STAKEHOLDERS MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016 6:00PM Sign-in / Dinner 6:15 PM Welcome and Introductions Introductory Comments from: o Phyllis Randall, Board of Supervisors Chair o Ricky Barker, Director of Planning and Zoning o Jeff Salmon, Committee Chair / Planning Commissioner Individual and organizational representation background and interests 7:10 PM BREAK 7:15 PM Housekeeping Items Committee Purpose and Expectations FOIA Requirements Meeting Schedule and Work Plan Resources Available Question and Answer 7:45 PM Ground Rules and Expectations for Collaboration 8:25 PM BREAK 8:30 PM New Comprehensive Plan Introduction Presentation Question and Answer 8:55 PM Next Steps 9:00PM Adjournment


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MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016

6:00PM Sign-in / Dinner

6:15 PM Welcome and Introductions

Introductory Comments from:

o Phyllis Randall, Board of Supervisors Chair

o Ricky Barker, Director of Planning and Zoning

o Jeff Salmon, Committee Chair / Planning Commissioner

Individual and organizational representation background and



7:15 PM Housekeeping Items

Committee Purpose and Expectations

FOIA Requirements

Meeting Schedule and Work Plan

Resources Available

Question and Answer

7:45 PM Ground Rules and Expectations for Collaboration


8:30 PM New Comprehensive Plan Introduction Presentation

Question and Answer

8:55 PM Next Steps

9:00PM Adjournment



The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan Stakeholders Committee is to serve as an

advisory body to the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission and County Staff

by representing the wide range of views and interests throughout the County and

assisting with the development of the primary components, which includes both the

General Plan and the Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP). The intent of the

planning effort is to establish the vision, goals and policies that will direct the County’s

land use and transportation priorities for the next twenty years. The Stakeholders

Committee will help shape the discussions and process based on the various interests

and viewpoints and in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan Charter as endorsed

by the Board of Supervisors.


The Comprehensive Plan Stakeholders Committee will be charged with providing

collaborative and constructive input to the planning process via Stakeholders Meetings

to assist with guiding and shaping an open and inclusive process, assist with shaping

policy discussions with the public and responding to draft policy and plan documents

developed by the County Staff (and supporting technical consultants).


In order to achieve a collaborative, open and inclusive process, Stakeholders Committee

members will also be expected to:

Understand and help promote an inclusive and open public involvement process

Understand the long term nature of the planning effort for a successful future

Work collaboratively with other Committee members, County Staff and

members of the general public that will have diverse perspectives, experiences

and viewpoints

Constructively contribute to the Committee’s work to include working in small


Adhere to the Board-endorsed participation requirements and the Committee’s

Work Plan


Based on the direction found in the Plan Charter County Staff developed

recommendations on the scope, process, and recommended allocation of resources to

support completion of this project. This was achieved via completion and (Board)

endorsement of the Comprehensive Plan Charter. County staff will also be responsible

for managing the administrative and logistical tasks for the planning effort such as

selecting and overseeing technical consultants; completing committee(s) meeting

planning and setup, and leading the public outreach effort. County staff will also

facilitate a Technical Advisory Committee made up of staff from County

Administration and key County Departments and Agencies that provide technical

recommendations and guidance throughout the process. Most importantly the County

Staff will work collaboratively with Stakeholders Committee to develop a draft General

Plan and Countywide Transportation Plan documents. Finally, Staff will provide clear

and concise recommendations to the Planning Commission, as well as assist the

Planning Commission in developing its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors

who will ultimately review and adopt the General Plan and the Countywide

Transportation Plan as a component of the County’s Comprehensive Plan.


Meetings will be held on the 3rd Monday of each month from 6pm – 9pm in the Dulles Room of the Government Center, 1 Harrison St SE, Leesburg VA 20175.

The following dates for 2016 have been scheduled:

June 20

July 18

August 15

September 19

October 17

November 21** may need to be moved forward

December 19* - tentative and may be cancelled

Starting in September 2016, it is anticipated that the Stakeholder Committee will be required to meet more frequently as the process builds up to the first set of community outreach/engagement meetings. Times and dates will be determined with the Committee based on time availability of members and deadlines for products and notification required for the outreach meetings.


Please provide advance notice if you will be unable to attend a meeting. The County Staff Point of Contact for the Stakeholders Committee is:

Christopher (Chris) J. Garcia, AICP, Assoc. AIA, LEED GA

Community Planning Program Manager / Project Manager

Loudoun County Department of Planning and Zoning

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 703-771-5309


Countywide Transportation Plan: https://www.loudoun.gov/ctp

Freedom of Information Act: http://foiacouncil.dls.virginia.gov/2015law.pdf

New Comprehensive Plan, Plan Charter: https://www.loudoun.gov/newcompplan

Revised General Plan (including links to all maps): https://www.loudoun.gov/rgp

Code of Virginia Applicable to Comprehensive Plans:

Virginia Code Title §15.2-2223


Virginia Code Title §15.2-2239



Roles & Responsibilities

Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors will provide overall guidance

and direction throughout the New Comprehensive

Plan process. They will review and evaluate the

Planning Commission’s recommended plan and

conduct the required adoption process.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission will follow the Board of

Supervisor’s established scope and process and

develop a recommended plan.

Planning and Zoning Staff

Staff will manage logistics, lead the public outreach

effort, facilitate the Staff Technical Advisory

Committee, work with the Stakeholders Steering

Committee and Planning Commission to develop a

recommended comprehensive plan.

Staff Technical Advisory Committee

Represents key County Department & Agencies to

serve as a resource for the Board of Supervisors and

Planning Commission for technical and professional

information, guidance and recommendations.

Stakeholders Committee

Represents key stakeholders (e.g. environmental

organizations, homebuilders, real estate associations,

Chamber of Commerce etc.) to serve as an advisory

group to the Board of Supervisors and Planning

Commission to assist in the plan’s development.


Provides feedback throughout the process to assist in

the plan’s development through input at public

meetings and on-line forums.



Department of Planning and Zoning

Community Planning Division

1 Harrison Street SE, Leesburg VA 20175

Main Number: (703) 777-0246

Email: [email protected]

Visit us on the web:


How You Can Participate Let us know how you envision Loudoun. You can do

this by emailing us, attending public meetings, mailing

us a letter or dropping by our front counter to share

your thoughts, ideas, questions and/or concerns.

Join Our Mailing List

Send us an email to sign up for our mailing list::

[email protected]

Attend Public Meetings

Dates and times of public meetings are posted on the

Loudoun County Government master calendar

www.loudoun.gov/calendar.aspx and also on our

website: www.loudoun.gov/newcompplan.

For More Information Please contact Christopher Garcia, Program Manager,

Community Planning Division, Department of Planning

and Zoning.

Main Number: (703) 777-0246

Email: [email protected]

Major Topics

The following 9 major topics will be addressed during

development of the New Comprehensive Plan for

Loudoun County:

Economic Development

Transition Policy Area

Residential Housing Choice & Diversity

Redevelopment / Reuse

Suburban Policy Area

Community Facilities &

Supporting Infrastructure

Quality Development

Fiscal Management

Growth Management

Process Phase I - Project Preparation

April to August 2016

Plan Charter, Plan Evaluation, Stakeholders Committee Formation, Consultant Selection.

Phase II - Plan Development

September 2016 to October 2017

Public Input, Visioning, Issues Identification, Plan / Policy Development, Public Review, Plan Refinement,

Phase III - Plan Recommendation

December to May 2017

Planning Commission Recommendation, Board of Supervisors Consideration / Adoption.

Phase IV - Plan Implementation

Summer 2017

Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Small Area Plans, Capital Improvement Projects, Design Guidelines.

Project Requirements State case law envisions strong links between a

comprehensive plan, zoning and subdivision regulations

and the capital improvements program that establishes

location, financing and timing of local public facilities

(Virginia Code Title 15.2-2239). This integrated planning

approach is expected to provide a growth-management

strategy that will sustain local jurisdictions as they grow.

Title § 15.2-2223 also states that ‘the comprehensive

plan shall be made with the purpose of guiding and

accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious

development of the territory which will, in accordance

with present and probable future needs and resources,

best promote the health, safety, morals, order,

convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the

inhabitants, including the elderly and persons with


Please visit our site: www.loudoun.gov/newcompplan for

information on our current comprehensive plan and its


The Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan is the community-based

vision for Loudoun’s future and the land use policy

document adopted by the Board. Plan policies guide

the Board’s land use development decisions and are

the foundation for service plans, economic

development, and other strategies; and for regulatory

tools such as the zoning and subdivision ordinances.

The comprehensive plan is designed to guide the

future actions of a community. It presents a vision for

the future, with long-range goals and objectives for all

activities that affect the local government. This

includes guidance on how to make decisions on

public and private land development proposals, the

expenditure of public funds for infrastructure, and how

to address pressing issues such as farmland

preservation or the redevelopment of older areas.

Key Objectives A comprehensive plan serves a variety of objectives

for communities1:

The plan provides continuity across time

Balances competing private interests

Protects public investments

Protects valued resources

Provides guidance for shaping the appearance

of the community

Promotes economic development

Provides justification for decisions

Expresses a collective vision for the future

through public dialogue

1Source: Gary D. Taylor, Iowa State University