Pastoral Prayers For your devotions A Prayer for Others Lord God, we pray for those who have brought us to faith, who have shown us your love, who have tended to our needs, physical, emotional and spiritual. We pray for those who have put themselves in harm’s way for us and others. We pray for those whose lives have been made harder because they have sought to serve you and to help their fellow human beings. We pray for those whose selfless acts have caused them distress. We pray for those who have at any cost shared the gospel of Christ. We pray for those imprisoned and tortured for their faith and witness. May they all be blessed in abundance with your love and care. Amen All contributions for future notices & items of interest for the Church Website are welcome! Please contact Lesley Jackson on [email protected] or telephone 01642 714384 or Text on 07837178938. All notices must be received by the Thursday before the following Sunday. Many thanks. Please be aware that what is printed in the notices will now be posted onto our website, which is open to the public. If there is anything sensitive that should not be placed onto this public space, please phrase your notices carefully or let us know that it is for print only. The notices are taken off the website at the end of each month and do not include personal details unless part of an “advert”. Alison Dumphy-Brook, Circuit Support Manager for Stokesley Methodist Circuit ([email protected] or mobile 07717 503761). Sunday 25th October 2020 10.30am Open for Morning Worship with Katherine Atha – Bible Sunday Minister: Rev Andrew Robinson The Manse, 15 North Road, Stokesley. TS9 5DY Tel: 01642 710358 Email: [email protected] The website address is www.stokesleymethodistchurch.co.uk . Circuit Website http://www.stokesleymethodistcircuit.org.uk/ Leven Online – Your local Radio Station: http://levenonlineradio.com/ Stokesley Methodist Church “A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples; if you love one another.” (John 13 v34-35)

Stokesley Methodist Church...writers and readers, a close kinship – for example where Paul speaks of a gentleness that children. As a Pharisee, Paul would have inflicted suffering;

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Page 1: Stokesley Methodist Church...writers and readers, a close kinship – for example where Paul speaks of a gentleness that children. As a Pharisee, Paul would have inflicted suffering;

Pastoral Prayers

For your devotions A Prayer for Others Lord God, we pray for those who have brought us to faith, who have shown us your love, who have tended to our needs, physical, emotional and spiritual. We pray for those who have put themselves in harm’s way for us and others. We pray for those whose lives have been made harder because they have sought to serve you and to help their fellow human beings. We pray for those whose selfless acts have caused them distress. We pray for those who have at any cost shared the gospel of Christ. We pray for those imprisoned and tortured for their faith and witness. May they all be blessed in abundance with your love and care. Amen All contributions for future notices & items of interest for the Church Website are welcome! Please contact Lesley Jackson on [email protected] or telephone 01642 714384 or Text on 07837178938. All notices must be received by the Thursday before the following Sunday. Many thanks. Please be aware that what is printed in the notices will now be posted onto our website, which is open to the public. If there is anything sensitive that should not be placed onto this public space, please phrase your notices carefully or let us know that it is for print only. The notices are taken off the website at the end of each month and do not include personal details unless part of an “advert”. Alison Dumphy-Brook, Circuit Support Manager for Stokesley Methodist Circuit ([email protected] or mobile 07717 503761).

Sunday 25th October 2020

10.30am Open for Morning Worship

with Katherine Atha – Bible Sunday

Minister: Rev Andrew Robinson

The Manse, 15 North Road, Stokesley. TS9 5DY Tel: 01642 710358

Email: [email protected]

The website address is www.stokesleymethodistchurch.co.uk . Circuit Website http://www.stokesleymethodistcircuit.org.uk/

Leven Online – Your local Radio Station: http://levenonlineradio.com/

Stokesley Methodist Church

“A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples; if you love one another.” (John 13 v34-35)

Page 2: Stokesley Methodist Church...writers and readers, a close kinship – for example where Paul speaks of a gentleness that children. As a Pharisee, Paul would have inflicted suffering;

During these unprecedented times, we have changed the way we ‘go to church’ to help to protect ourselves and others. We have put in place

measures that will enable us to still be part of the worshipping community, at home with family, online with friends, coming back together again in Church. If you go to the Circuit Website you will find a range of resources available for

you to use at home which we hope will help you to continue your cycle of prayer and worship.

Worship Services will take place at Stokesley, Great Ayton, Carlton, Easby & Seamer.

This week’s worship in the Circuit is led by Katherine Atha, Arthur Noble & Ron Kirk.

https://www.stokesleymethodistcircuit.org.uk/news/join-us-at-home.html and http://www.facebook.com/stokesleymethodistcircuit/

A Gathering Prayer from the Roots resources Let us thank God for each other as we share in worship, as we come to pray and praise. Let us thank God for the witness of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit to inspire and move us. We bring ourselves to a moment of quiet, to a place of peace, to our individual places of safety and welcome. We bring ourselves to cast off the cares of the world and for a time to reflect on you, Lord God, that our batteries may be recharged, our direction be refocused and our energy renewed; that we may let go of things that hamper us and be free to care gently for those we share time with. O God, we pray, renew us that we may renew others. Amen.

So Deeply Do We Care

Today’s Lectionary Readings: Leviticus 19 v1-2, 15-18 (p121) Various Laws Psalm 1 (p543) For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous … Matthew 22 v34-46 (p991) The Greatest Commandment/Whose Son is the Christ? 1 Thessalonians 2 v1-8 (p1186) Paul’s Ministry in Thessalonica

Message from the Church Mouse for EVERYONE!

Light a candle on Sunday as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians shows an intimacy between writers and readers, a close kinship – for example where Paul speaks of a gentleness that is like a nurse tenderly caring for her own children.

As a Pharisee, Paul would have inflicted suffering; yet here, he speaks of the suffering and maltreatment he and his companions have been subjected to in following Jesus. This experience seems to have made Paul more empathic towards women, and there is a central message of self-giving to others. The letter also talks about self-giving in order to proclaim the gospel; and this is at the heart of Paul’s understanding of God in Christ. This is a call to us in our own lives to love selflessly and be gentle as we show how deeply we care for others, and in turn be an example to our wider community and those in power. Do you like to talk? Some people like to talk a lot and others would rather listen. We are told, by experts, that women and girls talk more than men and boys. Some say women use about twenty thousand words in one day and men use about seven thousand. Do you think this is true? How much do you think you actually talk during a day? It depends on a lot of things such as where you are, who you are with, and what you are doing. What would we do without words? They are so powerful. Words help us understand each other, but they can also be hurtful if we’re not careful. Regardless of how much we talk, we need to be sure that the way we speak and the words we use are pleasing to God. The Bible teaches us that “… we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel” (1 Thessalonians 2:4). It is a big responsibility to speak about God’s love. We are reminded to be true to who we are and speak the truth, knowing that God understands what is in our hearts. God’s Spirit guides us in our actions and how we use our words. The “Good News” is that God loves us. We have been entrusted with that love. May we live our lives so that others know that we care for them, are there for them & are loving them in your name – a gentle word or action.

Page 3: Stokesley Methodist Church...writers and readers, a close kinship – for example where Paul speaks of a gentleness that children. As a Pharisee, Paul would have inflicted suffering;




This morning our service at Stokesley Methodist Church will be

at 10.30am with Katherine Atha leading our worship.

Our service on Sunday 1st November will be streamed online &

will be led by Ken Hudson.

Please remember that the number of people able to attend are limited to the number of people we can safely contain within the worship space.

We are continuing to follow the recommendations for maintaining a safe & comfortable environment for our worship time.

The basic rules are:

Please stay at home if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19.

Please wear a face mask to safeguard yourself & others.

Please enter by the front door so that we can record your name & contact number for ‘track & trace’ purposes. The side gate is exit only or for disabled access. If you do need to enter by the side gate, please make yourself known to the steward at the front door first.

Please use the hand sanitiser as you enter & leave the church.

Only people from the same Household or Support Bubble may sit together, while continuing to practice social distancing.

Anyone wanting to come and worship in church will be most


REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY – SUNDAY 8th NOVEMBER Please note that due to the current limits on public gatherings, this year’s

Remembrance Sunday will not take place in its usual form. There will be no Parade, only a simple wreath laying ceremony & 2 minute silence.

More information to follow.

Your Sunday ‘Worship Online’ Services It’s simple! Please go to the Circuit Website & click on the

‘Worship at Home’ Logo:

If you want to follow the service at your usual worship time you know that you are joining with friends in their homes at the same time. After a short comfort break (usually approx 15 mins) & time to make yourself a cuppa, we’ll be meeting online for our weekly Zoom ‘Feeding Station’ at 11:30am. If anyone is interested in joining us, please get in touch for the joining details and to receive a PDF copy of the material for each session (it will be mailed out too). Morning worship at Great Ayton Methodist Church will also be streamed on its YouTube channel on Sunday 18th October at 10.15am. More information can be found on the Circuit Facebook page. In addition, each week we are provided with a worship sheet from District which you can find on the ‘Worship at Home’ page & which is also available to download from the link in these notices. https://www.methodist.org.uk/media/18755/25-october-worship-if-you-are-unable-to-attend-church.pdf CHRISTMAS APPEAL - Last year, you may recall, we collected hats, scarves and gloves for those who are supported by MAP, the Methodist Asylum Project in Middlesbrough and also for those who find themselves homeless. We are planning to repeat this in the run up to Christmas and so any donations of these items can be left at the church during Friday prayers, at worship on the Sundays we are open, or please leave a message with Alison and we will arrange for your donation to be collected. Mandy will be taking our love gifts to Hazel in Stainton who will pass them on to those in need. Blessings & thanks from Mandy

On this page you will find the links to any recorded services provided by the ministers or local preachers for the coming Sunday. Rev Andrew will be streaming his morning worship on Sunday at 10.15am on the Stokesley Methodist Church YouTube channel (use Google search).

Page 4: Stokesley Methodist Church...writers and readers, a close kinship – for example where Paul speaks of a gentleness that children. As a Pharisee, Paul would have inflicted suffering;

The Food Bank While we are facing increasingly challenging times, let’s not forget others facing difficulties in our community. Please continue to donate any non-perishable food & toiletries, but while the church is closed, you can use the Food Bank collection points in the Co-Op stores. Many thanks.

What’s On This Week Monday

26th October

Nattering & Knitting at 2.00pm – Please join us for a ‘chinwag’ & to catch-up on all the ‘creative’ things we’ve been doing at home! Contact Ann Keene ([email protected] )

Tuesday 27th


Our Tuesday Night Fellowship will be meeting as usual at 7.00pm (Zoom ID 288 056 7734). We will have a catch-up for an hour and then move into our online Oasis Study Group at 8.00pm based on our current Holy Habit of Gladness & Generosity. Contact Mandy Robinson ([email protected] )

Wednesday 28th


‘Hymn-a-Long’ with the Choir at 7.00pm. If you would like to join in, please let Helen know (tel: 710630). The Zoom ID is 288 056 7734.

Thurs 29th


Friday 30th


10.00am – Online Prayer Group with Rev Andrew. If you want to join in contact Andrew ([email protected] )

Saturday 31st


10.30am – Coffee Morning with a theme, on Zoom (ID 288 056 7734). Contact Mandy Robinson ([email protected] )


TALE FROM THE GARDEN! Most of our weekly floral subjects are known by names that elicit pleasing connotations, or are at the very least descriptive of their appearance. Poor old ‘Sneezeweed’ (or ‘Helenium’) doesn't exactly fall into this category with its unfortunate name. But thanks to the timing of their display, they are certainly not to be sniffed at! Its flowers are very distinctive, helping it to stand out among the enormous host of other yellow ray flowers that share its bloom time. The sunny yellow, lobed rays surround a spherical central dome. With a little imagination, the flowers look like ladies twirling in yellow skirts.

They also believed that a sneeze purged the body of any evil spirits. In later cultures, the flowers were dried and powdered into a snuff that was inhaled to help force a sneeze & thereby clear up nasal and sinus congestion. “Coughs and sneezes spread diseases” was a slogan first used in the United States during the 1918-20 Influenza Pandemic & then later used in the Second World War by Ministries of Health in Commonwealth countries – to encourage good public hygiene to halt the spread of the common cold, influenza & other respiratory illnesses. And here we are again! We know that Coronavirus spreads by droplets from coughs, sneezes and speaking & that’s why we’re all wearing masks as we go about our daily business. But while Sneezeweed is the most memorable common name, its botanical name is ‘Helenium autumnale’. ‘Autumnale’ simply means "to bloom in Autumn." British Summer Time officially ends today - so breathe easy, enjoy the fresh air in your gardens & the late season wildflowers on show, because crisp autumn mornings and clear blue skies are upon us! And maybe this is one ‘breath’ we wouldn’t mind spreading … “Breathe on me, breath of God: fill me with life anew, that I may love as you have loved and do as you would do.” (Hymn 370 Singing the Faith)

10am-11am - Open Church for Private Prayer: A time for quiet personal prayer, you can pop in for a few minutes, or stay for a bit longer if you wish - there will be a reflective meditation on the screen for you to view should you wish to use it for your devotions.

‘Sneezeweed’ was named by those who sought it out wanting to sneeze! Sneezing, historically, was considered quite auspicious. To the ancient Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, a sneeze was thought to reveal prophetic truth, whether forecasting misfortune or good luck.