American Thoracic Society Documents American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Statement on Pulmonary Rehabilitation Linda Nici, Claudio Donner, Emiel Wouters, Richard Zuwallack, Nicolino Ambrosino, Jean Bourbeau, Mauro Carone, Bartolome Celli, Marielle Engelen, Bonnie Fahy, Chris Garvey, Roger Goldstein, Rik Gosselink, Suzanne Lareau, Neil MacIntyre, Francois Maltais, Mike Morgan, Denis O’Donnell, Christian Prefault, Jane Reardon, Carolyn Rochester, Annemie Schols, Sally Singh, and Thierry Troosters, on behalf of the ATS/ERS Pulmonary Rehabilitation Writing Committee This Joint Statement of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) was adopted by the ATS Board of Directors, December 2005, and by the ERS Executive Committee, November 2005 Section 1: Introduction and Definition Section 2: Exercise Performance: Limitations and Interventions Introduction Factors Contributing to Exercise Intolerance in Chronic Respiratory Disease Exercise Training to Improve Exercise Performance Special Considerations for Exercise Training in Patients without COPD Additional Strategies to Improve Exercise Performance Section 3: Body Composition: Abnormalities and Interventions The Scope of Body Composition Abnormalities in Chronic Lung Disease Interventions to Treat Body Composition Abnormalities Special Considerations in Obesity Section 4: Self-Management Education Introduction Curriculum Development Benefits of Self-Management Education Adherence to Therapeutic Interventions and Transference of Education and Exercise to the Home Setting Section 5: Psychologic and Social Considerations Introduction Assessment and Intervention Section 6: Patient-centered Outcomes Assessment Introduction Symptom Evaluation Performance Evaluation Exercise Capacity Quality-of-Life Measurements Outcomes in Chronic Respiratory Failure This Statement was endorsed by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabiliation, May 2006. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 173. pp 1390–1413, 2006 DOI: 10.1164/rccm.200508-1211ST Internet address: www.atsjournals.org Section 7: Program Organization Introduction Patient Assessment and Selection Program Setting Program Structure and Staffing Program Audit and Quality Control Long-term Strategies Section 8: Health Care Utilization Section 9: Conclusions and Future Directions SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITION Since the last statements on pulmonary rehabilitation by the American Thoracic Society (ATS; 1999) and the European Re- spiratory Society (ERS; 1997), there have been numerous scien- tific advances both in our understanding of the systemic effects of chronic respiratory disease as well as the changes induced by the process of pulmonary rehabilitation. Evidence-based support for pulmonary rehabilitation in the management of patients with chronic respiratory disease has grown tremendously, and this comprehensive intervention has been clearly demonstrated to reduce dyspnea, increase exercise performance, and improve health-related quality of life (HRQL). Furthermore, an emerg- ing literature is beginning to reveal its effectiveness in reducing health care costs. The impressive rise in interest in pulmonary rehabilitation is likely related to both a substantial increase in the number of patients being referred as well as the establishment of its scien- tific basis by the use of well-designed clinical trials that use valid, reproducible, and interpretable outcome measures. Advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology of chronic respiratory conditions are extending the scope and applicability of pulmo- nary rehabilitation. Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) still comprise the largest proportion of those referred for pulmonary rehabilitation. However, it has become clear that regardless of the type of chronic respiratory disease, patients experience a substantial morbidity from secondary impairments, such as peripheral muscle, cardiac, nutritional, and psychosocial dysfunction, as well as suboptimal self-management strategies. Therefore, pulmonary rehabilitation may be of value for all patients in whom respiratory symptoms are associated with di- minished functional capacity or reduced HRQL. The timing of pulmonary rehabilitation depends on the clini- cal status of the individual patient and should no longer be viewed as a “last ditch” effort for patients with severe respiratory

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American Thoracic Society Documents

American Thoracic Society/European RespiratorySociety Statement on Pulmonary RehabilitationLinda Nici, Claudio Donner, Emiel Wouters, Richard Zuwallack, Nicolino Ambrosino, Jean Bourbeau,Mauro Carone, Bartolome Celli, Marielle Engelen, Bonnie Fahy, Chris Garvey, Roger Goldstein, Rik Gosselink,Suzanne Lareau, Neil MacIntyre, Francois Maltais, Mike Morgan, Denis O’Donnell, Christian Prefault,Jane Reardon, Carolyn Rochester, Annemie Schols, Sally Singh, and Thierry Troosters, on behalf of theATS/ERS Pulmonary Rehabilitation Writing Committee

This Joint Statement of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) was adoptedby the ATS Board of Directors, December 2005, and by the ERS Executive Committee, November 2005

Section 1: Introduction and Definition

Section 2: Exercise Performance: Limitations and Interventions


Factors Contributing to Exercise Intolerance in ChronicRespiratory Disease

Exercise Training to Improve Exercise Performance

Special Considerations for Exercise Training in Patientswithout COPD

Additional Strategies to Improve Exercise Performance

Section 3: Body Composition: Abnormalities and Interventions

The Scope of Body Composition Abnormalities inChronic Lung Disease

Interventions to Treat Body Composition Abnormalities

Special Considerations in Obesity

Section 4: Self-Management Education


Curriculum Development

Benefits of Self-Management Education

Adherence to Therapeutic Interventions andTransference of Education and Exercise to theHome Setting

Section 5: Psychologic and Social Considerations


Assessment and Intervention

Section 6: Patient-centered Outcomes Assessment


Symptom Evaluation

Performance Evaluation

Exercise Capacity

Quality-of-Life Measurements

Outcomes in Chronic Respiratory Failure

This Statement was endorsed by the American Association of Cardiovascular andPulmonary Rehabiliation, May 2006.

Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 173. pp 1390–1413, 2006DOI: 10.1164/rccm.200508-1211STInternet address: www.atsjournals.org

Section 7: Program Organization


Patient Assessment and Selection

Program Setting

Program Structure and Staffing

Program Audit and Quality Control

Long-term Strategies

Section 8: Health Care Utilization

Section 9: Conclusions and Future Directions


Since the last statements on pulmonary rehabilitation by theAmerican Thoracic Society (ATS; 1999) and the European Re-spiratory Society (ERS; 1997), there have been numerous scien-tific advances both in our understanding of the systemic effectsof chronic respiratory disease as well as the changes induced bythe process of pulmonary rehabilitation. Evidence-based supportfor pulmonary rehabilitation in the management of patients withchronic respiratory disease has grown tremendously, and thiscomprehensive intervention has been clearly demonstrated toreduce dyspnea, increase exercise performance, and improvehealth-related quality of life (HRQL). Furthermore, an emerg-ing literature is beginning to reveal its effectiveness in reducinghealth care costs.

The impressive rise in interest in pulmonary rehabilitation islikely related to both a substantial increase in the number ofpatients being referred as well as the establishment of its scien-tific basis by the use of well-designed clinical trials that use valid,reproducible, and interpretable outcome measures. Advances inour understanding of the pathophysiology of chronic respiratoryconditions are extending the scope and applicability of pulmo-nary rehabilitation.

Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) still comprise the largest proportion of those referredfor pulmonary rehabilitation. However, it has become clear thatregardless of the type of chronic respiratory disease, patientsexperience a substantial morbidity from secondary impairments,such as peripheral muscle, cardiac, nutritional, and psychosocialdysfunction, as well as suboptimal self-management strategies.Therefore, pulmonary rehabilitation may be of value for allpatients in whom respiratory symptoms are associated with di-minished functional capacity or reduced HRQL.

The timing of pulmonary rehabilitation depends on the clini-cal status of the individual patient and should no longer beviewed as a “last ditch” effort for patients with severe respiratory

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impairment. Rather, it should be an integral part of the clinicalmanagement of all patients with chronic respiratory disease,addressing their functional and/or psychologic deficits. Patienteducation is more than simply providing didactic information.It involves a combination of teaching, counseling, and behaviormodification techniques to promote self-management skills andself-efficacy. Patient education should also integrate end-of-lifedecision making into the overall treatment strategy.

In light of the recent advances in our understanding of thescience and process of pulmonary rehabilitation, the ATS andthe ERS have adopted the following definition: “Pulmonaryrehabilitation is an evidence-based, multidisciplinary, and com-prehensive intervention for patients with chronic respiratorydiseases who are symptomatic and often have decreased dailylife activities. Integrated into the individualized treatment of thepatient, pulmonary rehabilitation is designed to reduce symp-toms, optimize functional status, increase participation, and re-duce health care costs through stabilizing or reversing systemicmanifestations of the disease.” Pulmonary rehabilitation pro-grams involve patient assessment, exercise training, education,nutritional intervention, and psychosocial support. In a broadersense, pulmonary rehabilitation includes a spectrum of interven-tion strategies integrated into the lifelong management of pa-tients with chronic respiratory disease and involves a dynamic,active collaboration among the patient, family, and health careproviders. These strategies address both the primary and thesecondary impairments associated with the respiratory disease.

This document has been developed by an international com-mittee and has been endorsed by both the ATS and the ERS. Itplaces pulmonary rehabilitation within the concept of integratedcare. The World Health Organization has defined integratedcare as “a concept bringing together inputs, delivery, manage-ment and organization of services related to diagnosis, treatment,care, rehabilitation and health promotion” (1). Integration ofservices improves access, quality, user satisfaction, and efficiencyof medical care. As such, pulmonary rehabilitation provides anopportunity to coordinate care and focus on the entire clinicalcourse of an individual’s disease.

Building on previous statements (2, 3), this document pre-sents recent scientific advances in our understanding of the multi-systemic effects of chronic respiratory disease and how pulmo-nary rehabilitation addresses the resultant functional limitations.It was created as a comprehensive statement, using both a firmevidence-based approach and the clinical expertise of the writingcommittee. As such, it is complementary to two current docu-ments on pulmonary rehabilitation: the American College ofChest Physicians and American Association of Cardiovascularand Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) evidence-basedguidelines (4), which formally grade the level of scientific evi-dence, and the AACVPR Guidelines for Pulmonary Rehabilita-tion Programs (5), which give practical recommendations.



Exercise intolerance is one of the main factors limiting participa-tion in activities of daily living among individuals with chronicrespiratory disease. While there is a growing body of evidencedefining the mechanisms of exercise limitation in all respiratorydisease, the majority of the literature to date has focused onindividuals with COPD (6). In addition, virtually all randomizedcontrolled trials of exercise training have been in this population.Most of the evidence presented here concentrates on COPD,with discussion on exercise limitation and exercise training inother chronic respiratory diseases included, where available.

The cardinal symptoms of chronic respiratory disease thatlimit exercise in most patients are dyspnea and/or fatigue, whichmay result from ventilatory constraints, pulmonary gas exchangeabnormalities, peripheral muscle dysfunction, cardiac dysfunc-tion, or any combination of the above. Anxiety and poor motiva-tion are also associated with exercise intolerance. Although itis commonly accepted that anxiety and depression have an im-pact on symptom perception (7, 8) and hence may contributeto exercise intolerance, a direct association between emotionalstatus and exercise tolerance has not been established (9). Fur-ther research is needed to unravel the potential interaction be-tween mood disturbances and exercise limitation.

In the next section, the physiologic factors limiting exercisetolerance are discussed together with the most potent interven-tion to improve exercise tolerance: exercise training. Identifyingone variable limiting exercise in patients with COPD is oftendifficult. Many factors may contribute directly or indirectly toexercise tolerance. Because of this, separating the various mecha-nisms contributing to exercise intolerance is often a largely aca-demic exercise. For example, deconditioning and hypoxia con-tribute to excess ventilation, resulting in an earlier ventilatorylimitation. By consequence, exercise training and oxygen therapycould delay ventilatory limitation during exercise without alter-ing lung function or the maximum ventilatory capacity. Analyz-ing the limiting factors may uncover otherwise hidden exercise-related issues, such as hypoxemia, bronchospasm, dysrhythmias,musculoskeletal problems, or cardiac ischemia (10).

Factors Contributing to Exercise Intolerance in ChronicRespiratory Disease

Ventilatory limitation. In COPD, ventilation during exercise isoften higher than expected because of increased dead-spaceventilation, impaired gas exchange, and increased ventilatorydemands related to deconditioning and peripheral muscle dys-function. Furthermore, maximal ventilation during exercise isoften limited by the mechanical constraints imposed by the lungpathophysiology. Prominent among these constraints and typi-cally seen in emphysematous patients is the delay of normalemptying of the lungs during expiration due to flow limitation(11, 12), which is aggravated during exercise (13). This leadsto dynamic hyperinflation (14), resulting in increased work ofbreathing, increased load on the respiratory muscles (15, 16),and the intensified perception of respiratory discomfort.

Gas exchange limitations. Hypoxia may directly or indirectlylimit exercise tolerance. Hypoxia directly increases pulmonaryventilation through augmenting peripheral chemoreceptor out-put and indirectly through stimulation of lactic acid production.Lactic acidemia contributes to muscle task failure and increasespulmonary ventilation, as buffered lactic acid results in an in-crease in carbon dioxide production (17). Supplemental oxygentherapy during exercise in hypoxemic and even in nonhypoxemicpatients with COPD allows for higher intensity training, proba-bly through several mechanisms, including a dose-dependentdecrease in dynamic hyperinflation by lowering respiratory rate,a decrease in pulmonary artery pressures, and a decrease inlactic acid production (14, 18–22).

Cardiac dysfunction. The cardiovascular system is affected bychronic lung disease in a number of ways, the most importantbeing an increase in right ventricular afterload imposed by anelevated pulmonary vascular resistance from direct vascular in-jury (23, 24), hypoxic vasoconstriction (25), and/or increases ineffective pulmonary vascular resistance due to erythrocytosis(26). An overloaded right ventricle, in turn, leads to right ventric-ular hypertrophy, which, if severe or left untreated, may resultin right ventricular failure (27). These right ventricular effectscan also compromise left ventricular filling through septal shifts

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that further reduce the ability of the heart to meet exercise demands(28). Other complications include the detrimental effects of tachyar-rythmias resulting from a dilated or hypertrophied myocardium.Air trapping and the consequent rise in right atrial pressure mayfurther compromise cardiac function during exercise (29). Underthese conditions, exercise-related left ventricular dysfunction,occult at rest, may be observed (30). Several studies have demon-strated substantial physiologic benefits after relatively high levelsof exercise training (31–34), but it is difficult to determine theadditional contribution of enhanced cardiovascular function tothe improvements documented in peripheral muscle function.The role of exercise training in improving cardiovascular func-tion in patients with chronic respiratory disease is largely unde-fined, and should be studied.

Finally, inactivity can lead to cardiovascular deconditioning,which further limits exercise tolerance. It is important to recog-nize that a substantial amount of the increase seen in exercisetolerance after exercise training probably reflects improvementsin cardiovascular function.

Skeletal muscle dysfunction. An outline of possible skeletalmuscle abnormalities in chronic respiratory disease is given inTable 1. Weight loss and consequent peripheral muscle wastingoccurs in approximately 30% of outpatients with COPD (35).


Pathophysiologic Abnormality References Changes with Exercise Training References

Body composition ↓ Lower limb muscle cross-sectional area 35 ↑ With resistance training ↑ Fat- 360, 194, 361↓ Fat-free mass and free mass and fat mass with↓ fat mass ↓ % Fat- rehabilitation and nutritionalfree mass and �/↑ fat mass supplementation ↑ Fat-free

mass and ↓ fat mass withrehabilitation (resistance �

endurance combinedEnhanced ↑ fat-free masswith testosterone (1) andanabolic steroids

Lower limb muscle fiber type, size ↓ % Fiber type I and myosin heavy chain 40, 158, 362–367 � Fiber-type proportion ↑ Fiber 362(advanced disease) cross-sectional area↑ % Fiber type IIX↓ Fiber cross-sectional area linked tomuscle atrophy

Capillarization ↓ Capillary contacts to fiber cross- 45, 362 ↑ Capillary contacts 362sectional area, especially in patients proportional to increase indeveloping fatigue during exercise fiber cross-sectional area

Muscle metabolic capacity ↓ Capacity of oxidative enzymes: citrate 41, 368, 369 ↑ Capacity of oxidative 63synthase, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA enzymes after endurancedehydrogenase, succimic acid trainingdehydrogenase, cytochrome Coxidase ↑ Cytochrome-c oxidaseactivity in hypoxemic patients

Metabolism at rest/after exercise Rest: ↓ intracellular pH, ↓ [PCr] and [ATP], 42, 61, 68, 370–373 ↓ Lactic acidemia at iso work 31, 61↑ lactate and inosine monophosphate; rate Normalization of↓ glycogen stores in hypoxemic patients; decline in intracellular pH↓ glycogen stores related to physical and PCr/Pi. Faster PCr-activity level; ↓ uncoupling protein-3 recovery.content Exercise: rapid decline inmuscle intracellular pH,phosphocreatine/inorganic phosphate[PCr/Pi] even in patients with relativelypreserved submaximal oxygen delivery

Inflammatory state ↑ Inflammatory/apoptotic markers may 374, 375 No effect shown or not studiedoccur in skeletal muscle insubpopulations of wasted COPD

Redox state Glutathione levels normal to moderately 363, 376–378 ↑ Oxidized gluthatione in 379reduced ↑ Oxidative stress in the contrast to observations inskeletal muscle of COPD patients after healthy subjects. Partiallyquadriceps exercise reversed by antioxidant

therapy (N-acetyl cysteine)

Peripheral muscle dysfunction may also be attributable to inac-tivity-induced deconditioning, systemic inflammation, oxidativestress, blood gas disturbances, corticosteroid use, and reductionsin muscle mass (36). The quadriceps muscle has frequently beenstudied in COPD because it is readily accessible and is a primarymuscle of ambulation. However, the generalization of thesefindings to patients with less severe disease or to other skeletalmuscles is unclear. Upper limb skeletal muscle strength andmechanical efficiency may be better preserved, although this iscontroversial (37–39). For example, unlike the situation in thequadriceps, citrate synthase (an enzyme of the citric acid cycle)activity of the deltoid muscle is relatively preserved in severeCOPD (40). At present, there are no studies in which musclebiopsies from upper and lower limbs obtained from the samesubjects with chronic respiratory disease have been compared.

A reduced capacity for muscle aerobic metabolism may in-fluence exercise tolerance in several ways. Increased lactic acido-sis for a given exercise work rate, a common finding in COPD (31,41), increases ventilatory needs (31). This imposes an additionalburden on the respiratory muscles already facing increased im-pedance to breathing. Premature muscle acidosis, a contributoryfactor to muscle task failure and early exercise termination inhealthy subjects, may be an important mechanism contributing

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to exercise intolerance in COPD (42). This is exacerbated by atendency to retain CO2 during exercise, further increasing acidosis.Improving peripheral skeletal muscle function is therefore animportant goal of exercise training programs.

Leg fatigue also contributes to poor exercise tolerance inchronic respiratory disease, and in some patients is the mainlimiting symptom (43, 41). This could be related to the fact thatthe peripheral muscle alterations described in Table 1 renderthese muscles susceptible to contractile fatigue (44). Recently,the impact of leg fatigue on the exercise response to acute bron-chodilation in patients with COPD has been evaluated (45). Inpatients who developed leg fatigue during exercise, ipratropiumfailed to increase endurance time despite an 11% improvementin FEV1. This study provides indirect evidence of the role ofperipheral muscle dysfunction in exercise intolerance in somepatients with COPD.

Respiratory muscle dysfunction. The diaphragms of patientswith COPD adapt to chronic overload and show a greater resis-tance to fatigue (46, 47). As a result, at identical absolute lungvolumes, their inspiratory muscles are capable of generatingmore force than that in healthy control subjects (48, 49). Thisoccurs early in the course of the disease, even before adaptationsin the skeletal muscle are seen (50). However, these patientsoften have hyperinflation, which places their respiratory musclesat a mechanical disadvantage. Despite these adaptations in thediaphragm, both functional inspiratory muscle strength (52) andinspiratory muscle endurance (53) are compromised in COPD.As a consequence, respiratory muscle weakness, as assessedby measuring maximal respiratory pressures, is often present(51–54). This contributes to hypercapnia (55), dyspnea (56, 57),nocturnal oxygen desaturation (58), and reduced exercise perfor-mance (41). During exercise it has been shown that patientswith COPD use a larger proportion of their maximal inspiratorypressure than healthy subjects, probably due, in large part, toincreased respiratory muscle loading from dynamic hyperinfla-tion (59). A last factor that may link the respiratory muscles toexercise limitation is the increase in systemic vascular resistanceas the load on the diaphragm increases (60). This may lead toa “steal” effect of blood from the peripheral muscles to thediaphragm, although no convincing data are available to confirmthis.

Exercise Training to Improve Exercise Performance

Introduction. Exercise training, widely regarded as the corner-stone of pulmonary rehabilitation (73), is the best availablemeans of improving muscle function in COPD (61–63) and(probably) other chronic respiratory diseases. It is indicated forthose individuals with chronic respiratory disease who have de-creased exercise tolerance, exertional dyspnea or fatigue, and/orimpairment of activities of daily living. Patients with COPD afteracute exacerbations are excellent candidates for exercise training(64). Exercise training programs must address the individualpatient’s limitation to exercise, which may include ventilatorylimitations, gas exchange abnormalities, and skeletal or respira-tory muscle dysfunction. Exercise training may also improvemotivation for exercise, reduce mood disturbance (65, 66), de-crease symptoms (67), and improve cardiovascular function. Pa-tients with severe chronic respiratory disease can sustain thenecessary training intensity and duration for skeletal muscleadaptation to occur (63, 68). Before exercise training and duringa thorough patient assessment, clinicians must establish optimalmedical treatment, including bronchodilator therapy, long-termoxygen therapy, and treatment of comorbidities. A thoroughpatient assessment may also include a maximal cardiopulmonaryexercise test to assess the safety of exercise, the factors contribut-ing to exercise limitation, and the exercise prescription (69).

Table 1 summarizes the effects of exercise training on differentaspects of skeletal muscle dysfunction.

Improvements in skeletal muscle function after exercise train-ing result in gains in exercise capacity despite the absence ofchanges in lung function. Moreover, the improved oxidativecapacity and efficiency of the skeletal muscles lead to less alveo-lar ventilation for a given work rate. This may reduce dynamichyperinflation, thereby reducing exertional dyspnea.

Exercise programs in COPD.Program duration and frequency. The minimum duration

of exercise training in pulmonary rehabilitation has not beenextensively investigated. Outpatient exercise training with twoor three weekly sessions for 4 weeks showed less benefit thansimilar training for 7 weeks (70, 71). Furthermore, 20 sessionsof comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation has been demon-strated to show considerably more improvement in multipleoutcomes than 10 sessions (72). Short-term, intensive programs(20 sessions condensed in 3–4 weeks) have also been shown tobe effective (73). It is generally believed that longer programsyield larger, more endurable training effects (74–76).

Patients should perform exercise at least three times perweek, and regular supervision of exercise sessions is necessaryto achieve optimal physiologic benefits (77, 78). Because of pro-gram constraints, twice-weekly supervised exercise training andone or more unsupervised session at home may be an acceptablealternative (79), although it is unclear whether this is as effective.Once-weekly supervised sessions appear to be insufficient (80).

Intensity of exercise. Although low-intensity training resultsin improvements in symptoms, HRQL, and some aspects ofperformance in activities of daily living (81, 82), greater physio-logic training effects occur at higher intensity (31). Trainingprograms, in general, should attempt to achieve maximal physio-logic training effects (83), but this approach may have to bemodified because of disease severity, symptom limitation, co-morbidities, and level of motivation. Furthermore, even thoughhigh-intensity targets are advantageous for inducing physiologicchanges in patients who can reach these levels, low-intensitytargets may be more important for long-term adherence andhealth benefits for a wider population.

In normal subjects, high-intensity training can be defined asthat intensity which leads to increased blood lactate levels (31).However, in the pulmonary rehabilitation patient population,there is no generally accepted definition of high intensity, sincemany are limited by respiratory impairment before achievingthis physiologic change. A training intensity that exceeds 60%of the peak exercise capacity is empirically considered sufficientto elicit some physiologic training effects (84), although higherpercentages are likely to be more beneficial and are often welltolerated. In clinical practice, symptom scores can be used toadjust training load (85, 86); these scores are anchored to a stablerelative load and can be used throughout the training program(87). A Borg score of 4 to 6 for dyspnea or fatigue is usually areasonable target. Alternatively, heart rate at the gas exchangethreshold or power output has also been used to target trainingintensity (83).

Specificity of exercise training. Pulmonary rehabilitationexercise programs have traditionally focused on lower extremitytraining, often using a treadmill or stationary cycle ergometer.However, many activities of daily living involve upper extremit-ies. Because improvement is specific to those muscles trained,upper limb exercises should also be incorporated into the train-ing program (88). Examples of upper extremity exercises includean arm cycle ergometer, free weights, and elastic bands. Upperlimb exercise training reduces dyspnea during upper limb activi-ties and reduces ventilatory requirements for arm elevation (89,90).

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Endurance and strength training. Endurance training inthe form of cycling or walking exercises is the most commonlyapplied exercise training modality in pulmonary rehabilitation(33, 34, 91, 92). Optimally, the approach consists of relativelylong exercise sessions at high levels of intensity (� 60% maximalwork rate). The total effective training time should ideally exceed30 minutes (93). However, for some patients, it may be difficultto achieve this target training time or intensity, even with closesupervision (34). In this situation, interval training may be areasonable alternative.

Interval training is a modification of endurance training wherethe longer exercise session is replaced by several smaller sessionsseparated by periods of rest or lower intensity exercise. Intervaltraining results in significantly lower symptom scores (79) despitehigh absolute training loads, thus maintaining the training effects(79, 94, 95).

Strength (or resistance) training also appears to be worth-while in patients with chronic respiratory disease (96). This typeof training has greater potential to improve muscle mass andstrength than endurance training (96–100), two aspects of musclefunction that are only modestly improved by endurance exer-cises. Training sessions generally include two to four sets of 6to 12 repetitions at intensities ranging from 50 to 85% of onerepetition maximum (101). Strength training may also result inless dyspnea during the exercise period, thereby making thisstrategy easier to tolerate than aerobic training (96).

The combination of endurance and strength training is proba-bly the best strategy to treat peripheral muscle dysfunction inchronic respiratory disease, because it results in combined im-provements in muscle strength and whole body endurance (62),without unduly increasing training time (99).

Practice guidelines:

1. A minimum of 20 sessions should be given at least threetimes per week to achieve physiologic benefits; twice-weekly supervised plus one unsupervised home sessionmay also be acceptable.

2. High-intensity exercise produces greater physiologic bene-fit and should be encouraged; however, low-intensity train-ing is also effective for those patients who cannot achievethis level of intensity.

3. Interval training may be useful in promoting higher levelsof exercise training in the more symptomatic patients.

4. Both upper and lower extremity training should be utilized.

5. The combination of endurance and strength training gen-erally has multiple beneficial effects and is well tolerated;strength training would be particularly indicated for pa-tients with significant muscle atrophy.

Special Considerations for Exercise Training in Patientswithout COPD

To date, there are no formal evidence-based guidelines regardingthe exercise prescription or response to exercise training forpatients with respiratory disorders other than COPD. Therefore,recommendations for pulmonary rehabilitation of these diseasesmust rely on expert opinion based on knowledge of the underly-ing pathophysiology and clinical experience. Safety considera-tions as well as individual patient needs and goals of rehabilita-tion must guide the exercise prescription and implementationof the training program. Careful consideration of the multiplefactors contributing to exercise limitation is essential for eachpatient. To follow are some unique features for rehabilitationamong patients without COPD.

When treated appropriately, patients with asthma are oftennot ventilatory-limited and therefore can usually achieve sub-stantial physiologic training benefit from high-intensity training.To minimize exercise-induced bronchospasm during exercisetraining, preexercise use of bronchodilators and an adequateperiod of gradual warm-up exercise are indicated. Cardiopulmo-nary exercise testing may be used to evaluate for exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (102). Patients with cystic fibrosisshould exercise at stations a few feet apart from other partici-pants to avoid cross-contamination with bacterial pathogens thatmay be antibiotic resistant (103, 104). In addition, patients andstaff members must also pay close attention to hygiene tech-niques. Patients should maintain the protein and caloric intakenecessary to meet the metabolic demand posed by exercise train-ing (105), and precautions should be taken to maintain adequatefluid and salt intake (102, 106–108). Pulmonary rehabilitationhas been shown to improve exercise capacity in patients withbronchiectasis (109). For patients with advanced interstitial lungdisease, particular emphasis should be placed on pacing andenergy conservation, because dyspnea may be severe and oxygendesaturation during exercise may be difficult to correct withsupplemental O2. Walking and low-impact and water-based exer-cise may be ideal for severely obese patients. Persons with neuro-muscular disease–related respiratory disorders may requireadaptive assistive equipment to optimize functional status. Exer-cise should be undertaken in a manner that maintains muscleconditioning while avoiding excess muscular fatigue (110).

Until recently, severe pulmonary hypertension was consid-ered a contraindication to exercise training. However, a closelysupervised program with attention to the nature and intensityof exercise may be useful before transplantation or for the treat-ment of functional limitation. High-intensity exercise is generallynot recommended for this population. Low-intensity aerobicexercise, pacing, and energy conservation techniques are recom-mended. Telemetry monitoring may be indicated for those pa-tients with known arrhythmias. Cessation of exercise is especiallyimportant if the patient develops chest pain, lightheadedness,or palpitations. Activities such as weight lifting, which lead toincreased intrathoracic pressure, should be avoided because ofthe risk of syncope and circulatory collapse. Blood pressure andpulse should be monitored closely during exercise, and careshould be taken to avoid falls for patients receiving anticoagula-tion medication. Extreme caution must be used to avoid interrup-tion of continuous intravenous vasodilator therapy and to ensureadequate oxygenation.

Additional Strategies to Improve Exercise Performance

Maximizing pulmonary function before starting exercise training.In patients with airflow limitation, bronchodilators may reducedyspnea and improve exercise tolerance (111). These beneficialeffects may be mediated not only through reducing airway resis-tance but also through the reduction of resting and dynamichyperinflation (112–115). Thus, the effectiveness of bronchodila-tors should not be judged only by the improvement in FEV1, asimprovements in markers of hyperinflation, such as the inspira-tory capacity, may be more relevant to the observed clinicalbenefit during exercise.

Bronchodilator therapy may be especially effective in enhanc-ing exercise performance in those patients less limited by con-tractile muscle fatigue (45, 116). With optimal bronchodilation,the primary cause of exercise limitation may change from dys-pnea to leg fatigue, thereby allowing patients to exercise theirperipheral muscles to a greater degree (115). This nicely illus-trates the potential synergy between pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments. Optimizing bronchodilation withinthe context of a pulmonary rehabilitation program for COPD

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results in greater improvement in exercise performance, proba-bly by allowing patients to exercise at higher intensities (117).

Practice guideline: In individuals with airflow limitation, opti-mal bronchodilator therapy should be given prior to exercisetraining to enhance performance.

Oxygen. Patients who are receiving long-term oxygen therapyshould have this continued during exercise training, but mayneed increased flow rates. Oxygen supplementation as an adjunctto exercise training has been tested in two distinct populations:those with and those without exercise-induced hypoxemia. In hyp-oxemic patients, randomized controlled trials compared exercisetraining with supplemental oxygen to training with room air. Inone study, oxygen supplementation led to significant improvementin exercise tolerance and dyspnea (18). In three others, there wereno significant between-group differences in exercise tolerance,dyspnea, or HRQL (118–120).

In nonhypoxemic patients, oxygen supplementation also al-lowed higher training intensities and enhanced exercise perfor-mance in the laboratory setting, even without desaturation, prob-ably mediated through a reduced ventilatory response (19).There was a trend for a greater improvement in some aspectsof quality of life in oxygen-trained patients, although the studywas probably underpowered for this outcome. In another study,the prescription of supplemental oxygen for mild hypoxemiaoutside of the pulmonary rehabilitation setting did not show anyincrease in exercise tolerance or HRQL (121). These studiesprovide important information but do not enable the clinician topredict individual responses to oxygen therapy based on exercise-induced desaturation (122).

Practice guideline: Oxygen supplementation during pulmo-nary rehabilitation, regardless of whether or not oxygen desatu-ration during exercise occurs, often allows for higher trainingintensity and/or reduced symptoms in the research setting. How-ever, at the present time, it is still unclear whether this translatesinto improved clinical outcomes.

Noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) reduces breathlessness and in-creases exercise tolerance in certain patients with chronic respi-ratory disease, probably through reducing the acute load onthe respiratory muscles (123–129). In patients with COPD withchronic respiratory failure, a novel form of noninvasive ventila-tory support, proportional assist ventilation, enabled a highertraining intensity, leading to a greater maximal exercise capacityand evidence of true physiologic adaptation (130–132). In onestudy, the addition of nocturnal domiciliary NPPV in combina-tion with pulmonary rehabilitation in severe COPD resultedin improved exercise tolerance and quality of life, presumablythrough resting the respiratory muscles at night (133).

Practice guideline: In selected patients with severe chronicrespiratory disease and suboptimal response to exercise, NPPVmay be considered as adjunctive therapy since it may allow forgreater training intensity through unloading respiratory muscles.Because NPPV is a very difficult and labor-intensive interven-tion, it should be used only in those with demonstrated benefitfrom this therapy. Further studies are needed to further defineits role in pulmonary rehabilitation.

Respiratory muscle training. Adding inspiratory muscle train-ing to standard exercise training in patients with poor initialinspiratory muscle strength has been shown in some studies toimprove exercise capacity more than exercise training alone(134–138). In patients with less respiratory muscle weakness,evidence for the addition of inspiratory muscle training to regularexercise training is lacking. Three types of inspiratory muscletraining have been reported: inspiratory resistive training (139),

threshold loading (140, 141), and normocapnic hyperpnea (142–144). At present, there are no data to support one method overthe other.

Practice guideline: Although the data are inconclusive, inspi-ratory muscle training could be considered as adjunctive therapyin pulmonary rehabilitation, primarily in patients with suspectedor proven respiratory muscle weakness.

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Neuromuscular electri-cal stimulation (NMES) involves passive stimulation of contrac-tion of the peripheral muscles to elicit beneficial training effects.It has been used in patients with severe peripheral muscle weak-ness, such bed-bound patients receiving mechanical ventilationwho have marked peripheral muscle dysfunction (145, 146). Theapplication of NMES combined with active limb mobilizationsignificantly improved muscle strength and exercise capacity andreduced days needed for patients to transfer from the bed tothe chair (147). In one study, patients who were deemed bythe investigators to be poor candidates for standard pulmonaryrehabilitation were able to participate in regular rehabilitation after6 weeks of NMES (145). One of the potential advantages of NMESis that it can be applied in the home setting. Larger studies areneeded to further define its indications and applications.

Practice guideline: NMES may be an adjunctive therapy forpatients with severe chronic respiratory disease who are bed-bound or suffering from extreme skeletal muscle weakness.


The Scope of Body Composition Abnormalities in ChronicLung Disease

Body composition abnormalities are probably prevalent in alladvanced respiratory disease. However, most literature, to date,has focused on individuals with COPD. Therefore, most of theinformation given below relates to this disease. Individuals withmoderate to severe COPD are frequently underweight, includingup to one-third of outpatients (148, 149) and 32 to 63% of thosereferred for pulmonary rehabilitation or those participating inclinical trials (150–154). Muscle wasting associated with COPDis more common in, but by no means limited to, underweightpatients. At a minimum, simple screening should be a componentof comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation. This can be mosteasily accomplished by calculating body mass index (BMI),which is defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the heightin meters squared. On the basis of the BMI, patients can becategorized as underweight (� 21 kg/m2), normal weight (21–25 kg/m2), overweight (25–30 kg/m2), and obese (� 30 kg/m2).Recent weight loss (� 10% in the past 6 months or � 5% inthe past month) is also an important independent predictor ofmorbidity and mortality in chronic lung disease.

Measurement of body weight or BMI, however, does notaccurately reflect changes in body composition in these patients.Body weight can be divided into fat mass and fat-free mass(FFM). FFM consists of body cell mass (organs, muscle, bone)and water. Under clinically stable conditions, measurement ofFFM can be used to estimate body cell mass. The loss of FFM,which is characteristic of the cachexia associated with chroniclung diseases, such as COPD, can be estimated using skinfoldanthropometry, bioimpedance analysis (which determines FFM)(155), or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA; which de-termines lean nonfat, nonbone mass) (156). Although reductionsin FFM are usually associated with weight loss, the former mayeven occur in weight-stable patients. Loss of FFM is significantly

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related to selective atrophy of muscle fibers, particularly type IIfibers (68, 157, 158).

In the last two decades, several studies have defined andquantified depletion of FFM. Patients can be considered to bedepleted based on the FFM index (FFM/height2), with valuesbelow 16 kg/m2 for men and 15 kg/m2 for women (159). InEuropean studies, using these criteria, 35% of patients withCOPD admitted for pulmonary rehabilitation and 15% of outpa-tients with COPD were characterized as depleted (160–162),underscoring its high prevalence in chronic lung disease.

Patients with COPD and reduced FFM have lower exercisetolerance as measured using either 12-minute walk distance (163,160) or Vo2max (164, 165) than those with preserved FFM. Inaddition, peripheral muscle strength is decreased in patients withCOPD (38, 166–168, 163), although it is seen in some musclegroups more than others (169). Because muscle power is directlyproportional to its cross-sectional area, loss of muscle mass wouldbe expected to impair muscle strength. Indeed, the finding thatstrength per kilogram of limb FFM is similar in patients withCOPD and control subjects supports the concept that loss ofmuscle mass is a major determinant of limb weakness (166).Reduced FFM in COPD is also associated with impaired respira-tory muscle strength (167, 168), although a proportion of theapparent weakness of these muscles is undoubtedly due to me-chanical disadvantage due to changes in chest wall shape andhyperinflation (170).

Underweight patients with COPD have significantly greaterimpairment in HRQL than those with normal weight (171).Moreover, those with depletion in lean body mass have greaterimpairment in this outcome area than those without depletion(171). Because normal-weight patients with COPD and low FFMhave more impairment in HRQL than underweight patients withnormal FFM, this body composition abnormality appears to bean important predictor of HRQL, independent of weight loss(163).

In COPD, there is an association between underweight statusand increased mortality (172–174), independent of the degreeof airflow obstruction (172). Perhaps more importantly, weightgain in those with a BMI below 25 kg/m2 was associated withdecreased mortality (172, 175). Because the midthigh musclecross-sectional area (using computed tomography scanning) insevere COPD was demonstrated to be a better indicator ofprognosis than BMI (176), the loss of muscle mass rather thanbody weight may be a better predictor of mortality. Normal-weight patients with COPD and depleted FFM may have acomparable mortality risk to underweight patients with depletedFFM.

Weight loss may be caused by increased energy and substratemetabolism or reduced dietary intake, and muscle wasting is theconsequence of an imbalance between protein synthesis andprotein breakdown. Impairment in total energy balance andprotein metabolism may occur simultaneously, but these pro-cesses can also be dissociated because of altered regulation ofsubstrate metabolism. Hypermetabolism may be the conse-quence of low-grade systemic inflammation in COPD (177, 178).Total energy expenditure, which reflects the metabolic state ofthe individual, includes resting energy expenditure and activity-related energy expenditure. In sedentary individuals, resting en-ergy expenditure is the major component of total energy expen-diture, and this has been found to be elevated in 25% of patientswith COPD (179). Activity-related energy expenditure is alsoelevated in COPD, but there may be different mechanisms thatunderlie these metabolic alterations in subgroups of patients(154). Table 1 summarizes the effects of body composition ondifferent aspects of skeletal muscle dysfunction.

Interventions to Treat Body Composition Abnormalities

Introduction. The rationale for addressing and treating bodycomposition abnormalities in patients with chronic lung diseaseis based on the following: (1) the high prevalence and associationwith morbidity and mortality; (2) the higher caloric requirementsfrom exercise training in pulmonary rehabilitation, which mayfurther aggravate these abnormalities (without supplementa-tion); and (3) the enhanced benefits, which will result from struc-tured exercise training.

Although the etiology of the weight loss and muscle wastingin chronic respiratory disease is complex and not yet fully under-stood, different physiologic and pharmacologic interventionstrategies have been used to reverse wasting of fat mass andFFM. The duration of most of these interventions has been 2to 3 months; limited information is available regarding longerterm therapy. Assessment of body composition is indicated inthe assessment and diagnostic workup of the individual patientto target the therapeutic intervention to the pattern of tissuewasting.

Caloric supplementation. Caloric support is indicated to matchelevated energy requirements to maintain or restore body weightand fat mass. This is especially important for chronic respiratorypatients, since some may suffer from involuntary weight lossand/or exhibit a decreased mechanical efficiency during exercise.Adequate protein intake is crucial for stimulation of proteinsynthesis to maintain or restore FFM not only in underweightbut also in normal-weight patients. The increased activity-relatedenergy requirements during pulmonary rehabilitation must alsobe met, even in normal-weight individuals (180).

Caloric supplementation intervention should be consideredfor the following conditions: a BMI less than 21 kg/m2, involun-tary weight loss of more than 10% during the last 6 months ormore than 5% in the past month, or depletion in FFM or leanbody mass. Nutritional supplementation should initially consistof adaptation in the patient’s dietary habits and the administra-tion of energy-dense supplements.

In early controlled clinical trials, oral liquid dietary supple-mentation (without exercise) was able to restore energy balanceand increase body weight in underweight patients with COPD(181–183). These early intervention studies did not assess theratio of fat mass to FFM. In most outpatient settings, however,nutritional supplementation alone has not been successful ininducing significant weight gain (184). Several factors may con-tribute to this, including a reduction in spontaneous food intake(180, 185, 186), suboptimal implementation of nutritional supple-ments in daily meal and activity pattern (185), portion size andmacronutrient composition of nutritional supplements (187), andthe presence of systemic inflammation (186). Addressing thesefactors by integrating nutritional intervention into a comprehen-sive rehabilitation program should improve outcome. For exam-ple, two controlled studies have demonstrated that nutritionalsupplementation combined with supervised exercise training in-creased body weight and FFM in underweight patients withCOPD (168, 188). From these studies, it can be anticipated thatthe combined intervention can result in a 2:1 ratio of gain inFFM to gain in fat mass.

Physiologic interventions. Strength training may selectivelyincrease FFM by stimulation of protein synthesis via insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) or targets downstream of IGF-1signaling. In patients with COPD and a normal body composi-tion, 8 weeks of whole body exercise training increased bodyweight as a result of modest increases in FFM, whereas bodyfat tended to decrease (189). Enhanced bilateral midthigh musclecross-sectional area, assessed by computed tomography, wasseen after 12 weeks of aerobic training combined with strength

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training in normal-weight patients with COPD (190). However,BMI did not change. This different response in BMI could berelated to differences in dietary intake between study groups(191).

Pharmacologic interventions. Several pharmacologic strate-gies have been used in an attempt to induce weight gain and,specifically, increase FFM in COPD. Anabolic steroids havebeen investigated most extensively, either as single therapy (192)or combined with pulmonary rehabilitation (184, 168). In gen-eral, treatment duration ranged from 2 to 6 months. Anabolicsteroids may improve outcome of pulmonary rehabilitationthrough various mechanisms: (1) stimulation of protein synthesiseither directly or indirectly by interaction with the IGF-1 system,(2) regulation of the myostatin gene, (3) antiglucocorticoid ac-tion, and (4) erythropoietic action. Low-dose anabolic steroids,given either by intramuscular injection or orally administered,increase FFM, but not fat mass, generally without harmful effects(193). In male patients with low testosterone levels, testosteroneadministration resulted in an increase in muscle mass. This effectwas augmented by concomitant resistance training, and resultedin increased strength (194). It is not clear whether anabolictherapy will lead to improvements in exercise capacity or healthstatus. Specific indications for this treatment are not yet defined.

Growth hormone, which is a potent stimulator of systemicIGF-1 levels, has been shown to increase lean body mass in asmall number of underweight patients with COPD participatingin a pulmonary rehabilitation program (195). The modest im-provement in body composition was associated with increasesin exercise performance. However, this therapy is expensive andhas been associated with a number of undesirable side effects,such as salt and water retention, and impairment in glucosemetabolism. Currently, studies are ongoing to investigate theefficacy and safety of growth hormone–releasing factors to im-prove body composition and functional capacity in COPD.

The progestational agent megesterol acetate has been shownto increase appetite and body weight, and stimulate ventilationin chronic wasting conditions such as AIDS and cancer. In under-weight patients with COPD, 8 weeks of this drug resulted in atreatment–placebo difference of 2.5 kg weight. However, thisfavorable change in weight was mainly fat mass (196).

On the basis of the current studies, it appears that severalphysiologic and pharmacologic interventions are able to modu-late either fat mass or FFM in patients with COPD. Althoughthese interventions appear to be safe in the short term, furtherstudies are needed to evaluate long-term effects. Further studiesare also necessary to develop optimal strategies for pharmaco-logic interventions for muscle wasting in chronic lung disease.These will include combining exercise training with pharmaco-logic therapy, targeting specific subpopulations (disease severityand tissue depletion pattern), and determining whether improve-ment in body composition translates into functional benefits andprolonged survival.

Special Considerations in Obesity

The respiratory disturbances associated with obesity cause anincreased work and oxygen cost of breathing (197), with impairedexercise tolerance, disability, and impaired quality of life (198–200). Significant abnormalities of respiratory function can resultfrom obesity alone, even in the absence of underlying parenchy-mal lung or restrictive chest wall disease. Respiratory distur-bances associated with obesity include impaired respiratory me-chanics with low lung volumes and decreased respiratory systemcompliance, increased small airway resistance, and alterationsin both breathing pattern and respiratory drive (197, 201). Pa-tients with “obesity hypoventilation syndrome” have resting day-time hypoxemia and hypercarbia, impaired central respiratory

drive with decreased ventilatory responsiveness to CO2, andnocturnal alveolar hypoventilation (197, 201). Persons with “sim-ple obesity” may also have hypoxemia greater than expectedfor age, due to poor expansion of the lung bases, but maintainnormal daytime Pco2. Obstructive sleep apnea and nocturnalalveolar hypoventilation are also extremely common in obesepersons, and can result in pulmonary hypertension and cor pul-monale (197, 202). Obesity is also associated with an increasedrisk of thromboembolic disease, aspiration, and complicationsfrom mechanical ventilation (197). Many morbidly obese individ-uals eventually develop overt respiratory and/or cardiac failure.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an ideal setting in which to ad-dress the needs of people with obesity-related respiratory disor-ders and individuals with lung disease in whom obesity is alsocontributing to functional limitation. Specific interventions mayinclude nutritional education, restricted calorie meal planning,encouragement for weight loss, and psychologic support. Al-though there is no established target for the amount of weightloss to be achieved after pulmonary rehabilitation, comprehen-sive rehabilitation of obese persons can lead to weight loss, andimproved functional status and quality of life (203–205).

Practice guideline: Pulmonary rehabilitation programs shouldaddress body composition abnormalities, which are frequentlypresent and underrecognized in chronic lung disease. Interven-tion may be in the form of caloric, physiologic, pharmacologic,or combination therapy.



Patient education remains a core component of comprehensivepulmonary rehabilitation, despite the difficulties in measuring itsdirect contribution to overall outcomes (5, 206, 207). Educationpermeates all aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation, beginning atthe time of diagnosis and continuing through end-of-life care. Itis a shared responsibility among the patient, family, primary carephysician, specialist, and nonphysician health care providers.

The style of teaching used in pulmonary rehabilitation ischanging from traditional didactic lectures to self-managementeducation (208). Although the former provides information re-lated to the patient’s condition and his or her therapy, the latterteaches self-management skills that emphasize illness controlthrough health behavior modification, thus increasing self-efficacy, with the goal of improving clinical outcomes includingadherence (Figure 1) (209, 210). Self-efficacy refers to the beliefthat one can successfully execute particular behaviors to producecertain outcomes (211). Strategies to enhance self-efficacy arelisted in Table 2.

Curriculum Development

The curriculum of an individualized educational program isbased on addressing knowledge deficits of the patients and theirsignificant others. These specific educational requirements andthe patients’ goals are determined at the time of their initialevaluation and are reevaluated during the program. Self-management interventions emphasize how to integrate the de-mands of the disease into the daily routine. Educational topicsare listed in Table 3. For patients with disorders other thanCOPD, it is important that the pulmonary rehabilitation staffunderstand the pathophysiology and the appropriate therapeuticinterventions required for each diagnostic group.

Prevention and early treatment of respiratory exacerbations,informed end-of-life decision making, breathing strategies, andbronchial hygiene techniques are important educational issuesto be included in pulmonary rehabilitation. Health professionals

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Figure 1. Causal chain of behavior modifica-tion. Reprinted by permission from Reference210.

should always be aware of those patients who still require smok-ing cessation interventions.

Prevention and early treatment of exacerbations. Self-management should include instruction in the prevention andearly treatment of respiratory exacerbations. An exacerbationcan be defined as a sustained worsening of the patient’s symp-toms from that beyond normal day-to-day variation (212). Exac-erbations can result in a more rapid decline of lung function(213), increased peripheral muscle weakness (214), decreasedquality of life (215), increased health care costs (216, 217), andincreased mortality (218). It has been demonstrated that earlytherapy speeds exacerbation recovery (219) and reduces healthcare utilization (220). Patients should be instructed to respondearly in the course of an exacerbation by activating their prede-termined action plan. The action plan can range from initiatinga predetermined medication regimen to alerting the health careprovider. An example of an action plan can be found at www.livingwellwithcopd.com . Initiating pulmonary rehabilitationimmediately after the COPD exacerbation may reduce subse-quent health care utilization (64).

End-of-life decision making. Prognostic uncertainty as well ashealth care provider reluctance form barriers that hinder thediscussion of end-of-life decision making. Pulmonary rehabilita-tion has been identified as an appropriate setting for the discus-sion of advance care planning and palliative care (221, 222).

Breathing strategies. Breathing strategies refer to a range oftechniques, including pursed-lip breathing, active expiration, dia-phragmatic breathing, adapting specific body positions, and coor-dinating paced breathing with activities. These techniques aimto improve regional ventilation, gas exchange, respiratory musclefunction, dyspnea, exercise tolerance, and quality of life (223).

Pursed-lip breathing attempts to prolong active expirationthrough half-opened lips, thus helping to prevent airway col-lapse. Compared with spontaneous breathing, pursed-lip breath-ing reduces respiratory rate, dyspnea, and PaCO2, while improvingtidal volume and oxygen saturation in resting conditions (224).Though these have not been convincingly demonstrated to resultin enhanced exercise performance, many patients with chroniclung disease use this technique instinctively and report decreaseddyspnea with its use.

Active expiration and body positioning techniques attemptto decrease dyspnea, possibly by improving the length–tensionrelationships or geometry of the diaphragm. Diaphragmatic


Strategy Example

Personal experience and practice Practice self-management skills during rehabilitation sessions; when possible, practice inhome environment, and readdress skills as the patient’s disease process changes

Feedback and reinforcement Receive critique at each visit or telephone contact of patient’s ability to effectively use self-management skills; patients need reassurance and reinforcement

Analysis of causes of failure Address prior negative experiences; reinforce skills that lead to positive outcomesVicarious experience Share experiences; learning from a peer who succeeds in changing the behavior enhances

self-efficacy expectations

Adapted from Reference 210.

breathing techniques require the patient to move the abdominalwall out during inspiration and to reduce upper rib cage motion.The goal is to improve chest wall motion and the distributionof ventilation, thereby decreasing the energy cost of breathing.To date, evidence from controlled studies does not support theuse of diaphragmatic breathing in patients with COPD (225,226). Forward leaning has been noted clinically to be effectivein COPD and is probably the most adopted body position (227).Use of a rollator/walker while ambulating allows forward leaningwith arm support, decreases dyspnea, and increases exercisecapacity (228, 229).

As with the development of all aspects of the patient’s self-management education curriculum, the breathing strategies mustbe individualized. Patients will usually adopt the techniques mosteffective in reducing symptoms (230).

Bronchial hygiene techniques. For some patients, mucus hyp-ersecretion and impaired mucociliary transport are distinctivefeatures of their lung disease. Instruction in the importance ofbronchial hygiene and training in drainage techniques are appro-priate for these patients. A recent review concluded that thecombination of postural drainage, percussion, and forced expira-tion improved airway clearance, but not pulmonary function, inpatients with COPD and bronchiectasis (231). Use of a positiveexpiratory pressure mask and assisted coughing were more effec-tive than assisted coughing alone in patients with COPD duringan exacerbation (232). Short-term crossover trials suggest thatairway clearance regimens have beneficial effects in cystic fibro-sis. However, based on a Cochrane review, there is currently norobust scientific evidence to support the hypothesis that chestphysiotherapy for the purpose of clearing airway secretions hasa beneficial effect in patients with cystic fibrosis (233).

Benefits of Self-Management Education

Self-management improves health status and lowers health ser-vice use in many chronic diseases. Recently, a multicenter ran-domized clinical trial (220) provided evidence that a multicompo-nent, skill-oriented self-management program that incorporatedan exacerbation action plan and home exercise reduced hospital-izations, emergency visits, and unscheduled physician visits, andimproved HRQL. However, the beneficial effects of comprehen-sive self-management were not replicated in another randomizedtrial (234). Self-management might be especially beneficial for

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Breathing StrategiesNormal Lung Function and Pathophysiology of Lung DiseaseProper Use of Medications, including OxygenBronchial Hygiene TechniquesBenefits of Exercise and Maintaining Physical ActivitiesEnergy Conservation and Work Simplification TechniquesEating RightIrritant Avoidance, including Smoking CessationPrevention and Early Treatment of Respiratory ExacerbationsIndications for Calling the Health Care ProviderLeisure, Travel, and SexualityCoping with Chronic Lung Disease and End-of-Life PlanningAnxiety and Panic Control, including Relaxation Techniques and Stress


patients with reduced health status and/or a high frequency ofexacerbations. This is a fruitful area for research.

Adherence to Therapeutic Interventions and Transference ofEducation and Exercise to the Home Setting

Adherence is defined by the World Health Organization as theextent to which a person’s behavior corresponds with agreed-on recommendations by the health care provider. Adherenceto therapeutic interventions is a crucial health behavior in themanagement of chronic respiratory disease. The most effectiveadherence-enhancing interventions are designed to improve pa-tient self-management capabilities (235). The degree of adher-ence is enhanced when the relationship between the patient andthe health care provider is a partnership. Pulmonary rehabilita-tion is a venue that supports the strengthening of this partnership.

Although the short-term benefits of pulmonary rehabilitationwith a supervised exercise training program are well established,challenges remain in understanding and promoting long-termself-management and adherence to exercise in the home setting.Most of our knowledge in exercise behavior comes from emerg-ing research in chronic disease populations, not specifically inpatients with chronic respiratory disease. In longitudinal studiesof the elderly (236, 237), exercise self-efficacy and estimate ofexpected benefits from regular exercise were predictors of exer-cise adherence. Confusion and depression were predictors ofpoor adherence to a home-based strength-training program(238). In a review of 27 cross-sectional and 14 longitudinal studiesof individuals 65 years or older, it was shown that educationallevel and past exercise behavior correlate positively with theperformance of regular exercise (239). Conversely, perceivedfrailty and poor health were the greatest barriers to adoptingan exercise and maintenance program. This is in agreement witha qualitative study conducted specifically in patients with COPD(240). This qualitative study demonstrated that barriers to life-style changes frequently reported by patients were progressionof COPD and associated comorbid conditions.

A recent study compared enhanced to conventional follow-up strategies at completion of a comprehensive pulmonary reha-bilitation program (241). Adherence with exercise was highshortly after completion of the rehabilitation program, butdropped off in both groups over the next 6 months. The mostconsistently reported reasons for nonadherence were chest infec-tion and disease exacerbation. Although not the primary focusof the study, the description of adherence to home exercise andreasons for nonadherence provide important insight into thepatterns and predictors of physical activity behavior modificationafter rehabilitation. Longer lasting programs seem to enhancelong-term effects (76, 242).

Adherence to therapeutic interventions, including exerciseprograms, is a crucial health behavior in the management ofchronic respiratory disease. Instruction in individualized self-management skills is a cornerstone in the promotion of long-term adherence.

Practice guidelines:

1. The educational component of pulmonary rehabilitationshould emphasize self-management skills.

2. Self-management should include an action plan for earlyrecognition and treatment of exacerbations and discus-sions regarding end-of-life decision making.

3. In selected patients, instruction in breathing strategies andbronchial hygiene techniques should be considered.

4. The transference of educational training and exercise ad-herence to the home setting should be emphasized.



Chronic respiratory disease is associated with increased risk foranxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders (243, 244).Psychologic and social support provided within the pulmonaryrehabilitation setting can facilitate the adjustment process byencouraging adaptive thoughts and behaviors, helping patients todiminish negative emotions, and providing a socially supportiveenvironment.

Patients often experience fear and anxiety in anticipation of,and in association with, episodes of dyspnea (245). This height-ened physiologic arousal can precipitate or exacerbate dyspneaand contribute to overall disability. Frustration with poor healthand the inability to participate in activities can present in theform of irritability, pessimism, and a hostile attitude towardothers. In the later stages of respiratory disease, progressivefeelings of hopelessness and inability to cope often occur. Pa-tients with chronic respiratory disease who have positive socialsupport have less depression and anxiety than those who do not(246). Those with a history of preexisting mental health disordersoften have the greatest difficulty adjusting to chronic respiratorydisease. Most at risk are those with a major depressive or anxietydisorder, previous adjustment or personality disorder, alcoholor drug abuse, or history of psychosis.

Depressive symptoms are common in patients with moderateto severe COPD, with an approximate prevalence rate of 45%(247). The tendency for depressed patients to withdraw fromsocial interactions increases feelings of isolation and depressionfor both the patient and their loved ones. Sexual activity is alsolimited by depression and physical restrictions. Subthresholddepression (clinically relevant depression that does not fit opera-tional criteria) is seen in 25% of elderly patients with COPD(248). Both depression and anxiety in the elderly are significantlyundertreated (247, 249). Even when appropriate treatment isrecommended, many patients refuse anxiolytics or antidepres-sant medication because of fear of side effects, embarrassment,denial of illness, worries about addiction, cost concerns, or afrustration with taking too many medications (250).

Mild to moderate neuropsychologic impairments may existas a result of depression as well as disordered gas exchange.These deficits contribute to difficulties in concentration, memorydisturbances, and cognitive dysfunction (251), and may lead todifficulty solving common problems in daily living, missed officeor clinic appointments, or failure to adhere to the medical andself-management plans (252). Oxygen supplementation shouldbe considered in those patients with documented hypoxemia.

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Assessment and Intervention

The initial patient assessment should include a psychosocial eval-uation. The interview should allow adequate time for patientsto openly express concerns about the psychosocial adjustmentto their disease. Questions should cover perception of qualityof life, ability to adjust to the disease, self-efficacy, motivation,adherence, and neuropsychologic impairment (e.g., memory, at-tention/concentration, problem-solving abilities). Common feel-ings and concerns that are expressed in this component of theevaluation include the following: guilt, anger, resentment, aban-donment, fears, anxieties, helplessness, isolation, grief, pity, sad-ness, stress, poor sleep, poor marital relations, and failing healthof the spouse caretaker (253). If possible, interviewing the signifi-cant caregiver (with the patient’s consent) may help to exploreissues related to dependency, interpersonal conflict, and intimacy.Screening questionnaires, such as the Hospital Anxiety and De-pression Questionnaire or the Beck Depression Inventory, mayaid in the recognition of significant anxiety and depression (254,255). When a patient seems to be depressed, psychologic counsel-ing should be considered.

Developing an adequate support system is a most importantcomponent of pulmonary rehabilitation (256). Patients withchronic respiratory disease will benefit from supportive counsel-ing to address their concerns, either individually or in a groupformat. Treating depression may make a significant differencein the patient’s quality of life (257). However, although moderatelevels of anxiety or depression may be addressed in the pulmo-nary rehabilitation program, patients identified as having signifi-cant psychosocial disturbances should be referred to an appro-priate mental health practitioner before the start of the program.

Patients should be taught to recognize symptoms of stressand be capable of stress-management techniques. Relaxationtraining can be accomplished through techniques such as musclerelaxation, imagery, or yoga. Relaxation tapes, supplementedthrough biofeedback, may be provided for home use. Relaxationtraining should be integrated into the patient’s daily routine, fortackling dyspnea and controlling panic. Useful crisis manage-ment skills include active listening, calming exercises, anticipa-tory guidance regarding upcoming stressors, problem solving,and identifying resources and support systems.

The sensitive topic of sexuality is often of central importanceto quality of life (258). A number of factors may determine howsexual functioning is affected by chronic illness: the patient/spouse relationship, degree of affection, communication, and thelevel of satisfaction with a partner. Although general informationmay be provided during patient education in a small-group for-mat, specific questions and concerns are generally best addressedin a one-on-one or couples format. For those having significantinterpersonal or family conflicts, referral to a clinical socialworker, psychologist, or other counselor for family/relationshipcounseling is recommended.

Practice guidelines:1. Screening for anxiety and depression should be part of

the initial assessment.2. Although mild or moderate levels of anxiety or depression

related to the disease process may improve with pulmonaryrehabilitation, patients with significant psychiatric diseaseshould be referred for appropriate professional care.

3. Promotion of an adequate patient support system isencouraged.



Outcomes assessment in pulmonary rehabilitation may be evalu-ated from three different perspectives: those of the patient, the

program, and society. This section will discuss patient-centeredoutcomes. Program audit and societal outcomes (health careutilization) are covered later in this document.

Patient-centered outcome assessment can range from un-structured clinical assessments to the use of specific, validatedtests and instruments, such as a field test of exercise performanceor an HRQL questionnaire. These are useful in assessing changeamong a group of individuals enrolled in a rehabilitation pro-gram. Although the utility of these structured assessments inthe evaluation of the specific patient has not received muchcritical study, clinical experience seems to suggest they may alsobe useful in this setting. In addition, some of the measures usedfor outcome analysis may also be useful in the initial assessmentof the patient. For example, a cardiopulmonary exercise test isuseful to determine the mechanism of exercise intolerance, togenerate an exercise prescription, to determine the need foroxygen supplementation, and to detect contraindications to atraining program.

Patients are referred to pulmonary rehabilitation for severalreasons: they do not feel their symptoms (dyspnea or fatigue)have sufficiently improved from medications alone, they aredissatisfied with their ability to perform activities of daily life,and/or they are dissatisfied with their quality of life. Thus, forpulmonary rehabilitation, the important patient-centered out-comes should reflect the following: (1) control of symptoms, (2)the ability to perform daily activities, (3) exercise performance,and (4) quality of life. The effect of pulmonary rehabilitationon these outcomes has been studied with numerous instruments,many of which are described on the website of the ATS: http://www.atsqol.org/qinst.asp. In addition, the AACVPR Guidelinesfor Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs provides practical rec-ommendations for using outcome measures (5).

Family members are affected by the patient’s conditionthrough role changes, impact on social activities, emotionalstress, and financial burden. Little is known about the specificimpact of pulmonary rehabilitation on family dynamics.

Like many treatment modalities, pulmonary rehabilitationhas made significant progress in evaluating patient outcomes;however, understanding outcomes evaluations continues to re-quire scrutiny. For example, programs should not only determinehow much individual patients benefit from rehabilitation butshould also identify what component(s) of the process led tothese benefits. Meaningful conclusions regarding the benefits ofthe program require robust evaluative instruments. It is generallyrecommended that outcomes such as dyspnea, activity, and exer-cise capabilities should be evaluated, because these areas shouldimprove with pulmonary rehabilitation.

Although an emerging body of literature suggests that pulmo-nary rehabilitation is beneficial in patients with disorders otherthan COPD (102, 103, 110, 259–268), this level of evidence hasnot reached the magnitude of that for COPD. Many of theoutcome tools used in pulmonary rehabilitation have only beentested in COPD and require validation studies to establish theireffectiveness. Generic questionnaires such as the Medical Out-comes Study Short Form 36 (SF-36) may be appropriate in thesepatients (269).

Patients with interstitial lung disease may achieve substantialgains in functional status by virtue of improving knowledge andskills for coping with symptoms, using energy conservation andpacing techniques, or using assistive equipment for activitiesof daily living. Persons with respiratory impairment related toadvanced degenerative neuromuscular disease may have limitedtolerance for traditional exercise training, but may achieve im-proved functional status through education, secretion clearancetechniques, pacing and energy conservation techniques, use ofadaptive assistive equipment, and NPPV. Thus, health care

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providers must think broadly regarding ways in which pulmonaryrehabilitation may benefit patients with non-COPD diagnoses.Age- and disease-appropriate outcomes assessment tools mustbe considered (270).

The outcome measures described in this section are mostcommonly used in pulmonary rehabilitation and many have beendesigned primarily for patients with COPD. Further research isneeded to develop outcome assessment tools that are specificfor respiratory diseases other than COPD. In the absence ofdisease-specific outcome tools, the assessment should focus onthe symptoms and functional limitations of that population.

Symptom Evaluation

The two major symptoms in patients referred to pulmonary reha-bilitation are dyspnea and fatigue (271–274). These symptoms arecomplex, with multiple mechanisms of action (275, 276), andcomprehensive reviews are available elsewhere (76, 275, 277).By nature, symptoms are subjective and require self-reporting.In the pulmonary rehabilitation setting, dyspnea or fatigue canbe assessed in two ways: (1) in “real time” or (2) through recall(278). Each approach may yield differing results.

Real-time evaluation of symptoms will only answer the ques-tion of how short of breath or fatigued the patient is at themoment of testing. The Borg scale (279) and the Visual AnalogScale (280) are most commonly used for this purpose, with eitheruseful in assessing dyspnea or fatigue during exercise testing ortraining.

Recall of symptoms, such as dyspnea or fatigue, is usuallyaccomplished through the use of questionnaires. Some question-naires require patients to rate their overall dyspnea experience,whereas others ask about dyspnea related to activities. Althoughmost have adequate psychometric properties, some were initiallydeveloped for research purposes and thus are not “user friendly”in the pulmonary rehabilitation setting. Technical issues thatshould be taken into account when selecting a questionnaire inthe rehabilitation setting are as follows: length of time to com-plete/administer the questionnaire, administration requirements(can it be completed by the patient or does it require administra-tion by another), complexity of scoring, cost of purchase, andwhether written permission is required to use the questionnaire.Other considerations should be the context in which the symp-tom is measured, how the questions about symptoms are worded,and the timeframe over which the symptom is measured.

Cough and sputum production are other important symptomsin patients referred for pulmonary rehabilitation. Informationabout cough and sputum is usually included in subscales of se-lected questionnaires and addressed in educational sessions asappropriate to the population receiving rehabilitation. Question-naires are now available that measure in detail the impact ofcough on health status (281, 282), but their usefulness in pulmo-nary rehabilitation outcomes assessment is unclear.

Performance Evaluation

An important goal of rehabilitation is to improve the patient’sability to engage in activities of daily living. Because improve-ments in exercise capacity do not necessarily translate into in-creases in activities of daily living, assessment of functional per-formance is important. Assessment of performance can beaccomplished by direct observation or by patient report. It ispossible, for example, to observe patients performing activitiesand note the rate, speed, or efficiency with which an activity isperformed. However, this is time consuming, difficult to stan-dardize, and often impractical. Most pulmonary rehabilitationprograms rely on patient self-reports to assess activity levelsusing both the patient’s report on the intensity of dyspnea with

activities and the degree to which a patient may perform activi-ties in a real-life situation (283).

An emerging method of evaluating activities in the nonlabo-ratory setting is the use of activity monitors or motion detectors(284). Activity monitors can be used in the rehabilitation settingto provide an objective measure of patients’ daily activity (285).Monitors range from simple, such as a pedometer, which evalu-ates the number of steps a patient takes, to more complex devicesthat measure movement in three planes, such as a triaxial acceler-ometer. These devices are generally less sensitive to arm activi-ties than activities requiring lower extremity movement. Somepatients may overestimate their activity levels when assessedwith questionnaires as compared with directly with video ortriaxial accelerometers (286). The role of activity monitors inclinical pulmonary rehabilitation assessment requires furtherstudy.

Exercise Capacity

Measurement of exercise capacity can be accomplished in severalways, including field tests, activity monitors, and cardiopulmo-nary exercise testing. Field tests have several advantages: theyare simple to perform with little additional equipment, are con-ducted in a nonlaboratory setting, and are responsive to thepulmonary rehabilitation intervention. They are either self-paced, such as the 6-minute walk test (6MWD) (287–290), orexternally paced tests, such as the incremental and enduranceshuttle walk tests (291, 292). Both tests measure distance walked.The 6MWD has been shown to have the most variability in itsadministration (293–296), which can be minimized using pub-lished guidelines that standardize the performance of this test(290). Although these tests are good objective measures forprograms, it is unclear how they translate into improvement inday-to-day activities.

Although cardiopulmonary exercise testing can be of consid-erable help in the initial assessment of exercise limitation andformulating the exercise prescription, it can also be useful inoutcome assessment. Physiologic measurements provide valu-able insight into mechanisms of exercise intolerance. Cardiopul-monary exercise testing can be incremental to maximal symptomlimitation or at a constant work rate. Because of its complexityand costs, use of this methodology in outcome assessment isoften restricted to specialized centers.

Quality-of-Life Measurements

Quality of life can be defined as “the gap between that whichis desired in life and that which is achieved” (297). HRQL focuseson those areas of life that are affected by health status, andreflects the impact of respiratory disease (including comorbidit-ies and treatment) on the ability to perform or enjoy activities ofdaily living (298). A particularly important factor that negativelyaffects HRQL in COPD is a high frequency of disease exacerba-tions (215, 299).

Individual components of quality of life include symptoms,functional status, mood, and social factors. Questionnaires canmeasure these components individually or with a compositescore. The value of measuring each component separately is thateach can be evaluated in more detail and its unique contributioncan be identified. Both generic (300, 301) and respiratory-specific(302, 303) questionnaires are available for use in the pulmonaryrehabilitation setting. There are well-validated generic and spe-cific quality-of-life tools; these tools are available on the ATSwebsite at http://www.atsqol.org/. The two most widely usedrespiratory-specific HRQL questionnaires are the Chronic Re-spiratory Disease Questionnaire (CRQ) (302) and the SaintGeorge’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) (303). Althoughgeneric HRQL questionnaires usually are less discriminative and

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show less ability to detect changes occurring spontaneously orwith therapy, the SF-36 has demonstrated improvement afterpulmonary rehabilitation (304). Both the CRQ and SGRQ haveshown beneficial change after pulmonary rehabilitation (76, 305–307), and both have established thresholds for clinical signifi-cance (308, 309). However, as stated earlier, the value of thesequestionnaires in the individual patient has not been adequatelyaddressed. The CRQ has historically been administered to thepatient and research results have been based on operator-admin-istered questionnaires. However, recently, self-administered ver-sions of this questionnaire have been developed (310, 311).

Outcomes in Chronic Respiratory Failure

Chronic respiratory diseases, either obstructive or restrictive,can be complicated by chronic respiratory failure. When chronicrespiratory failure occurs, there is an increase in the impact ofthe disease on the patient’s daily life and well-being. A significantreduction in the ability to perform daily activities is one ofthe main consequences (312, 313). Consequently, quality-of-lifemeasurements that reflect this effect on activities of daily livingare important outcomes in this patient population.

Earlier noncontrolled studies assessed the efficacy of pulmo-nary rehabilitation in improving outcomes for very severe respi-ratory patients (314, 315). A more recent prospective, controlled,randomized study compared the effects of early comprehensiverehabilitation added to standard therapy versus progressive am-bulation plus standard therapy in patients admitted to a respira-tory intensive care unit (316). Pulmonary rehabilitation dramati-cally improved exercise tolerance and dyspnea in this subset ofpatients; however, quality of life was not measured. To date, nodata are available on the effect of pulmonary rehabilitation onquality of life in patients with chronic respiratory failure. It isimportant, however, to describe the applicability of the differentquestionnaires to this subgroup of very severe respiratory patients.

Generic questionnaires explore many domains of health sta-tus, such as emotional functioning (e.g., mood changes), activitiesof daily living, ability to maintain social relationships, and perfor-mance of leisure activities (e.g., hobbies) (317). Because theyare not specifically designed for respiratory disease or chronicrespiratory failure, they contain few items of relevance to pa-tients with chronic respiratory failure. As a consequence, genericinstruments may not be sufficiently sensitive to detect clinicallysignificant changes after treatment. Only the SF-36 has beenused in patients on long-term ventilation (318–320). However,these studies demonstrate that, although the SF-36 is used inand broadly applicable to patients on mechanical ventilation,for many dimensions it is not sensitive enough to differentiatebetween patients on mechanical ventilation and other conditions.

The CRQ (302) and the SGRQ (303) have been used inseverely impaired patients with COPD: the CRQ in those withsevere COPD without chronic respiratory failure (321) and theSGRQ in those either on ventilators or with very severe disease(322–324). Because the above questionnaires were not specifi-cally developed for patients with chronic respiratory failure, theymay not be sufficiently sensitive to detect changes among thesepatients, thus limiting their discriminative and evaluative proper-ties. Recently, the Maugeri Foundation Respiratory FailureQuestionnaire (MRF28) was developed specifically for individu-als with chronic respiratory failure (325). Limited data are avail-able with the MRF28 (326, 327), and it has not been used inpatients undergoing a rehabilitation program.

Practice guideline: Assessment of patient-centered outcomes,such as symptoms, performance in daily activities, exercise capac-ity, and HRQL, should be an integral component of pulmonaryrehabilitation.



Pulmonary rehabilitation is a service that complies with thegeneral definition of rehabilitation and achieves its therapeuticaims through a permanent alteration of lifestyle. In practice,the details of program construction and setting will vary withdifferent cultures and health care systems. There is no interna-tionally recognized formula for the design of a program, becauseits structure may reflect the commissioning policy or health careneeds of its country. There may therefore be significant differ-ences in approach depending on whether an individual or popu-lation approach is taken. In some countries, the process is fo-cused on the individual and the program is configured to provideoptimum benefit for that patient. In other countries, especiallywhere resources are limited, programs may be configured toprovide maximum benefit for the population by using the mini-mum rehabilitation necessary to obtain a satisfactory result.Whatever strategy is adopted, the program should be structuredto deliver individualized content in a manner that includes pa-tient and family and results in a lifestyle change that can sustainthe improvements for as long as possible. As with any healthcare process, the providers should be able to demonstrate theireffectiveness through the audit of process and program out-comes. In addition, they will need to take account of staffingneeds and health and safety issues. This section discusses suchissues involved in program organization other than content andindividual outcome assessment.

Patient Assessment and Selection

Pulmonary rehabilitation should be considered for all patientswith chronic respiratory disease who have persistent symptoms,limited activity, and/or are unable to adjust to illness despiteotherwise optimal medical management. Evidence on the selec-tion of patients who might benefit is mostly derived from patientswith COPD, with limited studies describing rehabilitation inother chronic lung diseases (5). The benefits are likely to besimilar in patients with comparable disability from a spectrumof respiratory diseases. Gains can be achieved from pulmonaryrehabilitation regardless of age, sex, lung function, or smokingstatus. Pulmonary rehabilitation is generally considered a neces-sary component before and after lung volume reduction surgeryand lung transplantation (328). Peripheral muscle weakness isa positive predictor of successful outcome (329).

Nutritional status and peripheral muscle weakness may alsoinfluence the outcome of rehabilitation (186, 330, 331), and se-vere nutritional depletion and low FFM may be associated withan unsatisfactory response to rehabilitation. Because there areno clear data that define a threshold of disability for selection,a simple dyspnea rating, such as the Medical Research Councildyspnea scale, may be a general indicator for when rehabilitationcan be beneficial (grades 3–5) (332). There may also be somespecific indications for rehabilitation before transplantation orlung volume reduction surgery (333).

Exclusions. Exclusion criteria include significant orthopedicor neurologic problems that reduce mobility or cooperation withphysical training. In addition, poorly controlled coexisting medi-cal conditions, especially psychiatric or unstable cardiac disease,may limit participation, thereby making the patient an unsuitablecandidate. Some centers disqualify current smokers; however,there is no evidence that short-term outcomes are different insmokers and nonsmokers.

Adherence. Patient motivation is required to achieve the full-est benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation. Data are limited onpredictors of nonadherence. Predictors of reduced long-termadherence include social isolation and continued smoking (334).

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Many programs report dropout rates on the order of 20%, oftendue to intercurrent illness or logistical difficulty. Long-term ad-herence with lifestyle changes, especially maintenance of regularexercise, is very important in pulmonary rehabilitation and prob-ably contributes to the decline in benefits after 18 to 24 months.Maintenance of long-term adherence is discussed later in thissection.

Hypoxemia. Patients who are hypoxemic at rest or with exer-cise should not be excluded from rehabilitation but should beprovided with ambulatory oxygen during the exercise sessions.Oxygen supplementation in this setting should not only promotepatient safety; it may also allow for increased levels of exercisetraining. In a research setting, providing supplemental oxygento nonhypoxic patients with COPD during exercise training en-hanced the improvement in exercise performance (19, 20). Itremains to be determined whether this would be beneficial inclinical practice.

Timing. Rehabilitation is generally completed during a periodof clinical stability rather than during a respiratory exacerbation.However, the institution of pulmonary rehabilitation during orimmediately after an exacerbation has a rationale and has beendemonstrated to have benefit (64, 335–337). The precise timingof the intervention after an exacerbation has yet to be estab-lished. This is an area of current research interest.

Program Setting

Principles of pulmonary rehabilitation apply regardless of loca-tion; consequently, it has been shown to be effective acrossvarious settings. Properly conducted pulmonary rehabilitationoffers clinical benefit in all settings that have so far been studied;however, few clinical trials offer direct comparison among vari-ous settings.

Inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation may consist of a plannedprogram to which a patient is directly admitted, or inpatientcare provided during an admission for acute exacerbation. Thisclinical setting is better suited to patients with severe decondi-tioning and lack of support for home management or limitedtransportation to outpatient settings. Inpatient rehabilitation canprovide similar benefits to outpatient settings (305). Potentialdisadvantages of inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation include theproportionally high cost and lack of coverage by insurance insome countries.

Outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation is the most widely avail-able of settings and may be hospital or community based. Poten-tial advantages include cost-effectiveness, a safe clinical environ-ment, and availability of trained staff. The majority of studiesdescribing the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation are derivedfrom hospital-based outpatient programs.

Home-based rehabilitation may offer the greatest conve-nience for the patient and may prolong its benefit (337–339). Inseverely disabled patients, home rehabilitation may not be aseffective (306). Potential disadvantages of home-based rehabili-tation include the possible lack of opportunity for group support,limited presence of a multidisciplinary team, variable availabilityof exercise equipment, lack of safe facilities, and cost of visitsby health care professionals.

Program Structure and Staffing

Pulmonary rehabilitation is delivered by a multidisciplinary teamwhose structure varies according to patient population, programbudget, reimbursement, as well as the availability of team mem-bers and resources. The team is headed by a medical directortogether with a program coordinator. In the United States, theAACVPR provides recommendations for programs through itsGuidelines for Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs (5). Staffingrequirements vary by jurisdiction: 1:4 for the exercise classes

and 1:8 for education in the United States, and 1:8 for exerciseand 1:16 for education in the United Kingdom (332). Althoughpulmonary rehabilitation is safe, it is recommended that the staffhave training in resuscitation techniques and that appropriateequipment and expertise is available on site.

Pulmonary rehabilitation begins with the patient assessment,followed by the formal pulmonary rehabilitation program, andthen development of strategies to maintain the benefits throughlifestyle changes. Although short-term benefits may be obtainedfrom even brief 2-week inpatient programs, conventional reha-bilitation programs are generally 8 to 12 weeks in duration,depending on individual patient characteristics and the contin-ued response to therapy. Longer programs may have longerlasting effects.

Program Audit and Quality Control

Good results can be obtained from simple programs, but moresophisticated services can provide greater flexibility in physicaltraining, research opportunities, and the ability to deal with themore complex patients.

Most patients who enter pulmonary rehabilitation will benefitfrom it, and the number needed to treat to obtain a clinicallymeaningful response is low. The common patient-centered out-comes of health status and physical performance should be re-corded to quantify the performance of the program as a whole.Minimum datasets need to be agreed on nationally to allowsome quality control and pooling of data to facilitate comparisonof outcomes across centers. Examples of local benchmarkingalready exist (340).

Aside from the pooling of patient-centered outcomes, thereare also some program organization evaluations that ensurequality control and continuous quality improvement. These in-clude a record of program attendance, adherence to home exer-cise prescription, hospital admissions, clinic visits, and patientsatisfaction surveys.

Long-term Strategies

The immediate aims of pulmonary rehabilitation are to reducesymptoms, improve physical functioning, and enhance HRQL.Its long-term aims are to maintain these benefits and see themtranslated into reduced health care resource utilization, espe-cially through hospital admission prevention, reduced length ofhospital stay, and improved self-management, limiting depen-dence on medical care.

The duration of benefit of pulmonary rehabilitation (conceptof lifestyle change). Limited studies suggest that the benefits ofpulmonary rehabilitation decline toward baseline after 6 to 12months, but remain improved compared with control subjectsafter 1 year (341–346). HRQL benefits appear better preservedthan exercise performance, sometimes being sustained 2 yearsafter the intervention (242, 347, 348). In some studies, thesebenefits appear to be maintained in the absence of any specificmaintenance therapy, suggesting that a change in lifestyle altersbehavior.

Program structure and the effect of program duration. Pulmo-nary rehabilitation can be delivered in a variety of structuredprograms that may themselves have an influence on the degree orduration of long-term benefit. Short-duration inpatient programsmay result in physical performance improvement within 2 weeks(349). Strict comparisons of dose–response or duration of benefitof different physical training regimes have not yet been made,and the rate of improvement in exercise performance and qualityof life may differ (70). It is possible that improvements maycontinue to develop after the completion of a program, butobservation of these effects has not yet been determined.

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Maintaining the benefit of pulmonary rehabilitation. Strategiesto maintain the benefits of rehabilitation include continuousrehabilitation, maintenance programs, and repeated courses.Continuing rehabilitation for a prolonged period only seems tohave a small additional benefit (350), and one study identifiedminor gains in 6-minute walk performance and other measuresof disability in patients who attended for 18 months comparedwith 3 months (351). More research in this area is needed. Therehave been other studies of specific maintenance interventionsafter a conventional course of rehabilitation but as yet there isno broad consensus as to their benefit. It is not clear what formmaintenance therapy should take or how it should be applied.Monthly interventions and telephone support appear to showbenefit while they are applied but their effect wears off rapidlywith discontinuation (352). Repeating a course of rehabilitationdoes seem to have the ability to reproduce the short-term gainbut does not result in long-term advantage (353).

Other methods of support (relatives, patient support groups,community schemes, etc.). There are a variety of approachesfor supporting patients after pulmonary rehabilitation, includingchanging the attitude of caregivers, attendance at self-help sup-port groups, or exercise sessions in community centers. Thereare not yet any substantive data to support the use of theseactivities, but they are worthy of consideration.


Patients with chronic respiratory disease are heavy users ofhealth care and social services resources worldwide. Althoughthe major goals of pulmonary rehabilitation programs are toreduce levels of morbidity and to improve activity as well asparticipation in patients with chronic respiratory disease, theirrole in the management of these patients must also be validatedby cost-effectiveness. Pulmonary rehabilitation’s role in decreas-ing utilization of health care resources is an important potentialbenefit.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is an effective intervention in pa-tients disabled by chronic respiratory disease; however, thereare relatively few studies that evaluate its effect on health careutilization. An 18-session, 6-week outpatient pulmonary rehabil-itation program decreased inpatient hospital days and decreasedthe number of home visits when compared with standard medicalmanagement (307). A comprehensive cost-effectiveness analysisof the addition of this multidisciplinary pulmonary rehabilitationprogram to standard care for patients with chronic disabling respi-ratory disease concluded that the program was cost-effective andproduced cost per Quality-adjusted-life-years (QALY) ratioswithin the bounds considered to be cost-effective and thereforelikely to result in financial benefits to the health care system(354).

Patients with COPD who receive an education interventionwith supervision and support based on disease-specific self-management principles have decreased hospital admissions, de-creased emergency department visits, and reduced number ofunscheduled physician visits (220). This approach of care throughself-management strategies is of interest because it does notrequire specialized resources and could be implemented withinnormal health care practice. In a before–after designed study,a community-based, 18-session, comprehensive pulmonary reha-bilitation program was associated with an average reduction oftotal costs of $344 per person per year. This was associated withdecreased health service utilization, reduced direct costs, andimproved health status of patients with COPD, regardless ofdisease severity (355).

The California Pulmonary Rehabilitation CollaborativeGroup of 10 outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation programs (340)

provides further evidence of the effectiveness of rehabilitationas practiced in a variety of settings with a heterogeneous groupof patients with chronic lung disease. This study, which did notcontain a control group, demonstrated considerable use of healthcare resources during the 3 months preceding rehabilitation, asevidenced by a mean of 2.6 hospital days, 0.4 urgent care visits,4.4 physician visits, and 2.9 telephone calls. Over the 18 monthsof follow-up evaluation, patients reported fewer hospital days,visits, and telephone calls. Further comparisons of the costs ofvarious approaches to pulmonary rehabilitation in combinationwith short-term and long-term outcomes are needed to allowfor accurate assessments of cost-effectiveness, which should con-tribute to informed decisions made to reduce health care costswhile making pulmonary rehabilitation more widely available.


In a relatively short period of time, pulmonary rehabilitationhas become recognized as a cornerstone in the comprehensivemanagement of patients with COPD. This is evident by its promi-nent position in statements such as the ATS/ERS Standards forthe Diagnosis and Management for Patients with COPD (207)and the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease(GOLD) document (206). The evidence for improvement inexercise endurance, dyspnea, functional capacity, and quality oflife is stronger for rehabilitation than for almost any other ther-apy in COPD, and documentation of its favorable effect onhealth care utilization is increasing. The success of pulmonaryrehabilitation stems from its favorable influence on systemiceffects and comorbidities associated with chronic lung disease.Because these impairments are present to some extent in allchronic lung disease, pulmonary rehabilitation should be effec-tive in diseases other than COPD.

The science and implementation of pulmonary rehabilitationneed to develop along several lines in the next few years. First,pulmonary rehabilitation should be made available to all patientswho need it. This will require the education of health care profes-sionals at all levels of training as to the rationale, scope, andbenefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, with a goal of incorporatingit into the mainstream of medical practice. In addition, concertedefforts are needed to encourage health care delivery systems toprovide this therapy and make it affordable. Recent studiesthat demonstrate that long-term benefits (including health careresource reductions) are attainable with relatively low-cost inter-ventions should help with these efforts (220, 307, 340, 354).

Second, more research is needed to optimize the effectivenessof pulmonary rehabilitation, including more efficient ways oftargeting it to the unique needs of the individual patient. Theseinclude, for instance, defining the optimal intensity and durationof exercise training and defining the effects of the nonexercisecomponents of comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation. Ad-junctive strategies, such as hormonal therapy, supplemental oxy-gen administration to nonhypoxemic patients, and noninvasiveventilation, are being developed; their effectiveness must beestablished. The scientific rationale for pulmonary rehabilitationin respiratory diseases other than COPD is present; its effective-ness must be established through clinical trials.

Third, we need to develop ways to maintain the benefits ofpulmonary rehabilitation, especially through improving long-term self-management and adherence to the exercise regimenin the home setting. Even if pulmonary rehabilitation is offered,a considerable number of patients choose not to participate (210,305); little is known about the reasons for this choice. Moreinformation is needed on the reasons for and predictors of non-adherence and nonparticipation to develop effective strategiesin this regard.

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Finally, more concerted efforts are needed to evaluate theeffect of pulmonary rehabilitation on survival, because it is en-tirely possible that it may favorably influence this outcome. Pul-monary rehabilitation improves dyspnea, exercise capacity, andquality of life, each of which are recognized predictors of mortal-ity (356–359). A large prospective, controlled trial would benecessary to examine this possible effect.

These guidelines provide reasons for optimism. A consider-able body of theoretical and practical knowledge has alreadybeen developed since the last statement, resulting in the estab-lishment of pulmonary rehabilitation as a science. We look for-ward to refining its process, improving its efficiency, optimizingits benefits, and expanding its scope.

This statement was prepared by an ad hoc subcommittee of theAssembly on Nursing, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Section.


Conflict of Interest Statement : N.A. received €500 in 2003 and €1,000 in 2004for speaking at conferences sponsored by Simesa, €500 in 2003 and €1,200 in2004 for speaking at conferences sponsored by AstraZeneca, €500 in 2004 forspeaking at conferences sponsored by Boheringer Ingelheim; €500 in 2004 forspeaking at conferences sponsored by Novartis, $2000 in 2005 for consultanciesfor Pfizer; his institution has received unrestricted educational grants by Vivisoland Boheringer/Pfizer, as well as research grants for participating in a multi-centerclinical trial by Boheringer Ingelheim. J.B. does not have a financial relationshipwith a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript.B.C. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has aninterest in the subject of this manuscript. M.C. does not have a financial relation-ship with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript.C.D. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has aninterest in the subject of this manuscript. M.E. does not have a financial relationshipwith a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript.R.G. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has aninterest in the subject of this manuscript. B.F. received $1,000 from Boehringer/Pfizer for attending speaker training in 2005. C.G. received $1,500 in 2006 forspeaking at a conferences sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim and $500 in 2006for speaking at a conference sponsored by Pfizer, and has received $700 in 2004,$1200 in 2005, and $700 in 2006 for consulting on patient education materialfrom Krames Staywell. R.G. does not have a financial relationship with a commer-cial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. S.L. does nothave a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in thesubject of this manuscript. F.M. received honoraria for speaking at conferencessponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline ($12,000 eachyear from 2004-2005). He also received honoraria for serving on an advisoryboard for Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, and Altana Pharma ($6,000 in2004, $4,000 in 2005); he received research grants for participating in multicentertrials from Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, Altana Pharma, and Merck($300,000 for 2004-2006); he has been reimbursed by AstraZeneca for attendingone conference and has received unrestricted research grants by Boehringer Ingel-heim and GlaxoSmithKline. M.M. does not have a financial relationship with acommercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. N.M.

served as a consultant to SensorMedics regarding PFT equipment. L.N. does nothave a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in thesubject of this manuscript. D.O. has served on the advisory boards of GlaxoSmithK-line, Altana, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca, and received industry-sponsored grants fromGlaxoSmithkline, Altana, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca. C.P. received a total of $15,000as a speaker at conferences sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim,AstraZeneca, and has been reimbursed by Boehringer Ingelheim for attendingseveral conferences in the same period. C.R. received $3,000 in 2005 for servingon an advisory board for Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and receives financialsupport for participating in, and conducting clinical trials on, COPD from Boeh-ringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and from GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals.S.S. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has aninterest in the subject of this manuscript. J.R. received $1,500 in 2004–2005 forspeaking at meetings sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline and $2,000 in 2005 for lectureand consultation fees by Boehringer Ingelheim. A.S. does not have a financialrelationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of themanuscript. T.T. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entitythat has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. E.W. received researchgrants between 2003 and 2005 from GlaxoSmithKline (€385,000), AstraZeneca(€146,000), Boehringer Ingelheim (€183,000), Centocor (€120,000), and Numico(€120,000). R.Z. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entitythat has an interest in the subject of this manuscript.

Solicited Reviewers: Andrew Ries, M.D., M.P.H.; Richard Casaburi,Ph.D., M.D.; and Barry Make, M.D.


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