.PTe will pay $7,500 (seven Iheeoaafl tit«- hnndre»! doliera) for the r»«hla belonaing le Kin ,..ne hundred) aharee of tli»» at »ah of l lie MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH COHPANY OF AHERICA Smaller Iota in proportion. Tlie _*>ll»-r lo retain the five hundred slinres samt tain. *"..n0 «fflvo dollars) which he aeXn in ..».. I- ...i..» for bis preeent abarea of stock. L. P. CARTIER ,.0 Broad Street, New York Phonaa 074«".-'.'-«----M) 7!'.'. »v Broad. Hollister, Fish & Co. BANKERS Me«>iber» N. Y. Stock Exchange Investment Securities Interest Allowed on Deposits. Nnssau and Pine Streets ..no National Silk Dyeln* F<xlerai Sugar fom. A Tref. Michigan United Kail« a v Prctferr.fi Del.. I each. O Western <o_l .nteroatlonal Salt 1st Ô». 19M Oneeapeake * Ohio Warm *»prln/fa .">». ton S. H. P. PELL & CO. Members New York S-tork Exchange Dealers tn rr.!!«'*-fl end Inactive Securlt:»«- Tei. fSSS-S-T-8 r, Hanover $7 t\ all St NT Standard Oil ISSUES Gilbert Eliotl & Co. Specialigta 34PineSt.,N.V. Tel. John 855 > J. G. WHITE & COMPANY, Inc. Engineers & Contractor» Investigation of Public Service Properties. Steam Railroad«. Industria« Plants, Etc 43-49 Eichat-ge Place. New Tor. Chirago. Ill San rranoiaco. CaL FREO'K F. MARQUAND Mea-.csr of Ccr.-.üäated Stock Eg. of N. T *e!. _o_o Broad 59 Hroad »t., S. Y. STOCKS AND BONDS For Investment or oe Margin. FRACTIONAL LOTS Wm, As Read & Co. Bankers No. 31 PINE STREET EC« TON LONDON CHICAGO DEBACHE REVIEW n on application R\l MF A (O. CHARLES HEAD & CO. 17 BROAD ST.. NEW TOKK f.V y. Stock Exchange _I*m..rs A Boston Stock Exchange (Chicago Board of Trade Pr!\ate wire connections to our offlcea la Boston Providence and principal Canadian rules Canadian and Boston stocka a specialty Boyer, Griswold & Co. Bankers 42 Broadway. N. Y. A pamphlet containing suggestions for mak¬ ing stock tianaftrs will be mailed on requeet. wTncoler&co. ESTABLICHED 1«S70. Investment Bankers «S CEDAR ST.. NEW YOKK CITY. Na_- York City Bunda. All Issues. FINANCIAL MEETINGS^_ »Itli.r of F. NEW YOKK. < tilt \<;0 AM» ST. LOIIS KAIl.KOU» (OMCANi. Cleveland, O.. April ist, 1S11 NOIP'E IS HERSBY OIVKN that the A li¬ guai Meeting of the ¡jtoekholders of this Com- I «any. for the election of Directors and for the ransa.ctlon of auch other business as may be rought before the meeting, will be held at the principal office of th»- company. In Cleveland, Ohio, on the FIRST WEDNESDAY (being the 1st day» of M _Y, 1818. m 8 o'clock a m. The Poll wilt continue «pen for one hour thereafter. Bv order of th« K"urd of Directora. I'WiiillT \\ PARDEE, S. retary. DIVIDEND NOTICES. «____AI_Q___f--Tl-D COPPER COMPANY 4'.' Bnwdwajr, _.<._ Y«eik. April is, f.rj At a meeting of the Directora ««f the Amal¬ gamate t*««iiticr Company a dividend of «me Ter tvn». <r,. «n_ declared, payabi« Mnv JT, 1912. to e»t««i khoM.ee> ,,f r<.r..r«| on the books <«f tli» Company of i" on, April _.'., W2 A. H. MKI.IX. Be _ The spectacular advance in ENGLISH MARCO» I AMERICAN MARCONI What aro the facts to explain this stock's activity? What ara the pros¬ pects of the enlarged corporation? Full details on request. J.Thomas Reinhardt Direct ¦« Broad .st., Ne« York. t .... Devonshire St., Boston. ni> i ftices at 'v i.) !<eng 8t ..".. Toronto. 9 Old Broad St.. London. TOPICS OF THE STREET. FOREIGN TRADING.Transactions for foreign account In the local stock market aggregated .S/OO shares, mostly purchase;.. The heavkst buying was In United States Kteel common. STOCK .EXCHANGE NEWS.~The Stock Exchange seat of the late Augustin.. Kanks ha« been posted for transfer to Dudley R. LeJand The Beat of Charles J. Lawsnn has been posted for transfer to Frederick L. Richards. Frederick Pelzer has be«n elsetod a member of the exchange. DIVIDENDS DECLARED. - Dividends have been declare as follows: The Pcrrot Silver and Copper Company, regular quar- t»rly II cents, payable May 27, and the Cambria Steel Company, regular quart»"-!' 1«*% per cent, payable May 15 SUB-TREASURY TRANSFERS.-The Sub-Treasury transferred $200,000 to San Francisco yesterday for the account of local banks, making a total of 1755.000 so far this week There also has be^n trans¬ ferred from this centre in the current week fSOft.000 to New »Orleans SUGAR PRICES HIGHER -All refiners of sugar have advanced prices to a basis of * **. cents, less 2 per cent for cash. R&ll.ROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS AND CAR TRUSTS. iMaturlng »13-'27.) ¦w- "'ahei by Rwartwout a Appentellar. No. 44 Pin« street » Name. Maturity. Int yield. Atlantic Coast Une 4 p ... 1913-17 4s* 4V» B'iff BAP *-*..» P <.. 1819-27 4S 4* Cent of Oa Ry 4*.-« p e. 1913-*17 ..4V«. tu Central R R of N J 4 p c, 1918-17 4 4 4 Chaa A Ohio 4 p c. 19li-'17. 4H 4'-« .-hie A Alton 4-44-5 V c, 1913-19 .. f, 4>, »¦hie A E «*«_-- p c. 1918-17.4H 4', rhle. R I O P Ry 4 V»-« n e. I9l8-*19. 4% 4 H rm, HAD 4H-6 p e. 19...-*». 6* «1 Del J. Hud 4H p c. 1922.tv, « Erie 4-4H-« P C 1913-17. fi Hocking Valley 4-tH p c. 1913-18.... 5 Hudson A MAn S p C. 1913*19. o% K C. Ft S A Mem 4H p c. 1913-1B... 8 Kansas C 6o 4V4 p c. 1913'IB.6 Dehlgh Val R R 4-4 _i p c. 1913-1S.. 4% «2 Mo Pae Id c. 1918-'17....ß* tn% Mobile A Ohio 4-8 p c, 1918-'18..6 «u (;TC Linea 5 p c, 19l3-*22. 4H 4W Norf A W 4 P c. 1S18--IS.4%, 4'* Fenn 3'.i-4 P c, 1918-'t7.4\» 4* gt I, A 6 F 4-44-5 D c. 1913-'17.. . 6>4 i\ do Guar A C A F 8p c. 1913-17. .8 ju Seaboard Air Lino 4J_-8 p c, l._3-*17. fi |k Southern Ry S'.»-*^'» p c, J913-*21.. 4% 4V. \'lrglnlan Ry 8 p c, I9:í-'Í9. 5V, 4 -. «JVabaah R R 4i»-5 p -, IS13-'21.8* 4* .VTheellnr A L B 4«i 8 p c. 1918 '2Í.. B»i 4% ¡i «*. STOCKS SHOW IRREGULAR CHANGES ON LIGHT TRADING KEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES-THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1912. Sli rs Net r-.'lil.¦«¦):_. Adams Expr« «- . I.'*.' !. ;Allis-»'halineis Co. ¦Allls-chalm« rs CO. pr. AmalKiimat'ii Copper.. An «i an l'e«-t i"u**ar_ Ahht'cu- I'.«- ! "-".--a Atn« trican : ROOO. .«, 3,80 1,800 U I.000- % Actual Sal«««. «'loslrig. '»1«. HI. i.iiw Fini _17';. -_17i~_ _Í7*¿ _3T* -.. 1% 1%| il«, va) y- 3%, 3%l PA 8% a% us] tri'** pr, '..% :.** 4 98 Wi 34% 34% 33% American Can pr.1116% 116 11.'«'- H-«;-» l'¦-*-.. ¿.¦ *._» % Air.fi-i.-an Car «t Fdry.... 53% »>% 69% 60 3*¿"% 10 A»n«'ii«-aii Car & Fdry. pr li-. 11«', 118 Llalli« . 'American «~"Ptt««n (»il. S3 63«*. ["¦»_% ó:*. -.'*. I"" « % 'Amer. Hide & Leather pr M*. US\ 34%I 21% 24% « ¦¦ % Amerlcaii Ice 8<scurlties... 24% 24% 23% '«SU 2S*i ,Amerl«.«an Unseed .... Arruri.-an Linseed pr.. '.«."¦ % American Iaocomotive 4 Am«.'ikan Malt . l/1"»' ? % American Ma» pr- 7400 .**- % ¡Amerl.-an Smelting .. . Amerl'-an .Sm«-lt. pr . »4 ¡American Smelt, pr B. *i Anitii«-an Steel Wry.. 100 « % Amerl -an Tel. <& Tel... 1,000 k % American Tot»fiu'/«o pr new ' KO - ¦", American Woolen pr. :«i ?i ir.% 184 10% 16% 101 ;..« :*-.'.. « 39% 4.' 13% 13 ¡4 13**I 18% 12%! 12*í| 12% «a 86 84»* 84% B4% 84% 107% 107% i07«a 107% 107% «-71«, «7-i n «: n B71 34% ,-41,' 84% -",', :"i 11*; 14«* H.".7, 146% 145% H«. ICB IOÎ '.1 91 MU S.-i'rs Net sold. oii«í«^¡_ 2,»<M0.1% IMarine pr. . [May lM«t. Btoree. «y»«i-- ', :.Mkmi Con. Copp-sr. 100 «h Mlnn. o Bt. laou % Mlnn. iV Bt. Louis pr.., ', M., S». I*. ... & S' M,., Mo.. Kan, .v las. Mo., Kan. I 7,600 \ Missouri Ps . % National Bis« ult . SM t%INtt Knam. 1. ¿- 8tpg... 800 - National L. a«i . 300-Na». of Mes. Zd pr. % Nevads «'"ii. Copp«er_ [ Actual Saleí«. « "fôsliiK- Op.l Hi. Low Fini Bid. A«-.« 2V-, 21% '."¦* 30Ü 2" - ;., 7., " 7" 7" M 28 - ¦:', 26 n -.; i. . 50 26 -. ;¦¦ » % Amer. Writing Pnper pr..i 8fi 1.«-.«-», . % ¡Aneconds 1.200 - '-., ¡Atchisofl . 760I. ¦.*, Atcnlson rr. 300. «4 lAtlantic Coas» Une 8,000 t S ¡Baltimore A Ohio... 3(«0' + "s Batopilas Minin-r % iBethl.'liem Steel ., 6,2801 +1% (Bethlehem Steel pr 1«** -i 43»«, 43% 43 43 42%. 48 IlA», !"¦ . 10**% 103%!103%'103% 103" 4 103% '141 '141 141 141 107% IOS»« 107% 1". » '¦'v Si î% 2 87% 88« 87% »*4 M 88\. M**! W% «*.4«*-4 «V* 8M«j 300 .* iBrooklyn Ram«! transll '. *-7- *«--'r'- «^7-î Ö . Brunswick anadian Pacific i?t-ritra1 Ls I 1,10o . ¦** centrai Leathei H .Che.5. «ft Oblo.... v hica-?o Gt Western - > 1. '«Chicago G«. V.'ostern pr,..; 37 37 ."7 37 Ml] i Bt Paul.. D"-"h «n-. il"-- uo'/üfi'.iiw* 16.8K» Ch., Mil. <5r Paul ¿iKht**- *-> 17-32 H33-64 - ".-m1 - -S 'Chicago Un, Trft.-t **% 8t4| V*k\ VA\ 3*é. 3S r ¦«.' «r-4 iChicago Union Tractiot pr 9 10% >t ^4 9%! 9% 10 1 10 M 10 !.»: l"'é Hito 253", -'.'4 *¦**.»? >-'i ?.'7fc <*«» 80»4 79% 79%| 794' 79%| 19'a' WUl 19 19 18»* .'144 :i44 143% 143%|148% 144 f.1 15%' 18% 15% V-K «4«' . % ¡Chino" Copper .I 29%| 29%! ^!*' 29% «^l4*! «-ö8»« iChino «""opper rights.! 42 42 41 41 '-- il % (Colorado Fuel & Iron 4 30%] ^ 29u ;/» - Comsttvk Tunnel «KO1-¡Consolidated Gas 8.4001 ? % Corn Products R*-? SM «-1 Corn í*ro«*uct? Reí pr - 88% fß% 8! M -1% ICrex Carp«t...I 75 76H1 TS 78%! 77% 78 ¦s-o'. % IDel. «S: Hudson.!*;« 171 170 170 170 ".. Denver & Rio Grande ... 25%: 28%l 23 '23 J 23 - % Denver A R'.«? Grande pr..1 42V 42%i 41%l 417i 40% 43 500!.*-, Dlstlllir-g Securities.! 32',' 22*.1 32 32 S2 % Erie.¦37% 87% "-'S 37 '37 37% ¦¦ -«.¡Erie 1st pr.65% 68 155% 56% 55%! 56 1001. % IFed. M. «t S. .. ... .118 ! U 18 18 14%; 20 1«0 + % :Fed. M. «fr S. pr. | M 4*. M 46 43 W\- General Them Co pr. 3'X'i * % Gener.il Electric Co. "«. Ger:. Motors ¦(ñO-. % Gen. Motors pr -, Goldfteld Con. 21C01.% Great Northern rr. ")'«'.'-4 Gt. Northern ere ctfî. 'Illinois «"entrai -. . «,, interboroufh-Metro H InterborougíS-Metro. pr. % ¡Interr.afi.Mia! Hair. - International Harv pr. International laper 6»»i 4 ". international Paper pr. «. intern 5t< a Pump....| 29%! 20".« 29 ¦'-Intern.-*', "»«am Pu«--o pr.l 83 Lake V.rte «_ Western 20" 107«» 107**j 107% 107% 1**>6% 108 4 170%,170% 170% 17'"» 170% .! **5%l 85%l 35".. 35% 354 36 .! 75 75 74i^ 74". 7: ! «ml t*-. 4% .1131% 122 1181% 131-H 131% 131% S9%; 397» "97, S37«. 40% . _>%1_9%'129*«| ':?\- 20 19% 58% 50 5Î% 58% 68% .!llS 118%H17%I1174ÍU7 117% .fia VA 1121 12! - IX J%! 14 23% 30 53 83 I ¦." 16 16 ISM . K I^ake Erie * West nr ..187 "T", îr j:-4 86 87 Lake Blwr« *M 1495 -i-«; 47^ .-" Lehlth Valley .MI%:165% 164%,184% 184%H«4% 7C»0 -S Louts-t/llle f. Neshvllle ...[MO il» 159%159%I159 il59% 10r>|_% Macara*/ Coi .H B K So 14% Bñ-j L.M0I. V, Marine.I 6%l ¦'-. . 1*. 4'-4 5 .1 22.f"--> - '¦, New v,,rk Central 4 N. V.. h. & St. L... N. V.. « & St la 2d 100,.30% Sem fork I "«ok pr. '¦" * \ \. Y., * »'it \ W,«1. .*» Norfolk «t West. 1,300.% Nririh American . l.'>". Morthei n Pa« 11 0 . l«30 '4 N ', State n>s. 625 . Pac. Tel a- Tel. ', Pennsyl R. 1 ¦«.«.¦ . ^4 Peoría a- pa «en. 300 « S P.lu I oke. F*l n id« J l Co . 1.ÍH» - p., (-., I" ft Bt la. '. Pitts al . 500 « '.. Pltr.s. «Joal pr. IO0 t *t l"r.-sse.J St'-.-l Car. '. Public Service «"orp. 100 P Lorlllard pr. 100.% Qulckf.llver . » -n. Railway Bte« 1 r*t.ring. '¦4 "<ay Con. BI.6OOI- % ¡Readlnf . adl g 2d pr. 500 « % Repuhlio Iron «t Steel 1.3261 t- % Republic Iron & fUeel pr. 9.3»» + % Rock Island . .yo1- Rock Island pr . 100 . *"t. Lb «V B, F. 230 '«j St. L.Hzri.F 1st pr. EM L. & S. F. 2d pr. ?,v - St. Louis Southwestern.. 4C0'.% S«ars-R«->ebuck. 160|.1% IBloss-Shen*. Steel «»_ Iron 2.;i"' « % Southern Pacific. SO-S«>. Porto Rico Sugar pr. «S»v« _ «U Southern Railway .JTXH. % Southern Rall*-.ay pr. 1 - «-< Standard Milling pr .... "i Seaboard Air Line. «¦ '-4 Tennessee Copper . 100 - Texas «A-, Pacific. 800'+% Texas Co. % Third Ave. R. R. 2 !«.:»' » % Toledo Railways Sc Light. .J90. % Toi.. St L. <_ West, pr 2*00 v % Twin City Rap. Tr. 8.7M * "i Union Bag «fe Paper . 2.V' - Vnlon Bag & Paper or_ ¡ 84,600.% 'Union Pacific . . 830 «. % United Ry. Investment.... Vf) * % 'United Ry. Investment pr - >4 U. S. Tnrl. Ale. 20O 4l% t S. I-,d. A!c. pr. 300 ?% U B. R-altv <t- Imp. -"-4 United Str«tes Rubber.I '..'. % [United Stat«-s Rub. 1st pr. 79,000 - 'United States Steel. 400 ? % ¡United States Steel pr ... 10,400.% T"»ah Copper . 2.850 » % V!rg1r.1a-C-ro Chem 200 » », U'aba«-h . - Western Msryiand 100 » \ \\>*itern Union Tel.I «3C0.% WMtlnffh. El <<*.- Mfg .' «.¦.-)_ iZ Wheel «_ L-tke Erie. BOO'-. ai WheeL ¿¿ Lake Erie lit pr ir,-. _ tu Wheel. Ä- Lake Erie 2d pr .-... . -4, Wls<*onsln **entr**J _i -. ... 4*J " 4;« 48% 4*1*, 141% 112 141 , I41%',141 -:, -1, -. -:- ,.. Ii% 4-1*4 O ti ... ISO 1 l«% 1-**% 1*':« 1«*% l«%¡ ;:'* .'7 1 »7% í 19-% I*.»-*», 19% .. 119%il20 119 119%|119%|11»% a .v. «-.i ..1 90 r«» :«> 90 S71 _. <"¦) .. 47 47 ! 47 47 U .. 40%. 40%! ¦»% !"'- 40 4'", ..113%U3%|112% ll-'-'. 112% 112% .. 84 83%l 83%; S3»-i 83% 83% ¿ :. 12 , 121 121 ¡121% ''-'2 92' ; 18% »« 4*- 18% :. i :. ; ' li .'-j .. i«'!"-« 106% 104% 105 104% I 5 ..21% -l1"- -.. 14% 84% «M% 35 ,. lim, !?-', 110 11«) 109%U1©«_ >%|110>i * ¦- '.1 6% 6% .% M%| 3! M% 84 20 vy.: 19 - 19% I 166% i'X , 164«, li ., S', 96% 96> 96% ^.¦:. 23% as 1 : ¦ 29% 29% 29% . 67% '4 57% .! 27%! 27*4-1 27% 27% 27 . 67% 67% 67% 67 ., «1% 41% V\ SIS 41 41% ?.:.-.. S3 32% 33 82% 33% ,|163%!163% 1«2% 162% 1^*2% lr«3% .1 48 \a 4** II 47 43 .112*4 113 112% 113% 112%H13 ,:no [110 110 110 106 ¡ 1% 29 1 74%- 74% 73% 59%' 5D% Im Im 61% 41«, 24% 24% 96 M 3*,%' 88% 10 I K'»., 24", 84% 23% 41 24% 87% ¦"- S4%| 20% 23% 60% 68 25% so 41 24% M 34*. 40% M M 37'. 34»*, 24% M ""** l^%10*»i !'."; 105% 106% 10 10% 10 10% 10% 10% SO 69% I fiO GO 172% m%jl71% 171% 171% 171% % 33% 34% 61%l <J1% 81% 61*«, 82 34% 31% 84% ': . Î2 24VV 10! :^2 101 11 77% 77% 77% 77% 65 56% '-" 112% 112% 112% 112% 112% 113% 7Î-',1 72 70% 71 71 7'.% 112%-1*2\ l'..% 11*2% !12'-112% .'4 84% 63% '- «.4% 49% 50V 49% 50 - . ". ". -, -, a n S 82% l%l SH 4S' 25% -. 13% 13% 13% 14 M :" M ;7 56% 50 "-'¦% 87; 9 63%l 62% '.¦ 1 8 25% ?--. Fh'rs I Net sold 'chee BANK STOCKS ON STOCK EXCHANGE ' Actual S.-tles. Tloslnir On. kiw Fini Bid Ask Hanover Va»lo-a1 *itT .'14«'' I«-*."» «J-aO «140 .*"/» (4n 8! «M0 450 I Tof_! i,s!es for the ia"\ c"*r,'^ shares, eomper« -1 for the corresponding day In 19".: Total «»ales, Januar-,- 1 to Apr«! 1". incluMve ( «rompared with 30,4*52.4.s shares for the «ini» p».-; Ill MARKET ~~ Active Stocks Generally Lower .Money Rates Unchanged. t-.r.rk mai'V'-t prie*"« moved In «n írr^Eul.-r T>iannpi throughout the d_» Ml a relatively light, \oiume of basil trading, as rule, represent IIP litt 1*=« Im yond the operations of an unimportant professional element. BOIDS of th« spe¬ ie. r] de. ided strength and bull manipulation was reported m -...ri..us parta of the list, but there was n«. «Ms- «poeltion noted on th»» part of th« larger interests to work for higher quotation«, while iri"st of tho board room traders concentrated th* ir attention on th'* bear sido ««i speculation. Support was ren- «i, ..] when needed The selling presi ure. however, was not heavy enough lo call for i nu,»'-'.ant supporting ordera Bethlehem Steel issues were strong feat¬ ures, and New York Central **old at *i new high ree -ord f.>r the ye.ir at 120, the strength in the latter .Stock being at¬ tributed t<> buying based on realisation that the company's big expcnditui- its terminal facilities in this city mean bigger earnings, and that the consolide Dun »if the principal Vanderbllt lines will ,««lil materially to the road's income ac¬ count and credit. Commission bouse In¬ terest in the general market was at a low el'h. It was conceded that prices had rea'hed a level that did not warrant cotnmUments fur bull account, owing to th.. overbought condition of the market, ¿«ml that only further reactions would induce a resumption «>f a«ctlve bu\ lug, except in some of th.. low gTa«i*» special* ties, Which respond easily to manipula¬ tion. Ai the moment the standard shares are bein« loft i.» themselves. The Amalgamated Copper Company in¬ creased its dividend from a ¡J per cent to a 4 per tent annual basis yesterday, but tho action of the directors was with¬ out effect on speculafi'.n. With the up. proach of the farpathia with the sur¬ vivors of th.- Titanic sentiment in c.un- mission house circles he.'aine mor»» de* pressed, and there wet. few people In the financial community who had the h«>.irt to do much in the way of business out* side of attending to routine and pressing requirements. The efforts of the l»>ral banks to re¬ habilitate their «ash v. -erres \h redacted in an easier tendency in the money mar¬ ket. More currency is coming to this ..ntre than recently reported, operations between the banks and the Sub-Treasury no longer show the heavy losses suffered in recent weeks, and the burden of carrying enormous loans has been trans¬ ferred in part to out-of-town institutions which have been attracted to this market by the higher quotations now prevailing for acr. ..imodatlon. As stated above, the loan market here shows an easier tendency, but at the same time the price of money is well in advance of that re¬ ported earlier in the season. And it is not likely that the market will return to a condition of absolute ease for n.onths to come unless there should be a marked falling off in the volume of mercantile and Stock Exchange transactions. San Francisco Is drawing on this centre for funds; also New Orleans, but at other prominent cities domestic exchange rates indicate a movement of money to New York in excess of shipments from this point. The statement of the Bank of England, published yesterday, exhibits a return only moderately good for this period of the year, the proportion of re¬ serve to liabilities of 45.39 per <;ent com¬ paring w'th a ten-year average of 49 per cent, although showing a gain over a week ago. which encourages the idea . hat later on in the season the Institu¬ tions minimum rate of discount will be reduced from the present 84 oar rent M .«. BOND MARKET SALES «veoo pan :¦<, Ceu.-O-*. . in Ry i rooo ja. M . ..' Mes eooo «j., vm L s 8a 10000 2W> do 0 . I 1000 L i N C il eJOOO _o K C 4a 1000 Man Con 4«... .'.e.-l «ir. Marina * 106000 Can «la lö«i ...109 19000 d 1861 ..... rt Tokio 5i Ctff . C«4«4 R"O0 N V C 44« ipr.7 N. v. .101 IgOOO 101 » 0000 So 1087 100 ., 1000 So !*.'. 1*354 M«_i So 2000 tat ir»o»»> _J4«*»0 ; ... SS lal l-TO» M Kg t lai i 000 i «. IfcJOOO f..»«-. 11.«f» s « . b :.... -_-, 12000 .'.. (000 4000 A A. C 6a.10 . K«K» «3000 eVl les S I ¦WO do ... .¦..ut Mn T .*- T '..] 4-> M 1000 Am 1 14e m », irtnour 4 '.* '.*'-' ....«i V T O 8 1 II n»o .i. i.» ... |o CM i ¦201 II « .,, lu« d.. 4* 1900 i<.o ¦. .' !' r ."« I II .... « 101 toi», I"!', isooo 6000 16000 1(1000 1C000 do .. t .... N Y l L »»1 . .. I. T 2000 '. '. .il, II 1". , _..">«<. S i N H l II I (. 130*4 6000 N *. IMs 'Muí» 4a 10000 I00O 6i .'M'» 2000 .lo »«"«f» Al oa»t ¦.'. ..»n. So L. A. 4a M 4 B000 H Ai O '.n'A 4n ..alOF P1»'» loooo 91 10000 i:- ..... .',. M M Xe.niii ., .le. So ele. fie» ele. do do «t.» . lo «l.i ;, ^ ie .«. NT i, If^» do 100 P.», -".*¦"" N V w ft h i :«.'... «non 90S 1'»»» N i W 4«. 90 .'. -e ,. .-. '«."¦> do na l'Xe.1 lu .. . WtO N..r C t\ BO00 .*., Pr 4 .. XlSSSt !,. "' I'«"»«» i. r. «;. ¦.." » 97« ««.'. 8. 10000 <!.. 4000 ein ftOOO Xl> H T 4. 21«--e>. C«nt L f. ..1«*M» I M 4>-. n.-*». ir».o do .'..'¦;. ',(*"" ': ir*.«. doO«li4! ." 1"! Isifloo I.VkiO C et- A H' h fl_ 1000 C A- E 1 Raf A Imp _<v«_ eChlc g n W Ce-n £,.. e...» d,, ,. 1000 «lo ._:4<>oo Oiic n Sl _. lieu 4e . f«*.',, 81000 do Jt 4b '-"«V 21'KV» eXo .9»".'.' IS**! (\n TV!, «Sa. 100V, U/«., r r,t W 4k 78% Mfefl C MS M P 4-. lint ., SOSO .n i;«n 4«. A M! -, lOtiVpi. do Cvt 4]<ja w I.11134 do .1<)3«Y R I A P ''.«.n 4«i.. tw«' do lt>f II .n , Rat 4».. '«i ..- , lorvi (iz # c c ¦'¦ ...»¦'« 1000 P T A T Be..l00'i ..>. , I««». l'.-i -v :;' ., «..i» 1912 9000 do 1S18 !>7'7 :...«, IMIOO i'«.« A B tnr 4.*.', '..'»«, 3000 p l,,r .t:i\ 000 d0 1. , 06 8000 du Temp E M00 l'ie1. s .".¦ M «9000 do »»I f;«.«. 4- .¦- i lo. n«v 11000 d- MI4 '."««I R 1 eX Rtl .'.- *:«l«« .., 02H ."""». Rio «J W lui 4a.«iit T M * S _. a l». Kin r.ifio si i, R inr.0 St A- s r R l! TW 4v T.'i 7»'5 1MO00 ïo»».) i; 2(1 si '"Kl r/Kin brnfl T. R M Ä p r.» im BOW SI T, H«n m 4«. .2 16000 do «-.«.. ta.. 01% mon Sa .1<Ï 9000 s. .i, \ r, Adj fis ...... M *.<">¦ o s, p r*,,- 4- K 9000 So lKt lt»»f 4a. _.v; inno ^o cvt 4«.. r«'.-, -, ..-. .. . lOOO fin. .«. do i! H 4s 72',! IXHiO So Xiv On 4a 7*Ti d», . 72«» ««Oí« «1». . T«\ te .T2H 9000 do. 7%T» p.,. 17»MK. 2.»/. |.»H> -.-".i r st T. P lu P.S .1101, 1i»0 «Thino C «*3a.12S l0»-O do .ISO ISOOO C <_ S lit 4c 9». -O«'««'» r Pr 1HS1 _7 BiiOO .* Ann R A- W,' 2-100O P & H <.« 4a .... f*;*1 370-v) te Rif 4a. 9.->M 70TK. D S«C .'.«. 7 :', 10W) do 7'.V 1000 «i.» 74 J '¦"«. I et, (".ri, U 71»',l 140»»o te .;.¦» 1?<V>0 B .SOU' ..ooo -fMV) du. 80H 10TIO ria h C r,y 4'ejs .... «30^1 :rw> t- s Rub .-U.1G4'-» lo«o «en Motora 21000 r » Bteal S F «a .. 90T, 6*.I«**!». 1<VW) do . 99*% 1-000 4.» .lO'-l-i '¦".) Cl Vor Ref liooo do .102S 4Us ....3.1«_oh' ÎW» do Rer ..102H Sono ni C Ref 4». Mli! 2000 Va-Car C lat -OOOi) 111 «?te«l 44a As .tWl Reta 92HI S«»WV> Wal> 1«f !.». lo?'-, 89000 Int Pteel 5j ifrfx. dn 2d te... 99'¿ 'Olí; .Vif«»'» loi «h "^«0 10141 KOOO ;!<V>«) T»xa« Cn Cx-t «e *A\ ?f> T! Ird Av Adl te . 72-i 1000 T t 1, ' \V 4a »U*, -ooo TH-CStr .*.§.. »8 ..««v. r p M 4. loi «4 «Snor» d^> . 102 .lo ..n20eV.ioi*4 !¦¦ IM R»t 4n. (M*>i .. Ctart 4i» a m** ; do ..i«..*. do .103-4 2«X)0 ÜÍR4 Imp ««H Reta 6s-^0 do 7<V»oo do lSJetVO dO . îoof^ int R T .^104141 4<vioo ie»wi Int-M«t 4'i« .2«i,1.'«oon tOMO Int Na-.- Kh 81 IWï> «VW Iowa C R«f 1 -coi 4a .. 4000 do sans do 1000 k c r s M 4a nota Kciii 1S000 La»»V Stl 1030 .... 8<X» \j S A M S 4a 19-.8 M 80 874 1,'_V) 1i_V) ymeo 2<V10 do R A Ext 4a ... **K 'In *.V' do «4 do fttS dO .e*MS do . . «M«; dO.«*1'4 do . *".*-« del Ctf» Ftp «I»» ,«.. *2 te 10000 W«_>. P T lat «2H Ctff ^..1_ 6a I l«w> do 2d Ctfa. 77*_: »VVVÏ TTent VI B«. 2»'0oo ***Mt Md 4f. 0841 POOP do SS4 24 try>\ fS K-^ . .-*-... ^.-,1 r^-^. no . 874 2"2 do 19*41. 93i%! 100AO w.it «s F Bt. 9«>4 *" *'- l»w> do Vota».. »74 loort W»« Sh 4a .xoos, 1000 do loo». «Vtoo do .IOO4 7»w> TV O V R Fi OO 7000 Llr ft Mvera Temo 7t 120t4I "¦-CÎL! <5° T*>n' wt.: ?<V10 do .. m<. 1000 do 94^1 1000 t, * N Oan I «. .117 Total aalaa of bonda. $8.081.BOO liY»v> -îrifi C Gen 4* M ?vwv», «lo *_3'i $30.000 FIRE IN THE SWAMP A «0^00 Are last night destroyed the two upper floors of \0 85 Gold street, occupied Dj- h. E. & c d. William--, manutsetttrera et toncy leather. The flre spread to the »Ulldlng in Spruce trtreet occupied by J »«eitel, also a manufacturer of leather, and nerore it was extinguished the entire con¬ sents of both buildings wire tboro'ightv toaked T»ith vat«»r. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following wer« the !.t.t acual tales and the clcslns tiens 1 n ... tioni I .hang«.-: t*it .--«"loilns.\ Ml« , 101 > Brake Shoo A Am Brake I ¦.. 8 Am»r|. an HI , . ......... -Krai.M f. 'A-e. "t l ', . '.' U-bor »-bor pref..7. - .11 'i.'. 144 .Pitts.106 1 Huffalo. Roch A Pitia. pr*f. 1-^" ». j'teri 'k "..¦. patiy « ' « ¦. tharn » « entra / m. ¡"I .. .119 » 118 «... ... '¿W ' . . ' i- Ù :.. \ref .'." M t. P. r"*«* ...1«144' o 4k Northweat. '¦. . 14 144 S s rthwi ¦¦. m i rof 188 i «i P., M. A O 140 133 140 II. A û. pref. H IM ISO ¿ i.. « ... ». vi- f... 1014 loi ', loo .rgh . S le. < lat prof. 7 76 n 2d i ' «""-' .¡«M American Sugai -. ImertcM Sugar pref I ., Molí v A l'e.rt l>") (O.... S«. ..¦ *«'» Vet Moin» « ¦ pr« '.. to e. troll I. Ma. kltiar. ,.., |20 I 16 Iiuluth. South f-h.era A A' 10% 10 104 Duluth. B. S. A Al pref. 214 204 D i Pont pref. :¦¦ 80 l.ri- 2d pref. H . trill« * T Haute pref. t"» I .i eiiee ««i« ai l'ompeny... ISS Granb] Mining .DO llaiani Electric Ttailnuv-11» |'.* Havana Electrt« Ry. |«f....19014 190 H-eekin» Valley .XXI 128 0 Horn« taka .86 ''i '«7 Illinois «'entrai lea^'d lin*«.. , Ingeraoll n,»nd <"u....108 1"! :.; ... Central . 124 124 Iowa i'e.'iiiral p.ef. 264 2S Kanaaa City Southern.SS 27 «s, City Sr.'itheru pref... *.4 K C., Vi i S M it. f 184 K'-okuk A Pet Mo4noa . I \ ,r, u.-s Moines pref... 4»> Knick Ice «.f .'tle.ico pref... 70 lav I iranna Stei . 28 r... loda Oaa. 1084 t«"; «Long Island . 17 14 Markmy OomMuilaa pref. n;.^ ».» Manhattan Elevated .«ISS IM May Depertmenl Storea pref il«. 1004 Michigan feutrai . ISO M., SI P A B 3t M. pref...181% I6O4 M ,St 1* AS ft M. leafed Una» S«4 81 , Mnrrta * Eaa__.17.'. I1J Na-lulHe a. ri'Vixnooga.in«. ISO National Biscuit prêt.191 1274 Nut'l I-natnel. * f-'tamp. pref 644 90 \mlnnal I_ead pref.In-H IOS4 Nation«»! of MesloO praf. MM 02 New York Atr Rra_«. f«."«1» ISN S. T. C. * M L. W pref...1«.. 10.1 :..w Tort Doeh.304 204 Viw York, lark g W.jKrn. 199 12. New rk. N Tf. A II.13*. 4 K".7 13S Norfolk Southern . 47 ift'í «I Norfolk A Wettern prof. 92 On f>2 Ontario «liver . l'i 1 \ 2 l'a< 111- Coaat .944 0«> iOO »..lit let pr»f.1««.". M 105 Taclftc roaat 2d pr»f.MS% 90 100 Pacific Mall.B-S 2;4 A3 t'ae-lflc Tel. A Te' praf. 'Ml p. P.. C, C A .»t U pref.11"4 110 11«'«. fitts Ft Wavno A Chicago. 17.'. 4 I«4 1'ree»eed Steel rar pref.1024 10-4 103 l'ullmai» rompan»/ ..1dl K.04 1,51 QuIckalWer pref. «**"_ .«. ft*- Rallwav Steel Spring pref... mo IOS 101 Reading l»t pref. 904 9«1 ''* Renssel.er A Saratoga.20r> 1<V*.'* Rome, tVatartowTi A Ogdeni.1194 127 Rutland pref..<K> fio «1. St. L,*8.rC.4E I. etfS.141 14*. '.«-o SI.L.AS.F. CAE.I. ctfa. pref.110 107 in M !.. A3 T. COM. 1 tiew M 844 St I>.»Ha Southwestern pref.. 7_4 1A'' «¦ears-Roebuck pref . 1244 1984 124'» Slo««_--I eff. B'eel A Iron pref. 102 9,. 10.', South Porto Rico Sugar. 79 70 Southern Rv M. A O. ctfi... -¦. Standard Mll'trg .20«4 H Texai A Pacific Land Tnut . S9 '¦» Toledo. St. L*>ulB A "Western. U4 l.'.V, **,*- Twin Clt«- R T. pref.. .143 142 |tf t'ndarw-ood T>-pewri»er .101 IOO |0_ t'nderw^d T>Tewrlter pref 1114 |J0 uJu, fntiin Pacific rref. 914 .1 (ilH T-nlted Clgeaj- Mfg pref .10.4 |0S 107 t'nited Dtt Ooo.ii.101 ioo«4 ir,i T'nlted 0ry Gooda pref.lrtf.4 lor,', io.s»% T*. S Cait Iron Pip« A r*drv 17*. 17 1* r v caat Iron PA F. prêt A*, ."4" r.'nl'ed State... Exorett... o; 1". S Reduction A fceflnlng 2\ r*. B. Reduction A Ref. pref.. .04 |gy || O. 8. Rubber 2d oref 7f. ], 7J[i, Va-Car Chemical pref.. n«i4 ij«i. jjo Virginia Iron. Coal A Coke. «S4 | Virginia Railway A Power... 47«U 4«e m Vulcan Petlnntng . 21 19 \'u!can Detlnnlng praf.SOU «¡o Wabaah p»cef.21 Mb «1»* "Vel'a-Farro K-xpraaa .14fi 144 Wettern Mart-land pref. SO 7. .4 Wei»'hou»a E. A M. lat pref.1214 119 GOVERNMENT BONDS. .Apr 17.-Apr ,- » ... Bl<1 Atked. Bid AJked r S 2a, reg. 1930 .. .1004 101 1004 101 le. « 2», coupon. 1.30... .004 ií.i*4 100% 1014 ' c te reg.. 191S.1024 IOS 102' « coupon. 1918 K'24 I02S *' *.*« ISA 114 l!4'« 114 II", .- 4-, e»0.r->.l. 192.% H4U !T« II41. US 1 aiiar.i* 2«. rcg 1'.:,«. 1004 I -> lesinnw 2». rer l«i;;s. ioftit Fanama ..»., rcpu., l!«.*1 1014 «101 1014 « H Panama ?¦» reap |0S1 101 i,.i , 1..1 nut. of Col rip M rii» of Osl 3r, -oujon lOö I0f. FOREIGN FINANCIAL FIELD _ Money Tight in London.Paris Bourse Heavy and Berlin Prices Firm. Ltntdon, April If«-Consols closed 3-16 low- .1, al 77 15-14 for money snd 78 1-1-i f«»r the account. Anaconda wat- unchaiiRed, at £»%: ,- *'% hlBher, at Smr%¡ Ornad Trunk unch »1 f*-1. ..¦ *^%- Money iras tight, bol <li-«-«»;mt rates «ere estoy t«j-«iay. The sto.-k market, "Ahile fairly active, was irre-fular. The announcement of a £3,000,000 It ..im loati «sreakened Tn«Itan stocks <ir.«l M<\i«iiri rail« and oil and Mar¬ coni sitares W'-re «urcn:-. American M-curiti«*» wre firm and lik-her «luring the for«enoori l'nlted States Steel .trul «'.111.-1.linn t'a-iti«« were active leaders on forerasts of toot earnings. New Y««rk .«..-nt selling ..rd.t-. In the afternoon end ¦ t.-i« t*.«n, but the marke* «*-«s sup¬ ported in the late tradmg* and closed steady. The premium on gold al Madrid Is 17s» tmebanged, and at Lisbon la 8, »aompar<MI with 10 jester Ij*. Pari? Avril 18, Thr«"*" pet- «-ent rentes elOiMd '"; centimes lower, at M francs SB centimes f*«*»*" the account. Exchange on London. *_¦ franc*" M% .'. n times for check*». Private discount rate. 3% per eeni Price9 were he«jvy on the Bourse Berlin, April 18..Prices were firm or the Boe-rse to-day. Canadian Pacific and EaJti- more & Ohio wer«- active i«*-i'lers in the up¬ ward movement. L"xchan--<- on EaOndon. i"*» marks 4*% r'<»n- nlgs for checks. Money, d»«j per cent. « rate. 3% per cent STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES, .BOSTON STOCKS. '*-*¦!«--.'''"*' ?¦' Otarles Hea; a ct ** ttreet LAND. Broad Bas»«.«» t... Bid Asked. : i || East B".i Ld MISCELIaANEOfS. Am Ag Cham «30 «31 Geo Ry i. E.12**- Eli aVske* ¿o prst. ,.1( '-. UM A.n r-r.-:..'Ti.. ' do p.-ci. VAS An I I «Va wool p.« j! Am Zinc 284 Mexican Iel . Ne«* Eng T.15S (. .- Stk T..1Ä7 ¿o prsf. 11 Edis" prêt.. \ Mas* Electric 20-«» 1441 do prsf. öö :.'_.& Gas... ¦" do pr«f. 'J*> Rotary Ring. S , 104 Merger» Un:..-' 7 United Sho*.. MH ! do pre?. *"-> Mi [United FruJi IM IM ôl«. 4 127 4 se1*» 21 <*o'4 do. rj7 24 Bos & A1-..21S E 4 1¡4 Bo« Elev. 129 .aT- * . Ar-. ¦: ... Art- C 1 Cenu -A 111 Daly \* - E«\it Butt«. Uta .. Glroux Grar: H India- 9% ! » 4% 4 14 H 14 4 57 , i . 2 PAILROAD. 220 B ¿ W El p? 80 . Y >.'H H i-T 181 ¦ i MH BONDS. . -. ; -¦'* .*-¦*. lit MINING ttichlgta t% 74 .*: . .. 90 4 '> Klpls-uag i \ North Butts Lake., ''l Old Col Cop 4 - i Creek.. iv, f?9 Santa Fe... 4 ttUCk '.-'.r. 20 : Utah., i « 4'« 99 rrlnlty. tel 39 lo pref.... 4 l'uhi r 4 torts i*. .' 47 "h lo« «5H '«'» 17% 26 4 to IS ""» « < a* I, 19*4 2 « 1* - -. 4*> -*l « « 4 BOSTON CURB STOCKS. Broad nd 20 Km«; street West, «tr. «-'. III » I- 29 . i no h HS "i !.¦« I, . .'¦ |. 1 :. -*."«»' I ¦. IM » ïi « ntng 4: 1,000 K I «' .il rights... M 2 7 "¿ .««« L'nlted Verde 1 l\ «.t Miami... «.«» 1" IU) '.. 'r.il j n mu ..... .¦¦»'«-» Knifer . -.r. ii.. laton « 4 « ¦¦ti . 33 - « ''* . i «ta i" a s i' -*.« S2 i - . I i 14 42 1" IS I 4*7 14 JA 4'i l" 1H I 49 84 14 2 H -I CHICAGO STOCKS. «-,: ... '. ;.. i>r. | ... .ji -.. Tool No 1. IHS do No 2. US ¦!'. Ko S t.« i ¦. u .. Match.. i" 'nri, Bowell.. r ir. National 100 Swift i- . in do r«r«-f. 74 Dntted ltoxboar«! l. . ;»,4 lift M\ 1'«'4 »«', IOS , s IS ft 104 U l«*.«*-» 71', :«»:4 us»; [ u«*.*, '- I Ia"«W. « lO' .,4 US 1464 !«¦', 1154 -I I 14-r, «ta 4 i«.-. n n -, i«» , i i i«..-. 109 104 S II I'M 4 Í At 108 100 1"«'. IHI'4 1'V.»4 sus \ "I nvi 124 4 \ 71 NO?. $l1,o«iiii-*-,m BdltSM ft«. M.Vj 108 108*4 108H 8.0««orhlc Ç R lit 6e.l«f-4 1"2*4 1054 102% ft.«>K» Chi«« Rys 1st f.* 100*4 1'V1'4 îtvi7» 100*8 ft.myo do 4s Serl»» H B , B . M*Z 904 l.'i.'iOChlc Telei« .'«*« l".'. \<>2\ lOSÚ 1024 ft,«»«* Met E!ev 4s. *_-*. 12*4 B2S .«.-¦ «i PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. «"-lirnlsh«*«! by «"liarles n Barn*y .t Co No. 28 Broad street. N>«v York, »ni N'o. 12': «Soutli 4th btreet, Phllad-lphi.« « I'll ¦.sV».|.| Bl.l.Ask».l. "4 Ia*hli*-i N';«*. ¦¦' 90 44 Loti Vsl H R 83ft TAS it-hlla «.o... BB du prêt. 44 124 Penn R R »Co «-A 10 Penn Sreajl pf.102 2«) . 1S»4 «15 Phlla Rap Tr 2.1 214 en Tro. »ion.. 50H 32'. »,'n «,««. Imp. 87'» ïi'4 Welsb.-i.-h do. 'O BONDS. -.¦*:4 l'hila El ft» !-*« Milla en t* 99 92% I Am Rv «Tr. 4.1*«» ''ami) S'.. i j C Tr of N J *«" El M «r "£<a». M% El Os of A. 124 Falrni't Tt 0 Gen Asphalt l«"»*«. lo pref ... «34 1 Co et N A 21 4 Taake 9 Torp Ml H do pref El Pm M N J Con 5».1C«4 Phlls El 4s S2 4 4»', 62« lúa i-'. 884 i»C\ 0TS 104>i .- , BALTIMORE STOCKS 1 by Boyer. Grlsw ' V'-.rk. a Baltimore Bid.AtVed is 103 105 Cfal« R '«*-'¦ Con»oi Cesl i«*4 4 ' *'i «lO! POA-.114 116 r il» M*. ;o 44* Cot Duck fts I 1st «s 49 - ».. 11 old «t Co.. No 42 Brosd- 109 Vi.' German Bid A Hous O ctfs r' N R fi U 5s 100 Nor Centra! Seat*. A Line 254 do 1*1 rref ftl do II United do lac «Jo'? <io 1st » do rr.-i» ft« 87 «Ved. M l«*0*4 1S1 '-4 ."«2 IT* l«4 t-«; M STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES iQuoted i¦. Giib««r« ' t . » Coin. «PL Colonia, '¦'ontment 0 Cres.-ciit P T «"¦iim't «r P L Eureka P I, Gai Signai O de pi p i. _ns" II 2TÍ I Eiiott * Co., Ko M Pia* BU A-k-' P L 190 if»-« i... ....... m 0 of lu.' ." Sua 0 of i 1*28 -«"tan O of Ken "' f). Btsn c< of Neb lift K-.'Sran 0 of MO «Stan Oll S Y SftO . .- ' t ¦.I I'« lu " -." ;n MX) 2.3 .E> dividend Yac'j'an«. rights ! Executor Trustee Char. «. «ó 1822 The Fanners' Loan and Trust Company, Nos. 16,18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue, New York. WbON H o^B?o\Tdß87rsß;tWR G PARÎ* ***** *»«**« Trftfelers' Letters of Credit, Foreign Exchange Administrator Guard!« CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. It was a feverish market on the Coniol] «iated Exchange throughout th* day. and it ...._ svldent that the Titanic disaster was still having a depressing effect upon senti nient. Trading was less activo in the late. loon than earlier in the session, but the total for the entire day came close to Wednesday's record. Considerable Irregu¬ larity existed between quotation levels on the floor and prices on the New York Stock Exchange. One of the firms which have been doing an arbitrage business with Lon- don r.ported that it had not been easy to M of stocks abroad at the prices fe-om there before the local opening. Commission houses handled a large edd lot business in New York fVntra! Detailed operations '.How: STOCKS. 14 53*4 6. 334 us If. 40 «I 4 4S4 10*4 .tots .74 -._ X .2534 -. 50 Salea Open. Hlr** 100 A!!!e-Cha_rners. 5,150 Amal Copper.. lS|'i A-n Bee: Sugar 71«) Am Can _ 00 .0 pref.115%. »JO Am Car & tfOry- &> m Am Cotton Oil. 80 .* m Ice 150 A m Lin*eed 160 do pro?. 20 Am l/>comotlv-e 2.7'e'e Am Smaltlnf... 40 Anaconda Cop 50 At, TASK... 10 Bait A Ohio 120 Beth Stiel. ..0 Brcok Rap Tr. 120 Car.ad Pacific. 200 Cent Leather 70 Chea Se Ohio 230Ch Mil &. St P. 11'.4 SO Col Fu A Ir. .' ¦¦¦. 10 Cor.sol Gas 810 Com Pr3__c:_.. 10 30 Dlft 5_c_r!*.l.s.. _2 1.030 Er!« .374 20Ot North pref... 1314 tatsr-Met .20 60 do pref. _:4 ' .'alley. ..164 4 770 Mo FsdflC... 44'» 10 Nat Land.... 1,780 N Y Central., 11MÍ 20 Nor American 290 Nor Psslfte.1214 40Pennsylvania ...123% 70 Pitts Coal. 22 ¦j'.i Gas 10.Í..0 Roadins .1«54 20P.ep trie!.Z1\ V<o r:o.k is:¦*_._.. 2.4 .',0 do r.êf. 57 4 MOfouthern Ps; .1124 20 Southern Rway 10 do pref.... 80 Tana ( yppar 10 ?':.:..»> r.-'«- ..:.¦: Avanua -.;._ Pacific. SO r I Rubber ».0801 74- 114 _4h 17_:4 714 SO da pr<r .1124 a-Car fotal ml«. .4 S4 4 " 1 33 4 1154 404 MM% £6 434 1084 107 4 3S4 S24 238% 264 504 lll'i 148% ISH 32 374 1314 204 5S4 l<i_4 44 4 120 1214 1254 22 10S% :C64 23« 294 1124 * 74 4 414 *'i M H 173 DSV 714 I »24 M'A I_cv 14 Í2«¿ toi 115% 604 l'y» l.SOO Atta-ta 400 Reicher . 50 Belmor.t î.oo«. n: culi .... 4.«. Tors \ ir_.lr.ian '¿On Crn'i, n BOO ror.s Imperial ïoldfleld Cens :i Butler.. ".. rant Star ¿4' BONDS Pia» 6».100 MININO . ..O 31 1 «V) 1 00 10.28 1^4 .104 1.00 .12% 4 0 17 ..7 244 154 40 434 &4 4 43 108% 107% 374 S24 2524 26 ¡0 110% SO 1434 15 4 364 1314 20 1644 43 53 .34 12o «4 12.', 4 »% 10S4 I64 4 234 2D 574 112% 28». T«% 41 *4% -74 1714 Kl roi 1124 8S% Last. 14 634 C54 334 1154 5ô4 5? 24 4 164 40% 42% 84 4 43 108% 1074 3S4 *24 2534 264 80 4 1104 30 1434 154 32 37 1314 20 6*4 1644 434 58 i: .4 83% 1214 125 4 214 ios-2 1634 234 20 4 M 112% 294 74 4 41 24 4 374 172 544 714 112% 6i «ft 1 00 124 4 ro .71 .47 « 30 1.00 10.25 .104 SI l M 124 4 M SO 47 ' »ana . 3.22VÍ 3 224 3.2o 300 Mexican 3 83 S.K, ,. 1 1«. 1 4.1 1,000 15% 154 -r.rah Ext. 2 15 2.15 10 ;i«0 shares. 1 4'. .154 2 15 .1 1.00 10.25 10% 1.00 124 4 M 71 47 3 20 : 10 15 4 2.15 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. THE MONET MARKET..Money on eau cení iiie_h"st 3 \>e.r cent; », Hi K-r cent; losing ;>2 per ruling rat»», 3 per cent Tims money «a1 tin'-lianc-'l. Th«1 suppl] exceeded the de¬ mand, whi.-h was not keen Rates, per csnl tor sixty and nlnetj nl for four, live and mx months. Mercantile paper came Into tbe market with moderate freedom, Some of the local tlons «r.- temporarily out of the the market, but the demand in the whol»» Bat» t for six! ... and ninety »lays' Indorsements; i'./l'-j per cent for .; four and months' sintió for others FOREIGN EXCHANGE.The foreign exchange market opened stronger, Influ- by the sha ling In Lorvlon discounts and lower rates f«.i money, Business aras oderatety active. The market closed dull an.! about ,". points eai-i. r r"««r sterling. There light feature. Final quota« ¦ i'. 1 «¦ _nd v'.'r!i-:iT. 4 1720; ca 4.8770; sixty-day hill-. 4.84%®4.84%; short [e'ni?< 1-22 Short relchsmarks If a »had* ¡- _dl 1 at . i-i8»g 95% plui .' M raí posted rates follow: Plxtv dm». Demand I .4 «44 4.M ¦. r.-l hsmarks . 04S '.."'4 . inca . r. 2i. Paris, f.-nn» .5.194 3 ;.;-, francs . 6 20% Holland, guilders .4i> 10 10.SS IX)ME3TIC EX«CHANQE-Boaton, :.«. pre- mlurn: Chl«cai -'irilum: New in! commercial, :'.",<. .ll-.ount, hank 11 prtitiliitn ask.-d: St. Louis. 30c premium bid. 35c pre¬ mium asked: Minneapolis, 50c premium; Charleston, buying par, seiiint» 1-10 per eent premium; San Francisco, sió'ht graph BANK CLEARINGS. . Now T«»rk. ex- Chafgea *-".47,4_J.:':v7, balances flT.7T»7.11«». Bos¬ ton, exchanges 6l.t01.9Sl, l»alan-«»?s $1 «374,983; Baltimore, exchanges Jô.4.*7.7U. t., J67O.0.M; rid «ago. exchanges |51,S ¦nces 12.792,607: Philadelphia, exchai ... balances tl,S07,19i SILVER MARKET Commercial bar sll- ver, 59'ic; Mexican diver dollars, 47.-. Rar Fllver In London closet! at 27 5-lCd. MEXICAN KX.-'MAN(;K.-Mexi.»an ex- Cfaange on New Tork Is riiif.t.'d at 901<%> BÜB-TREASURT. The Bub-Tlreasury wu. a debtor at the Clearing House for $«.9,". ''30 »-. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS. (FiirnU-i-el b> H. H P. PeU * Co., No. 37 Wall 810 «sf.0 1N- 1S5 41'. 17.". 440 .Tltna America Am Excb... 240 Battery Pk. 120 Bowery _3-rt Bryant Pk.. 150 Bronx Bor. 330 Bronx _ l-'S Butch A D. 130 .ry Chaae .... Oh.it Phnx. i"hcl*ea Ex Chemical Clt Central City Coal & Iron 158 Colonial ... 400 Columbia .. ¡to* Commerce 900 «'orn Fxch.. 3uS Eait Bl\er. 110 ndellty ... IfX) Fifth Ave. ,4r»0O Fifth .335 First Nat f.95 Foarth Nat. _!i10 Oallatln .. 345 Garfleld ... 285 German-Am 140 German E Germania Gotham 0rasawlull Hanover atreet.) Bt'i. Asked 1».*» ñ i(_0 247 198 Bid. Asked. 450 525 lfiO 245 654. .li- HO :40 190 105 4'^> 1.5 450 1<«5 S4S 2Wi SIS 125 170 1110 206 BOO 150 475 650 170 255 665 Harrlman N. Imp O Trad. tn'A lrvliiff \- Ex. 225 JUbertv .5'JÖ I Lincoln ..175 IManhat Co.. S*o Mkt & t>il 180 lisch A Met. 2»'»0 I Mercantile .. 175 Merchants' Is2i, ltn) Merchants' E I»"41 17o Metropolis .. SéO I Metropolitan. 105 .Mount Morrla 2."eO Mutual . 275 Nat Nassau. 300 ¡ Nat Deserve. 80 New NethTd N Y County. IN T N B A. Pa-lite .... Park . People'a Produce Ex. Seaboard Second Security Sherman State ... 23d Ward Union Exch Wash Hts.. West Sid«.. Yorkvt!!* 210 850 335 250 070 :35 170 415 375 IIS 1S5 ISO 2«0 550 r,ts il«* in «10 31.5 ;t4.N 900 2C. 180 38.*. 208 3ÔÔ 310 93 875 .350 275 375 MS 176 145 17" TRUST AND SURETT COMPANIES. Al.tance Ry. 115 1Î.0 lUwi' Tlt.e . 237H 2424 Am Surety. 290 "Lawa* Mtge. -.'24 A»tor . aw . iLincolr. . 145 .Bankers 5.2's 697%; L I «Loan. .. 300 B.MG 2S3 -.5 ¡Metropolitan. 420 Broadwav. 170 BrookKn' .. 485 Cas Co of A 115 Commercial. . C-ntrai ....10« City lnv»at. 51 do pref... 88 Citizens' ... 140 it... Com'wealth, »empire Erntabl* ( T. ,-v T fldality ... Franklir. . F..:ton - Guardian .. Guaranty Hamilton Hudson ... llon.e . Int Bk Cor. KliiRs Co... .-ty-..-l< .;.*'. 125 300 540 lion 218 . 270 310 too .1000 . 270 135 105 -,, ISO 130 100 is 03 150 370 '50 810 550 141.1 2^4 2!s0 110 1015 '45 115 90 Mut AlManc« 125 IMtse Bond M N'assau 140 I *Nat Surety 217 ] N Y Mts 4.- S -.5 N Y Trust 635 N Y Life in. 1030 Peoples 2% 'Queens <"*o luO (Queens Co M 100 Realty Aiso. Ill Standard 'Title OAT« 5S0 I Title In» 111 |U S Casuji S M A 1 WO Union U S Title G. «O Unit Staff. .112t' Washington. 3i¡0 Westchfstar. JM> W * B T A M ISO Windsor '.¦" 228 155 810 ÏA' 135 112 155 223 215 «ttö !f«0 3«06 110 110 125 ¦>«> 4-35 1 Itf 100 1' 35 »1" M. 170 ¦. .Ne* stick SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRI8UNE- Ma !cd anywHera m »hi United S*a*>es for J2 50 s yesr. j HAVANA hl FCTRIC RAIL WAV COViPANv I Compañía tí3 Gas y Electricidad dt la Habt«, To the Holders of I Hsvana i lextric.-lai way ompany Common i-jak. Havana I-xtric Railway Company Ve'«*-.«' «tofl. Companiade -asv-lei-riodadde la Haba« toa A arg«- majority of each class of the \v. , stock* ha'.*tng been deposited under th« F . Amalgamation dated M.ARCH STH i«**"- (B% said Plan is hereby declared oper.-'.v» In ord«r to enable Stockholders ««he h*v« not yet deposited their stock to participate «.-> the Plan, the tlm« for th* depot;« of cert!«». cates of stock «"'1th the Depos;*--:'.«-., .,.-. tloned Ira *sld Plan is hereby ex*e.'.-¦ i «0 the 22nd DAY Or APRIL. 1912. after which da?« no stock «sill be received except -:..:. ««v. tl. press consent of the Managers and upon ..¦ei, terms and conditions as they may «.. «--.».»¦- «.r-n ."-th. 1912. SPEYER ti CO. M laagers. ««««¦««««««««««««««¦««««'«¦««««.".1 ¦» Opportunity j for investment of small capital which will provide resources when ycu are past middle life is offered in rr.-rt- g?.ge bonds secured by income-pro¬ ducing: real estate. A net 6% yearly income, paid semi-yearly, en sums of $100 and upward, will give you com« fort "a hen you need it. Writ« to the Xew York Real Estate Security Company, 42 Broadway, Xew York City, for particulars regardm«? the $100, $500 and $1,000 mortgage bonfi offered by them to small investori Write for Circular Xo. 6. OUTSIDE SECURITIES In the market for outside securities the wireless telegTaph Issues cuntlr.uc-d to mo» nopolize attention. In other parts ci ...* Hit trading «vas 1 Irr.! ted, although th eral tone was firm. Marconi of America, after opening down 5 points, made a ser.« sational advance of 73 points, but lubse» quertlv lost about 9. Trie new stock ad¬ vanced 3 on renewed activity, but liter -t« acted. Canadian and English a'.«-o slowed advances. Lehlgh Valley Coal u ¦ 3 points. British-American Tob« io trga comparatively quiet, within narro"v llmlttV The copper stock; were dull. f.rmiT. Silver issues were about Porcupine stocks were steady but Ins 1 In bonds New York City 4',-, " :. were in change good dtMnaad _* INDUSTRIAL. .l Share«. Ht»h "".".O .A!'l<**_ Sec-ir «30 «7 87 tPl 14 *_ald-*-ln Locc.. 53 300 It 6«5_ J I ''a«e prel 12*. Ma«-1 at Transit.. I :.- IOC M Run-*1« 99% *Mr% 29 Stan Oil ISO -tan Oil of ! 880 S il «-t-ger pref. K»> 54 r I 18] 183 MINING- . 11 ., .-- 1,500 .r ti 3«X» Bradsn -.- « 3 '»»"I .C O D < 1.S0O Consol Ariz BnJ l.n«y> Davis 1.«.«»¦> Dion* Florence l.<«>» .Oreen*"*» r OOGuia-enheim lA 109 ir.-pl- Cons w i IMI 8,700 * 500 Korr Lske 2'* ¦'« .';.«. 30<> Ma«on V* 4«'««» tVlp.SSlns M TOO Ohio ' * «"»1 IM If] '? 5 H .i li*V :.* en 2'. 1.. no«) bo Utah m ". «i SU"-, dp » J *."-. MOTulsr . oe »tWetl Silver M BONDS. $-«>.«.<.' .*, 000 In«***- «"««¡is c* t »'.«¦ 1' .">'. v s CltJ i .">1 «4 I'M*. .. \ -, f »I i«'l ',. lOlH 5-H '. i 4 11 A IB n'» I 19N I 1A '.«, II i 1* ¦'« i i '- .¦*» 4 *, «j |f*1 . -«I 4 1! ft «. ¦.'« - « | 1«'*« 4 128 MX 4 . «<"| ¦.«¦ tP*X «IHll«*".' GUARANTEED STOSKS rtajbass laxtwr«*! ill Brroadwaj . Se, 83 7«. !¦«.> 130 111 .111 Mb J ¦- Mb «v \' I \. ,v «. v L.in \ i. m ». es Iteech C:¦ É »lb K0 lost ,v »-.¦.¦> -l » pra-.2M b & ith Av.tan Bklyn Ci«>- .I'«) c n «"uñad*. Bo « il 1st pf do 2d rl «'al A Bue. C Croastown. | 10* C I Bit .. .*.' do ctfs J*'.1 .rtl «. pflC« Clrne'd ft * IS" Clev A Pitts. WT 40 spl bet. coi & x...m «one A M...IJ C'.ns A V .fJJ C A P n pM3» conn Rl m U.. 2 ta stet *." Dayton M g do paid.- "O D Hd Brk.190 Det H «t S. W East P«*i"n.¦."2*' Elghlh Av*..3«*0 Kimlra AiW .100 j-, oref_i4¿ r.rlo & P'"!'-'" Fttrhb'f Pf;-}-2 J pf,12S 'lFï?S rranklin T 110 O R i*_BCo2',3 G Stk T.. 115 Gr Blv Vy 113 Hart & C W 40 Hereford ... m c L L..- ff M Misi T ni Interocean T. M Jack L & I H ¡0 JnlUt Ch.190 K A A C B130 K^-FSAMp et 77 KC?tLAC pf.105 I>ack c* «.« 94 Little Muml.2<»9 ! i A M »»-«.«14W I. M R pf 125 L 3 X D 4 C 100 M Coal R pi 1«» M Coal .760 1»'» 71 -V. 10H a m 110 1«X> 162 7»J »>5 85 100 11*5 99 133 110 Mar. & Law..-_!"> Manhattan .. .la.'. M aseaw Vl 1*0 M H i. S II.. Mobil« «V B I do rr> f i Morris «v E-.172 | do *xta.. .\ - | V.i.«h Low.213 Lea X MB N V & H »&P.3.V» \VU_M H pf.W S Y Mu*. Tel. 3S N Y la A W.AJ* Ninth Ave. ...H'"« 1 North Car. .lfJCB Kortla (N H).14«'> I Sorth (N J).. 95 North Pin- North«- Til. 110 Norf «.- W -kf.ilO oíd Colon\ 0*wego A .«". .2**5 Pac a At T.. «*.'. Pat A H R II. Pat A Ram. .100 Pemlr Va;«j ,i20 Peo A B Vy.,175 Phi'.a G A N.296 P B A I. E.. «30 do pref.130 P Ft XV A C.l«*« do special i."«) Pitts A L hi.ltr, 'P McK A T..129 IP Y A A pf -l*íl IProt* A Wore.270 Kens A fiara. 184 Bi.í.AskíÍ 132 IR A G V; .118 230 i Rom* A c!. Ï25 141 ISO 134 290 115 2H8 120 US 48 I 97 75 104 M 1«5 140 90 ISO M 212 510 150 120 HO MO Rut A .JCh... 130 IR Wt A Of.12«" far* A fich.mo ¡fécond Av«»... 10 Sharon Ry...lll ISixth Av*....120 So A At Tel.. 90 làouth-v of G. 109 IS L B l»t pí. 120 do 2d pr*f.. 50 St J A So B.. 30 do pref.10O ISvr BAN Y.275 IT A G R As.ISO Tun of St L. .120 123d *tre*t....200 |U C A S Vy.,140 il" C A B. « iuwj BB a ram Upp«r Coo*. .12*3 It' A B R1V...17* IV» of N Y..117 Vt A Ma*s...l«*0 War?« _It» 140 I 7 17«.' « . li-> fag ¿.V' 112 104 P2S 190 1ST fa¬ ll» 191 2"0 7l> 130 IM 8«» «S"- 140 Its? UV» 1ST II*«» Ittft 140 ISO ÎÔ 11$ is.*» 100 Î12 ISO «0 2 1M M !30 2S0 m 7* i*2 189 IO vas »i't. "4'4. .4'4. NEW YORK CITY BONDS. liumlih**- by TV. N. «Coler A C«x. No. 4S CeAtt street. 1 'Ai'"-*",«<1 liiterMt to be »«aid«*-.) B1«L n«<v («-rhen !s*u««->.101 March, I960, op. SO.1("1H September. l»i*0.101H tiovenbat. 1957.107 .ji,, Ma- 1I.S7.....107 -c'2 .1«, No-emb«r, lèl7.lOlH 1«S ll: Maj* 1WT.1M< MJ May lt>59.90H MH ri9M.na » '...'...Y.\['.'.'.'.'.'. 9*fS l*2m WVM. 99 M 1188.....99 **_ .*k5.99%, M 1041 .88 H _ »7. i"«:*-*--l9l4 «i-aiHlObsí«» i .4*. .1» .M» -4» t* !'« t-''« »34 Ma* 1!»57 M* 1919 No* »«ith«-«-. Mot embei .Coupons lnterchar.feabl«. tR*'T-*'«^*«-,<*«»*« cons .«¦»»"«..>-. « sad «soupoa.

STOCKS SHOW IRREGULAR CHANGES ON LIGHT TRADING …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-04-19/ed-1/seq-14.pdf · .PTe will pay $7,500 (seven Iheeoaafl tit«- hnndre»! doliera)

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Page 1: STOCKS SHOW IRREGULAR CHANGES ON LIGHT TRADING …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1912-04-19/ed-1/seq-14.pdf · .PTe will pay $7,500 (seven Iheeoaafl tit«- hnndre»! doliera)

.PTe will pay $7,500 (seven Iheeoaafl tit«-

hnndre»! doliera) for the r»«hla belonaing leKin ,..ne hundred) aharee of tli»» at »ah of l lie


OF AHERICASmaller Iota in proportion. Tlie _*>ll»-r lo

retain the five hundred slinres samt tain. *"..n0

«fflvo dollars) which he aeXn in ..».. I- ...i..» for

bis preeent abarea of stock.

L. P. CARTIER,.0 Broad Street, New York

Phonaa 074«".-'.'-«----M) 7!'.'. »v Broad.

Hollister,Fish & Co.

BANKERSMe«>iber» N. Y. Stock Exchange

Investment SecuritiesInterest Allowed on Deposits.

Nnssau and Pine Streets..no

National Silk Dyeln*F<xlerai Sugar fom. A Tref.Michigan United Kail« av Prctferr.fiDel.. I each. O Western <o_l.nteroatlonal Salt 1st Ô». 19MOneeapeake * Ohio Warm *»prln/fa .">». ton

S. H. P. PELL & CO.Members New York S-tork Exchange

Dealers tn rr.!!«'*-fl end Inactive Securlt:»«-Tei. fSSS-S-T-8 r, Hanover $7 t\ all St N T

Standard OilISSUES

Gilbert Eliotl & Co.Specialigta

34PineSt.,N.V. Tel. John 855


J. G. WHITE & COMPANY, Inc.Engineers & Contractor»

Investigation of Public ServiceProperties. Steam Railroad«.

Industria« Plants, Etc43-49 Eichat-ge Place. New Tor.

Chirago. Ill San rranoiaco. CaL

FREO'K F. MARQUANDMea-.csr of Ccr.-.üäated Stock Eg. of N. T

*e!. _o_o Broad 59 Hroad »t., S. Y.

STOCKS AND BONDSFor Investment or oe Margin.





applicationR\l MF A (O.


f.V y. Stock Exchange_I*m..rs A Boston Stock Exchange

(Chicago Board of TradePr!\ate wire connections to our offlcea la

Boston Providence and principal Canadianrules Canadian and Boston stocka a specialty

Boyer, Griswold & Co.Bankers

42 Broadway. N. Y.A pamphlet containing suggestions for mak¬

ing stock tianaftrs will be mailed on requeet.

wTncoler&co.ESTABLICHED 1«S70.

Investment Bankers«S CEDAR ST.. NEW YOKK CITY.

Na_- York City Bunda. All Issues.


F. NEW YOKK. < tilt \<;0 AM» ST. LOIISKAIl.KOU» (OMCANi.

Cleveland, O.. April ist, 1S11NOIP'E IS HERSBY OIVKN that the A li¬

guai Meeting of the ¡jtoekholders of this Com-I«any. for the election of Directors and for theransa.ctlon of auch other business as may berought before the meeting, will be held at the

principal office of th»- company. In Cleveland,Ohio, on the FIRST WEDNESDAY (being the1st day» of M _Y, 1818. m 8 o'clock a m. ThePoll wilt continue «pen for one hour thereafter.Bv order of th« K"urd of Directora.

I'WiiillT \\ PARDEE, S. retary.


4'.' Bnwdwajr, _.<._ Y«eik. April is, f.rjAt a meeting of the Directora ««f the Amal¬

gamate t*««iiticr Company a dividend of «me

Ter tvn». <r,. «n_ declared, payabi« Mnv JT,1912. to e»t««i khoM.ee> ,,f r<.r..r«| on the books <«ftli» Company *» of i" on, April _.'.,

W2 A. H. MKI.IX. Be_

The spectacular advance inENGLISH MARCO» IAMERICAN MARCONI

What aro the facts to explain thisstock's activity? What ara the pros¬

pects of the enlarged corporation?Full details on request.

J.Thomas ReinhardtDirect ¦« Broad .st., Ne« York.

t .... Devonshire St., Boston.ni> i ftices at 'v i.) !<eng 8t ..".. Toronto.

9 Old Broad St.. London.


foreign account In the local stock marketaggregated .S/OO shares, mostly purchase;..The heavkst buying was In United StatesKteel common.STOCK .EXCHANGE NEWS.~The Stock

Exchange seat of the late Augustin.. Kanksha« been posted for transfer to Dudley R.LeJand The Beat of Charles J. Lawsnn hasbeen posted for transfer to Frederick L.Richards. Frederick Pelzer has be«n elsetoda member of the exchange.DIVIDENDS DECLARED. - Dividends

have been declare as follows: The PcrrotSilver and Copper Company, regular quar-t»rly II cents, payable May 27, and theCambria Steel Company, regular quart»"-!'1«*% per cent, payable May 15SUB-TREASURY TRANSFERS.-The

Sub-Treasury transferred $200,000 to SanFrancisco yesterday for the account oflocal banks, making a total of 1755.000 sofar this week There also has be^n trans¬ferred from this centre in the current weekfSOft.000 to New »OrleansSUGAR PRICES HIGHER -All refiners

of sugar have advanced prices to a basisof * **. cents, less 2 per cent for cash.


¦w- "'ahei by Rwartwout a Appentellar. No. 44Pin« street »

Name. Maturity. Int yield.Atlantic Coast Une 4 p ... 1913-17 4s* 4V»B'iff BAP *-*..» P <.. 1819-27 4S 4*Cent of Oa Ry 4*.-« p e. 1913-*17 ..4V«. tuCentral R R of N J 4 p c, 1918-17 44 4Chaa A Ohio 4 p c. 19li-'17. 4H 4'-«.-hie A Alton 4-44-5 V c, 1913-19 .. f, 4>,»¦hie A E I» «*«_-- p c. 1918-17.4H 4',rhle. R I O P Ry 4 V»-« n e. I9l8-*19. 4% 4Hrm, HAD 4H-6 p e. 19...-*». 6* «1Del J. Hud 4H p c. 1922.tv, «Erie 4-4H-« P C 1913-17. fiHocking Valley 4-tH p c. 1913-18.... 5Hudson A MAn S p C. 1913*19. o%K C. Ft S A Mem 4H p c. 1913-1B... 8Kansas C 6o 4V4 p c. 1913'IB.6Dehlgh Val R R 4-4 _i p c. 1913-1S.. 4% «2Mo Pae Id c. 1918-'17....ß* tn%Mobile A Ohio 4-8 p c, 1918-'18..6 «u(;TC Linea 5 p c, 19l3-*22. 4H 4WNorf A W 4 P c. 1S18--IS.4%, 4'*Fenn 3'.i-4 P c, 1918-'t7.4\»4*gt I, A 6 F 4-44-5 D c. 1913-'17.. . 6>4 i\do Guar A C A F 8 p c. 1913-17. .8 ju

Seaboard Air Lino 4J_-8 p c, l._3-*17. fi |kSouthern Ry S'.»-*^'» p c, J913-*21.. 4% 4V.\'lrglnlan Ry 8 p c, I9:í-'Í9. 5V, 4 -.

«JVabaah R R 4i»-5 p -, IS13-'21.8* 4*.VTheellnr A L B 4«i 8 p c. 1918 '2Í.. B»i 4%



Sli rs Netr-.'lil.¦«¦):_.

Adams Expr« «-.

I.'*.' !. ;Allis-»'halineis Co.¦Allls-chalm« rs CO. pr.AmalKiimat'ii Copper..An «i [« an l'e«-t i"u**ar_Ahht'cu- I'.«- ! "-".--aAtn« trican

:ROOO. .«,3,801,800 UI.000- %

Actual Sal«««. «'loslrig.'»1«. HI. i.iiw Fini_17';. -_17i~_ _Í7*¿ _3T* -..

1% 1%| il«, va) y-3%, 3%l PA 8%a% us] tri'**

pr, '..% :.** 4 98 Wi34% 34% 33%

American Can pr.1116% 116 11.'«'- H-«;-» l'¦-*-.. ¿.¦ *._»% Air.fi-i.-an Car «t Fdry.... 53% »>% 69% 60 3*¿"% 10

A»n«'ii«-aii Car & Fdry. pr li-. 11«', 118 Llalli« .

'American «~"Ptt««n (»il. S3 63«*. ["¦»_% ó:*. -.'*.I"" « % 'Amer. Hide & Leather pr M*. US\ 34%I 21% 24% «

¦¦ % Amerlcaii Ice 8<scurlties... 24% 24% 23% '«SU 2S*i,Amerl«.«an Unseed ....

Arruri.-an Linseed pr..'.«."¦ % American Iaocomotive

4 Am«.'ikan Malt .l/1"»' ? % American Ma» pr-7400 .**- % ¡Amerl.-an Smelting ..

. Amerl'-an .Sm«-lt. pr.»4 ¡American Smelt, pr B.*i Anitii«-an Steel Wry..

100 « % Amerl -an Tel. <& Tel...1,000 k % American Tot»fiu'/«o pr new '

KO - ¦", American Woolen pr. :«i ?i

ir.% 184 10% 16% i«101 ;..« :*-.'.. « 39%

4.' 13% 13 ¡413**I 18% 12%! 12*í| 12%«a 86 84»* 84% B4% 84%

107% 107% i07«a 107% 107%«-71«, «7-i n «: n B7134% ,-41,' 84% -",', :"i

11*; 14«* H.".7, 146% 145% H«.ICB IOÎ'.1 91 MU

S.-i'rs Netsold. oii«í«^¡_2,»<M0.1% IMarine pr.

. [May lM«t. Btoree.«y»«i-- ', :.Mkmi Con. Copp-sr.100 «h Mlnn. o Bt. laou

% Mlnn. iV Bt. Louis pr..,', M., S». I*. ... & S' M,.,'» Mo.. Kan, .v T« las.

Mo., Kan. I7,600 \ Missouri Ps .

% National Bis« ult .SM t%INtt Knam. 1. ¿- 8tpg...800 - National L. a«i .

300-Na». of Mes. Zd pr.% Nevads «'"ii. Copp«er_

[ Actual Saleí«. « "fôsliiK-Op.l Hi. Low Fini Bid. A«-.«

2V-, 21% '."¦* 30Ü 2" -

;., 7.,"

7" 7"M 28 -


n -.;i. . 50

26 -.



% Amer. Writing Pnper pr..i 8fi1.«-.«-», . % ¡Aneconds1.200 - '-., ¡Atchisofl .

760I. ¦.*, Atcnlson rr.300. «4 lAtlantic Coas» Une

8,000 t S ¡Baltimore A Ohio...3(«0' + "s Batopilas Minin-r

% iBethl.'liem Steel .,

6,2801 +1% (Bethlehem Steel pr

1«** -i

43»«, 43% 43 43 42%. 48IlA», !"¦ . 10**%103%!103%'103% 103"4 103%'141 '141 141 141107% IOS»« 107% 1".

» '¦'v Si î% 287% 88« 87% »*4 M 88\.M**! W% «*.4«*-4 «V* 8M«j

300 .* iBrooklyn Ram«! transll '. *-7- *«--'r'- «^7-î Ö. Brunswick

anadian Pacifici?t-ritra1 Ls I

1,10o .¦** centrai LeatheiH .Che.5. «ft Oblo....v hica-?o Gt Western

- > 1. '«Chicago G«. V.'ostern pr,..; 37 37 ."7 37 S»Ml] i Bt Paul.. D"-"h «n-. il"-- uo'/üfi'.iiw*

16.8K» Ch., Mil. <5r S« Paul ¿iKht**- *-> 17-32 H33-64 -

".-m1 - -S 'Chicago Un, Trft.-t **% 8t4| V*k\ VA\ 3*é. 3Sr ¦«.' «r-4 iChicago Union Tractiot pr 9 10% >t ^4 9%! 9%

10 1 10 M 10 !.»: l"'éHito 253",

-'.'4 *¦**.»? >-'i?.'7fc<*«» 80»4 79% 79%| 794' 79%|19'a' WUl 19 19 18»*

.'144 :i44 143% 143%|148% 144f.1 15%' 18% 15% V-K

«4«' . % ¡Chino" Copper .I 29%| 29%! ^!*' 29% «^l4*! «-ö8»«iChino «""opper rights.! 42 42 41 41 '--

il .» % (Colorado Fuel & Iron 4 30%] ^ 29u ;/»- Comsttvk Tunnel

«KO1-¡Consolidated Gas8.4001 ? % Corn Products R*-?SM «-1 Corn í*ro«*uct? Reí pr - 88% fß% 8!M -1% ICrex Carp«t...I 75 76H1 TS 78%! 77% 78

¦s-o'. % IDel. «S: Hudson.!*;« 171 170 170 170".. Denver & Rio Grande ... 25%: 28%l 23 '23 J 23

- % Denver A R'.«? Grande pr..1 42V 42%i 41%l 417i 40% 43500!.*-, Dlstlllir-g Securities.! 32',' 22*.1 32 32 S2

% Erie.¦37% 87% "-'S 37 '37 37%¦¦ -«.¡Erie 1st pr.65% 68 155% 56% 55%! 561001. % IFed. M. «t S. .. ... .118 ! U 18 18 14%; 20

1«0 + % :Fed. M. «fr S. pr. | M 4*. M 46 43 :»

W\- General Them Co pr.3'X'i * % Gener.il Electric Co.

"«. Ger:. Motors¦(ñO-. % Gen. Motors pr

-, Goldfteld Con.21C01.% Great Northern rr.")'«'.'-4 Gt. Northern ere ctfî.

'Illinois «"entrai-. . «,, interboroufh-Metro

H InterborougíS-Metro. pr.% ¡Interr.afi.Mia! Hair.- International Harv pr.

International laper6»»i 4 ". international Paper pr.

«. intern 5t< a Pump....| 29%! 20".« 29¦'-Intern.-*', "»«am Pu«--o pr.l 83

Lake V.rte «_ Western20"

107«» 107**j 107% 107% 1**>6% 1084 170%,170% 170% 17'"» 170%

.! **5%l 85%l 35".. 35% 354 36.! 75 75 74i^ 74". 7:

! «ml t*-. 4%.1131% 122 1181% 131-H 131% 131%

S9%; 397» "97, S37«. 40%. _>%1_9%'129*«|

':?\- 20 19%58% 50 5Î% 58% 68%

.!llS 118%H17%I1174ÍU7 117%

.fia VA 1121 12! - IXJ%! 14

23% 3053 83 I

¦." 16 16 ISM

. K

I^ake Erie * West nr ..187 "T", îr j:-4 86 87Lake Blwr« *M 1« 1495 -i-«; 47^ .-"

Lehlth Valley .MI%:165% 164%,184% 184%H«4%7C»0 -S Louts-t/llle f. Neshvllle ...[MO il» 159%159%I159 il59%10r>|_% Macara*/ Coi .H B K So 14% Bñ-j

L.M0I. V, Marine.I 6%l ¦'-. '¦ . 1*. 4'-4 5 .1

22.f"--> - '¦, New v,,rk Central4 N. V.. h. & St. L...

N. V.. « & St la 2d100,.30% Sem fork I "«ok pr.'¦" * \ \. Y., * »'it \ W,«1.

.*» Norfolk «t West.1,300.% Nririh American.l.'>". '« Morthei n Pa« 11 0 .

l«30 '4 N ', State n>s.625 . Pac. Tel a- Tel.

', Pennsyl R.1 ¦«.«.¦ . ^4 Peoría a- pa«en.300 « S P.lu I oke.

F*l n id« J l Co .

1.ÍH» - p., (-., I" ft Bt la.'. Pitts al .

500 « '.. Pltr.s. «Joal pr.IO0 t *t l"r.-sse.J St'-.-l Car.

'. Public Service «"orp.100 P Lorlllard pr.100.% Qulckf.llver .

» -n. Railway Bte« 1 r*t.ring.'¦4 "<ay Con.

BI.6OOI- % ¡Readlnf .

adl g 2d pr.500 « % Repuhlio Iron «t Steel

1.3261 t- % Republic Iron & fUeel pr.9.3»» + % Rock Island .

.yo1- Rock Island pr .

100 . *"t. Lb «V B, F.230 '«j St. L.Hzri.F 1st pr.

EM L. & S. F. 2d pr.?,v - St. Louis Southwestern..4C0'.% S«ars-R«->ebuck.160|.1% IBloss-Shen*. Steel «»_ Iron

2.;i"' « % Southern Pacific.SO-S«>. Porto Rico Sugar pr.

«S»v« _ «U Southern Railway.JTXH. % Southern Rall*-.ay pr.1 - «-< Standard Milling pr ....

"i Seaboard Air Line.«¦ '-4 Tennessee Copper.

100 - Texas «A-, Pacific.800'+% Texas Co.

% Third Ave. R. R.2 !«.:»' » % Toledo Railways Sc Light..J90. % Toi.. St L. <_ West, pr2*00 v % Twin City Rap. Tr.

8.7M * "i Union Bag «fe Paper.2.V' - Vnlon Bag & Paper or_

¡ 84,600.% 'Union Pacific ..830 «. % United Ry. Investment....Vf) * % 'United Ry. Investment pr

- >4 U. S. Tnrl. Ale.20O 4l% t S. I-,d. A!c. pr.300 ?% U B. R-altv <t- Imp.

-"-4 United Str«tes Rubber.I'..'. % [United Stat«-s Rub. 1st pr.

79,000 - 'United States Steel.400 ? % ¡United States Steel pr ...

10,400.% T"»ah Copper .2.850 » % V!rg1r.1a-C-ro Chem200 » », U'aba«-h .

- .« Western Msryiand100 » \ \\>*itern Union Tel.I«3C0.% WMtlnffh. El <<*.- Mfg .'«.¦.-)_ iZ Wheel «_ L-tke Erie.BOO'-. ai WheeL ¿¿ Lake Erie lit prir,-. _ tu Wheel. Ä- Lake Erie 2d pr.-... . -4, Wls<*onsln **entr**J

_i -.

... 4*J"

4;« 48% 4*1*,141% 112 141 , I41%',141

-:, -1, -. -:-

,.. Ii% 4-1*4 O ti... ISO 1

l«% 1-**% 1*':« 1«*% l«%¡ ;:'*.'7 1 »7%

í 19-% I*.»-*», 19%.. 119%il20 119 119%|119%|11»%

a .v. «-.i

..1 90 r«» :«> 90 S71 _. <"¦)

.. 47 47 ! 47 47 U.. 40%. 40%! ¦»% !"'- 40 4'",..113%U3%|112% ll-'-'. 112% 112%.. 84 83%l 83%; S3»-i 83% 83%

¿ :. 12 , 121 121 ¡121%''-'2 92'

; 18% »« 4*- I» 18%:. i :.

; l« ' li .'-j.. i«'!"-« 106% 104% 105 104% I 5..21% -l1"-

-.. 14% 84% «M% 35,. lim, !?-', 110 11«) 109%U1©«_>%|110>i

* ¦- '.1 6% 6% .%M%| 3! M% 84

j« 20 vy.: 19 - 19% I166% i'X , 164«, li

., S', 96% 96> 96% ^.¦:.23% as 1

: ¦

29% 29% 29%. 67% '4 57%.! 27%! 27*4-1 27% 27% 27. 67% 67% 67% 67., «1% 41% V\ SIS 41 41%

?.:.-.. S3 32% 33 82% 33%,|163%!163% 1«2% 162% 1^*2% lr«3%.1 48 \a 4** II 47 43.112*4 113 112% 113% 112%H13,:no [110 110 110 106

¡ 1% 29 174%- 74% 73%59%' 5D%Im Im61% 41«,24% 24%96 M3*,%' 88%10 I K'».,24", 84%




20% 23%

60% 6825%







l^%10*»i !'."; 105% 106%10 10% 10 10% 10% 10%

SO 69% I fiO 5« GO172% m%jl71% 171% 171% 171%

% :» 33% 34%61%l <J1% 81% 61*«, 82

34% 31% 84% ':. Î2 24VV

10! :^2 101 1177% 77% 77% 77%65 56% '-"

112% 112% 112% 112% 112% 113%7Î-',1 72 70% 71 71 7'.%112%-1*2\ l'..% 11*2% !12'-112%.'4 84% 63% '- «.4%49% 50V 49% 50

- . ". ". -,-, a n

S 82%l%l SH 4S'

25%-. 13% 13% 13% 14

M :" M ;7 56% 5Í

50 "-'¦%87; 963%l 62%

'.¦1 8

25% ?--.

Fh'rs I Netsold 'chee

BANK STOCKS ON STOCK EXCHANGE' Actual S.-tles. TloslnirOn. H« kiw Fini Bid Ask

HanoverVa»lo-a1 *itT .'14«''

I«-*."» «J-aO«140


8!«M0 450


Tof_! i,s!es for the ia"\ c"*r,'^ shares, eomper«-1 for the corresponding day In 19".:

Total «»ales, Januar-,- 1 to Apr«! 1". incluMve («rompared with 30,4*52.4.s shares for the «ini» p».-;

Ill MARKET ~~Active Stocks Generally Lower.Money Rates Unchanged.

t-.r.rk mai'V'-t prie*"« moved In «n

írr^Eul.-r T>iannpi throughout the d_» Ml

a relatively light, \oiume of basiltrading, as rule, represent IIP litt 1*=« Im

yond the operations of an unimportant

professional element. BOIDS of th« spe¬

ie. r] de. ided strength and bull

manipulation was reported m -...ri..us

parta of the list, but there was n«. «Ms-

«poeltion noted on th»» part of th« largerinterests to work for higher quotation«,while iri"st of tho board room tradersconcentrated th* ir attention on th'* bear

sido ««i speculation. Support was ren-

«i, ..] when needed The selling presi

ure. however, was not heavy enough lo

call for i nu,»'-'.ant supporting ordera

Bethlehem Steel issues were strong feat¬

ures, and New York Central **old at *i

new high ree -ord f.>r the ye.ir at 120, the

strength in the latter .Stock being at¬

tributed t<> buying based on realisationthat the company's big expcnditui-its terminal facilities in this city mean

bigger earnings, and that the consolideDun »if the principal Vanderbllt lines will,««lil materially to the road's income ac¬

count and credit. Commission bouse In¬terest in the general market was at a

low el'h. It was conceded that priceshad rea'hed a level that did not warrant

cotnmUments fur bull account, owing to

th.. overbought condition of the market,¿«ml that only further reactions wouldinduce a resumption «>f a«ctlve bu\ lug,except in some of th.. low gTa«i*» special*ties, Which respond easily to manipula¬tion. Ai the moment the standardshares are bein« loft i.» themselves. TheAmalgamated Copper Company in¬creased its dividend from a ¡J per centto a 4 per tent annual basis yesterday,but tho action of the directors was with¬out effect on speculafi'.n. With the up.proach of the farpathia with the sur¬vivors of th.- Titanic sentiment in c.un-mission house circles he.'aine mor»» de*pressed, and there wet. few people In thefinancial community who had the h«>.irtto do much in the way of business out*side of attending to routine and pressingrequirements.The efforts of the l»>ral banks to re¬

habilitate their «ash v. -erres \h redactedin an easier tendency in the money mar¬ket. More currency is coming to this..ntre than recently reported, operationsbetween the banks and the Sub-Treasuryno longer show the heavy losses sufferedin recent weeks, and the burden ofcarrying enormous loans has been trans¬ferred in part to out-of-town institutionswhich have been attracted to this marketby the higher quotations now prevailingfor acr. ..imodatlon. As stated above,the loan market here shows an easiertendency, but at the same time the priceof money is well in advance of that re¬

ported earlier in the season. And it isnot likely that the market will return toa condition of absolute ease for n.onthsto come unless there should be a markedfalling off in the volume of mercantileand Stock Exchange transactions. SanFrancisco Is drawing on this centre forfunds; also New Orleans, but at otherprominent cities domestic exchange ratesindicate a movement of money to NewYork in excess of shipments from thispoint. The statement of the Bank ofEngland, published yesterday, exhibits areturn only moderately good for thisperiod of the year, the proportion of re¬serve to liabilities of 45.39 per <;ent com¬

paring w'th a ten-year average of 49 percent, although showing a gain over aweek ago. which encourages the idea. hat later on in the season the Institu¬tions minimum rate of discount will bereduced from the present 84 oar rentM .«.

BOND MARKET SALES«veoo pan :¦<, Ceu.-O-*.

. in Ry i

rooo ja.M .

..' Meseooo «j.,vm L s

8a100002W> do



1000 L i N C ileJOOO _o K C

4a1000 Man Con 4«....'.e.-l

«ir. Marina *


Can «lalö«i ...109

19000 d 1861..... rt Tokio

5i Ctff . C«4«4R"O0 N V C 44«

ipr.7 N. v. .101IgOOO 101 »

0000 So 4« 1087 100.,

1000 So !*.'. 1*354 M«_i




; ... .¦


lall-TO» M Kg t lai


000 i «.


s « . b :.... -_-,12000 .'..(0004000 A A. C 6a.10 .K«K»«3000 eVl les S I

¦WO do ...

.¦..ut Mn T .*- T'..] 4-> M

1000 Am 114e m », irtnour 4 '.* '.*'-'....«i V T O 8 1

IIn»o .i.

i.» ...

|o CM i

¦201 II «

.,, lu«d.. 4* 1900

i<.o¦. .' !' r ."«

I II....





do .. t....

N Y l L»»1 .



2000 '. '. .il,II

1". ,

_..">«<. S i N H l III (.

130*46000 N *. IMs 'Muí»

4a10000I00O 6i .'M'»2000


»«"«f» Al oa»t¦.'...»n. So L. A.

4a M 4

B000 H Ai O '.n'A4n ..alOF P1»'»

loooo 9110000 i:-.....

.',. M M




do«t.». lo«l.i

;, ^ ie .«. NTi, If^» do 100

P.», -".*¦"" N V w ft hi

:«.'... «non 90S1'»»» N i W

4«. 90.'. -e ,. .-.'«."¦> do nal'Xe.1 lu

.. 4».WtO N..r C

t\ BO00 .*., Pr 4.. XlSSSt !,."' I'«"»«» i. r. «;.

¦.." »


10000 <!..4000 einftOOO Xl> H T 4.

21«--e>. C«nt L f...1«*M» I f» M

4>-. n.-*».ir».o do .'..'¦;. ',(*"" ':

ir*.«. doO«li4! ." 1"! IsiflooI.VkiO C et- A H' h fl_1000 C A- E 1 Raf

A Imp 4»_<v«_ eChlc g n W

Ce-n 4«£,.. e...» d,, ,.

1000 «lo._:4<>oo Oiic n Sl _.

lieu 4e . f«*.',,81000 do Jt 4b '-"«V21'KV» eXo .9»".'.'IS**! (\n TV!, «Sa. 100V,U/«., r r,t W 4k 78%Mfefl C MS M P

4-. lint .,SOSO .n i;«n 4«.

AM! -,lOtiVpi. do Cvt 4]<ja

w I.11134do .1<)3«YR I A P

''.«.n 4«i.. tw«'do lt>f II

.n , Rat 4».. '«i..- , lorvi (iz # c c ¦'¦...»¦'« 1000 P T A T Be..l00'i..>. , I««». l'.-i -v :;' .,

«..i» 19129000 do 1S18 !>7'7

:...«, IMIOO i'«.« A B tnr 4.*.','..'»«, 3000 p l,,r

.t:i\000 d0 1. ,

06 8000 du Temp EM00 l'ie1. s .".¦ M«9000 do

»»I f;«.«. 4- .¦- ilo. n«v

11000 d- MI4'."««I R 1 eX Rtl .'.-

*:«l«« .., 02H."""». Rio «J W lui

4a.«iitT M * S_. a l». Kin

r.ifio si i,R

inr.0 St A- s r Rl! TW 4v T.'i7»'5

1MO00ïo»».) i;

2(1 si'"Kl

r/Kinbrnfl S» T. R M Ä

p r.» imBOW SI T, H«n m

4«. .216000 do «-.«.. ta.. 01%mon Sa .1<Ï9000 s. .i, \ r, Adj

fis ...... M*.<">¦ o s, p r*,,- 4- K9000 So lKt lt»»f

4a. _.v;inno ^o cvt 4«.. r«'.-,

-, ..-. .. . lOOO fin. .«.do i! H 4s 72',! IXHiO So Xiv On 4a 7*Tid», . 72«» ««Oí« «1». . T«\te .T2H 9000 do. 7%T»



|.»H>-.-".i r st T. P

lu P.S .1101,1i»0 «Thino C «*3a.12Sl0»-O do .ISO

ISOOO C <_ S lit 4c 9».-O«'««'» r Pr 5» 1HS1 _7BiiOO .* Ann R A- W,'

2-100O P & H <.«4a .... f*;*1

370-v) te Rif 4a. 9.->M70TK. D S«C .'.«. 7 :',10W) do 7'.V1000 «i.» 74 J'¦"«. I et, (".ri, U 71»',l

140»»o te .;.¦» 4« 1?<V>0B .SOU' ..ooo

-fMV) du. 80H10TIO ria h C r,y

4'ejs .... «30^1 :rw> t- s Rub .-U.1G4'-»lo«o «en Motora 21000 r » Bteal S F«a .. 90T, 6*.I«**!».

1<VW) do . 99*% 1-000 4.» .lO'-l-i'¦".) Cl Vor Ref liooo do .102S4Us ....3.1«_oh' ÎW» do Rer ..102HSono ni C Ref 4». Mli! 2000 Va-Car C lat

-OOOi) 111 «?te«l 44a As .tWlReta 92HI S«»WV> Wal> 1«f !.». lo?'-,89000 Int Pteel 5j ifrfx. dn 2d te... 99'¿

'Olí; .Vif«»'»

loi «h "^«010141 KOOO

;!<V>«) T»xa« Cn Cx-t«e *A\

?f> T! Ird Av Adlte . 72-i

1000 T t 1, ' \V4a »U*,

-ooo TH-CStr .*.§.. »8..««v. r p M 4. loi «4«Snor» d^> . 102

.lo ..n20eV.ioi*4!¦¦ IM R»t4n. (M*>i

.. Ctart 4i»a m** ;

do ..i«..*.do .103-4

2«X)0 ÜÍR4 Imp5» ««H

Reta6s-^0 do7<V»oo dolSJetVO dO .

îoof^ int R T .^104141 4<viooie»wi Int-M«t 4'i« .2«i,1.'«oontOMO Int Na-.- Kh 81 IWï>«VW Iowa C R«f 1 -coi

4a ..

4000 dosans do1000 k c r s

M 4anota Kciii1S000 La»»V Stl

1030 ....

8<X» \j S A M S4a 19-.8




do R A Ext4a ... **K

'In *.V'do «4do fttSdO .e*MSdo . . «M«;dO.«*1'4do . *".*-«del Ctf» Ftp «I»»,«.. *2te

10000 W«_>. P T lat«2H

Ctff ^..1_6a I l«w> do 2d Ctfa.77*_: »VVVÏ TTent VI B«.

2»'0oo ***Mt Md 4f.0841 POOP do



K-^. .-*-... ^.-,1 r^-^. no . 8742"2 do 19*41. 93i%! 100AO w.it «s F Bt. 9«>4*" *'- l»w> do Vota».. »74

loort W»« Sh 4a .xoos,1000 do loo».«Vtoo do .IOO47»w> TV O V R Fi OO

7000 Llr ft MveraTemo 7t 120t4I

"¦-CÎL! <5° T*>n' B» wt.:?<V10 do .. m<.1000 do 94^11000 t, * N Oan I«. .117Total aalaa of bonda. $8.081.BOO

liY»v> -îrifi C Gen 4* M?vwv», «lo *_3'i

$30.000 FIRE IN THE SWAMPA «0^00 Are last night destroyed the two

upper floors of \0 85 Gold street, occupiedDj- h. E. & c d. William--, manutsetttreraet toncy leather. The flre spread to the»Ulldlng in Spruce trtreet occupied by J»«eitel, also a manufacturer of leather, andnerore it was extinguished the entire con¬sents of both buildings wire tboro'ightvtoaked T»ith vat«»r.

INACTIVE STOCKS.The following wer« the !.t.t acual tales

and the clcslns tiens 1 n... tioni

I .hang«.-:t*it .--«"loilns.\Ml«

, 101 >

Brake Shoo AAm Brake I

¦.. 8

Am»r|. an HI,



-Krai.M f. 'A-e. "tl ', .» .


U-bor»-bor pref..7.


.11 'i.'. 144.Pitts.106 1

Huffalo. Roch A Pitia. pr*f. 1-^"». j'teri 'k "..¦. patiy « '

«¦.tharn»« entra / m. ¡"I .. .119 » 118

«... ... '¿W ' .

. '

i- Ù :.. \ref .'."M t. P. r"*«* ...1«144'

o 4k Northweat. '¦. . 14 144S s rthwi ¦¦. m i rof 188 i «i

P., M. A O 140 133 140II. A û. pref. H IM ISO

¿ i.. «

.¦ ... ». vi- f... 1014 loi ', loo.rgh .

S le.<

lat prof. 7 76.¦ n 2d i ' «""-'

.¡«MAmerican Sugai -.

ImertcM Sugar pref I.,

Molí v A l'e.rt l>") (O.... S«. ..¦ *«'»Vet Moin» « ¦ F» r« pr« '.. to

e. troll I. Ma. kltiar. ,.., |20 I 16Iiuluth. South f-h.era A A' 10% 10 104Duluth. B. S. A Al pref. 214 204D i Pont pref. :¦¦ 80l.ri- 2d pref. H

. trill« * T Haute pref. t"» I.i eiiee ««i« ai l'ompeny... ISS

Granb] Mining .DOllaiani Electric Ttailnuv-11» |'.*Havana Electrt« Ry. |«f....19014 190H-eekin» Valley .XXI 128 0Horn« taka .86 ''i '«7Illinois «'entrai lea^'d lin*«.. ,

Ingeraoll n,»nd <"u....108 1"!:.;

... Central . 124 124Iowa i'e.'iiiral p.ef. 2642SKanaaa City Southern.SS 27

«s, City Sr.'itheru pref... *.4K C., Vi i S M it. f 184K'-okuk A Pet Mo4noa. I

\ ,r, u.-s Moines pref... 4»>Knick Ice «.f .'tle.ico pref... 70lav I iranna Stei . 28r... loda Oaa. 1084 t«";«Long Island . 17 14Markmy OomMuilaa pref. n;.^ ».»

Manhattan Elevated .«ISS IMMay Depertmenl Storea pref il«. 1004Michigan feutrai . ISOM., SI P A B 3t M. pref...181% I6O4M ,St 1* AS ft M. leafed Una» S«4 81 ,

Mnrrta * Eaa__.17.'. I1JNa-lulHe a. ri'Vixnooga.in«. ISONational Biscuit prêt.191 1274Nut'l I-natnel. * f-'tamp. pref 644 90\mlnnal I_ead pref.In-H IOS4Nation«»! of MesloO praf. MM 02New York Atr Rra_«. f«."«1» ISNS. T. C. * M L. W pref...1«.. 10.1:..w Tort Doeh.304 204Viw York, lark g W.jKrn. 199 12.New rk. N Tf. A II.13*.4 K".7 13SNorfolk Southern . 47 ift'í «INorfolk A Wettern prof. 92 On f>2Ontario «liver . l'i 1 \ 2l'a< 111- Coaat .944 0«> iOO

»..lit let pr»f.1««.". M 105Taclftc roaat 2d pr»f.MS% 90 100Pacific Mall.B-S 2;4 A3t'ae-lflc Tel. A Te' praf. 'Ml p.P.. C, C A .»t U pref.11"4 110 11«'«.fitts Ft Wavno A Chicago. 17.'. 4 I«41'ree»eed Steel rar pref.1024 10-4 103l'ullmai» rompan»/ ..1dl K.04 1,51QuIckalWer pref. «**"_ .«. ft*-Rallwav Steel Spring pref... mo IOS 101Reading l»t pref. 904 9«1 ''*Renssel.er A Saratoga.20r> 1<V*.'*Rome, tVatartowTi A Ogdeni.1194 127Rutland pref..<K> fio «1.St. L,*8.rC.4E I. etfS.141 14*. '.«-oSI.L.AS.F. CAE.I. ctfa. pref.110 107 inM !.. A3 T. COM. 1 tiew M 844 6«St I>.»Ha Southwestern pref.. 7« 7_4 1A''«¦ears-Roebuck pref. 1244 1984 124'»Slo««_--I eff. B'eel A Iron pref. 102 9,. 10.',South Porto Rico Sugar. 79 70Southern Rv M. A O. ctfi... .« -¦.

Standard Mll'trg .20«4 HTexai A Pacific Land Tnut . S9 '¦»Toledo. St. L*>ulB A "Western. U4 l.'.V, **,*-Twin Clt«- R T. pref.. .143 142 |tft'ndarw-ood T>-pewri»er .101 IOO |0_t'nderw^d T>Tewrlter pref 1114 |J0 uJu,fntiin Pacific rref. 914 .1 (ilHT-nlted Clgeaj- Mfg pref .10.4 |0S 107t'nited Dtt Ooo.ii.101 ioo«4 ir,iT'nlted 0ry Gooda pref.lrtf.4 lor,', io.s»%T*. S Cait Iron Pip« A r*drv 17*. 17 1*r v caat Iron P A F. prêt A*, ."4"r.'nl'ed State... Exorett... o;1". S Reduction A fceflnlng 2\r*. B. Reduction A Ref. pref.. .04 |gy ||O. 8. Rubber 2d oref 7f. ], 7J[i,Va-Car Chemical pref.. n«i4 ij«i. jjoVirginia Iron. Coal A Coke. «S4 |Virginia Railway A Power... 47«U 4«e mVulcan Petlnntng . 21 19\'u!can Detlnnlng praf.SOU «¡oWabaah p»cef.21 Mb «1»*"Vel'a-Farro K-xpraaa .14fi 144Wettern Mart-land pref. SO 7. .4Wei»'hou»a E. A M. lat pref.1214 119


,- » ...Bl<1 Atked. Bid AJkedr S 2a, reg. 1930 .. .1004 101 1004 101le. « 2», coupon. 1.30... .004 ií.i*4 100% 1014' c te reg.. 191S.1024 IOS 102' I«

« coupon. 1918 K'24 I02S*' *.*« ISA 114 l!4'« 114 II",.- 4-, e»0.r->.l. 192.% H4U !T« II41. US1 aiiar.i* 2«. rcg 1'.:,«. 1004I ->

lesinnw 2». rer l«i;;s. ioftitFanama ..»., rcpu., l!«.*1 1014 «101 1014 « HPanama ?¦» reap |0S1 101 i,.i , 1..1nut. of Col 5« rip Mrii» of Osl 3r, -oujon lOö I0f.


Money Tight in London.ParisBourse Heavy and Berlin

Prices Firm.Ltntdon, April If«-Consols closed 3-16 low-

.1, al 77 15-14 for money snd 78 1-1-i f«»r the

account. Anaconda wat- unchaiiRed, at £»%:,- *'% hlBher, at Smr%¡ Ornad

Trunk unch »1 f*-1. ..¦ *^%-Money iras tight, bol <li-«-«»;mt rates «ere

estoy t«j-«iay.The sto.-k market, "Ahile fairly active, was

irre-fular. The announcement of a £3,000,000It ..im loati «sreakened Tn«Itan stocks <ir.«l

I« M<\i«iiri rail« and oil and Mar¬

coni sitares W'-re «urcn:-.

American M-curiti«*» wre firm and lik-her

«luring the for«enoori l'nlted States Steel

.trul «'.111.-1.linn t'a-iti«« were active leaderson forerasts of toot earnings. New Y««rk

.«..-nt selling ..rd.t-. In the afternoon end¦ t.-i« t*.«n, but the marke* «*-«s sup¬

ported in the late tradmg* and closed steady.The premium on gold al Madrid Is 17s»

tmebanged, and at Lisbon la 8, »aompar<MIwith 10 jester Ij*.

Pari? Avril 18, Thr«"*" pet- «-ent rentes

elOiMd '"; centimes lower, at M francs SBcentimes f*«*»*" the account.

Exchange on London. *_¦ franc*" M% .'. n

times for check*».Private discount rate. 3% per eeniPrice9 were he«jvy on the Bourse

Berlin, April 18..Prices were firm or theBoe-rse to-day. Canadian Pacific and EaJti-more & Ohio wer«- active i«*-i'lers in the up¬

ward movement.L"xchan--<- on EaOndon. i"*» marks 4*% r'<»n-

nlgs for checks.Money, d»«j per cent.

« rate. 3% per cent


'*-*¦!«--.'''"*' ?¦' Otarles Hea; a ct * *



Bas»«.«» t...Bid Asked.

: i || East B".i LdMISCELIaANEOfS.

Am Ag Cham «30 «31 Geo Ry i. E.12**-

Eli aVske*

¿o prst. ,.1( '-. UMA.n r-r.-:..'Ti.. '

do p.-ci. VASAn I I«Va wool p.« j!Am Zinc 284Mexican Iel .

Ne«* Eng T.15S(. .- Stk T..1Ä7¿o prsf. 11


_» prêt.. \Mas* Electric 20-«»

1441 do prsf. öö:.'_.& Gas... ¦"

do pr«f. 'J*>Rotary Ring. S

, 104 SíMerger» Un:..-' 7United Sho*.. MH tí

! do pre?. *"-> Mi[United FruJi IM IM




Bos & A1-..21SE 4 1¡4Bo« Elev. 129

.aT- *.

Ar-. ¦: ...

Art- C


Cenu-A 111

Daly \* -

E«\it Butt«.Uta ..




9%! »


14H14 4

57 ,

i .


PAILROAD.220 B ¿ W El p? 80 .

Y >.'H _¦ H i-T 181¦ i MH

BONDS.. -. ; -¦'* .*-¦*. lit

MININGttichlgta t%

74 .*: . .. 904

'> Klpls-uag i

\ North ButtsLake., ''l

Old Col Cop 4


iCreek.. iv,


Santa Fe...4

ttUCk '.-'.r. 20 :

Utah., i«

4'«99 rrlnlty.

tel 39lo pref....


l'uhi r 4

torts i*..'

47 "h V« lo«




« <


I»19*42 «


- -.


« « 4


nd 20 Km«; street West,«tr. «-'.

III » I-


ino hHS "i

!.¦« I, .¦

. .'¦|.

1:.-*."«»' I ¦.

IM »


ntng 4:1,000 K I «' .il rights... M

27 "¿

.««« L'nlted Verde 1

l\ «.t Miami... «.«»

1" IU) '.. 'r.il jn mu .....

.¦¦»'«-» Knifer .

-.r. ii.. laton« 4

« ¦¦ti . 33








- .












'. ;.. i>r. |...

.ji -..

ToolNo 1.

IHS do No 2.US ¦!'. Ko St.« i ¦. u .. Match..i" M« 'nri, Bowell..

rir. National

100 Swift i-.

in do r«r«-f.74 Dntted ltoxboar«!






1« ft



:«»:4us»;-» [


IIa"«W. « lO'.,4US


1154-I I


nn-, i«» ,

i ii«


108 "í 1001"«'. IHI'41'V.»4sus


nvi124 4


BüNO?.$l1,o«iiii-*-,m BdltSM ft«. M.Vj 108 108*4 108H

8.0««orhlc Ç R lit 6e.l«f-4 1"2*4 1054 102%ft.«>K» Chi«« Rys 1st f.* 100*4 1'V1'4 îtvi7» 100*8ft.myo do 4s Serl»» H B , B . M*Z 904

l.'i.'iOChlc Telei« .'«*« l".'. \<>2\ lOSÚ 1024ft,«»«* Met E!ev 4s. *_-*. 12*4 B2S .«.-¦ «i

PHILADELPHIA STOCKS.«"-lirnlsh«*«! by «"liarles n Barn*y .t Co No. 28

Broad street. N>«v York, »ni N'o. 12': «Soutli4th btreet, Phllad-lphi.« «

I'll ¦.sV».|.| Bl.l.Ask».l."4 Ia*hli*-i N';«*. ¦¦' 9044 Loti Vsl H R 83ftTAS it-hlla «.o...BB du prêt. 44124 Penn R R »Co «-A10 Penn Sreajl pf.1022«) . 1S»4«15 Phlla Rap Tr 2.1214 en Tro. »ion.. 50H32'. »,'n «,««. Imp. 87'»ïi'4 Welsb.-i.-h do. 'O

BONDS.-.¦*:4 l'hila El ft» !-*«

Milla en t* 9992% I

Am Rv «Tr. 4.1*«»''ami) S'.. i jC Tr of N J *«"El M «r "£<a». M%El Os of A. 124Falrni't Tt 0Gen Asphalt l«"»*«.

lo pref ... «341 Co et N A 21 4Taake 9 Torp Ml Hdo pref

El Pm 4» MN J Con 5».1C«4Phlls El 4s S2 4


104>i.- ,


' V'-.rk. aBaltimoreBid.AtVed

is 103 105

Cfal« R '«*-'¦Con»oi Cesl i«*4 4

' *'i«lO! POA-.114 116

r il» M*.;o 44*

Cot Duck fts I1st «s 49

- ».. 11

old «t Co.. No 42 Brosd-109 Vi.' German

Bid AHous O ctfs r'N R fi U 5s 100Nor Centra!Seat*. A Line 254do 1*1 rref ftldo II

Uniteddo lac 4» «Jo'?<io 1st »do rr.-i» ft« 87 s»







t .



Colonia,'¦'ontment 0Cres.-ciit P T«"¦iim't «r P LEureka P I,Gai Signai Ode pi

p i._ns"




Eiiott * Co., Ko M Pia*

BU A-k-'P L 190 if»-«



m 0 of lu.'." Sua 0 of i

1*28 -«"tan O of Ken "' *»f). Btsn c< of Neb liftK-.'Sran 0 ofMO «Stan Oll

S Y SftO.

.- ' t¦.I I'«

lu" -." ;n


.E> dividendYac'j'an«. rights


Executor TrusteeChar. «. «ó 1822

The Fanners' Loan and Trust Company,Nos. 16,18, 20 & 22 William StreetBranch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue,

New York.WbON H o^B?o\Tdß87rsß;tWR G PARÎ* 4Î ***** *»«**«

Trftfelers' Letters of Credit, Foreign Exchange

Administrator Guard!«

CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE.It was a feverish market on the Coniol]

«iated Exchange throughout th* day. and it...._ svldent that the Titanic disaster wasstill having a depressing effect upon sentinient. Trading was less activo in the late.

loon than earlier in the session, butthe total for the entire day came close to

Wednesday's record. Considerable Irregu¬larity existed between quotation levels on

the floor and prices on the New York StockExchange. One of the firms which havebeen doing an arbitrage business with Lon-don r.ported that it had not been easy to

M of stocks abroad at the pricesfe-om there before the local opening.

Commission houses handled a large edd lotbusiness in New York fVntra! Detailedoperations '.How:



usIf.40«I 44S410*4.tots.74-._ X


Salea Open. Hlr**100 A!!!e-Cha_rners.

5,150 Amal Copper..lS|'i A-n Bee: Sugar71«) Am Can _00 .0 pref.115%.»JO Am Car & tfOry- &>m Am Cotton Oil. 5Í80 .* m Ice150 A m Lin*eed160 do pro?.20 Am l/>comotlv-e

2.7'e'e Am Smaltlnf...40 Anaconda Cop50 At, TASK...10 Bait A Ohio

120 Beth Stiel...0 Brcok Rap Tr.120 Car.ad Pacific.200 Cent Leather70 Chea Se Ohio230Ch Mil &. St P. 11'.4SO Col Fu A Ir. .' ¦¦¦.10 Cor.sol Gas

810 Com Pr3__c:_.. 1030 Dlft 5_c_r!*.l.s.. _2

1.030 Er!« .37420Ot North pref... 1314

tatsr-Met .2060 do pref. _:4

' .'alley. ..164 4770 Mo FsdflC... 44'»10 Nat Land....

1,780 N Y Central., 11MÍ20 Nor American

290 Nor Psslfte.121440Pennsylvania ...123%70 Pitts Coal. 22

¦j'.i Gas10.Í..0 Roadins .1«54

20P.ep trie!.Z1\V<o r:o.k is:¦*_._.. 2.4.',0 do r.êf. 57 4MOfouthern Ps; .112420 Southern Rway10 do pref....80 Tana ( yppar10 ?':.:..»> r.-'«-

..:.¦: Avanua-.;._ Pacific.

SO r I Rubber».0801


714SO da pr<r .1124

a-Carfotal ml«.

.4S4 4" 1

33 41154





74 4414*'iMH173DSV714

I »24M'A




l.SOO Atta-ta400 Reicher.50 Belmor.t

î.oo«. n: :» culi ....

4.«. Tors \ ir_.lr.ian'¿On Crn'i, nBOO ror.s Imperial

ïoldfleld Cens:i Butler..

"..rant Star


BONDSPia» 6».100

MININO. ..O 31

1 «V) 1 0010.28

1^4 .104


4 0


24415440434&4 443108%107%374S24252426¡0110%SO143415 4


.3412o «412.', 4»%



Last.14634C5433411545ô45?24 416440%42%84 443108%10743S4*242534264804110430143415432371314206*4164443458

i: .483%1214125 4214ios-2163423420 4M112%29474 441244374172544714112%6i

«ft1 00124

4 ro.71.47«



l M124

4 MSO47

' »ana. 3.22VÍ 3 224 3.2o300 Mexican 3 83 S.K,

,. 1 1«. 1 4.11,000 15% 154

-r.rah Ext. 2 15 2.15

10 ;i«0 shares.

1 4'..154

2 15




4 M7147

3 20

: 10154



cení iiie_h"st 3 \>e.r cent;», Hi K-r cent; losing ;>2 per

ruling rat»», 3 per cent Tims money «a1tin'-lianc-'l. Th«1 suppl] exceeded the de¬mand, whi.-h was not keen Rates,per csnl tor sixty and nlnetj

nl for four, live and mx months.Mercantile paper came Into tbe marketwith moderate freedom, Some of the local

tlons «r.- temporarily out of the themarket, but the demand in the whol»»

Bat» t for six! ... andninety »lays' Indorsements; i'./l'-j per centfor .; four and months' sintió

for othersFOREIGN EXCHANGE.The foreign

exchange market opened stronger, Influ-by the sha ling In Lorvlon discounts

and lower rates f«.i money, Business arasoderatety active. The market closed

dull an.! about ,". points eai-i. r r"««r sterling.There light feature. Final quota«

¦ i'. 1 «¦ _nd v'.'r!i-:iT. 4 1720; ca4.8770; sixty-day hill-. 4.84%®4.84%; short

[e'ni?< 1-22 Short relchsmarksIf a »had* ¡- _dl 1 at . i-i8»g

95% plui .' Mraí posted rates follow:

Plxtv dm». DemandI .4 «44 4.M¦. r.-l hsmarks . 04S '.."'4

. inca . r. 2i.Paris, f.-nn» .5.194 3 ;.;-,

francs . 6 20%Holland, guilders .4i> 10 10.SSIX)ME3TIC EX«CHANQE-Boaton, :.«. pre-

mlurn: Chl«cai -'irilum: New in!commercial, :'.",<. .ll-.ount, hank 11 prtitiliitnask.-d: St. Louis. 30c premium bid. 35c pre¬mium asked: Minneapolis, 50c premium;Charleston, buying par, seiiint» 1-10 per eentpremium; San Francisco, sió'htgraphBANK CLEARINGS. . Now T«»rk. ex-

Chafgea *-".47,4_J.:':v7, balances flT.7T»7.11«». Bos¬ton, exchanges 6l.t01.9Sl, l»alan-«»?s $1 «374,983;Baltimore, exchanges Jô.4.*7.7U. t.,J67O.0.M; rid «ago. exchanges |51,S¦nces 12.792,607: Philadelphia, exchai ...

balances tl,S07,19iSILVER MARKET Commercial bar sll-

ver, 59'ic; Mexican diver dollars, 47.-. RarFllver In London closet! at 27 5-lCd.MEXICAN KX.-'MAN(;K.-Mexi.»an ex-

Cfaange on New Tork Is riiif.t.'d at 901<%>BÜB-TREASURT. The Bub-Tlreasury wu.

a debtor at the Clearing House for $«.9,". ''30»-.

NEW YORK BANK STOCKS.(FiirnU-i-el b> H. H P. PeU * Co., No. 37 Wall



.TltnaAmericaAm Excb... 240Battery Pk. 120Bowery _3-rtBryant Pk.. 150Bronx Bor. 330Bronx _ l-'SButch A D. 130

.ryChaae ....

Oh.it Phnx.i"hcl*ea ExChemicalClt CentralCityCoal & Iron 158Colonial ... 400Columbia .. ¡to*Commerce 900«'orn Fxch.. 3uSEait Bl\er. 110ndellty ... IfX)Fifth Ave. ,4r»0OFifth .335First Nat f.95Foarth Nat. _!i10Oallatln .. 345Garfleld ... 285German-Am 140German EGermaniaGotham0rasawlullHanover

atreet.)Bt'i. Asked1».*» 2« ñ


Bid. Asked.







Harrlman N.Imp O Trad. tn'Alrvliiff \- Ex. 225

JUbertv .5'JÖI Lincoln ..175IManhat Co.. S*oMkt & t>il 180lisch A Met. 2»'»0

I Mercantile .. 175Merchants' Is2i, ltn)Merchants' E I»"41 17oMetropolis .. SéO

I Metropolitan. 105.Mount Morrla 2."eOMutual . 275Nat Nassau. 300

¡ Nat Deserve. 80New NethTdN Y County.IN T N B A.Pa-lite ....

Park .People'aProduce Ex.SeaboardSecondSecurityShermanState ...

23d WardUnion ExchWash Hts..West Sid«..Yorkvt!!*









TRUST AND SURETT COMPANIES.Al.tance Ry. 115 1Î.0 lUwi' Tlt.e . 237H 2424Am Surety. 290 "Lawa* Mtge. -.'24A»tor . aw . iLincolr. . 145.Bankers 5.2's 697%; L I «Loan. .. 300B.MG 2S3 -.5 ¡Metropolitan. 420Broadwav. 170BrookKn' .. 485Cas Co of A 115Commercial. .

C-ntrai ....10«City lnv»at. 51do pref... 88

Citizens' ... 140it...

Com'wealth,»empireErntabl*( T. ,-v Tfldality ...

Franklir. .

F..:ton -Guardian ..

GuarantyHamiltonHudson ...

llon.e.Int Bk Cor.KliiRs Co...



. 270310too

.1000. 270








Mut AlManc« 125IMtse Bond MN'assau 140

I *Nat Surety 217] N Y Mts 4.- S -.5N Y Trust 635N Y Life in. 1030Peoples 2%

'Queens <"*o luO(Queens Co M 100Realty Aiso. IllStandard

'Title OAT« 5S0I Title In» 111|U S Casujilü S M A 1 WOUnionU S Title G. «OUnit Staff. .112t'Washington. 3i¡0Westchfstar. JM>W * B T A M ISOWindsor '.¦"


4-351 Itf100

1' 35»1"M.170


.Ne* stick

SUNDAY'S NEW-YORK TRI8UNE-Ma !cd anywHera m »hi United S*a*>es

for J2 50 s yesr.

j HAVANA hl FCTRIC RAILWAV COViPANvI Compañía tí3 Gas y Electricidad dt la Habt«,

To the Holders ofI Hsvana i lextric.-lai way ompany Common i-jak.Havana I-xtric Railway Company Ve'«*-.«' «tofl.Companiade -asv-lei-riodadde la Haba« toa

A arg«- majority of each class of the \v. ,stock* ha'.*tng been deposited under th« F .

Amalgamation dated M.ARCH STH i«**"- (B%said Plan is hereby declared oper.-'.v»

In ord«r to enable Stockholders ««he h*v«not yet deposited their stock to participate «.->the Plan, the tlm« for th* depot;« of cert!«».cates of stock «"'1th the Depos;*--:'.«-., .,.-.

tloned Ira *sld Plan is hereby ex*e.'.-¦ i «0 the22nd DAY Or APRIL. 1912. after which da?«no stock «sill be received except -:..:. ««v. tl.

press consent of the Managers and upon ..¦ei,terms and conditions as they may «..

«--.».»¦- «.r-n ."-th. 1912.

SPEYER ti CO.M laagers.


Opportunity jfor investment of small capital whichwill provide resources when ycu are

past middle life is offered in rr.-rt-

g?.ge bonds secured by income-pro¬ducing: real estate. A net 6% yearlyincome, paid semi-yearly, en sums of$100 and upward, will give you com«fort "a hen you need it. Writ« tothe Xew York Real Estate SecurityCompany, 42 Broadway, Xew YorkCity, for particulars regardm«? the$100, $500 and $1,000 mortgage bonfioffered by them to small investoriWrite for Circular Xo. 6.

OUTSIDE SECURITIESIn the market for outside securities the

wireless telegTaph Issues cuntlr.uc-d to mo»nopolize attention. In other parts ci ...*Hit trading «vas 1 Irr.! ted, although theral tone was firm. Marconi of America,after opening down 5 points, made a ser.«sational advance of 73 points, but lubse»quertlv lost about 9. Trie new stock ad¬vanced 3 on renewed activity, but liter -t«acted. Canadian and English a'.«-o slowedadvances. Lehlgh Valley Coal u ¦3 points. British-American Tob« io trgacomparatively quiet, within narro"v llmlttVThe copper stock; were dull.f.rmiT. Silver issues were aboutPorcupine stocks were steady but Ins 1In bonds New York City 4',-, " :.

were inchange

good dtMnaad _*



Share«. Ht»h"".".O .A!'l<**_ Sec-ir «30 «7 87

tPl14 *_ald-*-ln Locc.. 53

300 It6«5_ J I ''a«e prel12*. Ma«-1 at Transit.. I

:.-IOC M Run-*1« 99% *Mr%29 Stan Oil

ISO -tan Oil of !

880 S il «-t-ger pref. K»>54 r

I 18] 183MINING-

. 11 .,


1,500 .r ti3«X» Bradsn

-.- «

3 '»»"I .C O D <1.S0O Consol Ariz BnJl.n«y> Davis1.«.«»¦> Dion*


l.<«>» .Oreen*"*» rOOGuia-enheim


109 ir.-pl- Cons w i IMI8,700 *

500 Korr Lske 2'*¦'« .';.«.

30<> Ma«on V*4«'««» tVlp.SSlns MTOO Ohio '


«"»1 IM If] '?5H

.i li*V:.* en 2'.


no«) bo Utah m". «i SU"-, dp» J


. oe »tWetl Silver MBONDS.

$-«>.«.<.'.*, 000 In«***- «"««¡is c* t »'.«¦ 1' .">'.

v s CltJ i .">1 «4 I'M*... \ -, f »I i«'l ',. lOlH


i 411A









ii '-











1«'*« 4

128MX 4



¦.«¦ tP*X «IHll«*".'

GUARANTEED STOSKSrtajbass laxtwr«*!

ill Brroadwaj .





Mb J ¦-

Mb «v \'I

\. ,v «. v L.in\ i. m ». esIteech C:¦

É »lb K0lost ,v »-.¦.¦> -l »

pra-.2Mb & ith Av.tanBklyn Ci«>- .I'«)c n«"uñad*. Bo« il 1st pfdo 2d rl

«'al A Bue.C Croastown.

| 10*C I Bit .. .*.'

do ctfs J*'.1.rtl«. pflC«

Clrne'd ft * IS"Clev A Pitts. WT40 spl bet. 0«

coi & x...m«one A M...IJC'.ns A V .fJJC A P n pM3»conn Rl

m U.. 2ta stet *."

Dayton M gdo paid.- "O

D Hd Brk.190Det H «t S. WEast P«*i"n.¦."2*'Elghlh Av*..3«*0Kimlra AiW .100

j-, oref_i4¿r.rlo & P'"!'-'"Fttrhb'f Pf;-}-2J pf,12S

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