Step-less Classified Salary Schedule November 15, 2011

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Current Salary Schedule Disadvantages Salary Schedule communicates false expectations for an increase Employees fixate on movement Employees do not always consider the % put on cells as part of their raise Row movement (2.5% to 3.9%) is inequitable If only giving row movement the salary schedule does not stay competitive with other districts New employees placed with years of experience while current employees stay put

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Step-less Classified Salary Schedule November 15, 2011 Current Classified Salary Schedule History Step / Grade System in existence for many years Employees have not moved a row on the salary schedule for the last 5 years 2% raise on cells in 2008 Current Salary Schedule Disadvantages Salary Schedule communicates false expectations for an increase Employees fixate on movement Employees do not always consider the % put on cells as part of their raise Row movement (2.5% to 3.9%) is inequitable If only giving row movement the salary schedule does not stay competitive with other districts New employees placed with years of experience while current employees stay put Current Classified Salary Schedule Advantages of Step-less Schedule Aligns classified salary schedule to all other pay schedules in the District All employees stay at current rate of pay No longer a need to fund both a row movement and an increase to each step All employees are treated equally Employees are no longer restricted from earning salaries beyond the stated, ending hourly rate Madison School District # CLASSIFIED SALARY RANGE GradeRange Questions