City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140) Utilities Advisory Commission Staff Report Report Type: New Business Meeting Date: 5/12/2021 City of Palo Alto Page 1 Summary Title: Informational Update on EV Programs Title: Informational Update on City of Palo Alto Utilities Electric Vehicle Programs From: City Manager Lead Department: Utilities Recommendation This is an informational report and no action is required. Executive Summary The attached presentation slides provide an update on the status of the City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) electric vehicle (EV) programs as of March 2021. This is a follow up to the EV update shared with the Commission in January 2021 (UAC Report #11860) . Palo Alto continues to build out EV charging infrastructure throughout the City, with priority on the slowest to move and hardest to reach customers – low-income, multifamily and non-profits. Meanwhile, Staff is currently working on updating the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan with revised key actions and goals for EVs, to help the City reach its decarbonization goals. Regardless of this process, a top priority is for Palo Alto to continue building out EV charging infrastructure throughout the City, therefore we are also focusing on facilitating the installation of charging infrastructure at workplaces, public parking lots and retail areas. Furthermore, cross-departmental work is in progress on creative proposals for curbside charging, fleet electrification, streamlining of permitting, and programs targeting income-qualified customers. Attachments: Attachment A: Presentation Staff: Hiromi Kelty

Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140

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Page 1: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140

City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140)

Utilities Advisory Commission Staff Report

Report Type: New Business Meeting Date: 5/12/2021

City of Palo Alto Page 1

Summary Title: Informational Update on EV Programs

Title: Informational Update on City of Palo Alto Utilities Electric Vehicle Programs

From: City Manager

Lead Department: Utilities

Recommendation This is an informational report and no action is required.

Executive Summary The attached presentation slides provide an update on the status of the City of Palo Alto Utilities (CPAU) electric vehicle (EV) programs as of March 2021. This is a follow up to the EV update shared with the Commission in January 2021 (UAC Report #11860) .

Palo Alto continues to build out EV charging infrastructure throughout the City, with priority on the slowest to move and hardest to reach customers – low-income, multifamily and non-profits. Meanwhile, Staff is currently working on updating the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan with revised key actions and goals for EVs, to help the City reach its decarbonization goals. Regardless of this process, a top priority is for Palo Alto to continue building out EV charging infrastructure throughout the City, therefore we are also focusing on facilitating the installation of charging infrastructure at workplaces, public parking lots and retail areas. Furthermore, cross-departmental work is in progress on creative proposals for curbside charging, fleet electrification, streamlining of permitting, and programs targeting income-qualified customers.


• Attachment A: Presentation

Staff: Hiromi Kelty

Page 2: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140
Page 3: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140


Q1 2021EV Customer

Programs UpdateMay 12, 2021

Staff: Hiromi Kelty


Attachment A

Page 4: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140



• In early 2019, plans were presented to the UAC for EV programs, using Low Carbon Fuel Standard funds, budgeting up to $8.93 million over a 3-year period from CY 2019-2021.

• Dollars spent to date: $1.94 million. Of this amount, $893k was transferred to the state-run point-of-sale Clean Fuel Reward EV rebate program and $343k was transferred to Public Works to cover CNG stations and public EV charger related costs.

• Based on UAC feedback, staff are re-evaluating EV Education and Outreach. Over the last 3 year period, 14 in-person events were facilitated/sponsored to increase community awareness of EVs, including workshops and ride-and-drive events. Currently, staff are working on rolling-out a robust pandemic friendly calendar of EV education classes for 2021 and 2022. Updates are also made regularly to EV webpages along with updates to the online EV calculator tool.

• The total LCFS revenues received to date is $8.53 million. After expenditures/transfers to date, $6.6 million in funds are available for EV programs as of early March 2021.




Page 5: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140





Mar-ch 2021 Sector- Pr-ogr-am Notes 2021 Budget


Fu nding for- Stat e- Pay men ts t o tin i s state program p r-oY ides reb ates up t o $ 1 , s ,oo

AIII Palo Al'to m a nd.ait:e d , State-run p o in t-$ 1.,.000,000 $893,655

for al ll EV b uryers a t participat ing dea lers h ips. Progr a m heg,a n

r-esidents o f -sa le Cl ean Fu e l Re w a r-d D e c ' 20. A,ctual r-ebat es p a id f cnr PA customers is not yet

(CFR) p r-ogr-am a1v a i labl e .

Com1rrnenc",al Matc h ing f un dis for- CEC's

(llil.dlu:dimg CA Le V II P gra nt p r-ogr-a m Matching f u n ds for- $ I M sta·t e g1ra n ts p r-ogr-a m ,crea t ing $2M in

th,e City a111ld p,rovud i ng reb ate s f o ir

$ 1.,.000 ,0 0 0 0 t ota l f o r this progra m fo1r DC fast: c h argers a n d Lev e l 2 cha,r-gers.

instal llation o f cha r g in g Funds are o v e1r su b sc r- ibed , w i t l, applic ati:o n s a t 38 sites , but n o M u ltHfa,m ily

in fra st:r u ctur-e . W i lli receive exp end it ur-e s t o d a t e _ IP r-o pe11rties)

$1M from CEC.

EV Clnar-ger rebates $,3 , 700 ,000 $266,447 Faici llirtated in sta llatio n o f 6 0 ,con necto r-.s at 1.2 sit es - o f wlhich 44 w e r-e reb ated _

Pr-ogira m Parti ci pati on Agree m e nts s ig ned w ith .37 si tes. 52 site

IMlulti- Consultan t f o r T ,edrn ica,1 v j si il:cs co m p le ted. 2 1. fin.a,I r ep o rts delliivered. Follo w ·-u p, actio n by

fam,ily, !Non- Assi sta n ce (S,m a l l M e d iu m $,600 ,0 0 0 $ 182,8 0 0 bu il d in g o w n ers has b ee n slo w ed d u e t o t h e pa nde m i c but bu ildi n g

profits, and B u sin esses als o e l igiblle) permit applicai1tions a r e starti ng to be s u b m itted - 4 :s,o far-. As

S-i::litools tlnese a re appr o v e d , EV Charger- r ebate exp e n d i tur-es {aboV1e ) w i l l

in crease a s Wlill rra,nsfoirmer u pgir,ade ex1Pen d itures b e l o,w .

T r-ain sform e1r U pgr a d es $800 ,0 0 0 $ 0 M u l tip l,e sites w ork i n g w i th T echnic al Assista n ce P rogr a,m w illl

requ ire transf e r-m e r up,g r-adles.

Si1lllgle A lli Ele-c:tnic H o m e In cen t i v es $,400,0 0 0 $ 0 T o d ate,. n,o expen d i tures

Fa,mily T r-ain sform e r U pgrades $,230,0 0 0 $ 0

llow-jl[nc:,c,..me Low - in co m e EV pu r ,ch a s e

in ,centJiv es $,300 ,0 0 0 $ 0 N ot y et i m p le m ent ed .

A d m in istratio n $,300,0 0 0 $200 ,000 Parti ally ,cover s EV pirogr a m m anagem e n t st a ff costs (H i iro m i + Shiv a )

Ed u cat ion, M a irketing a nd C Y2018-2020: 4 w o rks h o p s , 6 ride & dl r- iv e s, 2 Earth D a y event s,

.AIIII O u t rea,ch $,1 0 0 ,0 0 0 $5-7, 336 2 Nati o n a l D rive Electr ic W eek ev e n ts, m ai n t e n ance o f EV

w ebpages, EV calc u lat or a nd v a irious co mmun icatJio n m ate rials.

IP i lot p r-ogr aim s $,l..50 ,0 0 0 $ 0 D C f ast Ch arger- P i 11ot R,at e im pl1e m e n t e d Feb 2021

Oth er pr-ogr- am s il:o b-e $,l..50 ,0 0 0 $ 0 N o pr-ogr- am s impl e m ent e d y et.

dete1rm in e d

!Fleet u:s,e to cov e r- CN G Paym,e n t t o PW f o r- v a lu e o f LC FS cred irts ,ea nne d by CN G

Payments to !P ump M a inte n a nce $,1 0 0 ,000 $ 1 13,992 st:at i o n s

Public Expe n s,es

W 'o iiks Co v e1r Puibl ic EV Ch argeir $,200,000

Payme n t t o PW f o r- v a l u e of LCFS cred iit:s eann e d by c ity o w n e d

Exp e nse and In v estm e nts $229 ,0 19

EV c harger-s

LCFS FUNDING TOTAL $9,030,000 -$ 1,943,249

Page 6: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140



EV Charger Rebate Program

Everything you wanted to know and more:• CPAU has facilitated installations of 62 connectors• Rebated 44 connectors• Installed EV chargers @ 12 sites

7 non-profits (including 3 schools) 5 multi-family (including 1 mixed-use)

• Total spent $263K• Average cost of each installation is a little over $10K• Projects averaged XX days to complete.



Page 7: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140



EV Charging Technical Assistance Program(TAP)• Program Participation Agreements signed with 37 sites• Site Visits Completed: 52• Number of Final Reports Delivered: 21• Proposed total number of new EV Charging Ports: 226 @ 16 Multifamily Properties,

9 Places of Worship and 1 Non-Profit• Number of Permit Applications Submitted: 4 @ 2 Multifamily sites and 2 Places of

Worship• Number of new ports installed: 0• Follow-up action by building owners has been slow due to the pandemic but there

are half a dozen projects preparing to submit permit applications in Q2 2021. As these projects move forward, expenditures for EV Charger Rebates as well as Transformer Upgrade expenditures will increase.

California Clean Fuel Rewards Program • Statewide $1,500 point of sale EV rebate launched in

November 2020.• To date, as mandated by CARB, CPAU has contributed

$890K of LCFS funds towards this statewide program• April Utility Bill Insert marketing the program

The EV Advisor Program BroughttoyoubyCPAU; AdministeredbyCLEAResult



1. Vlslta participating

automotive retaller

2. Get a new vehicle that Includes the

reward-up to $1,500 off!

3. Register the vehlde In


This Instant electric vehlcle reward Is up to $1,500 (offered on a sliding

scale depending on battery size) and can be combined or stacked with other appllcable federal. state or local post sale Incentives. For a full llst of avallable Incentives, see reverse side.

Page 8: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140



Curbside Charging Pilot Program• Proposal: Install publicly available curbside chargers at 10 pilot sites with electricity

supplied by resident homes. Permit application has been submitted for one site.• Resident driven initiative and collaborative effort with Public Works, Planning and Utilities• Expanding CPAU’s $8,000/port EV charger rebate to Curbside Charging Pilot

Income Qualified EV Rebate Program• Starting 2022, Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) regulation will require CPAU to spend

up to 50% of LCFS revenue to support transportation electrification projects that benefit low-income customers.

• Projecting $800K to $1M per year • In progress: Drafting Memorandum “Defining Low-Income for LCFS Funded Programs”

CALeVIP (California Electric Vehicle Incentive Project)• Launched December 2020, and is oversubscribed with applications from 38

sites• Projection: 200 new Level 2 EV Charging Ports and 10 new DCFC over the

next 3 years at commercial sites• City awarded $1M from the CEC with CPAU contributing $1M in matching




Imp ernemed by CSE for the

California Energy Commission

San Mateo County Santa Clara County City of Palo Alto

City of Sanjose City of Santa Clara

■ Remaining ■ Proi,•isionally Re se rved ■ Reserved ■ Issued






DC Fast Olarger Fund5 Level 2 Olarger Funds

0% of funds have been reserved or issued co Disadvantaged and Low-Income


$1 ,1 70,000 of applications received in excess of DC fast charger funds .

$1 ,047,500 of appl ications received in excess of Level 2 charger funds_

Page 9: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140



Launch EV Myth Busters Campaign –Focus on Cost of Ownership

• Collaborate with building electrification education and outreach

• Utility Bill Inserts• Social Media campaign• Electronic newsletters

Virtual Workshops and Events • 2/25/2021 Hosted EV Technical Assistance Program Webinar for Private

Schools 5 schools attended (result of November/December call campaign) All are interested in moving forward with installations (Bowman, Girls

Middle School, Kehillah, Palo Alto University, Stratford)• Issued Electrification/EV Education and Outreach RFP through NCPA, Q3 2020

Contracts to be in place by Q2 2021 Vendors selected for EV Education and Outreach

• Charge Across Town• D+R International • Electric Car Insider• Plug In America• Acterra



Introducing Palo Alto's Electric Vehicle Charging Technical Assistance Program (EV Advisor) Brought to you by CPAU: Administered by CLEAResult

Page 10: Staff: Hiromi Kelty City of Palo Alto (ID # 12140


City-Owned Chargers as of January 2021Site Charger Manufacturer # of Level 2 Ports Primary Use

Bryant St. Parking Garage - 445 Bryant St. ChargePoint Powerflex 6 6 Public

Cambridge Parking Garage - 475 Cambridge Ave. ChargePoint 10 Public

City Hall Parking Garage - 250 Hamilton Ave. Powerflex 12 Public

Fire Station 3 - 799 Embarcadero Rd. Flo 1 City Staff

High St. Parking Garage - 528 High St. ChargePoint 8 Public

Mitchell Park Library - 3700 Middlefield Rd. ChargePoint Powerflex 3 3 Public

Municipal Service Yard - 3201 East Bayshore Rd. AeroVironment 2 City Vehicles

Rinconada Library - 1213 Newell Rd. Powerflex 3 Public

Sherman Parking Garage - 350 Sherman Ave. ChargePoint 33 Public

Ted Thompson Parking Garage - 275 Cambridge Ave

ChargePoint 8 Public

Water Quality Control Plant - 2501 Embarcadero Way

Clipper Creek 1 City Staff

Webster St. Parking Garage - 520 Webster St. ChargePoint Powerflex 16 14 Public

TOTAL 116**Rapidly Expanding City-owned EV Chargers: As of the end of 2018: 76 ports, 2019: 90 ports