Standard Operating Procedure for Homes for the Rehabilitation of the Ultra Poor / People in Beggary / Destitutes Submitted by Samir Ghosh Consultant, SSUPSW

Standard Operating Procedure for Homes for the ...shodhana.org/.../2019/...for-the-rehabilitation-of-people-in-beggary.pdf · Standard Operating Procedure for Homes for the Rehabilitation

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Page 1: Standard Operating Procedure for Homes for the ...shodhana.org/.../2019/...for-the-rehabilitation-of-people-in-beggary.pdf · Standard Operating Procedure for Homes for the Rehabilitation

Standard Operating Procedure for Homes for the Rehabilitation of the Ultra Poor /

People in Beggary / Destitutes

Submitted by

Samir Ghosh

Consultant, SSUPSW

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Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 1

Main principles of care ........................................................................................................................................ 1

Objectives ................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Monitoring ............................................................................................................................................................... 2

Management Information System .................................................................................................................. 2

Process of Enrolment .......................................................................................................................................... 2

Step 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Step 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Identification and Rescue of Eligible ............................................................................................................. 3

Deployment And Management Of Staff ........................................................................................................ 4

Accounting & Financial Records ..................................................................................................................... 6

Maintenance of Records, Reporting and Documentation ...................................................................... 6

Facilities & Security .............................................................................................................................................. 6

1. Individual Records / Case Files ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

2. Living and sleeping arrangements ................................................................................................................................................ 6

3. Items of Personal Care ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7

4. Health and Referral Services ............................................................................................................................................................ 7

5. Reporting an Incident / Death/ Missing Resident ................................................................................................................. 7

6. Bathrooms ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

7. Kitchen ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

8. Hallways/ Stairways ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8

9. Fire Prevention & Evacuation Procedure during Fire Hazard .......................................................................................... 8

10. Orientation on arrival ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8

11. User’s Fees ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

12. Counseling And De-Addiction ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

13. Recreational Activities ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9

14. Legal Services ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Annexure 1: Detail specification of qualification, experience & job responsibility of staff of

Home ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Annexure 2: The Home In-charge (Superintendent) will be responsible to maintain the

following Registers and files in Rehabilitation Home: ........................................................................ 13

Annexure 3: Daily Routine of residents..................................................................................................... 14

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Standard Operating Procedure for Homes for the Rehabilitation of the Ultra Poor / People in Beggary / Destitutes

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This document has been developed to guide staff and administration of residential and non-

residential institutions working with vulnerable groups to perform their functions with clarity and

accountability. Institutionalization of vulnerable people should be undertaken with the aim to

restore their dignity and self reliance, so that most of them are able to become full and active

citizens and lead healthy and meaningful lives.

Main principles of care

The care-giving and services provided by the residential as well as non-residential institutions must

be sensitive and empathetic to the needs of the groups they are working with. The main principles

of care include the following:

i. Complement Formal Care with Informal Care giving: Formal care provided by

professionals and trained staff of the institutions and resource units must be complemented

by informal care and support provided by family, friends and community so as to maintain

and strengthen links with the community the individual will return to.

ii. Person-centered Planning: The intention of person-centered approach to service is to

maximize as reasonably as possible the capacity of people to take control of their lives.

Individuals are the centre of service design, planning, delivery and review. They direct service

and support arrangements to suit their strengths, needs and goals with support of their

families, friends, care-givers and advocates

iii. Quality Assurance: Resource Units and institutions must be monitored regularly so as to

upgrade and update services provided, and ensure transparency and accountability of the

institution to all its stakeholders.


i. To provide basis facilities like food, cloth, health and de-addiction services with

residential support.

ii. To provide counseling and referral services to people in beggary and destitution.

iii. To provide basic skill training for income generation activities (paper bag making, candle

making and broom making etc.)

iv. To provide linkages with social security schemes and welfare programs.

v. To classify and link the beneficiaries to different programmes and services running under


vi. To classify the beneficiaries in need of special care and protection and provide referral

services to such beneficiaries as per their needs.

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vii. To develop linkages & refer to public facilities & services (Education, Health, Social

welfare, Employment, Legal etc.).

viii. To eradicate beggary from the State.

ix. To create awareness and mobilization among people in beggary and society at large


a. The State Program Unit would constitute a monitoring team to check the quality of services

provided in the shelter homes through regular visit, monthly review on the progress reports.

b. The NGOs1 would be given an annual service contract and the funds would be released on

quarterly basis. The monitoring team would conduct monthly review, mid- term evaluation

and end term evaluation.

c. The State Program Unit would constitute a Committee comprising of representatives from

Department of Social Welfare, SSUPSW, NGOs and Beggars’ associations to conduct social

audit of the functioning of the Shelter homes on an annual basis.

d. The State Programme Unit will be responsible for review and supervision of the working of

shelters with the participation of community representatives, civil society organizations, line

departments and elected representatives, etc.

e. Every shelter should be linked with a high school or college, so that the students can engage

with the residents of the shelters, ensuring quality of the shelters, and learning community


Management Information System

A web-enabled, comprehensive and robust IT-enabled MIS will be established for tracking targets

monitoring the functioning of the shelter homes and achievements. Executing agency will be

required to submit their progress reports online and may also use this tool to monitor progress on

the ground. In the spirit of proactive disclosure of information. Norms and guidelines on the

grievance redress mechanism shall be developed.

Process of Enrolment

Beneficiaries eligible for this programme shall be identified through community mobilisers or field

workers who shall present to them the benefits of the programme. The eligibity criteria are as


a) People in Beggary/Destitute / Ultra Poor

b) Old and sick people in beggary, destitution and ultra poor

c) Destitute families in beggary, destitution and ultra poor

1 Non-government organizations

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d) Persons with disability in beggary, destitution and ultra poor

e) Persons with Mental Illness and destitution

f) Addicted & Drug abused in beggary, destitution and ultra poor

g) Children in beggary, destitution and Ultra Poor.

Step 1

The potential beneficiaries shall be identified from pockets such as railway stations, streets, temple

premises etc and a keep a track on them. The concerned field worker or field coordinator should get

full details of the beneficiaries filled in the respective forms or profiling registers and should

present the details of the potential beneficiaries. A list with detailed profile and justification for

their selection shall be prepared.

Step 2

Eligible beneficiaries should be finally approved by the Beneficiary Selection Committee (BSC)

through physical verification of the beneficiaries or any other mode found suitable for the selection

as directed by SAKSHAM. After the approval from BSC, the NGO shall execute all the required legal

formalities before inducting any beneficiary in the Short Stay Home cum Classification centre. The

Agency may take services of a legal advisor and follow the legal process through District Legal

Service Authority for the cases seeking legal approvals and authority. The method of induction of

beneficiaries will be as per the details given below;

a) Eligible beneficiaries will be identified, rescued.

b) The rescued beneficiary in case of emergency will immediately receive the basic short stay

facility but will be retained only after the approval of the Beneficiary Selection Committee.

c) The Selection Committee on weekly basis will verify & recommend the continuation of the

rescued beneficiaries.

d) Enroll all the beneficiaries in the attendance register with bio-metric details and maintain it

on a daily basis.

e) Individual case history (Socioeconomic & Health status separately) shall be prepared & action

in accordance shall be taken like Livelihood, linkage with family or health treatment and

other long term rehabilitation planning.

Identification and Rescue of Eligible

i. The NGO shall identify the potential beneficiaries with complete profiling of the

individuals/families done in the pockets in a given format. The list of potential beneficiaries

will be then finally approved by the Beneficiary Selection Committee (BSC) or any other mode

directed by "SAKSHAM" before referring the beneficiaries in rehabilitation home.

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ii. The NGO shall depute field coordinators on roster basis to identify potential beneficiaries

from the districts. The final scrutiny will be done by the BSC.

iii. The NGO shall take adequate effort to over all rehabilitation of the beneficiaries through

classification/restoration/repatriation/referral and linkages services to the beneficiaries.

Successful rehabilitation of more than 500 beneficiaries in a given period of time shall be

highly appreciative and will be recorded on ratings of the agency as an important landmark.

iv. The NGO shall execute all the required legal formalities before inducting any beneficiary in

the centre especially in case of rehabilitation of beneficiaries with mental illness. The agency

may take services of a legal advisor and follow the legal process through district legal service

authority for the cases seeking legal approvals and authority.

v. The method of induction of beneficiaries will be as per the details given below;

a) A detail profiling of the potential beneficiaries shall be done in the identified


b) Identified beneficiaries list shall be approved by the BSC before referring or

induction of the Beneficiaries.

c) The rescued beneficiary in case of emergency will immediately receive the basic Short stay

facility but will be retained only after the approval of the Beneficiary Selection Committee.

d) Enroll all the beneficiaries in the attendance register with bio-metric details and maintain

it at the time of entry and exit of the beneficiaries.

e) Individual case history, Counseling progress chart and Health Progress Chart shall be

prepared & action in accordance shall be taken like Livelihood, linkage with family or

health treatment and other long term rehabilitation planning

Deployment And Management Of Staff

i. The NGO is required to deploy the staff with qualification & experience as per Annexure-I.

ii. The NGO shall continue the services of its currently employed staffs as per provision of the

staff in this award till the fresh selection of employee.

iii. Any vacancy arising in the Rehabilitation Home shall be communicated to "SAKSHAM"

without delay. The NGO shall involve "SAKSHAM" or a representative assigned by

"SAKSHAM" in the recruitment to the technical positions like Home-In charge, Counselor,

ANM, Field Coordinator etc. The NGO shall fill the vacant position within 1 month of any

vacancy arising and shall arrange an alternative for the vacant position beforehand keeping

in mind the sensitivity of the work.

iv. All the deployed staff of the NGO shall be selected after adopting proper procedure for

recruitment through open market on the basis of advertisements, GDs and interview etc. The

panel for interview will be held under the chairmanship of “SAKSHAM”.

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v. All the required staff should be medically fit and well-disciplined. They shall abide by the

instruction given by “SAKSHAM”. The NGO will be responsible for the conduct of personnel/

staff deployed.

vi. The caretakers will be responsible for all day to day activities of the beneficiaries including

assistance in lavatories, eating, changing clothes, body cleanliness and other assistance.

vii. If any staff of the NGO remains absent or takes leave from office, the NGO shall have to make

alternative arrangement through assigning that particular staff's responsibilities to the

counterpart. It is mandatory for the NGO to ensure that the absence of any particular staff

should not hamper the work in any sense. The information of such nature should be directly

communicated to SAKSHAM on the same day in written form. If any staff working on behalf of

the absent staff or in place of any staff without giving any prior information to SAKSHAM, the

concerned staff shall be treated as absent and SAKSHAM shall have the right to take

necessary actions against repetitions of this mala fide practice.

viii. Termination of any employee can be initiated only after taking prior approval from

"SAKSHAM" and the NGO can initiate termination after the approval from "SAKSHAM".

Termination can be processed only by serving one month's prior notice in writing to the

employee. The NGO can also terminate the employment immediately after taking approval

from "SAKSHAM" without giving notice period if the employee is found engaged in fraud,

misbehavior, financial defalcation, or corrupt practices. The employees can only terminate

their appointment or agreement by giving one month's notice to the NGO. The NGO may also

terminate their agreement in the event of 7 (Seven) days or more continuous absence from

duty without prior information and with approval from "SAKSHAM".

ix. No termination or suspension will be initiated by the NGO without taking prior written

consent from "SAKSHAM".

x. Individual staff files must be maintained where the educational qualifications, terms of

employment/ contract, leaves granted by organization, appraisal sheets or any other written

correspondence between staff and institution must be recorded. Staff files must be regularly

updated and ideally be made part of the MIS that is developed to aid record-keeping, analysis

and programme management.

xi. All staff members including professionals must be provided with opportunities to upgrade

their skills so as to support their professional growth as well as the enhancement of services

provided. Such capacity building exercises must be conducted at least annually, with

opportunities provided to participants for feedback.

xii. Annual performance appraisal of each staff member as well as professionals must be

conducted so as to gauge the requirement for capacity building, promotions and feedback on

their performance. This appraisal must be conducted two-ways so that both the organizations

as well as staff get the opportunity to assess their own performances as well as the others.

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Feedback provided must be constructive and geared towards achieving the goals, objectives

and targets of the institutions/ resource units.

Accounting & Financial Records

All accounts and finances must be maintained as per SSUPSW guidelines and contract signed and

any changes that may be given by them from time to time

Maintenance of Records, Reporting and Documentation

i. The NGO will maintain various books of records as per Annexure – VI

ii. The NGO has to maintain Individual file for every beneficiary and record all services provided

to the beneficiary in the file.

iii. The NGO is required to submit reports to SAKSHAM on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

iv. The NGO shall submit online attendance record and document based evidences for every

activity related to the beneficiaries.(Entry and Exit of the beneficiaries)

v. The NGO shall keep separate books of accounts of the funds provided by "SAKSHAM".

vi. The NGO shall open a separate saving bank account in any nationalized bank for "SAKSHAM"

funds within 7 days of signing the agreement. Interest of the bank account will be added in

the project budget and can be utilized for the program as approved by the "SAKSHAM".

vii. All the payments of Salary and Wages must be made through cheques/electronic transfer to

the respective personnel’s account.

Facilities & Security

The shelters will be permanent, running throughout the year; and open round the clock, as many

homeless persons find work in the nights.

1. Individual Records / Case Files

Individual case files of each resident shall be maintained with details of date of entry, belongings

recovered, interventions including medication administered, any illness/ disease, allergies or other

conditions, disabilities, (if any), hospitalization (if any), participation in activities of the residential

facilities, details of counseling services provided etc.

2. Living and sleeping arrangements

Living and sleeping arrangements must be such that ensure privacy and dignity of residents to the

maximum extent possible. Separate beds and cupboards must be provided for each resident. The

institution must be electrified with working fans and lights in each room/dormitory. The building

should be constructed in a manner that there is adequate ventilation and light.

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In case of women with children, sleeping arrangements of the young ones with their mothers must

be ensured. All children must be linked to the nearest aganwadi/school in accordance with their


3. Items of Personal Care

All residents must be provided with individual kits containing items of personal care and hygiene.

These include clothing, undergarments, soaps, combs, hair oil, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste,

towels and napkins, sanitary pads for women etc. these should be replenished on demand.

4. Health and Referral Services

Each beneficiary enrolled in home shall be classified in terms of overall physical and mental health

requirements and shall receive referral services accordingly. All medication shall be administered

by the concerned health official/representative with each dose being noted in the individual case

file. Details of hospitalization and illness shall also be recorded. Medication of every resident must

be periodically reviewed, and all information must be recorded in their individual files. All

medication errors, suspected adverse reactions and incidents must be recorded not only in

individual files, but also brought to the notice of medical professionals and management of the

institution to prevent recurrence and rectify mistakes.

There will be a first-aid kit in the institution premises all the time and shall be reviewed/

replenished on a weekly basis. All efforts shall be made for mosquito/vector control and prevention

of other insects and rodents. There will be health check-up on a routine basis by the visiting

physician, psychiatrist or other specialist as the case may be (Minimum 2 days in a week and as

per requirement), or by taking services of government hospitals. In case of referrals:

a. Conveyance of the beneficiaries to the referral service centers for treatment or rehabilitation

shall be arranged.

b. Follow up actions with concerned referral service centers - government hospitals, attendants,

specialized doctor's treatment, care etc. must also be given equal importance as the initial

referral visit itself.

5. Reporting an Incident / Death/ Missing Resident

Regular health checks are crucial to providing holistic services. In case a resident is found to be

suffering from a serious illness, the same must be treated with the highest urgency. Immediate

medical intervention must be sought. Facilities for quarantine of individuals suffering from

communicable diseases must be in place, with staff trained to address the ailment. In case of death

of an individual, medical experts must be called to complete all formalities including religious

rituals (as desired by beneficiaries/families) and relevant records must be completed with regards

to the same. For residents that have gone missing from the institution, a protocol for looking for

said resident must be established. This may include providing all relevant information regarding

missing person to the institution head, the police, SAKSHAM and the DoSW so that the search may

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be initiated and completed at the earliest. Each such step taken- whether treatment for illness,

measures for quarantine, reporting of death or disappearance of residents must be recorded in the

individual files of these residents. An MIS must be updated on a monthly basis so that trends on

health can be analyzed and corresponding changes if required can be made.

6. Bathrooms

Ratio of residents to bathrooms should be adequate. Ideally 1 bathroom and 1 toilet for every 4

residents must be ensured. However, due to paucity of space, a maximum of 7 residents may share

a toilet and a bath. There should be adequate water supply for these bathrooms and toilets

7. Kitchen

The kitchen should have enough ventilation. Food must be cooked under hygienic condition, with

good quality ingredients. All food grains and other raw materials must be stored in a cool, dry place

with regular checks for rodents and insects.

Water used for cooking must be safe with regular checks for fluoride or other contamination. Safe

and adequate drinking water must be accessible to all residents and staff.

8. Hallways/ Stairways

Hallways and stairs shall be broad enough to accommodate wheelchairs not only for residents with

disabilities, but also to facilitate movements of those with crutches, those that need to be carried on

stretchers for hospitalization etc.

9. Fire Prevention & Evacuation Procedure during Fire Hazard

All precautions must be taken to prevent fires within the premises. An inspection by the fire safety

department with inputs on working in kitchen, storage of flammable substances (only if necessary)

must be taken. Evacuation plan must be drawn up in consultation with officials from fire

department and fire drill must be conducted at periodic intervals. Exits shall be demarcated and

informed to all residents. Fire exits must be accessible and functional at all times

10. Orientation on arrival

All residents will be oriented about the facilities provided by the homes, the broad framework of

activities to be conducted with them, the facilities available and the expected time period of stay. An

orientation of the physical space of the home shall be conducted through a guided tour by the

officials of the home. Residents shall also be informed of their rights and entitlements within the

facilities and their duties and responsibilities that come with being part of the service.

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11. User’s Fees

Users’ fees, if any, will be levied with the objective of improving participation of the residents in

operations of the shelter and would be modestly priced. The fund so collected could be utilized for

maintenance of the facilities. The following will determine the norms and application of users’ fees

by any Implementing authority or Management Committee:

1. Nominal charges could be collected depending on the income levels or efficiency of the

beneficiaries. For those with no payment capacities, total exemption should be granted.

2. Accommodation and meals provided at the shelter will be free for children less than 14 years

of age. For other shelter residents, lodging and meals will be provided at subsidized costs. In

case of women who arrive with children engaged in labour, the same may be discontinued

with immediate effect and those children must be enrolled in schools instead.

All residents will be encouraged to offer voluntary services for maintenance of shelter homes

including mess facilities, cleanliness, etc. on rotation basis (e.g. half day service per person /week).

These norms to be evolved by the shelter coordinator together with the shelter management


12. Counseling And De-Addiction

i. The NGO shall ensure proper counseling services to the beneficiaries and prepare individual

case study, Progress Report and Health Status Chart and update on regular basis through

follow-up actions and activities.

ii. The NGO shall provide for de-addiction services in collaboration with expert agencies or

through referral services if required for any addicted beneficiarie

13. Recreational Activities

i. The NGO shall arrange entertainment facilities such as music & other recreational activities,

apart from organizing drama, cultural activities, Gardening activities, Community cleaning,

exposure visit to esteemed historical & religious places and recreational & entertainment

centers / institutions etc.

ii. The beneficiaries shall be engaged in entertainment & other activities (Recreational, Social,

livelihood & others).

14. Legal Services

i. The NGO will maintain congenial atmosphere in home and will be liable for all the conflicts

within the beneficiaries.

ii. The NGO will be solely liable for any legal issues in case of missing beneficiaries or any other

related issues, the NGO will be responsible for the consequences.

iii. The NGO shall map / trace the family member of the beneficiaries (if possible) and arrange

for all the legal formalities required to rehabilitate them with their families (need based) with

support of local police stations. The NGO will also ensure timely follow up of the rehabilitated

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beneficiaries through physical visit, phone calls or any other mode with proper


iv. The NGO shall follow and adhere to the norms and provisions of the relevant legislation laws

like Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000, (As amended in 2006), Bihar

J. J. (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2012 and The Sexual Harassment of Women at

Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, Mental Health Act,1987, PWD

Act,1995, National Trust Act,1999 or any related laws and order issued by the State

Government, Department of Social Welfare, Directorate of Social Welfare or the Central

Government from time to time.

v. The NGO shall follow and adhere to the norms and provisions of the relevant labor and

employment laws of State/Country.

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Annexure 1: Detail specification of qualification, experience & job

responsibility of staff of Home

Sr. No.

Name of the Post

Qualification & Experience

Job Responsibility Nos.


Home In-charge (Superintendent)

MBA / MSW/ MA in Social Science with 2 years of experience in Social Sector

Overall Management of Home. Liaison & Co-ordination with the relevant

departments & service providers for specialized care. Act upon the directions from “SAKSHAM”.


2 Medical Assistant (ANM)

As Per the state govt. Norms with at least 2 years of relevant experience

To attend & handle the emergency situation. To provide necessary follow up for medical service. To ensure timely administration of drugs to the

beneficiaries as proscribed by the doctors


3 Field Co-ordinator

Graduate in Social Work/ Social Science/ with 1 year of relevant experience.

To create awareness among beneficiary about Home facilities.

To identify, Maintain database, mobilize & rescue the beneficiaries.

To complete all the legal formalities during rescue. To aware & help residential beneficiaries to get

entitlement of govt welfare scheme. To bring the emergency/referred case at concerned

hospitals. To get information of belonging place of beneficiaries

and tag them with their Family.


4 Counsellor-cum-Case Manager

Master Degree/Graduate in Psychology with 1/3 years relevant experience accordingly.

Psycho Social Evaluation of all the Beneficiaries. To consult the beneficiaries individually on daily basis

and communicate with psychiatrist. To prepare an individual case history. To get decisions on the corrective measures


Accountant -cum- Operator

B.Com. with Diploma Course in Computer Operation with 1 year relevant experience.

To disburse payments, maintain vouchers/ books of accounts (Manual & Computerized in Tally)/ stock register etc.

Preparation of reports & arrangement for Audit. Handling of Income Tax /PF related activities.

Computerized typing work in Hindi & English. Other works assigned.


5 Care Taker

Having a at least two year prior experiences

To ensure day-to-day care of each &every beneficiaries including their bathing, recreational activities, skill based training, provide necessary physical assistance to the beneficiaries performing regular activities including assistance in attending to natured calls.


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6 Security Guard

Having at least one year prior experience

To erasure safeguards to the properties of the home. To remain prompt & attentive towards the assigned

responsibilities. 3

7 Cook

Having a at least two year prior experiences

Adapt in preparing hygienic meal for at least 50 persons three times a day as per the prescribed menu



Having a at least one year prior experiences

Adapt in preparing hygienic meal for at least 50 persons three times a day as per the prescribed menu and cleaning of utensil/pots


8 Sweeper Able body person

Cleaning all the home campus two time in day Adapt in housekeeping.


9 Washerman Able body person

Cleaning the clothes, Bed sheet & other usable items needs to be cleaned

Adapt in Cleaning 1

10 General Physician (Part time)


Routine Clinical Check up of all the Beneficiaries and recommendation of relevant investigation

Prescription of Medicines and referral to relevant centre if/when required.

Provide emergency and need base services. Regular follow up check up of all the cases.


11 Psychiatrist( Part time )

MD. (Psychiatry)

Psychiatric Assessment of all the beneficiaries and recommendation of relevant investigation

Prescription of Medicines and referral to relevant centre if/when required.

Provide therapeutic intervention including medical and Psychotherapy.

Regular follow-up and evaluation of the cases.


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Annexure 2: The Home In-charge (Superintendent) will be responsible

to maintain the following Registers and files in Rehabilitation Home:

1. Admission and Discharge Register;

2. Medical File;

3. Nutrition & Diet Register;

4. Stock Register;

5. Log Book;

6. Order Book;

7. Meeting Book;

8. Cash Book;

9. Inquiry Report File;

10. Individual Case Files with Individual Care Plan;

11. Suggestion Book;

12. Visitors' Book;

13. Suggestion Box;

14. Staff Movement Register;

15. Minutes Register of Management Committee

16. Minutes Register of Selection Committee

17. Minutes Register of Inmates Committee and

18. Attendance Register for staff and beneficiaries.

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Annexure 3: Daily Routine of residents

Time Activity Responsibility

06:00- 06:30 Morning Tea Care-taker

06:30- 07:30 Freshening up Care-taker

07:30- 08:30 Yoga / Meditation Yoga Instructor

08:30- 09:00 Breakfast Cook

09:00- 09:15 Prayers Care-taker

09:15- 10:00 Administration of Medication ANM

10:00- 10:30 Thought for the day Care-taker

10:30- 13:00 Counseling / Vocational Training Counselor / Vocational Instructor

13:00- 14:00 Lunch Cook

14:00- 15:00 Rest

15:00- 16:00 Art & Craft Art Instructor

16:00- 17:00 Evening Tea Cook

17:00- 18:00 Personality Development Instructor

18:00- 20:00 T.V/ Indoor Games

20:00-20:30 Dinner Cook / Care-taker

20:30-21:30 Administration of Medication ANM

21:30 Prayers