Starter Read the statement below and agree or disagree and explain why. In a democracy, individuals and groups have the right to use any means to protest

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KWL Chart: Revolutionary War K – What you Know about the Revolutionary War W – What you want to know L – What you have learned (to be filled out at a later time)

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starter Read the statement below and agree or disagree and explain why. In a democracy, individuals and groups have the right to use any means to protest taxes and laws that they think are unfair. KWL Chart: Revolutionary War
K What you Know about the Revolutionary War W What you want to know L What you have learned (to be filled out at a later time) The Revolutionary War Begins I. Tea Act British Taxed Tea
Sons of Liberty:group of colonists fighting British rule led by Sam Adams Taxation without representation A. Boston Tea Party Colonists dressed in Indian attire
Dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor Colonists supported the rebels and they became heroes B. Intolerable Acts Passed by Great Brit. To punish Boston
1) closed Boston port until tea was paid for 2) Not allowed to hold town meetings 3) Royal officials charged with crimes in Mass. could be tried in Great Britain 4) Tougher Quartering Act II. Other Acts Townshend Acts Writs of assistance officials could search home for smuggled goods w/o a search warrant Quartering Acts Tea Act Intolerable Act Quebec Act Starter: When you hear the word Massacre, what images come to your mind? III. Colonial Response A. Boston Massacre Colonists were throwing snowballs at groups of British soldiers Riot followed Soldiers fired into the crowd killing 5 Soldiers got off with a light sentence Committees of Correspondence spread the news of British injustices B. First Continental Congress
Discuss their problems with the king NOT a lawmaking body Declaration of Resolves loyalty to Britain but colonists were British subjects as well Formed the Minutemen colonial soldiers Lexington and Concord British General Gage wanted military supplies in Concord Patriots were prepared Paul Revere William Dawes Samuel Prescott Lexington Concord 70 minutemen were prepared
British and colonist met in Lexington The Shot Heard Round the World British went there for military supplies 100s of minutemen British retreated British lost Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill look at the statistics below
British troops 2,200Am. Troops-3,200 G.B. losses Am losses- 441 Calculate the percentage of losses from the total number of troops The British general said it was a dear bought victory In 2 to 3 sentences tell me what he meant by this. Battle for Boston Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill looked over Boston Harbor British took both hills but had 1054 deaths compared to 450 American Declaring Independence
Section 2 I. 2nd Continental Congress
Attitudes still mixed on Loyalty to the crown Estab. Continental Army George Washington General II. Olive Branch Petition
Colonist loyal to King George III and wanted to end the conflict King rejected King sent Hessian mercenaries Hired soldiers from Germany to defeat Americans Declaration of Independence III.The People A. Patrick Henry Give me Liberty or Give me death
In both Continental Congresses Speaker in favor of Revolution B.Thomas Paine Wrote Common Sense pamphlet asking for support for Revolution Helped organize a mob into a movement IV. Declaration of Independence
Written by Thomas Jefferson July 4 officiallyadopted the D.O.I. Purpose:To gather support for Independence, and state King Georges Wrong doings A. Reaction to Independence
Patriots: singing and rejoicing Loyalists (Tories) : those loyal to England, scared and opposed the Declaration Women:A hope for more political opportunity (Abigail Adams) Review Who were the minutemen? What did the Quartering Act say?
What happened during the Boston Tea Party? What did British do after the party? Who wrote the D.O.I.? Who wrote Common Sense?