STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy.

STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

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Page 1: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy


• The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy.

Page 2: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy Transformations1.When energy is converted from one form to another, an energy transformation has occurred.

2. Energy is transferred when it moves from one object to another.

The sun gets its energy from the atoms inside it. The sun is the source of almost all the energy on earth.

The tiny animals get their energy from plants, which get their energy from the sun.

Fuel’s chemical energy comes from decomposed micro-organisms that lived in the sea

The car’s moving energy comes from burning fuel.

Page 3: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy Conservation

• The statement that energy can be transformed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed is called the law of conservation of energy.

• The total amount of energy in the universe does not change, but it can change forms.

Page 4: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy Conservation

• The energy transformations that occur on a roller coaster include the change from kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy as you travel to the top of a big hill and from gravitational potential to kinetic energy as you descent the hill.

Page 5: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy Conservation

• The energy transformations that occur in the human body include the transformation of chemical energy in the bonds in molecules of the food people eat into energy for movement, temperature control, and other life processes.

• Plants carry out photosynthesis in this process, the plants change radiant energy from the Sun into chemical energy in molecular bonds

Page 6: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy Conservation

• A. With time and pressure, ancient plants that had been buried under sediments turned into fossil fuels.

• B. When fossil fuels are burned in power plants, the chemical energy in the molecules of the plants is transformed into electric energy people use in schools and their homes.

Page 7: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy Transformation Diagram

Electrical energy

Mechanical energy

Thermal energy

Page 8: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy and Work

• The transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object or a particle move is called work.

• A(n) force is a push or pull; if you move an object, the object gains kinetic energy because if is moving; it may also gain gravitational potential energy, depending on its position.

Page 9: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy and Work

• If you hold an object in place, you are not doing work on an object; to do work on an object, the object must move in the direction of the force.

• The amount of work done on an object depends on the size of the force applied to the object, the greater the force, the more work done.

Page 10: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy and Work

• The amount of work done on an object depends on the distance the object moves during the time the force is applied to the object.

Page 11: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Name that energy form!SAMPLE 1 SAMPLE 2


-The ball is less dense than the water, so the water pushes the ball back to the surface.

-The electrons in the magnet are attracted to the iron in the paperclip. -This attractions pulls the paperclip to the magnet.

- Striking the tuning fork causes air molecules to bounce between the two forks. This creates sound and moves the ping pong ball.

-The dish soap causes the fat in the milk to break down and move away from the other fat particles.

-The food coloring lets us see the movement caused by the reaction between the soap and the fat.

Page 12: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy

Energy Transformation StationsSAMPLE 1 SAMPLE 2


Your hand transferred moving or mechanical energy to the ping pong ball.

Mechanical to Mechanical

-The magnet pulls the paperclip towards it, using electromagnetic energy to move the paperclip (which becomes mechanical energy) .

Electromagnet to Mechanical

-Sound is a form of mechanical energy because it is produced by moving air particles.

Mechanical to Sound

-The dish soap broke down the bonds in the milk, causing it to move.

Chemical to Mechanical

Page 13: STARTER The battery is an example of ____________ type of energy


All of the following are involved in the energy transformations within a flashlight EXCEPT —A electrical energy.B light energy.C chemical energy.D solar energy.