Stations of the Cross During the Pandemic 2020 Motherhouse Chapel The Sisters of Saint Dominic of Caldwell, New Jersey Artist: Sister Gerardine Mueller, OP Reflections: Sister Donna L. Ciangio, OP

Stations of the Cross...Stations of the Cross During the Pandemic 2020 We are being tried like never before. Life has changed for most of us. We are home adjusting to social distancing,

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Stations of the CrossDuring the Pandemic 2020

Motherhouse Chapel

The Sisters of Saint Dominic ofCaldwell, New Jersey

Artist: Sister Gerardine Mueller, OPReflections: Sister Donna L. Ciangio, OP

Stations of the CrossDuring the Pandemic 2020

We are being tried like never before. Life has changed for most of us. We are home adjusting to social distancing, work, schooling and very much missing each other. Others on the front lines are experiencing the suffering, the anxiety, and deaths. We are reminded of the Passion of Christ as we move through Holy Week and we unite ourselves with Him, with all those suffering and those caring for others with compassion.

The First Station

Jesus is Condemned to Death

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

Today we face a disease all around us that cannot be detected. This unknown builds up anxiety and fear. As you stood strong against those who condemned you, we ask you to stand strong beside us.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Second Station

Jesus Carries His Cross

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

Jesus, we walk with you as we accompany all those who are suffering and those who help carry their crosses during this perilous time.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Third Station

Jesus Falls the First Time

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

We pray for those who are infected with the virus and all who have other health crises. Our prayer is that there will be healing hands all around—hands holding your healing touch—to help them up.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Fourth Station

Jesus Meets His Mother

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

The care and comfort of a mother is essential for healing and hope. Jesus, we pray to your Mother for all the mothers who give their all to care for the sick and vulnerable as nurses, doctors, EMTs, orderlies and all first responders. Give them strength and protect them.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Fifth Station

Simon of Cyrene Helps Carry the Cross

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

Many stories in the news show how people are reaching out to help families, the elderly, friends, and co-workers to keep hope alive. We pray in thanksgiving for all, who like Simon of Cyrene, lend a helping hand delivering meals, grocery shopping, singing from balconies, sewing masks, 3D-printing face shields, livestreaming concerts, and so much more. We thank God for all using their gifts to help others carry their crosses.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Sixth Station

Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

Healthcare workers, first responders, wives, husbands, children, friends, like Veronica, care for the needs of their patients and families on a daily basis. The tender compassion of a cold compress and faithful presence bring relief. We pray for the continued strength of those who bring comfort by a tender touch.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Seventh Station

Jesus Falls the Second Time

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

Falling once under a heavy weight is hard enough but to fall again is discouraging. People have shared about fear and discouragement with slow healing. Others speak about palpable fear as they watch an infected loved one. We pray for all who feel crushed under the weight of fear and unknowing.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Eighth Station

Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

The women of Jerusalem are signs of compassion and immense sorrow. Yet, they do not stop speaking out and lamenting the injustice. They cry out for mercy against such pain and suffering. We pray for all those who speak out against injustice. We pray for all those who work untiringly to alleviate suffering. We pray for all those looking for cures for the ailments of our time.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Ninth Station

Jesus Falls the Third Time

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

The weight of such a heavy cross wears us down. It is pure suffering and anguish when we are feeling so helpless in the face of affliction. We pray for all those who are bearing the weight of the cross and who desperately want to alleviate suffering.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Tenth Station

Jesus is Stripped of His Garments

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

When people are ill, everything familiar is taken away. They lay in a hospital gown rather than their favorite t-shirt or jeans. They lie attached to a machine or dependent on an IV. All that is normal or means something is stripped away. We pray for those who care for the sick and infirmed that they continue to preserve the dignity and God-life in each person they care for and those who love them.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Eleventh Station

Jesus is Nailed to the Cross

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

Those who are stricken with illness are not able to free themselves from the cross. We pray that they be strong in their affliction and that they know the care, concern, and love around them, just as the women stayed at the foot of the cross with Jesus.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Twelfth Station

Jesus Dies on the Cross

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

So many have died during this siege. The pandemic has crucified so many families, friends, and co-workers as they felt helpless to change what is happening. We pray for all those who have died. We know that they are with God and safe from harm in the Communion of Saints.

We pray for all those they left behind without the ability to have proper funerals or grieve together. May these experiences give us a renewed sense of the value of life and being together.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Thirteenth Station

Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

We experience a deep sorrow—one not able to be put into words. A beloved principal is laid to rest mourned by the middle schoolers and the town. A loving couple who died within minutes of each other are mourned by their families and neighbors. A pastor of a loving parish who is no longer with them as their inspiration. We pray for all those who have died and are laid to rest.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

The Fourteenth Station

Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

We adore you O Christ and we bless you. You will raise us up!

Today we all have the experience of being in the tomb. We are in our homes sheltering in place out of an abundance of caution. We are unable to move too far, being close to others, being fearful of what is lurking around us. We pray that this time of solitude will bring a renewed sense of how much we need and appreciate each other.

Jesus, our trust is in you.

Closing Prayer

The resurrection of Jesus is our hope. As we look toward Easter we remember the words of the funeral preface, life is changed, not ended. We put our trust in Jesus and we do what we can to help and support each other. We will rise with Christ!

We pray to our loving God, who is our refuge and strength.

For the health and well-being of our nation and all nations,that all who are fearful and anxious may be at peace and free from worry:

Loving God, hear our prayer.

For the isolated and homebound,that we may be alert to their needs,and care for them in their vulnerability:

Loving God, hear our prayer.

For our homes and families,our schools and young people,and all in any kind of need or distress:

Loving God, hear our prayer.

For a blessing on our parishes and local communitiesthat our neighborhoods may be places of trust and friendship, where all are known and cared for:

Loving God, hear our prayer

We commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,to the mercy and protection of God.

Loving and merciful God,Hear our prayers and bring an end to this pandemic.We ask this in the Name of our resurrected Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son,


Prayer adapted from The Church of England

Artist: Sister Gerardine Mueller, OPReflections: Sister Donna L. Ciangio, OP