Standardised Work Principle Document This document was compiled by Mark Radley of GENEO Consulting Limited pg. 1

Standardised Work Principle Document - Geneo · Standardised Work Context Standardised Work is a workgroup-based method of documenting the ‘one best way’ to perform a process

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Standardised Work

Principle Document

This document was compiled by Mark Radley of GENEO Consulting Limited

pg. 1

Standardised Work

Standardised Work 3 ...........................................................................................

Goal   3  ...........................................................................................................................................................................

Purpose   3  ...................................................................................................................................................................

Bene0its   3  ....................................................................................................................................................................

Standardised Work Context 4 ..............................................................................

Importance of Standardised Work 4 ...................................................................

Role of the Leader 5 ............................................................................................

Standardised Work – Process 6 ..........................................................................

Create  the  Standard     6  ..........................................................................................................................................

Standardised  Work  Chart   6  ................................................................................................................................

Job  Element  Sheet  (JES)   6  ...................................................................................................................................

Maintain  the  Standard   7  ......................................................................................................................................

Process  Con0irmation   7  ........................................................................................................................................

Improve  the  Standard   7  .......................................................................................................................................

Improvement  Steps  for  Standardised  Work   7  ............................................................................................

Timing   8  .....................................................................................................................................................................

Recommendations   8  ..............................................................................................................................................

Contact Us 9........................................................................................................

pg. 2

Standardised Work


Provide a platform for continuous improvement


The purpose of Standardised Work is to capture the one best way of

performing a process to ensure:

• Safe production at the best quality to the right quantity.

• A knowledge base for Continuous Improvement and Problem Solving

• Ensure operating consistency - reduce variation


• Improved safety

• Improved Quality

• People engaged in continuous improvement

• Repeatable process

• People development

pg. 3

Standardised Work Context

Standardised Work is a workgroup-based method of documenting the ‘one

best way’ to perform a process including all the aspects of safety, quality,

delivery, cost and people.

The three key element

• The work sequence

• The takt time

• And the Standard In Process Stock (where applicable)

Importance of Standardised Work

Standardised Work helps the organisation to meet its production targets

safely, to the right quality and volume.

pg. 4

Role of the Leader

The primary role of the leader is to ensure the

standard can be adhered to. Any

interruptions or unnecessary deviations

that affect the work sequence should be

removed from the working environment

enabling the operator to follow the


The leader must also:

• Process Confirmation - Ensure the standard is adhered to. A ‘one best way’

has been established and agreed to by the operators. To ensure safety,

quality, flow and improved capacity, the standard must be executed exactly

as stated. ‘What is the standard, was it followed, is it adequate?’

• Continuous Improvement - Ensure that the Standardised Work is the

baseline for any improvement

• People Development - Through capturing best practice with operators

and sharing knowledge through Standardised Work, the ‘one best way’ is

is locked in. This enables a versatile, multi-skilled workforce and

reduces the risk of losing ‘know how’..

• Problem Solving - Facilitate problem solving

activities with Standardised Work

providing the baseline for

investigation.’What is the standard,

was it followed, is it adequate?’

Lock in the countermeasure

once in place.

pg. 5

Standardised Work – Process

Create the Standard

Standardised Work Chart

Engagement - the standard is built with

frontline operators to reflect the needs of

the customer, SQDCP, and any legal

requirements of the process.

Agreement of the ‘One Best Way’ must


• Work sequence - the order in which the task must be completed (the ‘WHAT TO DO’)

• Takt - built to ensure the customer demand can be met

• Standard In Process Stock (SIPS) - minimising any inventory required to perform the task and enable flow

The document is authorised by the appropriate parties.

Job Element Sheet (JES)

The standard, at the Job Element Sheet

level, (the ‘HOW TO DO’) must adhere to

the following methodology to ensure

process confirmation, operator training and

problem solving:

• Step - Clearly identify the step

• Key Point - Articulate key aspects to perform the task

• Reason Why - Explain the consequence of not following the Key Point (Consequence)

Training - Train all operators involved in the standard and track competency.

pg. 6

Standard Work Chart


Maintain the Standard

Process Confirmation

Process Confirmation, the robust audit of standards and clear actions to

remedy variation is a pre-requisite for ensuring standards serve a purpose.

1st Line Supervisor - ensure the standard is maintained

Layered Audits - ensure the system is working effectively to maintain


Improve the Standard

Standardised Work provides a baseline to adhere to until a change for the

better is incorporated. In the process a new standard will emerge that has

improved Safety, Quality, Delivery, or Cost. The process for improving

standards is as follows:

Improvement Steps for Standardised Work

The improvement steps are followed by the team and supervisor.

1. Identify the waste and suggested improvement

2. Quantify the impact of the idea

3. Develop a plan of implementation

4. Implement the Idea

5. Confirm the idea is working and standardise

6. Share the benefits

pg. 7

Job Element Sheet


Standardise the improvement - Once verified as successful the idea is then

incorporated in the new standard that is then authorised.

Train the team in the change

- The teams / shifts are then

trained in the change

Share the benefit - Where possible, the improvement should be shared

across sister processes along with the standard.


• The ideas may accrue over a certain period (weeks) as the team and supervisor formulates the hypothesis. However, this should not be longer than 4 weeks.

• Ideas should not be left unevaluated for more than one week

• The check cycle for the effectiveness of the idea is at the discretion of the supervisor and superintendent with the support of Business Improvement

• The new standard must be operational from the moment of acceptance

• Training must be immediate with the change and follow Job Instruction methods


• A version history of changes is kept in archive for traceability and learning

• Ability to revert to previous standard if required

• Shared JES are used where possible to minimise burden of work and

generate a bank of best practice steps to be incorporated into the

Standardised Work

• Graphics and photographs are incorporated wherever possible

pg. 8

Contact Us

This document was written by Mark Radley with the support of Chris Jones, Roger Bent,

Gary Sermon, Mike Slinger, Andrew Hemingway and Tim King.

For further details on how GENEO can support your organisation with Lean transformation,

please contact us on:

[email protected]


Mark Radley - Director [email protected]


Tim King - Director [email protected]

m: +44(0)7810820414

pg. 9

GENEO Consulting Limited

7 the Parade

Leamington Spa


CV32 5SG
