Kinds of Statistics Purpose Target Characterist ics Descriptiv e Statistics Summarizing, Describing Sample Statistic Inferentia l Statistics Analyzing, Generalizatio n Population Parameter

Statistics for interpreting test scores

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The slides touche briefly statistical procedures employed for interpreting test results. The file is especially useful for ESL teachers

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Page 1: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Kinds of Statistics

Purpose Target Characteristics

DescriptiveStatistics Summarizing,

Describing Sample Statistic

Inferential Statistics

Analyzing, Generalization Population Parameter

Page 2: Statistics for interpreting test scores
Page 3: Statistics for interpreting test scores
Page 4: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Tabulation of Data

Ungrouped Ungrouped Data Data

Grouped Data Grouped Data





Page 5: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Frequency Distribution

• Graphic description of how many times a score or group of scores occurs in a sample

• Common symbol is “f”

Page 6: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Absolute Frequency

Score(X) Score(X) Frequency(f) Frequency(f) 1616151513131212111110109988


Page 7: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Frequency distribution

Score (X) Score (X) Absolute Absolute FrequencyFrequency

Relative Relative FrequencyFrequency



Σx = 94 N= 20N= 20 1.001.00

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Frequency distributionScore Score

(X) (X) Absolute Absolute

FrequencyFrequencyRelative Relative

FrequencyFrequency PercentagePercentage




Σx = 94 N= 20N= 20 1.001.00 100100

Page 9: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Cumulative Frequency

• Cumulative frequency distribution is a graphic depiction of the how many times groups of scores appear in a sample

• Common symbol is “cf”

• “cf “ is used to compute percentile scores

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Cumulative frequency

XX ff cfcf








8 8








2 2








2 2

Page 11: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Percentile score showing relative standing in a distribution showing what percentage of scores are higher and lower than

a certain score.Percentile computation cf

P(percentile) = (100) ----- N

N= number of scores Cf =cumulative frequency Cf 16 P= (100)----- = (100)------ = 80 N 20 Cf 20 P = (100)-----= (100) ------ = 100 N 20

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Bar graph

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Page 14: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Frequency Polygon

Page 15: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Measures of Central Tendency

• Mean: arithmetic average of all scores in a distribution

• Median: the point at which exactly half of the scores in a distribution are below & half are above

• Mode: most frequently occurring score(s)

Page 16: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Measures of central tendency1. Mean / arithmetic average _ Σx X = ------- Σx = sum of all scores

N N = number of scores

Example:Example:13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 7513 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 = 75

ΣΣx = 75x = 75 N= 5N= 5

_ _ ΣΣx 75x 75 X = -------X = ------- = = -------= 15-------= 15 NN 5 5

Page 17: Statistics for interpreting test scores

2. ModeXX f f














2 2

1. Odd number 13, 15, 16, 17, 19

2. Even number

12, 13, 12, 13, 15, 1715, 17, 18, 19, 18, 19 = = 1616


Page 18: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Measures of Variability

• These describe the spread, or dispersion, of scores in a distribution

• These measures describe the nature & extent to which scores vary

• Three most commonly used measures are:

1. Range2. Variance

3. Standard Deviation

Page 19: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Measures of variability1. Range

13, 15, 16, 17, 19 19-13= 6

2.2. Variance (V)Variance (V)

V =------------- N -1

3. standard deviation3. standard deviation

Page 20: Statistics for interpreting test scores

XX (X - )(X - ) ΣΣ(X - )(X - )22

19191818171716161515141413 13

+ 3+ 3+2+2+1+100-1-1-2-2-3 -3

9944110011449 9

112112 00 2828


Σx2 28 (V( = ---------= --------=4.6 N-1 7-1

S = 2.14

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Normal /bell-shaped curve

Page 22: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Properties of Normal /bell-shaped curve

• It is a symmetrical distribution• Most of the scores tend to occur near the center– while more extreme scores on either side of the center

become increasingly rare. – As the distance from the center increases, the

frequency of scores decreases. • The mean, median, and mode are the same.

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Normal Probability Curve

• Describes an expected distribution of scores in a population or sample

• More than 2/3 of scores cluster in the middle of the curve

• Scores that are extremely high or low are sometimes called outliers

• Shaped like a bell

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Normal /bell-shaped curve

Page 25: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Symmetrical vs. asymmetrical d distribution

• In a symmetrical distribution– the part of the histogram on the left side of the fold

would be the mirror image of the part on the right side of the fold.

• In a asymmetrical, distribution• the two sides will not be mirror images of each other.

True symmetric distributions include what we will later call the normal distribution.

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• A asymmetric distribution is either Positively or negatively skewed. – In a positively skewed distribution the scores

cluster toward the lower end of the scale (that is, the smaller numbers) with increasingly fewer scores at the upper end of the scale (that is, the larger numbers).

– With a negatively skewed distribution, most of the scores occur toward the upper end of the scale while increasingly fewer scores occur toward the lower end.

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Page 28: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Kurtosis Distribution• Mesokurtic distribution : with normal

distribution of scores• Leptokurtic distribution: packed, with low

variability of scores • Platykurtic Distribution: flat, with high

variability of scores

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Examples based on the curveAdults intelligence = 100 SD= 15

Mean +1 SD = 68%100 + 15 = 85 -115

34 percent = 100--115 34 percent = 85 -- 100

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Mean + 2 SD = 94%100 + (2 X 15) = 70 --130

115 + 15 = 13013 % = 115 – 130

85 – 15 = 7013 % = 70 –85

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Standard ScoresTo compare scores on different measurement scales

I. Z-Scores: the commonest score

Z-score propertiesHow many scores above/below the meanThe mean being set at zeroThe SD being set at one

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Standard Scores

II. T-Score: A standard score whose distribution has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.

Advantages of T-scoreEnabling us to work with whole numbersAvoiding describing subjects’ performances

with negative numbers

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Page 34: Statistics for interpreting test scores

An example:


25- 20 = ---------- = +1 5

X - 30-35 Z = ---------- = -------- = -1 SD 5Ali’s Z-score : +1

Better than 84% of the classAhmad’s Z-score: --1

Better than only 16% 0f the class

Student X SD

Ali 25 5 20

Ahmad 30 5 35

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An example:


X – 76- 54 Z = --------- = ---------- = +1.1 SD 20

X - 82- 72 Z = ---------- = -------- = 0.67 SD 15So, using standard scores, Ali did better than Ahmad because

Ali’s mark was more standard deviations above the class mean than Ahmad’s score was above his own class mean.

Student X SD

Ali 76 20 54

Ahmad 82 15 72

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Page 38: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Negative SkewNegative Skew Positive skewPositive skew

Test items were easy.

Testees performed well.

The score are far from zero.

Test items were difficult.

Testees performed poorly.

The scores are near zero.

Skewed Distribution

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The Coefficient of Correlation, r

The Coefficient of Correlation (r) is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables. It requires interval or ratio-scaled data.

It can range from -1.00 to 1.00.Values of -1.00 or 1.00 indicate perfect and

strong correlation.Values close to 0.0 indicate weak correlation.Negative values indicate an inverse relationship

and positive values indicate a direct relationship.

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Perfect Correlation

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Correlation Coefficient - Interpretation

Page 42: Statistics for interpreting test scores

CorrelationGo-togetherness of variablesGo-togetherness of variablesNo cause-effect relationshipNo cause-effect relationshipBetween -1 and +1Between -1 and +1

Types of correlation:1.Pearson Product-moment

a. Used for interval data

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Correlation Coefficient - Formula

Page 44: Statistics for interpreting test scores

2. Spearman rank-order, rhoa. used for ranked or ordinal data

StudentsStudents Teacher 1Teacher 1 Teacher 2Teacher 2 DD DD22










5 5





1 1





4 4





16 16

55 1515 1515 1212 4040

Page 45: Statistics for interpreting test scores

6 (40) 240 P = 1-- ––––––– = ––––––––

5 (25-1) 120

1 – 2 = -1

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Standard error of measurement (SEM)True score= Raw score – Random errors

How to estimate

X = scoren = number of items

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An example:X= 79 n = 100

X (n- X) 79 (100-79) SEMX = –––––––– = –––––––––––= 4

n – 1 100-1

79 + 1SEM = 75-83 68% 79 + 2SEM = 71-87 95%

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Point-biserial correlation:

rpbi = point-biserial correlation coefficient

Mp = whole-test mean for students answering item correctly (i.e., those coded as 1s)

Mq = whole-test mean for students answering item incorrectly (i.e., those coded as 0s)

St = standard deviation for whole test

p = proportion of students answering correctly (i.e., those coded as 1s)

q = proportion of students answering incorrectly (i.e., those coded as 0s)

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As another example, where

the whole-test mean for Ss answering correctly is


the whole-test mean for Ss answering incorrectly is


the standard deviation for the whole test is still


the proportion of Ss answering correctly is still .50;

and the proportion answering incorrectly is

still .50.

Page 50: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Types of Correlation coefficientsType of Correlation

CoefficientTypes of Scales

Pearson product-moment

Both scales interval (or ratio)

Spearman rank-order

Both scales ordinal

Phi Both scales are naturally dichotomous (nominal)

BiserialOne scale artificially dichotomous

(nominal), one scale interval (or ratio)

Point-biserial One scale naturally dichotomous (nominal), one scale interval (or ratio)

Gamma One scale nominal, one scale ordinal

Page 51: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Correction for guessing

A student has taken a test of 100 items. As he has no knowledge, he takes choice A and marks it for all the items. His true / corrected score is

75 Corrected score= 25--

------------ 4—1

25-25= 0

Page 52: Statistics for interpreting test scores

Some other factors affecting a person’s score:

Practice effectCoaching effectCeiling effectTest compromiseTest MethodTest Taker’s characteristics

Page 53: Statistics for interpreting test scores

In a normal distribution, what percentage of scores fall between the mean and one standard deviation? a. 35% b. 50%

c. 68% d. 95%

A test has been given to 100 students. Twenty students have obtained the score of 50. What is the percentage of this score?

a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 30

f 20P x= ------ X 100 = ------= 0.20 X 100 = 20 N 100

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A test is administered to 100 students. The cumulative frequency of the score of 50 is 40. How many students have scores below the score of 50?

a. about 25 b. about 20 c. about 40 d. about 30

N=100 cf=40 cf 40 P= (100)----- = 100 x ------ = 40 N 100

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In a test eight of the students obtained a score of 85. This score has the highest frequency. What is the label used for this score?a. Mean b. Mode c. Median d. Range

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Fry’s Readability Graph

Directions for Use Randomly select three 100-word passages from a book or an

article. Plot the average number of syllables and the average number of

sentences per 100 words on the graph to determine the grade level of the material.

Choose more passages per book if great variability is observed and conclude that the book has uneven readability.

Few books will fall into the solid black area, but when they do, grade level scores are invalid.

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Additional Directions• Randomly select three sample passages and count exactly 100

words beginning with the beginning of a sentence. Don't count numbers. Do count proper nouns.

• Count the number of sentences in the hundred words, estimating length of the fraction of the last sentence to the nearest 1/10th.

• Count the total number of syllables in the 100-word passage. • Enter graph with average sentence length and number of

syllables; plot dot where the two lines intersect. Area where dot is plotted will give you the approximate grade level.

• If a great deal of variability is found, putting more sample counts into the average is desirable.

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