SCOTS CHURCH ADELAIDE UNITING CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA 237 North Terrace Adelaide, South Australia We, the Uniting Church people of Scots Church on North Terrace are called by God to be a welcoming, inclusive, worshipping community of God, committed to justice, learning and care, anticipating a world transformed by the love of God. 28 th February, 2021 Preacher: Rev Dr Peter Trudinger Liturgist: Mr Gavin Kerslake Organist: Mr Ashleigh Tobin OAM REMEMBERING THE FIRST PEOPLE We remember with gratitude the Kaurna people, the original custodians of the land 1

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237 North TerraceAdelaide, South Australia

We, the Uniting Church people of Scots Church on North Terrace are called by God to be a welcoming,

inclusive, worshipping community of God,committed to justice, learning and care,

anticipating a world transformed by the love of God.

28th February, 2021Preacher: Rev Dr Peter Trudinger

Liturgist: Mr Gavin KerslakeOrganist: Mr Ashleigh Tobin OAM


We remember with gratitude the Kaurna people, the original custodians of the land on which we now gather

and ask for God’s grace to be good stewards of this place with them and to strive for reconciliation between all who

share it.


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A warm welcome is extended to all.Your presence both enriches us

and this time of celebration together.

An asterisk * indicates you are invited to stand as you are able. You are invited to speak the words in bold.

Helpful instructions are in italics.

Our worship service follows a classic pattern. For those of you unfamiliar with this, sentences in this font briefly explain the parts of the service.

If you require the hearing loop please sit in middle of centre pews

GATHERING(The meditation, prelude and image are intended to help you set aside the stresses of the outside world and prepare for worship.)

MeditationI have a lot of faith. But I am also afraid a lot, and have no real certainty about anything. I remembered something Father Tom had told me--that the opposite of faith is not doubt, but certainty. Certainty is missing the point entirely. Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns. Anne Lamott


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Call to Worship(We start by reminding ourselves that we are here to worship God together. The Call is often based on a passage from the Bible.)

All you who worship the Lord, praise God!We glorify God who has always stood by us.

For God does not look away from usGod hears us when we cry out.

We will make God known to the ends of the earthWe will tell future generations about the goodness

of God.(based on Psalm 22)

Opening Prayer(This prayer usually focuses on God, e.g., acknowledging that God is with us or praising God. The hymn continues the praise.)

*Hymn TiS 59 All people that on earth do dwell1. All people that on earth do dwell,

sing to the Lord with cheerful voice:him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell;come ye before him and rejoice.

2. Know that the Lord is God indeed;without our aid he did us make:we are his folk; he doth us feed,and for his sheep he doth us take.

3. O enter then his gates with praise;approach with joy his courts unto;praise, laud, and bless his name always,for it is seemly so to do.

4. For why the Lord our God is good;his mercy is for ever sure;his truth at all times firmly stood,and shall from age to age endure.


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Prayer of Confession(There is a vast difference between God and humans. Humans often do things that are hurtful to others or to God. This prayer acknowledges that there is room for improvement and asks for God’s forgiveness.)

We will follow each short prayer with the wordsLord/Christ, have mercy.

Lord/Christ, have mercy.

Assurance of Pardon and RenewalDear Friends, God does not abandon us or reject us.…and follow the way of Christ.

Thanks be to God.


(We want to live in the way God wants us to live. First we pray that God might help us understand what that means. Then we listen to part of the Bible, and finally a message explaining what those words might mean for us today. The hymn often picks up on some theme from the Bible reading.)

Prayer for Illumination

The Good News for TodayGenesis 17:1-8, 15-16Mark 8:31-38

In sacred words of old,we have heard the Spirit speak anew.

*Hymn TiS 691 Faith will not grow from words alone1. Faith will not grow from words alone,

from proofs provided, scripture known;our faith must feel its way about,and live with question-marks and doubt.

2. The pattern Jesus showed, we share:life comes through death, hope through despair.God is made known in brokenness,


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and faith feeds on God's emptiness.3. The church still tells how Jesus came

through death to glorious life again —the strangest story! Yet, maybe,our faith will thrive on mystery.

4. Faith takes the little that we know,and calls for hope, and tells us: Go!Love and take courage, come what may;Christ will be with us on the way.


Silent Reflection

WE RESPOND IN FAITH(In this section we commit ourselves to live lives that are in keeping with God’s will.)

*Hymn TiS 262 When pain and terror strike by chance1. When pain and terror strike chance,

with causes unexplained, when God seems absent or asleep, and evil unrestrained, we crave an all-controlling force ready to rule and warn, but find, far-shadowed by a cross, a child in weakness born.

2. We marvel at God's nakedness and sense the play of chancein Herod's anger, Peter's growth, and Pilate's troubled glance. Our Saviour's tempted, tested way never was cut and dried but costly, risking life and love, betraved and crucified.


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3. How deep the Wisdom of our God, how weak, but truly wise, to risk, to sacrifice, to die and from the grave arise, to shed the shroud of death and fate, freeing our hearts for good. We breathe the ample air of hope and take our chance with God.

4. Since Wisdom took its chance on earth, to show God's living way, we' ll trust that fear and force will fail, and Wisdom win the day. Then come, dear Christ, and hold us fast when faith and hope are torn, and bring us, in your loving arms, to resurrection morn.

Prayers of the People (God has asked us to love and care for each other. In this prayer, we remember situations of need in the world. It closes with the Lord’s Prayer, which was taught by Jesus to his disciples and is used by all Christians.)

Closing with The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,hallowed be your name,your kingdom come,your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our sins,

as we forgive those who sin against us.Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yoursnow and for ever. Amen.


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Life and Ministry of the Congregation(We mention some of the things that are happening in our community, including the practical ways we can respond to God’s love for us, by loving our neighbour.)

Invitation to the Offering(One practical way of responding is to contribute money which is used to help).

The promises of God are not for us to hide away for our own benefit. They are given to all creation and all humanity. So let us live in thankfulness and share in joy!

*Prayer of Dedication(We offer the money to God and pray that it might be used wisely.)

*Hymn TiS 642 This day God gives me (Tune: TiS 156)1. This day God gives me

strength of high heaven, sun and moon shining, flame in my hearth, flashing of lightning, wind in its swiftness, deeps of the ocean, firmness of earth.

2. This day God sends me strength to sustain me, might to uphold me, wisdom as guide.Your eyes are watchful, your ears are listening, your lips are speaking, friend at my side.

(hymn continued overleaf)


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3. God's way is my way, God's shield is round me, God's host defends me, saving from ill.Angels of heaven, drive from me always all that would harm me, stand by me still.

4. Rising, I thank you, mighty and strong One, king of creation,giver of rest, firmly confessing threeness of persons, oneness of Godhead, trinity blest.

*Commissioning(At the end of the service, we prepare to go back to our daily lives. The Commissioning reminds us how we are to live in the world. The Blessing reassures us that God is with us in our daily lives.)


*Choral Amen TiS 783(ii)

Postlude This is an opportunity for quiet reflection. Please remain seated until the postlude has ended. No applause is necessary.


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Let the church of Jesus, the Christ, arise and go forth into the world as a vibrant witness to the abiding presence of

God’s love.

We exchange the peace of the Christ with one another.

Sources used in worship today include Words for Worship, Seasons of the Spirit, and Rex Hunt. Music reproduced with permission, licenses #A1050, LicenSingOnline, and #496838, CCLI. Image: Gerd Altmann, pixabay.com/en/chaos-regulation-chaos-theory-485491/, Public Domain, CC0. https://pixabay.com/en/paint-splatter-background-mess-2245774/b0red Public Domain, CC0.


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Penn HousmannArt Exhibition

Pilgrim Uniting Church

12 Flinders Street

Unley AreaJoint Churches

Lenten Study GroupsVarious locations in

2021During Lent, the Uniting Church international mission team, UnitingWorld, conducts a fund raising appeal for projects throughout the world. These projects are run in partnership with a local church in the country of interest. Each Sunday, our service will include a brief explanation of one of these projects. There are envelopes in the pews if

Scots Church Fellowship

12 noonThursday 4 March

McGregor Hallwith Rev Jill Lienert

BYO lunchtea & coffee provided


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About Scots Church Adelaide

Scots Church was opened in 1851 by local supporters of the Free Church, a reform movement in the Church of Scotland that opposed political control of the church and engaged with the social changes of the 1800s, including industrialisation and urbanisation. The church originally was named after the leader of the movement, Thomas Chalmers. In 1929, the congregation amalgamated with Flinders St Presbyterian Church and took the name Scots Church. After the Flinders St church was demolished items such as the organ, windows and plaques, were placed in Scots Church, and the stonework re-used as facing for the office block. In 1977 Scots Church joined the Uniting Church in Australia.

Over the years, the congregation has supported many social initiatives around Adelaide. Today Scots proudly continues in its commitment to the city community as a neighbour and place open to all. We host several community organizations, including the SA Jazz Archive and The Big Issue. Our facilities are available for use by other community groups.

The building is the second oldest church still standing in the city. The current minister of the congregation is Rev Dr Peter Trudinger. Worship services are held at 10.30am each Sunday.


237 North Terrace, Adelaide, Phone 8223 1505 Minister: Rev Dr Peter Trudinger

www.scotschurch.org www.facebook.com/scotschurchadelaide

Penn HousmannArt Exhibition

Pilgrim Uniting Church

12 Flinders Street

Unley AreaJoint Churches

Lenten Study GroupsVarious locations in