Statement of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Regarding the Condemnation of the 31st Anniversary of the Red Army Invasion of Afghanistan

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  • 8/8/2019 Statement of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Regarding the Condemnation of the 31st Anniversary of the Red A


    Statement of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Regarding the

    Condemnation of the 31st Anniversary o

    Statement of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Regarding the Condemnation of the 31st Anniversaryof the Red Army Invasion of Afghanistan

    The 6th Jaddi (the Hijri Lunar year) which coincides with 27th December, is the day of the former Soviet Unions aggression against

    Afghanistan. Three decades ago, on this day, 700 soldiers of the Red Army dressed in the uniform of the Afghan Army killed Hafizulla

    Amin, the former communist ruler of Afghanistan at Taj Beg Palace, near the capital Kabul. With this, 80,000 Red Army soldiers

    entered Afghanistan

    through land and air which, at one point, reached 150,000 soldiers. To confront the coward aggression of their northern neighbor--the former Soviet Union-- the

    Afghans chose the path of armed Jihad as per the requirement of their religious obligation and other humane values. The Soviets invasion expedited the tempo of

    the struggle which had already been going on against the communist government, giving it a new impetus.

    The Soviet troops remained engaged in a military muscle showdown against the freedom- loving and Islamist people of Afghanistan almost for ten years from

    December 1979 to February 1989. After passage of a few years; reviewing and revision of new strategies and troops re-enforcement, they were not able to have

    a tangible achievement. Contrarily, the situation had slipped into a deepening crisis, following the prolongation of the war and expansion of battles. The decrepit

    Soviet Unions economy was not strong enough to fund the aggression. Hence, the last ruler of the former Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbacheve admitted the bitter

    reality in 1989, saying openly, the crisis of Afghanistan was a bleeding wound for the Soviet Union. He promised to put an end to the invasion.

    The struggle against the Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan and the Soviets ultimate defeat came to be known epically as the miracle of the century. The

    Afghans proved once again as saviors of the world from the fangs of another global anaconda. The rulers of the Soviet Union themselves conceded that

    historically, the invasion was their big mistakeushering in collapse of the empire existing by the name of the Soviet Union; bringing to and end the rule of the

    communist empire in central Asia and Eastern Europe ; dissolving the Warsaw pact and crumbling into pieces the Wall of Berlin . Consequently, the spell of awe

    and fear from the Soviet Union which had gripped the globe, melted away simultaneously.

    After the disintegration of the Red Empire, as a result of the Afghan Jihad, the stage was set for the Western Empire under the leadership of USA to exercise

    unipolarism and arrogance in the world. Instead of taking a lesson from the shameful end of the invading Soviets, the American arrogant authority, contrarily,

    turned to colonizing and oppressing miserable people. This gun boat approach on the part of the Americans led to the Americans attacking the miserable people of

    Afghanistan like the former Soviet Union had done this before; to commence a bloodbath against the oppressed people and occupy the country itself by dent of

    advanced weapons. The Americans did fulfill their wicked designs practically. At the start, like the former Soviet Union, they had thought, that it was easy to

    swallow and ingest Afghanistan.

    The present rulers of the setting puppet regime had encouraged the White House to invade Afghanistan. Thus, they deceived them and used their power for

    realization of their own whims of power-grabbing. Even now, they are trying to keep the Americans unaware of the ground realities in Afghanistan--encouraging

    them to unleash further atrocities and brutalities on the common people.

    The Global insatiable colonialism as per its trait has deprived the brave people of Afghanistan of their freedom, ironically, under the misleading slogan of

    democracy. They have packed the prisons of Kandahar, Bagram and other tens of prisons with the innocent Afghans; has brought about an atmosphere of terror

    and fear throughout the country as a result of night raids against the houses of the common people. They think, the tactic of terrorizing and oppressing people will

    vouchsafe them victory, or they will subjugate the Afghans through force and coercion. But despite their showdown of their military might during the past decade,

    neither they have stabilized the country nor did they silence the Jihadic resistance of the Afghans. If God willing, Afghanistan will prove to become a bleeding

    wound for the invaders once again. The global colonialist power will breathe its last here.

    On this 31st anniversary of the former Soviet Unions invasion, while condemning the invasion of the Soviets, and believing it as an incendiary spark which kept

    the 3-decade long war of Afghanistan ignited, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, meanwhile, remind the Americans to learn lesson from the shameful fate of the

    invading Soviets by using sagacity and rationale and immediately pull their invading troops out of Afghanistan.

    The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

    Sunday, 26 December 2010 10:19 -



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