1 STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN ELECTRICITY MARKETS: A NOVEL FORMULATION AND A COMPARISON OF SOLUTION METHODS SANTIAGO CERISOLA, ÁLVARO BAÍLLO, JOSÉ M. FERNÁNDEZ-LÓPEZ, ANDRÉS RAMOS Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT) Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería ICAI. Universidad Pontificia Comillas Alberto Aguilera 23, 28015 Madrid, Spain, [email protected] RALF GOLLMER Institut für Mathematik University Duisburg-Essen Subject classification: Programming: Stochastic programming, integer programming, Lagrangean relaxation, Benders decomposition. Production/scheduling: unit commitment decisions under uncertainty. Area of Review: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources.

STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms

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Page 1: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms








Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT)

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería ICAI. Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Alberto Aguilera 23, 28015 Madrid, Spain, [email protected]


Institut für Mathematik University Duisburg-Essen

Subject classification:

Programming: Stochastic programming, integer programming, Lagrangean

relaxation, Benders decomposition.

Production/scheduling: unit commitment decisions under uncertainty.

Area of Review: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources.

Page 2: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms


In this paper we propose a stochastic unit commitment model for a power

generation company that takes part in an electricity spot market. The relevant feature of

this model is its detailed representation of the spot market during a whole week,

including seven day-ahead market sessions and the corresponding adjustment market

sessions. This representation takes into account the influence that the company’s

decisions exert on the market clearing price by means of a residual demand curve for

each market session. Uncertainty is introduced in the form of several possible spot

market outcomes for each day, which leads to a weekly scenario tree. The model also

represents in detail the operation of the company’s generation units, as usual in unit

commitment models.

The proposed unit commitment model leads to large-scale mixed linear-integer

problems that are hard to solve with current commercial optimizers. This suggests the

use of alternative solution methods. In this paper four solution approaches are tested

with a realistic numerical example in the context of the Spanish electricity spot market.

The first one is direct solution with a commercial optimizer, which illustrates the

mentioned limitations. The second method is a standard Lagrangean relaxation

algorithm. The third and fourth methods are two original variants of Benders

decomposition for multistage stochastic integer programs. We analyze the advantages

and disadvantages of these four methods and establish a comparison between them. The

results obtained suggest interesting conclusions and lines for future research.

Page 3: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms



Planning the operation of power generation units has traditionally been a field of

intense work for operations research academics and practitioners due to the complexity

of the mathematical programming models that arise in this context.

Some of these difficulties are caused by the particular features of electricity as a

commodity. For example, electric energy must be supplied at the same rate (power) at

which it is consumed, given that no efficient large-scale electric energy storage facilities

exist. Moreover, the demand for power depends on uncertain factors. Some of these

factors are relevant for short-term planning purposes (one-week time scope) such as

temperatures. Others have an impact in the long-term evolution of demand, such as the

GDP of the country of interest.

Power generation units are also a source of modeling difficulties such as the

following: i) Their operation is limited by a variety of constraints (e.g. minimum and

maximum power outputs, limited available energy, start-up and shut-down ramps,

maximum hourly load variations, minimum number of hours of continuous operation),

ii) their cost functions present non-convexities (e.g. no-load costs, start-up costs), iii)

their primary source of energy may be subject to some sort of uncertainty (e.g., the cost

of fossil fuels, the availability of hydro or wind energy), and iv) they suffer from

unforeseen outages.

Additional complications emerge from the presence of a transmission network

through which power flows according to Kirchhoff’s laws from generation units to

consumption sites.

In this paper we consider the problem of planning the operation of a diversified

portfolio of generation units with a one-week time scope. This problem, usually known

Page 4: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms


as unit-commitment (UC) problem, consists of deciding the hourly power output of each

generation unit during the week of study, which implies choosing the generation units

that must be operating at each hour. This requires the use of binary variables, given that

fossil-fuel thermal units have start-up and no-load costs (due to the consumption of fuel

in order to reach and keep their working temperatures).

When the UC problem includes both thermal and hydro units it is sometimes

referred to as short-term hydrothermal coordination problem. Hydro units differ from

thermal units in a number of aspects: their variable costs are significantly smaller (they

are generally neglected), their available energy is limited (it depends on inflows), they

can store energy for future use (if they have an upstream reservoir) and they can even

sometimes accumulate additional reserves (by pumping water from downstream


The UC problem has been an active field of research during decades (Sheblé

1994), (Sen and Kothari 1998). Two main lines of research have received particular

attention. On the one hand, researchers have struggled to develop new optimization

algorithms in order to accelerate the search for a solution of this NP-hard problem (see

(Padhy 2004) for a recent survey). On the other hand, authors have included new

modeling features into the basic UC model, typically enhancements of the technical

representation of the power system (Chattopadhyay and Momoh 1999), (Lai and

Baldick 1999), (Ma and Shahidehpour 1999), (Xi, Guan et al. 1999), (Gollmer, Nowak

et al. 2000), (Al-Agtash 2001), (Li and Shahidehpour 2003), (Lu and Shahidehpour

2004), (Yamin, Al-Agtash et al. 2004). In some cases, these improvements have been

oriented to the explicit consideration of uncertainty with respect to input data, in

particular with respect to the demand for power that has to be supplied (Takriti, Birge et

Page 5: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms


al. 1996), (Bacaud, Lemacheral et al. 2001), (Nowak and Römisch 2001), (Shiina and

Birge 2004).

Until recent years, the purpose of UC models was to derive minimum-cost

generation schedules while meeting the hourly demand for power as well as additional

power reserve constraints in the power system of interest. This was consistent with the

regulatory framework, under which electric utilities had the obligation to serve specific

regions with tariffs that guaranteed the full recovery of their costs. In the last two

decades, however, the power industry in many countries has suffered a complex process

of reforms which has included the introduction of competition in the business of power

generation. Under this new regulatory context, cost-recovery is no longer guaranteed for

generation companies and the profitability of their units depends on their ability to

produce with lower costs than their rivals.

In general, competition is organized in the form of wholesale electricity markets

in which trading takes place with different time horizons. Electricity spot markets (in

which electricity is traded for immediate delivery) are particularly important, given the

non-storable nature of electricity. The spot price of electricity (as with other

commodities) is used as a reference for longer-term transactions.

In many cases, the bulk of the spot market transactions occur the day prior to

physical delivery, through what is known as a day-ahead market. These transactions are

usually based on the offers and bids submitted by generators or power purchasers

indicating the price at which they are willing to sell or buy different blocks of energy in

each time period (e.g. an hour). A price of electricity results for each time period (the

market clearing price) which is used for all transactions if a uniform-pricing scheme is

adopted (which is frequently the case).

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After the clearing of the day-ahead market, generation companies have the

obligation either to produce the energy they have sold or to purchase it in subsequent

last-minute adjustment market mechanisms (where they can also sell more). This

determines an hourly power profile that the company has to cover with its generating


Given that the company has the possibility of deciding up to a certain point the

amount of energy that it wants to sell in each hour, a number of authors have termed

this process as “self-scheduling” (García-González and Barquín 2000), (Conejo, Arroyo

et al. 2002), (de la Torre, Arroyo et al. 2002), (Yamin and Shahidehpour 2004), (Yamin


In this competitive framework, the objective of a generation company when

deciding its generation schedule for the following week is no longer the minimization of

its production costs, but rather the maximization of its profit (i.e. the difference of its

revenues in the wholesale electricity market and its costs). This has revitalized the

interest in UC models, leading to new developments both from a modeling and from an

algorithmic perspective (Hobbs, Rothkopf et al. 2001).

The most evident approach in order to evaluate the company’s profit due to a

certain generation schedule is to represent the electricity market by means of a series of

hourly electricity prices. However, in general, the production decisions of a generation

company, even if small, have an impact on the price of electricity.

The influence of a certain generation company on the price of electricity has been

modeled by a number of authors through a function that expresses the amount of energy

that the company can sell at each price, the residual-demand function (García-González,

Román et al. 1999), (García-González and Barquín 2000), (Baíllo, Ventosa et al. 2001),

(de la Torre, Arroyo Sánchez et al. 2002). The residual-demand function is a condensed

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representation of the rest of agents operating in the electricity market of interest. This

modeling enhancement has the cost of yielding a non-concave revenue function, which

can be modeled with binary variables but complicates the search for the maximum-

profit generation schedule. Other authors have proposed different condensed

representations of electricity spot markets (Nowak, Nürnberg et al. 2000), (Anderson

and Philpott 2003). An alternative is to explicitly represent other generation companies

(Pereira, Granville et al. 2005).

Uncertainty is again a relevant ingredient of these new UC models. The main

source of uncertainty is now the wholesale electricity market, due to the fact that the

decisions made by the rest of agents are not known in advance.

In some cases, authors represent the uncertain nature of the electricity market in

terms of scenarios of electricity prices (Takriti, Krasenbrink et al. 2000), (Tseng 2001),

(Valenzuela and Mazumdar 2003). As mentioned, this is only valid if the company of

interest is small with respect to the market. In contrast, other authors combine the

consideration of uncertainty and of the influence of the company on the price of

electricity (Anderson and Philpott 2002), (Baíllo, Ventosa et al. 2004), although their

purpose was deriving optimal offers for the electricity spot market, rather than

computing an optimal UC schedule.

Another recent subject of research is the management of the risk exposure of a

generation company making scheduling decisions under uncertainty in the context of a

wholesale electricity market (Conejo, Nogales et al. 2004), (Yamin and Shahidehpour

2004). For this purpose, uncertainty in the electricity market is represented by means of

price scenarios, assuming that the generation company is small with respect to the


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Researchers have also considered the upstream fuel markets when making power

generation unit commitment decisions in electricity markets under uncertainty, (Takriti,

Supatgiat et al. 2001), (Takriti, Krasenbrink et al. 2000).

In this paper we propose a one-week stochastic UC model for a company owning

a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot

market in which two daily market mechanisms are available: a day-ahead market and an

adjustment market. The objective is the maximization of the company’s profit, defined

as the difference between the revenues obtained by the company in each market

mechanism and its production costs. Revenues are given as the product of the price of

electricity in each hour and the company’s sales in that hour. We consider the

company’s influence on the price of electricity and represent this influence making use

of the concept of residual demand. This causes the revenues of the company to be

expressed as non-linear and non-convex functions of the company’s sales. We formulate

these non-convex functions using piecewise linear approximations and binary variables.

We explicitly take into account market uncertainty for UC decisions by means of

a scenario tree in which we represent each spot market scenario in terms of a series of

residual-demand curves. A multistage setting is considered where each stage

corresponds to one day. This multistage stochastic UC model including a spot market

representation with two market mechanisms and based on residual demand curves is an

original contribution (Baíllo 2002). This model paves the way toward the consideration

of market risk, which is one of the future lines of research we envisage.

The proposed model results in a large-scale mixed-integer mathematical

programming problem which requires a great computational effort to be solved. For a

small number of scenarios (e.g. four weekly scenarios), a commercial mixed-integer

programming (MIP) optimizer is the right choice. However, if a realistic representation

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of uncertainty is required, a specific decomposition algorithm is required. In this paper

we evaluate the performance of Lagrangean relaxation and two original variants of

Benders decomposition algorithm (Cerisola 2004), which is the second contribution of

this paper. We also present a comparison of these approaches and discuss their

advantages and shortcomings.

It is not the purpose of this paper to provide a state-of-the-art representation of the

power system (i.e. the generation units and the transmission network). We therefore use

a simplified representation of the generation units and do not consider the influence or

limitations imposed by the transmission network. As has been mentioned, there are

already a significant number of contributions from other authors in this field of


The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we describe the electricity spot

market that we consider for our UC model. This is relevant because each electricity spot

market has its own particular features. In section 3 we explain the mathematical

formulation of our stochastic UC model. Section 4 presents a realistic numerical

example based on the Spanish power system and discusses the results obtained from its

direct solution with a commercial optimizer. In section 5 we develop a Lagrangean

relaxation approach to solve the problem and evaluate its performance with the

numerical example. We also discuss the results we have observed when trying to obtain

an initial point for the Lagrangean relaxation algorithm. In section 6 and section 7 we

propose two similar variants of nested Benders decomposition algorithm for the

stochastic UC problem with complementary advantages and disadvantages. In section 8

we summarize the main conclusions of this research and propose future lines of


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Agents participating in a wholesale electricity market require different market

mechanisms to perform their transactions in the way that best suits their business

strategy. The majority of wholesale electricity markets include a spot market in which

electricity is traded for immediate delivery and that is considered as a reference for the

rest of transactions.

Electricity spot markets typically include several market mechanisms. The

Spanish electricity spot market consists of a day-ahead market, a congestion

management procedure, an adjustment market, a reserves market and a balancing

mechanism. In this paper, we consider a simplified spot market consisting of a day-

ahead market and an adjustment market.

We assume that both the day-ahead market and the adjustment market are

constituted by twenty-four hourly auctions that take place one day in advance. These

auctions run based on simple sell offers and purchase bids. Participants are allowed to

operate as a portfolio with no limits on the number of offers or bids they wish to submit

and they are allowed to adopt different strategies for different hours. Hourly auctions

are mutually independent. Consequently, although the twenty-four hourly auctions that

form the day-ahead market are cleared at the same time, the result of one of these

auctions is based only on the offers and bids submitted by participants for that specific


The clearing process for a certain hourly auction evolves as follows. The set of

sell offers submitted for that hour yields an aggregate offer curve, whereas the buy bids

form an aggregate demand curve. The intersection of both curves determines the

volume of transactions *q that should take place.

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In this paper a marginal or uniform pricing scheme is adopted for all the hourly

auctions that constitute the spot market. The clearing price is determined by the

intersection of the aggregate sell offer and buy bid curves. In this manner, an offer is

rejected if and only if its price is greater than the market-clearing price. Similarly, a bid

is rejected if and only if its price is lower than the market-clearing price.


3.1 Modeling the rest of agents

As mentioned, there are two possible approaches to model the behavior of the rest

of agents in the spot market. If the company of interest is unable to affect the spot price

with its decisions then the rest of the world can simply be modeled by means of the spot

price. On the contrary, if the company has a non-negligible influence on the spot price,

then a more complex approach has to be adopted. In this paper we use the concept of

residual demand to represent the rest of agents. Due to uncertainty with respect to

rivals’ decisions, some of the input data of our model are random parameters. We will

use bold characters to distinguish them.

In each hourly auction of the spot market, n , the amount of energy that a

generation company is able to sell, nq , depends on the clearing price, np . This is due to

the combined effect of the demand at that price, ( )n nD p , and the supply of the rest of

generation companies at that price, ( )restn nS p .

( ) ( ) ( ) ,restn n n n n n n n= − = ∀q D p S p R p , (1)

Page 12: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms


where ( )n ⋅R is the residual demand faced by the company in auction n . To obtain

( )n nR p , the company only needs to know the demand, ( )n nD p , and the aggregate

offer, ( )n nS p , as it can obtain ( )restn nS p by subtracting its own offer.

( ) ( ) ( ) ,rest ownn n n n n nS n= − ∀S p S p p . (2)

Conversely, the clearing price can be expressed as a function of the company’s

sales. We refer to this function as inverse residual demand function,

( )1 ,n n n n−= ∀p R q . (3)

Given the inverse residual demand function of the company of interest, the

revenue of the company, nρ , can also be expressed as a function of its production,

( ) ( ) ,n n n n n n= ∀ρ q p q q . (4)

It should be noted that the revenue function is non convex in general.

If we assume that the aggregate offer and demand curves of each hourly auction

are published after its clearing, the company can easily obtain its residual demand and

its revenue function for each auction.

As can be seen in Figure 1, in a spot market in which offer curves are expressed as

stepwise functions (e.g. Spanish OMEL), inverse residual demand functions and

revenue functions have vertical segments that are not easy to represent in a

mathematical programming framework. To overcome this difficulty we suggest

approximating these functions by means of piecewise linear functions. The accuracy of

these approximations increases with the number of steps of the residual demand curve.

Page 13: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms









0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000Energy (MWh)


e (€



Residual-demand curve Piecewise linear approximation

Figure 1. Example of residual demand curve

In a spot market in which offer curves are defined as piecewise linear functions

(e.g. French PowerNext), inverse residual demand functions are naturally expressed as

piecewise linear functions whereas revenue functions turn out to be piecewise quadratic.

Needless to say, a piecewise quadratic function can be approximated as accurately as

desired by means of a piecewise linear function.

We therefore assume that both inverse residual demand functions and revenue

functions can be expressed as piecewise linear functions with J segments. Each

segment j is defined by its lower bound, jnq , and its upper bound, 1j n+q . We assign a

binary variable jnu to each segment j , such that 1jn =u if the company’s sales in hour

n are higher than jnq and 0jn =u in other case. We also define a continuous variable

jnv to represent the portion of segment j that is filled. Segment j can only be used if

segment 1j − is fulfilled.

Page 14: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms




1j np +


1nq 2nq jnq 1j nq + Jnq


1nv 2nv jnv

Inverse residual demand function


1j nρ +



1j nρ +


1nq 2nq jnq 1j nq + Jnq


1nv 2nv jnv

Revenue function

Figure 2. A piecewise linear representation of residual-demand and revenue functions.

Making use of the slopes of these piecewise linear functions, the following

expressions provide the clearing price and the company’s revenues for each level of

sales nq ,

1 ,n n jn jnj n= + ∀∑p p δ v , (5)

1 ,n n jn jnj n= + ∀∑ρ ρ γ v , (6)

,n jnj n= ∀∑q v , (7)

( ) ( )1 1 1 , ,j n j n jn jn jn j n jn j n+ + +− ≤ ≤ − ∀ ∀u q q v u q q , (8)

1 , ,jn j n j n−≤ ∀ ∀u u . (9)

3.2 Modeling the market clearing process

As previously described, each of the spot market mechanisms (day-ahead market

and adjustment market) is constituted by N hourly independent auctions, so that the

clearing process in a given hour n is based only on the offers and the bids submitted by

participants for that specific hour. As discussed in 3.1, while considering a generation

company with a non-negligible influence on the clearing price, the hourly auction n can

be modeled by means of the company’s sales, nq , and the residual demand curve faced

by the company, ( )n nR p . The clearing price, n*p is such that ( )n n n=*R p q .

Page 15: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms


3.3 Modeling the operation of the generation units

In this paper we approximate the production costs of thermal unit t in each hour

n as a linear function,

( ) , ,t t t t t t t t t tn n n no k f k t nβ α= + + ∀ ∀c q u q , (10)

where to are unit t ’s variable O&M costs, in €/MWh, tnq is the net output of unit t , in

MW, tf is the fuel cost, in €/Tcal, tβ is the independent term of the heat rate function,

in Tcal/h, { }0,1∈tnu is the commitment state (on/off) for unit t in hour n , tα is the

linear term of the heat rate function, in Tcal/MWh, and tk is the self-consumption

coefficient of unit t , in p.u. Thermal units also have a gross maximum capacity t

q , in

MW, a gross minimum stable output tq , in MW, as well as up- and down-ramp-rate

limits, tl , tl , in MW/h,

, ,tt t t t t t

n n nq k q k t n≤ ≤ ∀ ∀u q u , (11)

1 , ,tt t t

n nl l t n−− ≤ − ≤ ∀ ∀q q . (12)

Furthermore, the commitment state of every thermal unit in each hour, tnu ,

depends on the commitment state of that thermal unit in the hour before, 1tn−u , and on

the starting and stopping decisions tny and t

nz respectively, for that hour,

1 , ,t t t tn n n n t n−= + − ∀ ∀u u y z . (13)

Thermal units are also subject to special requirements with respect to their

commitment dynamics. For example, a thermal unit t is frequently required to produce

a minimum number of hours, tN , before it stops. Similarly, once it stops, it must

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remain offline a minimum number of hours, tN , before it can produce again. We

formulate these minimum up-time and minimum down-time requirements as follows:

1 1, , , 1, , 1t t ttn n n t n Nν ν+ − − ≤ ∀ ∀ = −…u + u u , (14)

1 1, , , 1, , 1t t tn n n tt n Nν ν+ − − ≥ ∀ ∀ = −…u + u u , (15)

Our model manages hydro reserves in an aggregate manner by integrating hydro

plants located in the same river basin into an equivalent hydro unit, h . The detail of the

hydro networks can be considered in a subsequent decision stage in order to derive a

more precise hydro schedule. We consider a constant energy/flow ratio for each

equivalent hydro unit and express hydro reserves in terms of stored energy, in MWh.

Equivalent units can also operate in pumping mode. The state of each equivalent

reservoir h is evaluated as follows,

1 , ,h h h h h h h h

n n n n n nk i h nη−= − + − + ∀ ∀w w q s b , (16)

where hnw is the energy stored by unit h at the end of hour n in MWh, h

nq is its net

output in hour n in MW, hk is its self consumption coefficient, in p.u., hni are the net

inflows it receives in hour n , in MWh, hns is the energy spilt in MWh, h

nb is the energy

pumped in hour n in MWh and hη is the performance of the pump-turbine cycle, in


Each unit has gross maximum generation and pumping capacities, h

q , hb , both in

MW. Its reservoir has a maximum and a minimum operating level, hw , hw , in MWh,

0 , ,hh h

n k q h n≤ ≤ ∀ ∀q , (17)

0 , ,hh

n b h n≤ ≤ ∀ ∀b , (18)

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0 , ,hn h n≤ ∀ ∀s , (19)

, ,hh h

nw w h n≤ ≤ ∀ ∀w . (20)

In this paper we assume that unit h has a certain amount of energy, 0hw , available

for the planning horizon. A medium-term hydrothermal model can determine this


3.4 The energy balance equation

If the generation company sells for hour n an amount of energy 1nq through the

day-ahead market and an amount of energy 2nq through the adjustment market, the

company must produce this energy with its generation units. To that end we formulate

the following energy balance equation:

1 2 , ,t h hn n n n nt h t n⎡ ⎤+ = + − ∀ ∀⎣ ⎦∑ ∑q q q q b . (21)

It is important to notice that each hourly auction of both market mechanisms is

represented in our model as described in sections 3.2 and 3.3.

3.5 Modeling the problem’s objective function

In the new deregulated framework the objective of a risk-neutral generation

company operating in a spot market such as the one we consider in this paper is the

maximization of its expected profit. In the particular context of this paper the

company’s profit, P , is a random variable that can be calculated as follows:

( ) ( ) ( )1 1 2 2 t tn n n n n nn t

⎡ ⎤= + −⎣ ⎦∑ ∑P ρ q ρ q c q . (22)

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3.6 Compact formulation

In this section we summarize the formulation that we propose for the stochastic

UC problem. We formulate some of the constraints in a compact manner to simplify the

forthcoming description of the decomposition algorithms that we have used to solve this


( ) ( ) ( )1 2

1 1 2 2, ,

, , ,,

maxn n

t t t tn n n n

h hn n

t tn n n n n nn t

⎡ ⎤= + −⎣ ⎦∑ ∑q q

q u y zq b

P ρ q ρ q c q , Objective function,

1 1,n nQ n∈ ∀q , Day-ahead market constraints,

2 2,n nQ n∈ ∀q , Adjustment market constraints,

{ }, , , ,t t t t tn n n n Q t∈ ∀q u y z , Thermal unit constraints,

{ }, , ,h h h hn n n Q h∈ ∀q b w , Hydro unit constraints,

1 2 , ,t h hn n n n nt h t n⎡ ⎤+ = + − ∀ ∀⎣ ⎦∑ ∑q q q q b , Energy balance equation.


4.1 Description of the numerical example

We address the weekly UC problem of a fictitious power generation company

owning a number of randomly chosen generation units present in the Spanish Power

System (see Table 1 for a description of the generation portfolio).

TOTAL Nuclear Hydro Pumping Fuel Gas Coal

3.834 0.16 1.521 0.1 0.157 0.157 1.739 [GW]

Percentage 4.17 39.67 2.61 4.09 4.09 45.36 [%] Table 1. Generating power capacity considered in our example.

The generation company must decide the optimal UC schedule for its

hydrothermal portfolio of generators under uncertainty of the behavior of the rest of

Page 19: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms


agents in the spot market. In other words, the generation company does not know the

residual demand that it will be facing in each of the hourly auctions of the seven day-

ahead and adjustment market sessions that will take place in the week of study.

Therefore it must decide its UC based on historic information about the behavior of the

rest of agents. We assume this historic information to be readily available.

Based on this historic information we assume that the generation company

constructs a multistage scenario tree for the week of study such as the one shown in

Figure 3.

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wen Thu Fri Figure 3. Multistage scenario tree.

Each node of the scenario tree corresponds to one spot market session, including a

day-ahead market session and an adjustment market session. This implies that each

node comprises twenty-four residual demand functions for the day-ahead market,

twenty-four residual demand functions for the adjustment market and a twenty-four

hour schedule for the generation portfolio of the company including UC decisions.

We are therefore assuming that uncertainty unfolds from one spot market session

to the following. In this particular numerical example we assume that there are two

possible market situations for each day. We also assume that the rest of agents will

behave in a consistent manner from Tuesday to Friday. This yields the eight-scenario

tree depicted in Figure 3.

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Building such a scenario tree is complicated and requires specific techniques

(Pflug 2001). However, we are specifically concerned with the solution of the resulting

multistage stochastic problem and a detailed description of how the scenario tree should

be constructed exceeds the purpose of this paper.

The residual-demand curves used in this example have been obtained from the

offers and bids submitted to the Spanish spot market between July 11th 2004 and July

23rd 2004 (OMEL).

4.2 Direct problem solution

We have implemented the multistage stochastic UC model in GAMS (Brooke,

Kendrick et al. 2004). The characteristics of the numerical example are shown in Table

2. As can be seen, it is a large-scale mixed linear-integer programming problem. We use

binary variables to model UC decisions and to represent non-concave revenue functions.

Rows Columns NonZero Integer Number of elements 186973 142817 75121 42916

Table 2. Size of the numerical example.

We have solved this problem with CPLEX 9.0 in a PC P-IV 2.8 GHz 512 MB.

The best feasible solution that we have obtained after two hours of computation is

5.401754 M€, with an upper bound of 5.403861 M€, which implies a tolerance of

0.039 %.

Figure 4 shows the prices that result from the UC schedule proposed by the

model. It is interesting to see that day-ahead market prices are similar to adjustment

market prices and that the model can be used to do arbitrage between both market


Figure 5 depicts the hourly power output that the model suggests. It is clear that

the model recommends selling more when prices are expected to be higher. During this

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week, the model indicates that the company should participate in the adjustment market

to sell more power.


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1 7 13 19

Day-ahead market price

Adjustment market price

Figure 4. Day-ahead market prices and adjustment market prices, in €/MWh.

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1 17

Power production

Adjustment market sales

Day-ahead market sales

Figure 5. Day-ahead market sales, adjustment market sales and power production, in MWh.

Figure 6 represents the dynamic evolution of the commitment status of a certain

thermal unit as uncertainty with respect to the electricity spot market unfolds. Similarly,

Figure 7 shows the evolution of the reserves of one of the hydro equivalent units (we

force the model to use all hydro reserves, irrespective of the market scenario, which is a

simplification). Both figures illustrate the advantages of using a stochastic UC model.

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wen Thu Fri

Unit onUnit off

Figure 6. Commitment status for a particular generation unit.

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1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22



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1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22



1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22



1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22



1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22



1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22



1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 Figure 7. Evolution of the hydro reserves for a particular hydro unit.

Directly solving multistage stochastic UC problems with CPLEX has limitations

regarding the size of the problems that can be solved. This mainly depends on the

number of generation units that constitute the company’s portfolio and the number of

market scenarios that have to be considered. Due to this we have explored the

possibility of using alternative decomposition solution procedures.


5.1 Lagrangean relaxation of the stochastic UC problem

A large-scale problem with complicating constraints is particularly amenable for a

dual decomposition solution strategy. One possible approach is Lagrangean relaxation

(LR) (Geoffrion 1974).

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Traditionally, LR has been used to derive the solution of UC problems in two

different ways. The first one is known as component decomposition (Römisch and

Schultz 2001) and consists of relaxing the demand and reserve constraints, which

establish a link between the different generation units. The independent schedules thus

obtained do not satisfy the demand and reserve constraints but are usually very close to

the primal optimal solution (Merlin and Sandrin 1983), (Zhuang and Galiana 1988),

(Yan, Luh et al. 1993), (Takriti and Birge 2000). The second approach consists of

deriving an extended formulation of the stochastic problem that includes copies of the

decision variables for each scenario and explicitly incorporates the formulation of the

non-anticipativity constraints. The LR of these constraints leads to a Lagrangean

subproblem that is separable into individual subproblems, each one corresponding to

one scenario. This technique is commonly known as scenario decomposition (Nowak

and Römisch 2001).

We have applied LR to our stochastic UC problem by relaxing the energy balance

equation, which can be seen as a component decomposition approach. The Lagrangean

dual problem that results from this relaxation is formulated as follows:

( ) ( ) ( )( )

{ }{ }

1 2

1 1 2 2

1 2, ,, , ,


1 1

2 2



, , , ,

, , ,

n nt t t tn n n n

h hn n


t tn n n n n nt

n t h hn n n n n nt h

n n

n nt t t t tn n n n

h h h hn n n

Q n

Q n

Q t

Q h

⎧ ⎫⎡ ⎤+ −⎪ ⎪⎢ ⎥=⎪ ⎪⎢ ⎥⎡ ⎤− + − + −⎪ ⎪⎢ ⎥⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪∈ ∀⎨ ⎬⎪ ⎪∈ ∀⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪∈ ∀⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪

∈ ∀⎪ ⎪⎩ ⎭


∑ ∑q qq u y zq b

ρ q ρ q c qP

q q q q b



q u y z

q b w



Due to the relaxation of the energy balance equation, the inner maximization

problem naturally decomposes into a number of smaller subproblems. The first type of

Page 25: STOCHASTIC POWER GENERATION UNIT COMMITMENT IN …...a diversified portfolio of generation units that sells its production in an electricity spot market in which two daily market mechanisms


subproblem decides the offering strategy for the n -th hourly auction of the day-ahead

market, given the current value of the Lagrange multipliers:

( )1

1 1 1

1 1


n n n n

n nQ

qρ q q



The second type of subproblem selects the offering strategy for the n -th auction

of the adjustment market, given the value of the Lagrange multipliers:

( )2

2 2 2

2 2


n n n n

n nQ

qρ q q



The third type of subproblem optimizes the schedule of each thermal unit t , given

the value of the Lagrange multipliers:

( )

{ }, , ,max

, , ,

t t t tn n n n

t t tn n n nn

t t t t tn n n n Q

∑q u y z

q c q

q u y z


Finally, the fourth type of subproblem optimizes the schedule of each hydro unit

h , given the value of the Lagrange multipliers:

{ }

, ,max

, ,

h h hn n n

h hn n nn

h h h hn n n Q

⎡ ⎤−⎣ ⎦

∑q b w

q b

q b w


A straightforward economic interpretation can be suggested for the Lagrange

multiplier nλ . It can be understood as the marginal cost associated to a local variation

of the total quantity sold by the company in hour n . It can also be interpreted as the

marginal revenue obtained by the company due to the total energy produced with its

generation units in hour n .

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5.2 Solution of the numerical example

We have solved the Lagrangean dual problem of the numerical example using a

standard method based on the outer approximation of the dual function. We have

implemented this LR algorithm in GAMS in order to solve the subproblems and the

master dual problem with CPLEX. The LR algorithm includes enhancements such as

the dynamic update of the dual feasibility region to avoid the typical oscillatory

behavior (Jiménez and Conejo 1999). If we initialize the Lagrange multipliers to zero

and set a minimum tolerance of 0.01 %, we converge in 98 iterations to a value of the

dual function of 5.412936 M€, whereas the corresponding value of the outer

approximation is 5.412388 M€ (see Figure 8). Each iteration requires 10 s of CPU time

in a PC P-IV 2.8 GHz 512 MB, which means that about 15 minutes are required to

obtain this solution.










1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91Iterations



e fu


n (M

Dual function Outer approximation of the dual function

Figure 8. Evolution of the LR algorithm.

As usual with LR algorithms, the dual solution thus obtained does not satisfy the

relaxed constraints. However, a feasible solution can be easily obtained either by fixing

the decisions taken for the spot market and optimizing the generation schedule or by

fixing the generation schedule and optimizing the decisions taken for the spot market.

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The best result is obtained by fixing the generation schedule, with solution

5.313693 M€, which is 1.6 % worse than the solution provided by CPLEX. Table 1

summarizes these results.

CPLEX LR solution best possible dual lower bound dual solution primal solution

5.401754 5.403861 5.412388 5.412936 5.313693 Table 3. Summary of the results obtained with the LR and comparison with those obtained with CPLEX.

5.3 Computing a warm start for the LR algorithm

One question that arises is whether we can save computational effort by selecting

better initial values for the Lagrange multipliers instead of making a cold start. One

possible form of computing an initial Lagrangean solution is to solve the original

problem with the integrality requirements relaxed and use the resulting values for the

dual variables of the energy balance equation as the initial values for the Lagrange


We have therefore solved with CPLEX the numerical example with the integrality

requirements relaxed and obtained 5.420223 M€. We have then used the values of the

Lagrange multipliers to evaluate the dual function and have obtained 5.412394 M€,

which is between the bounds of the solution provided by the LR algorithm. This initial

point is as close to the optimum of the dual problem as the solution obtained after 98

iterations of the LR algorithm.

A possible reason for this is that it may happen that the feasible region for the

stochastic UC problem satisfies the integrality property (Geoffrion 1974) which, in

principle, is not easy to prove. A necessary condition for this property to hold is that the

solution of the problem without the relaxed constraint but including the integrality

requirements is identical to the solution of the problem without the relaxed constraint

and with the integrality requirements relaxed. In this particular numerical example this

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property does not hold because these two solutions are 22.041479 M€ and

22.049839 M€, respectively. An interesting fact is that when the minimum up- and

down-time requirements are not considered, both solutions are the same

(22.061646 M€).

In any case, given that UC problems are solved with LR algorithms on a weekly

or even daily basis, it seems a good idea to use this initial point, given that it can save

significant computational effort.


6.1 Description of the algorithm

(Benders 1962) suggests and algorithm for problems with complicating variables

that iterates between a master problem (which includes the complicating variables) and

a linear subproblem (which comprises the rest of the problem). In (Van Slyke and Wets

1969) Benders algorithm is suggested as an approach to tackle the L-shaped two-stage

linear programs that typically appear in optimal control theory and stochastic

programming (hence the name “L-shaped method”).

The two-stage L-shaped method (Benders algorithm) is immediately extended to

multistage situations via nested decomposition and to stochastic situations with the use

of the multicut or the monocut version of the method (Birge and Louveaux 1988). This

extension is sometimes referred to as nested Benders decomposition.

In a multistage stochastic situation, the algorithm traverses the corresponding

scenario tree forth and back until convergence is reached. In this context, a variety of

partitioning strategies can be adopted. A natural choice is to solve one problem for each

node of the scenario tree. However, if it is possible to solve the problem for a single

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scenario, then a good idea is to start by solving the most restrictive scenario and then

proceed with the rest of the tree by solving the remaining subtrees (Figure 9). This

reduces the need for feasibility cuts and speeds up convergence.

Sat Sun Mon Tue Wen Thu Fri Figure 9. Proposed partitioning approach.

As commented before, the L-shaped method was originally conceived to address

two-stage problems with a linear second stage. In a multistage setting this implies that

all the subproblems must be linear programs. The presence of subproblems with

integrality requirements (we refer to these subproblems as ISPs) significantly

compromises the application of the the L-shaped method, given that the recourse

functions turn out to be non-convex (in the case of our maximization problem they are

non-concave). If the cuts generated in the backward passes are obtained from the

solution of the ISPs, Benders algorithm, in general, will not converge toward the

optimal solution. The reason is that the cuts generated in this fashion are tangent to the

non-concave recourse functions and may eliminate the optimal solution.

Due to this, when applying Benders decomposition to the solution of UC

problems authors typically adopt a partitioning approach in which they restrict the

presence of integrality requirements (e.g. binary variables) to the master problem (Ma

and Shahidepour 1998).

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However, if the cuts generated in the backward passes are obtained from the

solution of the subproblems with the integrality requirements relaxed (RSPs), the

optimal solution will surely not be eliminated because these cuts are tangent to the

recourse functions of the RSPs (we refer to these as relaxed recourse functions). These

recourse functions are concave and, in this maximization problem, run above the

original non-concave recourse functions of the ISPs.

According to these ideas, we suggest using the following variant of the nested

Benders decomposition to the solution of a multistage problem that includes integrality

requirements in the subproblems: In forward passes the ISPs are solved, whereas in

backward passes the RSPs are solved in order to generate new cuts, as shown in Figure

10 (Cerisola 2004).

Master problem



ISP N–1…




RSP 2…

Status of thermal unitsRemaining hydro reserves

Status of thermal unitsRemaining hydro reserves

Status of thermal unitsRemaining hydro reserves

Status of thermal unitsRemaining hydro reserves

Benders cuts

Benders cuts

Benders cuts

Benders cuts

Figure 10. Algorithm 1.

In each iteration, an upper bound is given by the solution of the master problem

and a lower bound is determined by the evaluation of the objective function of the

complete problem for the current solution. Observe that as long as the method to

approximate the recourse functions does not produce exact convexifications, the lower

bound may never reach the upper bound. This algorithm, which we will refer to as

Algorithm 1, finishes when the difference of the primal values obtained in two

consecutive iterations is lower than a specified tolerance.

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This approach does not eliminate the optimal solution and provides a feasible

solution, but it does not guarantee a minimum quality for the solution. The reason is that

the relaxed recourse functions may not approximate the original recourse functions

accurately enough. Nevertheless it seems a good idea to test this solution approach with

the stochastic UC problem formulated in this paper.

6.2 Solution of the numerical example

We have solved the numerical example using Algorithm 1 with the partitioning

approach shown in Figure 9. The constraints that establish a link between the

subproblems are those that represent the dynamics of the operation of generation units,

(13), (14), (15), and (16). The dual variables corresponding to these constraints are the

ones used to obtain Benders cuts.

The solution obtained with Algorithm 1 is 5.401882 M€ with an upper bound

provided by the master problem of 5.411203 M€ (0.17 %). Ten iterations were required,

as shown in Table 4. Each forward pass consumed about 150 s, while each backward

pass took about 8 s (Table 5 shows the details of one iteration). The ten iterations

involved about 1500 s of CPU time.

Iteration Solution Master problem(upper bound)

1 5.059272 1.356502 2 5.349088 5.782115 3 5.397756 5.445906 4 5.389815 5.4324 5 5.386587 5.413691 6 5.389619 5.411896 7 5.401837 5.411277 8 5.401876 5.411208 9 5.401882 5.411203 10 5.401882 5.411203 Table 4. Evolution of Algorithm 1.

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Pass Subtree Profit (M€) Time (s) Equations Variables Forward 1 5.411208 56.3 33230 25410

2 2.486954 30.8 28627 21761 3 1.320484 6 24018 18260 4 1.318075 5.2 24018 18260 5 0.677441 4.1 19284 14785 6 0.676719 4.2 19284 14785 7 0.626711 10.1 19284 14785 8 0.625106 8.3 19284 14785

Backward 8 0.626359 0.8 19284 14785 7 0.62797 0.7 19284 14785 6 0.677632 0.7 19284 14785 5 0.678313 0.7 19284 14785 4 1.318863 1.2 24019 18260 3 1.321161 1.7 24019 18260 2 2.490514 1.3 28629 21761

Table 5. Results corresponding to the 8th iteration of Algorithm 1.

The solution obtained with Algorithm 1 is better than the one obtained with

CPLEX. However, the upper bound given by Algorithm 1 does not provide an accurate

measure of the quality of this solution. The upper bound returned by CPLEX, 5.403861,

shows that the quality of the solution obtained with Algorithm 1 is much better than

what the algorithm suggests (Table 6).

CPLEX Algorithm 1 solution best possible solution upper bound

5.401754 5.403861 5.401882 5.411203 Table 6. Summary of the results obtained with Algorithm 1.

In conclusion, although the Benders cuts that are obtained with Algorithm 1 seem

to guide the master problem toward a reasonable solution, they do not provide an

accurate approximation for the non-concave recourse function and therefore do not

yield a good measure of the quality of this solution.

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7.1 Description of the algorithm

The generalized Benders’ decomposition (GBD) algorithm (Geoffrion 1972)

(Holmberg 1994) consists of iterating between the master problem and the LR of the

subproblem, where the relaxed equations are those that connect both stages. The

solution of the subproblems via LR is intended to handle non-linear subproblems. The

algorithm proceeds as the traditional Benders algorithm does. The extension of this

algorithm to a nested situation is immediate.

GBD suggests a refinement of Algorithm 1. The idea is that in backward passes,

we first solve the RSPs. Then we take the dual variables corresponding to the coupling

constraints and we use the corresponding Lagrange multipliers to evaluate the objective

function of the Lagrangean dual of the ISPs. The value of the objective function of the

Lagrangean dual of the ISPs for those multipliers is lower than the solution obtained for

the RSPs. This means that a Benders cut constructed with those multipliers and with the

objective function of the Lagrangean dual of the ISPs approximate more accurately the

recourse function of the ISPs. This improvement has the computational cost of solving a

MIP subproblem instead of a LP subproblem.

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Master problem







Status ofthermal



Benders cuts


Benders cuts





Benders cuts


Status ofthermal



Status ofthermal



Status ofthermal





Benders cuts


Figure 11. Algorithm 2.

It is important to emphasize that in this case the Lagrangean dual of each ISP is

obtained by relaxing the constraints that establish a link with its ancestor. This

application of LR is quite different from the one suggested in section 5.

It is also important to notice that this algorithm is less computationally expensive

that GBD. In this algorithm we just evaluate the Lagrangean dual function of each ISP

for a given value of the Lagrange multipliers. In contrast, in GBD the Lagrangean dual

problem of each ISP is solved for the current proposal of the corresponding ancestor.

As with Algorithm 1, this algorithm, which we will refer to as Algorithm 2,

finishes when the difference of the primal values obtained in two consecutive iterations

is lower than a specified tolerance.

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7.2 Solution of the numerical example

We have solved the numerical example with Algorithm 2 and have obtained the

same solution as with Algorithm 1. The difference lies in the upper bound provided by

the solution of the master problem, which is more accurate in this case.

As with Algorithm 1, ten iterations were required to obtain the solution (Table 7).

Again, each forward pass consumed about 150 s. Backward passes now took about 15 s

(Table 8). The ten iterations involved about 1500 s of CPU time, which is quite similar

to the CPU time consumed by Algorithm 1.

Iteration Solution Master problem(upper bound)

1 5.059272 1.356502 2 5.349088 5.771254 3 5.397756 5.440117 4 5.389815 5.426414 5 5.386576 5.406862 6 5.399464 5.405477 7 5.401837 5.404777 8 5.401866 5.404703 9 5.401882 5.404626 10 5.401882 5.404626 Table 7. Evolution of Algorithm 2.

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Pass Subtree Profit (M€) Time (s) Equations Variables Forward 1 5.404703 67.9 33230 25410

2 2.484833 47.8 28627 21761 3 1.319637 6.4 24018 18260 4 1.31725 4.6 24018 18260 5 0.677661 3.2 19284 14785 6 0.676946 3.8 19284 14785 7 0.626849 6.6 19284 14785 8 0.625348 5.8 19284 14785

Backward 8 0.626603 0.7 19284 14785 8 0.625361 0.7 19284 14785 7 0.62811 0.7 19284 14785 7 0.626856 0.7 19284 14785 6 0.677858 0.7 19284 14785 6 0.676976 0.7 19284 14785 5 0.678531 0.7 19284 14785 5 0.6777 0.7 19284 14785 4 1.318021 1 24019 18260 4 1.317251 1 24019 18260 3 1.320324 1 24019 18260 3 1.319641 1 24019 18260 2 2.488403 1.5 28629 21761 2 2.487503 1.5 28629 21761

Table 8. Results corresponding to the 8th iteration of Algorithm 2.

The advantage of Algorithm 2 with respect to Algorithm 1 is that it provides a

more accurate measure of the quality of the solution obtained. The disadvantages are

that the solution obtained is not necessarily better and that it may have a higher

computational cost, although this effect is negligible in the numerical example that we

have solved in this paper.

Table 9 summarizes the results obtained with Algorithm 2 and establishes a

comparison with those obtained with CPLEX and Algorithm 1.

CPLEX Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2 solution best possible solution upper bound solution upper bound

5.401754 5.403861 5.401882 5.411203 5.401882 5.404626 Table 9. Summary of the results obtained with Algorithm 2.

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We have used four different methods to solve the numerical example that we have

proposed. In this section we summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each

solution method and suggest the circumstances under which each method is the right


Direct solution with a commercial optimizer has the important advantage of being

easy to implement in a modeling platform such as GAMS. In fact, even if the problem

of interest cannot be directly solved with a commercial optimizer, it is very

recommendable to start by implementing the model in a modeling platform, in order to

have a benchmark when validating other alternative solution methods. Another

advantage is that, when dealing with problems with sizes near to current computing

limitations, it is still possible to obtain a feasible solution with an accurate upper bound

that gives a good measure of the quality of this solution. The obvious disadvantage of

this method is that it has limitations regarding the size of the problems that can be


LR implies certain implementation work, which is a drawback with respect to

direct solution, although its implementation is quite straightforward. An advantage is

that it provides approximate solutions for problems that cannot be directly solved with a

commercial optimizer. Additionally, it is a well-known algorithm for which a variety of

enhancements have been proposed and that requires reasonable computation times

(about 15 minutes for the numerical example of this paper). Its implementation also

permits quickly obtaining an initial Lagrangean solution that, according to our

experience, may be very close to the actual Lagrangean dual optimum. A disadvantage

is that the primal solution obtained is not feasible for the original problem. However,

the possibility of deriving a feasible solution is at hand, by simply fixing part of the

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results (e.g. the generation commitment schedule) and determining the optimum value

for the rest of variables.

Algorithm 1 is harder to implement than LR. It requires decomposing the

constraints that establish a link between different subproblems and approximating the

recourse functions by Benders cuts. The advantages are that it provides a feasible

solution in every iteration and that it provides a final solution that is much better than

the one obtained with LR with similar computation times. A disadvantage is that it does

not provide a good measure of the quality of the solution obtained (the solution may be

much better than what the algorithm suggests).

Algorithm 2 is even harder to implement than Algorithm 1 because it requires

formulating the Lagrangean function for each subproblem. Apart from this, it has the

same advantages than Algorithm 1 with similar computation times. Additionally, it

provides a good measure of the quality of the solution obtained.

Table 10 summarizes the previous analysis of advantages and disadvantages and

permits a comparison of the four solution methods.

Direct solution LR Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2


• Easy to implement. • Benchmark for other

methods. • Solutions are feasible.

• Not difficult to implement. • Well-known method. • Quick initial solution. • Reasonable CPU time.

• Feasible solutions. • Reasonable CPU time.

• Feasible solutions. • Reasonable CPU time. • Accurate measure of

the solution quality.

Disadvantages • Size limitations. • Computational cost

for large problems.

• Infeasible solutions. • Leads to poor feasible


• Hard to implement. • Inaccurate measure of

the solution quality.

• Very hard to implement.

Table 10. Summary of advantages and disadvantages for the four solution methods.


In this paper we have proposed a stochastic UC model for a generation company

that takes part in an electricity spot market. The original feature of this UC model is its

detailed representation of the spot market of interest, including the influence of the

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company’s decisions on the price of electricity and uncertainty with respect to the

behavior of the rest of agents. The operation of the generation units is also represented

in detail, as in other traditional UC models.

This stochastic UC model results in large-scale mixed linear-integer problems

when applied to realistic numerical examples. In this paper we have evaluated four

alternative solution methods: direct solution with a commercial optimizer, Lagrangean

relaxation, and two original extensions of the nested Benders decomposition. We have

also performed a detailed analysis of advantages and disadvantages and have suggested

the circumstances under which it would be reasonable to use each method.

This paper also suggests future lines of research. We have shown that a quick

Lagrangean solution can be obtained with a low computational cost and that this

solution is remarkably close to the solution of the Lagrangean dual problem. This result

can be guaranteed if the UC problem satisfies the integrality property. We have checked

that this is not the case for the numerical example proposed in this paper, but have also

indicated that it might hold for other cases in which certain constraints (minimum up-

time and down-time requirements) are not present. We consider this to be an interesting

future line of research.

From a different perspective, the good performance of the two extensions of

Benders algorithm is also noteworthy. Although this good performance cannot be

guaranteed a priori, our experience suggests that it should be expected for UC problems.

We also think that these algorithms may prove useful for other operation planning

models in the context of power generation.


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