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Love is when you again and again go to whatsapp tosee his/her "last seen" :) :)True care cannot b expressed in words.It can b expressed only through possessiveness andanger when u get close to others..If you are not willing to sound Stupid.. You are notworthy of falling in Love..!!What hurts you today, makes you stronger tomorrow.I'm sorry I can't just walk away like that, becauseunlike you, my feelings were real.People are harmless unless u get attached to themEmotions are gross.. How do i uninstall them..??!!Emotions are gross.. I'm wondering how do I uninstall them..??!!!Life is short.. Smile while you have teeth..Letting go doesn't mean you forget the person completely. It just means that you find a way of surviving without them.The more your long possessed madness is tending to nullification.... The more possibleness you're being a stubborn, rigid and hardhearted...!!!D bEsT ThInG aBt mE iS m Nt U , ! , ..!!If people were RAIN then i was a DRIZZLE and she was a HURRICANE. , ." , ". , I want to be the center of your universe... At least for a while..!!!Sometimes the weather outside is the reflection of an inner build upJo log hawa mein udte hai unke liye Parindo ne kaha hai...Ki hawa mein thikane nahi hote..!!!Pain demands to be felt..If you want the rainbow, you have to deal with the rain..Success is deeply personalizedNever open up your heart so much...!!!Otherwise people use it like dustbin..!!! :| :/ :|If Breakups never existed, The Music Industry would go Bankrupt...!!! #best example of...Supply always comes on the heels of demand...!!!