1 Statistical Commission Background document Fiftieth session Available in English only 5 8 March 2019 Item 3(h) of the provisional agenda International Trade and Business Statistics OECD-WTO Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade Version 1 Draft: 28/02/2019 Prepared by OECD-WTO

Statistical Commission Background document Fiftieth ... · Fiftieth session Available in English only 5 – 8 March 2019 Item 3(h) of the provisional agenda International Trade and

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Statistical Commission Background document

Fiftieth session Available in English only

5 – 8 March 2019

Item 3(h) of the provisional agenda

International Trade and Business Statistics

OECD-WTO Handbook on Measuring

Digital Trade

Version 1

Draft: 28/02/2019

Prepared by OECD-WTO

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Handbook on


Digital Trade Version 1

Draft: 28/02/2019


[email protected] and [email protected]

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In response to growing demand for coherent and comparable data on digital trade, in 2017

the Inter-Agency Task Force on International Trade Statistics created an Expert Group,

drawn from international organisations, national statistics agencies and central banks, to

develop a Handbook that provided:

• A conceptual framework to define digital trade, around which national efforts

could be targeted; and

• A mechanism to bring together and share existing national and international

efforts on measuring digital trade and/or dimensions of it, that could be used to

identify and develop best practice.

This Handbook reflects the current outcome of the efforts of that group. As it shows, in

many areas, work is still very much in its infancy and in some (for example with respect to

the measurement and valuation of many forms of data) it can best be described as


But progress is being made in these frontier issues, and it is hoped that this Handbook will

help to accelerate and assist in those efforts, not least by highlighting their importance. In

recognition that there remains significant work to be done, this Handbook is not designed

to be, and cannot be, the final word, and so positions itself, from the outset, as a living

document one that will be continuously updated (available on both the OECD, WTO and

UN websites) as new national experiences emerge.

Acknowledgements (Version 1 of the Handbook): to be added

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Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. Introduction

The Internet and digitalisation are fundamentally changing the way people, businesses and

governments interact. This has led to a new phase of globalisation underpinned, in

particular, by the movement of data across national borders that has begun to transform

international trade in goods and services.

Digitisation provides for a scale of trade in services that would have been unimaginable in

an analogue world, for significant access to new markets, particularly by SMEs, and for

new products, such as cloud services, whilst also having a significant disruptive and

transformative impact on many industries.

However, despite the clear and growing impact of digitalisation, existing measurement

approaches, on which this Handbook builds, have typically only been able to shed light on

some, albeit important, aspects of it, and, in particular, its contribution to trade; hereafter

referred to as Digital Trade.

Many of the existing initiatives have focussed on specific aspects of digital trade or on

measures that provide insights on it. For example on measures of trade in ICT goods (as

enablers of digitisation), measures of trade in ICT-enabled services1 (i.e. those cross-border

services provided in digitised form), or potentially ICT-enabled services (i.e. those that

could be provided in digitised form), developed under the UNCTAD led Task Group on

easuring Trade in ICT Services and ICT-enabled Services (TGServ)2.

Other substantive efforts, such as those of the OECD3 and WTO4, have focused on notions

of electronic ordering (in the case of the OECD definition) and electronic delivery of goods

and services (in the case of the WTO definition) to better understand e-commerce (although

there remain challenges in measuring cross-border transactions, which this Handbook tries

to shed light on).

Of particular relevance here, and symptomatic of the new challenges and difficulties

presented by digitisation, is that efforts on e-commerce reflect a departure from

conventional measurement approaches that typically look at groupings of products and/or

industries. That is not to say that these characteristics (product and industry) are not in and

1 See for example International Trade in ICT Services and ICT-enabled Services Proposed

Indicators from the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, UNCTAD/ICT4D/03, (2015)

and M.Borga and J. Koncz-Bruner, “Trends in Digitally-Enabled Trade in Services”, BEA, 2012.

2 With membership from ITU, OECD, UNCTAD, UNESCWA, UNSD, World Bank and WTO. See

also, https://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/tn_unctad_ict4d03_en.pdf

3 The OECD defines an e-commerce transaction as ‘the sale or purchase of goods or services,

conducted over computer networks by methods specifically designed for the purpose of receiving or

placing of orders’. The goods or services are ordered by those methods, but the payment and the

ultimate delivery of the goods or services do not have to be conducted online. OECD Guide to

Measuring the Information Society, 2011

4 The WTO defines e-commerce as the production, distribution, marketing, sale or delivery of goods

and services by electronic means. WT/L/274, 30 September 1998, Adopted by the General Council

on 25 September 1998.

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of themselves useful nor necessary but they struggle, on their own, to provide a holistic

notion of Digital Trade; i.e. that reveals the contribution of digitisation to Trade.

Figure 1.1 (Potentially) ICT-Enabled Services (ITES), % of total trade in services

Source: OECD Trade in Services Database and IMF Balance of Payments statistics

Note: Potentially ICT-enabled services refers to services categories that can be delivered digitally (see also Chapter 5).

In this sense, the evolution of definitions of e-commerce around modes of ordering and

delivery, rather than what is being ordered/delivered and who is ordering/delivering, in

part, mirrors longer standing difficulties concerning the delineation of goods and services

products and manufacturers and service industries; which digitisation has, in turn,

exacerbated. Software for example can be delivered in hard form (a good) or digitally

(service), and all firms, can, at least in theory, sell or order goods and services by digital


This Handbook builds on this considerable body of work, and defines Digital Trade as all

trade that is digitally ordered and/or digitally delivered5.

The definition, partly by design – to capitalise on existing measurement efforts and surveys

- has similarities with existing definitions of e-commerce. It does however differ, or, rather,

provide a broader perspective, in some important aspects; as described in more detail in the

chapters that follow.

For example, many services (including for example telecommunication services) are

delivered digitally but often without digital ordering, which are not included in the OECD

definition of e-commerce.

This is not the only area where the scope of this Handbook differs from that covered by

conventional notions of e-commerce. Chief in this respect concerns its ambition to capture

non-monetary transactions, notably those related to data, where there is growing policy

demand, and, indeed, where there have been concerns that current statistics underestimate

the size of trade.

5 The conceptual framework is developed in accordance with existing statistical accounting

standards, in particular the 6th Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6) and the System of National

Accounts (2008 SNA).












ITES Exports, 2017 (or most recent year)ITES Imports, 2017 (or most recent year)

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Ambition is the operative word in this respect, as it is clear, as the Handbook illustrates,

that there is much to be done in measuring transactions in non-monetary data, both in terms

of thinking through categorisations, where work is largely its infancy6, but especially in

terms of their valuation, where there are considerable challenges.

To differentiate between digital trade and a broader notion of trade (that includes non-

market transactions in data), the Handbook refers to this broader notion as ‘Broad Digital

Trade’, defined as ‘trade that is digitally ordered and/or digitally delivered, including

services delivered at zero cost’.

At the same time, it is important to note that the ambition of the Handbook is also restrained.

The definition adopted in this handbook does not, nor does it attempt to, measure, in its

broadest sense, the overall contribution of digitisation to trade (see also Section 1.3 below).

Many firms for example increasingly use digital tools in one form or another to engage in

trade, for example data to improve the production of goods that are subsequently sold

through conventional, non-digital, channels. The definition adopted in this Handbook will

not be able, nor is designed, to capture these transactions (especially if the digitised

components that are contributing to exports are not traded).

However, the OECD has created an Advisory Group on Measuring GDP in a Digitalised

Economy7 that is developing a satellite account (see Appendix 1), (with whom this

Handbook has been developed in parallel), and which will be able to shed light on these

broader issues.

In addition the OECD’s Going Digital project8 includes a significant measurement

component “Measuring the Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for the Future9” that

describes and provides guidance and recommendations on a number of broader indicators,

such as high-speed internet access, number of smart phones per capita, the use of digital

tools by SMEs etc., and also includes recommendations in a number of areas covered in

this Handbook (see Appendices 1 and 3).

In this sense, the Handbook, at least with respect to monetary transactions, adopts a

definition of digital trade that can more accurately reflect the share of current cross-border

trade in goods and services that has been digitally delivered and/or digitally ordered.

It is difficult to overstate the ‘working’ status of this Handbook. As noted above there are

a number of areas of work where measurement is still in its infancy. While the Handbook

is designed to provide an overall conceptual framework, around which countries can target

efforts to achieve internationally comparable measures, capitalising on emerging best

practice, it is also designed to provide a vehicle that drives momentum and kick-starts

measurement in areas where significant gaps exist, such as on data. It is therefore a living

document; one that will be continuously updated as measurement practices mature.

6 See: “Introduction to data and analytics, Taxonomy, data governance issues, and implications for

further work”, paper circulated for consultation; OECD (2013).

7 See N. Ahmad and J. Ribarsky, Towards a Framework for Measuring the Digital Economy, 2018,


8 http://www.oecd.org/going-digital/

9 https://www.oecd.org/science/measuring-the-digital-transformation-9789264311992-en.htm

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The Handbook is designed to be as exhaustive as possible in its coverage of digitisation

issues of relevance for trade statistics, but with discussions still evolving in a number of

areas, this is not yet the case.

Three major areas where research is on-going but whose (current) exclusion from this

report have no impact on the conceptual framework covered nor on the definition of digital

trade concern: the need for improved guidance on the rules governing economic ownership

of intellectual property assets; improved compilation guidance on the measurement of

cloud services; and complementary estimates that provide insights on intra-firm digital

services not captured in cross-border trade statistics.

Regarding the first, the OECD created an informal reflection group to investigate the

impact of globalisation on the national accounts and made a series of recommendations

(see Appendix 2), including on the need for improved guidance on the rules for economic

ownership for intellectual property assets.

Regarding cloud services, although payments will, at least in theory, be recorded in

international trade transactions, free use of cloud services will not be. In addition, the nature

of cloud based services means that it is not always evident from which country the services

were provided, even if the country that receives the payment is known (See Appendix 3).

Finally, digitisation has blurred the lines between traditional trade in services (Modes 1, 2

and 4) and a broader notion of trade that includes delivery via foreign presence (Mode 3).

In a digital world, firms can readily supply services via affiliates abroad rather than through

traditional trade mechanisms. Sometimes these will be supported by intra-firm services

provided by the parent or other affiliates, which are recorded as traditional trade, but often

they will not be, and, instead, compensation for the provision of these services is recorded

only, ultimately, as primary income receipts of the parent. Guidance on all of these areas

will be covered in an update to this Handbook during the course of 2019.

1.2. Policy drivers

An important motivator for the development of this Handbook is the growing need for

better evidence to assist analysts, businesses and policy makers in developing policies and

strategies that can capitalise on, or manage the risks of, digital trade. Indeed, both the G20

Trade and Investment Working Group, and Digital Economy Task Force have placed

significant emphasis on measurement under the recent Chinese, German and Argentine


The 2017 Digital Economy Ministerial Declaration10, under the German Presidency, for

example stated that:

To fully harness the potential of digitalisation for jobs and growth, it is critical that

the digital economy is comprehensively included in our national statistics and when

feasible, separately identified. There is also a need to continually review our

statistical frameworks. This evidence will help us assess the impact that our digital

strategies are having on the development of the digital economy. We therefore

welcome the work of international organisations and National Statistical Offices to

improve measurement of the digital economy.



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This culminated in the development of a Toolkit for Measuring the Digital Economy (see

Appendix 4) under the Argentine Presidency, and which asked for countries to:

Work towards improving the measurement of the digital economy in existing

macroeconomic frameworks, e.g. by developing satellite national accounts.

In addition, there have been significant and high-profile policy-driven national initiatives

that have looked at both broad and specific aspects of the impact of digitisation on macro

economic statistics. For example, the 2016 Bean Review11 conducted to assess the UK’s

future economic statistics needs in particular relating to the challenges of measuring the

modern economy, and the US Department of Commerce’s 2016 initiative12 on Measuring

the Value of Cross-Border Data Flows, (Appendix 5).

Meeting the needs of policy makers is, of course, central to the design of new statistics and

statistical standards and this Handbook is designed to respond, as far as possible, to many,

summarily described below13.

Market access

Trade market access refers to the rules and regulations – as established through WTO

multilateral agreements such as the GATT (for goods) and GATS (for services), or via

bilateral or regional trade agreements – that determine if, and under what conditions,

products can be sold in foreign markets through trade. These rules may involve tariffs or

quotas, but also behind-the-border measures. The multilateral trade rules have been

developed to be technologically neutral, meaning that they apply regardless of the

technology used to deliver goods or services. In addition, a moratorium on applying duties

on electronic transmissions has been agreed since 1998 and regularly extended.

Digitisation has increasingly been a focus of attention in this area as it further blurs the

lines between goods and services, where different rules apply (such as ‘software on a disk’

versus software delivered electronically) and moreover it creates ambiguities around the

nature of the product being supplied. For example, in a recent case heard by the European

Court of Justice (December 2017), the Court ruled that Uber was in the business of

providing transport services (which are excluded from EU rules permitting freedom to

provide services) and not (as argued by Uber) in the business of providing computer

services, which are governed by the directive on services in the EU internal market.

Although statistical standards do not have to follow these rulings, it is important that they

are designed, wherever possible, in such a way that they are able to inform them (see also

Chapter 4).

Trade facilitation

The ease of ordering online, including from abroad, has led to an increase in the number of

small packages crossing borders. The treatment of small parcels, often by postal systems,

is different from the treatment of other goods (e.g. through shipping containers and

warehouses), sometimes creating a consumer preference for foreign e-commerce retailers,

sometimes for traditional domestic retailers. Very low de minimis provisions (the threshold



12 https://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/measuring_cross_border_data_flows.pdf

13 See also Lopez-Gonzalez and Jouanjean Digital Trade: Developing a Framework for Analysis


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below which no customs duties are collected), for example, can lead to longer customs

clearance times and therefore to potential distortions in market preferences by consumers

towards domestic rather than foreign retailers. In this context, and, indeed, as a result of the

increased volume of small packages, de minimis provisions are currently being reviewed

in countries, which will also impact on estimation methods currently used by statistical

offices to estimate de minimis trade.

At the same time, the digitisation of information and the growing ease of data exchange

paves the way for faster customs clearance procedures and improved risk management,

facilitating international trade. Indeed, the World Customs Organization is currently

investigating enhanced exchange of information between customs authorities for exactly

these purposes, particularly for smaller-value packages ordered online.

Development impact

Digitalisation (including through local or foreign digital intermediation platforms) provides

significant new scope for producers (particularly SMEs) to penetrate foreign markets but

many developing economies still lag in terms of intellectual property protection, IT

infrastructure and skills, and this digital divide may reduce their ability to fully participate

in, and benefit from, digital trade.

A challenge here is to ensure that developing economies are not also left behind in their

ability to produce evidence for policy-making. Chapter 6 of this Handbook describes a

number of complementary indicators, that can provide important insights on digital trade

and that can, in theory, be readily produced within and from existing statistical frameworks

and surveys. The chapter also provides commentary on a number of related initiatives that

could serve as important vehicles for providing evidence on aspects of digital trade.


With digitalisation, new players have emerged. Digital intermediation platforms have

strongly impacted competition and the ‘rules of the game’ in their target industries.

Although the position of relevant authorities is evolving rapidly, often these disruptive

players are able to circumvent regulatory requirements that are applicable to domestic,

‘non-digital’ competitors: for example, hotels face taxes and regulations that Airbnb (and

the suppliers it hosts) often does not; Uber gains part of its competitive advantage (in many

countries) by considering its drivers as independent contractors instead of employees; and

Amazon is able to book transactions through lower tax jurisdictions.

Since network effects and economies of scale are especially important for many platforms,

there are growing risks of market dominance in an increasingly winner-takes-all

environment. Despite the considerable challenges, being able to identify these disruptive

and transformative firms, and their impact on trade, is a key aspect of this Handbook

(Chapter 4).

Data flows: localisation, privacy, and monetisation

Digital trade is growing hand in hand with cross-border data flows, which enable seamless

trade and create new opportunities to add value. The growing flows of data have also raised

new concerns related to data privacy and security, and consumer protection, resulting in,

for example, local storage requirements or restrictions on cross-border data flows. Such

regulations may be trade distorting, and finding the right balance between measures

developed in pursuit of legitimate public policy goals and preserving the benefits from an

open digital environment remains an important challenge to trade policy makers.

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Some, perhaps most, data flows are not directly monetised and are therefore currently not

considered as trade flows; for example personal information provided on social networks

or data captured by firms within the ‘Internet of Things’. However, even though these data

are acquired for free they clearly have value to the firms acquiring and using them in

production, whether to generate advertising revenues, supply-chain and risk management,

production efficiencies, etc. Valuing these data, as this Handbook shows, is a formidable

challenge, which is why non-monetary data are included under the broader measure of

digital trade. Presently work in this area of measurement is very much in its infancy but the

Handbook will be updated regularly as national experiences and guidance develop.

1.3. Initiatives from which this Handbook has drawn

As noted above, this Handbook has, and continues to, drawn on a number of earlier and on-

going initiatives tackling measurement issues related to trade and more generally macro-

economic statistics. Chief in this respect reflect those cited above, including: the OECD,

WTO and UNCTAD work on defining e-commerce; UNCTAD’s efforts on ICT enabling

measures; the G20 Toolkit on Measuring the Digital Economy; the US Commerce

Department’s work on Cross-border data flows; and the OECD’s broader efforts on

measurement included in the Going Digital project, and, in particular, from long-standing

efforts highlighted in its Science and Technology Scoreboard publications and its Guide to

Measuring the Information Society.

The Handbook has also drawn inspiration from other related efforts that deserve special


• UNCTAD has developed indicators of E-commerce Readiness14, focusing on Business

to Consumer (B2C) transactions with components reflecting the steps involved in

completing an online shopping (B2C) transaction, measures of web presence,

possibility to pay online, and delivery reliability.

• The World Economic Forum has developed a Networked Readiness Index15 to measure

the capacity of countries to leverage ICTs for increased competitiveness and well-

being. The index is based on information from various international organisations as

well as its own Executive Opinion survey to derive an index based on four sub-indices:

the enabling environment; a country’s readiness in terms of e.g. infrastructure and

skills; the usage of ICT and economic; and social impact.

• The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) publishes a Global ICT

Development Index16, which aims to measure the information society by combining 11

indicators on ICT access (an indication of the available ICT infrastructure and

individuals’ access to basic ICTs), ICT usage (including intensity of use), and ICT


• As a final example, the multi-stakeholder “eTrade for All” initiative, launched in 2016

at the UNCTAD Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, is a consortium of more than 20

international and regional organisations, national entities and development banks that

aims to improve the ability of developing and transition countries to engage in and

14 http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/tn_unctad_ict4d09_en.pdf

15 http://reports.weforum.org/global-information-technology-report-2016/report-highlights/

16 https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Pages/publications/mis2017.aspx

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benefit from e-commerce. The Initiative has developed a tool for assessing the e-trade

environment at the national level, consisting of a series of 30 e-trade indicators across

seven key policy areas (ICT infrastructure and services, payment solutions, access to

financing, e-commerce skills development, legal and regulatory frameworks, trade

logistics/facilitation, and e-commerce readiness). The e-trade readiness indicators are

published online in the World Bank Group data portal TC36017, as well as in e-trade

country profiles on the eTrade for all platform.18

1.4. Structure of the Handbook

As noted above, much of the work presented in this Handbook reflects work-in-progress as

a way of motivating the development of new measures and indeed new approaches to

measurement. Many of these efforts are very much at the frontier of statistical measurement

and it is hoped they will be added to as experiences mature and are added to.

In that sense, Chapter 2 of this living document, is the prism through which these efforts

should be viewed. It provides the unifying conceptual framework for digital trade that

national efforts should target, which is crystallised via a simple reporting template setting

out the key components of digital trade. Recognising that many of the measures required

in the template require advances in measurement techniques, the template includes a

number of complementary indicators that provide insights on digital trade, and that,

importantly, can already be developed by many countries from available statistics.

Chapters 3 to 6 provide compilation guidance on specific aspects of components of digital

trade identified in the conceptual framework, drawing on the responses of 74 countries to

an OECD-IMF survey conducted over 2017-2018 (see Appendix 5). The chapters build on

existing practices and pilot-tests in several countries and identify potential new data


Chapter 3 focuses on the measurement of digitally ordered goods and services.

Chapter 4 focuses on transactions enabled by digital intermediary platforms.

Chapter 5 focuses on digitally delivered services.

Chapter 6 looks at a range of complementary measures that can be (or are already being)

produced to provide insights on digital trade, including: trade in ‘digital’ products (e.g. ICT

goods and services); trade in ideas, trade in ICT enabling services, and trade in potentially

ICT enabled services.

Chapter 7 concludes with a series of key recommendations and next steps.

17 https://tcdata360.worldbank.org/

18 https://etradeforall.org/ressources/data-indicators/

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Chapter 2: A conceptual framework for measuring Digital Trade

2.1. Introduction

Key obstacles towards internationally comparable estimates of digital trade have been the

absence of an internationally agreed definition and an absence of a conceptual accounting


Many significant initiatives, as described in Chapter 1 and in subsequent chapters, have

provided important insights on aspects of digital trade, leading to a plethora of various

statistical measures: e-commerce (defined in various ways), ICT-enabled services,

digitally-enabled services, partially digitally-enabled services, cloud services and so on.

Together they help to knit a tapestry of much of what we consider to be digital trade but,

outside of an overarching conceptual framework, they can lack coherence.

That is not to say that these initiatives are not important. Far from it, they are all, to varying

degrees, and as they should be, central to the development of the framework presented here.

Many of these initiatives have motivated the development of new surveys, some of which

have been in existence for many years, which this framework, mindful of practicalities and

response burdens, tries to build on.

At the same time, it is also important to emphasise that the proposed definitions and the

framework are intended for statistical purposes: while every effort is made to align the

terminology with that used in other fora, differences may occur regarding the scope and


Before presenting the conceptual framework in detail, it is useful to review some of the

principal considerations that have shaped it, in addition to those described above, and,

consequently, the definition of digital trade used in this Handbook.

The starting point in this respect is to define a concept that provides a measure of the overall

contribution of digitisation to trade (also discussed in Chapter 1).

Digitisation, is commonly understood to reflect the encoding of information or procedures

into binary bits that can be read and manipulated by computer, which can take many forms

such as the translation of analogue measurements; encoding business and industrial

processes; voice over Internet protocol (VOIP); social networks (as alternatives to face-to-

face interactions) etc. Collectively, the changes produced by different forms of digitisation,

the resulting applications, systems, platforms, and the effects on economic and social

activity constitute “digital transformation”- or digitalisation.

But while there is an understanding that digitisation is a process that involves the encoding

of information into binary bits, its use as the basis of a definition for digital trade is

restrictive and, in any case, difficult to operationalise in a practical and meaningful way for

measurement purposes.

Digitisation is key to the digital transformation (digitalisation) but valuing its direct

contribution to that transformation is only part of what is required, when we think about

19 For example, the definition of ecommerce used in WTO trade negotiations (“production,

distribution, marketing, sale or delivery of goods and services by electronic means”) is broader than

the statistical definition of digital trade in this Handbook (particularly its reference to production).

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digital trade. For example, the cost of digitally transferring data from a customer to a

producer via a peer-to-peer ride-sharing platform has fallen dramatically in the last twenty

years, so an approach that looked at the costs of digitisation would significantly under-

estimate the value of digitalisation.

But while a focus on digitalisation is clearly preferable to a focus on digitisation, from a

definitional perspective it remains non-trivial. Should, for example, digitalisation reflect

the total effects of digitisation on trade, for example the total value of activity supported

(e.g. including the value of taxi services in ride sharing platforms), or should it reflect only

the intermediation fees charged for using these platforms? The two will give significantly

different answers but both are relevant to the debate and both are important for policy

making. The first, to some extent looks at overall impact, that can, albeit very crudely, be

described as a consumption perspective, whereas the latter, and again crudely, is closer to

a producer’s perspective (e.g. output of ‘digitised’ industries). This multi-dimensionality

is at the heart of the difficulty in defining a concept for digital trade.

An example can help to reinforce the point. While there may be broad unanimity that a

digital book is a digital product, what is not clear is whether its whole value (which includes

the author’s contribution) should be included in a measure of digital trade or only that part

of the value that reflects its conversion into bits and bytes and any charges/costs related to

digital transactions, which excludes the author’s contribution. Does it matter if the author

originally typed the book on a computer, directly, into digital form? Are computers,

enabling devices that when combined with digital platforms (such as the internet), are also

part of the digital transformation, providing mechanisms to access readers and markets that

would previously have been unimaginable.

A simple approach, of particular relevance for trade statistics, which remain, by and large,

driven by considerations around the type of products that are traded, would be to identify

categories of products20 that could be defined as digital, (however these were defined, see

also below).

However, such an approach is likely to omit large parts of what most users would want to

see captured in a measure of digital trade. One of the most significant impacts of

digitalisation has been its ability to shrink the space between consumers and producers, and

indeed producers and producers, providing previously unimaginable access to new

markets. However, even though goods increasingly embody digital characteristics, most of

these transactions involve non-digital goods or services. They would therefore very likely

fall outside the scope of a purely product-based definition of digital trade, unless the idea

of a digital product was also based on how the product was ordered, for example non-digital

goods ordered over the internet would be in scope but the same good purchased physically

would not be.21

That being said, a definition that focused purely on whether products were ordered via

digital channels, (for example following the OECD’s definition of e-commerce), would

20 One might also consider looking at trade conducted via a category of digital industries but this

would also present significant boundary issues, e.g. would a shoe manufacturer selling all of its

products on-line be in or out of scope, and even if this could be meaningfully resolved, how would

the same manufacturer selling half of its products via conventional trade and half on-line be


21 That is not to say that delineations based on products are not worthwhile, indeed this Handbook

demonstrates they are, but they cannot be the basis on which digital trade as a concept is defined.

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also be deficient, as it would exclude many transactions in ‘digitised services’, (see also

below). For example, on-line banking services, mobile communication services, and

significant business-to-business transactions, such as software support and on-line call

centres, ordered via conventional (physical) channels would be out of scope. Similarly,

broader notions of digital trade that imputed values for non-monetary transactions, related

to data or intra-firm deliveries of other digitised information (including knowledge), would

also be excluded from a definition that looked only at digital ordering. ‘

A defining characteristic of those digital services that may not be digitally ordered is that

they are, to all extents and purposes, digitally delivered, (see also below). But, a definition

that focused only on digitally delivered products would exclude any goods that were

digitally ordered, so, like digital ordered, digital delivery also misses large parts of what

would be commonly considered to be within a notion of digital trade.

However, an approach that married these two modes (ordering and/or delivery) can

overcome these deficiencies; whilst also proving feasible as national and international

efforts on measuring e-commerce and on digitally enabled services demonstrate (see


From a practical and conceptual perspective therefore, these two not-mutually-exclusive

criteria form the underlying, and unifying, principle for the statistical definition of digital

trade. That is to say, the statistical definition of digital trade is based on the nature of the

transaction, and not on the nature of the product that is traded, and, so, this Handbook

defines digital trade as trade that is digitally ordered and/or digitally delivered.

Both of these two, overlapping, components are described, (and defined), in more detail

below. One important overlap concerns transactions facilitated by digital intermediary

platforms (described in more detail below), both because of their important role in digital

trade as well as the fact that they raise specific compilation challenges, as this Chapter will


As such even if, in principle, all transactions through digital intermediary platforms are

either digitally ordered and/or digitally delivered, they feature as a distinct component in

the conceptual framework described below.

One of the key concerns driving the need for better evidence on digital trade has been the

perception that large parts of trade are not being recorded because of digitisation22. These

concerns are both practical – for example, in relation to the measurement of de minimis

transactions, where there are concerns that approaches to estimate small parcel trade below

customs thresholds may not have kept up with the pace of ordering through digital channels

– and conceptual, notably with respect to the measurement of data flows that have no

monetary transaction.

22 There have also been concerns that the way that trade flows are routed has been significantly

affected by a combination of digitisation and fiscal optimisation. The ability of firms to shift

intellectual property from a high to a low tax jurisdiction, and, so, in turn, the location of production

and exports, has been transformed by digitisation. Equally, parent companies are now able to

organise the flow of many digitised services (including data) between affiliates that may have no

monetary transaction, which further blurs the lines between trade in services and property income.

Guidance in this area will be provided in future updates of this Handbook (expected towards the end

of 2019).

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Many of these (typically) invisible flows are outside of the conceptual production

boundary23 and so outside of conventional measures of trade but that is not to say they are

not important (described in more detail below). As such, the conceptual framework and

reporting template, described in this Handbook includes these flows as complementary


2.2. The conceptual framework for Digital Trade

As noted above, the nature of the transaction – digitally ordered and/or digitally delivered

– is the overarching defining characteristic of digital trade. However, for trade policy

purposes, any conceptual framework also needs to have a product dimension. Equally,

because of the considerable interest in understanding who is engaged in digital trade,

information on the actors is also needed. Figure 2.1 below provides a simple depiction of

the framework proposed in this handbook (discussed in more detail in the following


Figure 0.1. The Conceptual Framework for Digital Trade24

* Refers to transactions of information and/or data where there are no explicit monetary exchanges.

2.2.1. The Scope of the Framework (where)

The framework is primarily designed to provide a view of international trade in produced

goods and services that have been digitally ordered and/or digitally delivered; which this

Handbook refers to as Digital Trade. However, as described above, it also attempts to

23 See N.Ahmad and P.Schreyer, Measuring GDP in a Digitalised Economy, 2016, for a full

discussion of these issues and N.Ahmad and P.Van de Ven, Recording and measuring data in the

System of National Accounts, 2018.

24 Digital Intermediary Platforms are also an important component of Actors. Their current explicit

inclusion in the nature of transactions (which may change depending on how measurement efforts

evolve) reflects the scope for measuring modes of digital delivery and/or ordering through targeted

surveys of DIPs.




Goods Services



Included in conventional

trade statistics

Digitally ordered

Digitally delivered






ry p






Other digitally ordered goods

Digitally ordered

services not digitally

del ivered

Information/ data*

Digitally delivered services

Not included










ad D


al T



ICT goods Digitally ordered

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respond to growing demand for information on non-monetary transactions not included in

measures of conventional goods and services trade (referred to in the framework as

transactions in information and data, see also below), which are included in the measure of

Broad Digital Trade. Because no monetary transaction is made, a simplifying assumption is

made that these elements are not digitally ordered and only materialise in the framework

when they are delivered digitally, and, so, correspond to a Broad category of Digital Services

(see also below).

2.2.2. The nature of the transaction (How) Digitally ordered transactions

An important guiding principle in the development of this Handbook is that it should be

practical and feasible. As such, by design, it builds upon existing and related areas of work,

especially where measurement instruments exist.

Significant efforts have been made for a number of years now in the measurement of e-

commerce25 . This Handbook capitalises on those efforts and uses the OECD definition of

e-commerce26 to define ‘digitally ordered’ as shown below:

“An e-commerce transaction is the sale or purchase of a good or service,

conducted over computer networks by methods specifically designed for the

purpose of receiving or placing orders.” 27

Some additional clarifications are provided in this definition. Specifically these state that

the payment and ultimate delivery of the goods or services do not also have to be conducted

online. Transactions can involve participants from all institutional sectors, and cover

orders made over the web, extranet or via electronic data interchange (EDI, see Box 2.1).

Excluded are orders made by phone, fax or manually typed email.

In developing its definition, the OECD emphasised: (a) its need to be coherent, simple and

pragmatic, and explicitly acknowledged its focus on those electronic transactions that were

known, definable and important at the time (2011). At the same time, in its deliberations,

the OECD acknowledged that as new technologies evolved, new forms of e-commerce

would need to be considered.

In the intervening period, many new mechanisms (particularly related to applications) have

emerged and discussions with statistical compilers held in the course of developing this

Handbook concluded that additional guidance was needed for a consistent interpretation of

digitally ordered trade transactions and to clarify areas where ambiguities had appeared.

25 The WTO definition on e-commerce includes both ordering and delivering modes.

26 It is important to note that the definition measures the total value of the product being traded,

whether that product has digital characteristics or not.

27 OECD, Guide to Measuring the Information Society, 2011

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Responses to the second round of the OECD-IMF stocktaking survey28, with more than 70

countries replying, concluded that29 :

• Digitally ordered trade in goods and services should cover 'in-app' purchases (100%


• Digitally ordered trade in goods and services should include transactions via online

bidding platforms (95% agreed)

• When a trade transaction is concluded via offline ordering processes, but

subsequent follow-up orders are made via digital ordering systems, only the follow-

up orders should be considered as e-commerce (80% agreed)

• Digitally ordered trade in goods and services should not cover offline transactions

formalised using digital signatures (86% agreed) Digitally delivered transactions

The second dimension of the nature of digital trade transactions is referred to as digitally

delivered. The concept of digitally delivered transactions is based on the work of the

UNCTAD led Task Group on Measuring Trade in ICT Services and ICT-enabled Services


TGServ defined ICT-enabled services as follows, which this Handbook adopts as the

definition for digitally delivered trade:

All cross-border transactions that are delivered remotely over ICT networks – i.e. over

voice or data networks, including the internet, in an electronically downloadable format. Digital intermediary platform enabled transactions

An important characteristic of digitalisation is the increasing role of firms such as Airbnb,

Alibaba, Amazon, Booking.com, Uber and eBay that facilitate transactions in goods and

services. These platforms nearly always have an electronic ordering component, and,

28 See Appendix 6.

29 Some areas of ambiguity remain and are subject to further research. For examples, purchases of

goods or services via online chat functions, such as WeChat. On the one hand, WeChat and related

systems are typically not specifically designed for placing orders (as per the e-commerce definition),

but instead receive manually composed messages similar to emails. On the other hand, rapid

technological change has means that orders can now be handled automatically and, so, arguably,

related transactions could be classified as e-commerce.

30 With membership from ITU, OECD, UNCTAD, UNESCWA, UNSD, World Bank and WTO.

See also, https://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/tn_unctad_ict4d03_en.pdf

Box 0.1. Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Data Interchange is the computer-to-computer transmission of (business) data – such as shipping orders, purchase orders, invoices, and requests for quotations – in a standard format using agreed standards. The messages are composed and processed without human intervention, which increases the speed of order processing, and reduces errors. It is used in a wide variety of industries including food, retail, logistics, and manufacturing, o efficiently manage international supply chains (e.g. Just-in-time inventory management).

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typically, the goods and services advertised can only be paid for electronically. Even if in

some cases it is possible to make orders using analogue methods, the platform itself is the

only mechanism through which consumers can see the advertised products.

Although, as shown in the framework, all digitally intermediated transactions are included

in one or both of digitally ordered and digitally delivered, they are separately identified in

the framework for three reasons. The first reflects the specific interest in the role of digital

intermediary platforms (DIPs), and, in particular, their disruptive impact on the economy.

The second reflects the possibility that a targeted focus on the DIPs themselves, including

through dedicated survey vehicles that target them, may provide a meaningful approach to

deliver earlier results on both digitally ordered and digitally delivered trade. The third,

reflects the specific conceptual and statistical challenges they present, especially when

platforms are not resident in the country where the intermediation services are consumed

(See Section 2.3).

Firms classified as DIPs use many different types of business models to sell or deliver

goods or services. The World Customs Organisation (WCO) as well as the OECD Tax

Policy Cente3132 have developed typologies of new, online business models. While the

terminology differs (for example, the OECD33 describes ‘multi-sided platforms’ while the

WCO uses ‘e-platforms’), both identify key criteria to define digital intermediary

platforms, including:

(1) There are multiple buyers and multiple sellers that interact directly

(2) The platform itself does not own the goods nor does it supply the services that

are being sold.

Based on these criteria, digital intermediary platforms can be defined as online interfaces

that facilitate, for a fee, the direct interaction between multiple buyers and multiple

sellers, without the platform taking economic ownership of the goods or services that are

being sold (intermediated).

In turn, because digital intermediary platforms may also provide other services, digitally

intermediated platform services are defined as online intermediation services enabling

transactions between multiple buyers and multiple sellers, without the platform

conducting the intermediation service taking economic ownership of the goods or

rendering services that are being sold (intermediated).

It is important to note that digitally intermediated platform services differ from similar

services provided by electronic retailers or e-tailers, who may also sell a wide variety of

different products and operate exclusively online, but who own all the products being

sold34. In addition because the platforms provide a means intermediating productive

31 OECD (2018) Tax challenges arising from digitalisation – Interim Report 2018, Paris: OECD.

32 UNCTAD (2018) is looking at classifications based on the overall business model (profit vs non-

profit) and type of product involved (goods, payment services, social media, labour)

33 Following, Hagiu, A. and Wright, J. (2015) ‘Multi-Sided Platforms’, International Journal of

Industrial Organization, Vol. 43,

34 Note that these two business models may co-exist within the same enterprise group, for example

Amazon Ecommerce (an e-tailer) as opposed to Amazon Marketplace (a digital intermediary

platform), and indeed the same firm, which is why an important distinction is made in this section

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transactions between households, they may also have implications on the types of surveys

used to measure trade flows (see Box 2.2)

2.2.3. The Product (What) Goods

As shown in Figure 2.1 products, as a whole, are split into the two conventional categories

of goods and services. By definition, goods cannot be delivered digitally, and so the

category of goods required for measures of Digital Trade includes only those goods that

have been digitally ordered. In this respect, it is important to note that the category of goods

included here should not be confused with notions of digital goods. For example, shoes can

be ordered online (a digital transaction), but are in and of themselves difficult to conceive

as digital products even if they have been developed with significant input of products that

could be considered as digital (e.g. software, computer services etc.).

Figure 2.1 does however prescribe a separate breakdown of goods into Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) goods that are digitally ordered and other goods that are

digitally ordered, with the classification of goods included in the former (see also Chapter

6) corresponding to the OECD35 definition:

ICT goods must either be intended to fulfil the function of information processing and

communication by electronic means, including transmission and display, or use electronic

processing to detect, measure and/or record physical phenomena, or to control a physical


between definitions of the platforms themselves (the firms) and the services they provide (the


35 See OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2015

Box 2.2.The sharing economy

A sub-set of digital intermediary platforms that is of particular interest and attention reflects those that facilitate consumer-to-consumer (C2C) transactions, often referred to as the sharing economy1.

Growth in these platforms may present particular compilation challenges for measuring international trade, especially if the platforms are hosted abroad, as the producers of the products being intermediated are households, meaning they may be out of scope of most current survey mechanisms for international trade. Section X.X provides more detail on these challenges drawing on national experiences (UK and Canada).

ONS UK (2017) ‘The feasibility of measuring the sharing economy: November 2017 progress update’, https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/economicoutputandproductivity/output/articles/ thefeasibilityofmeasuringthesharingeconomy/november2017progressupdate

Statistics Canada (2017) ‘The sharing economy in Canada’, Statistics Canada Daily, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/170228/dq170228b-eng.htm

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In addition, the reporting template, described in Section 2.4 below also includes an

addendum item showing total trade in ICTs goods (digitally ordered or not). Services

Services as a group are broken down into three distinct components in the Framework:

Digitally delivered services, Other services (in the Goods and Services account), and a third

category, reflecting non-monetary transactions not recorded in conventional trade statistics;

referred to as Information and Data. Each of these categories is described in detail below.

Digitally delivered services

As described in Section above, digitally delivered trade follows the definition used

in determining ICT enabled services developed by the UNCTAD TGServ Task Force. By

design therefore, there is a strong overlap between those services included in the category

of ICT enabled services and those referred to here as digitally delivered services (see also

Chapter 5). However, the product listing used in defining ICT enabled services may require

further enhancements, in particular in the light of the recommendations that have emerged

to record payments for services provided by digital intermediation platforms.

Digitally delivered transactions passing through an e-tailer involve a trade margin that is

included in the underlying value of the service (or goods) provided. However, for digital

platforms intermediating services this Handbook (see below) recommends that the margin

(or rather intermediation fee, implicit or otherwise) is shown separately, under services.

There is currently no internationally agreed position on the product to which these

transactions should be classified,36 (requiring agreement and consultation with the national

accounts and trade statistics community, see also below), and the recommendation

provided in Section 2.3 should be seen as provisional.

The TGServ group also included a separate breakdown of ICT services (see also Chapter

5), and this Handbook recommends that these estimates, and estimates of ICT enabled

services are produced as complementary items; not least as it is currently feasible to do so

in many countries.

Other services (in the Goods and Services account)

Other services in the goods and services account refer to all services that are digitally

ordered but not digitally delivered.

Information and Data exchanges outside of the goods and services account

The 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA) introduced the notion of databases, with

further clarifications provided in the 2008 SNA that specified that databases should reflect

only the value of the underlying database management systems and the costs associated

with the digitisation of data. This recommendation reflected the view that the underlying

36 Whether the intermediation service payments and the platform should be classified to the same

industry whose products are being intermediated is the subject of debate within the UN Expert Group

on Industrial Classifications, where it recognised that additional guidance is needed for platforms,

not least because the practice varies across countries and industry. However, in provisional guidance

(from its September 2017 meeting) concerning the treatment of platforms such as AirBnB there was

support for the idea that the platforms should be classified to ISIC sector 79.90 “Other reservation

services and related activities’, recognising the parallels with other non-digital matching services

such as high-street travel agencies.

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value (information content) associated with the data itself was de facto a non-produced

asset, with outright purchases of databases that included the intrinsic value of the

underlying data recognised in the accounts as goodwill.

However, recent years have seen an explosion in the generation of data, and the use of these

data, in, for example, advertising based business models. But because data are typically

acquired for free, large parts of it (except those exchanges that are supported by an explicit

payment, generally bundled in a different product) are de facto invisible in official


These acquisitions of free data can support significant monetary transactions that may cross

borders, for example through advertising revenues or significant improvements in

production efficiencies (for example in supply chain management tracking goods). Social

networking sites such as Facebook, or search engines such as Google, offer "free" services

to users in exchange for data that can be used by these firms to generate targeted advertising

(and hence revenues)38. There is no monetary transaction between Facebook or Google and

consumers from whom they collect data but while cross border advertising services would

37 It is important to note that the decision not to treat the data as produced does not mean that data

has no value. It clearly does, as recognised in the discussions preceding the 2008 SNA

recommendation. Future benefits can very clearly be derived from data, either through the sale of a

database (including the value of the data), or in creating additional value added in support of the

production of other goods and services, such as advertising. In the former case the 2008 SNA

captures the value of data as goodwill when a market transaction occurs (which de facto means that

data are treated as a non-produced asset), whilst in the latter, although data remains in and of itself

invisible, its contribution to production is accurately reflected. Although the contribution of data to

production is always captured, data itself are only valued when market transactions occur (recorded

as a transaction in non-produced assets). In this sense, data in the SNA, as a non-produced asset, is

similar, at least in an accounting sense, but still different to, other non-produced assets, such as land.

Like data, land is also used in production, and as a non-produced asset it cannot be readily identified

as a separate factor production. However, unlike land, data are increasingly crossing borders and, in

most cases, these exchanges occur without any observable market transaction taking place. This

decision to only recognise data in the accounts when a monetary transaction occurs reflects the fact

that the underlying value of data reflects its information or knowledge content. Valuing all data as a

non-produced asset therefore, whether purchased or otherwise, would de facto require that all

knowledge, including human capital, be treated as a non-produced asset. That is not to say that,

conceptually, this shouldn’t be done; there has been a long discussion over the years on human

capital and indeed on other knowledge based assets, and whether these should be recognised in some

form (including as produced assets), in the accounts. But to do so would require approaches to be

developed that were internationally comparable, feasible and meaningful; and certainly with respect

to human capital, recording the activity as production could run the risk that it would swamp GDP,

and indeed measures of trade and render them unable to be used for macro-economic policy making,

It was this realisation that the value of data was intrinsically related to the underlying knowledge it

embodied that led to it being recorded as de facto non-produced (i.e. goodwill) when a market

transaction occurred. To do otherwise would open the door to the inclusion of all kinds of

information or knowledge. See also N. Ahmad and P Van de Ven, Recording and Measuring Data

in the System of National Accounts, (2018)

38 L.Nakamura, J.Samuels and R.Soloveichik, Valuing ‘Free’ Media in GDP: An Experimental

Approach (2016), proposed that a new category of production should be included to reflect the value

of free services provided to viewers and financed via advertising revenue. N.Ahmad and P.Schreyer,

Measuring GDP in a Digitalised Economy (2016) highlight some of the complications in adopting

such an approach.

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be captured in trade statistics, the data flows upon which they depend are not. As noted in

Chapter 1, understanding the scale (and potential value) of these data is of considerable

policy interest.

In a similar manner, and because they are free, the international accounting system does

not in general impute transactions related to the use of public goods (such as open-source

or free software). The debate around measurement of these ‘assets’ generally revolves

around the potential implications for measures of material well-being and productivity but

there are also concerns around competition policies, if the freely available software is

designed to gain market share with a view to the introduction of subsequent ‘priced’


Research is ongoing within the statistics community to better estimate the values of these

flows39, and indeed to consider whether they should be included within the production

boundary for GDP and by extension, trade.

Imputations for data and open source software have been recommended in the supply-use

tables for the digital economy, being developed by the OECD Advisory Group on

Measuring GDP in a Digitalised Economy (see also Appendix 1), and significant advances

on the broader measurement front, including on data, and on open source software, have

been made as part of the OECD’s Going Digital Initiative40, and, in particular, the

measurement strand of that effort41

Although measurement efforts are evolving rapidly, they remain very much in their infancy

and so it is premature to provide guidance on these items in this version of the Handbook.

However it is expected that this will be available during the course of 2019. .

2.2.4. Actors (who)

Technological change has provided individual consumers (households) with increased

possibilities to purchase goods and services from foreign suppliers, whilst also increasing

their interaction as ‘producers’ when supplying services (for example accommodation

services) via digital intermediation platforms. Similarly, the possibility to sell online has

lowered – or has the potential to lower – the barriers to export, allowing especially smaller

firms to market their products abroad. These aspects of digital transformation increase the

need for trade statistics by type of user and producer but they also complicate the way that

trade is measured in practice. For example, when households interact with each other via

foreign digital intermediation platforms, conventional business surveys may not be able to

capture the foreign dimension, increasing the relevance of household surveys.

The conceptual framework recognises these developments through its breakdown of actors

by (SNA) institutional sectors: households, non-financial corporations, government and

financial corporations. Work on linking trade and business registers provides an important

39 See for example: Li, Wendy C. Y. (2018), Typology of online platforms for future measurement

of the value of data, presented at the 2018 OECD Workshop on Online Platforms, Cloud Computing,

and Related Products, September 6th, OECD, Paris; OECD (2013): "Exploring the Economics of

Personal Data: A Survey of Methodologies for Measuring Monetary Value", OECD Digital

Economy Papers, No. 220; and OECD (2013): “Introduction to data and analytics, Taxonomy, data

governance issues, and implications for further work”, paper circulated for consultation; OECD.

40 http://www.oecd.org/going-digital/

41 Measuring the Digital Transformation: A roadmap for the future OECD, 2019

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vehicle here for identifying who the exporting and importing firms are (including by

industry, size class, and more recently ownership patterns – e.g. foreign vs domestic

ownership - and these efforts should be accelerated and capitalised on in developing

statistics on digital trade. Within the corporate sector, it may also be useful to explore

additional breakdowns of firms, such as those developed by the OECD Advisory Group on

Measuring GDP in a Digitalised Economy, for example: Digital intermediary platforms;

ICT industries; Digital intermediary platforms (charging fees); Data and advertising

driven platforms; Firms dependent on digital intermediation platforms; E-tailers; Digital

firms providing digital financial and insurance services; and Other producers only

operating digitally. (See also Appendix 1).

Identifying transactions involving households (whether as producers or consumers) is more

challenging however but there are a number of efforts on-going (see the following chapters)

that indicate that progress can be made on this front.

Importantly, the institutional sector breakdown provides for an easy concordance with the

terminology used in e-commerce surveys, such as the OECD Survey on ICT usage by

Business, which try to identify transactions between: ‘Business-to-Business’ (B2B)

(broadly corporation to corporation), ‘Business-to-Consumer’ (broadly corporation to

household) (B2C) and ‘Business -to-Government (corporation to government)42.

2.3. Accounting principles

In all cases, the accounting principles for digital trade follow those of BPM6.

For transactions that pass through Digital Intermediary Platforms however, some additional

guidance is required.

Many Digital Intermediation Platforms (and in the absence of data at this stage it is difficult

to quantify the scale) intermediate between two non-resident parties (in the same economy

as each other).

The related transactions could be recorded in two possible ways. The first is to record a

domestic transaction between the two resident actors with corresponding intermediation

fees paid by both or one of the parties to the foreign platform. The second is to ‘follow the

money’ and record an import from the foreign platform by the end-consumer and an export

from the producer to the foreign platform.

For digital intermediation platforms facilitating exchanges in goods, a strong argument can

be made that the intermediary is never the owner of the goods and so the only international

transactions that should be recorded are those relating to the intermediation fee. Where

these charges are explicit, then they should be recorded as being paid by one or both of the

resident producer and consumer depending on who paid the explicit fees. However, when

the fees are implicit, complications may arise. In practice implicit charges are often

incurred by both the consumer and the producer (and often these are made clear in the

contract of intermediation) but imputing flows for both parties can create significant

compilation difficulties for the national accounts.

Household based surveys, for example, are only likely to record the actual price paid by

the final consumer, whereas business surveys may only record as output, the price paid by

the consumer (excluding any taxes incurred by the consumer) before the inclusion of

42 For convenience Annex 2.A uses the terminology B2B, B2C etc.

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(implicit) intermediation fees incurred by the consumer. To resolve this issue, the current

preferred approach advocated by the OECD Advisory Group on Measuring GDP in a

Digitalised Economy is to record output of the producer as being equivalent to the

purchaser’s price (excluding any taxes incurred by the consumer), with all of the implicit

intermediation fees incurred by the producer.

For digital intermediation platforms facilitating exchanges in services, it follows that the

same rules should apply. It is important to note that this treatment differs from the

recommendations given in BPM6 and the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in

Services (2010) for subcontracting, which recommends that the flows are recorded on a

gross basis, on the grounds that the arranger (of the subcontracted service) buys and sells

the services. A similar argument could be made for digital intermediation platforms but the

argument made in this Handbook is that subcontracted services involve a higher degree of

engagement on the part of the intermediary than (typically completely automated) digital

intermediation platforms.

To illustrate the complexities involved, Figure 2.2 describes the example of an Uber

transaction. In the “physical world”, a taxi would have to pass in front of a customer who

would pay for the ride in cash or by card. However, the Uber App adds a new tradable

digital service that enables the transaction by matching the car driver and the customer and

manages the payment. The transaction between the driver (seller) and the rider (buyer)

takes place in a particular country but the supporting transactions, that include the provision

of the matching services, payments and insurance coverage, are potentially provided from

another country. Furthermore, the consumer may be a non-resident, in the case of tourists,

which adds another layer of complexity.

Figure 0.2. Example of transactions via digital intermediary platforms: unpacking an Uber


Following the flows in Figure 2.2 and the ‘ownership’ principle that underpins the

accounting frameworks, the only transaction that should be recorded in international trade

statistics would be the cross border provision of intermediation services to both the seller

and the buyer, in line with the intermediation fees charged (and it is assumed for simplicity

here that the fees are explicitly paid by both the buyer and the seller).

This is also called a ‘net recording’ of the associated transactions, and is illustrated in

Figure 2.3. Such a net recording is preferred because it avoids creating significant

inflationary distortions to trade statistics and because it treats digital intermediary platforms

facilitating exchanges of goods and services consistently.

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Figure 0.3. Proposed net recording of trade transactions related to digital intermediary


As the example above illustrates, the residency of the buyer, seller, and digital intermediary

platform needs to be carefully considered in the recording of the associated trade flows.

For example, the goods or services produced by residents may be intermediated via a non-

resident digital intermediary platform, or via a domestic (resident) digital intermediary

platform. At the same time, the goods or services purchased by a resident from resident

sellers – traditionally not considered an international trade transaction – may be facilitated

by a non-resident digital intermediary platform43.

To illustrate the proposed net recording of these trade flows involving different countries

of residency, Table 2.1 provides an overview of all possible combinations.

Table 0.1. Recording of trade transactions involving digital intermediary platforms

Seller DIP Buyer Treatment of transacted product Treatment of Intermediation services

If the seller pays the intermediation fee OR if no explicit intermediation fee is charged to the final consumer Ctry A Ctry A Ctry B Import by country B from country A None (domestic transaction) Ctry A Ctry B Ctry B Import by country B from country A Import by country A from country B Ctry A Ctry B Ctry A None (domestic transaction) Import by country A from country B Ctry A Ctry B Ctry C Import by country C from country A Import by country A from country B

If the buyer pays the intermediation fee Ctry A Ctry A Ctry B Import by country B from country A Import by country B from country A Ctry A Ctry B Ctry B Import by country B from country A None (domestic transaction) Ctry A Ctry B Ctry A None (domestic transaction) Import by country A from country B Ctry A Ctry B Ctry C Import by country C from country A Import by country C from country B

If both the seller and the buyer pay an intermediation fee Ctry A Ctry A Ctry B Import by country B from country A Import by country B (of part of the intermediation services) from

country A (the remainder of the intermediation services reflect a domestic transaction)

Ctry A Ctry B Ctry B Import by country B from country A Import by country A (of part of the intermediation services) from country B (the remainder of the intermediation services reflect a domestic transaction)

Ctry A Ctry B Ctry A None (domestic transaction) Import by country A from country B

43 As noted elsewhere, ITSS surveys may struggle to cover transactions involving non-resident

digital intermediation platforms. Furthermore, even in cases where such digital intermediation

platforms headquartered overseas have some resident commercial presence, these entities may only

have narrow functions such as advertising, and therefore do not (or cannot) report statistics related

to trade between consumers and the overseas DIP.

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Ctry A Ctry B Ctry C Import by country C from country A Import by country C (of part of the intermediation services) from country B and import by country A (of the remainder of the intermediation services) from country B

This is not however the only complication presented by Digital Intermediary Platforms.

There are also challenges concerning their industry of classification and, indeed, as a

consequence44, the classification of the product they provided. In a nutshell, the question,

is should DIPs be classified to the industry in which they intermediate or should they be

classified to a more generic industry providing digital intermediation services.

This remains a matter of deliberation. However the UN Expert Group on Industrial

Classifications, provided provisional guidance (from its September 2017 meeting)

concerning the treatment of platforms such as AirBnB where there was support for the idea

that these platforms should be classified to ISIC sector 79.90 “Other reservation services

and related activities’, recognising the parallels with other non-digital matching services

such as high-street travel agencies. By extension therefore, their (current) recommendation

implies that DIPs that intermediate services transactions should be classified to the product

in which they intermediate (and in turn their output should be considered to be output of

the related product). DIPs intermediating transactions in goods would necessarily be

classified to the wholesale and retail sector.

It’s useful in this context to note this guidance is broadly in line with recent court rulings.

For example, in a recent case heard by the European Court of Justice (December 2017), the

Court ruled that Uber was in the business of providing transport services (which are

excluded from EU rules permitting freedom to provide services) and not (as argued by

Uber) in the business of providing computer services, which are governed by the directive

on services in the EU internal market.

Although statistical standards do not have to follow these rulings, the point well illustrates

the nature of challenges for measurement, but also for trade policy, as commitments under

GATS may differ by the type of service concerned. Also, whether the driver is considered

an employee of Uber – a question all the more relevant as several legal cases have ruled

that they should be considered as such – has potential implications for the classification of

the service by GATS mode of supply (e.g. Mode 3 versus Mode 1).

2.4. Recommended reporting mechanisms

Each of the dimensions described above could be developed as separate blocks but the fact

that there are overlaps requires some guidance on how they should be aggregated within a

standardised reporting mechanism that could form the basis of digital trade accounts. Table

2.2 describes that reporting mechanism.

44 Following the logic that firms are classified to the industry of the product that generates most of

their revenue or value added.

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Table 2.2 Reporting template for Digital Trade

Most of the items above have been described in detail above so require no further

explanation45. Potentially ICT enabled services has not been described and so some

additional explanation is given here (and in Chapter 5).

Recognising that reporting mechanisms may not currently be able to deliver estimates on

ICT enabled services, TGServ also derived the concept of ‘potentially’ enabled as many

countries (with well- developed services trade statistics should be able to provide these

estimates without modifications to existing survey approaches). The rationale for the

development of this complementary concept also explains the addition of a number of

addendum items in the template that can also currently be delivered using conventional

trade statistics (for example ICT goods).

Greater discussion on each of these concepts is provided in Chapter 6, including

commentary on the potential afforded through linking trade and business registers to

develop insights on the exporting/importing industries, and on the potential of using BEC

(Broad Economic Category) classifications to identify importers.

45 See also Annex 2.A.


(by industry)Government



(i) Digital Trade (ii+iv+vi)

(ii) Digitally ordered ICT goods

(iii) of which via DIPs

(iv) Digitally orderd goods (other)

(v) of which via DIPs

(vi) Digitally delivered Services

(vii) of which via DIPs

(viii) of which digitally ordered

Addendum items

(ix) Digitally ordered total (ii+viii)

(x) ICT goods (total)

(xi) ICT enabled services

(xii) Potentially ICT enabled services

(xiii)Non-monetary transactions in

information/data (imputed)

(xiv) Broad Digital Trade (i+xiii)

By Exporter/ImporterTotal

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Annex 2.A Examples of digital trade transactions



Who Description Transaction example














Good Y N N B2B An enterprise in country A purchases a good directly from a

supplier in country B.

A firm purchases a component used in its

production via its EDI.

Good Y N N B2C A consumer in country A purchases a good (for final

consumption) directly from a supplier in country B.

A consumer purchases an article of clothing

from a company’s webshop.

Good Y Y N B2B An enterprise in country A purchases a good from a supplier

in country B via an online platform located in country A,

country B or C.

A firm orders office furniture from another firm

via eBay.

Good Y Y N B2C A consumer in country A purchases a good (for final

consumption) from a supplier in country B via an online

platform located in country A, country B or C.

A consumer orders a physical book on Amazon.

Good Y Y N C2C A consumer in country A purchases a good (for final

consumption) from another consumer in country B via an

online platform located in country A, B or C.

A consumer purchases second-hand goods via


Service Y N N B2B An enterprise in country A purchases a service online directly

from a supplier in country B, and the service is delivered


A firm purchases a transportation service from

another firm via a website.

Service Y N N B2C A consumer in country A purchases a service online directly

from a supplier in country B, and the service is delivered


A tourist purchases a hotel stay via the hotel’s


Service Y Y N B2B An enterprise in country A purchases a service from a supplier

in country B via an online platform located in country A, B or

C, and the service is delivered physically.

A firm purchases standardised maintenance or

repair services.

Service Y Y N B2C A consumer in country A purchases a service from a supplier

in country B via an online platform located in country A, B or

C, and the service is delivered physically.

A tourist orders a transportation service through


Service Y Y N C2C A consumer in country A purchases a service from another

consumer in country B via an online platform located in

country A, B or C, and the service is delivered physically.

A tourist purchases accommodation services via


Service Y N Y B2B An enterprise in country A purchases a service online directly

from a supplier in country B, and the service is delivered


A firm purchases standardised computer


Service Y N Y B2C A consumer in country A purchases a service online directly

from a supplier in country B, and the service is delivered


A consumer purchases a life insurance policy.

Service Y Y Y B2B An enterprise in country A purchases a service from a supplier

in country B via an online platform located in country A, B or

C, and the service is delivered digitally.

A firm orders a logo design from a graphical

design firm via a platform for graphical


Service Y Y Y B2C A consumer in country A purchases a service from a supplier

in country B via an online platform located in country A, B or

C, and the service is delivered digitally.

A firm subscribes to a music streaming service.

Service Y Y Y C2C A consumer in country A purchases a service from a

consumer in country B via an online platform located in

country A, B or C, and the service is delivered digitally.

A consumer orders a knitting pattern from

another consumer via Ravelry.

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Service N N Y B2B An enterprise in country A places an offline order for a service

directly from a supplier in country B, and the service is

delivered digitally.

A firm purchases bespoke consultancy services,

or business process outsourcing (BPO),


Service N N Y B2C A consumer in country A purchases a service offline directly

from a supplier in country B, and the service is delivered


A foreign student purchases educational

services with online lectures.

… … … … … …

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Appendix 1: Extract from OECD “Measuring the Digital Transformation”

The digital transformation and economic statistics

Why do we need to measure the digital transformation in economic statistics?

Digital technology, in its broadest sense, has had a significant impact on the economy in

recent years - transforming and disrupting many production processes and activities, whilst

also generating significant benefits to society at large. Consumers increasingly purchase

goods and services online (e-commerce) and have access to a range of (typically) free

services – search engines, social networks, media etc.; businesses are able to capitalise on

digital tools, including in particular data, to boost productivity and penetrate new markets.

The pace of change has been unprecedented and in its wake, many have questioned the

ability of statistical information systems and concepts to keep up. From a conceptual

perspective the answer is that they have - at least with respect to the current GDP

accounting framework, the 2008 System of National Accounts (see Ahmad and Schreyer,

2016). But it is also clear that some aspects of the statistical information system, notably

concerning the classification of firms, products and transactions, have lagged behind the

pace of the digital transformation. In addition, questions are being raised about the scope

of the GDP production boundary, to capture for example new digitally-enabled services

that households produce for themselves.

Notwithstanding the evidence that digitisation has exacerbated longstanding measurement

challenges, particularly with regard to price and quality changes in rapidly changing

industries and products, these effects are mitigated when looking at broader measures of

economic activity and inflation, and cannot explain the current productivity slowdown

(Ahmad, Ribarsky and Reinsdorf, 2017 and Reinsdorf and Schreyer, 2017). However, the

inability to articulate the actual size of the digital economy – through references to actors,

products, transactions etc. – in the core accounts continues to create questions about what

is and is not captured in macro-economic statistics; in turn, fuelling the broader mis-

measurement hypothesis. These challenges can be met with a digital satellite account that

delineates key digital actors and transactions within the National Accounts Framework.

What are the challenges in developing a digital satellite account?

In response, in 2017, the OECD created an Informal Advisory Group on Measuring GDP

in a Digitalised Economy (see OECD, 2016), to develop new classifications and accounting

tools that are better equipped to show this digital reality and provide metrics that highlight

the scale of digital transformation. .

From the outset the emphasis in designing the framework was for it to be able to provide a

broadly holistic view of the digital economy that could respond to the multitude of

questions asked by analysts and policy makers; notably those that current mainstream

statistical information systems cannot respond to.

The multi-dimensional nature of these questions meant that the framework could not be

built exclusively around mono-dimensional aspects such as industries (producers), or

consumers (households and industries), or products (digital and non-digital) or

transactions (digitised and non-digitised), as each approach, on its own, only provides a

partial view. That being said, a central unifying theme, broad enough to reflect the

multidimensional policy needs, is elusive but revolves around the concept of digital

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transactions. A consensus has emerged around the idea that any framework needs to be able

to separately identify transactions based on their “digital nature”, i.e. that are digitally

ordered, digitally delivered, and/or digital intermediary platform enabled (partly because

of their different economic impact but also because of the different ways in which

transactions are recorded in the accounts). An overview of the conceptual unifying

framework is described in the figure.

Figure: Conceptual unifying framework

Importantly the framework has been designed to capitalise on blocks that can, at least in

theory, be readily derived from current information sets and in line with current

international accounting standards. But, as depicted in the first column of Figure X, it also

goes further through its inclusion of many non-monetary digital transactions that are

typically not included in GDP but that may have important economic implications, for

example in considerations of measures of welfare. A special mention in this respect

concerns the explicit reference to data; see the third column of Figure X. In the current

international accounting standards the acquisition of data without a monetary transaction is

treated as “free”, therefore, in the accounts much of these data neither appear as a good or

a service. There is however considerable interest in monetising these flows, and indeed

their value in the underlying databases (where they are included under the category of

enablers) that support their business models to better understand how they contribute to

production (see also Ahmad and Van de Ven, 2018).

The operationalisation of these principles to develop a digital satellite account builds on

national supply and use tables (a core part of current national statistical information

systems), which provide detailed information on the production process, the origin of

various goods and services (supply) and the destination of these goods and services (use)

(see Mitchell, 2018). The digital satellite account goes further by requesting more detailed

breakdowns of goods and services based on the mode of ordering and delivery, providing

more information on probably one of the most visible manifestations of digitalisation, i.e.

electronic ordering (e-commerce), electronic delivery and platform enabled transactions;

and recommending breakdowns and new groupings of producers more relevant for the

digital economy, e.g. digital intermediary platforms, e-sellers, and firms dependent on

intermediary platforms. In addition, the framework separately distinguishes digital

enablers, in both the producers’ and the products’ dimension.

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International actions to further promote the implementation of the digital satellite


The proposed template for capturing information on the digital economy within a macro-

economic framework, the digital satellite account, received positive support at the

previously mentioned Informal Advisory Group of experts as well as the Advisory Expert

Group (AEG) on National Accounts and is expected to gain formal agreement from the

relevant OECD bodies in 2019.

Countries will be requested to start populating the proposed template in the beginning of

2019. Due to its complexity, and the novelty of information required, including the

requirement to make new delineations in actors, and modes of supply (the “how” in the

Figure below), it is not expected that countries will be able to fully populate the template

at this early stage in the process. But the template is intended to motivate the up-take and

development of changes in statistical information and classification systems that will be

required in the medium term. That being said, even a partial approach in the short-term

will be able to deliver significant new insights as the template deliberately builds on work

already undertaken or initiated by countries and the international statistical community that

aims to separately identify key elements of the digital economy. Some countries have

already started to populate parts of the satellite account and have developed indicators on

topics such as e-commerce, digital enabling industries, and consumer use of digital

products and services.

Completion of the digital template, which is the first step in creating a more comprehensive

satellite account, will be supported by exchanging country practices and information on

ongoing initiatives aimed to address specific measurement aspects of the digital economy.


Ahmad, Nadim and Paul Schreyer (2016), “Measuring GDP in a Digitalised Economy”,

OECD Statistics Working Papers 2016/07.

Ahmad, Nadim, Jennifer Ribarsky and Marshall Reinsdorf (2017), “Can potential

mismeasurement of the digital economy explain the post-crisis slowdown in GDP and

productivity growth?”, OECD Statistics Working Papers 2017/09.

Ahmad, Nadim and Jennifer Ribarsky (2018), “Towards a Framework for Measuring the

Digital Economy”, Paper prepared for the 35th IARIW General Conference.

Ahmad, Nadim and Peter van de Ven (2018), “Recording and Measuring Data in the

System of National Accounts”, Paper presented at the 12th meeting of the Advisory Expert

Group (AEG) on National AccountsAvailable here https://unstats.un.org/unsd/nationalaccount/aeg/2018/M12.asp

Mitchell, John (2018), “A Proposed Framework for Digital Supply-Use Tables”, (OECD,


Reinsdorf, Marshall and Paul Schreyer (2017), “Measuring Consumer Inflation in a Digital

Economy”. Paper presented at the 5th IMF statistical forum, available here https://www.imf.org/en/News/Seminars/Conferences/2017/05/03/5th-statistical-forum

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Appendix 2: Recommendations from the OECD Informal Reflection Group

on the Impact of Globalisation on the Measurement of GDP

GDP continues to be a useful aggregate but may require a more differentiated reading.

GDP remains key for production and productivity analysis. But there is a tension between

the reality of modern production where labour, physical and intangible capital that are used

to produce output can be located in different parts of the world, and our ability to measure

domestic production in an economically meaningful way when the location of moveable

assets, such as intangible capital, can be readily shifted from one country to another.

Nominal GDP maintains its interpretation as the income generated in a particular territory

through the use of the factors of production, including intellectual property. Measures of

the drivers of real GDP and of domestic productivity require a more cautious interpretation

than in the past when MNEs use intangible assets. For instance, intellectual property assets

may be accounted for in one country but provide capital services across affiliates abroad.

This complicates the measurement and interpretation of the volumes of factor inputs, and

by extension, of productivity (see also below).

Even a differentiated interpretation of GDP does not dispense with the thorny question in which

country a particular activity and the incomes derived from it should be recorded in the first place.

This question arises in particular in conjunction with the management of intellectual

property products (such as the sale of licences) or with factoryless management of physical

production elsewhere.

Clear guidelines concerning statistical residency and economic ownership of assets are

critical as intuitively appealing options such as proportional allocation, allocating all value-

added entirely to the headquarters, or to the original producers of the asset, create other

problems, including the disconnect (although not insurmountable) that taxes on income

may be paid in one country but the actual income generated is shown in another in the

national accounts. That said, of the various options the idea of allocating the activities of

Special Purpose Entities to the country of their headquarters has some traction, although,

even if fully implemented, it would not resolve all issues (for example the tax issue) and

further guidance may be needed in identifying and determining SPEs, and indeed the

‘headquarters’ if such a recommendation was adopted. Incidentally, this is a question that

also arises in a national context, for instance when R&D investment has to be allocated to

sub-national entities.

Also of note in this context is the need to ensure that any guidelines and recommendations

can be implemented in way that does not generate global accounting inconsistencies

through asymmetric treatment by different NSOs or other inconsistencies in the well-

established implementation of the SNA framework.

Recommendation 1: A reflection on how to determine statistical residency of units should

be undertaken, reviewing whether current criteria are still up to the task. Concerning more

specifically production arising from moveable assets, such as intellectual property but also

some tangible assets, clearer and more prescriptive criteria and practical guidance should

be elaborated to determine in which country (or indeed countries for partitioned assets) an

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activity should qualify as production, who the economic owners of assets are, and when

the activities should be instead recorded as accounting vehicles that do not enter the

measurement of GDP. This entails working out an implementable definition of economic

ownership with lists of criteria to establish the presence of production, such as managerial

and strategic decision-making, financial planning etc.

Theoretically, from a production-perspective, the productivity of MNEs can only be properly

measured at the level of the MNE, i.e. across national borders.

One approach towards conceptualising production within an MNE is to assert that the

production function of an MNE is naturally defined over its entire operations, wherever

these take place. Put differently, the only meaningful way of formulating the production

process and of capturing in particular the role of movable and intangible assets is by

considering an integrated production function that stretches across borders. While this does

not help in the quest for a ‘good’ measure of domestic productivity, it points to the

usefulness of constructing international ‘MNE’ accounts.

Recommendation 2: Develop MNE accounts to track outputs and inputs – including

Intellectual Property inputs – consistently and so draw a picture of MNEs’ production

processes in nominal and real terms. MNE accounts would complement conventional

national accounts and, with breakdowns by the country of their affiliates, provide insights

on the potential impact of relocations.

The most promising avenues to deal with the impact of globalisation on the measurement of GDP

and national accounts, and indeed other macro-economic frameworks such as the balance of

payments, require some form of exchange of information and data between countries.

Just as it has become difficult to conceptualise domestic production in a globalised world,

it has become difficult to carry out statistical operations on a purely domestic basis. A first

step is ensuring coherence and consistency of treatment of similar transactions across

countries along with an exchange of information between NSOs to develop a common

understanding of ownership and structures of MNEs. In a second step, exchange and

comparison of selected statistical data on MNEs may be envisaged to paint a full picture of

the geography of production. It is important to ensure that the implementation of current

and possible future guidelines (e.g. regarding Special Purpose Entities) does not result in

accounting asymmetries.

Also, national accountants and international tax policy makers should engage in discussion

on how far the tax base and GDP can meaningfully divert and how international

information exchange in the context of the OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

(BEPS) project and information exchange between NSOs can complement each other.

Naturally, any progress in international harmonisation of taxation itself (as under the BEPS

Initiative) will also help the statistical case as there will be reduced incentives to shift assets

for fiscal reasons in the first place.

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Valuation of intellectual property assets remains a major challenge.

With the rising importance of intellectual property assets as a source of value creation, their

measurement in countries’ balance sheets and as an input is important. At the point of

production, intellectual property products produced for own use are typically valued as the

sum of costs, which is prudent. Subsequent changes in value are in theory captured as

holding gains or losses but to what extent these revaluations are captured in practice is not

clear. Although of limited consequence for GDP, this may not be the case for multi-factor

productivity measurement. In addition, if the assets are subsequently transferred to an

affiliate abroad, it is (a) not always clear how this is captured on the balance sheets of the

exporting country, and (b) how the asset is subsequently depreciated in the receiving

country – i.e. whether the relevant parameters (such as the remaining service life) reflect

its age at the point of transfer. Both potential mismeasurements may affect sectors’ and

countries’ level and changes in net worth.

Recommendation 3: Improve methods to value investment in IP assets, i.e., the output of

research and development activity and investigate methods for the treatment of

internationally transferred assets (remaining service life, symmetry in treatment,…).

Communication on what GDP measures and what it doesn’t is more important than ever.

It will be important to further enhance transparency about methods used and granularity of

information provided for macro-economic aggregates. Key users of GDP such as Central

Banks already focus on a wide variety of indicators and typically use many models to

minimise the risk of reacting solely to any one indicator, but added break-downs of national

accounts aggregates and methodological descriptions in particular for international

transactions will add to these efforts.

Similarly, communication on GDP and other indicators may need reinforcing. At one level,

this concerns the general concept of GDP as a measure of production and associated

incomes but not a measure of welfare. At another level, communication relates to

explaining the driving forces behind movements in GDP. One reason why the ‘Irish case’

did not transform itself into in a major political issue lay in the efforts by CSO Ireland to

be transparent and pedagogical in its communication.

Recommendation 4: Develop a common understanding for the most pertinent additional

break-downs that should be provided in the national accounts. This would in particular

include but not necessarily be limited to:

o a standardised break-down of key accounts, including institutional sector accounts

and Supply and Use Tables into activities of purely domestic enterprises, affiliates

of foreign MNEs, and domestic MNEs. The objective here is to identify the role of

MNEs in domestic production, income and in the fiscal space and the possibility to

develop aggregates excluding MNEs;

o a break-down of gross operating surplus into the value of capital services by type

of asset. This is well established in the economics literature and conceptually

recognised in the 2008 SNA, but only partially put in place in countries. Growth

accounting with a well-developed set of capital services measures will, for

instance, allow measuring the share of GDP growth that is due to IP assets, which

will be even more powerful if coupled with breakdowns by the category of firms

described above.

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Recommendation 5: Elaborate communication strategies around GDP and other national

accounts aggregates both new (such as those described above) and existing (such as net

national income or household disposable income).

Volatility matters from a practical perspective.

Volatility, in and of itself, does not necessarily make GDP wrong, if it reflects volatility of

the underlying series and thus one type of economic reality. But volatility in conjunction

with large revisions can be a source of concern for users, for instance if monetary policy

were to target nominal GDP. Also, GDP has been used as a reference indicator for multiple

purposes including of an administrative nature because production processes used to be

largely domestically defined and relatively stable. As there is nothing inherent in GDP that

qualifies it as the single or best scaling variable and as the national accounts offer a number

of meaningful and potentially more stable alternatives, these should be considered. These

should include concepts net of depreciation given the growing importance of quickly

depreciating assets.

Recommendation 6: For certain administrative or analytical uses, e.g. tracking debt

sustainability, broad stability of a reference measure is a valued characteristic, and it may

be appropriate to use or develop alternative aggregates specifically designed for this

purpose – for instance, an ‘administrative GDP+/GNI+/NNI+’. These should be derived

from existing national accounts.

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Appendix 3: Extract from OECD “Measuring the Digital Transformation”

Measuring Cloud Computing Services

Why do we need indicators on cloud services?

New technologies and business models are fundamentally changing the way businesses

access and use software and hardware. Cloud services mark a paradigm shift in ICT

provision, allowing businesses and individuals to access “on-demand IT services over a

network”. Data processing and storage takes place in a remote data centre which will

typically have a scalable and resilient modular design. These can offer businesses,

especially small and medium sized enterprises, cost reduction opportunities and increased


While there are undoubtedly broader impacts for businesses, such as enabling wider access

to the latest technologies by lowering barriers to adoption, the most important, fundamental

impact of moving to cloud provision of business ICT is on cash flow. Simply put, firms

can now access powerful ICTs on a “pay-as-you-go” basis, avoiding the need to finance

large capital expenditures on servers, maintenance, and the like. For established businesses

this makes managing their money much easier, and the scalability of cloud services reduces

risk exposure. For new firms, this can reduce investment needs and lead to more start-ups

securing funding.

As a consequence of this shift, ICTs may become less visible in firms’ production costs

while simultaneously becoming ever more vital for their productive activities. Alongside

this, the shift to cloud is likely to reduce the efficacy of existing policies incentivising

purchases of ICT equipment and software. It is vital that cloud services use can be

measured so that their impacts on firm-level performance and aggregate productivity can

be taken into account, as well as so that infrastructural needs (e.g. bandwidth) and other

policy implications can be managed.

What are the challenges?

Statistical frameworks such as the System of National Accounts and the Balance of

Payments Manual are founded on the principle that production is inextricably linked to a

specific location. However, the nature of cloud services is that they can be used from

anywhere with a reliable Internet connection, and could be “produced” from any one, or a

combination of, the provider’s datacentres anywhere in the world. Even where a given’

customer’s data is known to be housed in a given datacentre in a given location, it is also

likely to be duplicated (e.g. backed up) in one or more other locations, with the network

dynamically determining where the data should be accessed based on factors such as

network traffic, the load on the each datacentre, maintenance, etc. This means it is likely

to be very challenging, if not practically impossible, to identify the location of production

of any given unit of cloud services. Furthermore, digitally traded services are known to be

especially challenging to measure, even without locational ambiguities.

In addition, the capital-substituting nature of cloud services can have material implications

for economic statistics including GDP. Fundamentally, businesses (and others) are using

ICTs in their business processes as they have traditionally; using software and hardware

for data storage, processing, access, analysis, etc. (although the scale, scope, tools, etc.

have, of course, evolved greatly). However, the way they access these is changing

considerably – from a model of local provision, to providing terminals locally from which

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cloud services are accessed. In National Accounts terms, this implies a switching from

investment in hardware such as servers to increased intermediate consumption expenditure,

which reduces value added and GDP ceteris paribus. In practical terms it fundamentally

changes the information that businesses report in surveys and there is a need to understand

what is being reported as current and capital expenditure, and why. A challenge related to

this is the lack of a specific product, or sub-product breakdown for cloud services in the

Central Product Classification (CPC). Furthermore, source data and product categories do

not always align well with common definitions of cloud computing. This makes it difficult

to assess the pace with which cloud services consumption is increasing and how this

compares to falls in firms’ ICT investment.

This shift also implies a concentration of ICT investment in the balance sheets of a

relatively small number of cloud services providers; many of which have global operations

with both service delivery as well as data centres in many countries. This capital formation

needs to be appropriately captured in national statistics, with nuances such as whether a

cloud service provider builds their own servers/datacentres (own account investment) or

procures them from third parties taken into account.

Measures of price change are also an important; existing deflators do not always appear to

be accounting for the rapid quality improvements observed in cloud services. By using

archived online price lists and press releases from cloud services providers to construct a

price index for cloud services, it has been shown that quality-adjusted prices are declining

even more rapidly than nominal prices . Nevertheless, there are significant challenges with

such an approach, including the wide range of different products offered by each provider,

a lack of expenditure weights for these products, and the fact that quality improvements

tend to be continuous. A further complicating factor is the proliferation of cloud computing

services that are provided to end users free of charge or adopt a “freemium” model where

basic service is free but payment is required for additional features such as extra storage.

This is especially common in products are targeted at individuals rather than businesses,

such as personal email services. Such services are likely uncounted in measures based on

transactions and may also act as a substitute for paid software.

Business ICT use surveys give an indication of how many firms use cloud services in each

country. Additional detail on services used and the perceived outcomes in terms of

production costs, sales, and productivity can be collected to provide contextual and policy

relevant information. Nevertheless, the extent and impacts of cloud services can only be

understood by finding ways to measure the volumes of cloud services used, amounts paid,

the extent of substitution from “traditional” ICT provision models toward cloud services,

etc. ICT usage surveys are not seen as a good means for collecting reliable monetary data

e.g. expenditure on cloud services. This would more naturally fit with the business

expenditure component of structural business statistics. However, without a specific cloud

services category in the CPC, such presentations are likely to rely on individual countries

collecting experimental additional breakdowns.

Much relevant information might be available from cloud services providers themselves,

including information on installed capacity, use volumes, and the types of applications

using cloud services (figure below). However, these large multinational companies can be

challenging to gather data from and viable strategies which minimise the burden on them

(e.g. by avoiding multiple countries making separate data requests) need to be identified.

From the cloud service providers’ side, the commercial sensitivity of such information is a

key concern.

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Figure: Global data centre workloads and compute instances by applications: Traditional vs.

cloud (2016)

Source: Cisco Global Cloud Index, 2018

Note: In traditional data centres, one server carried one workload and compute instance. With increasing server

computing capacity and virtualization, multiple workloads and compute instances per physical server are

common in cloud architectures.

Options for international action

Given the evident role of cloud services a keystone digital technology, they have been

distinguished separately in digital supply-use tables being developed by the OECD.

Countries now need to collect separate data on cloud services and demonstrate the viability

for of including a separate category for cloud services in a future revision of the CPC.

Alongside this, it may be useful for the OECD and others to build upon previous work to

establish internationally agreed definitions and classifications of types of cloud services for

statistical purposes and to operationalise these in business ICT usage surveys to gain

additional insight on the use of different cloud services.

In addition, it may be possible to agree with a number of the largest firms to provide

standard data to the OECD under a non-disclosure agreement, which the OECD can then

aggregate and publish to provide an overall view of the cloud services market. As it is

likely that cloud services providers will have some knowledge of where their customers are

based (e.g. based on the payment address), this approach might help to shed light on the

flows of cloud services being provided into different countries.

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Appendix 4: A Toolkit for Measuring the Digital Economy: Extract from the

2018 G20 Ministerial Declaration

Following the 2017 Ministerial Declaration that encouraged countries to reflect the

measurement of the digital economy in national statistics in a comprehensive way and

review existing statistical frameworks, the Argentine G20 Presidency, in collaboration with

a steering committee of international organizations (IOs) led by the Organisation for

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)[1], has produced a draft "G20 Toolkit

for Measuring the Digital Economy". The toolkit highlights methodological approaches

and indicators used to monitor the digital economy, and key gaps and challenges regarding

digital economy measurement for further study. This Annex comprises an abridged version

of this Toolkit.

Objectives and scope

The Toolkit aims to provide a first assessment that could serve to propose possible

measurement approaches that support evidence-based policymaking, diagnoses the

challenges and opportunities of the digital economy, identifies the issues that could be

addressed by public policies, and serves as a potential guide for countries to implement

standardized measurement activities.

Indicators and initiatives to measure the digital economy

Rather than producing new content, the document brings together more than 30 key existing

indicators and methodologies produced by major international organizations to monitor and

assess the size and penetration of the digital economy, organized in four themes: i)

Infrastructure, including access to mobile and fixed networks, the development of Next

Generation Access (NGA) networks, the dynamics of household and business uptake; ii)

Empowering society, including access to and use of digital technologies, people's use of

the internet, education, financial inclusion and interaction with government; iii) Innovation

and technology adoption, including new digitally-enabled business models, the role of ICTs

as an engine for innovation, and the adoption of ICTs and other emerging technologies by

businesses; iv) Jobs and Growth, including indicators related to the labor market,

employment creation, investment in ICTs, value-added, international trade, e-commerce,

and productivity growth.

The toolkit also includes other studies, surveys, pilot initiatives, and various measurement

efforts in G20 countries and international and regional organizations, to complement

standard measures and potentially expand coverage to more countries or new areas within


Gaps and challenges

Acknowledging that data are far from being comprehensive, country coverage is limited,

timeliness is often an issue, and differences in data collection methodologies and

approaches across countries persist, the toolkit identifies two types of gaps: methodological

and availability.

Methodological gaps relate to what existing indicators measure, how they capture the

digital economy and how to address issues such as the need to improve existing indicators,

identification of new measures to be developed, or the review of data sources and collection


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• There are important difficulties in measuring data flows. G20 members may wish to

explore ways to better utilize existing usable data sets.

• Although educational attainment and occupation indicators are available, there is a lack

of widespread measurement of skills, abilities and competencies that would allow for

cross-country comparison.

• Measures of the use and benefits of emerging technologies, such as artificial

intelligence, internet of things, 3D printing, robotics, distributed ledgers or data

science-based processes should be improved to capture their use in different industries

and their impact on the change in aggregate and business-level value added.

• More emphasis should be placed on the development of methodologies to measure

digitally-enabled trade and produce related indicators.

• The collection of e-commerce statistics involves methodological challenges such as

differences in industry coverage, actors involved, and type of survey used to gather

data across countries. Consistent and comparable data on the growth and adoption of

e-commerce by both individuals and businesses in all industries is helpful in identifying

barriers to trade.

• Existing indicators do not always allow for sex and age breakdowns to examine the use

of new technologies, jobs, or potential biases in how society is affected by digitization.

• Existing indicators do not always reflect the socio-economic impact of the digital

transformation. Having this type of indicators being developed could help to create

targeted approaches to develop and implement digital technologies.

• The use of more diverse sources of data is another area where we see important

challenges. The number of indicators produced jointly with the private sector and other

actors of civil society is limited, and almost exclusively related to infrastructure.

Interaction between businesses, government and actors from civil society to explore

new sources of data, tools, and alternatives to exploit available data could have a

positive impact on countries' measurement capacities.

• While household and business surveys are used in several G20 countries to measure

the digital economy, the use of administrative records remains very limited.

• Information on the extent of regional disparities or dispersion within countries is often

absent from key standardized measures of household or business uptake of digital

technologies. Although surveys generally collect regional codes, indicators are usually

not tabulated by that dimension in international comparisons. Collaboration between

international organizations and G20 countries to make regional data available, for

example by advancing on methods to make microdata more accessible, should help to

make progress on this front.

• Current indicators may not adequately reflect the transformation unleashed by

digitalization and the value added to national economies, particularly in developing

countries. We see a challenge to report on the rate of growth of digitalization across

various indicators to highlight the impact of digitalization along its various dimensions.

Availability gaps are closely linked to effective implementation. Even in areas where

international standards to guide statistical collection exist, countries may lack the capacities

and resources to implement them systematically, disseminate the resulting information

openly, or make efforts to ensure that data are comparable.

There is a clear lack of coverage in developing countries compared to developed countries

due to differences in statistical capacity among countries, or user needs and priorities for

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statistical collection. Moreover, the timeliness of available data varies widely across

countries for critical indicators.

Actions for improvement and forward agenda

New and more flexible approaches could be developed to meet the specific priorities and

resources of G20 countries. To make statistical systems more flexible and responsive to the

new and rapidly evolving digital era, G20 members could: i) experiment with concepts and

data gathering within existing measurement frameworks, ii) exploit the potential of existing

survey and administrative data, iii) add questions to existing surveys, iv) periodically

augment existing surveys with topic-specific modules, v) develop short turnaround surveys

to meet specific needs, vi) define policy needs and, in cooperation with other stakeholders,

set priorities for internationally comparable measurement; and vii) work with stakeholders,

including international organizations, to harness the potential of big data for developing

indicators to measure the digital economy.

The toolkit identifies actions that could inform the measurement agenda of G20 members

in the next few years, considering the rapid pace of change in the digital economy:

1. Promote a comprehensive, high-quality data infrastructure and collection tools for

measuring the adoption of digital technologies at the individual and business levels,

together with its associated risks and benefits, including collecting data on key

characteristics such as sex, age, skills and education, region, as well as business size, sector,

and location, where appropriate.

2. Work towards improving the measurement of the digital economy in existing

macroeconomic frameworks, e.g. by developing satellite national accounts.

3. Foster more fluid communication and cooperation between international organizations

and G20 countries to share national initiatives, adhere and disseminate international

standards and best practices, improve comparability of indicators, and reduce differences

in coverage and timeliness of the data, with greater emphasis on capacity building in

developing countries where resources, both monetary and human, are scarce.

4. Encourage interactions among government, business and other actors of civil society to

strengthen the evidence base and complement official statistics, improving the design of

frameworks that facilitate and allow a better use of data in business-to-business (B2B),

business-to-government (B2G) and government-to-businesses (G2B) contexts.

5. Enable the collaboration between the public and private sectors to plan and implement

business surveys about innovation and the uptake of new digital technologies, including

joint efforts to identify and anticipate the demand for skills and competencies.

6. Encourage development partners, in collaboration with international organizations, to

assist less developed countries in the collection of relevant statistics needed to enable

evidence-based policy making in this area.

7. Promote the use of interoperable tools and data formats that facilitate access to and

sharing of public sector data, in an effort to drive innovation, and make government

activities more open and transparent.

Notes: [1] The draft document "A G20 Toolkit for Measuring the Digital Economy" was

produced by the G20 Argentine Presidency with the support of the International

Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Conference on Trade and

Development (UNCTAD), the European Union, The World Bank Group (WBG), the

International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the International Labour Organization (ILO)

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G20 toolkit for measuring the digital economy: indicators

Empowering society

3.9 Digital natives

3.10 Narrowing the digital divide

3.11 People’s use of the Internet 3.12 E-consumers

3.13 Mobile Money 3.14 Citizens interacting with government 3.15 Education in the digital era

Innovation and technology adoption

3.16 Research in machine learning

3.17 AI-related technologies 3.18 Robotisation in manufacturing

3.19 R&D in information industries

3.20 Supporting business R&D

3.21 ICT-related innovations

3.22 ICT Use by businesses 3.23 Cloud computing services

Jobs and growth

3.24 Jobs in the Information Industries

3.25 Jobs in ICT occupations

3.26 ICT workers by gender 3.27 E-Commerce

3.28 Value added in information industries

3.29 The extended ICT footprint 3.30 ICT Investment 3.31 ICT and productivity growth

3.32 ICT and Global Value Chains

3.33 Trade and ICT Jobs

3.34 ICT goods as a percentage of merchandise trade

3.35 Telecommunications, computer, and information services as a percentage of services trade

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Appendix 5: Recommendations from the US Department of Commerce report:

Measuring the Value of Cross-Border Data Flows (2016)

The US Department of Commerce’s research on Measuring the Value of Cross-Border Data Flows,

brought together 46 stakeholders, who developed the following recommendations to improve the

availability and quality of statistics and economic analysis related to cross-border data flows and the larger

digital economy. The full report is available at


• Improve the overall coverage and quality of the government statistics on the service-sector.

• Develop a standard nomenclature or standard definitions for concepts related to cross-border data

flows, distinguishing between concepts such as digital economy, digitally-intensive, digitally-

enabled economy, and ICT.

• Develop a greater understanding of how firms use cross-border data flows and what economic

value the data flows provides. These metrics should cover the entire U.S. economy as well as

specific sectors.

• Develop improved and consistent macro-economic statistics to measure the value of cross-border

data flows and the digital economy, such as the contribution of data flows and the digital economy

to GDP. These metrics should cover the entire U.S. economy as well as specific sectors.

• Continue the Department-private industry dialogue to facilitate data sharing and the linking of

public and private datasets, where possible.

• Continue the collaborative efforts of the Department and international organizations to ensure that

metrics on cross-border data flows and the digital economy are widely available for countries

around the world

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Appendix 6: OECD-IMF Stocktaking Survey on Measuring Digital Trade

As part of the collective efforts to address the broader measurement challenges related to

digital trade, the OECD and the IMF have conducted two main stocktaking exercises, in

2017 and in 2018, among their respective Members. The stocktaking exercises aimed to

collect views of countries (statistical offices and central banks) on the conceptual and

measurement framework for digital trade that is currently presented in Chapter 2, as well

as to develop a large inventory of measurement practices on all aspects related to digital


The first survey was developed and sent out among OECD members (35) and OECD key

partner countries and invitees (10) in early 2017. The results, which were based on 35

responses, were presented at the March 2017 meeting of the OECD Working Party on Trade

in Goods and Services (WPTGS). The IMF sent out the same survey later that year to a

selection of 51 non-OECD countries, targeting institutions responsible for balance of

payments compilation, from which 39 responses were received. The joint results, including

the views of 74 countries in total, were presented at the IMF BOPCOM meeting in October


The second survey was conducted simultaneously by OECD and IMF in early 2018, to a

similar set of countries, with 38 responses from OECD members and key partners and 38

responses from countries approached by IMF. The joint results for 76 countries were

presented at the OECD WPTGS meeting in March 201847. As per the conclusions of this

meeting, the survey questions of both surveys will be combined into an online tool to

exchange experience and monitor progress, to further support the national work in

developing statistics on digital trade.

46 More information about the survey questions and results can be found in the OECD-IMF paper

presented to IMF BOPCOM, here: https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/bop/2017/pdf/17-07.pdf

47 More information about the survey questions and the results can be found here:

