1 Large drops of rain fell from the sky, creating sheets of water on the ground. The trees slurped up the water quickly as the birds found shelter under their budding branches. Matt and Matilda looked out the car window. Both noticed the stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming flowers and the gray spring sky. Matt and Matilda often have similar thoughts without even knowing it. Things like that happen when you are a twin.

stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt

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Page 1: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt


Large drops of rain fell from the sky, creating sheets of water on the ground. The trees slurped up the water quickly as the birds found shelter under their budding branches.

Matt and Matilda looked out the car window. Both noticed the stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming flowers and the gray spring sky. Matt and Matilda often have similar thoughts without even knowing it. Things like that happen when you are a twin.

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When you are a twin you share the same birthday, the same classes, and the same relatives. Aunt Dramada is the favorite relative of Matt and Matilda. As they approached Aunt Dramada’s creaky old house, with its tall windows and large iron fence, they both wished this would be a day of fun. Instead they anticipated a day of work.

The car rolled to a stop by the front porch. Their dad turned around to the two of them and said, “You have a big science fair project due next week. Your aunt is an astronomer. With her help I know you can do well on this assignment.”

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Aunt Dramada swung open the front door before Matilda could ring the chiming doorbell, but Matilda rang it anyway as she walked inside. They all laughed, hugged, and said “hello” and waited for the loud, ringing melody to end.

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“So, what do you kids need help with?” Aunt Dramada asked.

“We have a science fair project due next week and we are stuck!” Matt said.

“We have to make a 3D model of the relationship between the Earth and the Sun.” Matilda explained.

“The catch is that the model must show the relationship between the Earth and the Sun for an entire year.” Matt added.

“Not to worry kids! I know I can help you with this. I think we can find things to create your model in the attic. Let’s go!” said Aunt Dramada.

Matt and Matilda bolted to the large wooden, winding staircase leading upstairs.

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The two walked quickly down the long, dark hallway past old paintings of their ancestors, toward the attic door. Aunt Dramada often told the twins stories about the ancestors in those paintings.

As Aunt Dramada pushed open the squeaky door a damp musty smell filled the hall around them. With the flick of a light switch, a tall staircase came into view and they all began to climb. The twins were amazed by what they saw at the top!

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Despite the musty smell and the dust in the air, the attic was an adventurous place. There were dusty boxes and old trunks lining the walls. Books and trinkets filled the shelves. There was a calendar that hung next to the only window. It said “APRIL” in big letters and reminded Matilda there were only two months left of school.

Aunt Dramada walked over to the window. Opening it she said, “There. This should get some fresh air in here.”

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“Look Matilda! There’s a globe over on that bookshelf!” Matt said pointing.

“That would be perfect as the Earth in our model!” Matilda exclaimed. “May we use it?”

“Sure you may use it! Just be careful with it. It is an old, special globe that I remember playing with when I was about your age.” explained Aunt Dramada.

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“Thanks!” said Matt. “One less thing we have to find!” He brought it over by the window to take a closer look.

“You can search around up here and take whatever you need for your project. I’m going to the store to get something for dinner. I will help you when I get back. Try not to get too distracted while I am gone, your parents are counting on me to help out.” Aunt Dramada said.

“We won’t get distracted!” Matt and Matilda proclaimed.

Aunt Dramada smiled at them knowingly. She turned and walked down the creaky steps.

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As soon as Aunt Dramada closed the attic door, Matt and Matilda inspected the unique globe they had found. “You can feel all the mountains!” Matilda pointed out.

There were mountains, valleys, and other landforms carved into the globe on each continent. Matt ran his finger over the continents on the globe to feel the landforms. He also ran his finger over the oceans. When he pulled his hand away from the globe he was stunned to feel his finger was wet. “Touch the water!” he timidly whispered to Matilda.

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Matilda ran her finger over the oceans then pulled her hand away. She sat shocked and motionless for a minute. Finally she smiled and said, “We are going to have the best science fair project. Aunt Dramada is right, this globe is special!”

“This is so unbelievable!” Matt exclaimed. “Let’s see what else we can find for our project.” Before getting up, the twins poked the blue part of the globe at the same time. They knew they were not imagining things when they saw two small drops of water splash on the dusty floor.

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Matt began rummaging through old trunks. He came across a trunk full of old costumes. “Come see this!” Matt called out. Matilda and Matt laughed as they pulled out articles of clothing and held them up to themselves. Matt pulled a wig out of the trunk and a sparkle caught his eye.

“Look at what I found!” he said. “It’s a disco ball. I bet we can use this in our project!”

“I think it would be perfect as the Sun for our model. Good find! Put it by the window with the globe.” said Matilda.

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Matilda began looking through drawers of the antique furniture. One bookshelf was stacked with black and white photos. One dresser was filled with old baseball cards. The next dresser Matilda went through was full of Christmas tree ornaments. At the top of one drawer was a glittery plastic star ornament. “I found something to use for Polaris!” Matilda proudly exclaimed.

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“You found something to use for what?” Matt asked.

“Polaris, the North Star, silly. It is the star that is always directly above the North Pole, far off in outer space. As the Earth turns on its axis, the stars above us seem to move. Since Polaris is above the North Pole, it does not change position in the sky. Sailors use the North Star to help them navigate because it is a reliable guide.”

“Oh, I knew that.” Matt mumbled. “Do we need anything else?” he asked.

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“Yes. We need something sturdy to put it all on.” she answered. Matilda brought the star ornament over to their other project supplies.

Matt thought for a moment and said, “We need to find something round like the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.” The twins went searching again. Everything round they found was too small. The two flopped on a couch by the window and sighed in frustration. They were so close to creating their model, if only they could find something to put it on!

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Suddenly Matt jumped up and darted to a back corner of the attic. He hovered over a round, white table that was just the perfect size to hold the items for their model. “This will work.” he said as he carried it over to the window. “The Sun is the center of our solar system. We should start by putting the Sun in the middle of the table.” Matt responded. Matilda picked up the disco ball and placed it in the center of the table. “There!” she exclaimed.

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Matt picked up the glittery plastic star ornament. “How are we going to attach this to our model?” he wondered out loud.

“That’s a good question. I think we should hang it from this hook for now.” Matilda answered as she pointed out a bent nail sticking out of the wall. “We will figure out a better setup when the model is complete.” she added.

Matt hung the star up and stood back to admire the model they started.

“Now we just need the Earth.” he said. “Should we mark where we live on the globe before we add it to our model?”

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Matilda scanned the room and noticed there were two push pins holding up the calendar by the window. “Yes. Let’s use this.” she said as she pulled the extra push pin out of the wall. Matt took the pin from Matilda and pushed it into the special globe over the area they live. He then picked up the globe and put it on the round table between the Sun and Polaris.

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Suddenly the room started to spin. Matt and Matilda were thrown back on the couch from the force. A cold wind swept through the window and created a dust cloud around them. The pages of the calendar shuffled with the breeze.

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The twins sat wide-eyed and frozen starring at each other until the spinning stopped. When the dust cloud cleared, the two saw snow falling outside the window. Large snowflakes glistened in the moonlight. The glow of the moon and the stars replaced the cloudy early evening sky that was blanketing the Earth only minutes before. The calendar, which had just displayed “APRIL”, now displayed “DECEMBER”.

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“What happened?” Matt asked his sister in disbelief.

“I don’t know, but it’s a blizzard out there!” Matilda responded.

The twins sat next to the window with their noses pressed against the screen. All the children in Aunt Dramada’s neighborhood were bundled up, running and squealing outside. One boy was even making a snowman. The ground, including the flower bed, was now covered in snow.

“What are we going to do about all this snow?” Matilda asked with concern.

“I don’t know, but we had better fix this mess before Aunt Dramada gets home.” Matt answered.

“Everything changed when you put the globe on the table.” Matilda said. “Let’s see what happens if we move it.”

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“No!” Matt shouted.

It was too late. Matilda had already picked up the globe and moved it to the other side of the table. The twins grabbed onto each other and closed their eyes. To their disappointment, nothing changed. Cold air still whirled in through the window and snow still poured from the sky.

“I guess nothing will happen.” Matilda said, answering her own question.

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“This can’t be right. We should look at our model for clues.” suggested Matt.

After they looked at their model for a minute, Matt interrupted the silence. “You said the North Pole always points to Polaris. Do you think we should turn the globe so Polaris is above the North Pole?” asked Matt.

“Go ahead. It is worth a try.” agreed Matilda.

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Matt winced with uncertainty as he reached for the globe and turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt fell back onto the couch. Hot air came tearing through the window, and once again the dust in the attic whirled into a blinding cloud. Matt and Matilda saw the calendar pages blowing in the wind, then closed their eyes until the spinning stopped.

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When the wind subsided and the dust cleared, the twins jumped up to look out of the window. The sky no longer held the moon. Instead the sky was a bright, beautiful blue. The only evidence of the blizzard was the pile of snowman accessories on the neighbor’s lawn. Instead of snow boots and scarves, the children were now wearing swim suits and running through sprinklers. Matt and Matilda both noticed the calendar now displayed “JULY.”

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“I can’t figure out what’s going on!” exclaimed Matilda with confusion.

“I think I see a pattern!” proclaimed Matt. “Look at where we live on the globe. The calendar says July and it’s hot outside. This must be how the Earth looks in orbit when it’s July. The push pin is pointing directly at the Sun.” he continued.

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“I think I understand!” Matilda announced proudly. “When the globe was on the opposite side of the table, the calendar said December and it was cold outside. The push pin was pointing up and away from the Sun so we were getting less light and heat. That must be where Earth is in orbit in December.” She explained.

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Matt and Matilda gave each other a high five and a smile. “We should label the months on the table the way the Earth moves through them in it’s orbit.” Matilda said as she reached into her book bag to get markers. Matt nodded in agreement as he took a marker from Matilda. He then helped his sister write the months around the outside of the table.

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“We should really check our work like our teachers tell us to.” Matt said with a smirk.

“I think you’re right.” said Matilda with a snicker. “I’m getting really hot, how about we change it to a fall month?” she asked.

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The two picked up the globe and moved it to the part of the table labeled October. Before setting the globe down, they made sure the North Pole and Polaris were lined up. Just as before, the room started to spin. Cooler air rushed through the window and leaves of all colors rushed past the window screen. Dust clouded around them again. The twins, not as scared this time, waited until the spinning stopped to run to the window.

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“I think we got it right! The calendar shows October!” Matt confirmed.

“I think so, too.” agreed Matilda as they watched the neighborhood children raking piles of leaves to jump in. “The air feels so much cooler now. The Earth’s tilt on its axis is parallel with the Sun in our model. That means we aren’t pointing toward the Sun like in the summer, and we aren’t pointing away from the Sun like in the winter. We are in between and the temperature is also in between.” said Matilda.

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Matt popped up quickly. “We had better fix the weather soon. Aunt Dramada will be back any minute and we don’t want her to see the mess we made!” Matt reminded his sister.

“Okay.” Matilda said. “We should move the globe to where it says “April” on the table. I hope all of the leaves disappear and the buds on the trees and flowers reappear.”

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The two picked up the globe, moved it to “April”, lined up the North Pole and Polaris, and set it down. As the globe touched the table, and the room began to spin. The calendar pages flapped against the wall. As the spinning stopped, the calendar shuffled to show “APRIL”. Outside the sky was again a misty gray. The snow, leaves, and sprinklers were gone. As the twins heard the front door creak open and shut, they jumped up to their feet. “Aunt Dramada is home!” they said at the same time.

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“Do you think she saw anything?” Matilda asked in a whisper.

“I don’t know, but we are going to find out!” Matt whispered back. The door knob to the attic squeaked as Aunt Dramada turned it and started up the noisy stairs. Matt and Matilda stood on either side of the model and tried to act normally as their aunt came in to view.

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“Look what you two have done!” exclaimed Aunt Dramada. The twins swallowed hard and waited for what was to come next. She continued, “This project looks fantastic! It seems that you did not need my help after all.”

“Thank you!” the twins replied, smiling with relief.

“Dinner will be ready soon. You kids should clean up and come eat.” Aunt Dramada instructed. Before she went down the stairs, she turned to the twins with a mischievous smile and said, “I see you had fun with the globe.”

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Before the twins could muster up a response, Aunt Dramada brushed a fall leaf off of her shoulder and walked away.

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About the Authors:

Aleya Littleton

Aleya Littleton is the Formal Education Coordinator for the Solar Dynamics Observatory. She works at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland making things for students

and teachers, visiting classrooms, blowing things up, and getting messy - for science! She is a former middle school teacher, having taught in Pennsylvania and Florida. When she has spare time you can find her climbing rocks and planning adventures and world domination

Ali Houpt

Ali Houpt proclaimed as a little girl that she would one day grow up to be a teacher and a writer. She currently teaches sixth grade at South Mountain Middle School in Allentown Pennsylvania, where she also resides. Ali lives with her husband, Tim, several pet turtles, and a cat named Sweetie Pie (who she taught to give kisses) When Ali is not teaching or writing, you can find her doing a variety of crafts or fishing with her husband.

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About the Illustrator:

Jessica Bastidas

Jessica Bastidas is an aspiring children’s book illustrator, Adventure in the Attic is her first published collection of illustrations. She is currently a Senior Visual Art major at the Lehigh Charter High School for the Performing Arts. When not drawing or involved

with another project, which is rate, Jessica divides her time between mixed martial art, her friends, and family.

For my models Tanner and Lisa and with special thanks to my family and art teachers.

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About the Mission:

The Solar Dynamics Observatory


SDO is the most advanced spacecraft ever designed to study the sun and it’s dynamic behavior. it is providing better quality, more comprehensive data faster than any NASA spacecraft currently studying the sun and it’s processes. SDO will unlock the secrets of how our nearest start sustains life on earth, affects the planets of our solar system and beyond. To learn more about SDO visit http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov

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Concept Enhancement Lesson Plan

Adventure in the Attic

Objectives:1. Students will be able to explain what causes Earth to have seasons.2. Student will be able to explain that when it’s summer in the northern hemisphere, it’s winter in the

southern hemisphere.

Vocabulary:Season: Each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth’s changing position with regard to the Sun.Northern Hemisphere: The half of the earth that is north of the equator.Southern Hemisphere: The half of the earth that is south of the equator.

Estimates Shared Reading Time: 20 minutes.

National Science Standards:Content Standard D: As a result of their activities in grades K-4, all students should develop an understanding of objects in the sky: The Sun provides light and heat necessary to maintain the temperature of Earth. Changes in Earth and sky: Objects in the sky have patterns of movement

Content Standard D: As a result of their activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop an understanding of Earth in the solar system: Seasons result from variations in the amount of the sun’s energy hitting the surface, due to the tilt of the earth’s rotation on its axis and the length of the day.

Background Information:The seasons on Earth are caused by the tilt of Earth on its axis, which is approximately 23.5 degrees. Earth’s axis is tilted towards the North Star and remains in that inclination throughout the year. As Earth revolves around the Sun its axis is continually tilted in the same direction. If you extended the line of the axis into space it would touch Polaris, or the North Star. As Earth rotates around its axis Polaris appears to remain in the same place while all the stars rotate around it. For half of the year the Sun’s rays shine directly on the northern hemisphere, and for the other half, on the southern hemisphere. Because of Earth’s spherical shape, the hemisphere tilted towards the Sun receives more hours of daylight. Direct Sunlight heats Earth more than indirect light, causing one hemisphere to be warmer, and one cooler. These differences cause the seasons on earth.

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Materials:• Worksheet for each student• Desk or heat lamp• Thermometer• Watch or clock• Flashlight and• Globe for demonstration

Hands-On Activity: Reasons for the SeasonsIn this activity, students compare the seasons through identifying activities and drawing scenes in each season. Students learn that Earth heats more when the Sun is in the sky longer by comparing the temperature on thermometers left under a lamp for different lengths of time. As an extension students learn that the spherical shape of Earth causes the seasons to be opposite in each hemisphere.

Content:Begin by having students brainstorm activities and events that occur in each season.

This can be done in groups on a sheet of paper divided into four sections, or as a class where the teacher or students write on a whiteboard or poster paper. Ideas may include: Swimming in summer, school beginning in the fall, leaves turning in the fall, snow or cooler temperatures in the winter, rain in the spring, or other local activities and events.

Ask students to write down their answer to the following questions: “Why do we have different activities in different times of year? How are the seasons different?” When they are done writing their prediction, have a few students read their answers out loud.

Ask students if they notice anything about their bedtime in the summer and in the winter. Bedtime can be substituted with ride to school in the morning, or how long they can play outside, etc… After taking some answers, guide students to the observation that the Sun rises and sets later in the winter and the days are shorter. The opposite is true in the summer. Students may notice that it’s light out on their way to school in the morning when school first starts, but towards December it is dark out on their way in.

Lab Activities:Tell students they are about to do an experiment to see if daylight has anything to do with the difference between summer and winter. Ask students what kind of experiment they think would help them to tell if more hours of daylight affects temperature.

After brainstorming ideas, hand out the worksheet (Daylight and Temperature) and have students look over the procedure for the experiment. Explain that they will be recording a change in temperature with a thermometer under a lamp left on for four different amounts of time.

1. Guide students through filling out the prediction section of the worksheet, completing the statement: “The longer we leave the thermometer under the lamp, the _______________ the temperature will be.”

2. Continue the experiment by setting up a lamp over a thermometer. Be sure to measure the distance between the lamp and the thermometer, making sure that both tests occur at the same distance. Also, if the lamp is too far away it will take too long to heat up. Place it around six inches from the thermometer, depending on the intensity of the lamp.

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3. Have students work as a class or in groups, keeping time and recording the data. Record the thermometer reading once every thirty seconds. Data can be plot on a graph in front of the class as well as on student worksheets.

4. Conclude the experiment by analyzing the data students collected. Discuss what the data tells them, and how it relates to the length of day on earth. Ask to write down if their prediction was correct.

Next, get out a globe and a flashlight. Shine the flashlight on the globe and ask students to identify the side that is night and the side that is day. Tell students that Earth is tilted at a 23-degree angle. Tilt the globe, keeping the flashlight in the same orientation. Ask them if they can see a difference between the top – Northern Hemisphere, and the bottom – Southern Hemisphere. The hemisphere tilted towards the Sun will have the most light shining on it. Have students guess which season it is in that hemisphere (summer). Ask them what season it would be in the opposite hemisphere (winter). Conclude by restating that the tilt of Earth gives different amounts of light to different hemispheres, the more light, the warmer it is, the less light, the cooler it is.

Extensions:1. Create a model of the Sun and the Earth in it’s orbit like the children in the story did. Encourage the

use of creative materials in it’s construction, emphasizing labels and correct orientation. 2. Have students write a letter to a pen pal in Australia (or the US if you are in a southern hemisphere

country), talking about the current season and asking them about the weather where they are now.

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Science Comprehension Questions:

Knowledge• What is Polaris?• What is at the center of our solar system?

Application• Make a chart illustrating the relationship between the Earth and the Sun for all twelve months of

the year.• What would you use to make a 3D model of the relationship between the Earth and the Sun?

Evaluation• How would seasons be different if the Earth was not tilted on its axis? • Which season do you prefer, and why?

Reading Comprehension Questions

Knowledge• What did Matt and Matilda have to make?• Why did Matt and Matilda go to their Aunt Dramada’s house to do their project?

Application• What would you want to do if you could play with Matt and Matilda’s magic globe?• Why do you think Aunt Dramada does not say anything about the magic globe at the end of the


Evaluation• Write a lab report Matt and Matilda could turn in with their science fair project.• Write a summary of the story.

Bulletin Board Idea


Page 51: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt


Adventure in the Attic: Daylight and Temperature

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Predict: What will happen if we leave the thermometer under the lamp?

“ The longer we leave the thermometer under the lamp,the_____________ the temperature will be.”

Measure the distance from the thermometer to the lamp:_____________________


30 seconds

1 minute

1 minute 30 seconds

2 minutes

2 minutes 30 seconds

3 minutes

3 minutes 30 seconds

4 minutes

4 minutes 30 seconds

5 minutes

Page 52: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt


Adventure in the Attic: Math Connection!

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Create a bar graph showing the change in temperature over time: Don’t forget to label your graph!

On the X Axis is: _______________________

On the Y Axis is: _______________________


1. What was your beginning temperature measurement? ___________________________2. What was your ending temperature measurement? _____________________________3. How long did you record temperature measurements? __________________________4. Bonus: Write down the rate at which the temperature changed. ____________________

Page 53: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt


Adventure in the Attic:

Language Arts Connection!

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Find the following literary devices in the story. Write the sentence and the page number where you found it.





Page 54: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt


Adventure in the Attic: Story Arc!

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Describe each part of the story arc in Adventure in the Attic. Write a summary of what happens, and include page numbers where those parts of the story can be found


Rising Action


Falling action


Page 55: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt




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Page 56: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt


Elementary  Level    

Think  Scientifically  –  http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/    

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: __________________

Adventure in the Attic – Book Walk

VOCABULARY ____________ A period of the year that is characterized by certain conditions

____________ An imaginary line

from the North to the South Poles that

is tilted


Moving in a straight line

____________ Straying from a

straight line

WHAT IS THE ASSIGNMENT? In your own words, what do Matt and Matilda have to do for the science fair?

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

MATERIALS LIST: Write what the twins use to represent real life items in their project as you hear them in the story.

Real Life Item Characters Use... EARTH


PREDICTION CHART Prediction Number Question My Prediction What Happened?

1 How will Matt and Matilda start their project?

2 What do you predict is happening?

Page 57: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt


Elementary  Level    

Think  Scientifically  –  http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/    


PREDICTION CHART (Continued) 3 What do you think will

happen when Matt and Matilda move the globe to the other side?

4 How will Matt and Matilda fix their ‘mess’?

FIX THE MISTAKE! Draw the twins’ project illustrating their mistake.

Draw the twins’ project with the mistake fixed.

WHAT SEASON IS IT? Draw Matt and Matilda’s project at each step in the boxes below. Identify the season for each drawing. Write the characteristics

of the seasons Matt and Matilda are experiencing in the Northern Hemisphere. Also, identify why the season has those characteristics.



Characteristics: Why: Indirect light

Characteristics: Why: Direct light



Characteristics: Why:

Characteristics: Why:





Page 58: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt


Middle  Level    

Think  Scientifically  –  http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/    

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: __________________

Adventure in the Attic – Book Walk


Axis Direct Indirect

WHAT IS THE ASSIGNMENT? In your own words, what do Matt and Matilda have to do for the science fair?

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

MATERIALS LIST: Write what the twins use to represent real life items in their project as you hear them in the story.

Real Life Item Characters Use...

PREDICTION CHART Prediction Number Question My Prediction What Happened?

1 How will Matt and Matilda start their project?

2 What do you predict is happening?


Page 59: stark contrast between the rainbow beds of blooming ...nasareviews.strategies.org/resources/Book2_d_2.pdf · turned it to the correct position. Again the room started to spin. Matt


Middle  Level    

Think  Scientifically  –  http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/    

PREDICTION CHART (Continued) 3 What do you think

will happen when Matt and Matilda move the globe to the other side?

4 How will Matt and Matilda fix their ‘mess’?

FIX THE MISTAKE! Draw the twins’ project illustrating their mistake.

Draw the twins’ project with the mistake fixed.

WHAT SEASON IS IT? Draw Matt and Matilda’s project at each step in the boxes below. Identify the season for each drawing. Write the characteristics

of the seasons Matt and Matilda are experiencing. Also, identify why the season has those characteristics. 1- SEASON:


Characteristics: Why:

Characteristics: Why:



Characteristics: Why:

Characteristics: Why: