Stop Diabetes and Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control!

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  • 8/16/2019 Stop Diabetes and Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control!


    To your good health,Terry... Naturally  


     High blood sugar and Type 2 diabete

     are rampant. However, the need

     for supplemental insulin and the

    complications of diabetes – vision

     loss, nerve damage, kidney disease,

     heart disease and more – arecompletely preventable! In addition

    to committing to rethinking your diet

     and getting sensible exercise, there

     are proven ingredients that can help

     your body properly metabolize glucos

     and get your blood sugar levels down

    These nutrients:

    • Help metabolize carbohydrates

     and sugars

    • Keep sugar levels at an even keel

    throughout the day • Prevent damage to nerve endings

    • Help turn calories into energy

     rather than fat 

    • Normalize circulating blood glucos

    • Reduce sugar cravings

     Here is the formula I suggest:

    Biotin 667 mc

    Chromium (as Chromium 200 mc

    Nicotinate Glycinate Chelate)

    Mulberry 335 mg(Morus Albus L.) Leaf Extract

    Benfotiamine 100 mg

    Purslane 60 mg

    (Portuluca oleracea L.) Aerial Extract

    Mulberry – More Effective than

    Drugs for Reducing Blood SugarMulberry ( Morus alba) trees are very commonthroughout the world, and their medicinal value

    is very impressive. In a clinical study publishedin the journal Clinica Chimica Acta, patients withtype 2 diabetes treated with a mulberry leafextract significantly improved their glycemiccontrol compared to glibenclamide (a drug)treatment. Comparing the two, fasting bloodglucose after treatment with glibenclamidedecreased by 8 percent. After mulberrytreatment? 27 percent!

    In a similar study, mulberry leaf extract wasalso shown more effective in controlling fastingblood glucose levels than the oral hypoglycemic

    drug glibenclamide. And yet another scientificstudy in Thailand showed that mulberry leafextract decreased blood sugar levels by 22percent after being administered for six weeks.

    The reason mulberry leaf works so well isbecause it contains substances that inhibitan enzyme (alpha glucosidase) responsible forbreaking down carbohydrates into sugars. Thatmeans that the absorption rate of these sugarsis reduced and delayed, which lessens thestress on the insulin system. Make sure that

    the mulberry leaf extract is standardized foralpha glucosidase inhibition for it to be effective.Other benefits of mulberry leaves in people withdiabetes include: reduces high blood sugarlevels, works as an antioxidant, slows the onsetof retinopathy (damage to the retina of the eyecommon in people with type 2 diabetes), andcurbs the cravings for foods that can worsendiabetic conditions.

    Purslane – Nutrient-Rich Blood

    Sugar ControlPurslane ( Portulaca oleracea) is an ancient herbdiscussed in Greek medical scripts, and waseven mentioned in the book of Job in the Bible.Some experts call it “The best vegetable you’venever had,” because it is not well known, but isenormously healthy.

    In a pilot study of individuals with type 2diabetes, purslane extract outperformed theplacebo group by 44%, and returned high blood

    Stop Diabetes and Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control! 

    he CDC reports that approximately 35 percentf Americans age 20 or older have pre-diabetes.hat number soars to 50 percent for Americansver the age of 65. And that’s not evenounting those who have undiagnosed diabetes

    unaware that they even have the diseasentil they start to have physical complications.learly, blood sugar is a serious concern.

    find the rise in cases of type 2 diabeteslarming. If you’ve ever wondered why we’reeeing such an epidemic of diabetes and pre-iabetes, all you have to do is look at our diets.

    Sugar Intake SoarsAccording to the USDA, our sugar intakeationwide has expanded dramatically within

    he past 100 years. In the early 1900’s, theational average of sugar consumption was 10ounds annually per person. Today, the nationalverage is around 150 (and probably up to 200)ounds of sugar per person.

    And one type of sugar – high fructose cornyrup – has seen an explosion of use in just theast 40 years. From a small beginning in the970s of only 5 pounds consumed per person,y the year 2000, that number had risen to anverage of 85 pounds of high fructose cornyrup in one year.

    ugar and starch consumption is one of themajor reasons for weight gain, mood swings,nd  the rise of type 2 diabetes. If you have highlood sugar, diet must be a part of your solution.

    Because I have been asked about thisnformation so many times, I have outlined

    meal plan and an exercise program that isimple and effective in getting people healthy.ook for Terry’s Menu for Health and Longevitynd Terry’s Exercise Plan  on my website at

    Nutrients to Balance Your

    Blood SugarAside from diet and exercise, begin yourecovery from high blood sugar with powerfulupplemental nutrients. There are many thatave extensive research, but some of theest include benfotiamine, biotin, chromium,

    mulberry leaf extract, and purslane.

    sugar levels to normal. In an observatstudy over five weeks, purslane




  • 8/16/2019 Stop Diabetes and Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control!


    Stop Diabetes and Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control! 



    xtract normalized blood glucose in individualswith elevated levels. It was also safe andwell-tolerated.

    urslane is rich in many nutrients, including

    itamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, andolysaccharides. A Chinese scientific study hashown that purslane’s polysaccharide contentowered blood sugar and triglyceride levels, andaised good HDL cholesterol. This is significant,ecause diabetes and unbalanced cholesterol

    evels tend to run together, essentially doublingperson’s risk of heart disease.

    By stabilizing blood glucoseoncentrations, purslane may help toontrol blood glucose related appetiteravings, and help protect the body

    rom the negative effects of high bloodugar levels.

    Benfotiamine – A PowerfulForm of Vitamin B1Benfotiamine is a form of vitamin B1

    also known as thiamin – that isetained in the body at 5 times theoncentrations of standard water-ased thiamin. Thiamin helps the body

    metabolize carbohydrates effectively, to turnhose calories into energy. Without it, not onlyo sugars not break down as they should,eaving more in the bloodstream), but yourhances of oxidative damage and inflammationn the blood vessels increase.

    Benfotiamine fights the damage of bloodlucose in many ways. A scientific study athe University of Florida College of Medicinehowed that benfotiamine prevented glucoseoxicity and brought elevated blood sugar levelsack down to normal.

    his form of vitamin B1 has also been clinically

    roven to reduce pain and complications ofiabetic neuropathy, the “pins-and-needles” andtingling” that people with diabetes feel in theireet and legs.

    n a Serbian clinical study, patients withiabetes were treated with a combination ofenfotiamine and vitamin B6 for 45 days. Athe end of the study, 86 percent of the patientseported a highly significant reduction in overall

    pain. The pain due to light pressure, touch, ortemperature – a condition called “allodynia”often seen in those with neuropathy – wasreduced from 77 percent of the patients to 22percent by the conclusion of the study. There

    was also a reduction in pain due to the lossof muscle fibers, (called hyperpathia), from 90percent of the patients to just 32 percent. Theresearchers felt that these results “confirmedthat benfotiamine was a good starting choicefor the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy.”

    Biotin and Chromium – PerfectPartners for Glucose Control

    Biotin is a B-vitamin that is absolutely necessaryfor our bodies to process glucose properly. Infact, in cases of biotin deficiency, the pancreaticislet structure – the “birthplace” of insulin– is altered as well. If you’re deficient, yourbody’s ability to respond to glucose levels isseverely compromised. Biotin has been provenfor glucose control in cases of type 1 and type 2diabetes. An Iranian study found that it reducedA1C and fasting blood sugar levels in individualswith poorly controlled type 1 diabetes.

    Chromium  is an essential trace mineral forblood sugar metabolism. It activates insulinreceptors, helping to prevent the build-up ofglucose in the bloodstream. If you have justbeen diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, or haveelevated blood sugar levels, getting chromiuminto your regimen is important.

    An Indian clinical study followed 20 individualstaking chromium versus the same amount using

    a placebo. The fasting blood glucose levethose in the chromium group dropped fromaverage of 197 to 103 in just three moTheir triglyceride and LDL cholesterol lewere brought down to healthier levels, too

    authors of the study concluded that chromwould be especially beneficial for people newly onset diabetes.

    Biotin and chromium used together have shstrong results as well.

    In a four-week Yale University Scof Medicine study, patients with 2 diabetes taking biotin/chromsaw a reduction in their glucose oaverage of -9.7 percent versus a +percent gain for the placebo group.

    other studies of a biotin and chromcombination, triglyceride levels droas well. Additionally, there wereadverse events in the study – somethat most prescription drugs can’t cl

    Take Charge of Your BloodSugar Levels and Your LifeDiabetes is an epidemic, but you

    have to become a statistic. By simply chanjust 3 things—food choices, exercise, including extensively-researched ingredien

    your regimen, you can fight this potendisabling and life-threatening illness.

     You have the power to take control and ma difference. Getting your blood sugar ucontrol can add years to your life and givemany healthy tomorrows.

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    When in doubt, always consult your physician

     health care practitioner. This column is to pro

     you with information to maintain your health


    daily fromadded sugars

    by the AverageAmerican

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