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Stilling Rh

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STILLING RH          We tried our best with our GRAINS OF ALMIGHTY GOD (JULY 2011) AND TRILOGY (OF FOUR) ON REJECTING HADES ( 23 AUGUST 2012). This time kindly allow us to do our worst:          If, as RH strongly implies, "overpopulation" is a national problem (that RH proposes to solve), a theory that we reject without qualification, then its theoretical supporters are bright and we are not. Otherwise there must be some stupidities lying around somewhere.          Has anyone ever heard of any solvent bank complaining of too many depositors (therefore of overpopulation)? And would it not be stupid of its President/Chief Executive Officer if he complained of "overdeposits”?          Has anyone ever heard of any supermarket complaining of too many customers (overpopulation)? And would it not be stupid of its managers if they complained of too much profits?        Has anyone ever heard of any revenue-earning (taxes, fees, fines, surcharges)government agency complaining of too many (overpopulation) clients? And would it not be stupid of its officials if they complained of too much revenues?         Has anyone ever heard of an Evangelist or Pastor, self-styled or institution-ordained, complaining of preaching/orating/declaiming to/before too many (overpopulation) followers/fanatics/zealots/faithful? And would it not be stupidof them/their superiors if they complained of receiving too much tithes?          Has anyone ever heard of a politician complaining of too many listeners (overpopulation) in his audience? And would it not be stupidly-hypocritical or hypocritically- stupid of him were he to complain of too many applauses, deserved or undeserved?          Has anyone ever heard of a Congressman complaining of serving too many (overpopulation) constituents (unless he would rather spend less for buying votes)? And would it not be stupid of him to be complaining of winning the approval of more for better chances in the next elections?          Has anyone ever heard of a foodstore complaining of too many (overpopulation) hungry men, women and child (unless perhaps of too many senior

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citizens reducing profit)? And would it not be stupid of the cook to be complaining of labor for more appetizing recipes; the cashier, of fingering more dirty bills? Has anyone ever heard of an actor or actress( whose talent for projecting the "pseudo-reality" of make-belief in movies and advertisements enable him/her to  rake in millions from the emotionally/psychologically bewitched masses who are further idiotized by progressively misleading appearances) complaining of too many (overpopulation)  adoring fans?          There are those who will be quick to point out that the poor (the obvious target of population reduction) are hardly the source of treasury-enriching taxes, fees, etcetera. But the benefitted would admit, albeit not quickly, that it is the poor man's sweat, and oftentimes creativity, in offices, factories, fields and laboratories that make it conveniently possible for them (the benefitted)  to pay taxes, etc including the costs of their luxuries and excesses.          There may, in truth, be "overpopulation" that can threaten the existenceof the human race but only when it is established as actual reality that     -           1. There is an irreversible underpopulation of birds, fishes, animals and plants              and           2. There is an irremediable bankruptcy of humans who are leading life possessed with uncompromising sense of humility, prudence, temperance,  piety, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, holy fear, justice and who are   ever-willing and vigilant in nurturing the God-given endowments of FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY. Or, are we, in fact, just being malignantly pigheaded. It is our right, bynatural law and law of nature, not to be stupid. It is also a duty.                    Respectfully submitted, all for AGAL( Almighty God ALways )           roberto siccuan de alban          Sampaloc, for Tumauini, Isabela         10 Septembner 2012