Statistical Tools for Digital Forensics Information Technologies for IPR Protection

Statistical Tools for Digital Forensics - NTU

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Statistical Tools for Digital ForensicsHenry Chang-Yu Lee
• Chief Emeritus for Scientific Services for the State of Connecticut.
• Full professor of forensic science at the University of New Haven, where he has helped to set up the Henry C. Lee Forensic Institute.
• Forensic science, the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to the legal system.
• Criminal investigations. • Other forensics disciplines:
– Forensic accounting. – Forensic economics. – Forensic engineering. – Forensic linguistics. – Forensic toxicology. – …
Digital Forensics
• Application of the scientific method to digital media in order to establish factual information for judicial review.
• What is digital forensics associate with DRM? – Authorized images have been tampered. – How to declare the image is neither authentic, nor authorized.
Image Tampering
• Tampering with images is neither new, nor recent. • Tampering of film photographs:
– Airbrushing. – Re-touching. – Dodging and burning. – Contrast and color adjustment. – …
• Outside the reach of the average user.
Image Tampering
Image Tampering
• Tampering is not a well defined notion, and is often application dependent.
• Image manipulations may be legitimate in some cases, ex. use a composite image for a magazine cover.
• But illegitimate in others, ex. evidence in a court of law.
Watermarking-Based Forensics
• Digital watermarking has been proposed as a means by which a content can be authenticated.
• Exact authentication schemes: – Change even a single bit is unacceptable. – Fragile watermarks.
• Watermarks will be undetectable when the content is changed in any way.
– Embedded signatures. • Embed at the time of recording an authentication signature in
the content. – Erasable watermarks.
• aka invertible watermarks, are employed in applications that do not tolerate the slight content changes.
Watermarking-Based Forensics
• Selective authentication schemes: – Verify if a content has been modified by any illegitimate
distortions. – Semi-fragile watermarks.
• Watermark will survive only under legitimate distortion. – Tell-tale watermarks.
• Robust watermarks that survive tampering, but are distorted in the process.
• The major drawback is that a watermark must be inserted at the time of recording, which would limit this approach to specially equipped digital cameras.
Statistical Techniques for Detecting Traces
• Assumption: – Digital forgeries may be visually imperceptible, nevertheless,
they may alter the underlying statistics of an image.
• Techniques: – Copy-move forgery. – Duplicated image regions. – Re-sampled images. – Inconsistencies in lighting. – Chromatic Aberration. – Inconsistent sensor pattern noise. – Color filter array interpolation. – …
Detecting Inconsistencies in Lighting

• L: direction of the light source. • A: constant ambient light term.
Detecting Inconsistent Sensor Pattern Noise
• • • • p: series of images. • F: denoising filter. • n: noise residuals. • Pc: camera reference pattern.
( ) ( ) ( )( )kkk pFpn −= ( )( ) p k
Detecting Inconsistent Sensor Pattern Noise
• Calculate for regions Qk of the same size and shape coming from other cameras or different locations.
• • Decide R was tampered if p > th = 10-3 and not
tapered otherwise.
Detecting Color Filter Array Interpolation
• Most digital cameras have the CFA algorithm, by each pixel only detecting one color.
• Detecting image forgeries by determining the CFA matrix and calculating the correlation.
Reference • H. Farid,
“Exposing Digital Forgeries in Scientific Images,” in ACM MMSec, 2006
• J. Fridrich, D. Soukal, J. Lukas, “Detection of Copy-Move Forgery in Digital Images,” in Proceedings of Digital Forensic Research Workshop, Aug. 2003
• A. C. Popescu, H. Farid, “Exposing Digital Forgeries by Detecting Duplicated Image Regions,” in Technical Report, 2004
• A. C. Popescu, H. Farid, “Exposing Digital Forgeries by Detecting Traces of Resampling,” in IEEE TSP, vol.53, no.2, Feb. 2005
Reference • M. K. Johnson, H. Farid,
“Exposing Digital Forgeries by Detecting Inconsistencies in Lighting,” in ACM MMSec, 2005
• M. K. Johnson, H. Farid, “Exposing Digital Forgeries Through Chromatic Aberration,” in ACM MMSec, 2006
• J. Lukas, J. Fridrich, M. Goljan, “Detecting Digital Image Forgeries Using Sensor Pattern Noise,” in SPIE, Feb. 2006
• A. C. Popescu, H. Farid, “Exposing Digital Forgeries in Color Filter Array Interpolated Images,” in IEEE TSP, vol.53, no.10, Oct. 2005
• The problem of detecting digital forgeries is a complex one with no universally applicable solution.
• Reliable forgery detection should be approached from multiple directions.
• Forensics is done in a fashion that adheres to the standards of evidence admissible in a court of law.
• Thus, digital forensics must be techno-legal in nature rather than purely technical or purely legal.
Exposing Digital Forgeries in Scientific Images
Hany Farid, ACM Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Multimedia and Security, Sep. 2006
– 2005/11/21
– 2005/12/29 DNA
– 2006/1/13 20052004
Image Manipulation
• A band was erased. – Healing, (b).
• Several bands were removing using Photoshop’s “healing brush.”
– Duplication, (c). • A band was copied and pasted
into a new location.
• Effect of each manipulation scheme: – Deletion.
• Remove small amounts of noise that are present through the dark background of the image.
– Healing. • Disturb the underlying spatial frequency (texture).
– Duplication. • Leave behind an obvious statistical pattern – two regions in
the image are identical.
• Formulate the problem of detecting each of these statistical patterns as an image segmentation problem.
Image Segmentation: Graph Cut
• Consider a weighted graph G = (V, E). • A graph can be partitioned into A and B such that A ∩
B = φ and A ∪ B = V. •
• •
Image Segmentation: Graph Cut
• Define W a n×n matrix such that Wi,j = w (i, j) is the weight between vertices i and j.
• Define D a n×n diagonal matrix whose ith element on the diagonal is .
• Solve the eigenvector problem with the second
smallest eigenvalue λ. • Let the sign of each component of
define the membership of the vertex.

• • I (): gray value at a given pixel. • Δi,j: Euclidean distance.
Image Segmentation: Intensity
• First Iteration: – Group into regions corresponding to the bands (gray pixels) and
the background.
• Second Iteration: – The background is grouped into two regions (black and white
• • •
– [0.0187 0.1253 0.1930 0.0 −0.1930 −0.1253 −0.0187]
• p (): low-pass filter. – [0.0047 0.0693 0.2454
0.3611 0.2454 0.0693 0.0047]
• Second Iteration: – Using texture-based
into two regions (black and white pixels.)
Image Segmentation: Duplication
Automatic Detection
• Denote the segmentation map as S (x, y). • Consider all pixels x, y with value S (x, y) = 0 such that
all 8 spatial neighbors also have value 0. The mean of all of the edge weights between such vertices is computed across the entire segmentation map.
• This process is repeated for all pixels x, y with value S (x, y) = 1.
• Values near 1 are indicative of tampering because of significant similarity in the underlying measures of intensity, texture, or duplication.
Automatic Detection
S0 = 0.19 S0 = 0.99 S0 = 0.30 S0 = 0.98 S0 = 0.50 S0 = 0.97
• These techniques are specifically designed for scientific images, and for common manipulations that may be applied to them.
• As usual, these techniques are vulnerable to a host of counter-measures that can hide traces of tampering.
• As continuing to develop new techniques, it will become increasingly difficult to evade all approaches.
Statistical Tools forDigital Forensics
Henry Chang-Yu Lee
Detecting Inconsistencies in Lighting
Exposing Digital Forgeries inScientific Images Hany Farid,ACM Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Multimedia and Security,