Stella Collins talks to Andy Lancaster Head of Learning and Development Practical Virtual Learning Environments ©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Stella Collins talks to Andy Lancaster Head of Learning and Development Practical Virtual Learning Environments ©Stellar Learning 2015

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Stella Collinstalks to Andy LancasterHead of Learning and Development

Practical Virtual Learning Environments

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339


©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Workplace is changing fast - L&D must evolve

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Research Annual L&D Survey 2015L&D: Evolving role, enhancing skills

86% using online learning e.g. webinars, 34% have the skills76% report developing online content, 31% have the skills

70% learn for job needs from web searches42% accessing learning from mobile essential/very useful

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change

Charles Darwin, Naturalist

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

CIPD Training new L&D qualifications and professional development fully online

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Q. What makes engaging virtual learning?

Brain friendly … beyond face to face

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Motivate mindsAbsorb informationSearch for meaningTrigger memoryExhibit learningReview to retain

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Great invitation

Clear outcomes WIIFM

Start well; energy and can-do

Motivate minds

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Invoke all senses; but how?

Use stories; rich language

Participation every 5 mins

Absorb information

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Generate pre-thinking

Group work discussion

Encourage application

Search for meaning

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339







Trigger memory

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Mini-tests as you go

Questions; chat and direct

Break out groups

Exhibit learning

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Curated content and social media

Immediate post activity

Email action reminders

Review to retain

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Motivate mindsAbsorb informationSearch for meaningTrigger memoryExhibit learningReview to retain

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Key - virtual must be multisensory!

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

Chat window: What key things have you learned about creating practical virtual learning?

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339

July 1st – Supporting Brain Friendly Learning Strategies

Sept 22-24 – How to be a Brain Friendly Trainer

Call us +44 118 983 6339 to discuss Virtual Sticky Learning

©Stellar Learning 2015 www.stellarlearning.co.uk +44 118 983 6339