Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

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Page 1: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences

Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and

ALMA EA Korea node

Page 2: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Locations of ALMA and GMT



Page 3: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Antennas50x12m-Array + 12x7m-Array + 4 12m-TP Array

Longest baseline: 16 km

Current: 66 delivered

Completed in 2013

Page 4: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

ALMAAtacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array

Page 5: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Resolution and Sensitivity Comparison

Page 6: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Atmospheric Transparency



Page 7: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node
Page 8: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Cycle 0, and 1

• Cycle 0 Proposal, obs. completed– Deadline: 2011 July 01 – 112/926

• Cycle 1 Proposal, ~1131– Deadline: 2012 July 12 – Highest priority (HP) : 197 (~800 hrs)– Filler projects (FP): 92 (~400 hrs)– Observations: 2013 Jan – 2014 May– 300 hrs of HP cycle 1 projects will be carried over to Cy-

cle 2.

Page 9: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Cycle 2

• Available observation hours for new proposals– 1700 hrs (2000 hrs – 300 hrs; cf 800 hrs for C1)

for 17 months

• milestone– 05 December 2013, 15:00 UT, proposal submis-

sion deadline– April 2014, announcement of proposal review re-

sults– 1 Jun 2014 – 31 Oct 2015: Science Observations

Page 10: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node


Cycle 0 Cycle 2

antennas 16 12m 34 12m, 7 7m, 2 TP

receivers B3,6,7,9 B3,4,6,7,8,9

Maximum baseline(angular resolution)

400m (0.23 arcsec) 1.5km[B3,4,6,7], 1km[B8,9](0.09 arcsec)

Full polarization no B3,6,7 (1/3 primary beam)

Page 11: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node




Page 12: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

SN 1987A


Page 13: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

SN 1987A (cont.)

Page 14: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

SN 1987A• Indebetouw+ • Cycle 0 observations• Dust formation

– Production: 0.23Msun/SNII – Survive: 0.1Msun/SNII

• Spectral slope of torus (syn-chrotron): - 0.8

• Central ejecta: 0.23Msun of amorphous carbon dust at T=26K

– Antenna: ~20

Page 15: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

ALMA survey of SMGs in ECDFS (Extended Chandra Deep Field South)

Hodge+ 2013, ApJ, Cycle 0

ALMA band 7 (344GHz, 870mm)

Primary beam: 17.3 arcsec

Angular resolution: 1.5 arcsec (125m)

Observed 126 subm sources detected in LESS (LABOCA ECDFS Submillimeter Survey) by 12m APEX

2 minutes integration time for each source

3x sensitivity, 200x resolution

Resolve previously blended sources Main 99 SMGs+ supplementary 32



Page 16: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Maercker+ 2012 (Oct-11), Nature

Cyclo 0

December 2011, data delivered

CO(J=3- 2) 345GHz

1.3’’x10’’ beam

50’’x50’’ map, 45-point mosaic


Large Mass Loss from R Sculptoris, an AGB Star

Page 17: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

ALMA activities be-fore 2014 in Korea

• 2012-03-19– MOU bew. NAOJ and KASI

• 2012-09-13,14– ALMA EA Science Workshop

• 2013-12-05– Submitted 17 Korean-PI proposals to Cycle 2

Page 18: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

Preparation of Cycle 2 CfP

• 우주탐사연구회 , KIAS– 2013-10-04, Cycle 2 CfP

• Town Meeting at KASI– 2013-10-28, 64 participants– Cycle 2 Capability, OT, CASA Simulator

• SNU Colloquium– 2013-11-21, Cycle 2 CfP

• ALMA proposals from Korea: 17

Page 19: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

ALMA+JCMT Korea Project

• 인원 : – ARC: 김종수 , 여아란 , 강지현 , 포닥 2 인– 기술개발 : 이정원 , 제도흥 , 한석태 , 강지만 ,

김승래• 예산 : 150 억 /10 년 + 200 억 (2020~2023 년 )• ARC

– Proposals, observing scripts, reductions, sciences

• 기술개발– 다중빔 수신기 (ASTE ALMA)– 상관기

Page 20: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

3 단계(node, JCMT 운영 + JAO 파견 +

ALMA 수신기 제작 완료 )

2 단계(node, JCMT 운영 + JAO 파견 +

수신기 시작품 제작 완료 )

1 단계(node, JCMT 운영 +

수신기 개발 착수 )

ALMA 국제 협력 사업 로드맵



구분 2014 ~ 2015 2016 ~ 2019 2020 ~ 2023

- 한 국 천 문 학자 들에 게 세 계 최고의 전파 망원경 사용 기회 부여

- 수 신 기 , 준광학계 등 한 국 이 보 유 한 기 술 을 이용한 현물 투자

- 대형 성과 창출


과학분야 : 별탄생 , 외부은하 , 우주론 , 등 천문학 전분야


연구비150 억+(200

억 )

기술개발 ( 다중빔 수신기 개발 , 준 광학계 설계 )

과학자 칠레 JAO 에 파견

ASTE 또는 ALMA 업그레이드에 따른 in-kind contribution

• 총 10 명 (‘14), 13 명 (‘15)• 한국 node 운영 (5 명 )- 정규 2, 포닥 3• 기술개발 (5 명 ) - 정규 3, 기술 1, 전문연구원 1• 하와이 근무 3 명 (’15~)

• 총 20 명• 한국 node 운영 (7 명 )- 정규 3, 위촉 1, 포닥 3• 기술개발 (10 명 ) - 정규직 6, 포닥 2, 기술원 : 2• 하와이 근무 3 명

• 총 : 4.5 억 (‘14), 11.5 억(‘15)• 운영비 : 2 억 (’14), 3 억

(‘15)• 개발비 : 2.5 억 (‘14),

3.5(‘15) - 수신기개발 착수• JCMT 5 억 (‘15)

• 총 : 18 억 (’16-’17), 23 억 (‘18-’19)• 운영비 : 7 억 (‘16-’19)• 개발비 : 6 억 (‘16-’17), 11 억

(‘18-’19) - ASTE 다중빔 수신기 개발 (‘16-’17) - ALMA 다중빔 시작품 제작 (‘18-’19)• JCMT 5 억 / 년

• 총 13 억 / 년 - Node 운영비 8 억 / 년 , - JCMT 운영비 5 억 / 년• 제작비 : 200 억 (4 년 ), 별도예산


기술분야 : 다중빔 수신기 개발 , 준 광학계 설계

ARC 한국 node 운영 , 한국 사용자 지원 , 사이언스 개발

기술 개발 인력 일본에 파견

• 총 22 명• 한국 node 운영 (8 명 )- 정규 4, 위촉 1, 포닥 3• 기술개발 (11 명 ) - 정규 7, 포닥 1, 기술원 : 3• 하와이 근무 3 명

JCMT 운영 , 사이언스 개발

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ALMA Partnership

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), an international astronomy facility, is a partner-ship of Europe, North America and East Asia in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA is funded in Europe by the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO), in North America by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and the Na-tional Science Council of Taiwan (NSC) and in East Asia by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan in cooperation with the Academia Sinica (AS) in Taiwan.

Page 22: Status of the Korean ALMA project and highlights of recent ALMA sciences Jongsoo Kim, A-Ran Lyo, and ALMA EA Korea node

2014 plan

• ALMA EA science workshop– July 15-17, Jeju Island

• workshop for archive sciences and CASA– August(?)

• ALMA Session at a KAS meeting– Fall meeting