State of Jefferson Middle School Scavenger Hunt 2018 Questions and Answers Part I: Dedicatee 1. What did the dedicatee instruct people to not tell their neighbors? (3 pts.) Answer: If they were moving to Oregon Source: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/tom_mccall 2. The dedicatee was instrumental in insuring the ongoing use of a designated highway. To the nearest mile, how long is the hiking trail that weaves through and around the highway right-of- way? (5 pts.-1 pt. bold, 4 pts. correct answer) Answer: 382 miles Source: http://mailtribune.com/news/happening-now/oregon-s-beach-bill-signed-50- years-ago https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/PARKS/Pages/OCT_main.aspx 3. The artist was commissioned to paint the portrait of another who shared the same occupation as the man pictured below. According to the artist, what is the secret shared by both portraits? (4 pts.)

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State of Jefferson Middle School Scavenger Hunt 2018 Questions and Answers

Part I: Dedicatee

1. What did the dedicatee instruct people to not tell their neighbors? (3 pts.)

Answer: If they were moving to Oregon

Source: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/tom_mccall

2. The dedicatee was instrumental in insuring the ongoing use of a designated highway. To the nearest mile, how long is the hiking trail that weaves through and around the highway right-of- way? (5 pts.-1 pt. bold, 4 pts. correct answer)

Answer: 382 miles

Source: http://mailtribune.com/news/happening-now/oregon-s-beach-bill-signed-50-years-ago


3. The artist was commissioned to paint the portrait of another who shared the same occupation as the man pictured below. According to the artist, what is the secret shared by both portraits? (4 pts.)

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Answer: Both subjects have one foot in water

Source: https://bonniehull.net/2011/03/04/henk-pander-on-the-mccall-portrait/

4. To help with Jamboree, though he debated suicide, he was responsible for a life giving exercise that was even biodegradable. He engaged a people named for a connection to Heaven. What are the names of the founders of the biblically titled people? (F & L, F & L) (6 pts.-2 bold, 4 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Frank Dardano and Don McFadden

Source: https://oregonhistoryproject.org/articles/biographies/tom-mccall-biography/




5. In one of his last public appearances, the dedicatee described his love-state as retiring and beautiful. How should she play? (4 pts.) (You may use YouTube).

Answer: Hard to get

Source: https://www.ohs.org/education/tom-mccall-better-oregon/quotes.cfm

6. The dedicatee identified a “crisis” and created a TV documentary to publicize the issue. In concluding remarks, the dedicatee advocated for what kind of timber cutting program for the lands taken by termination? (You will need to use and cite YouTube.) (4 pts.)

Answer: Sustained yield management

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNLvXKgBkvU 33:00

7. What is the name of the dedicatee? (F, M, L) (3pts.)

Answer: Thomas Lawson McCall

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_McCall

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Part II: General Knowledge-Print and Internet Based

1. Though born a Quaker, she was thought to be a “witch”. Her infamous maltreatment of her son cost him his leg. She bestrode her walled street grubby and smelly. Sometimes known as a shark, her fortune was initially based on oil and animal slaughter. Her son went on to promote experiments to create 5,000,000 volts for destructive purposes. She did, however, treat her dog well. What was the name of her dog? (5 pts.-2 pts. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Curtis





2. The last one we heard was about 11 times longer. The longest was over 60 times longer than the shortest. At 135, it is the shortest of its kind. What did the addressor of the shortest say he should be subject to by those in attendance if the injunctions were violated? (4 pts.-2 pts. bold, 2 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Upbraidings

Source: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=25801


3. The daddy of this pup is famous, a touring celebrity constantly tracked by his fans. He seemed to be dogging it for months. Finally he packed in his touring gear and settled down with the love of his life. We know the daddy’s ancestry, but what are the two strains in the mama’s bloodline? (5 pts.-1 pt. bold, 4 pts. correct answer)

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Answer: Minam and Snake River packs

Source: https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2014/09/oregon_wolf_or-7_pups_are_his.html

4. According to legend, this mother was a historic stepping-stone for a group of religious pioneers. She did what she could to keep their feet dry. Like many mothers she has been nicked at, had her heart broken, and been walked all over. The United States obtained a piece in 1911. At what time was the 1911 piece nicked? (5 pts.- 2 pts. bold, 3 pts. correct answer) Answer: 4 ½ o’clock p.m.

Source: http://americanhistory.si.edu/press/fact-sheets/plymouth-rock

5. Escaping certain hamburger, who wintered with dear deer friends and now counts “Oprah Wingfree” as a fellow resident? (4 pts.- 2 pts. bold, 2 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Bonnie

Source: http://www.animalsoffarmsanctuary.com/post/175092375386/out-of-the-woods-and-into-sanctuary-meet-bonnie


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6. A human tower was created on Chinese TV. Watch the below video. Traditionally, what instruments are played during the construction? (4 pts.)


Answer: gralla and timbal



7. Paraphrasing a group of elderly people, an author repeated their claim that whites stole it from them. (Though the main stream variety, using a machanized process, can be pretty cheesy). The author thought they were kidding, but according to him, “they were like, ‘No, it’s like rock ‘n’ roll—we started that.” They were serious. Not only were they serious, they were arguably correct. The person credited with first concocting it in America, at what the owner called his little mountain, was trained in France as a chef and, almost unique among his fellow workers, he negotiated what in exchange for teaching his skills to another? (6 pts.-2 pts. Bold, 4 pts. correct answer) Answer: His freedom Source:

https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/brief-history-americas-appetite-for-macaroni-cheese-180969185/ https://www.newsweek.com/kitchen-thomas-jeffersons-slave-chef-james-hemings-macaroni-and-cheese-america-777425 https://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/origin-name-monticello http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2018/05/24/everyone-loves-macaroni-cheese/ideas/essay/

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8. Until January of 2017, his “habit” had occupied a portion of his day for over 52 years. He continued his habit on crutches, as an MBE and as a Ph.D. (in textile chemistry). He finally stopped the marathon streak out of respect for family and friends. In order to survive for 52 years, one had to have a run of luck, but his luck had run out (as had many trainers). What was the starting date of the Oregonian documented with the longest length of the same habit? (6 pts.-2 pts. bold, 4 pts. correct answer) Answer: November 5, 1990

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-30556306


9. There is nothing circular, or even oval about it, and certainly nothing earthen, but there is something heavenly about it. Each borrows the unrhymable English suffix in all cases. Manhattan has one, as does Philadelphia. On February 18 at 5:50PM EST, a stellar event that had occurred in Manhattan and Philadelphia happened in another city. What name was given to the February 18th event? (4 pts.-2 pts. bold, 2 pts. correct answer) Answer: Torontohenge

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henge



10. They were never native to the islands and were banned in 2007 and readmitted in 2011. Tariffs reached 300%, and obesity had risen to 53%. What banned import was allowed back into the country? (4pts.-2 pts. bold, 2 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Turkey tails



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11. 51 figured in this incident, as did a whole lot of stupid and a good bit of bad luck. A Mustang without any discernable markings, except unusual yellow coloring, came into the sight of a rustler. The thief, using lights, hand signals, and even yelling, tried to stop the Mustang. The thief was a hard charger, but when his chase failed, he could not dodge the inescapable. He was corralled. Give the last names of the two who rounded up the would be rustler. (L & L) (5 pts.-3 pts. bold, 2 pts. correct answer) Answer: Stradling and Westbrook






12. As this person grew older, the realization that simpler is better became a mantra. Celine Dion was special to him, even though, according to one guide, he was responsible for 32 stars. The guidebook authors should know, being experts on where the rubber meets the road. Acclaimed as the best of the century by another guide, what was this self-proclaimed regular eater’s choice with steak? (4 pts.-2 pts. bold, 2 pts. correct answer) Answer: Fries (French, of course)

Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/interview-with-jol-robuchon-2014-3


13. Deposited at night, it is known euphemistically as a kind of soil and may have contributed to the death of three presidents. On what street was the lethal soil deposited? (5 pts.-2 pts. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: 15th St. NW


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14. It is the 50th and last we know of, it is also the largest. However, the discover, a prime example of humility, is “even prouder” of two much smaller quantities. What is the product of the two smaller quantities? (6 pts.-2 pts. bold, 4 pts. correct answer) 14. as of 12.3.2018 If (or when) another is discovered, it will be the 51st. The last one discovered is the largest yet found. However, the discoverer, a prime example of humility, is “even prouder” of two much smaller quantities. What is the product of the two smaller quantities? (6 pts.-2 pts. bold, 4 pts. correct answer)

Answer: 880

Source: https://www.popsci.com/worlds-largest-prime-number-discovered#page-2


15. The table was set. Bubbette was hoping for a grapefruit, but was served a pea. Good cheese may have helped her get a tater, but instead it was an ice cream cone. She left the plate disappointed. Where was Bubbette when this was served up to her? (5 pts.-3 pts. bold, 2 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Baseball field or park

Source: http://baseballtips.com/lingo/index.html/


16. Bill Gates (net worth 93.3billion) does it with regularity. Warren Buffett (net worth 81.9 billion) is known to spend 4/5ths of his workday doing it. People of the class of Gates and Buffett spend less than one hour per day watching TV, but they engage in a strategy known to enhance confidence and overall life satisfaction, while reducing stress and depression. What do Gates, Buffett and scores of successful people do that is easily available to all of us? (4 pts.-2 pts. bold, 2 pts. correct answer)

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Answer: Reading

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/rich-people-like-to-read-2015-8



17. Until it was ruled unconstitutional, where did Donald Duck receive a swift kick from Goofy? (4 pts.-1 pt. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Pennsylvania’s Seventh Congressional District.



18. The Shaker recognized him by his height and his profanity. What advice concerning defenestration did he give to a New Hampshire client concerning Vermont? (5 pts.-1 pt. bold, 4 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Open that window and make the best of your way to Vermont.



19. Watch this video. According to the batter, using an exact quote, what did he look like when he ran out of the dugout? (3 pts.)


Answer: “I looked like my father chasing me around after I brought home my report card.”



20. You may recognize the product in the photo. The product is produced by a privately held company. When the founder of the company was CEO, what unusual office décor made up one wall? (4 pts.-1 pt. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

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Answer: Climbing wall

Source: https://www.forbes.com/forbes/2007/0312/081a.html#1826d0a72ce0

21. The daughter of the person who composed this piece has been disowned by the patriarch of the family. Who is the man who wrote he had neither legally nor emotionally adopted her? https://youtu.be/pgjaZ71ABpk (F & L) (3 pts.-1 pt. bold, 2 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Warren Buffett

Source: https://www.marieclaire.com/culture/news/a2342/warren-buffett-granddaughter-nicole-buffett/




22. As the last ruler of a European country’s empire, he inspired the naming of a fellow primate. The two primates shared a distinguishing feature, hence the shared name. What is the name of the naming inspiration? (4 pts.-2 pts. bold, 2 pts. correct answer) Answer: Kaiser Wilhelm II

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Source: https://study.com/academy/lesson/emperor-tamarin-monkey-habitat-diet-adaptations-facts.html


23. Muhammad answered the phone in the master bedroom of this house and informed the caller he was not “Darling” but was champion of the world and was watching her TV. White in color and design, the structure was the last of its seven sisters. The owner once said it was located in East Egg. What kind of dust did the owner say she lost? (4 pts.-1 pt. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Mississippi dust

Source: https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/wank-article-022001

24. What is the last sentence written in this speech? (3 pts.)


Answer: Like our soldiers and sailors in all parts of the world they are meeting freedom's challenge on the firing line, and I salute them for their honor and their courage.

Source: https://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/LH8F_0Mzv0e6Ro1yEm74Ng.aspx


25. He was a disgruntled cook who jumped ship. He acquired land and cleared it. The burn pile he ignited to dispose of debris soon slipped out of control. Started sixty years before the U.S. Forest Service began fighting fires, the fire went unchecked. The fire was pushed west across the grassy valley and into the coastal mountain range. Ultimately, the fire destroyed more old growth forest than any other fire recorded within what is now the United States. Who was the accidental arsonist? (Title & last name) (5 pts.-1 pt. bold, 4 pts. correct answer)

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Answer: Mr. Johnson

Source: http://cliffhanger76.tripod.com/c2sea/fire/index.html

26. Below is a photo of the first of its kind. It was successfully presented sixty years ago on September 12th. The idea came to the new guy as he worked alone when everyone else was on vacation; he had not accrued any leave time. This is a photo of what? (3 pts.-1 pt. bold, 2 pts. correct answer)

Answer: First integrated circuit or Kilby’s microchip

Source: http://www.ti.com/corp/docs/kilbyctr/kilby.shtml

27. The transition from hunter-gather to agriculturalist happened at different times. A mutualism between the cultivator and the crop developed, dependent on myrmecochory. In what river basin was the first mycophagous society developed? (4 pts.-1 pt. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Amazon

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fungivore

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28. The three photos below are all in the same building. In what year and month did the first Russian MiG enter the fly space of the building? (4 pts.)

Answer: August 1997

Source: file:///C:/Users/Pinehurst%20Computer/Downloads/airport%20history2.pdf


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29. Here we go again with another sequel released in 2018. Two individuals worked on a 2018 sequel as well as another work. The other work focused on political tensions surrounding a sport considered for the 2020 Olympics. Currently the sport Olympiad is biennial. Name the two individuals who did work for both projects. (F & L, F & L) (6 pts.-2 pts. bold, 4 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Bjorn Ulvaeuss & Benny Andersson

Source: https://www.sportsnet.ca/more/26-sports-seek-inclusion-in-2020-tokyo-games/



30. In Medford a guy looked down on his luck, so as school teachers like her are want to do, Ms. Reed helped him out. Reed gave him $5 to buy snacks at a convenience store. Ms. Reed saw the guy with a woman who was not his wife. She asked the guy where his wife was. The guy said the woman he was with was his sister. Reed was satisfied when she finally recognized him. He was working in Eugene in September, but the job was for only one night. Who was the guy who was short on credit and cash? (F & L) (5 pts.- 2 pts. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Keith Urban




31. Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjk3RsytFZg. Who appears in the clip that also is associated with the photo below? (F & L) (4 pts.)

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Answer: Darren McGavin

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darren_McGavin


32. The exhibit title says it all. Who was the dealer that bought the collection with the painting for $2,000, then gave away this multi-million dollar painting? (F & L) (4 pts.-1 pt. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

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Answer: David Van Auker



33. Of the artists who appear in this video, in 2007 one endowed a music school that bears the grantee’s name. What is the name of the building that houses the school of music endowed by the artist? (5 pts.)


Answer: Evelyn and Mo Ostin Music Center

Source: https://www.schoolofmusic.ucla.edu/evelyn-and-mo-ostin-music-center


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34. Take .284 liters of milk and add .0178 liters of lemon juice. Let the milk and lemon mixture set for at least 10 minutes. Now obtain bottles of non-homogenized milk and take what has floated to the top in each container; skim it off. Collect 4 imperial cups of that top layer and vigorously mix it with the milk/lemon juice mixture. Let the concoction set for twenty-four hours. What have you made and how much, to the nearest cup, have you made? (2 pts.)

Answer: 6 cups of sour cream

Source: https://www.thespruceeats.com/make-your-own-buttermilk-p2-995500



35. Who are the two people who wrote the U.S. Constitution? (F & L, F & L) (4 pts.)

Answer: Jacob Shallus and Alexander Hamilton

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Shallus


36. What is the first task of civilization according to the man responsible for Men at Work? (3 pts.)

Answer: Civilize adolescent males



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37. I was a few hours from home so I pulled off the highway for a break. I drove around the little town and saw the church pictured below. During a confirmation at this church, on the same day that Dean famously referred to an oncological situation at the White House, who was the Vicar General? (5 pts.-1 pt. bold, 4 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Right Reverend Thomas H. Markham

Source: https://sacredheart-maxwell.org/photoalbums/past-pictures-of-churches


38. He was a spy, an artist, and a sometime member of the Algonquin Round Table. What two things did he play as a movie actor? (4 pts.)

Answer: He played a mute and a harp

Source: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0555617/bio



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39. She was compared to and shared a homeland with Omar Khayyam. Field work to find the shortest path figured prominently in her achievements; she was the first and only since 1936. When the recognition finally came, who received the medal rightfully belonging to her? (F & L) (5 pts.-2 pts. bold, 3 pts. correct answer) Answer: Martin Hairer Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2017/07/170723061045363.html



40. The microbes growing in the snot could help save us all. Understanding how the snot and germs interact and how to replicate the process could lead to lessening of zones of death caused by an elemental “Godfather”. Buying Snickers bars could help the quest for the Holy Grail hidden in the mucus. In what country was the snot savior discovered? (6 pts.-3 pts. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Mexico

Source: https://www.mars.com/global/brands/confectionery



41. Fifty-one figures prominently in this serial. Orphaned in an alley and jilted at the altar, the protagonist had happiness taken from him. After what must have been an emotionally dark night of desolation, in the next chapter of the protagonist’s life, what civic duty is he called to perform? (5 pts.-2 pts. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Jury duty

Source: https://www.dccomics.com/comics/batman-2016/batman-51

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42. What is the similar organizing principle shared by these compositions? The first composition was made by non-native English speakers. The second musical offering was written for a king. I find it interesting to watch the violinist play while walking bachwards. Even though the last piece is a piano reduction; there is no information haydn from you that would make the answer any different. (8 pts.-2 pts. for each correct citation, 2 pts. correct answer)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89w-L3aICj4 NEEDS ADDITIONAL RECORDING ADDED

Answer: palindrome

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89w-L3aICj4

Changed as of 11.30

42. U-2, Forest and Chestnut Hills, a sinner’s guide, and the human ID number are all related. What designation is common to all? (9 pts.-2 pts. bold, 1 pt. correct answer) Answer: 51

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51





43. The richest man in history controlled half of the world’s supply. 147.3 million is safely deposited, 236.3 million is held in reserve. To the nearest whole number, how many Olympic size pools would it take to contain all that has been produced since records were first made? (5 pts.-2 pts. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: 4

Source: https://www.gold.org/about-gold/gold-facts


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44. Recently, his old team has been a champion in the sport, though his departure caused an accursed period of disappointment. He is known as a house builder. His father worked on drafts, and he also did work on a draft, but his draft work had a mistake. What was the error? (6 pts.-2 pts. bold, 4 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Wrong birthday

Source: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/641780


45. Every sports team needs to go through rebuilding. A turkey of a team can be the goat of the league and after personnel changes, emerge with a star roster. One soccer club transferred its youth players for money and bought what to raise to raise better players? (4 pts.-1 pt. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: Ten goats

Source: https://www.rt.com/sport/436102-turkish-football-club-goats/

46. Known for his “golden arm”, he has had what could be more saves than anyone. He has been a relief for many expecting difficulties toward the end of nine. His specialty was first used in 1967 and he is retiring after over 1100 appearances. It’s in his blood to appear and in 1999 he was awarded the highest distinction one of his kind can receive. Who is this man? (F & L) (6 pts.-3 pts. bold, 3 pts. correct answer)

Answer: James Harrison

Source: https://www.today.com/health/australian-man-donates-blood-final-time-after-saving-millions-babies-t129217
