Stampa Land Survey and Statistics Law 1965.tif (17 pagine)

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:& oR'd.e to 3Icq~ ~ Щ~t~lоill. lf4 ~~'~ЧР to -~.~.laIЩ ~:r&, ._ ~ O~.~"~_ ыotf4U~B t~tq~_~~.~9~~.&c~~.'~~~ _.

'а.) . '(.'.~~\~,~"~:'::- ::. cf t;U.. iii

ta1l 1thU1. _cU.Pr.ibut.t4 \0'ш '~:' t-M~. ~_~ -. ,. ~~Ut1ei <:4

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. . .. ._.ТЬе dесшa,t..iQ;n to~ о! .~~ ~~I&~ hФ",шмd$~ !}}~11 ~uсompШМ4 in tМi tollalf~ ~'j'~

Fo? Jdnorl~ Ц, t,mi'>p1'dkml'. aм~6;

Ь) 110'1:~~ 1no~1t&t.е4ptDrлюм, ~.A • ~~ .'01' 1'18*8,& 'ЪО' 1'Iмe~kM;o .,' ,'о . ,".

е) ·inOI.p&e1ta~ '..~ v·.-ua vbo .y~

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С) C_JproP'"'1.0'I:a~~bf \wo м' ...~,~ __•••••щ ., '-. ·18'""t8i.•.• of "'. 00-~ ,,'."_.' _ ,.. ,'. ..... ~ p1N..... '1'а."$0' OO-CWМN """"ttitt·:Н,Jht ... dtIIIмnt.or и 1JМ~ .~tiou to t. 1Dfora~iIm. +.Ь. t~_ tМ1r.•~ • t..bo. pn"i '

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1) 'or 1"hl~7ш pu8ФUIм 'of iМtlt••, oot'JilO:N.t1cus>lDto",,, b71t& ..... Q1" .a.~ :f.,"~t.1Y'J

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Mn?rk~ .:lr=,~~~"=~~4~t,~ :nN _~ Olf"t.~'.~'*UJ"ф_ tw~~ -,t,..ut. t.o tht1 aut.bent.ic1t,ottM_lort~

. ' ...S:mUi 6. ~_ U'I'p~ 1111'&«1,. cr Nt~1 to -..,,'" .. lUl _

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.t0'llil~ _tЫt ~ tМ.t ...1 D;)t 11tM_~t....

,.......u­tЬt 1nt0l'8.ttoa

Т.. 'W~'* v:Lthild_ ~ ,n.3w1k. t_ ~fi. 01 pat.hv~~ t)W pntpt;J'.t1<Шor ~at.t~01 'tm. '~t1ont~.. имкl tM t. ..nt.b ~'.__ .ra:и. m.a.......II·H~ti_ t.o~~, C~.» ...а-8&. 01'~,t~ ОА! E4lн

dOc~ntl'l, 01" aN gu11tl 01 eollul:1oi'1ji1 1_11 ье au'bjeC't tot.M penв,lt.y о! 1IA"ф


ЯММ ТЕ' _1...;

; ':»>, . •....... ~a+~:';'':';';..... , $ , А!.tt.••• ·..:r:r~'~1 _~.~~.aJa~l~ '. .~~~ " '. .t.a)~\~t17ot lUrdМ of .vvw..f~ot. ." ...' ;'

,.~ _ ~ ott~.~.~~:~m.t'. '.. . .;. . .. ;." '. .

в) То u:м. $.в',,~~ S.w,q ,О:> Ugha.n.U-. tм.... 1..0., ;to..~.I'1!8p • ..".~.~~~t~...,.._ to tm- ~nt1­

t_"-ot t.М ~... _ .t•.~W: tf.. tM.~~ tM~,~ h afr~t~.·\~~·.,·· .. ~.. ,".<'

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,:')fmb~~I!i;. &~pt.IU'~

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"".MF_:'Ii'~п~, 'fbosetiw f; flttl.-_ fJ4 tЩt ..bt)~ ~ -11

.фi:!'!1;':IДji;;i(i ~;'t) ~·~t1t1on tdth '~ ~ l~~r&tlonComt,~J ~J~~~t.1o~ @'! th!l1r @~.

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fd$1W I!!;~ .tJ<t .оЬ _~1 011 ~,!ii~~~ 44rt.~J>­*\1t;rl<~' !~.1;~J4t "'~*". f»mmv.. ·ot i4U ,tM dи1UoJa ot tb\iJI

ji·;W~(~.ДI1~N,~':;\,(j·кt С<>Ш't -мШ • .nc~l ш ~1ca dи~ ..i$'t!1Ji~~~~*\~!'d~Ю'(fii~n1~1i wh.1ehblll~ ~~0Щ!4И O~.~ ....

S.1Ш$\'t.f4;U' ~]jIt1Jd~t~t.i~~" In tM .~.If4.'Щ.l.~·"1Ut~:/;/';')'::7,,7:Xf{))%; /ii!%lJЖ·'W.4;1,&blIJj~ t,@ ~~~t ~PP~"WI ~ ~tlcms

,1.:.\)~~~t l{)~oo Oi'l lШ аutJ\Фnt1i'l e!1.U"Vq Ь&ац. Ъr.Ul

С;7)fffi$Д1'i:Дf'!ii:J\, ;:j'(1К1!"'W:!n' ~~rt"t'At _u ~~ 'OO~&!'_ .,~i$~~:гt,)i;~fij:lЖt ~ t-Q f.шfJllit8t~ ~ "1$;юа.t40n ot .Р1"О'"

ufh$~~,Qf c~~ .~ ~OO tW oft1obl _рв O~ ОN 001'­@:di'tщ l!'1ft} tl»~P

ш;~tщ tM~~fШd tbit11" .\V,г-iAЬ ';bt. 1I!м.ll м '"_~~ I3YfU1' lot ~l

m:.l!Н!i'i~1. q~_Ф

i,;il!1:i~Rl, ~1t""fiJ'~t~~~ ~ l1it.t t\t ca.du-~$ ~ U t;hl!\i ~~t~ __• 1.t.~~·

fF!' шt ~3л.~1i ~ Л. ~"",);. -.р. d\A;f alXtb­l-~~з~..d~nt ~ М$ tIit~rill§l4 1I"fJP1r!J&8ф~j,у!3

@@kJiliY1;i~t&>d ($(@"liJ.n oft1о~~t.ф ,_ ~t. о! lDt ,.ЬД{}'}%Чh,irЛ$Ж? .~ t'w'M@~ to uoot s.tt~m. ~~i.on."

i:iM,!.J,r;:;~A pJA't,\1!I ~ i),t шtiIJI ~ ~зАj.nttIJ _~ ~#,'q#\•.r~,*~,'~ W tu s.nt~tC~~ QJ,•. tM pub1100

t.h#.!l ~tn@iж], pJ~t ~ ~'cf с:'iМцt.з '.и Ь*~\f~..:UI.b1J.i!> f~ 1;,м ....~ :Шtо~t:1оnottM

'bltiWJ1.'«& .i§ ~$jl m'f0lf.~ ..~ ~Ж"1ott~~ w1t~ t~'А.дЧ;::l.Цji~ t.t~ ~~Jh~"$' WOi'I\llli:f;.1on р t..o ·t.Mlocl.t1oi1 е34

(.дx~~и:~;b рli~Л~*.lm о! tbt 'l:1rn f4 lot ola1ant.siiJ:W:J!-о\'ь•.IPU,.IIi~ f~ &t ШtJ,t t~~ ~,.... .' .

~l#}$J~;'(Jf X~!' . mt1etu!!l о! t.W·~.~.~~ hpaJ't...M~oP1 o.f:1.M t.~~.·~·IS.~ ot-tм

l't,U1.t'l f4 Titli1p .. ' ". "t_~ ~bo dсюUco

i;"'iili$~ о:!!" bie!h 01~. 11 '_)/~ «1181-4';&21111&>'6"'! ~ dt~t(M~t~ oow i)f t~ C~ ~Тo•.ot 'l':i:t1л

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~!) ~rt"1f~ 'fI,t t1\.1m '4f1Uv\&~~1A~i~~.~ .ж~.t~·~,.~·оjo ~rзЬ1р

~,ij~at:!:ff~ dfЮi~~~.liм Ь$ф1i r~Ф~d b;r thst'~;f:j:l,J~I~;(~,'(;,~n СtщЖ't" 'rh'$t~lШ!шd~script1on 15h&1l Ь е

Ч.Ч>";::Г~1';':: ,;(~r>f,t)~itJJ' tdth th$ cl$Cl"~€1 о! th~'Cot!rt;"

тм. ~ Statiltul !)~;r" !Шhmll'l;J>r~::D~

~ f'm' tM. J*NШii1",~-.,~~W~tifm.uto 'titfi1:' ~~~.lIШ4,~ tMU> ~~.~mcd.~,o~D~

lii~r_~_W~i8:~са ,..... 8\_ ,.. 't~, 0:1" I'~реnюnOt··~

t:1on~ '. tbm'

~. bet''O:N pNI~~'.~ ~,~ж\03" otЙJIJ~·~.t~ '111'~._~ ьеt .. ~~t1t'it1~taor&€I . " ' 1J1~"'}itf1'iiYlf.~;:'U;.':tii,;7 _ ~t~ ot tht :юt.

ottic~~ ~~~ tM ht,ct t-h."~~ c3~~.

~ tbl a-.Ig,t~lI. ~ t.~oo~vt.,.-u-. aCIJ. щ''&io." з, .....а....... '"""" 1i!~{

"'iIIU "".'U~..I\o......, ,r" о', , .«,!' "plat~8_. ~~,·:.tl ~~~~~Lud St.at:1fR,1o~'Ofr!Сф ~:*~'!Jr4~~~!~tbo•• ~IIJI,~:~'$~~ ,

, ' Iita~io. officg .hi'f''' '~'Ъ~ '~iit~b"

ап ~pt4d fn8 tф~ ~" ~nt~~

~ <:ldJJib7 "м G~"'~~~~ ti<t'б'l'%т(t'!i#i.ct .1&_ '" 1. p~.,~t~ ,6*~ m" ,~lt\.i..m ~.tM,~Ъ;r't~'~~ о' ~ ~~t

, tM I4id i_Ui&~~~.-dt~"~~' '&PJm:Wu o!·.·tM.iфtt1tiЩJ~~' ~',Iifi ..,Ш~ ,tф' tM .•~~~, ot tM ~j,~tr'~t"'i ~JrdW!i ac~" 1dth th k'Щ3 ot' tM :•.11A-;';,jifr.,r!l·t3~;Р1;r;(:1&_ t~ .iмt, tbl~~~ ~~'r,;Д1!i:'lfjRi;!;;,'';<'.,......0

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щ 1I'i~ '~ which М' ~t .~~ 01'~ ot'~w.wmt~ .~: f-i'il1!fr5:,1f"i/Т':,' Wt!П5t:;:;

~y of t.bIOow~nt·'t;jf 'U'l:\:r.1iU~l"&ft:J!,F?",,

ooidu ot t~ оtt1сШ p4t~ ~ i[jf,~ht~. &м d:~ntf!1 .a~ ,tiDd tM ccmc~~ ~lfШ$ 4Jf' t.hie',1nt.h. Ios'1Sftant1on Court-P. -,'." .

~_. t.~ ~t~i1~,'C~ ~.J-~.

,statut1OfIJ Q,ft1"~~ Ф'1м:t4ll~w&N. tQ!iq o:t t.Вw Mt~ {},.

и t1w 01&18 ~olv,,~ йtМNЬ:Ц);I ,~~.

~ WЦl " ,~1Ш1d '~ tM·~ DЧ'ТЬ:!k,%~<1А}iШ

I! 'tM O.~ wO'lve~ bo~rn~~ t~irft",c~~ au bt d~Ri"i~ 1n. !W~1;@1~1:!it­

r4!l~u.r'Vfq' О);" iIt. eba~e 1n t~Мiш a~iJ!©:i;«:!.~,lc,rl,

1nvolveflj &IV right.fIJ or- l1шitili.t1<J:!'l nth JJ'''!$$J;i,J~Ч:,'\т

u"e о! t.he h~$ m. pre"i~~ d~dr1~1@n't1Q~ ol owМlrвhip au'ttdjudi~t~ ~,:y t.hfзvidвd for the &pproprjate ~есt10Л or~h~

Wbe~__ ~. ~t~~.~.+C=3!J 1JU,~';i';

".~~A, lt'. .. . ~'.. .~;d.~ ln,~.,"соЩ,~ I ..СеRШС4И''r4 'title .8WШto _ ... .. , ....

1м d8CI'•• f:4 ,~.~. u ·~.t,d. h't.beoatU~ot 'l1t,~8м.u м Oo~!:M.. ~".lSta~••* .... ".~ ot ~.

"мм.11'1' tM 0cfМ1' р1 а. ~e1,ot.~ ...~~of.t1oh1..,,,~ ' •.~ыob bt. " o._~.tia11.~ t:O _11.. ,1", .. . м 0_., .~1p

ot 'Ni4 ~~lot wd t,o.'~-~"'tht .•.•..... ..... .__'1н lМIl 8t&t11t.1clII Ott~e ot tfм о_у.,... _. 01\. id,nt1..f'1.bI t.blt мw 0'01' &nd thtt cUcwut.aмe, ott,''' ,СО8'9Меot the~•• ue R1d o.ftio. vj,);l . 1t, ....&арctиof~n. р11щ to.'м "'Je.t&t.~ . 400'-'"k.ioo ''tbl Doo~ Co.Urt'.. +-м ....,-.1 18~_ ~.~. t.. "'~4."~~'" ... . .'.. \0'1t8,__•~.. Ф\"е» ""1!",wai~1 ot _ "'J' .:\~ tbeatOl'ёed4~. tht OfIlV.....4"__ ,,:u. .~ .o~.Ndu "ZUa1.. 'м,еоnv.,... 4мonpt.~dth ~_e....,AdJ~, ,.. *0 _.fиd_t. lItV .....". '110 ,w:hест.,... .tмnt· -.u " pм~ • * .~.nI8d .148St&t.~1~1IJ 'o'ltlae W::t1_ .. \tIif,U ..,14.._ .--.u ье nlll1tИ4

~ t.bat ~1l taDlu'~II..jnet ~M •.Мте ЬМА pЦd.. ..

Тв ~иJ.c:ш ot & lQ4й o..w1at4t.ot ~INB·14rp.l • .ttJ.e,...m.•. 01' 1AU1 4oc...n~ 01' 1t., .•.,.... -.u __ «1.,.. &111пjdtItМ.'ot ~, tv~ leмl~.. .... 0-"ap!ut 1t .u. not. " :t~ wйe•• ~1'ttI1 __~1-ea'tea cid411 01' 400~. .......

mXClE 3'~ ''''Ье dOo....1III 1m1C&t.od. 10 the "ЬсУа .,rt1OcM •.~ approv«lоtt1cll·JЩt.t. ~ o~_lt.~. I~ , ..&' to~"ot 10\1 ~Д th«"1I;Щ&~... tba.t. . 18., ' "" th t.Land StatЦt.1o. (Jf~ ot 11 diщрdt.ed·~ -.y~ ШФ4i:n Сош-t' vlth nt~. to tM bo\шdarlq ot'"UJ.i ~.18•

.шr:юш 34~ :l:;ve3'11411U" on 1. $ащ- or pr10r to tЩ\t,tЬе ~. itf,t,jat.108Ofllмe W:Ul pttf~ ." Щt ot t.be f*~ о! the 'lots uhown :ш.011 ott1a1al р,1а"" ,eМ18a1 it to t-be AiiW_nueu.~ о' tMHini.st.17 ot 'U-noe., .

Ш'tIClE "~ 'Хм cw..t.1'al SШ'Уt'I' DtI~m. eМll .JtI&~h мb8d.Ш01 c_ra" t •.le~••,.lNOb "1 ~'I'I ~...t __...OWJ'llln_ iAt\1t1oDal copl~, ot o.tltc1&l doaWl8i'1tID, &u':1 ot.herJeMce8..

м_ r.mI; ..eвяr;;.чп Q\WlWU 1I2QIbl.А c«a1tt" to АJЮ1". 1ud cU.sput~. М\"8. t. GO'fft~m.am. t.he 1lA~l'. а.. imlcEi.t. in t.h1t 1aw$ au. bI "ppo1nt.wholm M04li"1t;r ~пм$o '

'А м' .P.ropert: СleviUШ8 hpв:rt.aent ot the !t1niatJ)' о! F'iN.nceeMll '" 'Ье иm.r.аl ~.t.rativeCQ~.l ot tbl. CO!МII1tt•• '"It. 11 М"8Нl"1' to 88цы1.ь. th.e8e сQ1llfD1ttеез 1n &"88 нЬегеc:adast.r-al ou:rvey Ьаа begun..


, Al!Itll 31: 1'. 1tobi.'М Оо81tt.и КО!' lUh auniс :tr i1~ ье tJedpatoc1w1th. 'f.h3&~ ot !tи·.~. 01. /1~ nМIIII••11:.7 "иЬ.. ТМ c.d.t,t~ au м c~_ off·

, • а) 1, ..-. tJ'8tM~'f4'~:. .

lt) а- fi ._ tf'8 tbe ИмiJй'NSТ~'":~

о) а h8 ~" ot rЗ_~$... .. - '~. .; .~. . .. .~'.'.

1:•.P"I~ of t.~ МotJ;l' C~t.tм ~:ЬФ·аРl»1med'rcв_ 'UМ " ot t.~.1;fiCo~1 (а} u4 ,Ь) upon t .. "-

. ОС.) __tjma ot t......u,.ot ,~, Мd" Ь confond.t.,. dt.bt.b8 ~pt.o о! t.bJ Цw",.. ' ..",,' _.'

mlШ 3~k .fn _""'1_ ~, t.М~ ~tt"

.:u 'iJl8Iil4e" t. "!'. ~t.ion ,.. iD itlJ rшtмо to tm.,~Ш.t"".:Тit.lФJ t.be: p.1&t~:. _'. iu'~ ·to: &8CИtI'ta1D

... U'A't••1IJ~'5 .. 1I,JXt1.thu"~ -bUJ,ье naord-.t ОА tM Z"evеl"И 11<1. ot tЬФ 1'с. hclanl.t.lon 'от•

.;. . ~ . '. . .~ . " : .:';"0

АКТICШJ9,t., .ЛJ9,' "'.01" ~t~." •.._.~ d'lIIIiIl~d M08l1мq шutten 01 land. aum. npt8 ot 1rr1pttR'.Wn~иеа. 01'clanU1.t:l.on ot 'м 1&.$ OIiМ O'bUptjjC)M tor t.tw opvatlon

'. · .. Ud~·.ot,dUIa .... _nd•• ~·м J'.lМortИd ь1 t.m... ,СCl81tt..··Sл \hФ,Тu·~1&N.ttoA'rOlU.· '~' .

ARТШ~ ·40~ ТЬ8 awc1pel J'епmм o~W lhIl1 JII." а tu l18t оЖ"

" ,ЧJ; Ra!1to~··.~.~ "":"1." . ;'tM ~e:ril theаrФ& а! Ы.,.PN'сеl.:оt 1i.М.·.,tbe:·t,g&"'~И.. wh1cblJhal1 '" ... upora t,h8 f'l.udi•• 4uq a.ttit8ta«l ь7 the ~bU.C.....'t.jII A·~t.r1atld ЦХ"м.Мм.·проп trom.

". 'ЬЬ ta. np.atw -.u .........ttttt ее tbDr..!!!If.91и:t 01 thaр1'Оv!мФ t_•.~·o »•. " '.: <,': '.' •

'.~ .' ' '.':' ".. ' ' ,,' '. ,"

'1'"~ 1di ~"'\~)oUlo._.и~.\oai·1tl> puot.» .81'7.t.r1а 1"1~ t.U .., ..~tIIu"~'b71.М I40ЬШ.OQil8d.ttH.....Ш а:о.... :w.t:-..u,.. c....1t... 'SW$l'XlМnt proplllJ'­V .. &м а~ ~NOn .м.n 'h..~tt_ '.1.10" t.he J(UftвtiIt. О)!

'М .JtrOviмe .t~; Jt&"OP'~ 0....11. ','

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... .. :.. • r~ •" '. :' ...u to aontroVt:r*1 01......'~.~.~ оп 'an ~t1cul_р P1'!J*"d _.t,bt,~.18,,""'~~$'·,wblcb 11,.&C~~ .to. ·th18 ktI.~..• ~'.~;b8,! ;ad.!l.U1l'"ib.1.e dib'tbld' 1tId d .- о;!,,~,ан·!NЗJablllll_ .~ ...~t.ion~ _ ~l·Зu:w.q .l:Jepart.мnt

_ ' .• ~caaount. . .: ". '.: .",'; , .• .~. . '.# =. ~ r"'j"~"" Ч"!: :,.,~ .~ .'

ЕаоЬ о' tbo" owмнb1p.~·:(~"'·з·Ot-t1t1At) емllье :reoopiнd b;r t. Нo~ ~t\"to AttJAt clai8 twt;Wgbl:1v:idal" lUId tt. Ocwe~~ ..':; ,'. ;

.&) ш wal DlVмIJ .. W t.. __~Ol ~I'ш t&V~ ot :t•.1.Iшd-.r vЫ.oA,~ ~'~~..

• s •.~;. ',J::.'_ '.' ~ i t ~ ..

Ь) trM O~ii Ш-..Ьча·\м ~~17 м to thes ше~01 lмd8.

о. !'.

с) ш 11!1p.la~ ot owмrsMp.

~ Ш.dtю~t.~ wb10b рФЩШ .t..o f~. ot 1r'r'1pt1on.t~iI ~ .ta rece1pt4J. t&x lUtз ~c.

'!м ~t~ "Maithe Lto~nt~b~ ot рап'"gп~ ''\) .~ (о) t,o ttw MOC1.llМt~e~ coaolt_. _ att.:rth1tU' ~1t7'U dцJ.r dФt.~ ъr tbttatd Coun tmC<J8it.t.~t :dJ,1 ь$ U 1i po.:M:.~ ooace.ept t.~_ u dос\Мпt.ВQ

Тм ooШit1ou ot tm lФgи dem!. nц м de&c1'i.bed 1n thФ


Тм ~n U1Чff ~\8m.~ (&ttiw1te) vШ.Ье,o~tK onthФ tQll~ condit.1QM;

~) It ~·.oot bISI в Nt_m. ot ~ eow~ 0.tt1cUl.

'1» lt -..t not ~ to 'tM 1081 ot «11 th.1.N рп'8On 01' tneGo"'II~mо

~) ТМ ~"~Ы~ pn>~:tt7 аhown t~N1n w.wt. not,. &i:COl~to tbt pt;"Oviа.оШl 01- thll 1.Pt» и.' 1"$Oo:'QeI! 1МВ iove~nt


4) '3:MN JIiWrt, ~~ bI a.цr controye!'V' &3 to t..be g;;.-.rsbipС1'.. tM c1Aiant i s propcrt;y wЫ.cb na$ legщЬееn t'iledin Qo~.

е) Топ villqeJ".t ОЖ" 4::10$. l1e1jhbo:r. vl:leN "'м Propertl 181J1t....~ Rllt YOYe~.f~ 1t@ vblld1t,.

,OZ' t» ~10&t.1onof tl:w ~e eoМ1t1oM &nI! 1.1.1 Qеие»

"М ~ttN 11. Ьоа' to &19Ш t.ho C~n usage docUll!lent(d'tlda.v1t)to 1t.e nl&peetjYfI J.}oc,\ll'l.Ut8 Cow:'t.; &М Феrнce1vi:DI tM opWon о! tM a.W Coun vШ tш ad~_t8

~tt~ in t.mt "~ot.. In.оан OWDIra!U.p о! «11 cert.«II1n p10t1.ao~ 14th " C~ ~'1 dосUlllllfЩt(atrшУ1~> ehouldMlo=l 110 & perlJOn.. .ud 161 8 •• О! .ЦIp1clo~ о! 1'(fpocr18101' .tOJ"l~171! ~be СоШ"t u ~\4th.orЦed t-o '~P\1be th. aut.henti­c1t;r 01 t-u' dcwзUfU~ 1Шd. to ro4l'rer t-ЬФ с..... t;, the Judic1&lC~ (or Jq_ш. 1.л tlvtril17 :re.poct "'Ье ".r1t1C&t1Qn 01t~~~ dOf.l\iUut· (&tf1d&vtt) 10 4.JМ~ ,ОП tM~Щ_@j .pe$in1ng 1.0~~nto w 1&М. "glltration..тм 4o.e~tl piltta1JdD1 t-Q richt. ~t ~tJ.on _ter$ land1.u ~.;i.pt.. &IIi1i щ Шt.1 ~hell' orl1t:м ~et,nМ·•••уJЛеnc~ot t.e~ ра8•••Щ~ t!W r.11~ .u 1Q11o"t.e tmfact of ооm.Ш!ЮШ§ pc~I••ad.o:a. tOI' ~t ~ 1; ';rNn to d&tф"'1'-enanq .ud Ч~I.N.S_m.t etc ..J ')1а.ц. not ре COM1dVlld. а.~v1<1~ о! l~gfil ~~hip 01 tМi l.Iшd ..

АЮ<.NlЖDз 18 ИU~J} ш6

F.tfl.u;a~"5 AU ~wp *uмntts о! 1rn"ocl.bl. мle. &n4 otmr a.ocu­~nt8 ~ t_.~ ~~e. тю" a_~''101t1 1. legalqidetntU1.ed. оп tlwi provu1o~ о! "'~ ~ Surve;, _nc1 5tat18t1cl14111 in tM Qошot.» ~ lubJe<:t. t.o t~ toll~ еоnd1t1QШIJ

i\i.) 'l'М1 .~t MV' а regii!!it$zoed recQl'I:l in. the legal Cou.rtJ

Ь) 'l'~ $hou1d ~ cou1d.red ~e ~ JA.uthentic oocwentЧlj.wt oppon.ent.s;

6 - 10

1) Ite'1Ie



(Ь) In са.. t. J»rOP8:re-7 dмor1blld 1f1 'М QOOuмmfbpu1d. Ъ8. а,t..Ис1~ Goм1'8tDt p:ropert,............ ~~~..~".1IIЩ'!.:.~.1ОО Jel'ib8,t ... ·tlё cted.e!Am· ot·tbt(f~tм о! A8.e880r~

8QIt ье ooa»tu.et bI' tho К1Ai.tt17 ol'''.ace.

,'(~)'tIi~~~~;~,~;~_ !ау•

.~-:~',~.)':;.. . ,;' . :'~' .. ', ::: ..;

(4) 1'b.C08id.tt.м ~·:A._l't ~.;:_~,~,~ а11

~.~. ~, .~ ~~~t~.· .to \М.... •J'-: , J).~".m8i;'. ',1ts"":.:'.~~~~!~:,~' ", .......< .;:.::, ,: '. Н/:,"," .;;

ШIОu.· 45::"! ,Ш'" ~ d . .,.. . " Atf, ,,..,"~. Ьау. aJV''. "(f~~' ...• .. • . ..:.Wii~ Otiw.~SI

tb8D &00.......... ['" ~;it _ь..- ntпred1:.0 t. COQrt ,,~ '. ,

_шu Us .~ n'Шd.t~t·_,,;Н·..-u ЬФ' ' •.~ 4J

. :~,"'.. : а. еча!to 1"60 ~:~it····r"",' ., ...:~~. ,. ч, ... ' . :.' ~.1t '." ;:',ь,: ~;:~~:'r~~;\!.:.~;· .

'~." ..': ~ ..... ~~.......~ 1n"1 ~ "~Ъеш

. ..\Ш1t.1I

w~.,~~ ~

Шd:.:t. ot ~·=".iOtIJ.t'{.f ~.._ 441t_":.1\.4;· i . ~' ,...••• ; .. ~ ~ . I .' а-.

11a"stB t.b.e~ olJ$J1.. -.u.'~"to tbt w.t.ea" .. <t.~: . . ... а"0111.-• ... ,. .' , .., ~; .' ~.... ~~" ГО! cult1n...t~· ~ ' •. '. .;". . ..~о•....w·~ы 'k8pt D '1!.·W ~y" _ta~ ..lSti...-,..

'.' ,",,~ W\i\.. oz, •..~., '. Jca -""" t~ & nr-_$К~ 18 t.Ш.kJDm, & вo1em.1-~ .... to ~O~.the аРр1"ОрЩtе

T~.•.•••....•.....•.... # 1t..•.••. ~ln:JI~..•.·•....... '.~.••~...~',)0....•.•~ ~.r.~t1oR t-o t.u.~..,.. .'!8.~- ~na~. fII. "М и.~ ott1d"' ••'*8 t he ау_..., ИХ~1' щt>'W J&Dd tOJ." adjuш vU...Щ" WaЫb _VФ & f~ W11t. ct :Aa~~~•

• !"" ,. ....•

. ..

АЮ'ICU; a.1~ ш Ш_I 1pd "111 н d-..~ ~th8 pro",n, .....,нв .~"~. t.~ _.~~••fd 0':'- and аbovе 18be U1OI...abW ::Lan4 tor' pl"1q,t~.~,rs~f.p. 1n tbe doc~nt. attel' Ьещcoм1deнd•. tb.e ·CCllllld.tt" OtA."'lSeors.j .~ м d8ClaNd.....0" 1&.. .. . .

ARТIС1Ь ~g ....~,~ l.Pf ...,'0~ 18 .~~rJto •.Щ1t..t.е Р!'ОiИln.,.ot 'М c3a~, prov1<1td ~p~c 1.tJId 18 loclvd. tМJ'l8ШtIlUCb exoell1&~ I;hall be.a~ ~....;.~1Jal~~7 ot .\~ • ..... .-. '1.10 • ~t~~ .~, ь.,. _ef.i'8C\1vo~ .•.... -_. "'" ' !It ......8d ~hf.t. 1D Mcord.uceW1thR~ol t.a'aМ.. .

~. ..... .;~

а) ....• t.-' "-,. __.14 ·t.be "c~l propen'79«1 • с~~Q~ ...__.~.\й.~W"~..-Jк't.., 11М.... -.u ье i"t$t.01*! to' 'пе i;щЬ1.tc d.~..

6 ... 12

: с>:

A1rfICl$ '3&Н'оuр1«t1n u 4н&,_:i-.~:ЗUl"Y81


ott~ ~'ttм ot ".­.... wil1 .tJj _ .' '. . ..... /.18 а (100""'" ох' 1*ш-~1OD Ot-...~с!' ... ot....~j tHnof 1IIbn.. t.he Pl'Opert.)'undergNI .. .....,. .

. '.

'§МJJ1II'-' i _1l.~I"

mICU; S4~ .. ш.~ tor." .W р"ivа"з, ш t,he'~ paue810n ot'\hfвU "~1Ye~" an. O~, ;p!'OPtI'\1a1llhSOh сомшмИ1" t.М .. ot г<W.~Ы; 1.ш1tI. __ o1ilaitW u tMtolloWlala

а) T~ lantil$ ....... ]awм, A.ad 1.o.re8t.e <.t.nз. 01" dW81...

:':~;.=~ ·=:U• .5'~~~':':~Иl'-1о о! 1t.. .1.and pro~1•••


, Ь), . '

~qab1e, ,о..,vuttllll.' ~tel' 1а"~аt.tab.1Jt1шi.(~ Cr.op Aru$), &D1 ru1n~ .....('~W&t.voмala)-' Ис., whicb &N ne1tlwJ' ш 'Ье ро•••lоо. ot~мr n-rq~ a·,t.M ,...п...... t

• pl"O~n1псоМ.', 01'~ ...~. vbtbl'lo Ьа 10ft 1nмt1nИ' (SoMitlon dt.~ ..,.tor _on Vhkh f~ 20 ;re.u"8ta.u. М'У8 no't.· brI.n pdd ь,у tbe O'IIIМI"aв

. .,', . . .о) _ •• 1I.М., (~ la.Dd.e 8iY~.'bJ tbe GoWll"III8Мt о!"

perllO_ tlX" ... 8peC:1JAl 01' chint&ble ~e).. :1'ы..~Ш _ dмl't. w1th. 111 &ocordartce 1dth 8pec:Lal Иanual fol'6J.IIJII!.f (sресuшtd PJ"O~1..).

. .

1'Ье аЬоУ8 thн. categon8tfot gоit81"21Иnt lud аЬаи ье

___.Ь.1. t.M асеnc1е' 0o.-1"f*I 1д accc~. w1thpoмd~ ot ,14... ..

0.) TM.~. Which-',ebton ~..:rd4ld to publ~c ed ebuitAыs..pt,D.,."liI) t •.ИUniо1J*).Itу» •.._. (&edОн_с••).. (pooI!k.~)J .tc.. tibugb .na,ged 01'

't.• .,:t...., _" 00 cЫW~ _t>. tnufФJП4 toct-'n td;thom. the plind.sd.on ot the ko;tal Gme:rtJ8'МJnt 01AI,._.t&D. .

. .~lСШ' '5: l.and,' h&ld 20".1"1 br l.Ье oooupu't .. com.in~U81;yg w1't.hout

:rilht8." .-т.а .purtuu.t t.o tfM~u1at.lon· 01"'0-..11;1\'&­t~..~.t.e1J"._ .8hall.... aw.m.' ее tlie poi".e01" att81'" pro­

.. V1dl.nI • d!~W&vit ·_е)'· t,bo toU~'condttloM~

а) Uwм~ ,Мll '" P,I'ovtldby, thl t-вм.iIIoП1 01 10 p:rt:Jll1Мnt.perеом ot t.be vilUge &nd tbe vl11&ge' chie..f· wl1t!:rEo ·the

6 ... 14

laDi 1а e1t.u.lt~,·зьtщ "'1» t~Ct. t.bat '~I.t:Юп ь7thФ occu;.ant bad ьмш 1'02' a,tlust 20 1Мr.. .

, ' "ь} ·1·..·~t.DIt~m'8Ь811~_~~1\tia.~··t!tll o~_т__ • othv ~, cr pICИb ш Q'I).1f '01 .~ J..1be inelu-31vф ot tbh 1аШ.

с) 'l:he_ wttM.'Q wll ~bu' 'eo~t.t.t" land. 8.~ "-et'1ri"~. ~ш.t1"а~1оD.tQl", .tleallt 2О )"Mr8and' OO~' .-' ,,~tD ... ~'~~."'~..с.-lо. andt-bat it ie not .м. ._ aJ\r'im'04-t', aп1p.ble..,t8 01' .t&ble иn<t. ф' r'llItA~ pubЩ ,pfqpel't,•

. ..~.. ~.. .. . ~ .'... ," .},'.'

а) Cla~ 8.IN" t.o ~re. t.o t~ ~~"*-Ilt 8tюЬ ~~ye.. t."A·оlШ~ "'-'pro_' t.o~ r.ltIi1.

• ". '"1' ': •. 1.'.

fb@M atf~v1ta IbaU hl.v. to~. 4ui} фtlеeti"l'оЬr" _t tbe lDOet ,l

50 jRibe 01 .~"'1rJ"ip.W .&It4..•nt.· o\11t1vat..edlI.mlJlOO 3e~.to~,o~ ~~i.J ' "2f' aulti""t.od~~ Шjt :ш ~_ ot ..,.ctOp8:, up, to 1 . '''''1~ ~.

• '. & ~ .: " .'~. '.... • '.

Wm_ver 3Щf' po1"t.i()щ'ot' t,hii ;:WШ' IlikU M"pe~ll1rr1p­ted &Idpu;.l,- _u!tab'" IV,·.'fUd1ig,i:t,he.':Щоt.unt..иbI -.d. c:m.th. bu1a ot thн.. ~del'1.beot·U:r '~ .l.utdIQft ."'17 о. Jv1b of hт~ш"11*1, : '. &U.otмnt _11ьо in &cco~,~th' '~ fо"'.&6Щ ~~"',и t.hФ ~:I.A1мni1ntend8 t<i М't'49 iOJO' ,t~' t;he·'~"~'l.-.nd 1;,:pnsoriНd

abo'f'8# hu cu pUrcbl.•• ,1\ouoo~:1n&to';f,~p:rolJUiOM ot thelIw.. . ,. ,"~' '.' ,.'. .' '

.".. .. .. ,,;

.': " ~ ~." ';;,:". .

а) AЗi ЗAnaв to_ 8О'u und...tr,tьф tu. ~. COJ')Ц1tioM 10'1'tbe~ (~dt, ~.>.~ twa '...·:~uant tot.be ~;LqM ~ ..t~ ~l"to:' ..._c .т.~... .

• '. '. ~. • - ••• " -'. .• < ; i :

Ь) Wdte ~ _и~ 1Аnci._' av~ilable ЧI'1~ul...t.v.nJ. ~.': .~'~ а 'а' 1011 which8~ ~."~f4. ь: tц. Qo~t- оt.·tр~.·р~у1lщewheJ'etbt·~, 11 ..,..t«1.. ~I••~aAQ;1.,aau. Ъfj- lII.ое in thfltQ~'~: '{'.. . ". ..;

ТЬе ""-18-~ 01 t_ ~.m.ёШs..t.,::liшd ~Ье···~:.IIJ,а'*~,-~:w~ " '-.;t~;tblч~1- ~. ъ.. t.~. ,=-.1-""~~~bhPJ'!Сф. .' ,.. . '. ~l~nt~ UtR tM "lud, '.1'ф''''' JNt 1DJ.~r cw.....tlvaidon. 1411J. аОС\8nt. _' uA«t tQt.M.~ upon ful1~. " •

.; , -.." ~"'.".'"'.'- .-t·~~",:",~:::>~,~,:,"t·

с) 'и t'be lInd' u l.~.~'Old_.'~1W ..·~·,.npn8, lt«lv..~ 8haU ье ...&1_ ~~ tM hlг-".-.з.е. pr10e w!t.blJ1~be 1р\ ttЮ 1-" <т 4<tJ&~ ~~'1it':t..he..~tl.·:' '; .- ,.", ','." ..

d) 1t t.M 1мct u t.o ь4'1 вold iл &eeo~... w1ththe pre...8Cr1~ l"ФI~t t.o &111 p$~. ~t ~~ р1'10'8 01' опthe ~..18ot ad.. nit~ рш or ~J~tb' \ОМ l~сit1tЮ.price ehall рпvаU. ",

~) ~ "*1" tМD '1».. a~ ~...i.bId .n м adYvt.u-._ иt.o tu b!lbef$t, b~.

л.k'11С1& S1s wboct",ml \0 ~1aiIa~ •• "'RR,ох' ~. a-.u _$О _..... ~I:I_. o.~'t..a

'. .а}. ""м .')tI..ti~ ~.+~~t.1e801 t.m~ .. 1:*~...

е4 ~ .. ,tllllQ~a1 ..~. " .• . : .. :.... : ::,' ...,:...:.::.. :.:.... .. о'

Ь) !Ье ncl.'t~attt\Мh ~•••n not 1Dtnпsе цpon_110 о' "J.,,,И _ttr .tJ.lbt".

('lrueUwa-, JJot~i ~ph(o) bd bнD _tted) ..

d.} 'fbe ~PpiiO. ~~, :ш t.bi *.-.t1on.. 'Ьа'.~ .... т'.~ ~_ hU 'М _1Н1t.7 to pvtONt--.h8' ~_. "

,t т. ~t,ioA~ tМ.U ы� _ptd.t1e;l 1n'tbo ~.ct..~4_~."~__ 1О,,МDt ...... 1nt.~ ~~.~iI!'.P~'- t.~ caetault 8МU.i8t --,~'~......--~1м т aaordUc.~th~ ~.).• ,"1. 5' ot~ ~.

AМ'IC~ '8~ .. ,.flIOa _., W'~, on8", or P.U"'"rd.t. I ot.<...I_ioa.t_. __...~J;\ ~O~ Шac~. 1d.thtJR t.cw _ oond1tiOM ~btnot~

WIC1J; 59. Aцy,.~__ JI~_0&'." ... ~Jand w1th-o\tt. Щ~O ooat.8ot. о'" ре ' ,',(*'- 'ЬЬа90""""nt.,01" "мв t.bt U'A •• -' bIea 1ttd ta:шtt' ....., _pцn......·DCJtt .JP" '~p ~ . .' .'" ." PfIi~· .ppR1Нd 1n"C"~••td.~ ...~ ).,Art1018 56." .

. . ': .А!а:ЮU; 60. ......j o1a~ u •• 08" -.1а.. Idd.oh _". bМD

.~ t4 .."~... " ,''''' o~t. 1n '. ,,8t_~ ь& d1ipo" 01 р.. nt 'о' Dt1c18 ,"~

1uu r.tn4 .. н ud нs1m....tn tbt " it , /' .. iCj.. ' ......... / .. , 1.,.81 tor.& P&*W ot 10 ,... tIt "J.II•• ,........; ua4 _ oond1..tion.'Irf' 'МуРО••И!!' ot'" land~ :IIbI.U." 80111 to ..ь))O.'........t.. ..84 ~. bUACt ·00~ с.,..., ...bt'n.. __"" ......,.,..·,..ot ре....... '. "0••]:.' .••ь ..

) '.. ,_.,. • , lkJW8blФf,l)t. .__ ,. 't-,.,t 9lt.'hФаp)R11!J4 .,al_

ot .br t,he Qo~:nDDt. tV: vt4ch по 4••hp Ьм... awaNи 8.11 " t.~'td 1n t.t. to1101dqJ

.,.~ '" t~.1I.1f, bIUВ.~ __ of 1&.'~ottM, а d.e8t 81..11..~_,~.t~.",. t-tu

IbIU ъ. rеtwШ ...t. •• !е 1'01'. ttie.•-

~Щ" liЫYd wh10h hu btM a110cated t.o~$ ( ....d8), ban­1,м:d poreona. 0"- ••t18r8 pш"1I&um. ~O t._ provi8lolis otappl1cable lt.е:t.ШАI 8t-U _ bI 00""'.. IO~, DO!' t,n,м­ternd to U'IOt.Mr b,r the оссщраnt8 t..ber9of betON t1wщшt10Пof 20 r-na trcв tM aat. ot IШtЬ a1lo<:atlon.

АИICU 6): 14nd8 dt.~ ОП~ 01' 111A~ oвo4 ...rt." ,",о.,vh1ch _УI! btlenaru1rc 11.141 in '. pi8t wШ-.1nаlрн­tШ'Ф 1&Dct1" .P~1&l ~enшn .-taan d1reot the ct.Uadta·t,ion and '1U'V01 ot put.цn 1._ id.tbin thФ1r' 1"Qp8ct1ve";UNНiсtJ.oП1ll an... vhUh 8Ш'Vq MUom' qu ьа tоrwrd.ФIi

t.o tM provw1Al1anr1 otl1ce" аМ а OOPl' tMreof w111. "t01V.lNect to 'м И1m.st.". о' I'Шшс/J. ~ta.lGovе1"М".IL" _njoimtt to i.t:IDdn..tвtA1" вnd to ••rvШ p&8tUN 1мd,.

АЮ.'IC:m 64tз '1'118 оопvеn1ол ot pe..,tцte 1аМ tor oUt.-w-.l РШ-РОМ' 1.proh1b1.t«a Wlder pe-.lt7 ot 1mrr.. , 11. .мu .. wa1&w-'Ш t.o с1-..А. f..,lIt lшi.. \.о сu1t1n.И 'Н _101081 boniU"uмJ О!' t.o 001Iduct. UO' чn.cш.t.v&l ._"..s.- .PНJ.u.o1alto p\1bl1o' 1IМ"st -'1" ptu.1t, ot kv. ·-':ОАvU'tAd РМIaU _ torte1t. to "М ItI.'••

AJ(.I.'1Cl.:!; 6Sж PuttaN~. ~ ореn t.o tm~, pNv1t1411d, hawever'g t.Мt.

PlR\I.N 1ad aUou.t.iDr8 tNII I_e,...~q4ШlO1.. tael'etotO".pI4t.И ••11 " "oop1мd. 1'.,.-... • раАun :.Lanc1tba1l.~p 1$0 pdV4l" ~. ~ rJ.cbtllll (11О8а")а" мt. t.~.W'a. __ '.~". '''-''' lмd sвh&llDOt ~ itt.Ш_ 010_ t..hu tor ....... ,.,..••

~~toro'I8 НOte: Т;м ta:t. of tJМ "pi"Шted 1aw ..t.u l8.е deP08it.вdt.h_ аресН1. priсфl'l &nd ,ОМ оп t.o .,-.. ct_ li'&11 ь8 WU'c1fid tor &11&I"IN. in propol'tion to t.he p1"1~. d.epo8:1t.or;tie:p whUb 1, OO.~100:ry.. :1.th1М "c18po,."t.. ~ раМ:. Qt t.hct ~ln. ~tt acco~ to orig.;.f_lwoNi.ag.. .a~" to t. 110" CO"""t.

6 - J.1

Jн(!'IСШ. 66: Alld1.~1 ar~~.o~ ~~.r ~ _ll t. асм14М ь.1 t-M].ер} ..~, &fJC~ \'0 t.he.~V .... ot~ kv•.

ШIСll'Щ2 Qov4l~_~~.~ ..... no~a_~... w рФrtd.t t.. t.1Uqe01•. ... ..~.. ,.. ","п.. "U'.PO".•• tO 4С'''" tbe ..-iato~uв~~. . '.

ЖЕЕU; 68: Тм·to~·8tt.ttu.t.1a~ ·~.k_~:r&ti»n u.c1 M.~tlon.((l~~'ВН~"~' ot .13" D МnIb.r i"epemlФ4 t1"08 t-lw.dat.. 'ott" elUtмllt 01 thi. 14'11.' '.. . . .

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