Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System

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  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' SystemJoannes Richter 

    Once upon a time somebody had to try and use Google-Maps for a statistical archaeological study. Ihad tried this tool a few years earlier, but those days the restrictions were too cumbersome. Now

    howeer the deelopers had done their homewor! and improed the storage system. "ata are beingstored in my own Google account which is a #uite sophisticated approach.

    $he %&ell-Road%-system had been based on  loess, which - formed by the accumulation of wind- blown dust - coers around '() of the *arth%s surface. Loess belongs to the most fertile categoriesof agricultural soils and we must assume that the early settlers searched for these materials andarranged wars and ast migrations in search for better agricultural #uality.

    $he %&ell-Roads% seemed to hae played a mayor role in the Meroingian empire of +lois I, who prepared the *uropean ran!ish empire for +harlemagne. lthough his name is Germanic +lois isimportant in the historiography of rance as the first !ing of what would become rance. "utch,the most closely related modern language to ran!ish, re-borrowed the name as  Lodewijk   from

    German in the '/th century. In rench this name resulted in Louis.$he Meroingian !ing +lois I and the +arolingian emperor +harlemagne used the %&ell-Roads% asa communication bac!bone, but in fact the roads had e0isted before as a tool to connect the loess-deposits.

    rom this insight I started reconstructing the %&ell-Road% by searching street-names in Google-Mapand documenting the 1&ell-Road as a 2oess-"eposit-Mar!er 3. $his map documents the mediealeconomy as a series of 1hot spots3 in agricultural actiity.

    $he &ell-Road had been restricted by the use of loess, which is abundant in some areas, but thelimitations did not really allow a ast territory to be used for agricultural usage. In fact the *uropean

    loess deposits seemed to be aailable as two narrow bands, which I defined as a northern and asouthern band. $hese bands seemed to hae proided the agricultural 1hot spots3, which may beidentified by the street names &ell-Road.

      1: Northern and southern %&ell-Road%-reconstructions

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    4p to today my statistics in the search of the &ell-Road are not really complete, because I onlyincluded fre#uent names and e0cluded lots of garbled and deteriorated information. did set aminimum of at least around 5 names in a category to be registered.

    &aing identified the couple of both 6the northern and southern7 loess-bands in the German map thestatistics also contain distinct categories for the northern names for the &ell-Road  6in German89&ellweg17 and the southern names 6such as 9&oell1 and 9&oellweg17.

    remar!able abundance 6:;7 of rench street-names e0ceeds the northern German %&ell-Road%-numbers 6:(7, but if we add up the northern 6:(7 and southern 6';7 German names the oerallnumbers 6

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    Overall statistics

    $he basic !eywords for the &ell-Road system are8

    Name German


    Belgium NL German


     ustria S!iss "rance

    &ellweg 6=57 =5

    &elstraat 6':7 '( :

    &All 6'/7

    &elle 6:7 '

    &ellestraat 6:7 '

    &Allweg 6:7 :

    &ellerstrae 67

    lter &ellweg 657 5&ellstrae 657 5

    &elweg 657 ; /

    &ellegat 6:7 5 /

    &ellegatstraat 67 : /

     Rue d'Enfer (3! ' ;5

     Rue de l'Enfer (33! < /5

    "rou d'Enfer (#! (5

     Les Enfers (#! ' (=

     Rue des Enfers (3! ' (/

     Enfer (3! ' (/

    #otals $% & & * $&

    "a$le 1: %&erall statistics for the northern and southern % Hell-Road %-reconstructions

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System



    Oerall statistics...............................................................................................................................;&ellweg 6/5

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    Hellweg (258)

    • $he most fre#uent street-name is 9 Hellweg at a rate of =5. lso 9 Hellerstrae 607is #uitefre#uent.

    • s a second name 9 Helstraat 1 is found '(0 in Delgium and : 0 in the Netherlands. lso

    9 Hellestraat and 9&elle1 may be found 6each at a rate of :07. In Delgium we also identify9 Hallestraat 1 607.

    • $he third main category includes '/ 0 9 H)ll 1 in Daaria 607 and ustria 607. In Daariaalso the name 9 H)llweg is found :0 #uite fre#uently.

    $hese statistics illustrate the scattering of 9&ellweg1-names in the dense Ruhr-district of Germany,in Delgium, Daaria and ustria. In Daaria and ustria the 9 H)ll 1-names seem to hae been

     preferred. $he northern areas prefer the cores 9&ell1 and 9&oll18


     D B NL F Switzerland   Austria Postal Code in Germany

    ' Hell!eg + =5 '5/;= - 55'=

    / Helstraat $ '( :

    ; H,ll ..%* / *& (Bavaria)

    = Helle %$ ' ;/

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    lter &ellweg lter &ellweg, ==;: "ortmund, Germany ' "

    lter &ellweg lter &ellweg, 5

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    &ellberg &ellberg, ;/alletal, Germany

    &ellbergblic! &ellbergblic!, ;':al!ar, Germany

    &ellendornstrae &ellendornstrae, =:5:= Goch, Germany

    &ellen!amp &ellen!amp, ;(5; &annoer, Germany

    &ellenstrae &ellenstrae, ='

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    &ellerweg &ellerweg, ;:'5= Northeim, Germany / "

    &ellerweg &ellerweg, 5;/ @t. Goar, Germany ; "

    &ellerweg &ellerweg, =/5 Leimar, Germany = "

    &elles Memorial &elles Memorial - ':(( *ceabatHana!!ale

    &ellestraat &ellestraat- '( &ellestraat, Delgium

    &ellestraat &ellestraat, /5(( 2ier, Delgium ' D

    &ellestraat &ellestraat, /5;( Doechout, Delgium / D

    &ellestraat &ellestraat, ;

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    &ellweg &ellweg, =(orschenbroich, Germany // "

    &ellweg &ellweg, ==5;/ 2nen, Germany /; "

    &ellweg &ellweg, ==:

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    &elstraat &elstraat, aiserslautern, Germany = "

    &oellenweg &Allenweg, 5; Geisenheim, Germany ' "

    &oellenwegstrae &Allenwegstrae, 55/

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    &ollenstrae &ollenstrae, /leine &eleri! >leine &eleri!, ;:(( $ongeren, Delgium

    >leiner &ellweg >leiner &ellweg, ;;'5= @al?!otten, Germany

    2ipper &ellweg 2ipper &ellweg, Dielefeld, Germany Northeim &ellewege Northeim &ellewege

    Oberer &ellweg Oberer &ellweg, ;/5

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    Hellegat (Hell-Gates) (32)

    • $he name 9Hellegat1 is found : 0 650 in Delgium and / 0 in the Netherlands7.• $he name 9Hellegatstraat1 is found 0 6:0 in Delgium and / 0 in the Netherlands7.

    • $he name 9#rou d'1n2er1 is found 50 in rance.• $he name Rue du #rou d'1n2er is found ' 0.

    m &ollenloch m &ollenloch, 5:=; ttendorn, Germany "

    ort du $rou d%*nfer ort du $rou d%*nfer 6a bastion7

    Groot &ellegat Groot &ellegat, Roermond N2

    &ell &ole Lood &ell &ole Lood, Ripon, North Sor!shire &G=, 4nited >ingdom *

    &ell 2ane &ell 2n, Dridport, "orset "$, 4nited >ingdom *

    &ell 2ane &ell 2n, La!efield L=, 4nited >ingdom *

    &ellegat =

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    Polish Elements (10)

    • Jasna V 9hell1 - 9bright1

    • Fie!Wo V 9&ell1 - 14nderground3

    &eller @trae, Dreslau  Na Ostatnim Gros?u /=, 5=-/(:LrocWaw, Foland

    Jasna Jasna, Pabr?e, Folen Jasna V 9hell1 - 9bright1

    Jasna Jasna, >atowice, Folen Jasna V 9hell1 - 9bright1

    Jasna Jasna, >ra!Xw, Folen Jasna V 9hell1 - 9bright1

    Jasna Jasna, >rosno, Folen Jasna V 9hell1 - 9bright1

    Jasna Jasna, @ano!, Folen Jasna V 9hell1 - 9bright1

    Fie!Wo Fie!Wo, Folen Fie!Wo V 9&ell1 - 14nderground3Fie!Wo "olne Fie!Wo "olne, Folen Fie!Wo V 9&ell1 - 14nderground3

    Fie!Wo GXrne Fie!Wo GXrne, Folen Fie!Wo V 9&ell1 - 14nderground3

    Fie!Wo Fie!Wo, O?or!Xw, Folen Fie!Wo V 9&ell1 - 14nderground3

    "a$le #: olish Ele2ents

    In a web-lin! lte @traennamen, Breslau  6LrocWaw7, Folen  I find a  Heller trae, mostcomfortably including a translation to Folish ul. Na Ostatnim Groszu and a lin! to Google Maps.

    $oday the &eller @treet at Dreslau loo!s impressie, but in '=' this road had been located at the

     border of the city Fharus-Flan Dreslau Mittlere usgabe '8'=.((( 6Y '='7 close to the left of themap/.

    / Old Fharus maps are found in8 "ie Grosse @ammlung Kon ':' Fharus-Flne Kon Germany Z *uropa 6'(;-'=(7,%20Breslau%20(Wroc%C5%82aw),%20Polen&oe=UTF-8&gl=de&t=m&z=12,%20Breslau%20(Wroc%C5%82aw),%20Polen&oe=UTF-8&gl=de&t=m&z=12

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    Re !e l"En#er - an! the $wiss Pilgrim Rotes (11%)

    • $he street-names 9Rue d'1n2er3 hae been found ; 0, most 6;57 of which is found in rance, andonly ' 0 in Delgium.

    • $he street-names 9Rue de l'1n2er3 hae been found ;; 0, most 6/57 in rance, of which is

    found in rance, and only < 0 in Delgium.• 9Rue des 1n2ers1 is found ; 0.

    • 91n2er1 is found ; 0.

    • 9Les 1n2ers1 is found = 0.

    llTe des *nfers llTe des *nfers, ;;( Neuilly-Flaisance, rance

    u0 *nfers u0 *nfers, 55;(( +hauoncourt, rance

    enue de l%*nfer enue de l%*nfer, ::=(( Fomponne, rance

    enue "enfert-Rochereau enue "enfert-Rochereau, :5('= Faris, rance+haussTe de &al +haussTe de &al, Nielles, Delgium

    +hemin du &el +hemin du &el, 55( +omines, rance

    *insiedeln &ellwegstation fr Lallfahrer  

    *nfer :

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    Flace de l%*nfer Flace de l%*nfer, /'(( "ouarnene?, rance

    Flace "enfert-Rochereau

    DarriEre d%*nfer 6Gate of &ell7 - Flace "enfert-Rochereau, :5('= Faris,rance

    Forte d%*nfer Forte d%*nfer, 55'( 2oudenielle, rance %

    Forte d%*nfer Forte d%*nfer, :=5( 2e Reposoir, rance

    Rue d%*nfer Rue d%*nfer, (/''( Dohain-en-Kermandois, rance '

    Rue d%*nfer Rue d%*nfer, ;5(( Redon, rance /

    Rue d%*nfer Rue d%*nfer, 5:((( Met?, rance ;

    Rue d%*nfer Rue d%*nfer, /'/(( Deaune, rance =

    Rue d%*nfer Rue d%*nfer, '=5: Lalhain, Delgium 5 B

    Rue d%*nfer Rue d%*nfer, ==((( Nantes, rance

    Rue d%*nfer Rue d%*nfer, ''(( +orbeil-*ssonnes, rance :

    Rue d%*nfer Rue d%*nfer, ;((( +lermont-errand, rance <

    Rue d%*nfer Rue d%*nfer,

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    Rue de l%*nfer Rue de l%*nfer, :'/( *stinnes, Delgium 5 B

    Rue de l%*nfer Rue de l%*nfer, :;:( "our, Delgium B

    Rue de l%*nfer Rue de l%*nfer, :;/' Dernissart, Delgium : B

    Rue de l%*nfer Rue de l%*nfer, ==/( @aint-Nicolas, Delgium < B

    Rue de l%*nfer Rue de l%*nfer, =/

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    &'erian an! &talian Hellweg sections

    rroyo del Infierno rroyo del Infierno, 5'((= +euta, @pain

    +alle de *l Infierno +alle de *l Infierno, '=('( +Xrdoba, +Xrdoba, @pain

    +alle Infierno +alle Infierno, =5/// Doro0, $oledo, @pain

    *strada de isterra '5'/ *strada de isterra, +oru^a, @pain*strada de isterra *strada de isterra, '5'5( Pas, +oru^a, @pain

    inistEre inistEre, rance

    isterra isterra, +oru^a, @pain

    isterra isterra, Froin? +oru^a, @pain

    Fra?a Fo?o do inferno Fra?a Fo?o do inferno, ;/((/ Ourense, Ourense, @pain

    R_a do +ami^o de isterra R_a do +ami^o de isterra, '5

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    isco'rg locations (20)

    $he $uisco-related names hae been included in search for the religion-based centers.

    "eut? "eut?, >Aln, Germany

    "iesburg "iesburg,

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    arolingian Palaces (38)


    sselt Falace

    Dad Limpfen FalaceDasel Falace

    Durg $rifels Falace

    "ahlum Falace

    "ortmund Falace

    "uisburg Falace

    *ger Falace

    orchheim Falace

    ran!furt am Main Falace

    Gelnhausen FalaceGoslar >aiserpfal? Falace

    Gronau Falace

    GrAna Falace

    &agenau Falace

    &erstal Falace

    Ingelheim am Rhein Falace

    >aiserslautern Falace

    >aiserswerth Falace

    >Aln FalaceMagdeburg Falace

    Main? Falace

    Memleben Falace

    Merseburg Falace

     Nimwegen Falace

     Nrnberg Falace

    Faderborn Falace

    FAhlde Falace

    \uedlinburg Falace@peyer 6@piers7 Falace

    $illeda 6>yffhuser7 Falace

    $rebur Falace

    4trecht Falace

    Lerlaburgdorf Falace

    Lorms Falace

    Putphen Falace

    Prich Falace

    "a$le : 6arolingian alaces

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    ra!ing Rotes (13)

    Main trading route &ellweg from ntwerpes by Faderborn-&A0ter-Magdeburg towards 2eip?ig-

    "resden-GArlit?. In Delgium the labels &ellestraat andHor &elstraat are connection points@plit-up Bunction section for the &ellweg

    &ellweg Magdeburg-&alle-2eip?ig-"resden-GArlit?

    @ythener &ellweg between "lmen and &altern am @ee

    @mall &ellweg 6&ilinciweg7

    &ellweg or dem @antforde

    &ellwege in Foland

    Imaginary &ellweg-2ine

    rminiusweg 6 and8 &ellweg under the Mountains7

    @enner &ellweg$he ancient Kia Delgica from Doulogne-sur-Mer towards +ologne

    Rue de l%*nfer ' 6&ellweg '7

    Rue de l%*nfer / 6&ellweg /7

    @outhern &ellweg section 6Froence-Daaria-ustria7

  • 8/20/2019 Statistics to the Medieval 'Hell-Road' System


    *ontains (21)

    2oess cannot be deposited at altitudes aboe ;((-=((m. $he following mountains hae beenincluded as restricted areas8

    Le?ergebirge 6==(m7

    &aarstranggebirge"as *gge Gebirge

    $eutobrger Lald

    &ohe Kenn Gebirge 6=m7

    Droc!en 6''=/m7

    Korgebirgte bis ?um Rand des *r?gebirges

    rdennen 6ma0. 5(m7

    @udetengebirge, Des!iden, Lald!arpaten

    &oenderberg 6m7

    >leerberg 6'(m7Keluwe 6'(m7

    @tompert-Firamide-merongse Derg 6m7

    uergne - ca. '=((-/(((m.



    "auphine GebirgeZ lpen

    Maine Gebirge

