"STAR TREK: 2465" by Laszlo R. FIRST DRAFT 03/10/2008 Star Trek and everything related to it is Copyright of Paramount Pictures. However, this particular script is considered the writer's copyright. Reproducing or publishing this script is strictly forbidden without my permission.

STAR TREK: 2465 by Laszlo R. FIRST DRAFT 03/10/2008 · The Romulan tactical officer works her console. The screen shows the quantum torpedoes hitting HHirl's ship right on the engineering

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"STAR TREK: 2465"


Laszlo R.



Star Trek and everything related to it is Copyright ofParamount Pictures. However, this particular script isconsidered the writer's copyright. Reproducing orpublishing this script is strictly forbidden without mypermission.

Star Trek: 2465

Copyright 2008, Laszlo R.


CREDITS. The names of the cast listed in a glisteningheliotrope vortex. As the names vanish, we drop out ofthe vortex and now we realize we've been inside a phaserbeam on microscopic level. Turning to the right, thephaser beam smashes into a Romulan warbird.



(Note: we see the whole scene from the POV of CaptainMechwart)

A viewscreen showing space. A couple of Federation andRomulan ships are discernible. The bridge swimming inblurred light. We look at a Romulan woman, S'ANRA at thetactical. She looks back to us.

S'ANRAChannel open, sir.

A Romulan man, HHIRL IR'RAMNAU appears on screen. Hisface is bloody and tired. The bridge around him shaking,obviously his ship being under fire.

HHIRLSurrender! You're not gettingaway from the Romulan Empire.Never again.

MECHWARTYou'd better collect yourreason. More Federation shipsare coming. You're worsted. Dropyour shields while you stillcan.

The Romulan man disappears from the screen, which showsthe battle again. Everywhere starships and warbirds aglowor in debris. A disruptor charge hitting the Enterprise.Earth-shattering judder on the bridge. On starboard, aconsole explodes throwing the officer sitting in front ofit back to the floor.

CRUSHERDisruptor salvo fire. Theytargeted the saucer-section.

MECHWARTAll power to weapon systems!Fire at will!

The Romulan tactical officer works her console. Thescreen shows the quantum torpedoes hitting HHirl's shipright on the engineering section.

CRUSHERDirect hit. Not much time leftfor them.

MECHWARTBring us about!

The helmsman thrumming on her console. The viewscreenshows as the Enterprise turns away from the warbird whichall of a sudden blows apart. The shockwave reaches theEnterprise, causing even bigger explosions, discharges,shaking. Some officers falling from their chairs.Mechwart trying to hold on his chair from the floor,while the bridge slews.


CRUSHERThe shock-wave smashed into thesaucer. Hull breach on exteriorstarboard habitation ring.

Crusher looks at his console, then nodding 'no' to him.Mechwart falls back onto the floor a bit. Wheezing,deadbeat. Then he sees the rest of the warbirds explode.He collects himself to give the order.

The officers' voices gradually fading.

MECHWARTLet's get out of here!

CRUSHERDeflector power fluctuating.

S'ANRAStructural integrity at twenty-three percent.



A ceiling. A female voice keeps saying the same wordsgetting clearer and clearer. Slowly panning the roomuntil we get to a bed. Crumpled blanket and cushion onit.

FEMALE'S VOICE (COMM)Commander Thahm to CaptainMechwart.

Under the blanket an arm appears, not moving. Its ownergives a growly sound.

THAHMCommander Thahm to CaptainMechwart. Please reply.

The arm moves and the body parts belonging to it pushthrough the blanket. Those body parts are owned by a 30-40 old, little bit blowzy, little bit sweaty, butappearently sports-loving man, MECHWART. The Captainsearching through the floor full of clothes and stuff.Finally he finds his comm badge.

MECHWARTCall me half an hour later.

THAHMHalf an hour is one hour lateryou should've come to ourappointment. Other guests wantto have resort to the lake, too.I've been paddling here alone inthe Federation Park.

Mechwart looks at the bedside table. A transparent plateshowing the usual time and stardate.

THAHM (CONT'D)Sir, you want me to wait foryou?

The man hesitating a bit longer, then reconciling himselfto it.

MECHWARTI'm on my way.

With his morning face he stares out to the stars for amoment. Rubs his face, yawns, then heads for thebathroom.


Humans and aliens getting around everywhere. A dooropens. Mechwart leaving his room with a piece of clotheson his foot. He kicks it back into the room and sets outfor the corridor. Then he stops in front of a turboliftdoor. Behind him the bustling base populated with allkinds of species, smaller fountains, restaurants. Thelift arrives, he gets in.


A dozen of aliens standing in it already. All of them saytheir destination at the same time. They look at eachother rather perplexedly, but the lift starts.


Giant plants tower towards the artificial sky. Smallercreeks running between the rich vegetation. The half-simulated environment produces a nice summer day effect.

At the bottom of the lake a slim being swimming at anastonishing speed. Without purpose, just to swim hitherand tither for the hell of it. Then she emerges slowly,getting ashore. Two barefeet walks up to her. The fish-like woman, Commander THAHM looks up. Her scaly blue faceglitters in the syntethic sunlight.

THAHMIn the nick of time. The nextbooking is enrolled by quarterpast four. The Kvatelians aredoing a family picnic here onthe lake-side.

MECHWARTGreat. I'll call the quarantinedepartment.

THAHMThe worms in their fur are lessnoxious than their reputation.

MECHWARTFrom your point of view. Ipersonally don't feel likevegetating under glass for threeweeks, with tubes in my guts.

He looks to the right. A Kvatelian has already arrived.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Let's get over it before theyswarm out.

The Captain drops the towel from him, wearing canoe dresswith his comm badge on it. The woman crawls in a canoe,the man sits in the other one. They row up to the start.Mechwart's lousy mood is continually present.

MECHWART (CONT'D)What's the deal?

THAHMYou force a smile to your dourface.


Before or after licking yourCaptain's paddle?

THAHMDon't underestimate your firstofficer. My apparent fragilityhave made many come mucker.

MECHWARTMove your gills, not your mouth.

Said that, the man starts with a little advantage. Shefollows him agily.


Exotic plants, sun-shine, waterfalls, flower as far asthe eye can reach. While panning the landscape, two mentalk.

BAJ IZ (O.S.)You want it?

CRUSHER (O.S.)I'm afraid a little bit.

BAJ IZ (O.S.)Pull it carefully, then I'llfeel almost nothing. Trust me.

In the middle of the jungle a smaller 'jacuzzi'. Two mensitting in it, CRUSHER and BAJ IZ. Baj Iz is a bird-likecreature with colorful feathers, green, orange, violetand who knows what else. Between his arms and body he haswing-like formations, suggesting he could float in theair if a breeze holding him up there.

CRUSHERI will until I wound you.

Crusher starts pull out the molting feathers from hisback. He holds a handful of feathers.

CRUSHER (CONT'D)Baffling. How often do the Impalose their feathers?

BAJ IZEvery three years. According toearth time.

CRUSHERWe fray out a short leisure onceand even then I'm attending toyour plumage.


This kind of attending belongsto our sexual activities.

Crusher reacts to this great news with a much moreinterested face. He takes the bird round his chest.

CRUSHERScientific explanation?

BAJ IZIn breeding season we begin tolose our feathers which lure thefemales to us. By way offoreplay they ease us from ahandful of them.

Crusher looking tomfool.

CRUSHERYour knowledge about the humanrace must be quite incomplete.I'm something we call a male.

BAJ IZThat's the usual procedure. Ididn't say males can't tear atother males.

CRUSHERMy honor is amended.

(keeps tearing at him)We could rest for a shortfeathering more often. Rememberwhen we spent that much timetogether?

BAJ IZWe've been hardly spending timewith each other for two hoursnow.

CRUSHERThat's what I'm talking about.You're stooping in the engine-room and I on the bridge,correcting vectors simulated forthe greenhorn Ensigns who thrashthe helm console. Higher-levelrequirements for those berserkRomulan scum.

BAJ IZThose Romulan scum tore apartthe saucer section. The repairstook six month, not to mentiongetting the ship into her newarmor suit. And don't blame theEnsigns. They're working their

tails off to measure up to theharder requirements.

CRUSHERThe Kardun rebellion is nottheir fault.

As he talks, Baj Iz's nose and ears start bleeding. Hishead jerking around a bit.

CRUSHER (CONT'D)Crusher to sickbay. Medicalemergency.

BAJ IZ(interrupting)

No doctor. It'll cease soon.

After a couple of seconds he looks better. The jerkingstops.

CRUSHERWhat was that?

BAJ IZThe universe didn't design ourrace for unremitting toil. Mybody misinterprets overtimequite wrong. If I have tocalibrate one more armor unit,I'll shred my oath to Starfleet.

CRUSHERWe still have two days untildeparture. Lock your quarters onyou and get a good rest. Therest of the work can be done byyour team.

FEMALE VOICE (COMM)(interrupting)

Engine-room to Lieutenant BajIz.

BAJ IZMy team would need a kick intheir hindquarters.

FEMALE VOICE (COMM)Engine-room to Lieutenant BajIz. Do you hear me?

BAJ IZ(to himself)

You wish.

CRUSHERLieutenant Crusher, go ahead!

FEMALE VOICE (COMM)Sir, I was going to tellLieutenant Baj Iz we've finishedcalibrating the armor units. Thereport on the entire drive-system is on his desk as well.I've already notified CommanderS'anra.

CRUSHERThe Lieutenant will stay in beduntil departure at the doctor'sorders. I'll come down and helpyou with the other doing-upssoon.

FEMALE VOICE (COMM)For further doing-ups we've gotto shut down all non-vitalsystems on the ship.

CRUSHERDo it. Crusher out.

Suddenly the landscape simulated around them disappears.They lie on the naked holodeck floor. Crusher at a loss.

BAJ IZ(annoyed)

The power supply of the holodeckis non-vital, lunkhead.

Crusher looks at him with the most disdainful face ever.


The contest goes on. They're rowing shoulder to shoulderwhen the Captain's comm badge gives a chirp.

S'ANRA (COMM)S'anra to Mechwart.

His face reflects slight abomination. He's just about towin. He taps on his badge.

MECHWARTWhat's so urgent?



The Romulan woman talks. Behind her officers working onthe almost finished bridge. Some panels and the screenstill disassembled. Another officer standing on anantigrav, repairing something on the ceiling.

S'ANRAWe've finished the calibrationof the new shield armor.

MECHWARTReady worker. Anything else?


That's all, sir.

MECHWARTNo good overloading the ship'scomm channels for this.

The crew looking at each other. They don't say a word tothat.


Thahm arrives first. The Captain throws his paddle intothe lake.

THAHMDon't blow your stack. Youhandled that paddle like a man.

Mechwart is in everything but not in good mood. He didblow his stack.

MECHWARTHaving a good time, Commander?

Flushed with rage, he grabs the canoe, unable to look upat her. All the other guests are watching them.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Go back to the ship. They'vepatched up the armor.

Thahm turns, rows to the shore. Then stops and looksback.

THAHMIt's been six month since thetragedy. You're not the only onewho lost friends. Don't wantcompany? Write a memo.

MECHWARTPerhaps the Midean can give uptheir friends effortlessly.Humans are more complex thanthat.

Apparently she takes this remark to her heart. She turnsand spikes spring up on her blue head turning into read.

She doesn't say a word. Turns back, rowing to the shore.Mechwart stays on the lake. His comm badge chirps.

KAWASHI (COMM)Admiral Kawashi to CaptainMechwart.

Reluctantly, he answers.

MECHWARTThis is Mechwart. Go ahead.

KAWASHI (COMM)I'm waiting you in shuttlebayfifteen in thirty minutes.

MECHWARTUnderstood. Mechwart out.


The Captain, well set, in uniform, with his luggage inhis hand walks up to the bay like nothing happenedbefore. Looking around, he spots Admiral KAWASHI, about50, grey hair and beard, standing near a shuttle. Hegives a padd to an extra. The extra leaves then.

MECHWARTAdmiral, my crew thinks I'll beaboard the Enterprise in anhour.

KAWASHII've informed your crew of yourdelay. Anyway, I ordered them tothe Pluto so you won't have towaste your time crossing thesolar system.

MECHWARTI don't quite follow you.

KAWASHIThe Enterprise gets a newassignment.

While talking, they enter the shuttle. Only afterthrowing his bag into a corner, Mechwart realizes theblonde, Betazoid woman, AIEN RAVOIS in Starfleet uniform,decorated Ensign. The man is a bit surprised.

KAWASHI (CONT'D)Let me introduce Ensign AienRavois. Your new helmsman.


MECHWARTI wasn't aware of...

RAVOISYou couldn't be. I wascommissioned three hours ago. InStarfleet's judgement a Betazoidhelmsman could react faster incase of emergency.

KAWASHII've known her father for a longwhile. Besides, Professor Nurakcommended her for this post withgood grace. And a littlesupervision never hurts.

MECHWARTIf that whimsical old mansympathized with you, I have nodoubt we'll get along. Nice tomeet you.

AIENNo. For you it really isn't.


I see you don't reckon therestrictive rules for mind-reading as obligation.

KAWASHIAllow me to defend the Ensign.Fate blessed her with Alpha-level telepathic abilities.

RAVOISFate has little to do with it.My father is a politician, mymother a warp-field theorist onBetazed. The doctor forewarnedthem their daughter would havean overwhelming temperament withor without abilities.

MECHWART(not really caring)

Apparently he was right.

KAWASHI(offering to sit down)

Let's come to the point.


We see only now that so far we've bee non Earth's orbitin the main starbase. Looks more modern than the one backin the 24th century.

Panning the area from the base to the docks, whileshuttles and bees flying to their business. AlsoKawashi's shuttle flies out.


Mechwart sits one side, the Admiral and Ravois on theother. Kawashi gives the Captain a padd. He studies itfor short, then, surprised, looks at the Admiral.

KAWASHIThe USS Baranya was transportingsupply to our relay station inthe middle of the Keagon Sectorwhen sensors detected a greateramount of gamma radiation. Thetraces of the radiation led themdirectly to their doorstep wherethey ran into whole herds. Atlast we buttressed up the theorythat they're social life-formsand roam in space only fornutrition purposes.

MECHWARTI'm jumping out of my skin. Whywas it so important to tell meabout this?

KAWASHIBecause our scientists unraveledthe way they communicate. Backat that time the Enterprise-Dmade first contact with aspecimen.

MECHWARTIf I right picked it up whilesleeping back at the academy,not with a starry result.

KAWASHIThat's right. But in a hundredyears there was plenty of timefor us to analyze thatconversation pattern. Don'tthink of any complexcommunication form. Intechnological respect it's nomore than a basic exchange ofinformation. That's why we counton Ensign Ravois's plusservices.

MECHWARTWhat would be that information?

KAWASHILook at the entry 23C.

Mechwart stares at the Admiral as incomprehensibly as ifhe heard the warp theory for the first time.

MECHWARTIn case you don't clue me up ina second about the purpose ofour mission, I'll order my chiefmedic to overrule the privilegesto your rank due to paranoidbehaviour.

KAWASHIHardly. He's waiting for you inthe Gamma Quadrant. The flag-ship can't do without a chiefmedical officer.

MECHWARTI'm aware of my recent conducttowards my superiors suggestingthings about my competence, butI'm no invalid. I know what myship needs. Better than anyone.I'm getting used to the actingchief doc.

KAWASHI(with more temper)

I'm not willing to start anotherbattle of words about whathappened.

After a secod their face shows regret. They calm down.

KAWASHI (CONT'D)Praetor Deletham will sign thepeace treaty in a little while.Not even a smaller skirmishright after the peacemakingwould be to Starfleet's taste.Your mission has to do withthat, too.


The warp core is situated in an isolated cylindric place.Technicians working at full stretch. Two of themtampering with the dilithium crystal. One, HANSEN holds atricorder in his hand, the other fires a laserbeam at thecrystal.

HANSENGood. Now set it to a higherdispersion. A minute and we'redone.

An officer says somewhere: "Reactor two in the portimpulse engine burnt out. Tell the technicians on decksix..."

Another officer says somewhere: "Bring this back and tellthem to deliver us an energy-transition unit that'sactually not malfunctioning."

Finally we get to Commander Thahm working the pool-table.

THAHM(to an officer)

I'll check the deflector relays.

The console chirps under her hand. Everything seemsnormal.

THAHM (CONT'D)Right. Everything works withinnormal parameters.

Baj Iz enters. Realizing Thahm, he takes her beingofficious as a joke.

BAJ IZSurprise! Surprise!

THAHMLieutenant. They told me youwere ordered to bed.

BAJ IZDoctors and their wideknowledge. I've cured myselfwith my own method.

THAHMVery well, then. Now you cancrack jokes about my being fish-headed for keeping our Mideantechnology under control.

BAJ IZIf so, we don't need a chief-engineer here.

THAHMYou don't take me seriouslyenough. That's the very firsttime we install the propulsion-system in a nine-hundred meterlong Federation starship.

BAJ IZMaybe you want to undermine theterrible fact that we come fromthe same planet. I won't contendwith you. I don't even know whyI should.

THAHMI do not contend. I'm worriedabout the crew's security.

BAJ IZThe problem is that you don'ttake them seriously enough.Starfleet's transwarp drivedoesn't allow us to do as finecalibrations as ours, but...

THAHMThe power system of theEnterprise is based on organicprinciples, and even so it'sdangerous to combine it with ourorganic technology.

BAJ IZ(more firmly)

But as for their experience,which you can go after if youthrow a glance at some olderreports, there were severalcases when a Starfleet officer'shair fluttered at a speed ofhigher than warp ten. This isjust a test to see howcompatible the two systems are.

THAHMNice unprepared speech. With abroad accent.

BAJ IZI'll go on with the calibration.We'll depart in thirty-sixhours.

(instructing)There's a lot of things youshould keep under control on thebridge.

THAHM(in Midean: you'regoing beyond yourrank, Lieut.)

Rinikrafisekka hama nob, sobea.

BAJ IZ(in Midean: I'm not theonly one, Commander.)

Oki otiranit, tömosh.

Thahm leaves. The birdman would continue working when hishead jerks again. Little blood coming from his nose.Embarrassed, he wipes it, then goes behind a bulkhead,giving himself a hypospray. Then gets back to work likenothing happened.


The shuttle arrives at the station. Turns off for a dockembracing the Enterprise-G! That's the first time we seeit from outside! A quick pan at the ship and...


The Admiral headed for the door which just started toopen. The Captain holds him back.

MECHWARTAnd I don't want to havefamilies on board. If just halfof your suspicions prove true,the mission could hide moredanger than usually.

KAWASHII understand your worry andbelieve me everyone feels withyou and your crew. But thatwon't change the rules ofStarfleet. The family members ofthe officers serving aboard thisship are fully aware of the highrisk factor. They accepted it.

MECHWARTAbout fifty children arebustling around here. Did theyconsent to wait for death on abattle-field full of Romulansbereft of reason?


All right. I'll call theparents' attention to the factthat this mission could morehazardous, but the decision isin their hands.

Mechwart nods. The Admiral grabs his shoulder for ahandshake, then steps out of the shuttle, right in theshuttlebay of the Enterprise. The Captain talks to theair.

MECHWARTMechwart to the bridge officers.The plan has been changed. Wedepart in two hours. I expectfull readiness by that time.Briefing in thirty minutes.


Topsy-turvydom. Officers working feverishly. Someshuttles here, some shuttles there. Panels disassembled.Mechwart takes big steps.

RAVOISWait a second!

He looks at the woman running after him.

MECHWARTEnsign. What's the finalanalysis about my muddledthoughts?

With all her telepatic ability, Ravois recoils. Shedoesn't seem to have expected that question, but gives afirm answer.

RAVOISIf you don't finally let thedevil out of you, you'lljeopardize your rank. And withthat your crew.

MECHWARTSo you rate me as emotionallyfragile.

RAVOISLosing your comrades was notyour fault, just like the deedsof the rebels cannot be madeliable for the Romulan Empire.

The Captain continues for the turbolift. She follows him.They enter.



The lift starts with the usual humming and lights.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Will you follow me in thebathroom?

RAVOISI appreciate your offer, but Ihave yet to register my commbadge.

MECHWARTYou're on the Enterprise. You'vegot to learn your priorities.

RAVOISI was commissioned just now.I've already been to theEnterprise, but only to getacquainted with the helmconsole.

The lift stops. The door opens.

MECHWARTOh, well then. I'll see youon...

RAVOIS...the bridge.

MECHWARTYes, right there.

Mechwart, perplexed, stares at her with a little boy'ssmile. She turns and runs into a Gazrot. They try to geton their ways, finally they make it. The woman leaves,the Gazrot enters. The Captain keeps smiling. The alienhas no idea what's the matter with him.


The Captain steps out from the turbolift. LieutenantS'anra, the Romulan tactical officer shouts.

S'ANRACaptain on the bridge.

MECHWARTEveryone sees. I'll see you inthe obs lounge.

He goes directly to his ready room.

CRUSHERI told you it wouldn't do anygood.

S'ANRALately it's been all the samewhat we do. At the end you got awig.

CRUSHERPerhaps the occurrences in theKardun Sector and the loss ofcrewmembers are not all the samefor him. Six children lost.


What the hell are you gettingat?

All watching them.

S'ANRA (CONT'D)I was there. Fighting for theFederation against my own race.Why do Starfleet regulationsallow families to come aboard?On Romulan ships it's anabsolute interdict.

CRUSHERI was getting at the fact thatit might be hard for him to havea crack with a Romulan officernow.

S'ANRAIt doesn't seem that hard forother officers.


Futuristic skyscrapers, people hurrying to shuttles forearth transportation. A little insight in their life inthe 25th century. Then panning a huge Federation complex.


Politicians and other office-holders of all kind ofspecies bustling in the room when the Romulan PraetorDELETHAM enters. All stop talking. Listening to him. Hestands on a platform. Looks like a man in his fifties.His voice echoing the room.

DELETHAMBilire. Roj. Sochya. Peace.

He lets these words echo in the room for a second.

DELETHAM (CONT'D)So this is how it sounds when aRomulan Praetor's iteratingthese words in the complex ofthe United Federation ofPlanets. I'm completely aware

that several Federation membersin these benches take theadmission of Romulus with agrain of salt. After so manyyears, your allies are stillobsessed with fear whenever anew species gets on the list. Idon't blame you for that. It'sno different in Romulan circles.However, all scrums come to anend when we realize that fearhas to be treated as a friend,not a foe. I venture upondeclaring, even if we're stillfar away from exploring itsmotive and nature, we haveexcavated a small fragment ofit. This epiphany permits asmall fragment of perpetualenmity today to becomeunintelligible. It's presumable,tough, that this inchoativestage won't be a smoothtransition. A lot of time, maybejust about as many centurieswill pass until we getacquainted with each other'sculture and mentality for thehindrance of which the KardunRebellion has been a deterrent.That criminal act is consideredopprobrious by theRomulan...Star Union. Thismoment here and now means thefinal peace.

(a beat)My friends.

The crowd gives him standing ovation. The UFP PRESIDENTputs the contract in front of him. The Praetor signs itand shakes hands with the president.



The crew watching the Praetor signing the contract.Hurray everywhere. Also S'anra is there. Some officersshake her hand, saying things like: „Congratulations. I'mglad you made it. Have you ever though that we would..."


Panning landscapes, cities and stuff. Getting closer to amilitary building.


Romulans working or watching their Praetor sign thecontract. No hurray from any Romulan mouth. We focus onan officer with a troubled face when another enters theroom.

ROMULAN COMMANDERI hope it's urgent.

ROMULAN OFFICER 1Commander, we're getting reportsabout communicationdisturbances. We lost contactwith our stations on the orbitaltrajectory.

ROMULAN COMMANDEROur sun is sprinkling enormousjets of flame into space.

ROMULAN OFFICER 1We took the solar activity inaccount, too, but the Eisndoesn't cause that intensedisturbances. The data collectedabout the phenomenon up to noware attributable to artificialnature.

ROMULAN COMMANDERWhat about the satellites,ships?

ROMULAN OFFICER 1We've been trying, sir. Wecouldn't contact any of them.

ROMULAN COMMANDERWhat the hell are they doing upthere? Anything else to report?

ROMULAN OFFICER 1Before the disturbances gotdetectable, ships on deep-spacemissions had sent us reportsaccording to which whole planetsand star-systems were meltinginto thin air one after theafter.

ROMULAN COMMANDERDon't even say. Reason unknown.

ROMULAN OFFICER 1Correct, sir. The phenomenon'sjust starting to sneak into theAlpha and Beta Quadrant.

ROMULAN COMMANDERSend a little bit more expansivereport to Earth while we stillhave a usable sub-space channel.Let's see how cooperativeStarfleet is now that we'remembers of the Federation.

ROMULAN OFFICER 1(whispering)

Sir, having these measurementdata, there are rumours about apossible Federation conspiracy.

ROMULAN COMMANDERYou saw the contract beingsigned, didn't you?


ROMULAN COMMANDERGood. Make known to themistrustful that PraetorDeletham had to go through agreat deal of troubles until hecould push his pen against thatpiece of paper. From now onwe'll have to gear ourinterstellar politics andmilitary actions to thatarrangement. Do you understand?

ROMULAN OFFICER 1Perfectly, Commander.

ROMULAN COMMANDERVery well. Alert the Command.Keep me informed aboutinterplanetary communication,ships' sensor data, everything.Warn the Romulan colonies, aswell.

At this point there's some strong battering at the door.Officer getting closer, not knowing what it is. They openthe door. A Romulan turned into half Borg falls over thethreshold from the corridor. He's dead.

ROMULAN OFFICER 2What happened to him?

ROMULAN COMMANDERActivate planetary defensesystems. Hurry up!

Two officers sweeps away to execute the order. RomulanOfficer 1 staring at the corridor with a pale face,holding up his phaser.

ROMULAN COMMANDER (CONT'D)And you, Lieutenant...Lieutenant?

The Romulan Commander looking at the corridor now, too.More hybrids appear. Through the window, bombardment andexplosions in the Romulan city can be seen.


The Captain putting his stuff in a built-in wardrobe.Takes some clothes and finds a padd under them. Throwsthe clothes into the wardrobe and starts pressing thebuttons on that hair-thin display showing now the pictureof a young woman and a little girl. He's staring at itwith a gloomy look. The bell chirps him out of hiscontemplation which apparently makes him see red.


Commander Thahm enters. Looks around, realizing the"hell-hole".

THAHMThe subversion in your readyroom is in an astoundingparallel with your leadingcapabilities. We have largequarters.

Thahm still standing at the door. Waiting for hispermission. He beckons her in grudgingly.

MECHWARTI'd rather be close to thebridge if you allow me. Come inbefore you generatedecompression on the corridor.

The woman comes in. Looking at him like: „Now I'll giveyou what for".

MECHWART (CONT'D)You came to reinstate myaberrant morals and values withyour nippy psycho-methods?

THAHMAs your first officer, I'msupposed to inform you about theincreasing lack of trust amongthe crew.

MECHWARTThe best day ever having thiscommand! Not enough a

newenrolled helmsman reading mythoughts without permission, nowI also have you to tell me off.Do you share the crew's opinion?

THAHMIt's not quite a life-insurancewaiting orders from a desperateCaptain, let's say in anemergency situation. You'vejarred their nerves a good dealby giving them two hours forsomething they had three daysaccording to plan.

(a beat)Andrew, it's been a long time wepicked up with each other.


But even so it takes lots ofeffort for you to say you'remistrustful to your Captain.

He throws the padd back into the bag. Then getting closerto her.

MECHWART (CONT'D)The order came directly fromAdmiral Kawashi. That's all Ican say for now. But I can'thelp being seized withcuriosity.

(more formal)Why are you really here,Commander?

She won't answer. Walks up to the window, staring out tospace. He gets closer, standing behind her.

MECHWART (CONT'D)None of my officers briefs mebecause, shall we say, theyrespect the distance betweensuperior and lower-rankedofficer. Although, I madefriends with a good number ofcrewmembers back at the academy.

THAHMThe absence of the contact withmy mates forces me to reducecertain feelings. Or you knowwhat happens.

MECHWARTThat shouldn't necessarilyaffect all Midean. Theevolutionary force is born with

you. Unlike the will to changeit.

THAHMWhy should I change a billion-years-old evolutionary process?It's born with us for a reason.

MECHWARTJust like our tailbone wehaven't used for ages.

THAHMWhat you're talking about is anevolutionary process, not aquestion of will.

MECHWARTMy analogies have never been assolid as duranium. If you wantedthat change, you shouldn't runto your Captain every timeloneliness is about to swallowyou.

THAHMI'm not lonely.

MECHWARTIs it really a must playing thisout every single time? Nowyou'll say: „Why would I bealone? More than two thousandpeolpe are aboard this ship. Iwork with dozens of officersevery day." I'll say to that:„who respect you, think well ofyou, execute your orders withfull trust, but they're stillnot your kind."

THAHMI'm just trying to meet therules of human prudery. The'Igihon' is quite an intimateprocedure. Humans tend tomistake it for romanticapproach. There have been a fewmisunderstandings in the past.

MECHWARTYou said at the very beginningthere's nothing to be mistakenfor something else. Our speciesare not compatible.


And you believed it?



Mechwart and Thahm walking through the arboretum. Allkinds of earthly and alien vegetation. Huge windowsshowing space on one side. They stop by a beautifulplant.

MECHWARTNew weeds? What happened to thelast one?

THAHMThat's the last one.

MECHWARTI'm talking about the uglynesswe brought from Lirath three.

THAHMIt's the same tea-plant webrought from that jungle planet.

MECHWARTThe jungle planet is orbitingaround Lirath three and I don'trecall signing any petition.

THAHM(huddling up)

Nor do I.

MECHWARTIs there anything on this shiptaking place with my permission?

THAHMIt was subjected to thoroughexaminations in the hydroponics.It's harmless and beautiful.

MECHWARTJust wait and see! Perhaps it'llturn into a bloodthirstycarnivorous plant scarfing offour faces. So the purpose of ourwalking up an down in thearboretum is?

THAHMI had my quarters transfered inthe arboretum. I've been throughwith concocting the glop I needto preserve my skin humidity inthat small tub.

MECHWARTWhich you're absolutely notbound to tell me, either.

Thahm continues up to a pool surrounded by plants.Mechwart throws one last disgusted glance at the tea-plant and follows her. The Commander takes off heruniform an sits in the pool.


MECHWARTWe have large quarters.

He looks around if anybody watching them.

THAHMYou worry too much. No humansoul can see us here.

The Captain sits in without uniform, too. She embraceshis neck, pulling him closer.

THAHM (CONT'D)Hug me and put your hands wherehuman shoulder-blades are.

He hugs her. At this point energy starts streaming fromthe woman's hands into his body, then going back to herhands and her whole body. Energy permeates them for acouple of long seconds.

CRUSHER (COMM)(interrupting)

Crusher to Mechwart. We're readyfor departure.

He realizes Crusher's voice in a pretty numbed condition.

MECHWARTOn my way.

THAHMWell, you feel better?

MECHWARTThis method is like some drug. Ithink I'm addicted to you.


The work-bees flying away from the ship. So are sometechnicians in space-suit. The lights of the dock godead. Every system on the Enterprise gets activated. Theso far dark windows light up. The deflector turning on,

the engines rumbling up. The joints of the dock get tornfrom the ship.


All bridge officers and some extras, just the needed crewpresent, sitting at their stations. Mechwart enters andsits in his chair.

MECHWART(to S'anra)

Call the dock control.(with a kiss andfriends voice)

By the way, you're my guest fora big jug of Romulan ale.


I accept.

She works the consoles. The hailing sound goes up.

MECHWARTDock control. Permission to pullout?

MALE VOICE (COMM)Enterprise, this is dockcontrol. Permission granted. AndCaptain, no rampancy in thedock!

MECHWARTYou know me like that?

MALE VOICE (COMM)Wasn't supposed to be a joke.I'm warning you...

The Captain pushes some buttons. The transmission getsstreched, then fades out.

MECHWARTWhat? I can hardly hear you. Ourcomm channels are yet to beadjusted. Enterprise out.

The crew wearing a grin. It's their good old Captain.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Ensign Ravois, takes us out.

RAVOISAye, sir. Activating RCSthrusters.

MECHWARTI appreciate you're not tearingthe orders out of my head. Halfimpulse.

(to Thahm)Crew number?

THAHMStandard complement.

Mechwart's face goes red. The families stayed on board.

MECHWARTHelmsman, we're still in oneplace.

Ravois works her console. Some chirps following it. Nomore orders. Time to pull out!


The Enterprise sweeps out of the dock like a rocket, withan unbelievable boom. The dock structure swings due tothe wave generated by the ship's engines.


The control room shaking a bit.

DOCK OFFICER 1Stabilizers to maximum.

DOCK OFFICER 2No damage to the structuralintegrity.



RAVOISWe cleared the dockyard.

MECHWARTEngine-room, I need maximumwarp. I want to get to the givencoordinates as fast as possible.Crusher, program our destinationto the helm.

RAVOISI've already set a course, sir.

Mechwart takes notice of her 'outbursts' with boredom.

MECHWARTI see. Carry on with your work.

He nods to Crusher. He gets the hint. Checking hisconsole readouts.

CRUSHERThe course has been set dead on,sir.

MECHWARTEngine-room, maximum warp, now.

BAJ IZJust a second, Captain. I'llreadjust the intermix ratio.

THAHMNot enough time in the dock,Lieutenant?

BAJ IZ(displeased, trying tobe funny)

All is ready. The warp driveoperates at your own risk.


The nacelles of the Enterprise flash up. A white pointappears in front of the ship. The point grows into a hugetunnel and swallows the ship. (No stretch effect!)


The USS Sommerfeld, a small Federation ship swims in thenebula which embraces whole forming star-systems. Theship looks like a science ship.


A dozen of officers teeming in the lab. In the middle ofthe room there's a holo-projector showing schematics ofthe nebula and planets forming in it. A Denobulan isamong them, Captain TLAX.

TLAXShow me sector 547/3. Magnitudeone hundred.

The holo-image changes showing a more detailed scan of anarea.


The protoplanets designated b25and b26 have reached the optimalsize. Their gravitational pullhave made them go to collisioncourse.

TLAXMaintaining the actual directionand velocity, they're going tocause a considerablethunderstorm within thirtyminutes. Tlax to the bridge. Geta distance of one millionkilometers from the twoprotoplanets, then hold ourposition.


TLAX(back to scienceofficer)

What's this turbulence? Here inthis sector?

SCIENCE OFFICERUnknown, sir. We didn't detectit before.

They study the readout information. They look like theyhave no clue.

TLAXA great number of forces are atwork in such an environment, butI've never seen anything alike.As if there were somethinghacking its way through.


TLAXWe didn't pick up a warpfrequency and in a range oflight-years there's no trace ofany civilization. Just thePseron nebula. Looking at thatprocess, it'll take a fewbillion years till this medleyturns into life.

SCIENCE OFFICEROur sensors were focused on thesurrounding sectors. Theinterference is considerable.


We still have a couple of hours.Then we'll set a course for theEnterprise. Keep an eye on thatanomaly.

SCIENCE OFFICERI heard we had one hour.

TLAXYou heard it wrong.

Science officer and Tlax smiles. Then the Denobulan manleaves.


RAVOISCaptain, we'll reach thecoordinates in five minutes.

MECHWARTDon't forget to slow to impulse.


The Enterprise drops out of warp. Proceeds on impulse.Empty space around it.


CRUSHERLong-range sensors picked up M,L and O-class planets twoparsecs from here. No life-sign.

S'ANRAConfirmed. Beside the obviousexistence of those planets I'mnot registering anything.

CRUSHEROn the surface of the M-classplanet there are particleresiduals which could refer to agreat amount of energy. Adestruction of incredible sizemust have swept through it.Picking up antiproton remainsand gamma radiation.

THAHM(to Mechwart)

Bizarre as it is, at least weknow we've come to the rightplace.

MECHWARTMr. Crusher, let's scatter thosegraviton pulses. See if theysnap at them. Aien, I'd be gladif we could transmit a morecomplex message.

RAVOISI'll do my best.


The Sommerfeld forces her way through the gas and dustcloud to come to a standstill.


The crew working, pushing buttons, giving reports to eachother. Tlax sitting in his chair, looking at the screen,finishing a conversation (we don't know with whom).

TLAXTlax out.

SCIENCE OFFICER 2Message transmitted, sir.

TACTICAL OFFICERWe're one million kilometer fromthe two protoplanets. Holdingour position.

Suddenly a female voice shakes up the bridge. It's Tlax'swife. At least one of his wives.

WIFE 1 (COMM)Quarters 52 to Captain Tlax.

Tlax wearing an annoyed face mixed with fear. Pushingsome buttons on his chair console, three Denobulan womenappear on the small display.

TLAXMy one ewe lambs?

WIFE 1Forgive us. You know we're loathto disturb you while on duty.

TLAXYes, indeed. You'd given proofof that lots of times.

Tlax looks at his Science Officer 2. Although being aDenobulan, he's quite embarrassed.

WIFE 2Didn't you see somewhere Zelox'sfeeding-bottle?

TLAXI don't recall. You have areplicator. Ask the computer tomake one.

WIFE 2The replicator fabricatesgaloot. I need the one we tookwith us. That's the only bottleyour son's willing to drinkfrom.

WIFE 1(to the other wives)

How true. Humans make littleaccount of quality products.

TLAXYou can be here with me becausewe got permission from Starfleetto bring more family membersaboard ships due to theoverpopulation on Denobula.Don't abuse that kindliness andstop bothering me withbalderdash. I'm on the bridge,on duty. You'd rather pore onthe windows. Soon you'll see awonder of the universe.

Meanwhile a Bolian doctor, NOL VERACIS enters. Standsbehind Tlax's chair.

WIFE 1Balderdash? Your son's adequatenutrition is balderdash?

TLAXThat's not what I meant.

WIFE 3(to the other wives)

You know humans. They thinkthey're an enlightened species,while they're as a prude folk asa group of Denobulan snowy owls.

WIFE 1Exactly. I don't think theyshare sexual activities withmore than four participants.

WIFE 2You think so?

WIFE 3I heard so.

Tlax can't take it anymore. He deactivates the display.

VERACISIt's good to have a big family.

TLAXDoctor. Anything to report?

VERACISThree officers fainted in amess-hall. Their organism endurethe radiation around us muchworse.

TLAXWhat about the othercrewmembers?

VERACISNo further reports for now. Ishould know how long we'restaying on this part of thenebula so I can get ready for amass ailment. Wouldn't hurtsetting radiation shielding at ahigher level, either.

TLAXThere'll be no need for that. Afew other substantialmeasurements and we'llrendezvous with the Enterpriseon the edge of the nebula.


I understand.

The Captain grabs his shoulders. It really looks likethey've been friends for a long time.

TLAXI couldn't ask for a betterdoctor. Regrettably, the resultsof your medical work calls forthe post on the flag-shipdownright.

The crew turning to them.

VERACISI'll miss this ship. All of you.


So will I. You know how I hateterminal examinations.

VERACISI'll be missed for mynegligence. That would lookgreat in my evaluation.

Tlax puts a typical Denobulan ear-to-ear smile on hisface.


The three Denobulan women and two kids are in the room. Acrowing coming from the living room. The women enter andsee the little boy jumping the little girl.

WIFE 1Belix, stop that sister-jump.

The boy stops. Both sitting on the sofa.

WIFE 2Well children, what do we playtoday?


DENOBULAN GIRLWe played that all day longyesterday.

DENOBULAN BOYGet used to the male regime.

WIFE 3Like the father, like the son.

The girl shows her long tongue to the boy, then walks upto the window. The two planets are about to collide. (–-everyone aboard the ship is watching this event.)


The planets finally collide. Huge explosion. Pieces ofrocks getting torn out. At the end smaller rocks remainin the place of the two ex-protoplanet.


Flow of spirits. The crew is fascinated. Science Officer2 reports.

SCIENCE OFFICER 2Captain, the astrometricsreports they've finished themeasurements earlier thanexpected.

TLAXWell, then...

Some chirps interrupts the Captain.

SCIENCE OFFICER 2Energy readings are changing inthe surrounding area.

Tlax walks up to him. Watching the readouts.

SCIENCE OFFICER 2 (CONT'D)On the port and it's closing. Inthe farther regions our sensorsare barely feeling their waythrough the interference.

TLAXCorresponds with the frequencyof the phenomenon we registeredin the astrometrics.

(thinking)Whatever. We have no more time.Starfleet will have to order ushere again to do a more profoundinvestigation on this friendlyterritory. We're leaving thePseron Nebula. Full impulse.

VERACISI'll be on sickbay. It's thelast time I can bawl at myinferiors for their makeshiftskills.

Veracis leaves the bridge. The officers keep working.



The Denobulan girl stares out of the window. Beside thered bay nebula nothing can be seen, when all of a suddena green light (disruptor charge) approaching the ship.


WIFE 1What is it, honey?

Wife 1 goes up to the window. At the same time the chargehits the ship. The hull breaches apart. The whole familyflies out into the nebula.

Veracis marching with officers in a corridor when ananother shaking big as an earthquake finishes theinertial dampers off on that deck. The crew flyingaround, smashing into walls. Some hit the walls so hardthat all left of them are blood smudge.

The bridge shaking violently like the rest of the ship.


SCIENCE OFFICER 2Hull breach from deck seven toeight.

TLAXIsolate them!


Force-field generators failing.

TLAXDeploy armor.

(to helm)Take us out and send a distresscall to the Enterprise.

The helmsman thrumming on his console feverishly, whilethe bridge throwing people around amid the violentshakings.

TACTICAL OFFICERThe ship's hull is encumbered.It'll take...

Another hit cuts the Tactical Officer's report.



The ship's hull getting covered with the armor unitsgradually. It only reaches half the saucer when anotherdisruptor charge heads for the ship. The armor unitsunable to build up on the wrecked hull parts. Theycrackle back and forth, activated then deactivated.

INCLUDING VIEWSCREEN: Tlax sees a bigger asteroid on it.

TLAXBring us under that piece ofrock.

The Sommerfeld slowly hiding under an asteroid, at thebottom of a crater in it.

TLAX (CONT'D)Damage report.

SCIENCE OFFICER 2(reading incomingreports)

Force-fields activated in thecritical sections. Decompressionhas been neutralized on decknine. Damage control teams ontheir way. Artificial gravityoffline on deck six. Casualtyreports coming in.

(a beat)Fifty-nine.

TLAXDo we have energy to deploy thefull armor?

TACTICAL OFFICERBarely enough for partialactivation. We must decide whichpart of the ship we let thempound.

(console signaling)They've found us. Brace forimpact.

TLAXDeploy ventral armor.

The armor units flip up on the ventral part of the ship,but the disruptor charge hits the edge of the crater, notthe ship. The explosion tears down a considerable amountof matter from the crater, covering the dorsal part ofthe Sommerfeld.

On the bridge, violent shaking as never before. The crewtrying to hold on something.

TLAX (CONT'D)We've got to get out of thenebula.

The Sommerfeld sinks from under the crater, heading forthe 'exit'. A direct hit pierces the stardrive sectionwhere not covered. Another hit blows that section off theship.

On the bridge, total chaos. Discharges coming from theconsoles. An explosion throws back Science Officer 2right onto Captain Tlax.

The saucer section of the Sommerfeld drifting out of thenebula until reaching space to some extent.


All watching the viewscreen except Crusher working hisconsole. The bridge covered with a soft violet lightwhich suddenly disappears. Normal lightning on the bridgeagain.


At the bow of the Enterprise the same violet lightilluminating her hull, but unidentifiable what it is. Allat once it sweeps away from the ship.


CRUSHERThe exchange of information hasbeen successful.

(to himself)I hope.

MECHWARTThe Admiral didn't promise morethan a yes-or-no basedconversation.

RAVOISWe've achieved far more thanthat. The being understood theessence of our message.

Console signaling a transmission to the Romulan woman.She reacts.

S'ANRACaptain, we're receiving asubspace transmission from theSommerfeld. From Captain Tlaxpersonally with a delay of a fewhours.

MECHWARTOn screen.

Tlax appears on the holo-screen. (it's the message whoseend we heard from Tlax himself on the Sommerfeld.)

TLAXThis is a one-way transmissionfor Captain Andrew Mechwart.We're swimming in a post-accretion broth of proto-planets

right now. Until my next callyou'll get a little spare-time.Tlax out.

The viewscreen switches to space again.

S'ANRAEnd of transmission. What wasthis good for?

MECHWARTIt's his way to tell us he findsthe planet formations they'reexamining more interesting thanexpected. Originally he took upplanetology.

THAHMWhat made him get to theCaptain's chair?

MECHWARTIn contrast with the Mideansociety, humans don't alwaysreach the final goal.

THAHMFrom us it's expected to followour ambition. Throughout thecenturies we noticed that ifeveryone chooses a profession totheir liking, our society worksmore efficiently. This being hisdevout, he should improvehimself in that range ofinterest to assist theFederation in a more wholesomeway.

MECHWARTThere's no need to overdramatizeit. He's one of the bestCaptains I've ever seen.

THAHMAs I pointed out. On our planetit's an expectation. CaptainTlax missed his vocation, whichshould be corrected at once.

Mechwart gives up arguing with her. Ravois takes theliberty to ask.

RAVOISCaptain. Would you enlighten meupon an eventual coursecorrection or the deferment ofit?

MECHWART(pulling Ravois's leg)

Verbal inquiry. Now I'mcompelled to answer.

THAHMThe crew had been slaving overthe last six month. Recreationfor a few hours won't hurt.

MECHWARTHowever enticing the idea is,we're on a mission.

THAHMYou mean the part you can't talkabout.

The Captain looking at her reprovingly.

MECHWART(to Ravois)

Ensign, it's to be regretted butwe must cross Captain Tlax'splans.

RAVOIS(smiling; sitting back)

Aye, sir.

MECHWARTSet a course. Our destination isthe Pseron nebula in the GammaQuadrant. Engine-room.

(interjecting to Thahm)I don't even dare say it.

(to engine-room)Maximum transwarp.


Technicians running to their posts. Officers working asusual. Baj Iz at the pool-table.

BAJ IZUnderstood. We're bracing up thesails.

(to crew)All right, people, yourattention please. We're startingthe transwarp drive. Watch thefluctuations and give an eye tothe cronoton-injected bio-neuralpackages. I don't think I haveto remind you our blunder lasttime and I don't want to drop

back to normal space beforeorder comes in.

(pushing buttons;looking at an officer)

Looks good. Baj Iz to bridge.The engine-room gives the greenlight.


CRUSHERConfirmed, sir. Transwarp energyreadings are nominal.

MECHWART(to Ravois)

Be so kind, Ensign.

She works her console. Some more chirps.


The ship's hull gets covered with blue energy stream. Atunnel opens pulling in the ship.


The Enterprise flying in a bluish tunnel. Looksmagnificent.



The bridge crew shaking a little bit. The viewscreenshows the transwarp conduit which drives the ship with anunbelievable speed. The officers monitoring the flightwith increased attention when the ship lurches.


CRUSHERStructural integrity at 94.3percent and constantlydecreasing.

S'ANRAThe armor is ready. It can beraised any time.

MECHWARTMechwart to engine-room. Ouroperations officer says the

ship's falling apart and wehaven't even entered theanteroom.

Crusher giving a strange look to the Captain. Obviouslyhe didn't say in that way.

BAJ IZThe operations officers iscamping it up. I'm trying topump more power into thedeflector to stabilize thequantum fluctuation, and then wecan rush into the living room.


Lieutenant, get your hand offthe warp energy. Draw some fromthe armor units.

S'ANRAThen we won't be able toraise...

MECHWARTIf the ship stays in one piece,we don't need it. After slowingto normal space, you'll get yourarmor back.

S'ANRA(with defiance)


THAHM(to S'anra)

I'm sorry Commander, but I dohave a greater knowledge of ourown technology.


I told you it's all right, sir.

The Romulan woman keeps thrumming on her console.

BAJ IZYou heard the Commander, Ladiesand Gents. Hansen, draw someenergy from the dorsal units.

Hansen goes up to a wall console. Working it.

HANSENEnergy transfer complete, sir.


Very well. Transferring energyinto the deflector...now.

Smaller shaking aboard the ship. The reactor drivesplasma in a much smoother way then before.

CRUSHERStructural integrity at 97percent.

MECHWARTHelmsman. Prepare for the seconddomain.

RAVOISAye, sir. Bridge to engine-room...

BAJ IZI heard it. All is ready, butwatch the course-compensation.Back in the dock wereconfigurated the dilithiummatrix. She could shoot ahead bychance and there could be someexcursion, too. It's basically ashakedown.

MECHWARTThen basically you could be thepivot of the crew, Ensign.

Ravois gets down to work the console. The ship lurchesquite a bit, but not in a dangerous way.

RAVOISTranswarp speed at seven-teenand increasing. Eight-teen,nine-teen...

CRUSHERAttention. We're getting intothe second domain in four,three, two, one...

The bridge shudders. Crew holding on.


The Enterprise shoots ahead a great deal like a rocket.


CRUSHERTranswarp velocity at twenty-oneand constant.

MECHWARTYou've just got a two-week shoreleave, Baj Iz.


Smaller hurrays in the background. Baj Iz checking thereadouts.

BAJ IZStructural integrity field atninety-six percent and stable.I'll pin you down to yourpromise, Captain.


The Sommerfeld drifting without her stardrive sectionbetween clear space at the edge of nebula. Her saucer isheavily damaged, but more or less in one piece, coveredby a green light which sweeps back and forth on her hull.(We don't see what ship it is, just the beam.)


Schematics of a transwarp tunnel flashing on aholographic display. The Enterprise within it. A greyhead makes a hastily move.


The green light stops analyzing the Sommerfeld. The yetunseen ship gives a murmuring noise and flies back intothe nebula.


The Enterprise drops out of transwarp. Panning space asthe ship proceeds. In front of her the nebula. Meanwhilewe hear the Captain's voice.

MECHWART (V.O.)Captain's log. Stardate142152.3. After this somewhatjolting transwarp jump we sloweddown to impulse in the GammaQuadrant. Our Starfleetscientists are free to set theirhearts at rest. The Mideantranswarp technology provedcompatible with our drive-system, which could get theconcept of deep-space

exploration to take on a newlease of life. If the MideanGovernment yields consent to along-term cooperation, indeedjust the sky will be the limitto our destinations.


The crew working. Being happy with the result.

MECHWARTFind the Sommerfeld. I alreadysee Tlax's face when...

S'ANRASir, I'm getting a distress callfrom the Sommerfeld.

MECHWART(getting serious)



No response.

MECHWARTLocalize them.

CRUSHERThey're about eighty-thousandkilometers from here. I'm givingyou the exact coordinates.

The Romulan woman's console chirps. Mechwart sees S'anrabe upset. He walks up to her, looking at the tacticalconsole.

S'ANRALook at that.

MECHWARTOh my God. Put it on the screen.

The screen shows the little ship drifting. Barelyresembling her former self. Looks more like a huge pieceof debris. On the open parts, burning corridors, somecrewmember in space.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Red alert! Scan for enemy ships.Stand by shields.

S'ANRAType of enemy ship, sir?


The crew petrified. Then getting back to work.

S'ANRAAye, sir.

THAHMIn areas protected by theirarmor I'm reading faint life-signs.

MECHWARTBridge to transporter room four.Beam out the survivors. Use alltransporters if you have to.Sickbay, casualties coming in.

MEDICAL OFFICER (COMM)The sickbay is ready, sir.

TRANSPORTER OFFICER (COMM)Captain, their armor'sactivating and deactivatingdesultorily on the ship's hull.Energy fluctuations aredisturbing an exact lock-on.

MECHWARTCrusher, scratch their prefixcode out of the computer.

CRUSHERI'm on it.

Crusher working hard, but that's not enough to theCaptain.

MECHWARTCommon! They don't have muchtime.

CRUSHERGot it! Sending the code.

(console signal)System break-up successful.Getting the armor down.

MECHWARTTransporter room. Can you lockon them?



Energy increasing in the impulsereactors of the Sommerfeld.

MECHWART(to Ravois)

When we got them...


I'll take the ship to a safedistance. Aye, sir.


Veracis trying to struggle on his feet, but can hardlymove his arms and legs. Around him officers soaking withblood. The walls are about to collapse while someofficers disappear in the transporter beam of theEnterprise. A beam locking on Veracis when a biggerdischarge causes explosions on the corridor, swallowinghis colleagues lying there helplessly. Before vanishing,Veracis shouts with pain and the obvious loss. He's safenow. The corridors coming down revealing space.


The Enterprise gains distance from the ship.


CRUSHERReactor implosion in fiveseconds. We're too close.

MECHWARTFull impulse.

S'ANRAI'm raising armor.


The stardrive section the rear part of the saucer getscovered by the armor plates. The Sommerfeld explodes. Herdebris hit against the hull of the Enterprise.


Compared to the destruction, small shaking on the bridge.


The Sommerfeld has beendestroyed.

S'ANRAThe debris didn't cause damageto the Enterprise.

MECHWARTArmor down. All engines stop.

(to Crusher)How many?

CRUSHERThirty-two out of four-hundredfifty.

The crew in dead silence. A moment of mourning.

CRUSHER (CONT'D)Most parts of the ship were onfire. It was just the saucerdrifting there.

MECHWART(thinking for a sec)

Keep up red alert. Build upstandard shields. Crusher,S'anra, Thahm, find out whathappened. I'm on sickbay.

Headed for the turbolift, then stops short.

MECHWART (CONT'D)(to Ravois)

Ensign, are you perceiving anythoughts out there?

RAVOIS(suspiciously; Note:she might be underHHirl's influencealready)

Negative, sir. If someone causedthis, they left before ourarrival.

THAHMWe can send a report toStarfleet on HRS 03.

MECHWARTWithout asking, Commander.

The Captain leaves the bridge. The others keep working.


Biobeds in a circular room whose walls have doorways forofficers to do their job. On the floor a huge medicalstarfleet emblem. Wounded, shouts everywhere. The medicstaking care of them. The officer brings Veracis in.MEDICAL OFFICER instructs them.

MEDICAL OFFICERBring him to the other room.

They put him down on a bed. Medical Officer scanning him.

MEDICAL OFFICER (CONT'D)Arms and legs broken. I'll giveyou some analgetic but you'llhave to wait until we take carefor the heavily wounded.

VERACISForget about it. Fix me so I canhelp.

MEDICAL OFFICERLook around. You're life is notin danger and the analgeticwill...

VERACISWhich word don't you understand?


What kind of medical experiencesdo you have?

VERACISDoctor Nol Veracis. Yoursuperior and the chief medicalofficer of the Enterprise. Be sogood as to tug back my limbswhere they belong.

Medical Officer waves to another doc to take care of him.

MEDICAL OFFICERI'm sorry. I didn't know.

VERACISDon't waste your time on me. Youhave plenty to do.

MEDICAL OFFICERWelcome aboard.

Medical Officer gets back to work. Trying to get up abit, Veracis takes the tricorder out of the other doc'shand and starts scanning himself.


(totally exhausted)The honour is mine.


The Hyper-space Relay Station floating in space. We hearThahm's voice as giving report.

THAHM (V.O.)This is Commander Thahm from theUSS Enterprise. Stardate142152.7. The USS Sommerfeld hasbeen destroyed on the edge ofthe Pseron nebula. What causedit is unknown.

(fading)I annexed a more detailed reportto this transmission. Wecontinue investigating thetragedy.

Getting farther from the station, we see now it's on adisplay. A bald grey guy decorated with prosthesisshowing his back to us.

CLOSE ON his wintry black eyes. Turns his head. Thedisplay showing the sound-waves of another message.

KAWASHI (V.O.)This is Admiral Kawashi speakingfrom Starfleet Command.Transmission sent on stardate142152 for Captain Mechwartonly. The USS Dionysus wascruising the Ramak system in theGamma Quadrant when long-rangesensors picked this up.

A hybrid ship near a planet is on the display. (Note:it's the first time we see a hybrid ship as a whole.)

KAWASHI (V.O.) (CONT'D)The configuration differssomewhat, but unambiguouslyBorg. They seem to go on doingwhat they'd begun with might andmain. Needless to say we got nofurther message from theDionysus. I'm hereby orderingyou back to Sector 001 effectiveimmediately. Our planetarydefense systems are ready.Hurry!

The grey guy nods again. From the corner of the holo-display a disruptor charge (seen in the battle with theSommerfeld) is launched, heading for the station. Itsmashes into it and the station explodes.


Less wounded officer on those bio-beds. The Captainenters. He walks up to Medical Officer.

MECHWARTLieutenant, status?

MEDICAL OFFICERFourteen out of the thirty-twoofficer have died. We took careof nine. Internal haemorrhagingand broken ribs are the mildestinjuries. The rest have suffereda massive radiation damage.They're being treated at themoment.

MECHWARTCaptain Tlax?

VERACIS (O.S.)The Captain didn't make it, sir.

Mechwart turns, surprised at the Bolian's interruption.

VERACIS (CONT'D)Doctor Nol Veracis.

MECHWARTI'm glad you're safe and sound.

Veracis nods.


VERACISWe all are.

MECHWARTCan you tell me details on whathappened?

VERACISThe ops officer could onlydetermine an energy increasingat the port of the Sommerfeld.Then I got in the turbolift.Hardly had I put my foot on thecorridor when the whole shipbegan to shudder. I can't tellyou details you need. I had ablack-out. I came to my senseswhen you beamed me out.

Mechwart realizes someone on the main bio-bed. A boy, notmore than ten or twelve, lying on it. The man looksquestioningly at Medical Officer.

MEDICAL OFFICERA science officer's son. Third-grade burns, internalhaemorrhaging. I don't even knowwhat kept him alive.

MECHWART(walking up to the boy)

Report, Ensign.

BOYI'm not an Ensign.

MECHWARTWell, then I'm hereby grantingyou a field promotion to fullEnsign. With all privileges andobligations.

BOYDad said one must deserve towear that uniform.

MECHWARTYou surely do.

The boy puts a faint smile on his face. Then closes hiseyes. He's gone. An officer covers him with a blanket.Mechwart, reluctantly, steps aside.

CRUSHER (COMM)Crusher to Mechwart.


CRUSHERI've called a meeting together.Will you come in the obs lounge?You've got to see this.


MECHWARTHow accurate is your analysis?

As Crusher answering PULL BACK TO REVEAL:

A holographic projection in the middle of the table. Itdisplays warp frequency patterns, metallurgical scananalysis an so on. The walls hold the gold modells ofolder ships. The officers sitting around the table. Hugewindows overlook space with stars coming towards us at

impulse, which suggests the obs lounge being situated infront of the bridge.

CRUSHERAs antiproton particle remainsand a faint warp-field frequencymake an analysis possible. Allleft of the ship were somepieces of debris I could putunder the microscope. I thinkLieutenant S'anra is the rightperson to enlighten thesituation.

S'ANRAThere's no reason for you to beso leery of me.

CRUSHERYou're right. Just becauseparticle remains treacable toRomulan disruptors are waltzingwith Borg resonances among thewrecks of a Federation sciencevessel, there's really no callto make up that far-fetchedconspiracy theories.

S'ANRAIf that's your way to let meknow you like me, tousle myhair. That at least I wouldenjoy.

BAJ IZThe pure fact that we foundthese two traces side by sidewill just result in neglectfultheorizing. We don't know muchabout this area.

S'ANRAI admit there aren't manypossibilities to review. Eitherthe Borg worked itself up tothis stage of development andassimilated Romulan technologyor...

CRUSHEROr the Romulan themselvesprocured Borg technology.

THAHMDuring the recent rebellion theyonly fought with their ownships. We didn't witness anyevent that could suggest Borgactivity and forgive my

skepticism, how could we? Theyceased to function long ago.

CRUSHERIt was merely presumed that,with the Borg Queens dead, theother drones were destroyed orbecame dysfunctional. Who knowswhat's really left of them.

S'ANRA(trying to explainherself)

We didn't get a name for havingan upstanding behaviour. Wedefeated the rebels. Perhapstheir intention was to give usto believe the battle was overwhile they kept weaving theplot.

The Romulan officer looks at the Captain who hasn't say aword so far.

CRUSHERWe can't just throw thisevidence out of the window.

BAJ IZNobody intends to. My naivequestion is how the hell didRomulans get those Borg gadgets?

MECHWARTStarfleet Command has some ideasabout it.


MECHWARTA few month ago, remains of Borgtechnology were founded here inthe Gamma Quadrant on VentarFour. Implants, deactivated,wrecked drones seeminglyincapable of living. The samplestransported to one of ourscience ships confirmed thatthey'd never stoppedregenerating on cellural level.That's all we know for now.We're in this quadrant to proveor demolish theirreorganization.

The crew not saying a word. Then S'anra decides to breakthe silence.

S'ANRAAs most of the warp-capablespecies, also the Romulansexperiment with transwarptechnology.

BAJ IZAnd what are the results?

S'ANRAOn one or two occasions theysucceded in keeping up thetranswarp conduit, and the shipsendured the pressure on thempretty well. Of course, therewere several backfires as usualwith this sort of tests.

THAHMSo they could travel here oreven to the Delta Quadrant...


...to gather samples.


VERACISYour presumtions have a moregruesome side.


VERACISThe history of several racestells about occurrences whenthey laid hold of more advancedtechnology and tried so torefine military performancebeyond the pale of common sense.

S'ANRAI understand you're warilydragging in geneticmanipulation.

VERACISIf I were a rebel and wanted tostop alien races at all hazardsfrom chipping on the decisionsof my people, then it'd be anexpedient to attempt getting theleast damage possible during myattacks.

THAHMRomulan soldiers with Borgmodifications.

BAJ IZThe aggressivity of thenanoprobes surpasses theconquesting ambitions of anempire. The Borg order wouldsmelt down the Romulanconsciousness in no time.

VERACISYou forget this time we're nottalking about reversing theassimilation, but keeping acheck on it at a certain level.Imagine a Romulan whose synapsesare continually infected withoutany central guidance above them.As Lieutenant Baj Iz pointedout, it would be a matter ofseconds until they turn intodrones.

BAJ IZI don't think they're troublingwith that if they can easilyproduce soulless zombies theyrap over the knuckles in case ofdisobedience.

The Captain stares at S'anra trying to make fair weather.However, her face can't hide the shame she feels.


Very well. So far the only thingwe can be sure about is thatsome rebels are intent onannuling the newly sealed peacetreaty and they give theirdisruptors emphasis with Borgtechnology.

THAHMPermission to send a priorityone message to StarfleetCommand.


Thahm gets up, heading for the bridge immediately.

MECHWART (CONT'D)I don't see the point in wastingour time any longer. Lieutenant

Baj Iz, inform your team we'regoing home.

BAJ IZAye, sir.

MECHWARTThank you. We're done.

Everyone gets up, then leaving the room except thedoctor. He keeps his seat.

BAJ IZ(leaving)

Engine-room, make it hot for thereactor. We're going home.

MECHWARTS'anra, wait for me by myoffice.

S'anra nods with a bit of petulance. Everyone is out.Veracis staring at the holo-display on the table. TheCaptain puts his hand on his shoulder.

MECHWART (CONT'D)I'll need my chief doc.

VERACISA ship of the Federation isdestroyed. Her crew dead insickbay down there. Wouldn't itbe wiser to...

MECHWARTSitting on the edge of a nebulawon't help us find out thereason for their death.

Veracis gets up. Turns off the display.

VERACISI'm on sickbay.

Starts then stops short.

VERACIS (CONT'D)Thank you for attending to myopinion. I was concerned aboutour short acquaintance...

MECHWARTAs I said. I need my chief doc.

Veracis nods. Leaves the lounge.


Baj Iz hurrying to a lift. Crusher pulling up with him.

CRUSHERWhat was that?

BAJ IZWhat was what?

CRUSHERCompared to an Impa you have ashort memory. Thanks forsticking up for me.

BAJ IZI disagreed with you.

CRUSHERI have my prejudice with goodreason.

BAJ IZTill you don't have any proof inyour hand, don't accuse aStarfleet officer of treason.She was fighting to protect theFederation.

CRUSHERIt's not just that, is it?

BAJ IZWe're at it again.

CRUSHERIf you don't feel like going on,just tell me. Even that would bemore endurable than this dailyagony we call relationship. AndI don't only mean the hard workpulling us apart. It's a goodwhile you've been giving me amiss. We only talk on duty andat conferences.

BAJ IZI thought I'd be able to getused to it.


BAJ IZThe human generosity whengetting into a relationship. Youcrack down on anyone you thinkthey deserve it. It bearswitness to doltishness athighest levels.

CRUSHERThe point of generous humanrelationships is to crack downon each other. It's calledmutual reliance.

BAJ IZReliance doesn't includeincrimination blatantly servedat a briefing which you'resaying I should agree with.Regrettably humans have thatflaw.

While saying this, suddenly his nose and ears startbleeding again.

CRUSHERWatch out, Lieutenant. Your noseis dripping with prejudice.Recently you've been bleedingmore often than usual.

BAJ IZI told you my body reacts toovertimes badly. We work less,several times a day, withintermissions.

Crusher understands at last. Goes on with more fret.

CRUSHERLet me guess. You don't keep youfit with Vulcan meditation.

BAJ IZ(reluctantly)

Zeproxin injections.

CRUSHER(tap his comm badge)

Crusher to Doctor Veracis.

VERACIS (COMM)Veracis here, go ahead.

CRUSHERAfter going to transwarp,Lieutenant Baj Iz will drop byon sickbay. If not, call meimmediately.

VERACIS (COMM)Something serious?

CRUSHERTo my knowledge it's treatablewith simple medication. Crusher

out. As for the personal part ofit, I have my doubts.

Crusher, half worried, half angry, leaves him there. BajIz gets in the lift, while holding his hand to hisbleeding nose. He seems to have great pains.


Veracis treating a male patient's leg who keeps groaningwith pain. The sickbay is almost empty. The crewmembersof the Sommerfeld are gone. Medical Officer is there toodoing his job.

VERACISAstounding. During my practiceI've treated thousands of humansand I didn't hear them doanything but groaning. Where isyour station?

PATIENTIn the engine-room.

VERACISMore details?

PATIENTI monitor the data coming infrom the engine-room in theimpulse control room.

VERACISMean sitting on a chair, staringat a display.



VERACISThen all you have to do is tocreep up to the control room.Dismissed.

PATIENTBut, sir.


Don't snivel about a broken leg!You want to commit suicide? Holda phaser to your head. If youjust need adrenaline, call me.I'll pump an overdose into youwith pleasure.

PATIENTI apologize, sir.

The patient stands up. Heading for the door. His legseems to be right.

VERACISEnsign, I've booked you atherapy. According to yourmedical record it wasn't thefirst time that you deactivatedthe security protocol on aholodeck. The counselor willinform me about any developmentconcerning you. Get out of here!

The patient leaves. Medical Officer looks at his bossreprovingly. Veracis realizes.

VERACISYou're free to ask my removal.The last tricorder scans pointto the fact that I'm sufferingfrom mental weakness.

MEDICAL OFFICERI remember Bolian temperamentdescribed with the oppositecharacteristics. That makes mepresume your general behavior isquite different.

VERACISIf you knew.

MEDICAL OFFICERCaptain Mechwart will track downthose who did this to your crew.

VERACISI'm sure about that.

MEDICAL OFFICERThe mood aboard this ship hasn'tbeen recently moving within theconfines of daily routine. Butbelieve me. You won't find amore experienced and devotedcrew which you belong toalready.

VERACISThe Captain has given his blessto his new chief medicalofficer, however, I'm not lesstouched by my first officer'swords.

They try to force a smile on their face. Might be abeginning of a friendship.


The Captain and S'anra are about to enter the ready roomwhen Thahm hurries up to them.

THAHMCaptain, we're not getting anysignal from the HRS.

MECHWARTThere's some sort of nebula inthat region. May be just someinterference.

THAHMNegative, sir. We're not gettinganything from it. As if itwasn't even there.

MECHWARTTemporarily go to yellow alert.Maximum transwarp till we gethome.

Thahm would start, but the Captain has a remark for her.

THAHMDon't forget to supervise BajIz's calculations.

The fish-like woman nods huffily. Mechwart and S'anraenter the ready-room.


The tactical officer not letting her Captain to speakout.

S'ANRADon't even bother. I know whatyou're going to say.

MECHWARTGood. I'm still hesitating.

S'ANRAIf you don't trust me, you canconfine me to a brig.

MECHWARTDon't make yourself ridiculous.Crusher just tried to feel outhow much you endure.

S'ANRAThen what's the purpose of thisconversation?

The Captain pours some blue drink in two glasses. Hegives one to her.

S'ANRA (CONT'D)Romulan ale?

MECHWARTReconciliation. And don't eventhink about saying it's illegal.It's an old Starfleet traditionto get drunk before, during andafter peace negotiations.

S'ANRAI'm not a kill-joy totraditions.

They take a sip. Enjoying its flavour.

MECHWARTAnyway, if our reasoning iswatertight, we won't worry aboutthe morning after this night.

He invites her to the couch. They sit down. Meanwhile thetranswarp conduit appearing through the windows.

S'ANRAI'm aware of your loathing ourrace. At some extent I can'teven blame you.

MECHWARTIt's not loathing.Incomprehension.

(a beat)How can one not realize andembrace an effort that could enda three-hundred-year old rancorbetween our species?

S'ANRAIt's a familiar routine inhistory. Think of the Khitomeragreement.

(taking another sip)Rebellious groups can't be a barto the final peace. The greatmass is driven by otherinterests.

MECHWARTIf you take history as anunderlying example, remember the

rebellious groups that hadpushed sober and peaceablecountries or even worlds to theverge of paranoia or totaldestruction.

S'ANRAThen we'll have to do everythingto make a difference in thisera. And if the only way to itis sending some renegades to theAreinnye, so be it.

MECHWARTReal Romulan mentality.

(a beat)I'm sorry I've been short withyou. I blamed you for the deathof my officers, but it was ourfault.

S'ANRAStarlfeet had set up severalusable regulations. Lettingfamily stay on board is not oneof them. Romulan officers preferto see their kins at home.Family stands above all.

MECHWARTWe're afraid if somethinghappens to us they won't bethere to say goodbye. Driven bythis egoism we empower ourselvesto take cover behind approvalcontracts. Good my wife had morecommon sense and didn't let mebring my daughter to the ship.

S'ANRAI didn't know you're a parent.

MECHWARTTechnically speaking I'm not. Wereturn to Earth once in a while.That's only when I see her.

They keep drinking.

MECHWART (CONT'D)When you joined Starfleet, trueenough despite the displeasureof the Senate, you took theplunge to see other ways ofthinking. The rebels chose theeasier way.

S'ANRAThe way of ignorance.

MECHWARTAnd destruction. Exterminatethose who you disagree with andyou're not bound to deal withthe ignorance caused by themanymore. What doesn't exist,doesn't need to be learnt.


The Betazoid helmsman doing her job as she should. All atonce pain creeps on her face. She hears voices (likecoming from the Borg collective).

THAHMAren't you feeling well?

RAVOISI'm not sure. Suddenly I gotthis terrible headache.

THAHM(waving to someone)

Yeoman, bring Ensign Ravois tosickbay.

The yeoman executes the order. He helps her up. An extrareplacing her at the helm.


Battle. Hybrid ships firing at Romulan warbirds, stationson orbit. A warbird trying to go to warp, when a tractorbeam pulls it back, causing heavy damage to its engines.It explodes. The shock-wave drifts some other shipsalong.


Darkness. Romulan politicians tied up on table-likedevices. Before them hybrids aiming with their 'arm-phasers' at them. Another hybrid appears from the shadowwhile a politician being tortured with a kind of electro-shock method.

HHIRLI apologize for this littleinconvenience. We haven'tadjusted this new device yet. Iassure you at full capacity itcauses greater pains.

ROMULAN POLITICIANYou don't have a chance. Peacehas been signed.

HHIRLOur prisoners, are of adifferent opinion.

ROMULAN POLITICIANEvery Romulan understood thenecessity of joining theFederation. They won't turntheir back on it for an insanehybrid's amusement.

HHIRLYou wouldn't believe what a tinypiece of Borg technology iscapable of. A gene transcriptionhere, a synapsis manipulationthere. They proved piousfollowers after the procedure.

ROMULAN POLITICIANIf a word is true of what you'resaying, they're not Romulansanymore, just soulless robots.

HHIRLDo I look like soulless to you?I don't feel like that. Look atme. This is the future of theRomulan race which materializeswith my peace offer. Announce tothe Federation monkeys youdesist from the contract. Inreturn, you'll witness the birthof the New Romulan Empire as aleader.

ROMULAN POLITICIANYour synapses must have gonethrough some serious jumbling.Hundreds of planets belong tothe Federation. Romulus alonehas no chance whatever. And Iwon't assist to your littledestruction. You'll have toassimilate me.

HHIRLI don't intend to taint theEmpire with the blood oftraitors. I won't even keep ontorturing you. I'll do to youwhat we do to any sleazy truce-breaker.

ROMULAN POLITICIANAll Romulans will fight againstyou as a member of theFederation.

Said that, HHirl grabs the politician's throat and as hespeaks he keeps pressing it more and more.

HHIRLCoward! Surak made us leaveVulcan. He chose logic for theimpulsive force born with us.Since the first contact withhumans the Empire had beendeclining. Why do you admirethose crippled dregs so much?Federation, help us, ourgovernment is unstable.Federation, take pity on us,because the incompetence of ourleaders makes our society fallapart. Finally we can achievethe only goal of the Romulanrace. Conquest is our element,not subserviency.

Then he kills the politician with his bare hands. Theother hybrids shoot the rest of them.



Officers working. Everything is normal condition. Crushersitting at his console, Thahm in the Captain's chair. Thecomm signal rings out.

VERACIS (COMM)You wanted me to tell you ifLieutenant Baj Iz doesn't showup on sickbay. Well, he didn't.

CRUSHERUnderstood. Thank you.

(walking up to Thahm)Commander, I'd ask permission toleave the bridge.

THAHMIs there any problem?

CRUSHERIt's a private matter and Iwouldn't wimp out of my duty.

He can hardly finish the sentence. She interrupts him.


Said that, she turns galumph to her chair console, noteven waiting for an answer from him. Crusher smiling atit, then leaves.

THAHM (CONT'D)Commander Thahm to DoctorVeracis.

VERACISI'm listening.

THAHMI'm interested in Ensign Ravois'condition.

VERACISThe scans indicated increasedactivity in her paracortex. TheEnsign complained about gettingmuch stronger telepathicimpulses than usually.


VERACISMight be fatigue or excitementwhich cause the crew's thoughtsbombard her consciousness to agreater extent. Though in hercase the standard level means amuch higher limit. I gave hersix milligram hydrocortilene. Byall odds she's sleeping in herquarters.

THAHMIf I right remember that canlead to coma.

VERACISIf we spot it in time, it won't.An officer of mine is watchingover her every thirty minutes.

THAHMThank you, doctor. Thahm out.


This smaller mess-hall is situated at the back of thesaucer. The windows overlook the huge nacelles. Panningthe officers having a drink, talking, then...


Baj Iz standing in front of the windows. He watches anacelle with piety. He seems to get more relaxed bystaring at it. The ship still travels in the transwarpconduit.


Crusher standing in the lift with a couple of officers.Among them a mother and her little son, as well as aslimy, ugly-faced alien we've seen before, a Gazrot whoseholes in his neck blow dirty green bubbles at a certaininterval. Seems to be breathing. The little boy staringat him.

LITTLE SONMom, what alien is this?

MOTHERHe's a Gazrot, son.

The Gazrot feels cramped by this conversation.

LITTLE SONHe's so disgusting.

The lift stops. The Gazrot is about to leave when all ofa sudden he turns to the boy, splashing some green stuffonto the boy's head and face.



And the alien leaves. The door closes. Cruhser looks atthe kid.

CRUSHERThat's what I call infinitediversity in infinitecombination.

The boy looking darkly at him. He's dribbling with thegreen goo. Crusher decides not to say a word anymore.


Crusher steps out of the lift. Looks around. Notices BajIz. Approaching him on the opposite side of the mess-hall. Stops at the windows. Baj Iz turns his head to theleft, while Crusher staring at him.

BAJ IZHow long have you been standinghere?


Long enough not to have an ideawhy you fall in trance at thesight of the nacelles. Exceptthat you're the chief-engineer.

Baj Iz reluctant to give an answer to him. Crusher getsit and goes on.

CRUSHER (CONT'D)I'm sorry about my previousoutburst, but I have no stomachfor bringing your body back tothe Kau, telling your familytheir son died of an overdose.

BAJ IZ(yielding)

I don't live out of your care asmuch as I wanted you to believe.The overdose as you call is justtemporary.

CRUSHERGood. Then you understand ifyou're not coming with me onsickbay at once, I'll have toreport your temporarydisability.

BAJ IZYou think I'm so inane that I'ddrug me to death only to stayawake over the engineeringconsole?

He fails to understand. Keeps reproving him at a strongervoice.

CRUSHERYou smuggled an illicitsubstance to the ship which madeyour brain gush blood and youdon't even have some sense ofguilt about that?

BAJ IZZeproxin reduces the adenosinelevel in my brain, makes moresusceptible at the warpfrequency.

CRUSHERYou percieve the frequencycoming from the warp coils?

Baj Iz nods and continues.


The frequency increases theTurengran stream, which isresponsible, among others, forwakefulness in our species.

The windows show the ship slowing to impulse. The twonotice that, then go on talking.

CRUSHERYou could've told me.

BAJ IZThat's what I planned. Butinstead of asking, you bellowedat my face. I know I still havemuch to learn about the humanrace, but I doubt care coverstaking the other for a dupe.

He wants to go away when Crusher grabs his arm gently.They're close to each other.

CRUSHER(hugging him)

I don't know what to say.

BAJ IZSomething I never heard fromyou.

CRUSHERYou only have to be close to meand I don't know what to say.

Anger thaws on their faces. They hug each other veryclose. Now the windows shows as the ship going to simplewarp.

BAJ IZWe're at warp.


BAJ IZI should go down to engineering.


BAJ IZWe're on duty.


Baj Iz jumps out of his cuddle, heading for the door.Crusher shouts after him.

CRUSHER (CONT'D)Bye, honey!

BAJ IZ(embarrassed; tohimself)


Then he leaves. The crew looking at Crusher in a bitstrange way.



The door opens. Ravois leaves the turbolift with acurious happy face. She looks around. As she pans thehuge hall she realizes there's not a soul in there besideher. The dim lights let the windows give a sight of starsat warp. A clash noise cuts the silence. She continues inthe direction of the noise until she arrives at thecounter. A bartender, turning his back on us, puts somebottles up on a shelf.

RAVOISExcuse me! I'd like a Xebloinpeach juice.

The bartender turns. It's HHirl! But now he looks plainRomulan as he was before. No cybernetic bodyparts, nogrey skin. The whole scene reminds us the beginning of anightmare which will unfold afterwards. The atmosphere isquite bizarre.

HHIRL(wiping a glass)

I'm sorry, Ensign. We've run outof it.

Ravois makes a disappointed face.

HHIRL (CONT'D)What about a Romulan Red Battle?

RAVOISI've never heard of such adrink. How long will it take foryou to make one?

HHIRLI can mix it for you right away.

He throws a glance at the windows now. Ravois turns andsees as seemlingly the ship goes to impulse and theBetazed heaves in sight. They're on orbit.

HHirl seems to focus on something with great effort.Ravois jerks a bit.


her eyes and


several scenes in succession.


Now she's on Betazed in a park or similar. In thebackground a huge city. Above it hybrid ships firing atthe city. Back in the park Betazoids in hand-to-hand ortelepathic fight.

A hybrid doing a psycho-fight with a Betazoid man whoseears are bleeding. The hybrid concentrating. Now theBetazoid's nose bleeding too. The hybrid concentrating.The man drops dead to the ground.

Another hybrid dragging a boy. Suddenly another Betazoidman jumps on him, trying to free him. The hybrid firingat him with his weapon mounted on his arm. Kills the man,then lets fall the boy on the ground. He gives him akick, then fires. He is dead.

Other hybrids dragging Betazoid women with them.Transporter beams locking on them. The women are gone.



The planet from space again. It explodes in pieces. Thenwe turn to Ravois' shuddering face.


HHirl holding her in his arms, apparently against herwill. She can't do anything but standing there petrified.


She sits up on her bed. Her ears and nose bleeding. Shefeels something then her face turns resolute. She getsout of the bed.


Technicians working. Thrumming on consoles. Walking upand down. Ravois enters the room from the turbolift. Hercontinually resolute face full of dried blood. She walksalong the room until she gets to the pool-table. For amoment she just stands staring at it. Hansen notices her.He realizes there's something wrong, so he tries to talkto her carefully.

HANSENCan I help you, Ensign?

Ravois not answering. At this point Baj Iz enters theengine-room with quite a happy look.

HANSEN (CONT'D)Sir, for a moment please.

BAJ IZGo ahead!

Hansen points to the Betazoid woman. Baj Iz gets thehint. Smile disappears from his face. He grabs Hansen andpulls him in a corner.

BAJ IZ (CONT'D)How long has she been here?

HANSENShe's just arrived. I asked herif she needs some help, butshe's just standing therestaring at the table.

BAJ IZ(walking up to Ravois)

Ensign? Aien. Have you beenordered to the engine-room?

Her face reflects suffer. She's fighting againstsomething. Hansen gets closer to them. The two men are ata loss.


BAJ IZIt's allright. Everything willbe fine. Baj Iz to sickbay.Medical emergency in the engine-room.

Hardly had he said that when Ravois pushes away Hansen tosmash against the wall. Baj Iz trying to keep her down,grappling with her until she manages to push him downfrom the upper level. The man falling quickly. Then shereturns to the pool-table and starts working it.

Meanwhile Baj Iz spreading his wings attached between hisbody and arms to 'sail' in a level below. He touchesground with a smaller thud. An officer running to helphim out, while he talking to the air.

BAJ IZ (CONT'D)Security to engine-room. Hurry.

Then he goes up to a ladder and climbs back to the actualengine-room. He sees her working the console, so goes toanother. Watching the readouts.

BAJ IZ (CONT'D)She's trying to override thehelm control.

(pushing some buttons)Damn it!


Everyone on their job when the comm channel rings out.

BAJ IZ (COMM)Baj Iz to bridge. We've got aproblem.

MECHWARTWhat problem?

INCLUDING SCREEN: The bridge lurches. Mechwart watchingas they slow to impulse.


BAJ IZ (COMM)Ensign Ravois re-routed the helmcontrol to the engine-room.

THAHMHow bad is it down there?

BAJ IZHe locked every functionconnected with navigation withmultiple codes. I can't breakthrough them.

S'ANRASecurity teams already on theirway.

MECHWARTThahm, you have the bridge. Getback the control on navigation.

He gets up, waving to S'anra. They leave the bridge.


A security team standing there, while Baj Iz trying topersuade Ravois.

BAJ IZListen to me. I know you'reacting under constraint but ifyou don't say anything I can'thelp you.

Trying to get closer, a force-field around the tablethrows him back. Now comes the Captain with the tacticalofficer.

MECHWARTWhat the hell's going on here?

BAJ IZShe's stirring up the navigationcontrol. I don't think she knowswhat she's doing.

MECHWARTWhat dou you mean?

BAZ IZShe's fighting againstsomething. Like she's notherself.

Veracis comes in. The Captain points at Ravois.


VERACIS(getting closer;scanning her)

Her parakortex activity jumpedto a multiple of the standardlimit. Almost out of scale.

S'ANRAWhat's the meaning of that?

VERACISThere must an incredible amountof telepathic impulses streaminginto her brain. The Ensign'scerebral activity corrisponds toa computer filled withinformation to the brim.

BAJ IZAfter a point there's no placefor it to provide even the basicfunctions.

VERACISThat's the case, I'm afraid.

MECHWARTWhat are our options?

VERACISI could keep on blocking hertelepathic ability but maybe I'djust cause more damage to her.

BAJ IZShe raised a force-field aroundher. I can't override hercommands whatever I try.

VERACISThen we'll have to find the onesgenerating these impulses asfast as we can.

THAHM (COMM)Bridge to Mechwart.

MECHWARTSave no details.

THAHM (COMM)We've tried every knownvariations, but.

The engine-room gives another shaking like the one beforeon the bridge.


BAJ IZ(checking readouts)

We just jumped to warp.

MECHWARTFind the destination.

BAJ IZ(trying)

I can't get any navigationaldata.

(a beat)She's trying to accessclassified information about theshield armor. Mechwart goespale. Becoming more and moreirritated.

S'ANRACaptain. We've got to stop her.At any cost. The Captain staring

at the Ensign. Then makes adecision.


Do it.

S'anra produces her phaser, setting it on a level andfires. The beam trying to get through the force-field.With no effect.

S'ANRA(to the guards)

Set your phasers on level three,narrow beam, or we blow theengine-room apart.

They fire together at one point. The force-field yieldsand drops with a small energy discharge. Ravois faints.Veracis hurries up to her, giving her some medicine witha hypospray.

VERACISHelp me take her to sickbay.

At this very moment green beam covers Ravois's body, evenif with apparent difficulty.


Romulan transporter.

MECHWARTThahm, red alert! Deploy armorand scan for Romulan ships. Thered alert klaxon tunes up. Moreofficers arriving.

BAJ IZThey beamed her out throughsubspace.

(to Hansen)Identify the carrier wavefrequency. The subspace signalwill disperse in a couple ofseconds. Hansen gets down to it.Pushing buttons, console chirps.

HANSENWe've got it.

BAJ IZGood job. Let's track down thesignal.

Ready. Baj Iz looking at a display. Mechwart turn andsees a planet.


Some officers instinctively giving S'anra a not so clearlook.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Can we guard against anotherbeam-out?

BAJ IZ(thinking)

The shield armor is based ontransporter technology. If weremodulate the molecular matrixof the replicated plate units sothat when our sensors perceivethe registered carrier wave,they emit an inverse subspacefrequency, then we might have achance to play them false.

S'ANRAThe carrier wave will bounce offlike laser-beams.

BAJ IZThat's the idea.

MECHWARTGet down to it.

(to Hansen)What else don't we have undercontrol?

HANSENWe control everything, exceptnavigation.

S'ANRASeems like the rebels will forcetheir hospitality upon us atwhatever cost.

MECHWARTWhy so sure it's the rebels?

S'ANRAWho else?

Mechwart not responding. His face tells everything.

S'ANRA (CONT'D)We do use underhand methodssometimes, but sabotaging alaboriously achieved consensuslike that would top any kind of

Romulan atrocity. The Senate ismore upright than that.

MECHWARTAll I know is that my ship hasbeen hijacked and is heading toRomulus. Till we don't have moreinformation, we must take anypossibility in account.

(a beat)Engine-room to bridge. CommanderThahm, send a priority onemessage to Starfleet Commandabout a possible transgressionof the peace treaty and theabduction of a crewmember.Encode all communicationchannels. Crusher, come downhere to assist Baj Iz. I'd beglad if at least ourmanoeuvering thrusters worked.

The Captain, S'anra and Veracis leave. The others keep onworking.


A Romulan/hybrid, probably doctor, holds a baby in hishand. The little boy having hybrid-like mutations on hisbody already. He puts him back into an incubator. HHirlenters. Sends the doctor out, who now leaves.

Ravois is tied to a metal table. She regainsconsciousness. Tubes coming out of her already greyishbody. She's naked except where the gadgets cover her.HHirl talks up.

HHIRLI greet you. It's a pleasure tosee you return to reality.

The Ensign tries to mentally hurt him. In vain.

HHIRL (CONT'D)It's no use. You could'verealized. The more you resist,the bigger will be the messamong your synapsis.

(walking up to her)Though you couldn't get me whatI wanted, you're fully entitledto my acknowledgement for yourwork aboard the Enterprise.

He touches her. Starts fondling her face.


You're the most beautiful ofall.

(a beat)But I hope our offsprings willcarry more Romulancharacteristics on them.

HHirl activates a terminal near the table. Nanoprobespenetrating her body through the tubes. Ravois anguishingwith great pain.


Deletham turns in our sight.

DELETHAMWhat do you mean we have nocontact with Romulus?


Admiral Kawashi and a Klingon ambassador, GHURAH.

KAWASHIWe received a fragmented messagewhich says there are grievouscommunication disturbances inthe whole Eisn system.


KAWASHIWe're not sure. Our shipscruising in the Gamma Quadrantoverwhelmed us withdisconcerting reports. Theyconfirm what the Romulan Commandstated. The solar systems as weknow are vanishing one after theother. But we lost trace of theBorg ships in the Alpha Quadrantin the last few hours.

The Klingon ambassador cuts in the conversation.

GHURAHDo you have any idea why theyhaven't sent one ship to ask forassistance? They have a chanceto get to Earth if they staycloaked.

DELETHAMIf I knew I wouldn't be on theverge of seizure, Hoj.

The Romulan takes a breath. Calms down.

DELETHAM (CONT'D)Take my apology.

GHURAHI understand your anger. Apologyaccepted.

KAWASHIWith your permission, we wouldsend Federation ships to theRomulan side of the dismantledNeutral Zone. If any trouble hadaroused, we see there much more.

DELETHAMThank you, Admiral.Understandably I accept youroffer. Ambassador Ghurah, may Icount on the assistance ofQonos?

GHURAHWe've signed peace. Naturallywe'll help you cover up whathappened.

DELETHAM(trying to be funny)

Is that an opinion that sticksto the treaty or you just fearfor your honour?

GHURAHWith all due respect. The peacetreaty's just a piece of paper.We don't follow its passages andrules because they're written.We wrote them because we thinkof them in that way. And ourhonour strenghtens itsadherence.

DELETHAMI'd have contented myself withan answer in one sentence.Sometimes I have the feelingyou'd joined the Federationbefore us only to peck at theRomulan Senate.

(to Kawashi)Admiral, I'll beam back to myship. We're coming with theFederation on thisreconnaissance.

KAWASHIAs you wish, Praetor.

Deletham leaves. The Admiral staring at Ghurah.

GHURAHThere's something to it.

Ghurah leaves too. Kawashi puts a smile on his face, thencalls an officer.

KAWASHICome. There's much to do. Wehave yet to inform the Presidentabout the latest news. Give me alist of the ships at ourdisposal and find the Enterprisefor heaven's sake.


The Enterprise going at warp, covered with full armor.


A signal tunes up at the tactical console. S'anrachecking it.

S'ANRACalculating our velocity and thetime elapsed we're supposed tohave arrived at Romulus.

MECHWARTEngine-room. I'd like to slow toimpulse.

CRUSHER (COMM)Just a moment, sir. We haven'tbeen able to...look at that.

MECHWARTI didn't understand, Lieutenant.


BAJ IZSir, the codes blocking thenavigational control have justbeen deactivated. The rudder isin our hands again.


MECHWARTHelmsman, take us out of thewarp.


The Enterprise slows to impulse. Manoeuvering on theorbit of Romulus. Around the planet ship wrecks, debrisof stations. The terrible destruction on the planet'ssurface showing even from space. Apparently somecontinents on fire, some have been transformed to meetthe needs of the hybrids.


Crusher arriving. The crew, petrified, watching theviewscreen which shows the aforementioned destruction.The indignation on S'anra's face gradually turns intoanger. Aware of that, the Captain gives a quiet order toCrusher.

MECHWARTGet us a full sensor sweep onthe planet's surface. Scananything you still can.

The Romulan officer interrupts him. With difficulty, shemanages to pull some words out of her mouth.

S'ANRAThere's hardly a convulsion youcan protect me from now. I'll dothe scans.

Mechwart nods. She starts her job.

S'ANRA (CONT'D)The D'vrex and Sath'tarpeninsula as good as destroyed.On the surface of otherarchipelagoes and smallercontinents there's a highradiation present due todisruptor charges. Theseterritories are under the Apnex-Sea already. Throughout theAr'hael desert structures arediscernible. Whole cities havebeen constructed on it. Furtheranalysis indicate that themajority of the population havebeen exterminated. Sensorsreading only about one millionclear Romulan life-signs. Onaccount of disruptor fire gammaradiation flooded the solarsystem. We must presume that thecolonies built on our two otherplanets have suffered severedamages, too.

The crew just listening to her while reporting theplanet's status. Nobody really knows what to say.

MECHWARTI'm sorry.

The red alert sound cuts in his words. All coming totheir senses. Checking console readouts. Standing by towhatever will come.

CRUSHERA ship of unknown configurationdecloaking directly ahead.

MECHWARTLoad forward phasers and torpedobanks.

S'ANRA(pushing buttons)

Weapon systems activated.

MECHWART(to Crusher)

Robert, analysis. Quickly!

The comm channel sound tunes up. Thahm gets up to go toCrusher, so they can be ready sooner.

S'ANRAWe're being hailed.

The Captain staring at S'anra for a moment like he'swaiting instructions from her. She looks back to him.

S'ANRA (CONT'D)We can win a little time.Judging by the ship's size theycan destroy us hand over hand.

MECHWARTJust hoping we won't hear theusual 'I'm gonna kill you'monologue. On screen.

The screen shows the hybrid ship's interior. Here andthere fully or partly assimilated hybrids walking, butnot much can be seen from the scarcely illuminated place.Suddenly a familiar voice peals up in the dark.

HHIRL (O.S.)We are the New Romulan Empire.For your war crimes throughoutthe centuries and delinquencyagainst us we'll takeretaliation on you. Whether youcomply or not is considered

irrelevant. Or shall I say'Resistance is futile'...

At this point HHirl steps out of the shadow, so the crewof the Enterprise can see him completely.

HHIRL (CONT'D)...Captain Mechwart.

The Captain struggles up from his chair. Getting closerto the screen. S'anra looking at the hybrid with disdain.

MECHWARTYou were the leader of theKardun battle.

HHIRLI still am. Thanks to thesophisticated Romulantransporter technology and somecommitted doctors. However, tosecure our triumph we couldn'thelp not extending the battle toterritories regarded by us askey positions, which the speciesof the Gamma Quadrant had toexperience with pains to themarrow. The Alpha and BetaQuadrant won't be out of ourgood will, either.

S'ANRA(jumping up)

Look at you! You'reexterminating our race in thename of our people. You don'teven have pure Romulan blood inyour veins anymore.

HHIRLLieutenant Commander S'anra ifI'm not mistaken. You've gainedquite a name. When the momentcomes, I promise you'll have aforgettable death rightful to atraitor. As for destroyingRomulus, I couldn't bring myselfto create my empire on ahomeland darkened withunpatriotic blood.

S'ANRAIf you're really so piqued atme, beam me over. And let theEnterprise go.

HHIRLUnabashed derision of theRomulan race. You'd lay down

your life for these scabbymongrels while bearing theFederation instruct your ownpeople.

(to Mechwart)Take a look at my ship, Captain.Analyze it until your sensorsburn. I can shoot you in pieceswhenever I want.

MECHWARTI do not recall ostentation everenthralled me. Yourtechnological superiority can becounteracted with the righttactics. As far as your self-righteous battle's concerned, Ican only say about you whatpeople thought of the Klingonstwo hundred years ago: the scumof the universe. I presume yourfaithful, but candyass friendsare hiding around us behindtheir cloak. Why don't youattack?

Said that, the Captain walks back to his chair. Slowly.

HHIRLKind of you trying to find outour strength, but if I haveback-up with me or not, will bea surprise. I counted on a sharpcontrast between ourarguments...

Meanwhile the Captain standing near his chair. He pushesa button to stop HHirl from finishing his sentence. Hedisappears from screen.

S'ANRAThe good old 'Let's set themafire' method.

MECHWARTI want to know what his ship'scapable of during a combat.Encoded message to the Command.Hurry.

The woman working her terminal.

S'ANRAIt'll take time till it gets tothe recipient.

MECHWARTBetter late.

S'ANRAThe ship's weapon systems remaininactive.

MECHWARTThe good old method turned outcrabs.

The tactical officer keeps working while Thahm andCrusher looking at each other with worry. The Commanderreports.

THAHMCaptain, the analysis isfinished.

Mechwart going up to them to the Science console.Schematics of the hybrid ship and different data readoutschanging continually.

CRUSHERA warship one kilometer indiameter. There are well-perceptible sections within theship. On the basis of the energypatterns they might have a crewof about eighty thousand.Double-layered ablativeduranium/monotanium hull. Thedestruction on the planetpurports standard disruptorcharges.

MECHWARTMost species can cope with it.They must have some sort ofoffensive weapon that even theRomulans fled before them.

THAHMThat's what's troubling us.There's no sign pointing to anew weapon. More likely toentrust their lives to thedefense systems.

CRUSHERThe emitters embedded in thehull are uninterruptedlyemanating modulated cronotonparticles which surround thewhole ship and sporadically I'mregistering a new kind of alloyon certain areas.

MECHWARTI should spend more time onburrowing.

CRUSHERThe material is christenedsolidium. Starfleet had beentrying to produce a stable alloyfor years.

MECHWARTOne up for the Hybrids. In caseof need, where can we peck ahole in it?

THAHMNot a chance with quantumtorpedoes. The cronoton flowextinguishes the oscillationfrequency of our torpedoes in amatter of milliseconds.

MECHWARTWe've got a newly developedarmor we haven't put them intouch with yet.

S'anra finished with sending the message. The computerconfirms: 'Message transmitted on secure channels toStarfleet Command Headquarters'. She turns to theCaptain.

S'ANRAThe Sommerfeld partiallyactivated her armor. Theycould've analyzed it by now.

CRUSHERTill they don't fire at us, allwe have is our best guess. Theonly solution I can think ofright now is remodulating thetorpedo warheads so they emitanticronoton particles onimpact.

MECHWARTEnough to weaken their shield.How many do you need to shredit?

CRUSHERA dozen of torpedoes, at least.But even then just some of theiremitters will be out.

MECHWART(rather to himself)

Waste of ammunition.

S'ANRACaptain, they made telepathiccontact with Ensign Ravois.

Assumable that they obtainedknowledge of everything she knewabout the Enterprise. An attemptto defeat us with projectivetelepathy can't be excluded,either.

THAHMWhat's your suggestion?


On the underside of the Enterprise opens a small circularhangar door, then closes. Seemingly nothing left theship.


S'ANRAThe Lurker's on its way.

MECHWARTLet's hope they can get out ofhere. Bridge to engine-room.


BAJ IZBaj Iz here.


MECHWARTAssemble the experimentaltorpedoes. According to tacticalanalysis we won't get anywherewith conventional weapons. Whenout of the standard complement,we'll launch them.


BAJ IZAcknowledged.

(to two officers)You come with me to the torpedocontrol.

(to Hansen)Hansen, assume command here.

They leave. Hansen standing at the pool-table.


VERACIS...yes Captain, I do. In caseour new Hybrid friends descendto doing some brain rummage tous, we'll offer them quite afray.


Five Vulcan officer sitting on beds. Around them doctorbustling. Attaching gadgets on their heads.


Nothing but space. Then going forward, suddenly we gothrough a wall and we get into the cockpit of the Lurker.


The spherical cockpit contains two seats and consolesbelonging to them. On starboard a set of cases forequipment, on port a transporter platform for two. Theback wall of the small shuttle is semi-transparent,giving a nice sight to the warp-core. Thahm and a maleTrill Officer working consoles.

TRILL OFFICERThere's no sign of them spottingus.

THAHMI keep an eye on the cloakingsystem.

TRILL OFFICERYou put little faith in me.

THAHMHave no fear! When it comes tofleeing, I'll put full faith inyour skills.

Trill Officer sitting restlessly on his chair. Thahmnotices.

THAHM (CONT'D)What's on your mind?

TRILL OFFICEROur flying at snail's pace.It'll take hours to get to theborder.


Cloaking or not. If we go towarp they'll lock on us easily.For now we should be glad theydidn't make out the ionresiduals of our engines in thisamount of gamma radiation.

TRILL OFFICERWe're small enough not to bedetected. We could mask our warpfrequency. Being at warp for afew minutes would allow us toget out of this gamma dirt andsend a message.

THAHMYou never give up, do you?

TRILL OFFICEREverything programmed. You needto push a button.

Thahm checks his statement. Her face says it's alright.



The Lurker goes to warp. Its shape looks just for amoment when entering the warp tunnel.


Some Federation ships, two Klingon and a Romulan bird ofprey forming a line.


SCIENCE OFFICERAdmiral, we're receiving amessage.


SCIENCE OFFICERA moment, sir. Seems like it'scoming on an encoded channel.

(working console)Priority one, code 25. From theEnterprise. I'll switch it toyour ready room.


Put it on the screen. If theytell us news we expect, thewhole quadrant will know it in acouple of hours.

Data running up and down the viewscreen. All isdumbfounded.

KAWASHI (CONT'D)Praetor Deletham, there'ssomething you should see.


TRILL OFFICERThe warp drive's indicatingnominal function.

Thahm's terminal chirps.

THAHMPicking up signals from half amillion kilometer from here. Adozen of Federation ships, twoKlingon and one Romulan bird ofprey.


DELETHAMThey exterminated Romulus.Exterminated.

The Romulans don't know what to do or say to that. Somecan't help but crying. Kawashi and Ghurah split onscreen.

GHURAHWe must return to Earth.

KAWASHII can't expect the other racesnot yet attacked to swarm to ourhelp. The priority now is theirown planet.

GHURAHYou have a point. However,Sector 001 is the main artery ofthe Federation. Qonos will sendevery available ship to you.

DELETHAMJust for our own home planetthere's nothing we can do.

GHURAHWe are going to defeat them!We'll show them the strength ofthe peace treaty.

DELETHAMI regret it, but under thesecircumstances we can't help anylonger. In every war there aresurvivors. We must make suresome of them made it to a remotecolony.

KAWASHII understand. Good luck.

DELETHAMI thank you for everything,Admiral.


Deletham gets off the screen. The Admiral turns to anofficer.

KAWASHISignal to all ships we're flyingback to Earth.



The ships turn and go to warp. The Romulan bird-of-preyflies to another direction and gets cloaked.


The Lurker slowing to impulse and gradually decloaking.Now we see it's a sphere. The hull covered with phaserstrips, cloak emitters and two huge blue engines at theback.


TRILL OFFICERWhere are they?

THAHMSensors picking up warpfrequencies. They've just left.The subspace message S'anra

sent, had already arrived. Feelsgood being on a scrounge.


The sphere turns, cloaks itself and goes to warp.


TRILL OFFICERAny trick in mind for gettingback to the Enterprise?

Suddenly shaking. Red alert tunes up.

THAHMGravimetric distortion insubspace. The warp field isdestabilizing.

TRILL OFFICERRaising shields. Quantum phaserarrays loaded and ready to fire.


The Lurker drops violently out of warp. Directly ahead ofit, a hybrid ship casting a beam on it.


TRILL OFFICERThey're draining power from oursystems.

Thahm pushing some buttons quickly.


The engines of the Lurker fade out after a few shimmers.



THAHMHardly. Call help.


THAHMThere won't be a better occasionto get closer to them. You cando some light-years in thetranswarp conduit.

Thahm dematerializing. Trill Officer checking console. Hegets it.


The Lurker changes course. Goes to transwarp. The hybridship firing at it. Seemingly in vain.


Thahm rematerializing and dropping to the floor. Getssurrounded by Hybrids immediately. They bring her in anexam room. They put her hands in two tubes, as her feet.Tear the uniform off her. Start examining her.

HYBRID OFFICER(to another officer)

Send a message to the Commander.He'll be interested in ourguest.


The red alert klaxon screaming everywhere. Busy officersteeming around. Medical officers hyposprayingtechnicians.


The same picture. Officers getting inoculation or waitingfor it in single file. The Captain enters.

MECHWARTWell, doctor, how are yougetting on?

VERACIS(reading a padd)

Ninehundred fifty-fourcrewmembers have beeninoculated. The Captain failedto report for his dose.

MECHWARTSir, I've come for my dose.

The doctor injects the medicine in him. Mechwart lookingat the five Vulcans.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Are they ready?

VERACISThey'll do their best unless theHybrids launch a longertelepathic attack against us. Insome way or other, it won't be acake-walk to ward them off.

MECHWARTWhat about this stuff you'reinjecting so eagerly in myofficers. I must know howeffective it is.

VERACISIt's not a recently made drug.We put some 25th centuryadmixture in it, but to give youan exact foreshow about itsprotective efficiency, I'd needat least a partial medical scanof those Romulan-Borg Hybrids.Otherwise there's no tellingwhether or not the agentrepulses the nanoprobes.

MECHWARTIn other words if it works,good, if not, sad.

VERACISSo this is the famous simplicityyou see the universe with.

MECHWARTThere's nothing complicated inthe universe. Romulan rebelswant revenge and interstellarlaws transcribed to theirliking.

VERACISNot complicated a bit.

S'ANRA (COMM)(interrupting)

Bridge to Captain Mechwart. Thehybrid bastard's calling us.

MECHWARTPut him down here.

The Captain and the doctor go to the doctor's office. Thedisplay shows HHirl.


I took notice of your reluctanceto subject yourself to my willwith annoyance.

MECHWARTWas your face assimilated likethat for a special purpose? Thatdark look makes me hide under mybed at once.

HHIRLAh, our Captain is friendlydisposed today. Then let medeepen that good mood of yours.

We see a record about Thahm being caught by the Hybrids.

HHIRL (CONT'D)If that's no punch-line, I don'tknow what it is.

The display goes empty. End of transmission.


Why won't he attack? What thehell is he waiting for?

VERACISYou to lose your head.

At this moment a shaking stirs up the ship. The battlehas begun.

S'ANRA (COMM)Captain, they've locked on uswith tractor beam.

MECHWART(rushing out)

Stand by on torpedoes. Loadphasers.



Mechwart running on a corridor amid shakings. Officersfalling to each other.

MECHWARTLieutenant Baj Iz. Statusreport.

In the engine-room the same subversion.


We're at odds. We have threetorpedoes. The calibration isnot perfect. I'll pray they haveany effect. Not even starbasesassembled one. Time was tighttoo.

MECHWARTI never disputed youprofessional skills. Direct allpower to the defense systems.

While saying that, the Captain finally makes to aturbolift.


No one sitting in the Captain's chair. Crusher, S'anraand other officers holding ground.

CRUSHER(to helmsman)

Ensign, evasive manoeuvre betatwo.

The helmsman reacts. Working the helm console.

S'ANRASee how hard that solidium is.


The Enterprise fires with her violet quantum phasers.Direct hit to the hybrid ship.


S'anra checking her display. No damage whatever to theenemy ship.




S'ANRAFour hundred gigawatt phaserenergy wasted. That's all I'vegot to say.


There must be a weak-point onit, typical to standard Romulanships.

S'ANRAI've taken everything inaccount. Don't know how to turnupon them.

The shaking ceases. The bridge calms down.

CRUSHERThey deactivated the tractorbeam. Energy increasing intheir.

Bigger shaking. Direct hit.

CRUSHER (CONT'D)Jacketed antiproton charge.

MECHWARTHow many species did they rob?

The next charge cuts in the Captain's words...


...and extend on the armor of the Enterprise.


Smaller continous shaking.

CRUSHERThe armor holding ground.

Mechwart thinks for a moment. Then shouts to Crusher.

MECHWARTMake them believe the contrary.

Crusher gets the order. Already hitting the console.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Helmsman, overload the impulsedrive for a second, thendeactivate helm control. We playdead fish on the surface.

The helmsman reacts. The bridge lurches quite a lot.


The Enterprise jerking. The ship's tail starts sinking,which makes her prow turn up. She's showing her ventralparts.


HALF-ROMULAN OFFICERSensors indicate power-cut intheir propulsion system. Theirmanoeuvrability is unstable.

HHIRLEither that or the astuteness ofa Starfleet Captain. I'm onlyinterested in the stability oftheir armor.

HALF-ROMULAN OFFICERI'm reading no weakening on it.

HHIRLLet our prisoner find an answer.

HHirl looking to the left. Ravois, half-assimilated,standing next to him. Concentrating.


Mechwart watching in silence. Then grabs his head.Something's wrong.


The Vulcans feel the attack and get down to work. Theyfocus to fight back Ravois' attempt.


Ravois recoils, then drops to the ground. A hybrid doctorsteps up to her.

HYBRID DOCTORI told you the incubationprocedure would weaken theirorganism. At this stage none ofthem is able to execute strongtelepathic attacks.

HHIRLTake her back to the incubationroom. If that's the only way wecan make use of them, fine tome.

The hybrid doc waves to two officers. They take her away.


The comm sound tunes up.

HHIRL (COMM)This is still the flag-ship ofthe Romulan Empire speaking.Prepared to be boarded.

MECHWARTActivate all systems. Lay in thethe given coordinates and go tomaximum warp.


The systems of the Enterprise revive. Finds her way andevades the hybrid ship with a taut manoeuvre. She's aboutto go to warp when five other ships decloak dead ahead.She approaches them balefully with no room for anotherevasive action.


MECHWART(shouting as he can)

Reverse all engines!

Earth-shattering lurch on the bridge and aboard the wholeship. Explosions, discharges, some flying people here andthere.


The hybrid ships straddling the Enterprise. There's noescape.


HHIRL (COMM)Nice try. I'm hereby informingyou my ship's full of Betazoids.

Mechwart waves to S'anra to get HHirl out of the channel.

MECHWARTNumber of hybrid ships?

S'ANRAFive. Which are already cloaked.

MECHWARTEngine-room, damage report.


Dirty consoles from an explosion on a wall full ofmonitors. Some officers being dragged out of the room.

BAJ IZThe transwarp drive bid farewellto us. Warp energy fluctuating.Captain, fifteen wounded andtwenty-one dead. If you want tolaunch those torpedoes...

MECHWART (COMM)No. I don't want to lose ouronly trump.


MECHWARTThe hell knows how fast they cananalyze our armor technology.

S'ANRANot fast enough. They cannotstill penetrate the armor.Further analysis confirm theyrely on Borg technology partly.

CRUSHERAnd don't forget the superioritycomplex of an ordinary Romulan.In that deuced big arrogance oftheirs they'll make a mistake.

S'ANRAI take Lieutenant Crusher'sside. That could be our onlyweapon against them.

S'anra and Crusher nod to each other as a kind ofreconciliation.

MECHWARTWe've tried to prod him. Till hehas the upper hand on us, he'llbe dead to our words.

VERACIS (COMM)Veracis to bridge. Number ofcasualties twenty-five so far.Some suffered minor injuries.They can return to work soon. Weneeded the telepathic protection

just for a few seconds. Theydon't seem to be able tomaintain a harder cerebralassault. They're unlikely to begoing to try again.

MECHWARTThank you, doctor.

(a beat)We must push our way to Earth.Baj Iz, all power to thepropulsion system. We'reattempting to slide by close tothe atmosphere.

BAJ IZ (COMM)I'll see about it.

MECHWARTI expect full attention fromeveryone. They won't let us gojust like that.

CRUSHER(console signal)

All stations are ready, sir.




The Enterprise going about while sinking from between thehybrid ships. She's headed for the planet. The hybridstaking her under fire.

S'ANRAWe're under cross-fire.

CRUSHERThey're treading us into theatmosphere.

MECHWARTNone of our business. Initiateascension.

The Enterprise emerging slowly, getting away from theplanet. At this point a hybrid ship locks a tractor beamon it, pushing her somewhat back down.

Aboard the Enterprise continuous shaking.

BAJ IZThey worship tractor beam.

MECHWARTSet the armor to a more solidstate.

BAJ IZTo do that we should lower itand raise it again. No moreenergy for that in the othersystems.

CRUSHER(to Mechwart)

If we want to get out of here,we must keep everything we'vegot in the engines.

MECHWARTEvacuate the available sections.Drain what you need from there!


Hhirl watching the desperate attempt of the Federationstarship.

HHIRLRemarkable this human obstinacy.


CRUSHERCrewmembers beamed out. Energyhas been re-routed.


The fluctuating nacelles of the Enterprise finallyresuscitate with a beautiful rumbling 'coming online'noise.


MECHWARTLet's go! Throw some phaser fireto their shield emitters.


The prod of the Enterprise tilting upwards. She fightsagainst gravity while firing her phasers at the hybridships uninterruptedly.


Non-stop shuddering. The Captain losing patience.

MECHWARTGet a move on!

CRUSHERWe're almost out.


The Enterprise drops out of the gravitational pull. Thehybrid tractor beam peeling off.


MECHWARTGo to warp!


The starship sweeps away at warp. A hybrid ship coming insight.


HHIRLLet's take a roundabout way.We'll give them a kick in theteeth.


The hybrid ships go to warp. All left after them isdestruction around Romulus.


MECHWARTSend damage control teams wherethey're needed. Continueevacuating the non-vitalsections. We need everymilliwatt of energy.

S'ANRAThey didn't have to do much ofan effort to bring us down.


We brought us down ourselves.They decloaked dead ahead. Itwas so obviuos. If we run intothem, we're done. If we burn outour systems, same good to them.I acted like a cadet at theacademy.


A door opens. A hybrid guard looking more Romulan pushesThahm in. She has some standard clothes on. HHirltampering with some food on the table. He turns.

HHIRLI greet you.

He notices a wound on her face. Turns to the guard.

HHIRL (CONT'D)(telepathically)

What's that scar on her face? Itold you. No violence. We needher to gouge the workingprinciple of their shield armor.Get out of here!

The guard leaves.

HHIRL (CONT'D)Take my apology for the rudenessof my guards. I assure you itwas no intention of mine.

THAHMDon't know if you see how I'mmoved by that. The screamsechoing the corridors suggestsomething different than a tamenature. What happened to theEnterprise?

HHIRLThey escaped. For now.

(offering a seat)Please, take a seat.

Thahm reluctantly sits down. So does HHirl. She'ssurprised to see a certain food.

HHIRL (CONT'D)I took the liberty to peep inthe data files submitted for theRomulan Senate. The Midean raceis fascinating.

Thahm not answering.

HHIRL (CONT'D)I hope sincerely I didn'tblunder that culinaryspeciality.

THAHM(looking at her plate)

Chilb sömol. Midean delicacy.

HHIRLHelp yourself.

Thahm tastes it. Puts on an indifferent face.


HHIRLI take it as a compliment.

Silence for a few seconds. HHirl continues.

HHIRL (CONT'D)Not too chatty, are you? Thedescription of your speciescontrasts your behavior.

THAHMWhere did the Senate get theseinformation from?

HHIRLFrom the Federation, of course.As a token of trust for thepeacemaking. This is how I knowthat in absence of company youcan even die of lonelyness.

THAHMI have nothing to discuss with aself-deifying, megalomaniacpsychopath.

HHIRLIs that all preying on yoursoul?

At that, Thahm's eyes sparkle with anger. That's to thehybrid's taste very much.

HHIRL (CONT'D)That's it. Ready to fight.Craving for killing me here andnow. This is the fire that haddied out of the Romulans so longago. And speaking of God. I'drather think of me as aconqueror. The problem with gods

is that their almightyconsciousness doesn't takenotice of the weak. Even aPenkar mule can do considerableharm to a Vlarui elephant whenrushing at each other.

THAHMI guarantee you a bitter death.

HHIRLNot too fair against me. Thecivilizations we exterminateddidn't feel a thing. TheJem'Hadar, the Founders. Andthose assimilated don't feelanything already.

THAHMThe guard is not assimilated.

HHIRLAll officers went through agenetic manipulation needed fortheir function.

THAHMAnd you're the leader.

HHIRLOn this ship. We have severalleaders in case one of us losescontrol.

THAHMNot even you had a fullmanipulation. A psi-wave deviceis connected to your brain. Thatonly cannot perceive thethoughts of millions. Only thosewearing one are an open book foryou. Which means you don'tpossess the telepathiccollective created by the Borg.There's got to be a leader tomaintain order in chaos. Andthat leader is you.

HHirl gets up from the table. Walking behind the woman'sback. At an easy pace.

HHIRLYou're a thrilling personality.You're dining with your enemy.Perhaps I'll order your death incouple of seconds and youplacidly give voice to yourobservations. I just don't thinkany longer it's right to hide my

real intention from you. I wantthe armor. Tell me how I couldbreach through it.

THAHMYou have the Borg technology.Adapt!

HHIRLUnfortunately time was short forus when we destroyed yourscience ship. Now you know asmall part of our weaknesses.

THAHMYou can't be in earnest about mebetraying the Federation.

HHIRLDepends on my mood. We cancontinue this profitablediscussion by dinner or you canjoin the collection of our gameswe've got up to now.

On a side, the green wall becomes see-through. The deadbodies of different species hung up on the ceiling orlying in containers.

HHIRL (CONT'D)They for example died a terribledeath.

Thahm recoils. Her head turning red, and spikes shootingfrom it directly into HHirl's eye. He falls against thewall. Thahm runs off. The hybrid communicating throughhis psionic gadget.


Thahm runs as she can. At a junction hybrids surroundher. They force her to the ground. HHirl arrives.

HHIRLTake her under mind control.

HYBRID OFFICERAfter her capture, we examinedher brain. It's not fitted for aPsi-wave device.

HHIRLThen bring her to chamber 032.Let the fish flounce until shecan.


The Lurker sliding at transwarp. Visible damage on itshull due to the hybrid fire.


The instruments not working properly. Flashing on andoff.

TRILL OFFICERComputer, distance from the Kau?

COMPUTEROne point three light-years.

TRILL OFFICERLead all power to the transwarpdrive.

COMPUTERUnable to comply.

TRILL OFFICER(working console)

Common! Draw power from the lifesupport system.

COMPUTERPlease enter security code inorder to disengage protocol.

The Trill man thrumming on his terminal. His facereflects 'he would blow up the damn computer if it was upto him'. Final chirp.

COMPUTER (CONT'D)Energy from the life supportsystem has been redirected.

A sudden lurch makes the man's head hit the console. Hebecame unconscious.

COMPUTER (CONT'D)Warning. Transwarp drive hasbeen overloaded. Structuralintegrity decreasing due togravimetric shear. Inertialdampening fields shut down insixty seconds.


REAR ANGLE: on the Lurker slowing to impulse. The Kau,homeplanet of the Midean appears in front of it. It onlyhas one continent on it, the rest is water. The Lurker

approaching it fast. A huge Midean ship on orbit tryingto get it with tractor beam, but the little spy-ballflies too fast towards the atmosphere. Finally enters it.



The sphere heading for a forest with rich vegetation. TheTrill guy shuddering on his console, while leaving theatmosphere. The Lurker smashes into the horn-shaped treecrown full of water.

At this point the man's body lifts up, then thuds back onthe console. Finally falls from his chair.

The Lurker hits the ground, rolls some meters, then getsstopped by a tree.

ANGLE ON: the legs of two Midean officer beaming down. Infront of them, the sphere. They walk up to it. Open thedoor and enter. They find the unconscious officer. Thecomputer tunes up.

COMPUTERWarning. Obstruction has beendetected directly ahead. Evasivemanoeuvre is recommended.


HHirl stands near a rail. Looks down. Prisoners, men,women, even some children sitting on the level below.They're mostly aliens.

HHIRLI have good news for you.

The prisoners looking up to him with a beat-up face.

HHIRL (CONT'D)Thanks to the walloping cogencyof the Federation leaders, we'lllet some prisoners free.

They start moving about. Hope in their eyes.

HHIRL (CONT'D)Everyone in this room will bebeamed over the flagship of theFederation immediately.

Smile on their faces. Relief in the crowd.

HHIRL (CONT'D)Queue up for the beam-over.

They struggle on their feet. A woman holding a baby closeto her.

HHIRL (CONT'D)(to an officer)


The prisoners stand in a container-like place. A coversinking over their head until it closes on the high-techwalls surrounding those aliens. They don't know what'shappening. In the closed place the walls start glowinggreenish. The glow becomes brighter and brighter. Finallythey get torn apart in their atoms. The procedure isover.

HHIRL (CONT'D)Bring the prisoners here fromcells 301. The same method.

At this point a rich voice speaks up from a shadowy partof the room. Then an elder and more Romulan looking manleaves the dark.

ROMULAN LEADERAnd who authorized you toexecute the prisoners?


ROMULAN LEADERI see. Have you given just onethought to your actions, thatmaybe they could be useful tous?

HHIRLFor what? What we need, we take.We form the rules of the Galaxy.

Suddenly HHirl falls to the ground. He grabs his headwith quite a painful face.

ROMULAN LEADEROut of respect, for your braveryin the Kardun Sector we choseyou for our leader. We can takethis privilege back anytime.

HHIRLOut of respect? My body is madeup of shreds of flesh. Wireskeep my unhurt organs together.

ROMULAN LEADERYou'd better bow to it. And youmust not give a state dinner toa Federation prisoner. I expect

you on briefing in thirtyminutes.

Romulan Leader leaves. HHirl stays anguished on thefloor.


A dark room. A holder almost full of water in the middleof it. Thahm suffering in it. The water which is rathersome mordant keeps desiccating her skin. Wheezing, shetries to dive under water. She hits the glass with herhands a few times. In vain.



A farmer working his land with a futuristic plow. Looksup to the sky. A green light sweeping towards him. Itsmashes into the land. Explosion.


In a café on an extended wing of a skyscraper humans andaliens talking, drinking. Next to them the same weaponblowing up buildings. The debris flying towards them.


A family living their life when the wall blows apart.Explosions again.


The Golden Gate Bridge gets shot into some pieces. Atthis point we see a couple of hybrid ships appearing inthe sky.


Officers running up and down. Working consoles. Shoutingnew incoming data to each other. Admiral Kawashi and thePresident of the Federation standing near a really bigpool-table.

STARFLEET OFFICER 1Mr. President, we're gettingdistress calls from all over theplanet.

STARFLEET OFFICER 2So far they've taken theAmerican and European sectorunder siege. Sensors readingfifty ships.

PRESIDENTHow are the defensive corpsresponding?

KAWASHIThey launched a counterattackimmediately. Without avail.Recommend rearranging our troopsto the territories that haven'tbeen attacked yet. Asia, South-Africa and the Polar Circles.

PRESIDENTRearranging our troops is nooption, Admiral. I won't letthem destroy the continent toits ashes.

KAWASHIMr. President, it's not much ofa help to our officers sendingthem to death. At the momentwe're outnumbered. One hundredtwenty-seven ships are lockingEarth's orbit hermetically. Therest will settle down throughoutthe solar system, trying topreclude that more hybrids wormthemselves further into ourproximity.

PRESIDENTHow could they get through theatmosphere?

KAWASHIThey improved their cloakingtechnology. We can't even followthem in traces.

PRESIDENTThen how do you want to precludethat they send more ships?

Kawashi falls his eyes. The President gets it.

PRESIDENT (CONT'D)Do it. And fling some olderships. Fire against fire.

KAWASHIUnderstood. And you will betaken to a secure hide-out.

PRESIDENTYou know what's my opinion aboutthe privileges of the Presidentat war. I won't stir a foot.

Said that, the President walks up to another console. Atthe annoyance of the Admiral.

KAWASHI(to officers)

Deploy armor on all Starfleetestablishments.


The armor flipping up on the building. It's almostcovered.


The windows showing the last plates activating. The armoris up.

KAWASHIMessage to the ships on orbit.


The Enterprise travelling at warp.


Captain Mechwart turning the corridor and enteringRavois's quarters. Two officers taking measurements withtricorders, Veracis standing at the display.

MECHWARTFound anything?

VERACISStrong psionic energy remains. Iattained the records of EnsignRavois' quarters from thesecurity, but I'm not wiser thanbefore. On stardate 142154.5 sheleft this room.

MECHWARTShe must have had great pains.

VERACISTo put it mildly. Seems like theprojective telepathy of theRomulans have reached an

extremely advanced level. Light-years from us they managed tolock on Ravois's brain.

MECHWARTHow advanced you guess thosetelepathic abilities in case ofa mass suggestion?

VERACISIn principle an extraordinarilyintense concentration is neededonly to control one individuum.

MECHWARTThe Borg collective had nodifficulty in communicating thatway from lightyears.

VERACISAs I'd pointed out, I need ascan of them to predictanything, but it would be toorisky to adapt full Borgtechnology.

MECHWARTYou didn't answer my question.Is it conceivable to manipulatecrowds? Yes or no?

VERACISAccording to our actualinformation no, it is not.

CRUSHER (COMM)Bridge to Captain Mechwart.We've reached Sector 001.

MECHWARTSlow to half impulse. I'm on myway.


The Enterprise slows down, passing by the Pluto. Ahead ofher, ships in line.


Mechwart arrives. Going to his chair.

MECHWARTStatus report.


Hundreds of Federation starshipsare forming line in the entiresolar system.

Hailing sound tunes up.

S'ANRA (CONT'D)The USS Fornax is hailing us.

MECHWARTAnswer them.

The Captain of the Fornax shows up on screen. A littleolder man than Mechwart, Captain VARETTO.

VARETTOThis is Captain Varetto from theUss Fornax. Captain, you'relate.

MECHWARTI'm glad to see you too,Captain. Status?

VARETTOThey took Earth under attack.Penetrated the atmospherewithout our knowledge. Theydon't emit the smallest amountof ionic gas, nor we can detecttetrion particles.

MECHWARTI know. We've had the pleasureto experience theirtechnological advantages. Order?

VARETTOWe've been sent to stop otherhybrid ships. No matter how.

MECHWARTWhere can we be of majorassistance to you?

VARETTOI have no idea. If we didn't seetheir presence on Earth, wewon't be able to get them here.

MECHWARTAnyway, we're sending you alldata we got during the combatwith them.

Crusher nods. Varetto looks at the Romulan tacticalofficer.

VARETTOSupposed you have anyinformation about their ships,you're free to share with us.

S'ANRAThose are hybrid ships. TheRomulans are as good asexterminated.

MECHWARTI repose full confidence inCommander S'anra.

CRUSHERData transfer finished.

VARETTOI'll take your word. Yourdecision?

MECHWARTWe're going to Earth. The flag-ship is likely to be fightingthere.

VARETTOI understand. If possible, avoidthe Mars. It's not a prettysight. Our stations and colonieshave been demolished. We're thelast fastness.

Mechwart nods. Varetto is out.

MECHWARTSet a course for Earth. Deployarmor. Load quantum phaserarrays, but we'll use torpedoesas primary offensive weapons.


MECHWARTFull impulse. Engage.


The Enterprise passing by the other starships. Perhapsheading for her destruction.


Romulans at different stages of assimilation sittingaround a table. Romulan Leader and HHirl being present aswell.

HHIRLWhat do you mean by we don'thave the Gamma Quadrant fullyunder control?

ROMULAN LEADERThe races are more resistantthan we thought. Executions takemore time then expected. We'retalking about billions ofindividuums.

HHIRLIt took five years until wefinished the plan. Other sixyears to secure our newtechnology. And you justify thisfallback with too long executiontime.

ROMULAN LEADERAnd energy, speaking of that.

HHIRLShoot apart their planets ifthey don't let themselves ledcaptive.

ROMULAN LEADERThat's exactly how we handleseveral planets. However, thereare territories of primenecessity we can't just blowapart. We need the knowledge ofthe more advanced species. Didyou understand me?

HHIRLToo well. Our cloaking deviceswork flawlessly. No one candetect us. We can beam out moreadvanced technologies anddestroy who resist. Even so youwant to make compromises withsubdued species.

ROMULAN LEADERIf you took the trouble to thinkit over for a minute, you'drealize the cooperation withthem would be to our profit.

HHIRLWe can bring them to heels.

(a beat)

Shall we exterminate one or twoplanets? Is it right that weblew up six Federation ships orwould it have been enough tocripple three? Your frailty willbe our death!

ROMULAN LEADERWatch your words.

Romulan Leader seems to be focusing. So are the otherleaders. HHirl won't react. The leaders put on asurprised face.

HHIRLI've done some modification onmy body which is now connectedto a high-performance psionicinterface. What you see is justa well-constructed photonicmatrix.

Suddenly more HHirls appear around the leaders.

ROMULAN LEADERYou don't have the nerve to dothat. If I don't stop you, aleader of another ship will.

HHIRLYou haven't been informed yet,but the other leaders had alittle accident. Their brainscouldn't process the largeamount of information streaminginto them. In the Alpha and BetaQuadrant my duplicates commandour ships. I've already takenaim at the units stationing inthe Gamma Quadrant. And we tookEarth under siege.

HHirl's duplicates annihilate the leaders with phasers. Aguard standing at the door.

HHILR(to the guard)

Tell our ships to exterminateSector 001. I don't want to seea survivor. From now on we don'ttake prisoners.

The guard reacts. Leaves the room.


The viewscreen showing space. Mechwart stepping in view.

CRUSHERWe're reaching Earth in twominutes.

(console signaling)Captain. Sensors picking up low-energy patterns in thesurrounding area.

MECHWARTOn screen.

The screen shows space infested with small objects. Notyet discernible.


The small objects turn out to be dead bodies floating inspace. Bodies of all kind of species.

MECHWART (CONT'D)(petrified)

What the have they done to them?

S'ANRAI'm reading residuals oftransporter signals. There arehundreds of thousands of deadbodies out there.

CRUSHERCaptain, we've arrived to themoon.


As soon as the Enterprise passes by the moon, gets adirect hit. An enormous battle field on Earth's orbit andmore faraway from it heaves in sight. Starfleet, Klingonand unknown alien ships fighting Hybrid warships.


The bridge shakes a bit. The hull couldn't get severedamage.

S'ANRADisruptor charges.

MECHWART(to Crusher)

Send them the data we gaveVaretto.

CRUSHERAlready done.

MECHWARTStand by on modified torpedoes.Get me a sensor sweeping on thesurface.

CRUSHER(working terminal)

San Francisco and Paris areunder heavy attack. They'recutting out the planetarydefense systematically. Ourdefense units keep the hybridships under continuous fire.

Another smaller shaking.

S'ANRAArmor at ninety-two percent andstable. A hybrid ship next to uslocking with tractor beam on aBersolian warship.

MECHWARTStandard torpedoes. Full spread.


The Enterprise fires a dozens of quantum torpedoes at thetractor beam emitter of the hybrid ship, which causes itto fluctuate. The Bersolian ship wriggles out of the beamarch and fires with everything it has. In vain. Then itpasses by the hybrid cube.


CRUSHERTorpedoes with modified warheadsare loaded and ready.

MECHWARTTarget them to the coordinates547.3. Launch two of them. Ifthey have any effect, we'll see.

S'ANRATarget locked.



The Enterprise launches two modified quantum torpedoeswhich hit the hybrid ship. Seemingly with no effect.



MECHWARTAny result?


Their cronoton emission issinking to some extent on theimpacts. We'll need that dozensof torpedoes to drill throughthem.

MECHWARTI knew it's a waste ofammunition. Mechwart to engine-room.

BAJ IZGo ahead.

MECHWARTI want another three dozens ofmodified torpedoes. We'll alsouse the experimental ones soon.

BAJ IZImpossible to be ready withthose wishes of yours.

MECHWARTRope in waiters from the mess-hall for all I care.

The bridge shaking again.

CRUSHERThey're trying with jacketedantiproton charges again.

MECHWARTWhy aren't they throw some Borgweapon at us?

S'ANRAProbably because they can crunchour smaller ships equipped withstandard shields in no time.

The bridge shaking continually to a small extent.

MECHWARTFire three torpedoes. Focus themon one point.


Locked on. Firing.


The Enterprise firing and hitting the hybrid ship.


S'ANRADirect hit.

CRUSHERTheir shields are weakening.

MECHWARTAim at the weakened shield areawith the rest.


The Enterprise launches torpedoes again. Direct hit onthe hybrid ship's hull. Smaller explosions on it. Thenthe enemy cube stops attacking other starships and aimsat the Enterprise only. It takes her under heavy fire,causing explosions on her armor. Something definitelywent wrong for our heros! The armor units flipping upactivated and down deactivated, appearing anddisappearing.



Infernal shudder on the bridge. Discharges from consoles.Smaller explosions. Officers holding on in what they can.

MECHWARTDamage report!

S'ANRAShield armor at fifty-ninepercent. The structuralintegrity field's weakening.Inertial dampers inoperable ondeck fifteen and sixteen.

BAJ IZThey dissected the energytransition conduits connectingthe armor plates. If we keepthem up, the hull's gonna burst.


Lower the armor. Raise standardshields now!

(to S'anra)Auxiliary power to the damagedsections. Fire at will!


The Enterprise continually vomiting torpedoes from hertubes directly to the hybrid ship ahead with bigger orsmaller success, while her armor disappears for good andall. While a direct hit from another hybrid ship swingsthe Enterprise out of its course, causing some of hermodified torpedoes to hit starfleet ships which blow upimmediately.


The holo-displays show the Enterprise bridge.

HHIRLWhat do you say now? Howingenious we are. It's an honourthat from all those ships youspotted mine. Goliath againstGoliath.


MECHWARTGet'em off the screen.

The screen overlooking the battle now.

CRUSHERCaptain, the Starbase opens fireat the hybrid cubes.


The huge starbase launches its torpedoes and phasersagainst the hybrids. Some of them, perhaps by chance, areirreparably damaged at once. Then four hybridsapproaching the base, shooting it as they can, causing itsevere damage. Its reactors are torn apart. The undersideand upper side of the starbase blows up, projecting itout of its orbital trajectory.



They can't stay up on orbit. Thebase is falling in theatmosphere.

MECHWARTShields down. Rescue as many asyou can.


MECHWARTExecute my orders, damn it!

He runs up to the helm, pushing aside the helmsman andtakes it in his hand.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Override transporter protocolsand match it with the shieldfrequency.


The Enterprise flying dangerously close to theatmosphere. Almost shaving it.



CRUSHERBeaming in progress.

The screen shows the base hot up and explode in pieces.Dead silence on the bridge.

S'ANRAWe've got less than hundred.Setting shields to rotatingmodulation.

MECHWARTBaj Iz, status report.

BAJ IZWe've lost the armor. Standardshields at eighty-three percent.Integrity fields holding. Thenavigational deflectorfunctioning normally to my greatsurprise.

MECHWARTRe-route power from the phasersto the torpedo banks.

BAJ IZAye, sir.

The Captain waves to the helmsman to sit back at hispost. He returns to his chair.

S'ANRACaptain, I've noticed changes inreference to their tactics.

MECHWARTI don't feel like guessing.

S'ANRALooks like they're running amok.Shooting insignificant areas onEarth from defensive point ofview. The battle formation hasbroken up in the atmosphere andon the orbit.

CRUSHERAnalysis confirmed. Thesemanoeuvres can't be calledtactics. They're massacring thepopulation at haphazard.

S'ANRATheir ships must be under thecontrol of several Commanders.They don't seem like caringabout each other's will.

MECHWARTPerhaps one of them assumedcommand.


MECHWARTTarget HHirl's ship. We'relodging the entire complement oftorpedoes into him. We must beamover.

S'ANRAWhat if you're mistaken?

MECHWARTThe same like sitting here andstaring at the useless computerreadouts. Target a single pointagain. Continuous fire.

S'anra getting down to work. Mechwart pushing buttons.


Baj Iz, we're going to depleteour resources. Deal with theexperimental torps.

BAJ IZ (COMM)Is the situation that bad?

MECHWARTOn the contrary. Maybe we gotcloser to the solution.

BAJ IZ (COMM)I'll try to get that as a goodnews.

MECHWART(to S'anra)

Begin the firework.


The Enterprise begins to fire, bereft of reason.Torpedoes hitting one point. The hybrid ship suffers atleast a bigger explosion on that part of the hull.


ROMULAN OFFICERThey cut a hole in our shield.

HHIRLShoot them apart!


The Enterprise recoils as being fired.


MECHWARTEvasive action.


The Enterprise barely avoids the disruptor charges. Onestill managed to hit the stardrive section.


Huge discharges. Explosion coming out of consoles. Thewarp core fluctuating.


The Enterprise gaining more and more distance from Earth.Going deeper in clear space.



BAJ IZBaj Iz to bridge. We got a hit.The warp power's fluctuating.

MECHWARTAcknowledged. S'anra, we beamover with a troop. Crusher, youhave the bridge.

CRUSHERIf I saw their systems, Icould...

MECHWARTNegative. Keep the Enterprisetogether.

CRUSHERYour life-signs won't be easy todetect. And how do you plan tobeam over?

MECHWARTFeedback energy.

CRUSHER(not pleased, butyielding)

Might work.

MECHWARTAs for the battle, you have afree hand.

The Captain leaves. S'anra goes up to Crusher, grabbinghis shoulder.

S'ANRAGood luck.

CRUSHERThe same to you.

The woman leaves. Crusher sits in the big chair, extrascoming to his station. He looks at the turbolift as thetwo officers get in and the door closes on them.


Until further notice, we'll holdposition. Computer, keep trackof Captain Mechwart andLieutenant Commander S'anra'spatterns. In case of severelife-sign degradation beam themback to the Enterprise. Crusherto Transporter Room four.


The Captain, the tactical officer and four other enterthe room in field uniform. Tricorder embedded in theirarm module, having phaser rifles in their hands.

TRANSPORTER CHIEFSir, I've done the modificationLieutenant Crusher asked for.It'll be a bumpy road.

MECHWARTMechwart to Crusher. Let's playthe victim.


CRUSHERBring us about. Let them lock onus with their tractor beam.


The officers go up to the platform. The room startsshaking.

MECHWART(to transporter chief)

Get us through somehow.

Transporter Chief working. The officers dematerializing.


The tractor beam locked on the Enterprise flashing up,then ceasing to function.


ROMULAN OFFICERThe feedback wave hasdeteriorated the emitter relays.

HHIRLI wonder what else they have yetin store.

ROMULAN OFFICER(checking console)

Commander, twenty-three shipsreported malfunction in engines,and other secondary systems.

HHIRLThey'd better find a solution!

ROMULAN OFFICERCommander. One consciousness isunable to maintain the optimalfunctioning of our troops.

HHIRLUp to this point you've done anexcellent job. Don't want me tomake you end up in space likethe prisoners.

Romulan Officer, petrified, recoils and returns to hispost.

HHIRL (CONT'D)The Enterprise is not strongerthan any other ship. You mayshoot what you want.



A Klingon bird-of-prey under attack and returning fire.



KLINGON OFFICERDisruptor energy sinking. Barelyenough to fire some more shots.

KLINGON CAPTAINSubmergence down to thirtythousand kilometers.

KLINGON OFFICERThat brings us in the airspaceof North-America. We can'tmanoeuvre us back.

KLINGON CAPTAINI never planned. All energy tothe disruptors.

Klingon Officer working his console. Other Klingons doingtheir job as expected from them.


The Klingon bird-of-prey starts sinking. It glows upreaching the atmosphere. Hardly getting to itsdestination, it fires at hybrid cubes in the skyimmediately.


KLINGON OFFICERCaptain, don't ask why but theirshield power has beendebilitated. Their manoeuvringcapability faltering.

KLINGON CAPTAINAll disruptors fire!


The Klingon ship vomiting disruptor charges at the hybridship, which explodes in tiny pieces.


ROMULAN OFFICERCommander, one of our cubes hasbeen destroyed in theatmosphere.


ROMULAN OFFICERA Klingon ship, class bird-of-prey defeated it.

HHIRLA horde of lousy beastsdestroyed our ship? Explain!

Romulan Officer leaves his post. Gets closer to HHirl.Seems like he gained self-confidence.

ROMULAN OFFICERI'd told you several times. Youalone are incapable of keep the

cubes on the orbit and in theatmosphere under control.

HHIRLShut your mouth, traitor!

Said that, HHirl grabs his phaser and fires. The beamshots through Romulan Officer and hits a console somemeters behind him. The console sparkling a couple oftimes. Romulan Officer drops dead.

HHIRL (CONT'D)(to the other officers)

Sink this moment into yourmemory. I am the Romulan Empire!

Chirp from the holo-displays. HHirl turning to seeMechwart and S'anra sneaking around.

HHIRL (CONT'D)And the nominees for theroughest suicide are.


Still in the middle of the battle.

SCIENCE OFFICERLong-range sensors picking upMidean ships.

CRUSHERIt was about time.

SCIENCE OFFICERSir, old Sovereign and Galaxy-class starships decloakingbefore several hybrid cubes.

CRUSHEROn screen.

The screen showing that type of ships floating in frontof hybrid ships.

SCIENCE OFFICERThe power-level in their warpdrive is increasing.

CRUSHER(picking up on it)

Full impulse! Let's get out ofhere. Give all power to shields.Signal the same to other ships.


A Sovereign-class commits kamikaze attack at maximumwarp. So do other Galaxy and Sovereign ships. They smashinto several hybrid cubes which blow apart immediately.

Meanwhile the Enterprise and other allies trying toescape the shock-wave and huge explosions. Some make it,some don't. The warp power of the Enterprise ceases asthe shockwave hits her. The blue glowing of the nacellesturns off. The shield flashes up for a second then ceasesto function.



Explosions, discharges, infernal shudders on the bridge,corridors, engine-room, arboretum, throughout the ship.In the engine-room the warp core is completely dark. Noplasma, matter or antimatter flow anywhere. Officerstrying to hold on. Some killed by console blasts, someinjured and can't move. Baj Iz still working the pool-table when the ceiling comes off.


Mechwart and S'anra enter the room. Full of Betazoidwomen, connected with machines. The Romulan officerscanning.

S'ANRAJust Betazoid women. They'rebeing used as living incubators.


Children of a better RomulanEmpire are born here.

They continue scanning until they find Ravois. They hookher off the tubes and conduits right away. Mechwartholding her in his arms. Ravois is strong enough to lookat him. At this moment the Captain twitches. Ravoissending thoughts and pictures in his brain. He sees aRomulan (HHirl) pieced together and connected with a lifesupport machine and who knows what more gadgets areattached to his body. Then he sees Thahm lying on abench. Another picture about crystalline entitiesswarming to a direction in space. Telepathic transferover.

RAVOIS(faint; quavering)

We called them. They will help.


Good job. Don't give up. We beamyou back.

RAVOISNo. Too late.

Mechwart holding her tight. Ravois dies in his arms. Heputs her down on the floor carefully. They're justwatching her. Silence. Then the Captain, reluctantly,continues.

MECHWARTI know how stop this madness.But first we've got to rescuesomeone.


Mechwart and S'anra beam in the room. Darkness. OnlyThahm is illuminated. They run up to her. Scanning.

S'ANRAHer life-signs are as good asgone. Her skin has beencompletely desiccated with somecorrosive.

Mechwart places a little device on her. Works histricorder. Thahm disappears in a transporter beam.


The sickbay is in ruins just like the rest of the ship.Casualties, wounded everywhere. Thahm getting beamed in.

In another room Veracis treating officers when hearing ahowl.

MEDICAL OFFICERDoctor, quickly!

Veracis doubles up there. Sees Thahm.

VERACISTake her to lab six. Hurry!


The same pictures. Everything in ruins.

CRUSHERCrusher to engine-room.

No answer. He jumps up from the chair. Runs up to theturbolift.

OFFICERSir, where are you going?

CRUSHEREngine-room. We can't doanything here.

He gets in the turbolift. Officer watching flashingconsole.



Baj Iz shouting with pain.


Debris, parts of walls, consoles lying everywhere. Amongthem some dead officers. Scraps, debris ripped through apart of his left wing which is continually bleeding. Hecan barely move.

The floor below is so damaged it can't hold the upperlevel, which starts gradually fall down, pieces breakingoff. The debris fall down, Baj Iz can hardly hold him up.


Baj Iz's hand being caught by another. It's Crusher.


BAJ IZI can't.

CRUSHEROf course, you can. We've hackedit so far. Don't give up now!

BAJ IZ(exerting himself)

No use.

CRUSHERLet out your claws.

BAJ IZThere's nothing I can hold on.

CRUSHERSo I'm nothing. Thanks.

Baj Iz fires up at this idea. Trying to free his handfrom Crusher's.

BAJ IZLet me fall.


BAJ IZLet me fall, goddamit!

CRUSHERDo it, you idiot!

Finally Baj Iz lets out his claws. He struggles up,sinking his claws into Crusher's back. Crusher pulls himup to an area where it's safe. They stay lying on thefloor. Suffering from pain.

CRUSHER (CONT'D)We should do this by way offoreplay.


Federation ships and Midean cruisers shooting hybridcubes. Some of them lying in ruins in space.

Suddenly a hybrid cube starts jarring, flickering. Itcontinues vibrating until falling apart and swallowed bya bright beam.

ANGLE ON: turning up to a CRYSTALLINE ENTITY eating thehybrid cube.

We see now a herd of entities approaching us. Doing thesame to other hybrid ships. Federation and Midean shipsescaping from their feast.


Captain Mechwart and his tactical officer still scanningwhich direction to go. From nowhere, HHirl appears in adark corner. He surprises them.

HHIRLCaptain Mechwart and the Judasof the Romulan Empire. Would bemore proper to knock. Don't youthink?

MECHWARTCome out of the dark, timorouslittle worm!

HHirl steps out. S'anra takes her rifle and fires. Atnothing. The hybrid vanishes and reappears some metersaway. S'anra scans him. She understands why it happened.

HHIRLAs you can see, it's not a bodyof flesh and blood standing infront of you. Allow me todemonstrate the contrary of thisspecial characteristic of mine.

His body gets firm. Runs up to S'anra, punches her. Sheflies several meters away. Lands on the ground, bleeding.Mechwart reacts. Wants to get HHirl, but another holo-duplicate appears and another. They beat him until he'son the floor. At this point, Mechwart grabs his rifle,fires, tearing apart the room in its atoms. The beamcovers the holograms too. Severe damage inside the ship.The walls before Mechwart vanished. Several decks can beseen ahead.

Mechwart and S'anra struggle on their feet.

S'ANRAThere must be a control centerwhere he sends his hologramsfrom.

MECHWARTIt's about much more than that.What about the troops?

S'ANRAI'm getting no report from them.


Officers leaning against walls or suffering on the floor.Some under debris. Crusher and Baj Iz next to each other.Crusher comes to his senses.

CRUSHERThe Captain.

Carefully he pushes away Baj Iz so he can get up. Walksup to the pool-table. Watching readouts.

CRUSHER (CONT'D)There's barely energy in anysystem.

BAJ IZ(trying to shout tohim)

Torpedo tube one.


(checking)Seems like that's all we can do.


The two Starfleet officers enter. The green lightsembedded in the floor lead to a circle lowered more thanthe rest of the floor. Someone sitting in it, connectedto several machines which are attached with wirespenetrating the ground. Mechwart steps up to him. Heremoves the headpiece from his head. It's HHirl's wreckedface and body what he sees.

S'ANRAHe'd been more wounded in theKardun battle than he made usbelieve.

MECHWARTAnd probably he didn't sit inthis chair of his own accord.Back on the Enterprise you saidtheir tactical priority changed.He's the key to it.

S'ANRAHe will fail to control so manyships.

MECHWARTHe attached a pile of psi-wavedevice on him. Liquidated theother Commanders. He wanted torevenge on the Federation, butalso get his own fellows ontheir knee for what they've doneto him.

HHIRL (V.O.)Believe me I suffered agoniesbeyond your comprehension, butthere's still a faint beam ofhope. My physical existence arelimited by that bunch of cablesand wires. As soon as I'vemanaged to download my memory inone more stable hologram, I'lldestroy this piece of meat. Butfirst I'll deal with your crew.

He appears in his holographic form. Holo-displaysemerging from the floor, showing the helpless Enterprise.


In the middle of the battle, the Enterprise drifting.Even smaller ships are able to cause severe damage tosome hybrid ships. A hybrid disruptor charge approachingthe Enterprise. It smashes into the sensor/torpedo moduleprotecting the bridge, causing it blow apart.


The bridge officers flying up and down in thisshuddering. The force-field around the bridge getsactivated automatically. The shuddering ends. Theofficers lying on the floor, looking up and they don'tsee the ceiling anymore, just open space. The battle isvisible too above them.


MECHWART(pointing rifle toHHirl)

Too bad you screwed me up.

The Captain wants to fire, but his rifle thinksdifferent.

HHIRL(as if reporting)

Inhibitor fields activated,Captain.

HHirl attacks the Romulan woman. Meanwhile Mechwartattempting to deactivate his real body. A hologram showsup, fighting Mechwart.


Midean ships firing with all power. They destroy someenemy cubes. The Enterprise still drifting.


Crusher makes it. He pushes some other buttons.

CRUSHERI hope it works.

COMPUTERTransphasic torpedoes loaded.

Then he works the console for a couple of seconds and thecomputer reports again.


The activation transporter lock-on of the communication channelsdesignated confirmed.

Crusher pushes a button.


The Enterprise fires three torpedoes. Headed for threedifferent hybrid cubes. They penetrate them and blow themapart from inside at once. The shock wave destroys otherenemy ships too.


The duplicate fighting Mechwart fluctuates anddisappears. Mechwart surprised, shouts to S'anra.

MECHWARTKeep him busy.

The force-field around HHirl's real body shuts down.Mechwart grabs his rifle. Steps back and fires at theduplicate fighting S'anra. Then pulls her away and firesat his real body. It gets torn apart in its atoms.


The hybrid cubes shut down one after the other.Federation and Midean ships shooting them senselessly.The enemy ships explode.


Hybrid cubes start falling. One of them hitting theground, causing huge explosion spreading kilometers.


KLINGON CAPTAINShoot them apart before theyfall down.


Ships shooting enemy cubes to make them explode. Theymake it. No other ship smashes into the ground.


The Captain and S'anra struggle on their feet. She burtsout crying. Mechwart hugs her while activating his commbadge. A transporter beam covers them immediately...


...and they materialize in the transporter room. Sittingon the platform, They look around. Destructioneverywhere.

MECHWARTCrusher did find a way.

They go down from the platform with heavy steps.


In a huge room the President addresses the crowd.Officers, politicians, everyday people, aliens.

PRESIDENTWe made a mistake. As so manytimes in the last centuries andmillennia. History proved thathowever much we want to livewithout prejudice, there'salways an aggressor coming onthe scene who at a dashunsettles the peace laboriouslymaintained and achieved. Theconclusion is still the same:the price for peace and freedomis constant vigilance. That'sall what lies in our power. Weweren't watchful enough torealize the intentions of thetraitor Romulans. Our arroganceled us to underestimate them. Iwon't be so arrogant to say nexttime it'll be different.



PRESIDENT (V.O.) (CONT'D)We all feel the destructioncaused by the Hybrids on our ownskin. There's no species in thethree quadrant which hadn'tsuffered severe damage indemographic or infrastructuralways.


PRESIDENT (V.O.) (CONT'D)Mankind breaks camp on a goodpart of its colonies. Millionsof humans chose to come back toEarth to bear a hand inreconstructing it and to fillthe space left by ourmisfortuned friends, mates,families.


PRESIDENT (V.O.) (CONT'D)The Romulan Star Union hasofficially seceded from the Eisnstar-system which they wereforced to destroy due to theexcessive ravage in it. Theyhave rescued their mates fromthe subdued colonies. TheRomulan race found a new home inthe Algeron System.


PRESIDENT (V.O.)The primary mission of Starfleetwill consist in assisting thespecies twisted on the verge ofalmost total extinction andreinstating the losses sufferedfrom war. The exploration of theuniverse is a secondaryfunction.


PRESIDENT (V.O.) (CONT'D)However, we can't let the tasteof peace inebriate us. AllFederation member has theobligation to search for Borgtechnology and destroy them. Asfor the populated worlds beyondthe Federation's range, we counton cooperation and assistance.We'll ask them to quest forremains, debris eventuallyscattered on the surface orburied under the ground of theirplanets in order that no livingbeing can benefit from thatgruesome technology ever again.


The Enterprise parking near the moon. In full fig.Meanwhile a man talking.

OFFICER (V.O.)Enterprise, this is the BetaStarbase. We've beamed over thelast piece of the reliefconsignments. Safe journey!


S'ANRABeta starbase, this is theEnterprise. The arrival of therelief consignments confirmed.

The Captain enters. Looking questioningly at the Romulanwoman.

S'ANRA (CONT'D)Transhipment is finished. Thetechnicians of the station haveleft the Enterprise.

MECHWARTSeemed an eternity to me tillthey put those packages underour nose.

THAHMThe aid packages for thedifferent species will take moretime to deliver.

BAJ IZAll systems are fullyoperational. The Enterprise isready to launch.

MECHWARTMusic to my ears.

(to Thahm)Did you checked hiscalculations?

Thahm gives him a look that suggests he'd better shut up.

CRUSHERCaptain, we've just got amessage about a new helmsman.

At this moment the turbolift door opens. A Gazrot stepsout. He walks up to the helm console without saying aword to anyone. The crew amusing about it. What shouldthey expect from a Gazrot?

MECHWART(to the Gazrot)

Welcome aboard, Ensign.

The new helmsman turns, putting on an annoyed face. Turnsback, then...

CLOSE ON: the Captain.

MECHWART (CONT'D)Set course.

The Gazrot working the console. Ready. Mechwart casts aglance at his crew.



The Enterprise gets covered with that beautiful bluelight. She proudly jumps to transwarp to help the alreadyknown lifes and civilizations.