Stop Illegal Immigration Draft#1 Shihua Huang

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  • 8/9/2019 Stop Illegal Immigration Draft#1 Shihua Huang


    Shihua Huang

    Marina Sapozhnikov

    English 3001, section 2

    18 February 2010

    OCE #2 First Draft

    Illegal immigration problems

    I think America is a freedom place where actual Americans pursue their hope

    and dream but not a taking for free place where people do what want without

    passports or without obeying to the laws. While I agree that illegal immigrants should

    be deported from Americas, the authors of these 3 articles fail to consider that illegal

    immigrants give negative economic impact, increase the rate of crime and the

    disparity between people who play by the rule to get visas and those who dont

    The increase of illegal immigration not only gives burden on resources

    costing taxpayers billions of dollars but also rises the unemployment in low degree

    position. Since the population of illegal immigration grows rapidly, America needs to

    increase the amount of financial expenditure to provide basic service for these low

    income people. (According to Federation for American Immigration Reform, the total

    cost of health care, education and incarceration of illegal immigrants is $10.5 billion

    per year). A large amount of taxpayers money is used for illegal immigrants but there

    is no law that immigrants working in America need to pay tax. Therefore, the increase

    part of government expenditure benefits the illegal immigrants but hurts American

    taxpayers. Whats more, the demanding for cheap labor by some companies in

  • 8/9/2019 Stop Illegal Immigration Draft#1 Shihua Huang


    America attracts more and more illegal immigrants. The competition brought by

    illegal immigrants makes Americans with low degree difficult to find the jobs. If job

    market indulges in illegal cheap labor, the taxes of middle class citizens will be

    shrinking enormously. Nowadays, there still millions of Americans are hungry, jobless,

    lacking of education, homeless, the U.S. government should consider if the money

    goes to everyone.

    Furthermore, illegal immigrants have brought an increase of crime such

    as drug smuggling, theft to American. Its dangerous for millions of undocumented

    people living in the country. If these undocumented people commit crimes and then

    run back to their countries, how can we find these people and get them punished? For

    example, one of my Mexican neighbors was shot by a guy who was also from Mexico.

    Fortunately, my Mexican survived in the gunshot. The guy who commits crime didnt

    be punished or charged because his family and he packed up and rush back to Mexico

    after the gun shot happened. Whats worse, serious criminal network such as

    smuggling challenges the security and general safety in public due to the loose policy

    against illegal immigration. More supporting system makes illegal immigrants entry

    America easier. Smuggling is the behavior of evading tax and causes America loss

    revenue. Most smuggling items are drug, alcohol and tobacco therefore smuggling

    cause the social problems such as the abuse of drug. So the government should race a

    bill against illegal immigration to avoid the criminals expending.

    Finally, the central debate of the illegal immigrants is how to balance the

    law and the human compassion. While allowing influx of illegal immigrants flood, the

  • 8/9/2019 Stop Illegal Immigration Draft#1 Shihua Huang


    U.S. government creates unfairness towards legal immigrants who wait in line, obey

    to the rule and try to qualify for citizenship. If illegal immigrants cross the border

    successfully, the government will give them working visas due to the tolerance or

    human compassion. The consequent is more and more illegal immigrants pour into

    America by illicit means and those who initially try to enter America will switch to

    the nearest way( illegal way). That will put America into chaos and impact society

    and economy negatively. The most important thing to be an America is to respect the

    law and nation. While I support those get citizenship by extraordinary ability in

    business, education, art, etc. I oppose those reach America in illicit ways such as

    swimming across the sea, climbing over the mountain and crossing the desert.

    In conclusion, America should balance the ethics and law in illegal

    immigration problem and protect American future. The U.S. government need to be

    aware that getting cheap labor lead to a bunch of economic and social problems and

    benefiting one group(illegal immigrants) means hurting another group(legal
