction or effect. Nor do we claim our religiousidentity in ways that are sectarian. On the contrary, we strive andlabour to be Catholic in the tradition mentioned above, in both spiritand truth, rejecting nothing that is true in other religions. In pointof fact, we seek to respect and appreciate, and not just tolerate,other religions. Such a view involves nurturing positive and outward-looking Christian attitudes and genuinely welcoming and treasuringour non-Catholic pupils.

The ‘inner’ characteristics which ultimately determine the characterof any school are being constantly developed. These include theapproach to positive behaviour management, the Pastoral Careand SEN programmes, the Religious Education Programme, staffdevelopment and the Christian nature of distributed leadership atall levels in the school. Such leadership is viewed primarily as beingconcern for, and service to others. In this way we seek to advanceChrist’s mission now by developing strong and effective leaders.

As a Catholic school, rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ, our corebusiness is the education of young people and the fostering oftheir growth and development within a safe, supportive and caringschool, which has a clearly identifiable mission and a visible ethos.

The school fully recognises that our pupils must be cared for insuch a way that religious, moral, physical and intellectual talentsare developed to the full, so that they may attain a greater senseof responsibility and freedom. With God being an ever presentreality in our school’s consciousness, our young people, as youngChristians, must also be encouraged to care for, and beconcerned about, each other, members of their family, theirteachers and the wider community. As well as this, they shouldseek to take both an active part in social life and to strive toachieve a purposeful, fulfilling and enriching role in the world ofwork and the professions.

Above all, however, our pupils must be encouraged to deepen theirfriendship with Jesus Christ. They must be helped to realise that Heis the truth. All that we would wish to know of man is there perfectedin this one Man. And all of God is there too. All truth, divine andhuman is to be seen, heard and touched in one person.

They must know that never did a man speak like this Man - wordsthat can heal broken lives. Meet the violent with gentleness, Hesaid. If a man is cold give him the coat off your back. All that yougive away for love will be yours forever.

Our pupils must also be made aware that He lived the messagethat He preached and died forgiving those who had killed Him.

And, while we seek to help them develop their relationship withJesus Christ, may we, their teachers, in our frailty as humanbeings, renew yet again, and more deeply, our friendship with Hewho is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

When all is said and done, this is what Catholic Education isfundamentally about. It is as simple and as profound as that. InSt. Patrick’s and St. Brigid’s College, the Catholic ethos is inspiredby Jesus, the suffering servant, and it may be summarised as follows:

‘Enter To Learn : Live To Serve.’ Happy those who come to know Christ. They have wisdom beyond all knowledge.

Page 31: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683

Chairperson’sMessageDear Parents/Carers,On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Principal, the staff, the pupilsand everyone associated with St. Patrick’s and St. Brigid’s College,I would like to thank you for expressing an interest in our school.

The popularity of this school continues to go from strength tostrength and to be much sought after, not least because of its finereputation. Pupils come from the parish of Claudy and neighbouringparishes. Indeed, a large number of them come from as far afield asPrehen, Culmore and Eglinton.

Our newly appointed Principal, Mrs Deirdre O’Kane is fullycommitted to developing and supporting our pupils academically,pastorally and socially and brings with her a wealth of experienceand a wonderful insight into raising standards and promotingachievement. With the new leadership comes a fresh new visionfor our young people which will ensure their continued success.

Examination results continue to be impressive and last year theybroke all school records, with 60% of our pupils attaining 5 or moreGCSE passes at grades A*-C, including English and Mathematics.This is substantially above the Northern Ireland average for similarschools. It is a source of great satisfaction for my fellow governorsand myself, to see children, including those with additionaleducational needs, performing so well in examinations.

My fellow governors and I are delighted that the school continues tosucceed at the highest level, placing it among the top non-selectiveschool in Northern Ireland. We wish to congratulate the staff on thisfine achievement.

I really hope that you will visit the school. I think that you will find itvery interesting. You will be made warmly welcome.

Yours sincerely,

Eddie KerlinChairman of the Board of Governors


Believers are Achievers.Creating Tomorrow's Leaders, Today.

St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College — where exceptional pupil focus is routine.

St.Patrick’s and St.Brigid’s College55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR

Tel: 028 7133 8317Fax: 028 7133 7683Email: [email protected]: www.spbcollegeclaudy.com

Number of pupils: 527

Age Group: 11-16 years

Classification of School: Catholic Maintained, Co-Educational College

Attendance Percentage:2012-2013 - 93.1%


Chairman:Mr Eddie KerlinVice-Chairperson:Fr David O’Kane

Trustee Representatives:Mr Paddy McGrellisMs Helen Crossan

DENI Representative:Mr Seamus BurkeWELB Representatives:Ms Maria HarganMr Conor DeenyTeacher Representative:Mrs Ashlene McCloskeyParent Representative:Ms D ConaghanSecretary to the Board of Governors:Mrs Deirdre O'Kane (non-voting member)

29John is now the most motivated child that I have ever seen throughout his school career. He thrives ongood comments in his homework diary. Naomi Duffy – parent of John Duffy – former pupil of Good Shepherd PS

Aims for StudentsIn the tradition of Catholic Schools throughout the world, St. Patrick’s & St Brigid’s College will strive to promote achievementand learning for life. It aims to develop in its students:

• a deepening friendship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; • the fullest Christian and human development of which he/she is capable; • knowledge and insights into the values and teaching of the Catholic church, with profound respect for other religions; • opportunities for prayer and experiences of the sacraments; • service, gentleness, forgiveness and humility; • an appreciation of their cultural identity and historical identity; • high self esteem - respecting and valuing themselves and others, especially those of a different identity, religion,

culture, social or marginal group; • high standards of achievement in all areas of the curriculum in a supportive and positive learning environment; • lively enquiring minds and a spirit of curiosity; • emotional intelligence and emotional literacy; • the ability to be self-motivated; • the ability to communicate effectively using a variety of media; • the ability to work both independently and collaboratively; • flexibility and adaptability in the world of work; • an awareness of the importance of good career planning; • aesthetic sensitivity to beauty in the artistic, musical, intellectual, moral and spiritual domains; • entrepreneurial skills and inventive thinking; • positive attitudes towards solving the difficulties of a situation, the learning of decision-making and self-reliance; • hard work and perseverance; • agility, strength and physical co-ordination; • opportunities to experience success.

Page 32: St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College ST .PATRICK’S ... · Creating Tomorrow's Leaders,Today. 55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HR Tel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683


St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College

Believers are Achievers.Creating Tomorrow's Leaders, Today.55 Main Street, Claudy, Co. Derry, BT47 4HRTel: 028 7133 8317 Fax: 028 7133 7683 Email: [email protected]


St.Patrick’s & St.Brigid’s College has been designated by the Department of Education as a Specialist College for Business and Enterprise





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Believers are Achievers.Creating Tomorrow's Leaders, Today.